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Creating wealth using the law of attraction

The Secret

The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Creating wealth using the law of attraction

The Secret

Arfeen Khan

This book is dedicated to my family and staff. I have realized how much they mean to me. All that has shaped my life, all that I have learned has been possible only because of my family. Thank you!

The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


The offer for the complimentary webinar or live seminar is open to all purchasers of the book The Secret Millionaire Blueprint by Arfeen Khan This offer is valid only for the preview to The Secret Millionaire Blueprint Intensive Seminar and not for any other program offered by Arfeen Khan You can only attend the live event my registering online at You will NOT be able to attend without registering ONLINE. The offer is subject to availability - you are NOT guaranteed a seat, it is on a 'first-come-first-serve' basis. The dates or venue of the preview seminar are subject to change. The seminar varies from a two day, one day and/or a preview seminar depending on what is available in your location. The two day seminar normally costs $ 900 worldwide and ` 20,000 in India. There is no guarantee that every reader will get a two day seminar. Corporate houses and organizations may not invite more than two persons per company, without prior permission. Participants will have to arrange for their own travel, accommodation, food, etc. for the live events. Only admission to the program is complimentary. There will be a charge for any seminar material (Not compulsory). Peak Performance/Arfeen Khan has the right to refuse admission to anyone, for whatever reason it may deem fit, and can, at its discretion, evict potential trouble-makers from the premises at any time. This book is purely a motivational book and is not intended to provide financial or investment advice. Readers may use their discretion and seek competent professional opinion. The author of this book and the company Peak Performance specifically disclaim any liability, loss or risk incurred as a consequence of using this information directly or indirectly. Please note that you are not paying for the seminar and that you are only paying for the book. The seminar is complimentry.

I wish with all my heart and deeply believe that this book will be read by millions who will surely benefit from it. My sole aspiration is to change lives of people through this book, and if I am able to achieve that, I shall consider my efforts successful. I cannot say that I have single-handedly written this book all by myself. I have been able to get the support of so many people in this endeavour. I would first of all like to thank my father and my mother who are a constant motivating factor and the driving force behind my life. Had I not learnt my basic values and principles from them, I would never have achieved anything in life. I would also like to thank my wife Sara, for allowing me my time and space in order to do what I love. Having an understanding partner is so crucial for success. My brothers and sisters, Rael, Afshan, Shahab and Shama, have been the cement between the bricks. Whenever I see them, I feel their unconditional love. Thank you.. When I was a student, I was told by some of my school teachers that I did not have it in me to achieve success in life due to my poor academic performance. I want to ac kn ow l edge th ose teac h ers f or i n di re c tly and unintentionally motivating me. I had made up my mind at that time that I would do my very best in life; and that one day, I would succeed in whatever I did.

The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

If anyone tells you that you cannot do something, please don't be disheartened but use it as fuel to empower yourself. I would like to thank all my staff at Peak Performance, Thank you, guys, your support has been invaluable. A very special word of gratitude to Anthony Robbins for his kind words and friendship, and for his testimonial too, Tony doesn't usually give testimonials to anyone and I am honoured. I would also like to thank Jim Rohn who was my first teacher in the world of personal development. I would particularly like to thank the thousands of people who attend my seminars. Without you, there would be no Peak Performance. And above all, I would like to thank God for guiding me in the correct direction. He knows all.

Arfeen Khan

Acknowledgements .................................................................7

Section One: The Money Blueprint ..................................15 Two Stories: The First Story ..........................................19 Two Stories: The Second Story ......................................23 So Whats the moral of the two stories? ......................26 The Invisible leads to The Visible .................................28 The First Step: Announce ..............................................32 I have a king-size mind ..................................................34 Money Blueprint: How it is sketched inside your mind .........................35 Auditory Programming ................................................39 Visual Programming .....................................................44 Incidental Programming ...............................................49 Changing the Programming ........................................51 What people have to say ...............................................54 Section Two: The Engines That Drive Millionaires .......57 Two Stories .......................................................................59 Millionaires are like 10-engine super Jumbo jets .......63 What your sub-conscious mind is saying: Take the Hypnosis Test and find out ..........................66 First Engine: Dare to Think Big: size does matter ........70 Exercise: Mind check ................................................71 Second Engine: Spirit of a Champion .........................79 Exercise: Reversal Analysis ....................................84


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Third Engine: Champions are Optimists ....................86 Exercise: Take the Optimism Test ..........................90 Fourth Engine: Champions Control Their Own Destiny .....................93 Exercise: Hard work, or Fate? ...............................98 Fifth Engine: Appreciation, not Envy for other successful people ...........................99 Exercise: Are you jealous of successful people? .................................................104 King-size quotes ...........................................................108 Sixth Engine: Positive Alliance ....................................110 Exercise: Friend watch ..........................................112 Seventh Engine: Qualities of a master salesperson ................................113 Exercise: Try practising these qualities as part of your lifestyle ..........................117 Eighth Engine: Rates based on assignments ..............118 Exercise: Fixed earning; what are your reasons? .........................................121 Ninth Engine: Face the greatest fears & problems boldly ...........................................................122 Exercise 1: Fighting the Fear factor .......................127 Exercise 2: Meditation cure ....................................129 Tenth Engine: Champions are good pupils ..............130 Exercise: Are you a good pupil? Try this test ..............................................................133

Section Three: The secret formula to attract wealth beyond your imagination .................................................137 The Law of Abundance ...............................................140 Want to see proof of the Law of Abundance? Check this ......................................................................141 The Law of Attraction ...................................................142 How the Law of Attraction came to be accepted .......143 Main principles of the Law of Attraction ...................144 How can you gain from the Law of Attraction? .........145 Exercise ....................................................................149 The Secret ......................................................................150 Exercise ....................................................................152 Phase I: Idealization .....................................................153 Phase II: Visualization .................................................154 Phase III: Affirmation ...................................................159 Phase IV: Desire ............................................................165 Phase V: Belief ..............................................................168 Phase VI: Actualization ...............................................171 Phase VII: Gratitude ....................................................173 What next? .....................................................................176 Recap ..............................................................................177

Peak Performance Seminars / Workshops........................181

I have always endeavored to be my Best. Ive always chosen the harder path in search of my true inner potential. I wanted to be the best that I could be, my lifes mission was very simply defined: no pain, no gain. I wanted to prove to myself that even with broken tools, even when it seems impossible, even when you are hopeless and desperate, even when it feels like you are all alone, if you just keep going, if you just keep working hard enough, if you just choose never to give up, then one day it will all make sense, it will all be worth it, and you will achieve all that you have desired, you will accomplish the impossible.

And so I fought my battles like a soldier at war, proudly wore my bruises as trophies, stuck to my mission, faced my fears, took on challenge after challenge head on! To say that I worked very, very hard would be a gross understatement. I probably worked harder than any other man could have in my place. And that is because I wanted the impossible! I wanted to be the greatest story ever told.

Today I am 39 years old, my name is Hrithik Roshan and people call me a superstar. My journey has been a fantastic one, almost a fairytale. Today I am rich, famous and successful and often looked up to by young people for advice on how is to achieve success. I have a beautiful family. In the 14 years of being an actor I have had many historical hits. I have had the opportunity of working with and being influenced by some of the greatest minds from all walks of life. I have the love of millions of people all over the world for which I give gratitude every single day. I have a beautiful family and some wonderful friends, and I like to think that I achieved all of this mostly through my own hard work, persistence and tenacity.

So now, what the hell am I doing writing the foreword for Arfeen Khans book, The Secret Millionaire Blueprint, and why am I doing this when I only just met Arfeen a month and few days ago?

Yes, I met Arfeen only 36 or 37 days ago to be more specific, and I would tell you what this man can do in either a thousand words or in this one simple sentence: Arfeen Khan can and will change your entire life!

Out of all the people I have ever met in my life, nobody and I mean nobody has had such a profound effect on me in such a short duration of time. In my 39 years of life, I have never experienced such power, energy, focus, even happiness and joy! This may round a tad too dramatic, but what can I say, its simply the truth.

I truly believe that the tools Arfeen has to offer can change the world for the better. I believe that if his wisdom and teachings can have such a dramatic effect on someone like me, who on the face of it had very little scope to improve, then imagine what he could do for someone who really wants to change their life.

All he asked for was a commitment that I would do exactly as he said, no questions asked, which I did, as I do with every task I take up. I gave it may 100% and what I gained in return was beyond my brightest imagination. Now, at the risk of sounding even more dramatic, can I just say that, of all the days that I have lived, the past 30 odd days have been my happiest on all counts?

If you are someone who wants to make a change, if you are someone who wants to explore, discover, realize the true potential of everyday life, then Arfeen is the man for you as his tools and teaching will get you there!

Arfeen, where have you been? The world needs you now!

With all my gratitude, love and respect,

Hrithik Roshan


Dear Future Millionaires, Congratulations on taking the first step towards creating the life of your dreams! By simply entering your name and email, you have taken an action that has given you an immediate and beneficial result access to the first chapter of the newly revised and not-yet-released edition of my book, The Secret Millionaire Blueprint. When I first published my book in 2007, the response was overwhelming and it was an instant success. Since then, I have stayed strong on my mission of sharing the best tools and strategies to transform lives around the world. For the last 19 years, I have pushed beyond my own limits and have had the privilege of helping over 200,000 people in 34 countries shift their mindset and achieve their best possible outcomes. I love what I do! In all things, you have to constantly learn and grow, which is why I decided to update my book, The Secret Millionaire Blueprint. I have added in more recent examples and stories, but the fundamentals of the book have stayed the same because theyre applicable to any economic climate. Although we may currently be making great advances in communication, technology and business, we must become aware of our internal dialogue. It is crucial for you to make the necessary changes within yourself so you are fully able to take advantage of all that is available to you. I hope you enjoy this free chapter and make sure to visit often because I will be posting useful information and resources in the coming months. I look forward to our journey together and I want to hear from you! Ask questions, interact with other students and let me know of your success. All my best,

Arfeen Khan


The Money Blueprint





The Money Blueprint:




Creating money with your mind is the most obvious and often the most overlooked step in the wealth building process. If you were to ask Richard Branson, Oprah, Bill Gates or Donald Trump how they made their first million, they just may tell you it began with their mindset. I would say with confidence that these men and women saw themselves as being successful long before they ever knew of or had access to the resources to make it so. What do I mean by mindset? I am talking about your attitude or thoughts towards what is possible (or impossible) for you to achieve in your life. Many factors influence your mindset, like beliefs and rules, and we will examine these in more detail later in the book. Your mindset affects how you view the world around you, the assumptions you make towards other people and situations and what actions you are willing to take. Your mindset can bring you complete happiness or total despair, but what is amazing is that it is all your choice.


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

In my first book, You can, You will, Its your choice, I said, By understanding and managing the mind alone, we can live a vital and vibrant life; a life that throbs with creativity, that overflows with joy, love and harmony. The essence of the life we are gifted with lies in understanding, managing and controlling our mind. What then shall follow is a life harmonized with strands of peace, inner joy and serenity. I still wholeheartedly believe the above to be true and what I want to add to that is a life of unlimited wealth in all areas, including money, career, relationships, health and spirituality. It can all be yours, but first we need to talk about your blueprint. Your blueprint can also be referred to as your plan, strategy or map. Its what you do to plot out what youre creating in your mind. The intention of this book is to show you how to create the blueprint of a millionaire so you can be sure to achieve everything you want and more. If I asked you to find the similarities between Oprah, Richard Branson and others, what would you say? What did they all have in common? Did they have their life handed to them or did they have to work hard for everything they have? What about people who were born rich, but for some reason or another, couldnt manageit and lost it all? There have been many attempts to analyze why some people become wealthy from humble beginnings and others lose everything after being millionaires. Or how there are many self-made millionaires who lost everything then built it back, plus some. How did they regain their money, their reputation and their respect? How did they obtain fortune and financial freedom more than once?

The Money Blueprint: First Story


It all comes down to your money blueprint. If its strong enough, the same blueprint that can bring about financial freedom can also be the one that pulls you up when disaster strikes. It is intangible, something that cant be seen or felt, yet strange as it may sound, it is the guiding spirit behind all of your major financial developments.


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

The Money Blueprint: First Story



The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

The Money Blueprint: Second Story



The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

The Money Blueprint: Second Story



The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

The Money Blueprint: Moral of the two stories



The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


Look around you. With everything that you see, there are countless systems or activities that you dont. In our every day life, there are many examples that suggest that the invisible leads to the visible. Think of a computer program. To improve its output and performance, you need to change the program code. The user can see the better performance, but the user cannot see the program code that runs the show. Or take the example of a car. To improve its performance, you need to replace it with superior engine oil. Everyone can see the output, but who can actually see the cause? Why not take the m ore hum ble example of electromagnetic waves? I bet you spend a great deal of time talking over your cell phone. But can you see the electromagnetic waves that transfer your voice to the person on the other side of he phone? No, you cannot see the waves, but it does not mean that they do not exist. They do exist and that is the reason why you do all that talking on your cell phone! If you never saw or met your grandfather, does that mean he never existed? Of course he did, and that is why you exist, too. In all of the above examples, you can clearly figure out that there is an invisible cause, which leads to a visible result. Your money-map is the invisible cause that leads to your wealth, which is the visible result. This is the map that guides everyone, just like a roadmap, to the goal of

The invisible leads to the visible


money and wealth. Unfortunately, 90% of people cannot utilize this map and they end up with a bleak financial future. Your mental world rules your physical world. All that happens in your physica world is really a result and a manifestation of the working of your mental world. If you are in a good mood, you enjoy working. The results of your work are excellent, too, and you receive compliments. Wouldnt you agree that when your mind is troubled you end up with poorer output? Can you swear that your output is always uniform at all times, even under stressful mental conditions?



You have seen the performance of cricketers and other players swinging vastly from excellent to poor. When they play well and score centuries or goals for the country or for the team, their fans are overjoyed and put their heroes on a pedestal. When the same players fail to perform, the very same fans are irate. Very few fans actually sit down to analyze why their favorite players are


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

sometimes perfect and at other times in poor form. The reason is the same; it is the master controller, the CPU of the human body, the mind, which plays pranks. Apart from being public figures, these players are also human beings. They are people first and players later. Their physical world is also affected by their minds, the same way in which our physical world is affected by our minds. I meet hundreds of people in my Secret Millionaire Blueprint Seminars, (check www. for upcoming dates and locations). At every seminar, large numbers of people come up to me to discuss their financial problems, expecting an instant solution. It is not always possible for me to listen to each person individually due to time constraints, so I advise them to pay careful attention to what I have to say during the seminar in order to find the answers to their questions. I remember meeting an elderly gentleman, Mr. Greg Thompson, in London. He spoke to me at length about some financial difficulties that he had been experiencing, how there was always a shortfall of funds, the invariable problem of a lack of enough money. I explained to him that a lack of money is not the problem, but rather it is merely a symptom of the real problem. Think of it this way, many young men reaching their thirties often face the problem of hair loss. It scares them. They believe it is a disease and they consult a doctor, who explains to them that hair loss is not a disease, but it is often a symptom of some other disease that is within

The invisible leads to the visible


them. Diagnosing and treating that disease often stops the problem. I explained to Greg that his actual problem was in his mental world, which was showing results in his physical world. Why wasnt Greg making money? Why dont most people make the kind of money they desire? They spend most of their life chasing money only to come up short. They say, I wish I could make more money, but they dont do anything about it. There is a block in their mental world that prohibits them from realizing their dreams in the physical world. Having a wish list is fine, but its the steps that you take to make those wishes come true that determine your financial future.


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


Are you really serious about changing your financial future? Do you want to lead a king-sized life yourself rather than read about millionaires and watch their interviews? Do you want to see yourself in their place? You want to see others drawing inspiration from your interviews, right? Let me guide you through the process of transformation from ordinary-sized to king-sized. Has it ever happened to you that you started with a list of tasks to be accomplished during the day and wound up forgetting a few? It happens with everyone. You wake up in the morning and start planning your day. You try to remember all those chores you must do. After breakfast, you leave home, drop your child at school on your way to the office, complete the office tasks by 6 p.m., meet with your tax lawyer after that to discuss tax deductions, buy the surprise gift for your darling wife wondering how shell react to it, when it suddenly strikes you that you forgot to inform your driver that your son had a half-day at school. You then call home and your wife gives you a piece of her mind. Just as a single drop of limejuice can spoil an entire bowl of milk, this one mistake has spoiled your entire day. If only it hadnt slipped your mind. So why burden your mind and memory when you can easily write things down? Jotting down the days plan in advance is an excellent way to improve your professional and social life. Use any device that you are comfortable

The first step: Announce


with such as a small diary, an organizer, your cell phone, computer, iPad, anything at all. See how easily you improve at managing your tasks and how much faster things get accomplished. Writing things down is the first step to getting things done. It is much more systematic than trying to commit things to memory. In any modern office, employees and leaders are asked to write down their tasks and targets and pin them up some place where they can see them all of the time. In fact, tasks and targets are written in large letters on a white board as a constant reminder or they are monitored on shared computer software that everyone can access. If you see them all of the time, you stay focused on the project benchmarks and become more efficient in your productivity. So what do you want to achieve? If its to be a millionaire, write that down on several white sheets of paper with a marker or print copies off of your computer in large, bold font.


