FDT GT CP Toollist

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Four Dimension Technologies

AutoCAD application development & customization GIS-CAD Implementation & support Technical & Geographic data processing

C-616, Natasha Golf View Off Airport Road # 2, New Ring Road Domlur Layout Bangalore 560 071, INDIA Tel: + 91-80-41147616 e-mail: info@4d-technologies.com Web: www.4d-technologies.com

Tool List
Polyline Tools
Join GT_3DJ GT_PLJOIN Change 2d3d2d GT_CH2D3D GT_CH3D2D Join 3D Polylines Automated Join - 2D polylines 2D-to-3D 3D-to-2D

Vertex Management GT_FIXCLOSED Add / Remove redundant closing vertex in polylines GT_DELSVP Delete single vertex polylines Optimization/Cleanup GT_DENSIFY Densify vertices GT_DISTANGWEED Weed (remove) vertices based on distance and angle GT_REM_LINVERTS Weed (remove) collinear vertices from polyline Identify GT_INTERSECT GT_JUNCTION GT_PL_0 GT_VXDROP Process GT_PL_INTER GT_MERGEPOLY GT_GT_INOUTOFFSET GT_POLYINSVX Inquiry & Statistics GT_PL_STAT GT_LAYERAREA GT_LENGTH GT_BULGE More editing GT_GT_MPEDIT GT_CHW GT_XP_WPL Mark intersection points along lines,polylines,arcs.. Mark junction points in a network of linear objects Identify Zero elevation Vertex^C^CGT_PL_0; Highlight elevation differences in polylines Assign Interpolated Z values to vertices Merge adjacent closed polylines Offset closed polylines INwards/OUTwards Polyline 'Insert Vertex' Tool Compute detailed polyline statistics Compute summed polyline areas from selected layers Compute lengths Display info. about polyline bulge (arc segments) Multiple Pedit Change Widths Explode Polylines with width

Four Dimension Technologies


Four Dimension Technologies


Flip (Reverse) direction Flip (mirror) arc segments of polylines Find out direction of polyline vertices Draw 2d/3d polylines with auto-edge panning Draw linear polylines from arced polylines Express Pedit Specify segment lengths in polylines Place Points/Blocks along vertices Enhanced fillet command Fillet multiple polylines Explode Splined Control polyline linetypes Zoom to Polyline Fix line/polylines with different UCS

GT_PLARC2PL GT_PL23DFACE GT_BLKSHP2P GT_P2BLKSHP GT_SPL2PL GT_0LEN2PNT GT_3DF2PL GT_PFACE2PL GT_LINE2PL GT_SCALE_Z GT_ASN_PROP GT_ASS_EL GT_ASS_EL_TEXT GT_FLATTEN GT_ATT2XD GT_CH_H2L GT_CH_L2H Convert Arc Polylines to linear segment polyline Convert polylines to 3dface Convert Blocks/Shapes/Text/Circle to Points Convert Points/Text/Circles to Blocks/Shapes Convert Splines to polylines Convert 0 Lengths to POINTs 3DFaces to polylines Polyface mesh to polylines Convert lines and arcs to polylines Scale Z values Assign Properties Automatically Assign contour elevations Assign contour elevations from text objects Flatten - Convert to 0.0 elevation Attributes to Xdata Heavy-Weight to Light-Weight Light-Weight to Heavy-Weight

GT_IMPEX GT_VIEWLINKED GT_READDEM GT_WRITEDEM GT_MULTEXPORT GT_NIKON2DWG GT_IMPORTSDR Import/Export points and lines View handles-linked ASCII data Import(read) ARC ASCII DEM files Export (write) ARC ASCII DEM files Multiple drawing export in various formats Import NIKON survey raw data Import Sokkia SDR raw data format

Drawing Cleanup
GT_ZTREND GT_OVERLAP GT_DELDUP GT_NODELINESNAP Analyze and fix polyline elevation trends Remove overlapping segments from a lines selection Delete Duplicate Objects Linear and Node Snap (MAGNET)

