Parris Jim Arline 1975 SAfrica PDF

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Mailed bvt

S15 So. Knott Avenue

Knott AvL Christian Church



Anaheim, California 92801



nil " jopti"

(Addrtss Cbrred'OA l^etijiesteJ)



Aflire fatris

Semnq C)nSt Ih

CAp'lV\/^, SoutK Asl^'C.*!

Fw^. Ag't "0>ri'st

Address' li^Ai'i'eebooirt l^dTKofirtbi^C^^t Sutk Kir\c^

LooKiMGi Back A.Nii Mead



'TAiJlA MO0Kn-A.iM

15300 KigKolfAjbp. 1^

Wcstmln^fer.CA ^aJ^SlS

We want to thank the Lord for you and pray every blessing upon you for this coming year. Your faithful support is inspiring ! We remember being led to this land seven years ago this month. How much since that time God
has assured of His Presence and Power I

A special act of love this year moved the Christians at Knott Avenue church, Anaheim, to fly Jim back for a couple of weeks to be with his moth er after a stomach operation for a malignant tumor. God be praised for her marvelous recovery, for which so many prayed, and for the wonderful fellow ship of those days,

You can see by our family snapshot that Auntie Paula (Janke) is right
at home with us. She desires to serve Christ, and He is fulfilling that longing. She works in the center of Cape Town at a Christian bookroom,and
teaches in our Sunday School. Paula fits in very well with the people and the work. Arline is pretty happy have her sister around, too.

PERSONALrrY Pl?OFlL.E Christian people

AwD Liiof

(left) deserve special men-

"tion. Andrew Calvert, Jr. is a second generation preacher. His father was a circuit preacher in the interior who covered great distances to minister to several church meetings. Andrew II is capably preaching the Word in "the

Cape Flats area of this city.

He studies hungrily, and

spends three hours a week with Jim in a study of Ephesians. Lily ScQ.cmon(no relation to our co-workers by the same name) is such an effective personalworker that several have come to

the Lord through her patient wit ness, Lily is a reflectorshe absorbs the study material from the Cape Bible Seminary and re
flects i t back to classes she has

organized for women. Thank God for both of these dynamic workers.

' H

Added to the routine responsibili ties of our day-to-day schedule are special M Letdie?"" ^\e.c.\ih3 opportunities for sharing our testimony of Christ. Our family doctor and a sales representative at the service station are both willing to speak openly about their spiritual condition. We may have the world's first Evangelistic Crayfishing Association. Jim is involved with some men in the church and their friends, pulling in the famous rockLobsters, but in hopes that the catch may also include men for the Master.

Arline is experiencing with the women of the church a renewed- spirit of worship and prayer. They have asked to have weekly get-togethers rather than bi-weekly. One of the women is Catholic, but never misses the meetings.
Through the tape ministry there are so many more who can hear. Therfe are now some 450-500 messages by twenty-five speakers in all. Most of the

tapes are Bible studies by John MacArthur, and these have opened many doors
for us. e are so thankful that they have been donated, and provide fuel

for an ever-widening ministry. A tape manufacturing firm here in Cape Town has heard of the ministry and has also donated several dozen blank cassettes
to the work.
One of the men in the church re-

cently wrote up a tract inviting peo-

pie to consider carefully who Jesus

is. The material was eye-catching J

, ....i.Jiuiil!!

| ^

and thought-provokingj concluding in |P^ . an invitation to our services. Just gK after the first thousand were passed out, the City Council informed us ^ ^ that we could no longer use their hall i.*^
as a meeting-place. What a blow! It
was to be renovated (only two weeks*



notice). A nearby school gave

use of their auditorium for only the
next three weeks, and now we have had

kfiitk, ^curk, kfi'ifk, f^a.rk, Rocco /;000 fra.c.U RoCCO And And t,9oa

to find yet another place.

settling it all seems I

How un -

On the other hand, just reflectingthose thousand or so people will have something to think about, and my phone number, if not the ri^t meeting-place. And the Lord IS still moving ahead of this "tabernacle" by day and by night. And we know that "the Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save. He will rejoice over thee with joyj He will rest in His love. He will

joy over thee with singing . . . "

(Zephaniah 3.17)

1. Jim SolomonPolo Rd. church. Observatory, minister.

Z, Mike Solomonassisting in Wyn-

berg/Lansdowne work; teaches at

Cape Bible Seminary. 5. A1 ZimmermanCorrespondence

course & translation (Afrikaans

and Xhosa); teaches Cape Bible

Seminary; travels Province-wide
to churches.

4. Jim ParrisMinister Wynberg/Lansdowne church; Gape Bible Seminary,

CcLpe PeninSicio.
Balance on lui

rrT 1974- I

July 1- Deo. 31, 197ti

I 5.853.311.
Ta Account Fort



Salary- [six months)

dparatlng Sxpenae
Postage^ printing and


automobile expene*
Pamily Insurancfl


Total Disbursements

% li.,791(.ol

Bank balance Dec. 31, 1971^

* Transfer to rurlougta account Approximate furlough fonds required for trarel expenses


Balance- Operating I'und-12-31-7li

at time of furlough in 1976, $3600.00.

lilailed by:
Knott Ave. Christian Church

ifeiG 21 79


Non-Profit Orgo
UoS Postage

3l5 So, Knott Ave,



Anaheim, Calif 92801^


3 5 BLl



N Ma i N ST



Good Hope
Sert'm^ ^Lrisl in Capetown.'
SoutL ..^^rica Sin.
fjvi. unt*

and iirti

Dear Friends in Christ:

August 5, 1975

We know that some of you are praying for usl It couldn't be just happening by accident or coincidenceGod is bringing people to Himself through the ministry
of His Word. He has given us many people who are willing to at least listen to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and steadily a few are commiting their lives to Him.

