Phrasal Verbs 8: Los Mejores Recursos Gratuitos para Aprender y Enseñar Inglés

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Phrasal Verbs 8
- set back - show sb (a)round - show off - show sb out - show up - show sb up - slip up - stand down - stand for - stand in for sb - stand out - stand up - stay away from - stay in - stay out - stay over - stay up - stick by - stick in - stick out - stick to - stick up - stick up for sb - stick up on retrasar, entorpecer; costar (fam.) The bus didnt arrive on time, so that set us back an hour. Her new flat is amazing, do you know how much it set her back? ensear una casa o lugar a alguien Do you like my new flat? Ill show you (a) round. presumir, alardear, llamar la atencin Hes always talking about how big his house is just to show off. acompaar a la puerta para despedirse Do you have to go now? Ill show you out. llegar, aparecer Its about time you showed up! Weve beenwaiting for an hour. hacer algo mejor que otra persona hacindola parecer inferior Jim was so good at bowling that he showed us all up. cometer un error I slipped up and wrote 3 instead of 5. renunciar a un puesto, dimitir He should stand down as president of the company. Hes useless. representar; tolerar (a menudo en forma negativa) UNO stands for United Nations Organization. I wont stand for that kind of behaviour. sustituir a alguien I have to stand in for my colleague because shes got the flu. destacar, sobresalir Shes so tall that she stands out wherever she goes. levantarse (cuando se est sentado); dejar plantado, no acudir a una cita Im so tired I dont feel like standing up. He was supposed to meet her at 10 but he stood her up. mantenerse alejado Youd better stay away from that area. It doesnt have a good reputation. quedarse en casa Do you prefer to stay in or would you rather go out? salir por la noche Im very sleepy because I stayed out until late last night. quedarse a dormir You can stay over for the night if you like. estar levantado, no irse a dormir I stayed up until 3 oclock watching that comedy. ser fiel a; atenerse Ill stick by him no matter what hes done. You must stick by your promise. meter, introducir Lets watch a film. Stick the dvd in. sobresalir, resaltar; sacar (lengua, pecho) You really stick out in that bright orange top. Dont stick out your tongue! atenerse, ceirse a We dont have much time, so wed better stick to our plan. ponerse de punta (pelo) Your hair is sticking up. defender a alguien (a menudo alguien a quien se est criticando) Everybody criticises her for her clothes, but Ill always stick out for her. pegar, adherir Youre not allowed to stick posters up on the wall.

Los mejores recursos gratuitos para aprender y ensear ingls

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