Four Dimension Technologies


Four Dimension Technologies

GT_KINK GT_BREAKX GT_INTEX GT_DANGLECHECK GT_HSQUARE GT_POINTWEED GT_ENDELEVCHECK GT_SET_Z_PL GT_PLANARPOLY Identify intersecting segments (kinks) in polylines Break crossing objects at ends Lineworks Intersections Processor Detect free ends (dangles) of lines,polylines and arcs Create right angle corners Weed points based on spacing Check for coincident (XY) endpoints with varying Z Set out-of-range elevation values to nearest valid elevation values Make polylines/3dfaces planar

GT_EASY3DPOINT GT_EMBHATCH GT_VEGLINE GT_SORTEDPOLY Easy 3dpoint Draw Embankment hatch slopes pattern Draw vegetation cover symbols Draw a polyline by joining points in sorted order

GT_ROWMAKER Make Right-of-Way/Pavements/Ramps GT_CENTLINE Draw Center-Lines from road R-O-W GT_3DOFFSET Offset 3d polylines GT_CREATECENT Create centroid marks inside closed polygons GT_MVMEASURE Multi-Variable Measure GT_JNE Join nearest ends of lines, polylines GT_EDGEBUILDER Build common edges along closed, adjacent polygons GT_PTINTERMANUAL Interpolate point elevation from neighboring polylines - manual pick GT_PTINTERAUTOMATIC Interpolate point elevation from neighboring polylines - automatic GT_CCPOLY Create closed polylines from a mass of networked polylines GT_CONTOUROFFSET Create mathematical offsets between two contour polylines GT_NETNODES Place points along linear network GT_DRAPEPOLY Drape a 3D polyline across a set of intersecting linear objects

GT_VXLABEL GT_PL_DATALBL GT_SEGLABEL GT_CONTLABEL GT_IDXYZ GT_ANNOTPOINTS GT_LENTEXT GT_CREATEANNOT Label polyline vertices Label polylines with attached data Label polyline segments Label contour polylines Label points Annotate points, based on layer names Create/update length annotation Create annotations at intersections

GT_ATTEDIT GT_ZOOMTXT GT_ATTEXT GT_ATTXFER GT_TXT2ATT GT_PROP2ATT GT_TAGREN GT_TAGDEL GT_UPDATEPOINTBLK Global Attribute Editor Search and replace text/attributes Extract Block attributes to file Transfer Attributes between blocks Transfer Text strings to Block attributes Transfer AutoCAD properties to Blocks Attributes Rename block attribute tags, prompts and defaults Delete block attribute tags from block definition Update 'Coordinates Block' attributes

GT_TC GT_UNCLUTTER Draw Quick Text (running numbers) Unclutter text objects

Four Dimension Technologies


Four Dimension Technologies

AutoCAD Map Tools

Data Convert/Transfer GT_XFER_OD_XD Transfer Object Data / Xdata between two objects GT_OD2ATT Transfer Object Table Data to Block Attributes GT_ATT2OD Transfer Block Attributes to Object Table Data GT_DB2OD Transfer database linked data to object data GT_PROP2OD Transfer AutoCAD properties to Object Data GT_OD2XD Convert Object Table Data to Xdata Export GT_OD_EXTRACT GT_OD_STRUCEXT Create GT_AUTOINCROD GT_OD_XD_LABEL Export Object Table Data to ASCII files Export Object Table Field Structure to ASCII files Create auto-incrementing object table data Create text labels from Object data / extended entity data