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


Do not keep these sheets of paper hidden somewhere out of sight. Put them up everywhere in your house where you spend the maximum part of your day. Pin them up in your study, your bedroom, the kitchen, or even on your bathroom mirror. Post them in your office. Make these words your computer and cell phone desktop and screensaver. Do not worry about what others might think. This is an open announcement of your goal and these words will be staring at you all of the time for the next two years as a daily reminder of your oath. Let others see your oath. Dont let it bother you if it becomes a topic of their discussion; let it work as a catalyst in helping you move towards your goal. Because when others get to know about your goal, you will not be able to step back from it. It will only strengthen your determination to move forward. This open announcement will close all doors for turning back, for running away. There is only one way to go: up ahead and forward towards your goal. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with one tiny step. This is your first tiny step.

The Money Blueprint: How it is sketched inside your mind



I once spent an evening at a friends home where his wife had cooked, among other things, some delicious biryani and chicken tikka masala. Great company and wonderful food made the evening delightful, but their seven-yearold son was a source of additional entertainment for me. He enthralled me with his childish pranks. The television was on and a romantic movie played in the background as we ate, drank and laughed. I soon noticed that the child showed signs of uneasiness whenever there was a kissing scene in the film. He looked away and even closed his eyes in disapproval. It wasnt difficult for me to imagine that the boy must have been told to look away each time something similar was shown on television. This bothered me, so I had a talk with my friend and told him that he had inadvertently programmed his childs mind with the wrong signals. I explained that kissing is something very naturalamong human beings; it is an expression of love. His child and all children should learn that everyone in the family can show affection. By encouraging him to cover his eyes each time a kiss was shown on the screen, my friend had actually damaged the programming of his son. He had conveyed the wrong message to him. To the child, kissing was something very shameful. It automatically made him close his eyes and


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

feel nervous whenever he saw two people kiss on screen. I still dont know if my good friend took measures to correct that situation, but I hope he did. Just as this boys mind was programmed in this situation, certain factors also program our money blueprint. Our financial future is a result of the way our money blueprint has been programmed and it can either be magnificent or disastrous. The programming of your money blueprint starts at a very young age. If youre not where you want to be, I will help you understand where your money blueprint went wrong and also how you can rectify it. Read this book carefully and you can successfully alter your money blueprint and set it right. The same methods are taught more intensely and in greater depth for more effective results in my Secret Millionaire Blueprint Seminars held worldwide ( Lets now take the example of the game of slot machines. When you play on them, having fun is the primary aim, yet at the back of your mind, you secretly hope to win a fortune. But why is it that very few people make a fortune from the slot machine? Again, its because of the program that runs in the background. There is an electronic program that operates the slot machine that decides that perhaps for every 100 games played, there will be one random million-dollar jackpot winner. So if you wish to hit the jackpot every time, you will have to alter the program that runs the machine. Only altering the machines program can ensure your being a millionaire. Similarly, in order to be a millionaire and to live a kingsized life, you need to reverse and change the

The Money Blueprint: How it is sketched inside your mind


programming of your mind and therefore your money blueprint. A number of influences are responsible for the programming of your money blueprint as it stands today. These factors have seasoned and programmed your mind and your money blueprint throughout your life beginning from early childhood. Auditory Programming: Whatever you have heard from early childhood onwards about money and money management. Visual Programming: What you have seen, especially seeing your parents deal with money. Incidental Programming: Specific incidents that have occurred in your life.


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

The flow chart given below depicts how your financial future is shaped. Take a look

Auditory Programmning


Whatever we hear during childhood has a very powerful influence on our lives. Itis one of the strongest influences that conditions a persons mind and molds it. Exquisite glassware, from chandeliers to wine glasses, is shaped when the materialis soft. The human mind also is molded from a very young age when it is stilltender and malleable. Thus, the early auditory influences are very crucial inshaping our minds, including building the money blueprint within it. Rewind your memory and try to remember how your parents reacted when you desperately wanted them to buy you something in your childhood days. Did you always get what you wanted? I can bet you didnt. Im sure your requests and demands were often met with firm denial and reactions like, We dont have the money now, or Money doesnt grow on trees, or perhaps you just got a fierce glare that said, No. All these reactions have, little by little, influenced your pattern of thought and shaped your money blueprint. You may have started believing that money wasnt something that could be easily obtained, or worse, that it is evil or people with money are evil. Deep inside your mind you may have formed an unfavorable picture of money and rich people. Such prejudices have been hindering your clear thought and have caused deep


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

abrasions in your mind and in your money blueprint, thus preventing you from going ahead and conquering financial heights. What if you thought of it another way? Perhaps you would change your perspective on money and wealthy people if you focused on all of the good that can be done with it. Philanthropy has been on the rise over the last few years with many celebrities and high profile industrialists donating their money and their time to charitable causes. It has become a trend that when you reach a level of prosperity, you use your influence and resources to give back to those around you. When I think about the act of giving back, I am reminded of Mr. Vikram Manjreker, a Mumbai-based businessman in his forties, whom I met at one of the Secret Millionaire Blueprint Seminars that I was conducting in India. Vikram was a real estate developer earning millions already. (Several millionaires attend my seminars to learn how they can take their business to the next level.) Vikram approached me during the break and told me his problem was that he could not hold on to his millions. I asked him to visit me at my office a few days later so that I could hear his story in greater detail and offer help. I learned that Vikram came from a Christian missionary school background where the greater part of his formative years were influenced by a teacher, Br. Doobah, who later became the Principal of the school where Vikram had studied. It soon appeared to me that the teachers

Auditory Programmning


influence on his life was deeper than average. My hour-long conversation with Vikram revealed that he had often heard from his mentor statements like, money is the root of all evil, filthy rich, money doesnt buy happiness, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, etc. These statements had conditioned the subconscious mind of young Vikram over the years in such a way that they instilled in him a sense of disapproval of the rich. He had been deeply attached to his teacher and later on in life, when Vikram became wealthy, his subconscious mind didnt want the teachers disapproval. What else could he do but get rid of his excess wealth since he didnt want to be filthy rich, stinking rich or evil? Mind you, he wasnt doing it consciously; it was his subconscious mind that w a s s e n d i n g o u t d i s a p p r o v i n g s i g n als of the accumulation of wealth. Experts say that our subconscious mind listens to our emotions rather than to our reasoning. For Vikram, this was definitely the case. So for understandable reasons, Vikram was losing all of the wealth that he was making. I asked him to attend my next Secret Millionaire Blueprint Seminar that was coming up in New Delhi the following month. He did so and was able to understand that his money blueprint was in desperate need of change and reconditioning. He was able to identify the damaged circuits and he understood what he needed to do. He thought up a solution himself, whereby he would not have to face the disapproval of his mentor.


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Vikram met Br. Doobah and told him that hed like to acquire the land adjacent to the school so that an additional wing could be built for its increasing number of students. He did this as a charitable gesture towards his school, also funding the cost of construction for the new building. Quite interestingly, the Principal took a new stand on wealth and today publicly praises Vikram and commends his generosity. Vikram is doing quite well now and has expanded his construction business to other Indian metros. Approval from his mentor on the issue of money brought about the major change in his money blueprint and consequently in his financial career. He now celebrates his abundance instead of feeling badly about it. Imagine that you have the ability to create an abundance of wealth, so much so that you can now share that wealth with other people. What if your goal in life was to become not just a millionaire, but also a multi-millionaire? Not even a multimillionaire, a billionaire? How much change could you create in your community? Andrew Carnegie made a decision in his life that he was going to create abundance in wealth with the direct purpose of giving it all away. Bill Gates made a similar decision and now others are following suit. What if you gave away 90% of the money in your will when you die, but that 10% of that was left over and it was so much that generations of your family could survive?

Auditory Programmning


Later in the book, we will discuss further ways you can change the influences of auditory programming, permanently eliminate your negative money beliefs and give back to causes close to your heart.


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

What you see is what youlearn. Qualities that you see and admire in others do not take a lot of time to creep into your system. Knowingly or unknowingly, we are copycats. We copy what we like. We like someones style of dressing, walking or talking and we emulate it. We buy the latest fashions because that is what we see on screen or in the pages of glossy magazines. The basic human nature of being copycats is illustrated in the following examples. Example #1 The discipline in an office kept dropping each day with the employees regularly coming in late. Not a single day went by when the workers arrived on time. The boss decided to keep a register where they had to compulsorily fill in the arrival and departure timings (before automated swipe cards came into use). For the next few days all employees were on time, but old habits change hard and they started reporting late all over again. The boss wanted a better plan so he came up with the idea that employees would have to mention the reason for their delay if they entered 15 minutes later than the scheduled reporting time. Once again, for the next few days all employees arrived on time. But they soon discovered an easy solution the first one who entered late jotted down his reason and the others marked ditto below it. One day a woman employee was the first to enter the office, late as usual. She wrote her

Visual Progaramming


excuse, Visited my doctor to discuss my pregnancy. All the other employees who entered after her wrote ditto below that line. They didnt even look to see what they were copying! Example #2 A king who was the disciple of a great spiritual teacher was so impressed by a grandiose religious ceremony arranged by the guru, that he later tried arranging a ceremony exactly like that, on a similarly grand level. Everything was almost perfect except two cats were needed to complete the setup. There were supposed to be nine cats tied to a pole on the eastern point of the worship ground, but only seven cats had been found. He ordered his men to set out in all directions to find two more cats, but after several hours, his men returned to him emptyhanded. The king was disappointed; time was running out. He ran to his teacher to ask for a solution. Oh great Guruji, he pleaded, please save me. What is wrong? asked the spiritual teacher. I have arranged for the religious ceremony just like yours. All the preparations are completed, except for two cats. What can I do now? he grieved. Two cats? asked the spiritual teacher with astonishment. Yes, Guruji. I had noticed that you had kept nine cats tied to a pole facing the east. Oh, those cats were disturbing me, so I had them tied up, replied the guru. By default, we are all copycats, knowingly or unknowingly, logically or illogically. In most cases, our money blueprint is an exact copy of the money blueprint


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

of our parents. This means we deal with money in more or less the same way as our parents dealt with it. We may think, act and dress differently from our parents, but where the monetary blueprint is concerned, we cannot change it; it has been formed in our minds by seeing how our parents dealt with money matters. Ever seen millionaires who prefer to fly economy class? There are plenty of them. Is it their modesty that makes them do that? Perhaps it is. But if we scratch beneath the surface, we will invariably see that some of these millionaires are a product of middle class struggling parents who had to keep an account of every penny that they earned. Try as they may, their children cannot shed the money blueprint sketched by their parents. These millionaires find it difficult to take business risks with their money, since they have always seen how difficult it is to earn it. Millionaires with a distorted money blueprint find it difficult to multiply their money to its optimum growth in the long run. But not everyones money blueprint becomes a clone of that of their parents. Ever heard the phrases, angry young man or angry generation? Why do young people grow angry? What is at the root of all of this angst? Many young people are not happy with the way money is dealt with by their parents, but living at papa and mamas mercy, they cannot vent their frustrations by openly protesting, thereby hurting their parents.

Visual Progaramming


These young people have a feeling of deprivation that builds up and envelops them. It infuriates them that they cannot change anything about their home, family and money matters so they spend more time outside, some going as far as taking drugs to escape. These young people want to make their own rules so when they finally do become economically independent, they go in exactly the opposite direction as that of their parents. What happens then? Do they become king-sized this way? Hardly ever. Unlike the first group who rebelled against what their arents did, there is another group of young people who dream of the day they will earn their first pay. They cant wait to change all of the rules, work hard, save and when they actually arrive at that stage where they can be in control, they are tired. They become complacent with their earnings. They settle. And all of those dynamic dreams that they had nurtured not so long ago begin to vanish. Of course, there is another group of young people who take a different path. They see their parents struggle, work hard, save and when the time is right, they do prosper and become abundant. What is their secret? How do they detach from the old images that were part of their life for so long? I believe the success comes from the challenge. The challenge gave them the ability to stretch beyond what they knew and to find another way. The key here and one of the basic principles ofthis book is that the drive may be for the money, but the ultimate success is who you become in the process of creating that wealth.


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Now, its not easy to forget the fear we may have seen in the eyes of our parents with regard to money and wealth fear of the uncertainty of the future. Whatever we cannot see creates fear within us. That is why people are afraid of the dark or afraid of death. We cannot see what is ahead in the dark, nor can we see what lies beyond death. Since we do not know what lies ahead in the future, this fear of the unknown, especially when dealing with money, makes people hoard their wealth. They then, usually unwittingly, pass down this fear to the next generation. Accumulating wealth from fear of an uncertain future can never be the example of a champion money blueprint. In several of my Secret Millionaire Blueprint seminars people have stated security as the main reason behind their desire to grow. Security as the driving force is actually the fear of insecurity. If any of these people ever become millionaires, this fear will get transformed into another form of fear the fear of losing what they have made. The fear factor cannot be a winning formula. I will discuss a little later in the book how you can start reconditioning your mind to reverse your fears and any other negative visual programming.

Incidental Programming


William, or Bill, as I call him, is my friend and neighbor in London. You solve the financial difficulties of everyone else, but not mine, he chided. I was taken aback because Id never imagined hed be in any financial difficulty. After having a long talk on his financial matters, I got to know that he was doing pretty well in his music business but he just couldnt keep the money with him. Money came and went, flowing away like water through the fingers of his hands. Whats wrong? Why is my money just draining away? he asked. To understand his problem, I had to learn about his past. It was not easy, though, to cite one single incident as the cause for what was happening, when life is the sum total of millions of incidents. Among other things, Bill told me that at the age of 14, he had witnessed something quite horrifying, a murder right in front of him. Bill said he lived in Soho, London. Soho was quite a notorious place then and his neighbor was a rich and successful Spanish builder by the name of Antonio Garcia Marcos. It was a routine Sunday evening and the young boys of the locality were playing cricket. Antonio was also playing with them. A motorbike stopped very close to them, about 10 - 15 feet away, screeching to a halt. He was able to see two masked men, one of them with a pistol in hand. In no time, he heard the sound of gunshots and saw flashes of light. The next thing he saw was the gruesome


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

sight of Antonio lying in a pool of blood while the two men sped away. sight of Antonio lying in a pool of blood while the two men sped away. Antonio died within minutes, but the memory of this incident could not be erased from Bills mind for months. The killers were caught, but for weeks and weeks, Bill could hear sounds of gunfire and see blinding flashes of light. His father took him to some of the best psychiatrists of the city and he was under treatment for a very long time. This incident that Bill had witnessed in his childhood led him to believe that financial success would lead him to his death, perhaps in a similarly ghastly manner. Bill was a victim of incidental conditioning of the mind and his money blueprint had shaped up in such a manner that he subconsciously wanted to get rid of his money. As a result, whenever he made money, he found ways to get rid of it, most often by overspending. I invited Bill to a series of my Secret Millionaire Blueprint seminars and today Bill has overcome his fear arising from incidental programming. He used the tools that I will outline in this book to help him move beyond his barriers and towards a compelling future. He recently married his childhood sweetheart and they are abundant in many ways. Our money blueprints are often programmed by certain incidents that leave a deep mark on our lives. The reverse action is a reconditioning of the mind and of the money blueprint. We will go into this in greater detail later in the book.

Changing the Programming



I invite you to take the very first step towards changing your money blueprint. I want you to become conscious of how it has been programmed. What have you heard since you were a child? What have you seen since you were in school? What are some specific incidents that may have shaped your money blueprint? Sit somewhere comfortable and where you will not be interrupted. Fill in the following lines or do this exercise in a journal. You are not required to write down everything within 15 minutes; this is not a test. You may need a few days to remember a point worth noting, but this exercise will spark your unconscious mind and bring awareness of how and why your mind has been shaped in money matters. From there, we will begin the process of rebuilding your money blueprint so that it is clear in your mind and you are ready to take action.
1. What did you hear and how did it affect the way you feel about money?


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

2. What did you see and how did it affect the way you feel about money?

3. Were there any specific incidents that occurred that affect the way you feel about money?

Changing the Programming


The first step towards a change is being conscious of the auditory, visual andincidental influences on your life. Once you are aware of the factors that have induced these three forms of programming, it will be easier for you to disconnect yourself from them. You are a complete person with your own identity and it is not necessary for you to live in the shadow of thers. Your thoughts need not be an extension of the opinions of others. It is possible to disconnect oneself from parental and other programming. I have seen parents who are superstitious, but whose children have grown up to be rational and logical, free from superstition and undesirable influences. You can and will refresh your life with your own thinking and programming. Announce that you are a different person; take an oath that you can overcome all of the negative thinking and can emerge as a person with your own original thoughts. You can become a millionaire with a king-sized mind. rint your announcements and display them where you can constantly see them. It will always remind you of your oath.


