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Volume 1, Issue 2

June 1, 2009
Brookline Quest News
Special points of interest:
• Softball starts Thursday June 18 at
Brookline High School. There Why Participate in Community Service?
will be a coach and volunteer
meeting on June 4 by Karen Kuskin-Smith
• Summer Family Events -
The following are excerpts from an confidence. skills. In addition, participants
-June—Health & Fitness Expo article written for TeenLife Boston. Students who participate in further enhance their current
service learning generally ex- skills and learn new ones.
-July—Tanglewood There are many reasons to get
hibit better mental health with These insights can lead to fu-
involved in a community ser-
-August—Boston Greenfest less evidence of depression and ture career directions.
vice activity. Perhaps, most
stress. They find positive ways (University of Michigan,
importantly, your involvement
• “On The Town” trips will con- to use their idle time. They “Benefits of Student Participa-
may change others’ lives in
tinue to many fun attractions dur- often develop strong relation- tion in Community Service”)
addition to your own. Service
ing the summer, the schedule will learning will help you to exam- ships with the other students
be out soon! ine your interests and your working with them and with the An added benefit of getting
career aspirations. It may lead community they are serving.
• Family BBQ at Cypress Field on involved in your community
to discovering a passion, learn- With this bonding comes added and the understanding of your
August 14.
ing something about your self, tolerance for those who may be self that accompanies these
• Family Campout at Larz Anderson and exploring areas that are different from themselves. activities is what this commit-
Park August 29. new to you, all with limited They often report an increased ment says to colleges and/or the
risks. With this exploration sense of social responsibility world of work. It may provide
• Summer Concert Series and Out- often comes additional self- and improved communication
(Continued on page 6)
door film Series details on page 4.

Lilac Sunday Family Event

Inside this issue:
It was a beautiful day. Thou- to picnic and enjoyed each
sands of people walked other’s company. It was a
around the Arboretum admir- great way to spend Mother’s
Opening Ceremonies 2
ing the beautiful lilacs in Day as well!
bloom and reading about the If you would like to join us
Brookline QUEST 2 different trees and plants that
for our next QUEST family
Volunteers grow there. Some people sat
by the ponds and watched the outing, please check our cal-
Adaptive Aquatics 2 ducks and the fish. We were endar or go to our website to
entertained by a Mardi Gras see what we have planned.
Jazz Band and
June Calendar of Events 3 The Lilacs were in bloom during dancing from a
our Family Event at the Mexican dance
July Calendar of Events 4 Arnold Arboretum. group in color-
ful costumes.
On Sunday, May 10th, Brook- There were
August Calendar of 5 line QUEST went to the Ar- many family
Events nold Arboretum to join in the events, food and
celebration of Lilac Sunday vendors.
SOMA Softball 6
for its monthly family outing. QUEST chose
Page 2 Brookline Quest News

Special Olympics Summer Games Opening Ceremony

The Opening Ceremony for plastic buckets, huge lad- ing, power-driven, sweat-
the 2009 Summer Games ders, mortar casings and drenched drumming. Visit
will take place June 19 at giant 50 gallon containers - their website at recycledper-
the Boston University In- the band of two drummers, for more
door Track and Tennis Cen- electric guitar and a DJ keep information. The games will
ter, 100 Ashford St, begin- the audience on their feet be declared open with the
ning at 7:30 pm. through 80 minutes of spark Law Enforcement Torch
Recycled Percussion will be performing at The band at Opening Cere- -emitting, masterfully Run.
Special Olympics Summer Games mony will be Recycled Per- played power tools, and a Pre-Entertainment will held
Opening Ceremony cussion. Performing on mind-blowing beatbox on the BU Softball Diamond
everything from their signa- "vocal artillery" session, across the street from 5:30 -
ture "trash" kits, including backed up by chest crush- 7:00 pm

Brookline QUEST Families Volunteer

The US Post Office had its which is currently undergo- of our community and looks
annual food drive on Satur- ing renovation). Parents and forward to more opportuni-
day, May 9th. The postmen teen participants of QUEST ties to volunteer in the fu-
and women collected food helped the post office and ture.
from homes on their mail other volunteers to unload For further information re-
routes and brought the food the mail trucks and sort the
garding the Brookline Emer-
to the Old Lincoln School food so that it could be
on Route 9 which is the added to the Food Pantry. gency Food Pantry, contact
temporary home of the Brookline QUEST feels Ben Norton at 617-894-
Brookline QUEST members unloaded and
sorted food collected by the USPS mail Brookline Emergency Food very strongly about helping 1070.
carriers on May 9th. Pantry. (The Food Pantry is its members to become posi-
usually at St Paul’s Church tive contributing members