Object Data GT_OD_EDIT Global Object Data Editor GT_GT_EASYOD Multiple-Choice Object data editor GT_GT_EASYOD_SETUP Multiple-Choice Object data editor Setup GT_MERGETBL Merge two object tables GT_REM_DUP_RECS Remove duplicate object data records within objects GT_REN_OD_FLDS Rename Object Data Fields GT_TXT2OD Transfer text strings to Object Data GT_OD_LIST List Object Data GT_OD_SEARCH Search and replace Object table data GT_NODATA Check for no Xdata / Object Data GT_OD2ELEV Assign elevations from object data GT_AMAPBREAK Break object but retain object data in both broken parts GT_COPYODTABDEF Copy Object Table definition GT_DEFATTOD Define Object Table from block attributes GT_DEFDBOD Define object table from linked database table Bricscad / plain AutoCAD compatibility tools GT_BC_OD2XD Convert Object Table Data to Xdata (for Bricscad / plain AutoCAD use only) GT_BC_ODEDIT Edit object data from AutoCAD Map GT_BC_XD2OD Transfer Xdata to Object data (for use after Bricscad / plain AutoCAD editing only) AutoCAD Map GT_ADEDEFDATA GT_ADEATTACHDATA GT_ADEEDITDATA GT_QUERYPROC GT_TOPOSELECT Define object data Attach/Detach object data Edit object data Format text labels queried with 'Alter properties' Select Topology objects graphically

Extended Entity Data

GT_REMXD GT_XD_SEARCH GT_SHOWXD GT_XD_EXTRACT Remove Xdata Search and replace extended entity data Display extended entity data from picked object Extract extended entity data to ASCII files

Civil Tools
GT_TRIANGULATE Create TIN (Delauney triangulation) GT_CONTOURBUILDER Create contours from TIN model GT_CHAINAGE Annotate chainages along a route

Four Dimension Technologies


Four Dimension Technologies

GT_GT_PROFILE GT_ADJUSTLEVELS GT_DRAWGRADE GT_TRAVADJ GT_CROSSSECT GT_SHEETINS GT_ANNOGRID GT_BEARINGDIST GT_BRGROUND Draw cross-sectional profile from 3D Polyline Adjust cross-section elevations Draw Graded polylines Perform traverse error adjustment Multiple Cross Section Tools Create and Place Map Sheet Index Block Create Map Grid Bearing and Distance Round off bearings

Geographic Tools
GT_COORDTRAN Mapping coordinates transformation tools GT_DWG2KML Export Google KML file Interactive version GT_DWG2KML_BATCH1 Export Google KML file Single feature batch version GT_DWG2KML_BAM Export Google KML file Multiple feature batch version GT_INSPHOTO Insert a geo tagged photo

Images GT_GEO_INS GT_IMAGESCAN GT_IMAGESEARCH GT_MINEX2DWG GT_ROUGHEN GT_SURFAREA GT_XP_RETDAT GT_HATCHAREA GT_CONTBREAK (geo) GT_CONTCLASS GT_DELETELAYOUTS GT_CONTDIST Insert a geo-referenced image Scan selected image files and build image boundary list Insert geo-referenced image corresponding to selected AOI Import (read) a MINEX coal reserves data file Roughen a Line Compute Surface Area of 3DFACEs Explode objects - Retain Object Table and extended entity data Report on areas covered by HATCH objects Break(Split) objects along a polyline Enter geographical coordinates-Latitude,Longitude,Height Classify Elevation Contours Delete paper-space layouts Contour Spacing Distance Tool

GT_PLFILTER GT_3DFFILTER GT_ESELECT GT_MAKESEL GT_FINDZRNG GT_SL GT_SS GT_LASTSEL Polylines based on properties 3DFaces based on properties Enhanced Entity Selector Build Selection Set Find objects in selected Z range Select Current Layer Select Current Style Put last GeoTools selection in "previous" sel.set



Compute Center of Gravity Display Drawing Statistics Enhanced DIST command

More & Sundry

GT_CHECKUPDATES GT_DEBUGINFO GT_LOAD GT_UNLOAD Check online for new updates Display debugging info about licenses Load GeoTools Unload GeoTools

Four Dimension Technologies


Four Dimension Technologies

GT_ORDER Display product ordering info GT_README Display readme file GT_WORKSPACESETUP Display workspace related info GT_DISPLAYLICENSEINFO Display license info about GeoTools GT_ABOUT Display info about GeoTools