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


What people have to say



The engines that drive millionaires





The engines that drive millionaires




The year was 1994, not very long ago. It was the early days of the internet. Two young students of the Stanford University who were great buddies loved surfing the net from their campus trailer in which they lived. Another favourite hobby of these electrical engineering students was to add names of websites to the list of their favourite sites that they had come across. Their list kept growing longer each day. When the list was rather extensive, they made headings and sub-headings to manage it. Their personal list was soon made available on the internet for their friends, and their site started off with the initial name, Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web. The two friends Jerry Yang and David Filo soon fell in love with the name Yahoo. The dictionary definition of the word was 'rude, unsophisticated, and uncouth' - it went with their mood. Yahoo is also an acronym for Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle. David and Jerry favourites' list became a big success, and by November 1994 they had already seen a million viewers visiting their website!


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Filo and Yang soon understood the huge potential business waiting for them, and approached several venture capitalists in order to expand their business. It was not an easy task for two young students with no business experience to get finance. But these two young students were not made of ordinary stuff. Ultimately they succeeded in convincing Silicon Valley venture capitalist Sequoia Capital (Venture Capitalist of Apple, Atari, Cisco and Oracle) who agreed to finance them with US$2 million in April 1995 and took off on a large scale. The two friends were smart enough to hire a proper management team with Tim Koogle, a veteran of Motorola and an alumnus of the Stanford engineering department, as the chief executive officer and Jeffrey Mallett, founder of Novell's WordPerfect consumer division, as the Chief Operating Officer. Yahoo started with its new high-profile team in April 1996 with just 49 employees. Yahoo had its initial public offering on April 12, 1996, raising US$33.8 million, by selling 2.6 million shares at US$13 each. Today 'Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web' is the top global internet communications, commerce and media company serving over 345 million users every month across the globe. It offers multiple solutions like instant messaging, free email service, search engine, news, advertising, gaming, streaming audio-video, hosting solutions, social connection building (Yahoo 360 degrees) and lots more. It has different sites in many different countries. Yahoo has offices in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Australia, Canada and US, with headquarters in Sunnyvale, California.

The engines that drive millionaires


Focus on a few key objectives ... I only have three things to do. I have to choose the right people, allocate the right number of dollars, and transmit ideas from one division to another with the speed of light. So I'm really in the business of being the gatekeeper and the transmitter of ideas. Jack Welch

If this story sounds like a modern fairytale with a happy ending, then listen to the next one: It was January 1996. This is the tale of two other 24-year old Stanford University PhD students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, who were spending long hours on research which they believed would change the way people searched information on the internet. They wanted to improve upon the existing techniques and unscientific methods of ranking websites in search engine listings. They based their thesis on search engine listing by the importance of a website. Page and Brin started their own search engine as part of the Website of Stanford University, with the domain name: The name was registered on Sep 15, 1997. A year later on Sep 7, 1998, they formally started their company Google Inc. from a friend's garage with very little space, in Menlo Park, California. The simple, clean,


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Obviously everyone wants to be successful, but I want to be looked back on as being very innovative, very trusted and ethical and ultimately making a big difference in the world. Sergey Brin Google Founder

un-distracting white page of Google quickly attracted a large number of internet users who did not like to be distracted by unwanted text and graphics on the search page. Google Inc. improved, and moved their offices to 165, University Avenue, in Palo Alto in 1999, which was the place from where many other Silicon Valley giants had started their journey. Soon Google once again shifted to their present address, Googleplex, Mountain View, California. From 2000, Google concentrated on increasing revenue from advertisements and soon captured 54% of the search engine market, ranking world number one. Today Google receives 1 billion search requests everyday and is estimated to have over 450,000 servers. Google announced a long-term research partnership with NASA which would involve Google building a 1-million square foot R&D centre at NASA's Ames Research Centre. NASA and Google are planning to work together in a variety of fields. The motto of Google has always been 'Don't Be Evil'. The company and its employees in its growing number of offices worldwide believe in it, follow it, and have achieved success from this motto. This is the secret of Google's success.

Millionaires are like 10-engine super Jumbo jets



I equate millionaires to super Jumbo jets that fly using 10 engines. Ordinary planes fly on 2 engines but jumbo jets fly on 4. The maximum engines seen on a plane are 8, made by legendary aviator Howard Hughes (H-4 Hercules, or 'Spruce Goose'). But millionaires are champions who are no less than super Jumbo jets powered by 10 turbo jet engines. As you proceed, you will discover the secrets of these 10 power-packed super turbo jet engines which provide the POWER to millionaires for flying high and up, away from everyone's reach. In the previous article, I clubbed together the two stories of Yahoo and Google for various reasons. They have a lot in common. Firstly they are the #1 and #2 search engines and websites by popularity. Honestly speaking, they are two giants. Secondly, both companies were started by two pairs of students. Both started in a small way but grew phenomenally. But most importantly, in both cases, the students had the mental power comparable to super Jumbo jets. The minds and money blueprints of these four students matched the powerful mind-engines of millionaires. You might say here that these boys were academically merited. But then there are hundreds of thousands of brilliant students graduating from colleges and universities every year. All those students do not cause a phenomenon like Google and Yahoo to happen. Instead most of them would be happy to take up what


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

they would believe to be a good job in a company like Google or Yahoo. They do not become the owners of such companies. Now that is the difference I am talking about. There is no point in saying Those four were lucky, everybody is not so lucky as them. This is an answer typical of unsuccessful people. They justify their failure by passing on the blame to luck and fate. You cannot make a huge bridge out of plastic, or a skyscraper out of wood. You need the right material to make the right thing, or the structure will collapse. Similarly, you cannot make a massive super Jumbo jet fly with weak propeller engines. You need the right stuff, always. The minds of these students were made of the right stuff; the stuff with the power of 10 super turbo jet engines. So what was the composition of the minds of these four students who became multi-billionaires in less than a decade? We shall discuss all this in this section. Reading and accepting the principles and secrets that form millionaires' minds is not an easy task. As I mentioned in the previous section, your mind has been seasoned and conditioned for several years to give it the shape that it has acquired today. At your age, changing and re-shaping your mind is not as easy as it would have been in your childhood. There is a filter installed in your mind called the sub-conscious mind, which filters everything first. This subconscious mind is very devious. When you think you can do something, your

Millionaires are like 10-engine super Jumbo jets


subconscious mind is perhaps telling you the opposite. It sits inside you, in conflict with your thoughts. For example, in a competitive situation although you make the best efforts to convince yourself I shall be the winner, your subconscious mind keeps reminding you of your past failures. It filters out your positive thoughts and allows entry of your deep-rooted negative fears. This becomes the cause of yet another failure. You will encounter a completely new line of thought in this section but your subconscious mind will try to stop those ideas. There will be a conflict of new ideas trying to enter your mind and your subconscious mind fighting back and resisting them with your old inbuilt, inherent ideas. No doubt, you want to be rich and successful, or why would you be reading this book in the first place? But what does your subconscious mind want? You can find out. There is a very powerful test that can, with 99% success rate, bring out the thoughts that are lurking inside your subconscious mind. This is an extremely interesting test and I want you to take it. This test is actually a selfhypnosis, to bring your subconscious thoughts to the forefront.


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Is your subconscious mind ready to make the change? Do you actually want to be rich? I know your answer. Without thinking, you will reply Yes, I want to be rich. But your subconscious mind might think that being rich means hard work, very long working days, no weekends, no time with the family, giving up all hobbies and pastimes, becoming an easy target for borrowers. Am I ready to take up all these changes in my life just to get rich? Your subconscious mind is hesitating and is likely to filter out the new ideas which you will be exposed to, those ideas which form an integral part of all rich and successful people. Let's find out what your subconscious mind wants. For this experiment you need a small pendulum. You can make one, using a small bob or weight such as a finger ring hanging from a string, like the one in the picture alongside.

Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality. Earl Nightingale

Next, draw a simple diagram on a clean white sheet of paper like the one illustrated on the next page. Include the words YES, NO and NOT SURE in your

What your subconscious mind is saying: Take the Hypnosis Test and find out


diagram. Alternately you can use a clean photocopy of this diagram of the Hypnotic Circle. Remember, you will need an absolutely peaceful environment in order to successfully conduct this experiment. Make sure there are no dogs barking, no children playing around you, no doorbells telephones / cell phones ringing, no noise pollution whatsoever during the experiment on Hypnosis.






The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Sit down comfortably and hold one end of the string between two fingers, allowing the other end with the pendulum to hang freely (see picture on page 65) over the diagram of the Hypnotic Circle. Bring the pendulum to a complete rest over the point where the two straight lines cross. When the pendulum is stationary, think of some questions whose answers are known to you, e.g. Am I married? or Do I have children? Ask yourself these questions and see what happens. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO ANYTHING. ALL YOU SHOULD DO IS THINK OF THE QUESTIONS. No finger movement from you at all. The pendulum will start moving within 2 minutes (sometimes within seconds) in the direction of the right answer. This means, if the answer to your question, Am I married? is Yes, then the pendulum will start oscillating along the line of YES. Once the movement starts, keep asking questions one after another, questions from your life, the answers of which are known to you. Ask questions which can be answered by YES or NO or NOT SURE. You can't ask questions such as, Who was my best friend in school? because the answer can only be in yes, no or not sure. If you are not sure of an answer, you will find the pendulum oscillating in a clockwise circle, instead of following one of the straight lines. You will be astonished the first time you conduct this experiment. What was happening really? Was it some sort of a miracle? No. It is science. The pendulum being an

What your subconscious mind is saying: Take the Hypnosis Test and find out


inanimate object cannot move by itself unless you make it move. It was your subconscious mind that was controlling your hand to make the pendulum move towards the correct answer. Your mind was asking the questions and your subconscious mind was answering them. Now, ask yourself the vital question - Am I ready to be a millionaire? See how your subconscious mind reacts. The answer that you will get is the honest confession of your subconscious mind. Ask related questions like Am I open to change and new ideas?, Am I ready to work very hard?, Am I ready to sacrifice my weekends? If the answers are all in the affirmative, it means that there is no conflict between your thoughts and your subconscious mind. You are most probably the type of person who will readily accept the ideas discussed in this section. If the pendulum sways in the direction of no, or not sure, then your subconscious mind is probably not still ready for the change that you have been dreaming of. What you can do is, read my book till the very end, go through the ideas explained here and come back to the experiment after you have finished reading the book and see if the results of the Hypnosis Test are the same. You will come across many such spectacular experiments in my Secret Millionaire Blueprint Intensive Seminars held worldwide. For more information on schedules, dates and venue, log on to Two complimentary passes to the seminar preview are given along with this book.


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


Dr. Vijay Mallya, chairman of the United Breweries Group and Kingfisher When you believe in a Airlines is one of the thing, believe in it all richest men in India with a the way, implicitly and net worth of over US$1.2 unquestionable. billion. After Mallya took Walt Disney over as Chairman of the UB Group, the group has grown into a multinational conglomerate of over 60 companies. In 2005, he established Kingfisher Airlines which soon carved a niche for itself. Apart from these businesses, Dr. Vijay Mallya is associated with Formula 1 racing, football, cricket and horse-racing. Mallya receives substantial press coverage that focuses on his lavish parties and his yacht, the Indian Empress. He's a man who works hard, enjoys making money and enjoys spending it. This is a man who lives life king-size, just like his role model Sir Richard Branson. Do you think Dr Vijay Mallya was born with the millionaire's blueprint? Of course he was. He always thinks BIG, thinks larger than life. Do you think he would ever be bogged down by challenges? Never. He'd face them head on and 'go ahead like a bullet

Exercise: Mind check



Now this is a quick self-analysis that I want you to try 1. When you watch a show on television that offers a million dollars as prize money, you (a) Enjoy the show, enjoy watching others become rich, and make sure you watch it every week. (b) Tell yourself: I'll do everything to reach that hot seat. (c) Start thinking of ways you can become rich. 2. At a social gathering, if you hear that a successful business tycoon is also coming, will you (a) Ask for his autograph and try to get a picture taken with him. (b) Meet him, shake hands, talk to him, and exchange business cards. (c) Stay away; you consider it undignified and a bad idea to chase successful people. 3. Where do you see yourself five years from now? (a) You are happy with your life and hence would be happy to see yourself in the same position, provided you have peace of mind. (b) In your manager's position (c) As a millionaire


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

4. If you get the chance of a lifetime, but need to make a big investment, you will: (a) Take the opportunity because you had been waiting for something like this your entire life and arrange funds from somewhere somehow. (b) Let the opportunity go, because you cannot afford it. Settle for something smaller that fits your pocket. (c) Wait for others to try it before you do. You'll invest, but only if they give you positive feedback. 5. Your handwriting is: (a) Small (b) Medium (c) Large

Evaluation: Now check your answers against the points in the chart given below. Evaluate yourself from the analysis that follows. Know where you stand. a 1 2 3 4 5 0 10 0 20 0 b 10 20 10 0 10 c 20 0 20 10 20

Exercise: Mind check


Score: 80 - 100 Keep it up! You have the mindset that matches best with the champions in the money- making game. Score: 50 - 79 You have the dreams to grow big, but your thoughts are more often overshadowed by your pre-programmed money blueprint, and this prevents you from doing a lot of things. Follow my advice in this book very carefully and I am sure you will benefit. Score: below 50: Your mind and your money blueprint are in desperate need of complete reshaping. Utilize the free pass given with this book and attend my Secret Millionaire Blueprint Intensive Seminar. For schedules and venue, check my website Millionaires think big, their dreams and plans are always larger than life. But ordinary people's thoughts, dreams, and plans are smaller in comparison. Now, if this statement raises dissent, I would like to clarify that I do not wish to degrade anyone or hurt people's feelings. I wouldn't dream of thinking that people of moderate means are not good people, or that rich people are better than ordinary people. What I am trying to convey here is that the money blueprints of millionaires are programmed differently when one compares them to the money blueprints of the non-millionaires.


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Consider the example given earlier. When an ordinary man watches a Knowing is not enough, television show that offers we must apply. Willing a million bucks prize is not enough, we must money to the winner, he do. enjoys watching others get Johann von Goethe rich, or tries his luck again and again like a million others to get an entry to the show. A rich man would never try that route. He would rather think up ways to earn a similar amount of money through business. How do you think an ordinary man would react to the Google and Yahoo story? How will a rich person react to it? Any idea? Let me tell you. 80% of ordinary people will apply for a job with Yahoo and Google by posting their rsum (the other 20% will not react at all because they think they are not eligible). That is the best they can do. The rich and successful on the other hand will study the history of these companies more carefully and emulate their successful methods in their own business. The basic difference is in the thinking. Unsuccessful people have small dreams, whereas successful people have big dreams. Here you might be mentally putting forth the argument that ordinary man cannot afford to dream big because it costs big money. The rich can afford to think big and dream big because they have the support of their big bucks.

Exercise: Mind check


You are partly right. But then where was the big money support in the case of Walt Disney, who came to Los Angeles with just $40 to start life with? Where was the big money backing in the case of Subroto Roy, the Sahara chief (Sahara happens to be one of the largest business groups of Asia with a strong foothold in real estate, para-banking, domestic and international aviation, television channels, newspapers and magazines, movie production, all kinds of manufacturing - from computers to FMCG, and more) who started his first business in a small way in 1978, less than 30 years ago, with just 2000 rupees ($40) and now owns a company worth over $10.7 billion? If that does not impress you, then read this. Lakshmi Narayan Mittal, also known as Lakshmi Nivas Mittal, is a Londonbased Indian billionaire industrialist, who is the fifth richest person in the world (2007), with a fortune of US$32 billion according to Forbes. Mittal was named 'Person of the Year' in 2006 by The Financial Times, while Time magazine described him as 'one of the 100 most influential people' of the world.