Adaptive Aquatics
Brookline Therapeutic Rec- through playful instruction. assistance than found in
reation started an adaptive There was lots of splashing typical swimming lessons.
swim program on Sunday, and smiles. Children will If you are interested in sign-
May 10th at the Evelyn Kir- learn to swim at a pace that
ing up for the next session
rane Aquatic Center, 60 is comfortable for their
Tappan Street, Brookline. abilities. or just need more informa-
There was a great turn out tion please call Carolyn at
Adaptive Aquatics Swim Program at the Eve- This program is open to
lyn Kirrane Aquatic Center of both swim instructors and persons with disabilities, 617-713-5435 or stop by the
participants. The kids spent ages 5+ that would like to pool. Space is limited so
time getting used to the wa- learn to swim but need more call soon.
ter and their instructors
Page 3 Brookline Quest News

June 2009
Schedule of Events
• June 4 - SOMA Softball coach and vol-
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
unteer meeting at BHS, 6:30pm
• June 7 - Special Olympics Athletics Prac- 1 2 3 4 Coaches and Volunteer Meeting

5 6
tice, 3:00-4:00
• June 7 - Brookline Quest Board of Direc-
tors Meeting at Vine Ripe Grill, 5:30
• June 12 - “On The Town Quack Night” 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Duck Tour and Dessert at the Cheese
Cake Factory
• June 14 - Special Olympics Athletics
Practice, 3:00-4:00 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
• June 18 - Special Olympics Softball,
• June 19 - “On The Town” *SPECIAL
EVENT * Red Sox at Fenway Park vs. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
Atlanta Braves
• June 19-21 Special Olympics Summer
Games at Harvard and BU
• June 25 - Special Olympics Softball, 28 29 30
• June 26 “On The Town” TBA
• June 27 - Family Event - Health and
Fitness Expo, 10:00
Special Olympics Track and Field
Special Olympics Track and held at Harvard University. event “Turbo Jav”. The ath-
Field is being held at the This year we are very fortu- letes really enjoy Turbo Jav
Harry Downes Field in nate to have many volunteers and have picked it up pretty
Brookline, Sundays from 3- to help us with skill develop- quickly.
4pm. Our athletes are having ment. Without the support Please come and cheer on our
a great time! Coach Joanna and kindness of our volun- athletes at the summer games
Frieling is working hard to teers our programs would not
get the athletes in shape to June 20th! If you would like
be successful.
participate in the Summer to volunteer please contact
Games on June 20th and 21st We have also started a new Brookline QUEST.

Health and Fitness Expo

Join Brookline QUEST as we to promote a healthy, active what's crawling around on
attend the Chanel 7 Partners lifestyle, including nutrition your skin. Kids and families
Health and Fitness Expo Sat- tips and a fun games. The can try the variety of adaptive
urday June 27 at the Hynes Dew Tour's Skate Demo sports available to patients
convention center. Admis- team of Professional and from hand bikes and wheel
sion is free. Meet Wally and Amateur athletes will be chair tennis to the challenging
Sports Anchor Joe Amoros- putting on a great show. obstacle course. Experience
Playing an interactive video game at ino and try your hand at Play a life size replica of Has- “Wiihab” video game therapy
the Health and Fitness Expo 2008 being a sportscaster. See bro's Operation Game. Com- that is virtually changing how
how a model robot works and pete head to head in one of rehab is done. In addition to
even try your hand at the hottest interactive games exhibits, there will be demon-
"operating" the robot as well. out there, Dance Dance Revo- strations, and many free sam-
View 3-D MR images to see lution. Put your hands under ples and giveaways.
inside the brain. Learn how "Glow-germ" lights to see
Volume 1, Issue 2 Page 4

July 2009 Schedule of Events

• July 1 - Emerson Park Concert, Chad Burdick:
Country Music Star, 6:30

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

• July 2 - Special Olympics Softball,6:00-7:30
• July 8 - Emerson Park Concert, BeatleTracks:
Beatles Cover , 6:30
• July 9 - Special Olympics Softball, 6:00-7:30
1 2 3 4
• July 10 - “On The Town” TBA
• July 12 - Brookline QUEST Board of Directors
meeting at the Vine Ripe Grill, 5:30

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 • July 13 - Summer in the Parks: Princess Bride,