Four Dimension Technologies


Four Dimension Technologies

CADPower Tool List

Polyline Tools
Join CP_3DJ CP_PLJOIN Join 3D Polylines Automated Join - 2D polylines Change 2d -> 3d -> 2d CP_CH2D3D 2D-to-3D CP_CH3D2D 3D-to-2D Vertex Management CP_DELVX CP_INSVX CP_DENSIFY CP_REM_LINVERTS CP_PL_PLACE CP_FIXCLOSED CP_DELSVP CP_MVEDIT CP_NEWSTART Part Editing CP_PARTEXTRACT CP_PARTCOPY CP_PARTOFFSET CP_PARTSTRETCH CP_PARTMIRROR CP_PARTROTATE CP_PARTRESHAPE Inquiry & Statistics CP_PL_STAT CP_LAYERAREA CP_LENGTH CP_CALCAREA CP_BULGE More editing CP_XV CP_CP_MPEDIT CP_CHW CP_XP_WPL CP_SEGLENSET CP_SEGDEL Flip CP_FLIP CP_PLARCMIRROR Delete Vertex Insert Vertex Densify vertices Weed (remove) collinear vertices from polyline Place Points/Blocks along vertices Add / Remove redundant closing vertex in polylines Delete single vertex polylines Multiple Vertex Editor Specify a new start point for closed polylines Extract part of a polyline Copy(and move) part of a polyline Offset part of a polyline Stretch part of a polyline Mirror part of a polyline Rotate part of a polyline Reshape part of a polyline Compute detailed polyline statistics Compute summed polyline areas from selected layers Compute lengths Compute summed areas of closed polylines Display info. about polyline bulge (arc segments) Express Pedit Multiple Pedit Change Widths Explode Polylines with width Specify segment lengths in polylines Delete a single segment from polyline Flip (Reverse) direction Flip (mirror) arc segments of polylines

Four Dimension Technologies


Four Dimension Technologies


Enhanced fillet command Fillet multiple polylines Offset closed polylines INwards/OUTwards Explode Splined Acquire Neighboring polyline elevations Control polyline linetypes Zoom to Polyline Fix line/polylines with different UCS Draw linear polylines from arced polylines


Line/Polyline/Arc/Spline CP_PLARC2PL Convert CP_PLINE2ARC Convert CP_LINE2PL Convert CP_SPL2PL Convert CP_PL2SPL Convert

Arc Polylines to linear segment polyline linear polylines to arcs/arced polylines lines and arcs to polylines Splines to polylines polylines to SPLINE

Polyline/3DFace/Mesh CP_PL23DFACE Convert polylines to 3dface CP_PL2PFACE Convert polylines to PFACE CP_3DF2PL 3DFaces to polylines CP_3DF2PFACE 3DFaces to polyface mesh CP_PFACE2PL Polyface mesh to polylines More conversion CP_BLKSHP2P CP_P2BLKSHP CP_0LEN2PNT CP_ATT2XD Polyline Types CP_CH_H2L CP_CH_L2H CP_SCALE_Z CP_BL2BE CP_FLATTEN Convert Blocks/Shapes/Text/Circle to Points Convert Points/Text/Circles to Blocks/Shapes Convert 0 Lengths to POINTs Attributes to Xdata Heavy-Weight to Light-Weight Light-Weight to Heavy-Weight Scale Z values Change Properties ByLayer-to-ByEntity Flatten - Convert to 0.0 elevation

CP_IMPEX CP_MULTEXPORT CP_3DF2DM CP_IMPORT2DM Import/Export points and lines Multiple drawing export in various formats Export 3dface objects into SMS 2DM file format Import 2DM files as 3dface objects

Geometry CP_CREATETAPER CP_SLOT CP_HELIX CP_PARABOLA CP_INVOLUTE CP_TUBE Tapered lines Slot Helix Parabola Involute Tube