The World is three days: As for yesterday, it has vanished, along with all that was in it. As for tomorrow, you may never see it. As for today, it is yours, so work in it. Hassan al-Basr


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

His residence at 18-19 Kensington Palace Gardens is the world's most expensive home, worth 57.1 million (US$105.7 million). Mittal spent 30 million to host his daughter Vanisha's wedding celebration in Vaux le Vicomte on 22 June 2004 and an engagement ceremony at the Palace of Versailles in France on 20th June 2004, the world's most expensive wedding ever. He even hosted a Bollywood night where superstars like Rani Mukherjee, Saif Ali Khan, Shahrukh Khan and Aishwarya Rai performed. Even Kylie Minogue sang on stage. Was Lakshmi born with a silver spoon? If you think he was, read further. Lakshmi spent his early years in India, living with his extended family on bare floors and sleeping on jute beds in a house built by his grandfather. His family, from the Marwari Aggarwal community, was of humble origins. His grandfather worked for the Tarachand Ghanshyamdas Poddar firm, one of the leading Marwari industrial firms of pre-independence India. The family eventually moved to Kolkata where his father Mohan became a partner in a steel company. Lakshmi was a good student and his classmates knew him as a smart young man who was good with numbers. He graduated with merit from St. Xavier's College, Kolkata with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in Business and Accounting in 1969. Lakshmi Mittal began his career working in the family's steelmaking business in India, and in 1976 he set out to establish the international division of the family steel business, beginning with the purchase of a run-down

Exercise: Mind check


plant in Indonesia. Since 2005, Mittal has been the richest person residing in the UK. Today his organization Arcelor Mittal is the world's largest producer of steel, with assets in France, Belgium, Romania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, South Africa, Poland, Czech Republic, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Canada and the United States. Mittal can be termed as a billionaire with a golden heart. On July 13, 2005 he donated 2 million to the Labour Party, and on January 16, 2007 it was announced that he had donated a further 3 million. After witnessing India win just one bronze medal in the 2000 Olympics, and one silver medal in the 2004 Olympics, Mittal decided to set up the Mittal Champions Trust with US$9 million to sponsor and support Indian athletes with world-beating potential. So, as you can see from the stories above, it is not the backing of money that is a pre-requisite for thinking big. What is important is the money blueprint which is a part of one's mind. It is the courage to think big and dream big that really matters. This is why you will find that the majority of ordinary businessmen who started their business career with a single store at the age of 24 retire from their business at the age of 64 with the same single store. The have spent an entire lifetime in that one store and have never even tried to grow. Then there are others who started with a single store but later expanded their business to a chain of stores in a much shorter period of time, and even diversified into


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

many other types of business. The difference again is in their way of thinking. The first type had small dreams and thought small. The latter dared to dream big and think big, and that is why they have grown. If your dreams and goals are really big and sky-high, your attempts to reach those goals will take you somewhere high, almost near the sky. But if your goals are set low, as low as the ceiling of your house, you will only reach somewhere just below that level. Set your dreams high. Think Big. Because size does matter. This is the first engine that makes the millionaire minds fly towards success.

Second engine: Spirit of a champion



Some people are born to win. They may not have read books on the And what is a man strategies of success, they without energy? may never have attended Nothing - nothing at all. a seminar on the subject of Mark Twain personal achievement and growth, they may never have given winning a thought, but somehow success comes to such people very naturally. These people are born champions and do not know the meaning of the words 'lose' or 'give up'. Shahrukh Khan, the greatest Bollywood entertainer of all time is the perfect example of a born champion. He was born with the blueprint of success, born to be King, and it is no wonder that he is nicknamed King Khan. Shahrukh started his career appearing in several TV serials. After he made his film dbut in commercial cinema, he has been very successful at the box office. Today he is the Number One star who continues to deliver one good performance after another, incorporating the acting blueprint of the finest actors of Indian cinema into his own, and creating his own unique style. He is such a powerhouse of talent and energy, so driven and motivated by work, that success has come to him effortlessly.


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Do you think Shahrukh Khan would ever be jealous if another actor's film does better at the box office and gets more awards? Do you believe he would be insecure about his Number One position and waste his time and energy defending it? No, champions do not play to lose or defend. They play only to win. And Shahrukh Khan is a winner. He has the blueprint of a Champion for whom there is only one place to be - at the top! I distinctly recollect the face of the middle-aged gentleman with thinning hair, Mark Piscopo, whom I saw at three of my seminars in the UK. At the conclusion of the third seminar, he met me backstage. Perhaps I had grown as curious about him as he had about me. In his deep voice, he recounted his financial crises that never really seemed to end. Not that he was broke or up to his ears in debt, but despite trying every trick in the trade, he just wasn't able to rise beyond a humdrum ordinary lifestyle. When he started his confectionery business 15 years back, he had dreamt of becoming rich, but riches didn't come his way and his dreams began to fade away. I enquired about his business and told him I'd like to visit his establishment before I left the UK. He was very happy; he'd hoped I'd say those exact words to him. One Saturday afternoon I paid a visit to his confectionary store from which wonderful aromas wafted out into the street. The shop was at a good location, on a street where there were several other confectionary stores as well. The street was known as a confectionary market. The store was just as well-decorated as other similar stores on the same

Second engine: Spirit of a champion


street. It had no fewer footfalls than any of the other stores. So, where was the problem? I even checked his accounts and there seemed to be no real problem as such. But it was also true that his establishment was not a tool to become rich, as he had once hoped and envisioned. You know, I told him, the real problem is not in the fact that yours is not a very big store. Nor can we say that your products are not up to the mark. The real problem is that there are other similar stores in the vicinity and their model has been amalgamated in your mind. Not just in your mind, but it has affected the mind of everyone who is doing similar business on this street. Every confectioner seems to follow the model of others, and with the result, all of you are just trying to defend your own position. None of you are trying to win, but are battling to defend losing out to others. Unless you change the way you think and start thinking like a winner, your crisis and present financial condition is not going to improve. Then I gave him the example of the McDonald's chain and said, Didn't it start just as humbly as your establishment? McDonald's started as a single outlet in 1940. And in 1955, the CEO of McDonald's, Ray Kroc, started the first franchised outlet which was the ninth outlet of McDonald's. In fact that was the beginning of the


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

concept of the franchisee system of business. McDonald's today has outlets in 119 countries with 50 million customers eating McDonald's products each day. In the UK alone McDonald's uses 32,000 tons of beef, 21,500 tons of chicken and 100 million eggs annually. Coming back to Mark Piscopo, I did not tell him that his bakery could also one day become like McDonald's, but I advised him to take a loan from his bank and change the way the store looked. I told him that it ought to look a little different from other shops on the same street. Once his store stopped looking like a clone of the others, he would automatically stop competing with the rest and defending himself from his neighbours. Secondly, I told him to read up on McDonald's and KFC's growth. That would make him start thinking big, and stop competing with his neighbours. If you want to emulate, it is definitely better to emulate McDonald's and KFC, rather than imitate your neighbours, I suggested. The constant competition with his neighbours had switched off Mark's winning spirit. He had always been trying to defend himself from losing business to his neighbours. I explained to him that no one in history had become a champion by playing defensive. Winners almost certainly always play aggressive. I was able to make him understand that the fault was not in his business or location. The real fault was in the way he thought and dealt with his business.

Second engine: Spirit of a champion


Almost eight months later, in 2005, I received a Christmas card from Mark. He thanked me for my advice and sent some photographs of his store as it stands today. The transformation was extraordinary. He had expanded it to a family restaurant that kept him very busy, and most important, he had stopped trying to defend losing out to his neighbours and had started thinking like a winner. This is also the material that helps build the minds of millionaires, the king-size people. Never do they try to defend their positions. They play aggressively - with just one goal in front of them - winning.


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


Now this is a simple test. What I want you to do is to stop and think, and write down 5 situations from your life where results could have been better had you been more aggressive (less defensive). Analyze the reasons that had stopped you. Once you are aware of the reasons that are hindering your progress, you will have better control.

1. Situation / Incident Probable result, if you had been more aggressive

Reason for your not being more aggressive

2. Situation / Incident Probable result, if you had been more aggressive

Reason for your not being more aggressive

Exercise: Reversal analysis


3. Situation / Incident Probable result, if you had been more aggressive

Reason for your not being more aggressive

4. Situation / Incident Probable result, if you had been more aggressive

Reason for your not being more aggressive

5. Situation / Incident Probable result, if you had been more aggressive

Reason for your not being more aggressive


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


A family had twin boys whose only resemblance to each other was in their looks. They were opposites in every other way. If one felt it was too hot, the other thought it was too cold. If one said the TV was too loud, the other claimed the volume needed to be turned up. While one was an eternal optimist, the other a doom and gloom pessimist. Just to see what would happen on the twins' birthday their father loaded the pessimist's room with every imaginable toy and game. The optimist's room he loaded with horse manure. That night the father passed by the pessimist's room and found him sitting among his new gifts crying bitterly. Why are you crying? the father asked. Because my friends will be jealous, I'll have to read all these instructions before I can do anything with this stuff, I'll constantly need new batteries, and my toys will eventually get broken, replied the pessimistic child. Passing the optimist fellow's room, the father found him dancing with joy in the pile of manure. What are you so happy about? he asked. To which his optimistic son replied, There's got to be a pony in here somewhere! This is the basic difference between ordinary people and champions. Millionaires, who are champions in the game of money, always see the brighter side and the possibility for growth in a situation, while ordinary men, who never really grow, can see only the difficulties. Of course in life we always

Third engine: Champions are optimists


face hurdles and obstacles, but it is the winners who never see the obstacles first. They see potential and all the possibilities which may unfold. Winners and millionaires go ahead and take calculated risks. Losers shrink away from risks. Moreover, losers think they know everything. From childhood they have been programmed in such a way that something stops them whenever they face a situation that involves taking a risk. Start a big business? Take a large loan? Oops! That's so risky! Let me first try it with a small sum. If it succeeds, then I'll try to think with a bigger amount. This is the mentality of 90% of the people. They prefer to remain small. Of course taking a risk does not mean taking a plunge in the dark. By risks, I mean calculated risks. There are scientifically prepared project reports which can tell you exactly how much risk you would be taking for a particular new venture. Opportunities in life knock on our door only once. If you do not respond, it goes over to the next door and knocks there. Whoever opens the door first will be greeted by good fortune. This means you have to be prompt in taking advantage of an opportunity. If you delay, someone else will take advantage of it and become the winner. If you try and think back, you will be able to remember many situations where you have missed good opportunities because you didn't act fast enough. Why did you miss them? A number of them were probably missed because you were hesitant to take the risk. Your hesitation delayed you, so you missed the bus. Your hesitation is a result of your lack of optimism. You had been trying to figure out


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

in advance the problems might face if you went ahead. Seeing the same piece of vast barren land, an optimist with a winning spirit will dream of turning it into heaven on earth, while a pessimist with a loser's line of thought will think, What will I do with this enormous piece of waste? All the difficulties of developing and promoting it will flash in his mind first. Why do difficulties discourage most ordinary men? Simple - because of the fear associated with them. Champions are able to overcome this fear. But the majority of ordinary men are overwhelmed by fear. One thing is sure - getting rich is not a piece of cake. If you choose to take the easy path, it will be more difficult to reach your goal of being rich. But the harder you work and the more challenges you face, the quicker will be your climb towards the millionaire's hot seat. This is an eternal rule in life. It is similar to the rules of most computer and video games. If you choose to play at easier levels, challenges will be simpler and the scoring slower. But if you have the spirit of a champion and are optimistic about facing challenges, you will probably choose a harder level, where scoring is faster. If you compare your actual earnings to the scoring pattern of computer and video games, you can understand in a flash that the easier level you choose, the slower you earn. The more difficult the levels you opt for, the quicker you earn. Every one wants to be rich but is afraid to put in the effort to reach the destination. As I mentioned earlier, these fears originate from the difficulties and obstacles that might be faced. What people really look forward to is a comfortable

Third engine: Champions are optimists


lifestyle. Now if you ask me I'd say there is a lot of difference between being financially comfortable and being rich. Being comfortable is no doubt better than leading a life of poverty, which is mainly struggles, quarrels over money matters and lack of financial freedom. But being rich is absolutely different. Eating half a meal is better than starving, but then why should you be happy with half a meal when you have the potential to earn and eat a full meal? What really happens is that when you are starving, you crave for a full meal. But once you get the taste of half a meal, you feel 'comfortable' and your desire to eat a full meal dies out. Comfort is wicked. It kills your aspirations to grow really big. Once you rise to the level of a comfortable lifestyle and are able to go out on a holiday or two, you get into the comfort zone and your dreams of being a millionaire change. You cut your dreams short and size them to fit your comfortable lifestyle, and console yourself by saying, This was the life I had dreamt of and I have now achieved my dream. Needless to say, you will grow no more. Human beings are lazy by nature, and laziness turns ordinary men away from challenges. Thus when people have able to achieve comfort, they stop their race there. They think it is the finishing line, while the reality is that it is only the halfway mark. Comfort is like a mirage in the desert. You believe you have reached your goal, but the real goal is still further away. But before you shrink away from the discomfort of challenges and difficulties, ponder over this - Discomfort becomes comfortable if you get used to it. Facing obstacles is a part of life and should not discomfort you any more. So, pull up your socks!


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


Do you see a glass half-full, or half-empty? Check from the test that follows. Be honest, because you are taking this test for yourself. It is you, and only you who will benefit from the test results. Repeat the test again in four weeks' time and see if your scores have improved. 1) I believe that I will be able to reach my career objectives. (a) Definitely (b) Probably (c) Maybe (d) No 2) When I have been required to take a company trip, I have arrived at the airport believing that I would get a ticket. (a) Often (b) Sometimes (c) Rarely (d) Never 3) I am confident in my ability to take correct decisions at work. (a) Very confident (b) Confident (c) Somewhat confident (d) Doubtful 4) In my career, I expect things to go my way. (a) Definitely (b) Probably (c) Maybe (d) Never 5) I would be able to successfully confront the situation of facing economic difficulties at home. (a) Definitely (b) Probably (c) Maybe (d) Never

Exercise: Take the optimism test


Evaluation Now compare your answers with the scores given below and evaluate yourself from the analysis that follows. Know where you stand a 1 2 3 4 5 20 20 20 20 20 b 15 15 15 15 15 c 10 10 10 10 10 d 0 0 0 0 0

Score: 80 - 100 You are the type of optimist who would smile and say there are pearls under the sea, when you are in a sinking ship. Keep up the spirit. You are made of the material that makes winners. You are already ahead in the race and success is waiting for you. I suggest you register for the preview to the Secret Millionaire Blueprint Intensive Seminar and pave the rest of your way to success. Score: 50 - 79 You are influenced by your mood fluctuations and swing between being an optimist to being a lesser optimist. Bring your mood fluctuations under control, and life will be much better for you. Utilize the free passes to the preview of the Secret Millionaire Blueprint Intensive Seminar given with this book and get the gift of better control over your emotions.


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Score: below 50 Even when you are offered the passport to a diamond mine, you would say, what if the roof collapses? Life will be tough and pathetic for you unless you change your attitude drastically. I suggest you enrol for the preview to my Secret Millionaire Blueprint Intensive Seminar without further delay. Information on the schedules and venue is available on

Forth engine: Champions control their own destiny



Games based on luck have been popular since centuries. Poor people play lotto, while the rich play poker, slot machines and bingo at casinos or bet on thoroughbreds and harness races at the turf. What is the basic difference? Firstly, lotteries are most certainly based on uncertainty, while some of the games that the rich play are based on skill and experience. Secondly, the poor play to try their luck, if they can make a fortune whereas the rich play for the fun of it. Lotteries and online lotteries are hot favourites among poor people, who try their luck regularly to see whether they are 'the chosen one', whether Lady Luck is bestowing her favours upon them. In many countries the local government has tried to wind up lotteries and online lotteries because poor families are being drained of their resources. Let us see what one's chances are of winning a typical lotto game. In a typical 6 from 49 lotto, 6 numbers are drawn from 49 and if the 6 numbers on a ticket match with the numbers drawn, the ticket-holder is a jackpot winner this is true regardless of the order in which the numbers are drawn. The odds of being a jackpot winner are approximately 1 in 14 million (13,983,816 to be exact). To put these odds in context, suppose a person buys one lottery ticket per week; 13,983,816 weeks is roughly


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

269,000 years, so in a quarter million years of play, one would expect to win the jackpot only once. These figures make it obvious why many governments want to ban it. Yet it is ignorance about these facts and the ordinary people's common belief that the fortunate ones are chosen by the hand of destiny which makes lotto still so popular. Recently there has been a boom in online casinos which are accessible by anyone, where anyone can try a game or two with very small amounts. These disturbing facts only point to one truth - the poor believe that good fortune will land on them by chance. If they are lucky they will be fortunate. The champions of the financial games, the millionaires, never think like that. They believe that the joystick of one's destiny is in their own hands. It is we who have full control over our fate. Fortune never lands on anyone merely by chance, one has to work for it. Ashley is a charming 15-year-old who is my next-door neighbour. I know she is a die-hard believer in astrology and tarot card predictions. Whenever she comes over to my apartment to have a chat with my wife Sara, the first thing Ashley does is flip through all the newspapers and magazines that I subscribe to, devour the astrology columns right away, and depending on what they have to say, she expresses her delight with whoops of joy and her disappointment with nail-biting anxiety. She can argue with me for hours when I pull her leg saying that these predictions are quite useless. She strongly believes that our achievements are totally in the hands of fate. Recently she was very busy studying for her exams and had not

Forth engine: Champions control their own destiny


visited us for almost three weeks. I happened to meet her outside the supermarket and asked, What's the matter, Ashley, you seem to have vanished from the face of this earth? She showed me the fat book in her hand, twisted her face into a grimace and said, Final exams. I got an opportunity to pull her leg, What do your astral predictions say? They say all my ventures will be successful. she smiled, offering me some popcorn. Great! I said, If success is your fate this week, what is the use of wasting your time and energy studying? Go watch a movie and freak out. She made a face and moved on hurriedly, without an answer to my teasing. She knew of course that she had to study in order to achieve her goal, though she believes it is fate that controls our destiny. Likewise it is also true that one has to work out one's own financial destiny. We can never be rich by depending on fate to select us and bestow special blessings. That reminds me of an aspiring young man of about 24, whom I met in Dubai during one of my seminars, a couple of years ago. He was a very talented singer, but never got a good break because he was homebound and an introvert. I took some time to explain to him that he was wrong somewhere. He was mistaken in thinking that he would get noticed if it was his destiny. I


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

explained that he would have to move out of his house and visit all the music companies and if possible, take appointments and meet the top bosses. He had to meet producers of television shows and give them his music samples. It was only if he worked hard and worked smart that he would get his first break. After that, if his talent was noticed and if people loved him, he would stay in the race; if not, he'd fade away. On my recent trip to Dubai, I switched on the television in my hotel room and was in for a pleasant surprise. I saw him featured in a music video. I later got to know that he had become a popular singer. The day I was returning, I coincidentally met him at the airport. He embraced me and thanked me profusely for my advice. He had worked on it, leaving nothing to fate, and the results that he had achieved were spectacular. If you are financially unsuccessful, do not panic because you have come upon this book at the right time (you can also use the two free passes to the preview of my Secret Millionaire Blueprint Intensive Seminar) but never offer philosophical excuses like money is not really important in life. If you think money is not important, then you will never get money. We never get what we think is not important to us. Would you have won the heart of your partner if you had thought that he or she was not important in your life? People who are financial failures in life firmly believe that fate ought to bring success to them. They try to pacify their failure by accepting statements such as 'money is not important', 'money is the root of all evil', 'money doesn't

Forth engine: Champions control their own destiny


buy happiness', 'rich people are dishonest' etc. They also hold others responsible for their financial failure. Their fate, their job, their education, their locality, their country and its economic policies, the government, their colleagues, their boss and God are all responsible for their failure. No, they never hold themselves responsible for their own failure. They think they are faultless. It is always others and external factors that have caused them to fail. They also expect others to sympathize with them for their situation. Instead of offering sympathy, it is harsh words that often set them rolling for working hard towards their dreams.