7:00 bring your picnic - film starts at dusk.
• July 15 - Emerson Park Concert Mollie's Misfits:
Celtic Rock & Fiddle, 6:30
• July 16 - Special Olympics Softball,6:00-7:30
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 • July 18 - Special Olympics Softball Qualifiers,
• July 18-19 – Family Event - ImprovBoston, 6:00
• July 20 - Summer in the Parks: Wizard of Oz,
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 7:00 bring your picnic - film starts at dusk.
• July 22 - Emerson Park Concert, Rick Barron
and the Quavers: Country Rock, 6:30
• July 23 - Special Olympics Softball, 6:00-7:30
26 27 28 29 30 31 • July 24 “On The Town” TBA
• July 27 - Summer in the Parks: Some Like It
Hot,7:00 bring your picnic - film starts at dusk.
• July 29 - Emerson Park Concert, HipSocket: All
genres, 6:30
Family Event - Comedy Show and Dinner • July 30 - Special Olympics Softball, 6:00-7:30

Join other Brookline QUEST families on Saturday July 18, for an

evening of comedy at the ImprovBoston Family Comedy Show in
Cambridge. ImprovBoston is an all-ages improvised comedy show, Summer in the Parks Outdoor Films
appropriate and entertaining for the whole family! Start your
Saturday night off with an evening full of improvised music, scenes, The Brookline Parks and Open Space Division, the
stories and games. This interactive evening, performed by the Brookline Recreation Department, and the Coolidge
ImprovBoston Family Show Cast, is sure to bring out the child in Corner Theatre Foundation proudly present “Summer in
everyone. Audience participation, especially the Parks: 2009 Outdoor Film Series.” Join friends,
family, and neighbors for free outdoor movies this
with kids, is encouraged. Your entire family
summer. The 2009 Outdoor Film Series includes classics
will be in stiches! After the show we will
for the whole family to enjoy. The series kicks off on
walk to Bertucci’s for dinner. You can order Monday July 13th with “The Princess Bride” at Devotion
show tickets online at the ImprovBoston School Field, 345 Harvard St, near Coolidge Corner. Also
website. Be sure to purchase your tickets at Devotion, come watch “Wizard of Oz” on Monday July
soon - before they sell out! 20th and “Some Like it Hot” on Monday July 27th. All
shows are free and open to the public and begin at dusk
2009 Summer Concert Series (approximately 8 p.m.). Bring your picnic blanket or
folding chair for comfortable viewing under the stars, and
Family and friends can gather at Emerson Park every Wednesday a flashlight for easier exiting. Food and beverages will be
throughout the summer for an evening of good friends and great available for purchase. No alcoholic beverages will be
entertainment! Bring a picnic basket, your lawn chair and a group of permitted. Parking is limited, so participants are urged to
people eager to have a good time and then sit back and enjoy a variety of walk, bike, carpool, or use public transportation. High
music. Children can play on the equipment within the park or dance along winds or rain could require cancellation, in which case the
in front of the stage to the music. Come visit the Brookline QUEST table movie will be rescheduled to the following day. Bring
before each concert. All concerts are held at the Emerson Park, located off your dinner and join Brookline Quest Families for a picnic
of Davis Avenue in Brookline Village. Show time begins promptly at prior to the evenings film at 7:00. Look for the Brookline
6:30 pm QUEST banner.
Page 5 Brookline Quest News

Schedule of Events
August 2009
• August 2 - Brookline QUEST Board of
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Directors Meeting at the Vine Ripe
Grill, 5:30 1
• August 5 - Emerson Park Concert Rico
Barr & the Jumpin Jive Review:
Swing, 6:30
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
• August 6 - Special Olympics Soft-
• August 7 - “On The Town” TBA
• August 8 or 9 - Special Olympics Soft-
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
ball Amherst MA
• August 12 - Emerson Park Concert
Vanessa Trein & the Jumping Mon-
keys: Children's Songs, 6:30
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
• August 14 - Brookline QUEST Barbe-
que, 5:00-8:00
• August 21 - “On The Town” TBA
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
• August 22 - Family Event - Boston
GreenFest 2009, 10:00am
• August 29-30 - Family Campout at 30 31
Larz Anderson Park, 1:00pm