Four Dimension Technologies


Four Dimension Technologies

CP_TRUNCCONE CP_PERP CP_DBOX CP_XLINES CP_TANCURVE CAD Objects CP_EASY3DPOINT CP_EASY3DPOLY CP_EASY3DFACE Symbology CP_ROUGHEN Rule-based CP_DRAWPOLYINCDEC CP_BOXSCREEN CP_BOUNDENT CP_SORTEDPOLY CP_SHOWPLARCS Truncated Cone Perpendicular lines Draw Rectangle with diagonals Projected(construction) lines Tangents to Curves Easy 3dpoint Easy 3dpolyline Easy 3dface Roughen a Line Draw Draw Draw Draw Draw 3d polylines with auto.Elev increment/decrement a rectangle box at the current screen extents bounding box around selected object(s) a polyline by joining points in sorted order arc-ends to arc-center connections in arcs & polyarcs

Offset CP_MOFFSETR CP_MOFFSETA CP_CP_OFFSET CP_3DOFFSET CP_SEGOFFSET CP_MVOFFSET CP_CREATECENT CP_MEASUREMANY CP_EXTRUDER CP_JNE CP_CPROT CP_MVROT Multiple Offset - Relative Multiple Offset - Absolute Offset and delete original Offset 3d polylines Offset single segment from polyline Multiple Variable polyline segment offset Create centroid marks inside closed polygons Measure multiple objects Easy Solids Extruder Join nearest ends of lines, polylines Copy and then Rotate Move and then Rotate



Label points Label polyline vertices Label polyline segments Label polyline Angles Annotate ends of lines/polylines with symbols Annotate points, based on layer names Create/update length annotation Display object handles as text labels

Block-related CP_MOD_SHBL CP_REPBLK CP_XP_ATT CP_COMPAREBLKATTS CP_CONNECTBLOCKS CP_MREDEFINE CP_EXPLODENESTED Globally Modify Block Properties Replace Block Explode Block- Retain attributes as Text Compare Block attributes and create report Connect blocks based on attribute values Multiple Redefine Blocks-Lyr/Clr Explode only nested blocks

Four Dimension Technologies


Four Dimension Technologies

CP_EXPLODE2LAYER CP_DRAWSEGBLOCKS CP_MBLKTRIM CP_BLOCKINS CP_REPEATBLK Explode blocks to a specified layer Place a block along each segment of the polyline Trim lines/polylines along intersecting blocks Express Block Insert Repeat Last Block Insert

Attribute-related CP_CP_ATTEDIT Global Attribute Editor CP_CP_EASYATT Multiple-Choice attribute editor CP_CP_EASYATT_SETUP Multiple-Choice attribute editor Setup CP_CP_EASYATTCLASS Change block layers/color based on attribute values CP_CP_ATTEXT Extract Block attributes to file CP_PROP2ATT Transfer AutoCAD properties to Blocks Attributes CP_TAGEXT Export Block Attribute Tags to ASCII file CP_TAGREN Rename block attribute tags, prompts and defaults CP_TAGDEL Delete block attribute tags from block definition CP_ATTMOVE Move attribute CP_ATTROTATE Rotate attribute CP_ATTUPRIGHT Make attribute readable CP_ATTXFER Transfer Attributes between blocks CP_TXT2ATT Transfer Text strings to Block attributes CP_ZOOMTXT Search and replace text/attributes CP_BLKEDIT Edit blocks graphics and attribute properties independently CP_DYNATTPLACE Place Block - position attributes interactively CP_SRCHBLK4TXT Search Blocks for text strings



Draw Quick Text (running numbers) Create text along a curve Create text aligned to a curve Create Date/Drawing Stamp Draw Multiple Text Globally modify TEXT/MTEXT Text Filter Round Off Numeric text Enclose Text in Box Consolidate Text into MText Split long text strings into individual strings Unclutter text objects Slide (move) text relative to its rotation angle Write Text to File Global Multiple Text Editor Convert text strings to attribute definitions Convert attribute definitions to text objects Change Case Align Text Objects Align Text Objects to a line Text Orient: Make Text,MText readable Underline Text Apply arithmetic/statistical operations on text objects