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


Tick [ ] against the factor that you think is stronger in your life (hard work or fate) for the various situations. If you don't have a clue, tick the third option (don't know). After answering all the questions, you will know what you truly believe in: 'hard work', or 'fate'. Understand which is the decisive factor in your case.
Hard work To fare well in examinations To become a good singer To become a model To become an actor To earn money To earn more money, more quickly To own your own house To get a higher rank in your job To start your second business To earn freedom Dont know


Fifth engine: Appreciation, not envy. for other successful people



Jealousy is a basic human instinct. It's not uncommon for jealousy to get stirred up by seeing roaring success in others. This is true for 90% of people of ordinary financial status. Jealousy starts rearing its head and expressing itself from early childhood when another child comes into the family. It has been seen that initially the older child shows traits of envy towards the younger, suffering from insecurity of parental love getting divided. This envy takes on another form in school and college, directing itself towards other students who are more successful. In the professional field, envy and jealousy takes on a more diplomatic form. People who are not so successful financially express their jealousy towards others who are. Their attitude towards the rich becomes extremely negative. Rich people become richer while the poor get poorer, the rich make their money from the blood of the poor, rich people are dishonest. These thoughts fill their minds constantly. These are popular myths, and are not necessarily close to the truth. In fact, if it was true that all rich men are dishonest, no one would have gone ahead and done business with them. To expand a business in a really big way, one needs to work with various associated companies, and thousands, and sometimes millions of customers. If one is dishonest, one


The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

would lose everyone's trust, putting abrupt brakes on the growing business. Thus, contrary to popular belief, the rich and the successful have to be more honest than anyone else, because that is the very basis of their career. Billionaires have golden hearts. The following is an eyeopener that shows beyond doubt that the theory of dishonest rich people is a myth. Wipro chairman Azim Premji is the only Indian (ranked 11th) in Only the man who crosses the Financial Times' list the river at night knows the of the top 25 US$ value of the light of day billionaires who are Chinese Proverb doing their utmost to shape the world. He is also described as the billionaire with a heart. Premji was just finishing his undergraduate engineering studies at Stanford University in 1966 at the age of 21 when he got word of his father's sudden death and was called upon to handle the family's vegetable oil business. Premji started Wipro with a simple vision - to build an organization on a foundation of values . Under his leadership, the fledgling hydrogenated cooking fat company has grown to a US$ 1.76 billion IT Services organization serving customers across the globe. Wipro is today ranked among the top 100 technology companies globally (by Business Week). In the past two years, Wipro has also become the largest BPO services provider based in India. Wipro's growth continues to be driven by its core values.

Fifth engine: Appreciation, not envy. for other successful people 101

Premji's net worth is estimated at US$6.7 billion, so some people call him the Indian Bill Gates. But if the antioffshoring protestors wanted to find a bogeyman in him, they would have to look elsewhere. Premji is modest and reticent, not a belligerent business leader. This down-toearth billionaire, whose achievement has not changed him as a person, is said to personally know and talk to every employee of Wipro. The comparison to Gates doesn't end at software: Premji's charitable foundation works with that of Gates. Premji's foundation does more work for education in poor rural areas, giving US$5 million a year, while Gates' has made health a priority, says the Financial Times. Premji firmly believes that ordinary people are capable of extraordinary things. He believes that the key to this is creating highly charged teams. In the year 2001, Premji established the Azim Premji Foundation, a non-profit organization with a vision to contribute significantly to quality universal education in order to build a just, equitable and humane society. This means every child would receive quality education. The financial resources to this foundation have been personally contributed by Premji. The current activities of the Azim Premji Foundation engage 1.8 million children under various programs. Coming back to the mainstream of our discussion, I recently met Faiyaz, an old school friend of mine, at a multiplex. I was quite amazed to see the extent of his

102 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

positive transformation. I immediately expressed my pleasure at his success. In my mind's eye, I saw him as the same ordinary guy who was at school with me, who would walk back home with me. Since it was raining, we decided to sit down for a while and take a nostalgic trip down memory lane. We sat down and got chatting, and I asked him what he had been doing. This is what he had to say: Till about a year and a half ago, I was just scraping a living. I lived in a small 850 sq. ft. rented house. My child was just a year old, my wife and I both worked full-time. I still had the same beliefs then as I do now. But some things have changed now. I have become very successful in what I do. My wife no longer needs to work now, and we own a nice home in a much better neighbourhood. I dare not call myself rich, but I no longer have to worry about living from one pay check to another. With this new success I have also feel experienced a feeling of negativity directed towards me and my wife. Friends that I once had now show hostility because my wife no longer works. Or they make comments about the nice car I now drive. What amazes me is that some of these people were in a better position than I just 2 years ago. They were quite friendly but now suddenly, they are resentful towards me because of my success. I was not born wealthy, as you know. In fact it was quite the opposite. I know what it is like to be evicted from the place

Fifth engine: Appreciation, not envy. for other successful people 103

you live. I had no helping hand, no godfather to lend support and to make my life better. I just worked hard and made my own way. I worked my way to success, but never expected this outcome. My old friends avoid me now, and I now have developed a new set of friends. His experience seemed painful, but this is the hard truth in life. But the difference between ordinary men and successful men is that the successful will hardly react enviously towards others who are successful. The people who are rich and financially successful and have a positive attitude do not react with envy to someone else's success. In fact, they appreciate success in others. The majority of financially ordinary men envy success in others and react with bitterness.

104 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


Does the green monster surface in you at times? Are you envious of successful people? Know the truth from this self-evaluation test. Be honest, since you don't have to impress anyone with your diplomatic answers. So tick the answers that you feel are closest to the truth. This selfevaluation will help you understand if you have an attitude of appreciation towards successful people which is so very important for you to be successful yourself. 1. If you hear that a colleague who has worked and shared lunch with you has been promoted to manager, you will: (a) Feel very happy - he/she is your very good friend. (b) Tell yourself that if he can, I can do it too. (c) Feel the pinch but try and forget the incident/news. (d) Send an anonymous mail to the CEO listing his flaws. 2. If some rich people come to live next door, you will: (a) Avoid them - they are 'different', they have an 'attitude'. (b) Be yourself and if friendship happens naturally, you'll let it happen. (c) Take the initiative to break the ice and make the first friendly move. (d) Avoid them and make sure others avoid them too.

Exercise: Are you jealous of successful people? 105

3. What is your first instant reaction upon seeing a very expensive car in your neighbourhood? (a) Click a picture on your cell phone or say, Nice car! (b) Swear you'll buy one like that in five years' time, and act in that direction. (c) Think of causing some damage to the car. (d) Sigh and tell yourself Must be owned by some crook, only criminals can own such stuff. 4. If your spouse/partner has a very rich friend of the opposite sex: (a) You will feel happy that she/he has a rich friend who might be helpful one day, so you ask her/him to introduce you to that friend (b) Feel uneasy and insecure about it, and tell your spouse to avoid the rich friend. (c) Quietly keep a check on your spouse/partner, because rich people are corrupt and you should never trust them. (d) Take the initiative to become a close friend of this person. 5. You open the newspaper one morning and discover that an old school pal of yours has received a national award of the highest honour. You will: (a) Somehow manage to get hold of his telephone number, call up and congratulate this friend and make sure you remain in touch with him in future. (b) Not bother to find his number to call up, but take pride in sharing the news with your family members and tell everyone that you were a close friend of this celebrity. (c) Be stunned and wonder How could he receive such a

106 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

great honour, he wasn't even half as good as me? and so you do not bother to call up, nor tell anyone anything. (d) Stop reading that newspaper, raise questions about the authenticity of the organization that has awarded the honour, and raise irrelevant questions about a lot of other things.

Evaluation Now compare your answers with the scores given below and evaluate yourself from the analysis that follows. Know where you stand. a 1 2 3 4 5 10 5 10 10 20 b 20 10 20 0 10 c 5 20 0 5 5 d 0 0 5 20 0

Score: 80 - 100 You are the best blend. Perfect! You are the David who has defeated the green Goliath called Envy. Score: 50 - 79 You seem to be a little confused, there's an inner tug of war going on inside you. You are trying to overpower your instincts that drive you towards jealousy. With a little more willpower you will be able to overcome

Exercise: Are you jealous of successful people? 107

all feelings of envy and appreciate success in others. Use the passes and attend the preview of my Secret Millionaire Blueprint Intensive Seminar. Score: below 50 The green monster has control over you to a large extent. You must learn to respect achievers and winners. Utilize the free pass* given with this book and register for The Secret Millionaire Blueprint Intensive Seminar by visiting

108 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want - Madonna A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else - John Burroughs I have a problem with too much money. I can't reinvest it fast enough, and because I reinvest it, more money comes in. Yes, the rich do get richer - Robert Kiyosaki It's easy to have principles when you're rich. The important thing is to have principles when you're poor Ray Kroc Though I am grateful for the blessings of wealth, it hasn't changed who I am. My feet are still on the ground. I'm just wearing better shoes - Oprah Winfrey The greatest good we can do for others is not just to share our riches with them, but to reveal theirs - Zig Ziglar You can always quit, so why quit now? - A Proverb Never allow a setback to become a full stop - A Proverb

King-size quotes 109

A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do - Bob Dylan You aren't wealthy until you have something money can't buy - Garth Brooks A certain amount of opposition is a great help to a man. Kites rise against, not with the win. - John Neal Take a chance! All life is a chance. The man who goes the furthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare - Dale Carnegie Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail - Ralph Waldo Emerson The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives - William James

110 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


Winners form alliance with other winners. Losers pair up with other losers. Those who are financially successful always befriend other financially successful persons. This is the proven road to success. Friendship of successful people leads to sharing of positive thoughts and ideas, resulting in some of the largest ventures in the world of business. History shows us that the biggest business ventures are a result of successful alliances and collaborations between the best brands and companies. This is often an outcome of association and socialization with the most successful people. On the other hand, if one always associates with unsuccessful people, one's career graph will result in negative growth. I do not intend to say that people who are financially unsuccessful are altogether unsuccessful in life. Some of the most wellknown artists and writers of yesteryear who created some of the greatest treasures of art and literature were unsuccessful financially. But they were successful in creating the best works of art and literature. I clarify that my comments are limited to and specific about the fact that financially unsuccessful people in general have a negative attitude about money and wealth, and hence in their company you will hear ideas that money is unnecessary and unimportant. Believe me, if you think money is unimportant, you will never be able to make money. Mergers and acquisitions are important for companies. If you have started your business on a small scale but foresee

Sixth engine: Positive alliance 111

rapid growth, it would be a good idea to sell your company to a giant before it becomes stagnant. The large company would be equipped to professionally handle the expansion and you would get an unbelievably good price for your company. There are thousands of examples of this kind. You could get a good acquisition price or selling price only if you have a fine personal-level interaction with the bosses of the gigantic brands. Generally these types of relationships originate in social circles like good clubs. The cream of society spends its leisure in the best of clubs. It would thus be an excellent opportunity to find a mentor by becoming members of such clubs. Think of membership in such a place as an investment. You could always get a chance to learn from the winners and find inspiration from them. You don't have to re-invent the wheel, but learn from those who have 'been there, done that'. It would also be a good idea to read biographies or interviews of champions rather than read unproductive material such as gossip columns and Page 3 articles. Avoid the company of friends or groups who share negative thoughts, who gossip, crib or vent frustration all the time. Negative thoughts are contagious and affect the mind quicker than positive thoughts. Stay away from such people. If you find yourself in the constant company of such people, you will never be able to transform yourself into a winner. Remember, by staying with people who emit fragrance, you will absorb some of that fragrance. In the company of stinking people you will get contaminated and carry the stench of negativity as well.

112 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


This test aims at helping you know your friends better. Who is pulling you backward by influencing you with negative thoughts? Who is charging you with positive energy? This test will help you find out. This is the recordsheet for 10 people who affect you. Write down their names in the first column, and put a tally mark (a line, a dot or a star) in the appropriate column for each negative or positive comment they make through a week. Begin doing this the coming Monday onwards and continue for 7 days. Then add the tally marks to see the results on Sunday evening. You will see for yourself.
Names of the friends Number of negative you meet most often comments made Number of positive comments made

Seventh engine: Qualities of a master salesperson 113


A keen country lad applied for a salesman's job at a city department store. In fact it was the biggest department store in that area and one could get anything here. The manager asked the lad Have you ever been a salesman before? Yes, I was a salesman back home, said the lad. The manager liked his confidence and said, You can begin tomorrow and I'll come and see you at closing time. It was a long and laborious day for the young man, but finally at closing time, the manager arrived and asked, How many people did you sell to today? One, said the young salesman. Just one? exclaimed the manager. Most of my staff make 20 or 30 sales a day. How much was the sale worth? Thirty-eight thousand three hundred and thirty-four dollars, said the young man. The manager was incredulous. How the hell did you manage that? he asked. Well, said the young man, This guy came in and I sold him a small fish-hook, then a medium hook and finally a really large hook. Then I sold him a small fishing-line, a medium one and a huge one. I asked him where he was

114 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

going fishing and he said - down the coast. I said he would probably need a boat, so I took him down to the boat department and sold him that 20-foot twin-engine schooner. Then he said his small car probably wouldn't be able to pull it, so I took him to the car department and sold him a new SUV. The boss fell back in amazement and asked, You sold all that to a guy who came in for a fish hook? No, answered the salesman. He came in to buy headache pills, and I asked him whether his mother-inlaw had come to stay with them for the weekend. He said 'yes' so I told him 'now your weekend is ruined, so you may as well go fishing.' Of course that was a funny anecdote about the ideal qualities of a master salesperson. Becoming a champion in the money-making game has everything to do with salesmanship. The biggest tycoons are masters in this art. No one has ever grown rich without having this skill. Shying away from sales, promotions and marketing is fatal to one's ambition to be really rich. Appearing in your first job interview is nothing but trying to sell yourself, it's also called self-promotion. You should be really good in the art of selling yourself or you are hopeless. A good rsum or personal profile is an example of superior self-promotion. At work, people who can promote themselves get noticed and skyrocket towards

Seventh engine: Qualities of a master salesperson 115

success, bypassing the rest. And the ones who are not good at self-promotion are left behind in the race. Why do some people shy away from self-promotion, or for that matter, selling? There are many reasons. Mostly it is the fear of rejection. What if I am told NO? The fear of insult arising from rejection while selling is one major reason why some people shy away from selling. Often we are irritated by pestering salespersons. We do not like the image of a salesperson, and we think that others feel annoyed too when they are approached by a salesman in order to buy something. So in some people, the fear of irritating others generates a negative feeling about selling, and therefore they are not comfortable with the idea of self-promotion. The reason is that we are guided by our conditioned brain which tells us that it is bad manners to sound one's own drum. But if we don't sound our own drums or blow our own trumpet, who else will do it for us? Of course, there are some snooty people who think selling is a 'low profile' job and does not match their wonderful image. I can only wish them well. Because these snooty snobs will continue to be poor salespersons, and a poor salesperson will never ever become a millionaire. I do not mean that a millionaire personally sells products to customers, but he or she is essentially a good leader and inspires a team, or delegates others to do the selling on his or her behalf. Just as two main columns support most suspension bridges, the success of any product or service depends on two main things - the quality of the product and its smart

116 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

marketing. If one of these two is lacking, the product or service is bound to fail badly in the market. Suppose a product is given an excellent marketing campaign, but is of poor quality, what will be the result? It might initially be sold like hot cakes, but the balloon will burst in no time, once people start using it and realize that it doesn't offer value for money. Sales will drop sharply. Let us consider what might happen in the reverse scenario if the product is good, but has no promotional campaign. Simple, the 'good' product will decorate the shelves of stores and will be offered at 50% discount the following year. Why? Because no one has heard of it. Its demand hasn't been created. So you see, marketing and promotional campaigns are so very important in business. Whoever neglects their importance does not make the money he should. If you have any hang-ups about promoting, selling or marketing, the sooner you get rid of them, the better it would be for you, because that is one vital quality of all millionaires. To develop your salesmanship skills, I suggest you attend the preview to my Secret Millionaire Blueprint Intensive Seminars held throughout the world. For information on schedules and venues, visit my website Remember, this book has one complimentary pass to the preview seminar.