Family Campout Brookline QUEST Family Event - Boston GreenFest 2009

Join the
Brookline Barbeque Join families and friends of healthy communities, take
Department Bring your blankets, lawn Brookline QUEST on Saturday political action, create green
for the first chairs and friends and celebrate August 22 from 10:00-5:00 as jobs and a green economy. This
annual family the end of summer with we attend the Boston GreenFest is a chance to celebrate our
campout at Larz Anderson Brookline Quest at our Family 2009. The event will address strengths as a community and to
Park! Don’t let equipment get Barbeque and Field event at the problem of climate chaos become empowered to lead a
in the way of enjoying this fun Brookline High School on through art, music, discussions more sustainable life within our
family event– tents and Friday, August 14. Food will and interactive exhibits. It will homes and our neighborhoods.
sleeping bags will be available include burgers from BGOOD engage the participants, young Boston GreenFest 2009 is
upon request. Activities will and Cupcakes from Party Fa- and old, in a search for new presented by the Foundation for
include a historical tour of Larz vors in Brookline. There will ideas and approaches to reduce a Green Future, Inc. This event
Anderson, a cookout, be a Soccer Goal Challenge, our impact on our planet. The is FREE to everyone and will
storytelling, and more! Space Kickball game, Frisbee Toss festivities will include "Project take place at Boston City Hall
is limited so please register and more. Tickets are $10.00 Recycle Runway", a walk Plaza. You can find more
early. Fee $35.00 per family each and will include food, through the Time Tunnel, information on the Boston
(up to four people). $5 for beverages and desert. gospel with the Boston Greeenfest at their website:
each additional member. Community Choir, fun with the
Campout takes place Saturday "YoYo Show", lots more
August 29 1:00pm to Sunday entertainment, food, and fun
August 30 10:00am. For more activities for children. Festival-
information or to register for goers will learn what it means
the campout visit the Brookline to eat and grow local organic
Recreation website . food, improve nutrition and
healthcare, green our city, build
Join our SOMA
P.O. Box 191
Softball Team!
Brookline, MA 02446
Phone:617-273-2659 Softball is an exciting team sport. Join us and enjoy the friendship and team-
Fax: 617-273-2659 work that make Special Olympics so much fun for everyone!
We play slow-pitch Softball, which involves two teams of 10 athletes each
Quality Unique Enrichment and also participate in individual skills competitions to allow
for Special needs Teens
athletes of all abilities to train and compete with their friends.
• Athletes of all ability levels are welcome to join
• Adults and Children ages 6 and up
• Would you like to volunteer or coach? Please contact us.
Participants permit the taking of
photos and videos during Quest Practice is at Cypress Field (Brookline High School).
events for publication and use as
Thursday evenings 6:00-7:30pm
Brookline Quest deems necessary.

The season is from June 18th to August 9. All athletes who plan to
compete in the softball tournament must attend the qualifiers in July.

We would love to publish your

submissions in our upcoming
Why Participate in Community Service?
newsletters. Please mail or email
photos, artwork, articles, and
information on upcoming events to the member of your commu- what subjects interest you, what
(Continued from page 1)
address below. If you would like your nity kinds of people you most enjoy
submission returned, please include a another opportunity to demon- working with, what career pos-
self addressed, stamped envelope.
strate your leadership skills. • Working on environ- sibilities you might like to ex-
This kind of involvement mental projects plore, what you are most pas-
speaks to your interests, values, • Building homes through sionate about, what ways you
and character. Habitat for Humanity would like to see your world
• Working at a food bank or
Community service can take on a soup kitchen Karen Kuskin-Smith is Retired Director
many forms. It can be an activ- of Guidance at Brookline High School
ity you do alone or with your
• Helping out at an animal and an advisor for TeenLife Boston, a
family or school group. It can shelter or zoo media company that helps families
be purely a volunteer experi- • Collecting clothes, toilet- and schools to connect middle and
ence or an internship for which ries for needy families high school students with
you may get paid. It can be “opportunities beyond school.” For
something you do on a regular • Reading to children at a more information please visit their
basis or on a single day or daycare center website at
The types of activities are as Brookline Quest will be arrang-
Some examples of activities broad as your imagination, your ing monthly volunteer outings
are: ability to see a need, and your to various locations in Brook-
desire to make a difference in line starting in the fall.
Brookline QUEST families and friends walked • Mentoring another student the lives of others.
in the Jolly Jaunt for Special Olympics as part Families are welcome to join us
• Being a Big Brother or Most importantly, volunteering in exploring local volunteer
of their commitment to community service. Big Sister is about participating in an opportunities. If you know of
activity that really interests volunteer opportunities that we
• Assisting at a nursing you. It is about doing some- would be able to participate in
home or homeless shelter thing you believe in. Think contact Kathy at
• Shopping for an elderly about what you enjoy doing,

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