Four Dimension Technologies


Four Dimension Technologies

CP_DWGFONTS List Drawing Fonts Remove Xdata Search and replace extended entity data Display extended entity data from picked object Extract extended entity data to ASCII files Create text labels from Object data / extended entity data Check for no Xdata / Object Data Edit XDATA in a dialog box

Extended Entity Data


File Management CP_FILEMAN CP_DWGBROWSER CP_BINDXREF CP_BATCHPROCESS CP_MULTINS CP_MXREF CP_READEXIF Export CP_LYRS2DWG CP_DWGSPLIT CP_FILEESORT CAD Procedures CP_MATCH CP_OBJALIGN CP_XYZSCL CP_MEANPOINT CP_FLIPZ CP_ROUNDOFF CP_HATCHBOUND CP_XTRACT CP_XP_RETDAT CP_HATCHAREA CP_FLIPARCS CP_CHOP CP_AUTODIM CP_FACENORMAL CP_CONTBREAK CP_ZOOMENT CP_DELETELAYOUTS CP_NULLTEXT CP_PURGEALL CP_SCALECLEAN CP_VISIBLE File Manager DWG browser, with thumbnail previews Detaches all un-referenced XREFs and binds all others into current DWG Batch process multiple drawings with scripts Multiple DWG Inserts Multiple drawings XREF Display EXIF data data from images & other files (photo-forensics) Layers to DWG Split a drawing into smaller parts Sort ASCII files Match Properties Align Objects Scale objects (unequally) in X, Y and Z directions Create a mean (averaged) point from a cluster of points Flip (reverse) elevations(Z) from selected objects Round Off Values from points/lines Re-Create Hatch boundaries from HATCH object Extract from XREF Explode objects - Retain Object Table and extended entity data Report on areas covered by HATCH objects Flip ECS of arcs with negative normals Object Chopper Automatic Dimensioning Control 3dface Face Normals Break(Split) objects along a polyline Zoom to extent of selected object(s) (with 5% margin) Delete paper-space layouts Delete Null TEXT Purge All Unused Symbols Remove all unreferenced scales Change object visibility

CP_PLFILTER CP_FINDENCLOSED CP_3DFFILTER CP_ESELECT CP_MAKESEL CP_FINDZRNG CP_SL CP_SS Polylines based on properties Find points enclosed within 3dface space 3DFaces based on properties Enhanced Entity Selector Build Selection Set Find objects in selected Z range Select Current Layer Select Current Style

Four Dimension Technologies


Four Dimension Technologies

CP_LASTSEL Put last CADPower selection in 'previous' sel.set



Compute Surface Area of 3DFACEs Display angle between two lines Compute Center of Gravity Display Drawing Statistics Compute running distance/perimeter Object Selection Browser Quick elevation Info Enhanced DIST command

CP_LAYERMAN CP_ISOD CP_RESTORE CP_SL_1 CP_SL_2 CP_SL_3 CP_RL_1 CP_RL_2 CP_RL_3 CP_CCL CP_CPCL CP_COPYLYR Layer Names Editor Isolate layer(s) Restore Isolated layer(s) Save Layer State - 1 Save Layer State - 2 Save Layer State - 3 Restore Layer State - 1 Restore Layer State - 2 Restore Layer State - 3 Change to current layer Copy to current layer Copy layer contents to another layer

More & Sundry

CP_CHECKUPDATES Check online for new updates CP_DEBUGINFO Display debugging info about licenses CP_LOAD Load CADPower CP_UNLOAD Unload CADPower CP_ORDER Display product ordering info CP_README Display readme file CP_WORKSPACESETUP Display workspace related info CP_DISPLAYLICENSEINFO Display license info about CADPower CP_ABOUT Display info about CADPower

Four Dimension Technologies


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