Exercise: Try practising these qualities as a part of your lifestyle 117


In the next four weeks, make it a point to develop your qualities as a salesperson. Be conscious of the change in you and evaluate yourself on this record sheet awarding yourself points out of 10. See if you are improving.
Week # Talk to people cheerfully, maintaining an eye contact. Maintain neatness in your way of dressing and appearance. Do not irritate people. Avoid annoying habits. Be confident, not aggressive. Be a patient listener. Listen to the other person. Make the other person feel important. Imagine yourself in the shoes of the other person. Be organized. Disorganized people are poor salespersons. Gather knowledge. Be informed about what you are trying to sell or market. Maintain a level of honesty. Dishonest measures may backfire on you. Do not let mistakes and refusals discourage you. learn from your mistakes, it will improve you. Learn to keep your promises. it will earn you reputation. Be positive in your attitude. Dont talk negative. 1 2 3 4

118 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


I once took the call of a young gentleman during my live chat show on a British radio station. He had a lot of qualifications and had graduated from a reputed business school. But his problem was that he was not being able to achieve the type of income he had dreamt of during his studies at the business school. He had a regular job in a good company, but was not satisfied with the pay check he was getting. I asked him Will you work for me? Why, sure, he replied. I said I am ready to employ you as my manager, what type of salary would you expect? With my qualifications, not less than US$3,500, he answered. And how much business you are likely to give me? I asked. He assured me that he could give me a monthly business of $25,000 by way of sales of books, tapes, CDs and seminar bookings. Then I gave him what I thought was a much better offer. What if I offered you 33.33% of the total business you give me? You would be earning more than double the amount you asked for, I explained. Won't you pay me any fixed salary? he asked. Nope, I replied. Sorry, he answered and turned down my offer. Phew! Why do you think he turned down my excellent offer? Because his mind was conditioned to think of income only in terms of a 'fixed income' and 'a regular pay check'. He expected to be paid a monthly salary based on a fixed hourly rate. Do you think this guy will ever become a millionaire? I doubt it. More than 90% of the people of ordinary financial status are comfortable with a fixed, regular pay check. I quote

Eighth engine: Rates based on assignments 119

here a car advertisement that I like very much: 'Slavery exists even today. Only we have stopped recognizing it.' Most ordinary people are ready to struggle for that regular pay check at the end of the month. That is the way their money-map has been programmed. They have always heard their parents insist on a regular pay check. If a youngster earns commission from a business, what he is likely to keep hearing from his parents is But when will you start doing a regular job? Most MBA graduates, after getting their Master of Business Administration degrees from the best business schools, opt for regular corporate jobs instead of starting their own business! Isn't that funny that after getting quality education on how to run a business, an MBA graduate does a regular job for someone else instead of starting his own business? This does not surprise me because I know that there is a serious error in the programming of their minds which makes them seek a regular pay check and a fixed income even after receiving the best business knowledge. Do you think you will ever become rich by standardising your earnings based on hourly or monthly rates? Never ever! Your rate will slowly increase no doubt, but it will reach a saturation point, beyond which it will not increase significantly. Your income will become stagnant after a point. An hourly rate or a monthly fixed pay check cannot bring you 'unlimited income'. Income based on assignments can. In simple words, if you fix your rate on a per-assignment basis, instead of hourly or monthly basis, it will be your key to limitless earning.

120 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Mark and Brad are friends who met while doing their under-graduate studies from a civil engineering college. Both got their degrees together. Mark chose the 'secure' lifestyle of a decent job with a construction company at a fixed hourly rate. Brad loved independence and tried his luck with a construction project and got it at the rate which he quoted. He outsourced it to another company and took the commission. At the same time he took up seven other projects and outsourced them as well. Even with eight simultaneous projects, Brad did not have many hassles, for he had outsourced them to other companies who handled them. Brad coordinated with all of them and made sure he kept his deadlines. With the commissions from the eight projects, he hired several managers to look after his next projects and stopped outsourcing. His profits soared. With managers looking after his projects, he also got an opportunity to take a week off for a relaxing coastal vacation. At the end of the year Brad was well on his way to becoming a millionaire. Mark on the other hand was toiling with his fixed duties for his fixed pay check. Remember, they had started out together. Rich people and millionaires never fix their rates on an hourly basis. They prefer to earn per assignment and per project that they take up. They never think that there could be any uncertainty associated with this way of earning. Such people are never comfortable with the idea of a fixed hourly or monthly rate, unlike most ordinary people. To follow the path of financial champions, have to recondition your mind and start thinking like them. Encourage yourself to get self-employed. Do not harbour notions that a 'stable job' is your ultimate aim in life.

Exercise: Fixed earning; what are your reasons? 121


Write down what you think are advantages and disadvantages of a fixed pay check. This is to help you analyse and identify how your earning pattern is affecting your dreams of becoming a millionaire.

Advantages of fixed pay check

Disadvantages of fixed pay check

122 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things he fears the most, provided he keeps doing them until he gets a record of successful experiences behind him. - Eleanor Roosevelt I met Ron, an eye-catching figure, at my 30-day Personal Mastery Seminar series held at Montreal in spring, 2004. Ron was a budding model, doing ramp shows, but looking for something bigger. He was drop-dead handsome and Brandon Routh, the latest Superman might envy him his physique. But where his confidence was concerned, well, it was a different story. I am a life coach, and within the first four days of the seminars he confided in me that I was perhaps was the only person in the world who could help him rebuild his confidence. I assured him I'd be happy to do my best. I had to first figure out the cause behind his lack of confidence. My seminar started at 9 every morning. Before that I went for a 45 minute jog at 6 a.m. I asked him to join me. During the brief 25 minute conversation with him while jogging, it became clear to me that his lack of confidence was a result of fear. He had a deep underlying fear in his mind which he thought he would never overcome.

Ninth engine: Face the greatest fears & problems boldly 123

There are four ways you can handle fear. You can go over it, under it, or around it. But if you are ever to put fear behind you, you must walk straight through it. Once you put fear behind you, leave it there. Donna A. Favors

Digging deeper, I discovered that there was something that he was specifically afraid of, and it was FIRE. Ron had once witnessed a woman getting trapped inside her burning car. She had died trying to rescue herself, and all that Ron could do was watch helplessly in horror. Watching something like this actually happen in front of one's eyes is a lot different from watching it in a movie. Ron was terribly moved by what he saw. It changed the conditioning of his mind and after this, the sight of fire made him feel nervous. Even the sight of someone light a matchstick made him uneasy. I gave his phobia a lot of thought. I had been toying with an idea and had been contemplating it for some time now. It was a technique I wanted to demonstrate during one of my seminars and I thought the time was just right. It was a good opportunity to help Ron.. I arranged for the special event the following day. Though I had never done it before, I was confident that it would be a success. On a patch of green lawn outside the auditorium, I arranged for a 10 x 3 ft pile of wood and set it aflame. After some time

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when the flames died down leaving red-hot burning cinders, I called my audience to gather around. I knew I would have to walk first. I took off my shoes and socks and rolled up my trousers. I walked on the fire. There was an excited buzz in the audience. Everyone wondered why I was performing this deed. I called members from the audience and asked them to copy me. After some initial hesitation, some of them walked on the fore, and before long, more people followed. They discovered that it is the resident fear in the mind, rather than the difficulty of the act, that scares us and prevents us from performing it. If you have a strong focus and the true intention, you can overcome any challenge. Fire-walking is a powerful metaphor to remind us that anything is possible if we put our minds to it. Do you believe you can walk on fire? What other beliefs do you have that empower or disempower you? Remember, if you have the intention to do something and you focus on it, you will act and acquire the desired results. Intention => focus => action => results I invited Ron to walk. He was very hesitant. I encouraged him C'mon Ron, you can do it, you have to do it! Others also started cheering Ron. He then proceeded to do so, but with cautiously. I did not go near him but allowed him do it on his own. And he did walk on the fire. Not once, not twice or thrice - but several times. There was loud applause for him. He had defeated his fear. He had conquered it.

Ninth engine: Face the greatest fears & problems boldly 125

Ron regularly exchanges e-mails with me now. He's doing very well in his career after conquering his fear. He has been chosen as the male lead in a Canadian television series. I sincerely hope he emerges as a successful actor in the near future. Fear is a mental state. The bigger you grow, the bigger will be your problems and fears. What is the solution? To not grow at all? To be happy with what you are? Do you think that is the best solution? Of course not! There wouldn't have been any development in the world if everyone preferred to remain undersized to avoid fears and problems. Problems and fears are part of life. Like many other things in life, these become the essential components of our lives from a very early age. No sooner do we overcome one problem than we come face to face with another. Tackling one major fear or problem does not guarantee that another one is not around the corner. Successful people never shrink away from their problems. They never run away. They accept problems as a fundamental part of life. In fact as you grow financially and mentally, the problems and fears that once appeared towering and staggering will not appear challenging anymore. Remember how difficult it seemed at age seven to get down that jar of goodies from the kitchen shelf? Something that seemed beyond reach became easier with the help of a chair at age ten, and later posed no problem at all. Our fears and problems are exactly like that. The dimension is only comparative. They are big when you are small and small when you are big.

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Actor Robin Williams in an interview once said that he had been a very timid child and would shy away from dealing with problems. Whenever there was the possibility of a problem arising, he would turn away. It was then that his father said to him: Son, learn to come face to face with your deepest fears, and they will never bother you again. The more you run away from them, the more they will bother you. He followed his father's simple advice and whenever there was fear mounting in him or a problem arising, he would just face it. The only way to face your deepest fears is to think of the worst that might happen. If you can imagine or visualize that, you will not feel afraid anymore. Supposing you have lied to someone about something important and there is a strong possibility that he will know the truth. The thought of that makes you nervous, you lose appetite, and you get nightmares. Think of the worst case scenario. What can happen at the worst? He might shout at you, slap you or sever ties with you. It cannot be much worse than that. You won't be killed for lying. Be mentally prepared to face these consequences and you will feel much stronger. Given next are some proven ways with which you can fight fear and face problems better.

Exercise 1: Fighting the fear factor 127


A. Counter attack the negative thought Counter attack every negative thought with a positive thought. This is the method that I myself use. You're frightened. No, I'm not frightened. You can't handle this situation. Yes, I can deal with any situation. I can take on any challenge. And so on. By doing this you can overwrite the negative thoughts with the positive ones. This is important because each negative thought that penetrates your psyche may (and it usually does) erode a small part of your will, until eventually your will and you are both defeated.

B. Repetitive mantra / incantation Block out the internal conversation with a repetitive mantra. Anything will do as long as it is positive and not negative.

128 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

I have the power. I am strong. I produce results. I have the Millionaire Blueprint. (Repeat this several times) I am strong. I lead. I take Action. I have the Millionaire Blueprint. (Repeat this several times)

C. Reject the thought Reject all the negative thoughts by completely ignoring them. Do not listen to anything that your inner opponent says. In this way you will give it no opportunity to have control over your actions. Although these solutions seem too simplistic, they work like magic, believe me. In addition, I strongly advise you to try meditation.

Exercise 2: Meditation cure 129


Meditation can help you overcome your fear of facing problems. It is a miracle cure that has worked wonders for many. It may work wonders for you too. Sit in a comfortable position for meditation, keep your back straight, close your eyes and breathe naturally through your nose. Then spend a little time pin-pointing what you are afraid of. Try to identify your irrational and unhealthy fears, such as the fear of dying, the fear of the loss of a loved one, the fear of failure etc. Use your wisdom to try and understand that all these fears, worries, and uncertainties arise from a pessimistic mind and negative actions. Then start visualizing that all this negativity (fears, their actual causes) has the form of a dense thick cloud of smoke inside your head. Start exhaling the negativity. Smoke leaves your nostrils and fades away, never to return. As you inhale, imagine you are breathing in all the pure, inspiring energy and courage of successful people in the form of heavenly white light which fills your body and mind. After meditating like this for a while, feel that your body and mind are now completely pure, that you have all the positive qualities of the person that you want to be. Your body feels light and supple, and your mind is clear, peaceful, and free of fear.

130 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


I Know Everything There is something I don't know That I am supposed to know I don't know what it is I don't know And yet I am supposed to know And I feel I look stupid If I seem both not to know And not know what it is I don't know Therefore, I pretend I know it There is nerve-wracking since I don't know what I must pretend to know Therefore, I pretend I know everything - Ronald Laing, "Knots" (1970)

Tenth engine: Champions are good pupils 131

Once, the legendary magician PC Sorcar was performing at an auditorium in Tokyo. The show was going well, every viewer watched spellbound. But there was one man sitting in the front row, who was continuously disturbing the magician by commenting, I know that! ... I know that! ...I know how to perform that trick! Needless to say, the viewers were feeling just as annoyed as the magician himself. When it didn't stop, the magician called him up on the stage. So, do you know it all? he asked. I know all your tricks, replied the man insolently. Very well, Sir, then I have something for you, said the magician and handed him a very large empty ceramic jar and asked him to hold it firmly over his head. The man held the empty jar over his head and stood in a corner of the stage while the show continued. From time to time, between performances, the magician enquired: Has anything appeared in the jar yet? The man looked into it and answered, No, not yet. Two hours later, the show ended. The man was tired of holding up the jar. He was upset. After most of the viewers had left, he complained, What's wrong? Nothing has appeared in the jar yet. Nothing at all? Oh, I'm so sorry, I apologize. I accept defeat. You win. I don't think I know this trick too well. Perhaps you know it better? said the magician, smiling. The man was about to say something, but he realized that he had been ridiculed by the magician before a full-house audience for pretending to know everything. Stupid people pretend to know everything. The intelligent prefer to learn.

132 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

All champions are good pupils. They are open to new ideas and knowledge. They know they will be left behind if they choose to not learn. Their dignity, self-esteem or ego does not prevent them from accepting new ideas and knowledge. They keep abreast of news and current affairs through journals, newspapers, and the internet and remain well-informed. They value knowledge and know that they can utilize it for paving their path to success. On the other hand, ordinary people are much more prejudiced about accepting new ideas and knowledge. Their general response is Yes, I know. Their excuse for ignorance is Where is the time to read or attend seminars? or I'm broke now and can't spend money on seminars and books, maybe later. Ironically, their lack of time and money is exactly the reason why they should educate themselves, so that they lack neither time nor money. Middle-class people are always ready to spend money on their children's education, but never on their own learning. They never feel the need to learn more. But the fact remains that every professional, even the best of doctors and engineers, cannot afford to stop learning. The day they stop being good pupils, they are bound to slide down from their position and be overtaken by others. Through ages, knowledge has been the root of every major change in man. Knowledge and invention are tools that have transformed man for the better. Rest assured that your financial condition will remain unchanged if you don't acquire additional knowledge. If you disagree with me, you should not be reading this book. You are reading this book to change your financial state, aren't you?