The most exhilarating thing which has happened to me is at the same time the
most humbling# I am visiting homes with another man, Gerard. He comes with me to watch carefully how I speak with people about Jesus Christ. This is our "on-the-

job" training for evangelism. We have almost completed sixteen weeks of the train
ing, along with the minister from Observatory, Jimmy Solomon, and his "trainee".

When we repeat the course later this year, each of the four of us is to be a

trainer, and each is to go with a recruit. It is working, and we are trusting God
for more who will take their beliefs seriously enough to take the message to

Last month we met the Jerry D*Alton family for the first time. They are South Africans who have been living in the Johannesburg area, helping in the ministry of the churches there. Jerry has attended St. Louis Christian College, and now that the family has been transferred to Cape Town, he is looking for the most effective waj~Xo serve Christ in this area, lliey have been fellowship-ping witii" us"at V/ynberg in the meantime# We are thankful for more workers in this field, part-time (Jerry
is an insurance executive) and full-time
Our Wynberg church now has two groups of people praying regularly in the homes

of members. In addition, we hold a twenty-five minute "Symphony of Prayer" before

the Sunday night service. This has been a constant source of strength during the week to those who take part. V/e have been conducting one home Bible Study over the

past months which has been directed to non-Christians especially. A few have start ed coming to church meetings as a result, and two have accepted Christ.

Arline*s sister, Paula, has found her visit to Cape Town very rewarding. One of
the many delightful things she has encountered here is a future husbandl He is a

commited Christian, and will make a splendid addition to the family. They have set the date at September 27th, this year. Well, we promised her an unforgettable time

You might be interested to know that at last South Africa is getting TV. It began this month in Cape Town, but not very many people are buying sets. Each one costs Fourteen hundred dollars new. Programs last in the evening five hours per
day, one channel, in two languages, English and Afrikaans. It is a little bit

comical, but pathetic, too, to see people rushing out to get the box like some
kind of salvation from boredom.


1. About Mark: In January, Mark started into Sub A in school That is roughly
equivalent to grade 1. Roughly, because teaching methods and standards seera to vary a bit and somehow we have a hard time remembering our own experience Quite

possibly American methods have changed s5.nce then anyway It is quite exciting to
share the revelation of reading and Arithmetic, to see the dawning light All the
school children have uniforms, which are different for each school. Mark likes his

blazer just a bit more than his raincoat. (He*s always glad when it rains on a school day). After school, he usually becomes cowboy, Indian or soldier along with
his friends and brother, Joel.

2o About Joel: Although Joel will be four in August, he keeps telling everyone he is five. It could be his vjay of trying to be more like his big brother, as in

every other way. V/hile Mark is away at school in the mornings, Joel loves taking
over the big brother role for Brj^an's benefit. Letting go of it again is the hazd

part and sometimes causes conflicts. But boys will be boys, they say. Joel likes
right one. %'hat an imagination! Host of the tirae he things as they are and then
other times . . .

to make conversation, quite often making up his own words when he doesn't know the

the week before teaching him hovj to say "two" when asked how old he was. Then they
planned that he would have a teddy bear cake, which vxe somehow managed to produce
at the proper time. Bryan even rose to the occasion and blew out his candles. His
vocabulary is increasir^ and is now at the repeat-the-last-word-of-each-sentence stage.

3 About Bryan: Last week, Bryan had his second birthday His brothers started

14.0 About the Sisters: Every other week, we have ladies meetings. We have a time
of prayer and then the program, either a speaker, Bible study, Bible quiz or shar ing time. This is a time each enjoys, maybe too much-you know how women arel Our

Bible studies have been based on "The Christian Family"according to God*s order

for each member.

South African people are strangers to you. Their ways are in many ways unlike yours. But God has been hearing your prayers for them. Your support is translated into a ministry which is opening their hearts to the "light of the glorious gospel

of Christ." V/e thank God for your willingness to back us financially and spirit


An up-to-date- slide set (script and tape included) is available for loan

to your church or group. Please contact our forwarding agent for.information re garding this set#

Change of address for our forwarding agent- Effective Septl, 1975 Christ if'or The Cape
AL Parris, F.A.

IjJL3 N. Perry St. Glencoe, Oklahoma 71^032

1 Kareeboom Street

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Parris

In Christ'S LOVe,

Thornton, Cape Town

Special Report from SponsorinR Eldej^ahlp

V/e, the elders of the Knott Avenue Christian Church, believe that the Lord is leading in this mission and that many souls are being led to the way of

Because of continuous "cost of living" increases, devaluation of the U.S. dollar and increased mission and family responsibilities, we find i t expedient
to make an adjustment in the monthly commitment to Jim and Arline. Since their car is used almost exclusively for mission vjork, we have established a car

allowance of fl50.00 per month to cover the cost of the car and its operation. This allotment is to be effective on July 1, 1975*
The Khott Avenue church, through its Missionary Committee, has increased their monthly commitment to cover a substantial amount of this increase, however
additional funds will be needed to cover this and other mission expenses. We covet your prayers for this work, and as the Lord leads, financial commitments

to cover this Christian responsibility, trusting that God v/ill give the increase
In Christian Love,
Board of >lders

in the harvest of souls for His Kingdom.

Knott Avenue Christian Church Anaheim, California

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