Tenth engine: Champions are good pupils 133


This test is purely for self-analysis. You must answer as honestly as possible. Manipulating answers will only hinder the process of understanding yourself. The answers are meant for you and no one else. 1. On television you spend more time watching: (a) Music videos (b) entertainment & movie channels sports (d) news & informative channels


2. In the last year you bought more of: (a) children's books (b) fiction (c) informative & career books (d) you did not purchase a single book 3. You spend most of your internet time for: (a) making new friends and chatting (b) gaming and downloading games (c) shopping (d) gathering & downloading information 4 You receive a complimentary pass for a couple to a good selfdevelopment seminar but your wife insists on spend Saturday evening at the disco/party, you will: (a) listen to her & attend the seminar some other time (b) try to convince her to accompany you to the seminar, and go to party/disco the next day (c) forget about the seminar, she's more important (d) go to the seminar and ask her to go the party alone or with a friend

134 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

5. How do you react to new knowledge or a new idea? (a) try it out first-hand to see if it works (b) read it and forget it (c) read it and tell others, but never try it yourself first (d) Read it and doubt it, wait for someone else to try it before you, wait for feedback and reviews Evaluation Now compare your answers with the scores given below and evaluate yourself from the analysis that follows. Know where you stand. a 1 2 3 4 5 0 5 10 5 20 b 5 10 0 20 0 c 10 20 5 0 5 d 20 0 20 10 10

Score: 80 - 100 You are a true pupil. You are likely to accept new ideas, and stand a good chance of changing your life. Good luck! Score: 50 - 79 You are the type who was inclined towards knowledge and learning but are now walking backwards. Your good habits are being overwritten by new unproductive habits that will lead to zero development. Take charge today, or be ready to continue your present lifestyle of drudgery forever.

Tenth engine: Champions are good pupils 135

Score: below 50 You will definitely continue leading an ordinary life, a life of struggling, slogging and accepting modern slavery unless you mend your ways totally. You need to educate yourself and bring about change. Your present lifestyle does little to expose you to new ideas. New ideas bring change. Change your taste in reading, be selective in what you watch on television, and choose to do something more sensible and productive than mindlessly entertaining yourself.


The secret formula to attract wealth beyond your imagination 137




The secret formula to attract wealth beyond your imagination 139



We all have a natural thinking process, however most people use this incredible thinking process to create a destructive outcome. Everything that happens in your life is a result of incorrect thinking. EVERYTHING. In this section I will show you how to re-program your mind in such a way that you will become a magnet that attracts wealth beyond your imagination. It is done quite effortlessly. I will show you how. Nature proves that everything is in abundance and everything happens with ease.

140 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


Look around you, everything is in abundance. Everything is plentiful. If you go to the beach you will see millions of grains of sand, trees have produced fruits for millions of years in abundance, stars are in profusion, in fact God has produced everything in abundance. Naturally it is safe to assume that as humans we can also have everything in abundance. There is no scarcity. But people believe that there is scarcity and as a result they always try hard to fill the gap of their needs. If you ask them, most people will say Money is hard to make or I don't have enough money or I don't have enough time This is all a state of mind. Think with abundance and you will have abundance.

The law of abundance 141


If the whole world's wealth were divided equally among all people, each person would have approximately. US$7,000,000.00 in cash. If the trees of the world were all cut down, there would be enough wood to provide every person in this world with a 3000 sq. ft. home. The Universe continues to expand outward, and new galaxies are continuously being created.

142 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


Whatever you focus upon expands. If you are constantly thinking 'Life is tough' or 'Money is hard to make', you will attract things and situations to prove that what you think is correct. This law has been active right from the time you were born and if you do not try and understand it, it may cause you serious harm, hinder your progress and keep you undersized. The Law of Attraction explains why you might not be earning the money that you want to. The Law of Attraction states that people experience the corresponding manifestations of their predominant thoughts, feelings, words, and actions and that people therefore have direct control over reality and their lives through thought alone. A person's thoughts (conscious and subconscious), emotions, beliefs, and actions are said to attract corresponding positive and negative experiences through the resonance of their energetic vibration. The Law of Attraction states that you get what you think about, and that your thoughts determine your experiences.

The law of attraction 143


The statement by Gautama Buddha 'What you have become is the result of what you have thought' expresses the idea that thoughts introduced into reality can attract like energy. The same idea is echoed in some beliefs of ancient Hinduism. In the West, the idea of 'positive thinking' became popular during the 19th century. The most ancient forms of the idea, now referred to as the Law of Attraction, were contained in the 1906 book Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World by William Walker Atkinson, editor of New Thought magazine. From 1900 to 1950, plenty of books addressed the topic under various names such as 'positive thinking' and the 'Law of Attraction. In March, 2006 a video by the title The Secret was made, based on the Law of Attraction and was later developed into a book by the same name. Both the video and the book have sold at a tremendous pace and have gained widespread popularity and media attention - from Saturday Night Live to Oprah in the United States.

144 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


The principles of the Law of Attraction are so interesting and effective that you'll just love it when you actually practice them few times. The Law of Attraction has its roots in Quantum Physics. According to the Law of Attraction, thoughts have energy that attracts similar energy. In order to control this energy, proponents state that people must practice the following:
n Understand

what you desire and ask the universe for it. (The 'Universe' could mean anything from God to an unknown source of energy) n Focus your thoughts upon the thing desired with great feelings such as enthusiasm and gratitude. n Feel and behave as if the object of your desire has already been acquired by you. n Be open to receiving it, do not shut yourself.

Thinking of what one does not have manifests itself in the perpetuation of not having it. By abiding by these principles and avoiding 'negative' thoughts, the Universe will manifest a person's desires. In simple words, if you always think negative, if you think 'I do not have', 'I am not as happy as my neighbour', 'I am not getting promotions as regularly as my colleague is getting', chances are that you will never get them, since you are driven by negative thoughts. Your negative thoughts will attract even more negative thoughts. These will lead to negative actions and negative results.

The law of attraction 145


The Law of Attraction is real, physical and truly universal in nature. You do not have to do anything to make it work for you. Just as gravitational force is always present, so is the Law of Attraction always present. It is always active around you. It is natural, and very much part of the universe where we live. Emotions in different forms, negative or positive, emit different frequencies. So depending on what frequencies are dominant, you will have those corresponding things attracted into your life. When you crave for money, you are actually lamenting about the lack of it. This is a negative thought and as per the Law, you will attract its scarcity. In short, money and money-earning opportunities will move further and further away from your life. Try a simple technique to attract money when you genuinely need it. The first thing you should do to achieve something is to focus on what you want, and not on what you do not want. If you want immense wealth, a private jet, a cruise trip, just focus on these. Don't divert yourself into how you can achieve them. You will have to be thankful for

146 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

having whatever amount you currently have and not think about things that emit negative frequency. The most important thing is that your subconscious mind must be in agreement with what you consciously think. Is it possible for you to triumph over your subconscious mind? What if your subconscious mind is in contradiction to what you want? Maybe it knows that you do not need so much money, but is it possible to dominate the subconscious mind? There are a lot of techniques which will help you synchronize your conscious with your subconscious mind. Meditation, brain wave technology, chucking away mental and emotional inhibitions about earning money, and always being thankful for your current financial condition are some methods which you can use to achieve harmony. It is strange but also true that the easiest way to achieve what you want is to be happy where you are now, and not crib. But that does not mean you should be complacent. To try this out, make a list of all things that you are thankful for. Genuinely FEEL grateful about them. If you find a small coin on the street, take it because it was meant to be found by you and be grateful for it. Always be thankful for whatever money you make. The point I am

The law of attraction 147

trying to make is to be happy about your current condition and not crib, whine, and complain. Such an attitude will make your brain emit positive frequencies and will position you better to receive more of whatever positive frequency you are transmitting. The Law of Attraction has been much talked about on television, in newspapers and magazines, and among people. Many people seem to have benefited from it in a big way after applying its principles. You must be wondering if the Law of Attraction applies in equal measure to everyone, or only to some. The question uppermost in a person's mind would be if the Law of Attraction would be as fruitful for him/her as for others. Every field is governed by some fundamental laws and they work, no matter what. The Law of Attraction is no exception. You should concentrate on how to make the law of attraction work practically, so that you benefit from it in the same way as others have. The Law of Attraction has always been there and has been bearing fruit for you. If you happen to be living a mediocre lifestyle, it is because all your activities until now have been mediocre. A person who has done wonderful and amazing things is leading a wonderful and amazing life! So, the Law of Attraction was always there and it was you who failed to notice it.

148 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Examine the lives of people who have had success in life. Make a note of all their activities that they started doing differently, rather than following accepted methods. You will find that they began doing things in a manner that attracted whatever they wanted. For example, they could taste success in business because they proactively took steps to do things that would make them successful. I want you to imagine that you have two antennae on your head. Every thought of yours is being transmitted out to the world. The greater the desire/belief (both negative and positive), the stronger the transmission of the thought signal. As your thoughts travel they will link to someone else who is thinking similar thoughts, hence the phrase 'we are on the same wave-length'. As a result of the intensity of your negative or positive desires/beliefs, you will attract more and more of whatever you are thinking all your life. Consider this. If your constant thoughts are those harbouring worry e.g. 'I don't have enough money, how will I pay my bills?', 'Money is hard to make' or 'I'm saving money for a rainy day', then people or circumstances will appear in your life to produce exactly what you have been thinking. So doom and gloom will attract even more doom and gloom, and trust me, you will get rainy days. The opposite is also true. If your thoughts are pure and full of abundance, you will attract abundance, profusion, and wealth

The law of attraction 149

Make a decision that you will have one focussed thought like 'My income has increased by x %'. You can decide the value of 'x'; I want you to keep that thought with you all day. Think about it constantly for the next 21 days and see what happens. I ask you to take up my challenge and do this exercise diligently! Remember, whatever you focus on, expands. Most people worry all the time, and so they spend the rest of their lives fixing what they have been worrying about. But little do they know that worry leads to more worry. It is a vicious circle but it is for you to make your choice between positive and negative thoughts. All that I have to say is choose wisely.

150 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Nature is an example of how life works in complete harmony. No effort is required. If an oak tree could think like humans, it would be too afraid to grow so big. There is a system, a thought system. I will reveal it in my Secret Millionaire Blueprint Intensive Seminar. I will implement it in your life. Remember this book contains two free tickets to the preview of this seminar. Understand that your external world is a reflection of your thoughts. How do you know if your thought process is correct? Simple - all you have to do is to look at the 'results' column of your life. The results never lie. E.g. look at your net worth, if your net worth is poor, then it is because of your thinking in the area of results is poor. If your relationships are in turmoil, it is because your thinking in that area is in turmoil. If your health is bad, it is because your thinking in that area is bad. IT'S THAT SIMPLE.

The secret 151

Change your thoughts, change your life. If you eat junk food everyday, what do you think will happen to your health? Obviously you will become fat and unhealthy. Attractive people of the opposite sex will no longer find you as attractive as they did before. Your input determines your output. The phrase 'food for thought' reflects the same. If you constantly think petty thoughts, it is the equivalent of eating junk food. What do you expect to receive? Nothing but a petty life. A garbage life! So what is the solution? Thinking is a natural process, a pre-defined system. We all use the same system - the difference is in the input, which is what determines your output. This is how it works: The first stage is to attain physical mastery. This means, being in control of your body. Stillness is a crucial part of the reprogramming system

152 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Sit in a dark room which is totally quiet. Ensure there is no noise to distract you. Practice sitting on a chair, being absolutely still. Not even your little finger should move. If you don't master this step the rest is going to prove very difficult. You must do this for a minimum of 10 minutes. You may find it difficult initially, but don't move on until you have mastered this. This may turn out to be one of the most interesting things you have ever experienced.

Phase I: Idealization 153

Whatever you focus your mind upon, automatically creates an ideal picture of what you think. So if you have fear of something, your brain will create an ideal outcome of that fear which, in this case, is the worst case scenario. The opposite is also true. If your focus is on something wonderful such as earning a million dollars, then your brain will create an ideal picture of what you would love to have, what you would love to do if you had the million dollars. We do this naturally and effortlessly. It is an involuntary process. But we should focus on the input.

Sit in a dark room keep your body still no movement whatsoever. Close your eyes imagine the ideal situation that you desire. Create its mental picture, add as many details as you can of the ideal. See it as it would be if you were able to create the perfect scenario. Focus on it. Do this every day for 21 days. This then leads to the second phase.

154 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

n How

do you think a successful author like JK Rowling writes the Within your heart, keep immensely popular, one still, secret spot record breaking Harry where dreams may go. Potter books? How do Louise Driscoll her books begin? How does she think of the first line? How does she start writing a masterpiece? Well, it all starts from a mental picture of course, from visualization! Every Harry Potter book, and for that matter, any book of fiction which you read, comes as a visualization in the mind of the writer, long before it was actually written. does an artist do before he paints? Does he just step into her studio, pick up the palette and brush and head for the easel? Hardly ever. He closes his eyes and visualizes the picture that he will draw. As he tries to visualize, a picture starts forming in his mind's eye which he later converts into reality.

n What

n When

you see a great movie have you thought of how it must have started? It has invariably started as visualization in the mind of the filmmaker (director).

Phase II: Visualization 155

Every great filmmaker visualizes the picture in his mind first, before embarking upon the actual project.
n A fashion

designer visualizes in her mind the designs she will give shape to. architect spends hours, days, and months visualizing the building or structure that he will build. Long before it is built, it exists there, inside the mind of the architect. He has visualized it much before he put down the drawing on paper.

n An

Once your brain has formed a picture of what you are thinking, it goes into a visualization mode. It now creates a series of images or even a film of what it imagines will happen. For example, your fear may be the lack of money. After creating an ideal image, your brain will visualize the outcome of your fear (sadness and worry) maybe an image of you not being able to pay your credit card bill. Don't forget that these thoughts are being transmitted. The more you visualize, the more intense your feelings will be. The more intense the feelings, the clearer will be the picture, and this will lead to greater feelings. It is the same for the opposite emotion. If your idealized picture is a happy one, then your visualization is also happy. The better the thoughts, the better the image or film will be in your head. As the visualization gets clearer, so do the internal feelings. The stronger the feeling, the clearer is the picture. Think about it, what do you constantly focus upon? I bet you visualize it, don't say no, it's a natural process. Everybody visualizes.

156 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Sit in your chair, in a dark room, become still. Idealize a perfect picture, now visualize yourself in it. Create a movie of what you will see, do, or feel, if you have it. See the mental movie as if it has already happened. See as many details as you can. The greater the detail, the clearer will be the picture. The secret is to see it. Did you do your visualization? There should be no doubt that you will achieve your desire. Let me share with you an incident from my own life. It so happened that I had planned to surprise my wife Sara with a trip to New Zealand. Everyone knows that New Zealand is a beautiful country, so when I broke the news to Sara, she was thrilled. She had very much wanted to go there. I have travelled with her to various countries but never had I seen her so enthusiastic. Incidentally, a business venture which I was planning for over two years suddenly saw light, and I found a US based Company interested in the joint venture. They were ready to do a major part of the funding and declared the launch date. I saw that the launch date was colliding with my vacation plans. At the same time, Sara had a nasty fall on the ice-skating rink and twisted her ankle. She was in deep pain. I understood that the chances of our vacationing were fading fast. But I knew that my wife had very much looked forward to the trip.

Phase II: Visualization 157

Sara was upset, partly because of her pain, but more because we saw no chance of that dream trip materializing. I looked at her and thought - this was the girl who was my first love, I was crazy about her. I had never hesitated to pluck the flower that she wanted, even if it meant crossing a neighbour's fence and facing his fierce dog. This was before our marriage, so why shouldn't I show the same enthusiasm now? Why shouldn't I be able to make this trip happen? Surely I can, I will, I must make this come true. I will do anything to see Sara happy, I told myself. Sara, we are going to New Zealand! I announced. What! You know how badly my ankle hurtsI can't even walk downstairs. Close your eyes Why? Just do as I sayclose your eyes, and think, imagine that we are in New Zealand already, that we have just landed at Wellington. Picture that we are taking a drive to the sea. I closed her eyes with my hands. She was listening to me. Her eyes closed. Visualize that you and I are on the beach there is no one else. We are relaxing and playing in the surf, dancing

158 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

all night long, exploring the new country. See, there are two white deck-chairs on the beach and a small tent behind, just enough for both of us.imagine it. Can you see it? Try to see the picture it in your mind. Within a few minutes she looked excited and said she could see it all. She was enjoying this visualization. I tried to visualize it with her. Within minutes, there was the blue ocean in front of my eyes and the thought of launching a new, much-awaited business did not blur the vision. After a few minutes we both realized that we had visualized our very tempting holiday and there was no way we would not be going to New Zealand. Sara recovered with amazing swiftness, and I found a manager smart enough to look after my new business during its launch. We did mange to go for that vacation. When there is a will, there is a way. Or, to put it more correctly, when there is a vision, there is a way. The visualization made us adamant about achieving our holiday. If there is an honest and sincere will, we somehow find a way.

Phase III: Affirmation 159

This brings us to the third phase, Affirmation. This is when you affirm something that your mind believes to be true, even though it may not be true. The more you affirm it, the truer it will actually be. Think about the last time you have been worried or had faced some deep fear. Didn't you see a mental image of the worst case scenario? Didn't you see the consequences in the form of a movie in your mind's eye? Didn't you repeat to yourself that you were sure it was going to happen? Let us take an example - lack of money. Phase - I You form a mental picture of what your life will be like without money. Phase - II You see a film in your mind about what will happen when you have no funds. Phase - III You keep affirming, telling yourself that the worst will happen by repeating things like What will I do when my money runs out? You keep asking bad questions and receive confirmation of that fear. You keep asking and affirm over and over again.

160 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

The opposite is true, too. Think that you already have a million dollars. What happens? Phase - I Form an ideal picture. What will it be like to have a million dollars? Phase - II You create a mental picture that shows you what you will do with that money : buy a new car, house, spend more time with your family, get back the dreams that were lost, go for holidays to your favourite destinations, make investments etc. Phase - III You affirm by telling yourself over and over again how great it is to have this money. Your questions are good. Let us check out the examples. How can I invest this million to make more millions? You affirm the answers over and over again. It's a natural process.

Phase III: Affirmation 161

Questions The questions you ask yourself will de-frame your thoughts. Most people ask negative or bad questions like Why am I so fat? What kind of answers can you get? Because I am lazy Because I eat too much It is not in my control I have fat genes

My father is fat, so I am fat etc.

Or if you ask Why can't I make big money? Answers: Because I am lazy Because I have no education Because my parents are poor Government taxes are very high Money is hard to make, I don't have the skills.

162 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Your questions deform your outcome. Let's change the questions. e.g. How can I get any slimmer? Answers: By going to the gym.

By eating correctly. By thinking correctly.

Or, How can I make more money? Answers: By creating By getting a new idea. a business partner.

By spending less, and investing more. By planning By working fortune. my finances. smarter, so I have time to build my

Phase III: Affirmation 163

The difference lies in the questions you ask. Ask the right questions and you will affirm the right answers. It's that simple. If you visualize good things, your questions will be good too. Simple, isn't it?

What is the primary question that you ask yourself each day? Write a better question to ask yourself whether its repeated affirmation will become a desire.
n Question :

n Reframed question :

164 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Nowdo this:

Belief consists in accepting Sit in your chair make the affirmations of the soul; the room darkbecome very still. Idealize a unbelief, in denying them. perfect picture, now Ralph Waldo Emerson visualize yourself in it. Create a movie of what you will see/do/feel if you have it. See the mental movie as if it has happened. See as many details as you can. The greater the details, the clearer will be the picture. The secret is to see it. There should be no doubt about achieving it. Now continuously affirm internally that it is done. For example, say that it feels amazing that I have the million dollars. Use as many ways to affirm it. Use phrases to make you feel great about having it. Say it with feeling, as though you really mean it.
Go on to the next phase

Phase IV: Desire 165

Your unconscious mind is filled with desire for everything that you affirm. This is where the Law of Attraction comes in. Desire is the difference between a strong mental wave and a weak one. The more you affirm, the greater is the desire. Think about it. If you affirm something over and over again would it be logical to assume that you deserve it? Of course! Extreme worry leads to extreme idealized, visualized, affirmation and ultimately to extreme desire. You will attract all that you don't need, and this will come in unexpectedly. Have you wondered why your problems multiply? It is because you subconsciously desire it. You may have a million dollars but you might worry that you will lose it by making a bad investment, or your partner might steal your money or the stock market might crash. You are probably thinking Do you mean to say that the stock market crash is my fault?

166 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Your fault - yes, definitely. In the sense that it was you who attracted your investments to the crash. The opposite is also true. If you see an ideal picture of yourself with money, you visualize that you have it. You then affirm it, the more you affirm, the greater is the desire. The greater the desire, the greater is the attraction. Have you ever wondered how the rich become richer? It's because their desire to become rich remains or grows stronger every day. They affirm they will be rich, they ask the right questions to themselves. Their desire increases and they attract more wealth. They are not 'lucky', they just think correctly. If you understand this now, you will understand yourself better.

Phase IV: Desire 167

Sit in your chair, in a dark room, become still. IDEALIZE a perfect picture, now Visualise yourself with it. Create a movie of what you will see/do/feel if you have it. See the mental movie as if it has happened. See as many details as you can. The greater the detail, the clearer is the picture. The secret is to see it. DONE already? There should be no doubt in achieving it. Now continuously Affirm internally that it is done. For example, tell yourself It feels amazing that I have a million dollars. Use as many ways to affirm it. Use phrases to make yourself feel great about having it. Say it as though you mean it. Now create an internal Desire for having what you have been visualizing. The greater the desire, the better the result. Feel the need to really acquire what you see. Get that gut feeling, that pathological desire and craving. Spend some time here. Feel the desire like a child craves and yearns for ice-cream. You must build that desire like you HAVE to have it.

168 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

The more intense the desire, the greater the belief. This is a very crucial part. Even if you have the tiniest of doubts, it will wipe out your desire, destroy your affirmation, erase your mental film, i.e. your visualization and your IDEAL will vanish. The secret - You have to believe you already own it. Your mind will get confused. It only obeys if it believes that you believe that you already have that thing. It will most certainly attract your belief. For example, if you are running the Marathon and you start the race with doubts of winning, will you go ahead and win? NO! NEVER! Doubt is the de-energizer, the killer of the dream. Most get to the desire phase and then doubt is created in their mind, so they lose their belief. This is where champions win: they believe that they already have it. They do not have their doubts. This has to be practised over and over again. And then you will discover how simple it is to be successful. Keep creating an ideal picture. Keep visualizing Keep affirming a burning desire Create Believe, Believe, Believe!

Phase V: Belief 169

The more you practice, the more your mind will try and convince you that you can't. Fight it. How? Simple. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Create an ideal picture Keep visualizing Keep affirming Create a burning desire Believe, Believe, Believe

Sit in your chair, in a dark room, be still. IDEALISE a perfect picture, now Visualise yourself in it. Create a movie of what you will see/do/feel if you have it. See the mental movie as if it has already happened. See as many details as you can. The greater the details, the clearer will be the picture. The secret is to see it. DONE already? There should be no doubt about achieving it. Now continuously Affirm to yourself that it is done. For example, say it feels amazing to have the million dollars. Use as many ways to affirm it. Use phrases to make yourself feel great about having it. Say it as though you mean it. Now create an internal Desire for having what you have been visualizing. The greater the desire, the greater will be the result. Feel the need to really acquire what you see. Get that gut feeling,

170 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

that pathological desire. Spend some time doing this Feel the desire like a child craves for ice-cream. You must build that desire like you HAVE to have it. Now believe that it is yours, do not doubt. You must Believe that you already have it. You own it, it's yours NOW. There must not be even the tiniest seed of doubt, so do not doubt. Your mind will try to give you a thousand reasons why you can't have it. Fight it. And believe it's yours already. You have years of programming to wipe out. Follow the above procedure over and over again and you will wipe out all doubt. You have to unlearn. You have been using the process in the wrong way for years. Keep repeating the new process over and over again. It will disable your old mental pattern, I promise you.

Phase VI: Actualization 171

Idealization - Visualization - Affirmation - Desire - Belief Now see it in totality, as a completion of the process. What would it be like? Remember, the entire process is natural. If you have harboured any feeling of doubt, you will not be able to see the picture in the best possible way. NO NO NO! No DOUBTING! The clearer the actualization, the stronger the belief, the greater the desire, the stronger the affirmation, the clearer the mental image. Change your way of thinking, change your life!

172 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Sit in your chair, in a dark room, become still. IDEALISE a perfect picture, now Visualise yourself in it. Create a movie of what you will see/do/feel if you have it. See the mental movie as if it has already happened. See as many details as you can. The greater the detail, the clearer will be the picture. The secret is to see it. DONE already, there should be no doubt in achieving it. Now continuously Affirm internally that it is done. For example, say that it feels amazing that I have a million dollars. Use as many ways to affirm it as you can. Use phrases to make you feel great about having it. Say it with feeling, as though you mean it. Now create an internal Desire for having what you have been visualizing. The greater the desire, the greater will be the result. Feel the need to really acquire what you see. Get that feeling in your gut. Spend some time here. Feel the desire like a child yearns for ice-cream. You must build that desire like you HAVE to have it. Now believe that it is yours, do not doubt. You must Believe that you already have it. You own it, it's yours NOW. There must not be even the tiniest seed of doubt. You are the one who can decide if you will harbour the feeling of doubt, so do not doubt. Your mind will try to give you a thousand reasons why you cannot have it. Fight it. And believe it's yours already. You have years of programming to wipe out. Follow the above steps over and over again and you will wipe out all doubt.

Phase VII: Gratitude 173

When you express gratitude, it means you have got what you wanted. Give gratitude in advance, as if you've already received. This sends out a powerful signal and will ensure that your desire will be fulfilled. You have to say thanks as if you have already received whatever you wanted. The brain loves gratitude. It means you have achieved your desire. Your mind will do whatever you want it to achieve. The Law of Attraction is complete.

174 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Sit in your chair, make the room dark, become very still. IDEALISE a perfect picture. Next, Visualise yourself in it. Create a movie of what you will see/do/feel if you have it. See the mental movie as if it has actually happened. Try to see as many details as you can. The greater the detail, the clearer will be the picture. The secret is to see it. DONE already? There should be no doubt about achieving it. Now continuously Affirm internally that it is done. For example, say, It feels amazing that I have a million dollars. Use as many ways to affirm it. Use phrases to make you feel great about having it. Say it as though you mean it from the bottom of your heart. Now create an internal Desire for having what you have been visualizing. The greater the desire, the greater will be its result. Feel the need to really acquire what you see. Get that feeling in your gut. Spend some time at this stage. Let me explain what type of desire you need to develop. Feel the desire just like a child longs for ice-cream. You must build that desire like you HAVE to have it. Now believe that it is yours, do not doubt it. You must Believe that you already have it. You own it, it's yours NOW. There must not be the tiniest doubt. You are the one to decide if you will harbour any feelings of doubt, so do not doubt. Your mind will try to give you a thousand reasons why you can't have it. Fight it. When your mind does so, believe it's yours already. Remember, you have years of programming to wipe out. Follow the above procedure over and over again and you will wipe out all doubt.

Phase VII: Gratitude 175

Now get a final mental video of you celebrating that it has happened. Actualize it. See yourself living with what you desire. For example if you desire a million dollars, see yourself possessing it, as if it is a routine occurrence. Now, thank your maker for giving you what you desire. See yourself expressing Gratitude for what you have just got. This is a key part to the whole process. This whole process, though it sounds time-consuming, should take you no more than 15 minutes everyday, trust me! The longer the time you spend on the entire exercise, the better it is!

176 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Congratulations! By finishing this book you have placed yourself a step higher en route to becoming a millionaire. You are now equipped with the most powerful tools to work your way upwards. But beware. Don't take it for granted that just by reading this book, millions will suddenly reflect in your bank balance. It is YOU who have to act in accordance with the information I have shared in this book. I know from experience that there will be three types of readers. The first type will read the book and forget it. The book will fail to reach the hub of their minds. The second type will get an initial boost of energy and start working their way up. However the balloon of enthusiasm will burst in a few days / months, and things will go back to square one. The third type will read this book, absorb the message into the core of their brain, change their existing money blueprint and then apply the ten qualities of successful people to their lives. They are not the type who will retreat but will go forward like a bullet

A quick recap of what we have discussed 177


To change yourself into a totally new human being and shape up in the model of millionaires, you have to dissociate yourself from your existing money blueprint that is part of your mind. Your money blueprint has taken shape by years of hearing and seeing things, and in some cases by witnessing certain incidents. You have to overwrite certain things on your mind and erase all ideas about money and rich people that are negative. Unless you learn to respect money and rich people, you will never be able to become rich yourself. Next, give yourself the power of 10 super-powerful engines that make millionaires fly high. These are really ten qualities that make them different from ordinary people. These qualities are in the mind and hence anyone who is seriously looking for change can incorporate them in their life. Finally before I sign off, a few thoughts that I would very much love to share with you:
n Whatever

you really believe in always happens. It is your belief that makes things happen. n Do not shy away from building castles in air. If your castles are already in the air, all you have to do now is to put the foundations under them. n Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal, and nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.

178 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

n Take

calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash. n Always do what you are afraid to do. n No great man ever complains of want of opportunities. n Seek success by reading, hearing and seeing successful people for some time every day to learn something from them. n We are what we repeatedly do. Therefore, excellence is not an act but a habit. n The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings. n Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.


Please DO NOT utilize the two free passes to the preview of my Secret Millionaire Blueprint Intensive Seminar if you are NOT serious about changing your life. You would be wasting your time and someone else's seat that way. However if you really are 100% enthusiastic about a dramatic change coming into your life, have gained a little bit of confidence by reading this book, and would like to go further, I advise you to register your seat for the preview to my Secret Millionaire Blueprint Intensive Seminar by checking details of date/venue on I assure you an incredible weekend and a life-changing experience, vouched for by thousands of people who have attended the seminars. Now it is up to you to decide. I wish you luck!


Peak Performance Seminars / Workshops 181


All of the Peak Performance Seminars are high energy, interactive and experiential events. The use of the latest technology and multimedia, along with Arfeen Khans captivating presence, will engage you and ensure the ultimate experience.



We create custom seminars for corporates on request. Contact :

182 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint

Two-Day Introductory Program The Transformational Mindset seminar is Arfeen Khans premier event that is open to people of all levels of learning. Whether youre new to the personal and professional development arena or if youre a seasoned self-improvement pro, this program is for you. Changing your mindset your attitude or thoughts towards what is possible (or impossible) for you to achieve is the first step towards creating the life you want and deserve! During this introductory event you will learn: n The Fundamentals of Transformation n The Three Principles to Achieving Success n The Power of Language in Your Internal and External World n The Five Keys to a Compelling Vision n The Process of Momentum n The Three Steps to Overcoming Fear You will also master how to: n Place yourself into emotional, mental and physical states of unstoppable courage. n Instantly transform unproductive emotions into empowering actions. n Inspire yourself even during difficult times to perform at peak levels. n Acknowledge, celebrate and duplicate your victories.

Transformational Mindset 183

n Consistently trigger positive reactions from people


your personal and professional life. n Create a plan to improve your performance and increase your income. n WALK ACROSS 10 FEET OF BROKEN GLASS TO SIGNIFY YOUR UNSTOPPABLE FUTURE! For More Information:

184 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


Three-Day Intermediate Program The Mental Warrior seminar is for you if you are ready to take the next step and want to learn how to access your hidden power and succeed despite any adversity. Arfeen Khan will teach you how to live your life consciously and on purpose and how to use your time, money and efforts deliberately to get what you want now. During this intermediate event you will: n Take a self-assessment to evaluate your present status and needs. n Tap into your higher self and discover your purpose and personal life mission. n Accurately and articulately define, write and speak your true passion. n Create a step-by-step success plan for your future. You will also learn how to: n Use both your head and your heart effectively in moments of decision. n Improve your relationships by understanding the forces that control them. n Identify and combat the mental roadblocks that hold you back from achieving success. n Overcome conflict through communication. n Turn a midlife crisis into a midlife calling. n Decipher gestures and body language for greater rapport and connection.

The mental warrior 185

n Live in integrity regardless of the situation. n Fully

integrate everything youve learned for immediate implementation. n WALK ACROSS 10 FEET OF BROKEN GLASS TO SIGNIFY YOUR UNSTOPPABLE FUTURE! For More Information:

186 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


Three-Day Advanced Program The Secret Millionaire Blueprint seminar is based on Arfeen Khans 25+ years of success in business, sales and marketing. The key to being rich is making it real in your mind first and then modeling and implementing proven systems for unlimited wealth. If you want to be on the inside track and learn how to think, act and become abundantly wealthy not just financially, but in all areas of your life than you must attend this program. During this advanced event you will learn: n The Secret Psychology of Wealth n The Five Major Financial Habits of Millionaires n The Root Cause to All Financial Difficulties and How to Overcome It n The Millionaire s Strategy of Creating and Maintaining Wealth n The Six Keys to Influence and Negotiation n The Five Questions to Ask Before Making Any Investment You will also master how to: n Think and follow through like a millionaire. n Manage your time and money to obtain maximum benefit from your efforts. n Create a flawless and professional business plan. n Boost the speed of your financial freedom through partnerships and joint ventures.

The Secret Millionaire Blueprint 187

n Obtain

the money you need for your product, business or service. n Maintain values and ethics while building your empire. n Attract abundance and success in all areas of your life. * This program will have special guest speakers when/where applicable. For More Information:

188 The Secret Millionaire Blueprint


Five-Day Exclusive Retreat The Elite Mastermind Retreat is Arfeen Khans most exclusive program and is limited to only 75 students worldwide. This intimate program will allow you to interact with Arfeen on a deeper level and receive direct coaching from him in some of the most beautiful and luxurious locations around the globe. Content is created specifically for each event and covers a variety of topics including business, health, relationships and spirituality. The Elite Mastermind Retreat is for you if you are truly committed to changing your life and want a more personal experience than what is offered by the other seminars.

For More Information:



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