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R.Chenna Kesava Naidu Y5EC070, III/IV B.TECH

Email: Ph: 9985890306

N.V.Sairam Y5EC064, III/IV B.TECH

Email: Ph: 9290425875

ABSTRACT : Now a days consumer products like washing machine, microwave oven, and cellphone to industries digital technology plays a major role. But we have not yet used this technology in bikes. What my idea of making use of this tech. in bikes is a complete digital bike operating system petrol knob a need single sans key. According not to be To turned start on the to my invention key is not required for bike petrol a flow. All are done has to operate a by A bike(The operation includes starting & locking the bike, fuel tank cap opening) pressing button. four-digit password to be & also the entered.


keypad is provided for this purpose. After the acceptance of the password, we can operate the bike. Some safety features are also introduced .If others try to operate the bike with out the permission from the bike owner they will fail in their attempt and immediately an alarm which is fixed in the bike starts louding and at the same time a receiver will indicate it to us.

Contents: Introduction to embedded systems Characteristics Design of embedded systems Classification Types of embedded software architectures

Digital bike operating system sans key Objectives User manual Mechanical specifications Special features Demo model & other details Conclusion

INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED SYSTEMS: In the past it was much easier to distinguish an embedded system from general purpose computer than its today. Clearly the increase in hardware performance and low cost blurred the demarcation line. Embedded specifies the integration and system is one which responds to input producing required output. Gadgets are increasingly becoming intelligent and autonomous. MP3 players, mobile phones and automotive brakes are some of the common examples built with intelligence. The intelligence of smart devices resides in embedded systems. CHARACTERISTICS: Embedded systems often use a (relatively) slow

Two major areas of differences are cost and power consumption. Since many embedded systems are produced in the tens of thousands to millions of units range, reducing cost is a major concern. processor and small memory size to minimize costs. The slowness is not just clock speed. The whole architecture of the computer is often intentionally simplified to lower costs. For example, embedded systems often use peripherals controlled by synchronous serial interfaces, which are ten to hundreds of times slower than comparable peripherals used in PCs. Programs on an embedded system often must run with real-time constraints with limited hardware resources: often there is no disk drive, operating system, keyboard or screen. A flash drive may replace rotating media, and a small keypad and LCD screen may be used instead of a PC's keyboard and screen.Firmware is the name for software that is embedded in hardware devices, e.g. in one or more ROM/Flash memory IC chips.Embedded systems are routinely expected to maintain 100% realibility while running continuously for long periods, sometimes measured in years. Firmware is usually developed and tested to much stricter requirements than is general purpose software which can usually be easily restarted if a problem occurs. DESIGN OF EMBEDDED SYSTEMS:

The electronics usually uses either a microprocessor or a microcontroller. Some large or old systems use general-purpose mainframe computers or minicomputers. Start-up

All embedded systems have start-up code. Usually it disables interrupts, sets up the electronics, tests the computer (RAM, CPU and software), and then starts the application code. Many embedded systems recover from short-term power failures by restarting (without recent self-tests). Restart times under a tenth of a second are common. Many designers have found one of more hardware plus software-controlled LEDs useful to indicate errors during development. A common scheme is to have the electronics turn off the LED(s) at reset, whereupon the software turns it on at the first opportunity, to prove that the hardware and start-up software have performed their job so far. After that, the software blinks the LED(s) or sets up light patterns during normal operation, to indicate program execution progress and/or errors. This serves to reassure most technicians/engineers and some users.


Embedded systems are classified as 1. 2. 3. 4. Autonomous Real time Network enabled Mobile

Applications of Embedded system may base upon: 1. 2. 3. Microprocessor Microcontroller Signal processors (DSP, ASP, MSP ) design

Embedded system can be easily understood from the block below:










Breakthroughs in developments of micro electronics, processors speeds and memory elements accompanied with dropping prices have resulted powerful embedded systems with number of applications. SOME RECENT ACHIEVEMENTS:

1. ABC chip by Philips semiconductors digital enabled cordless phone using embedded DSP cores. 2. Embedded DRAM gets pure logic performance vendors of gigabit Ethernet controllers turning into embedded DRAM.

3. Large number of small batteries on silicon chips in the near future. 4. Atmel announces new memory solution for embedded application low cost high security chips with data encryption and synchronous protocols.


The nature of application or the product that has to be designed presents certain requirements and constraints. Some of the issues that designer faces are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. NRE cost. I/O capability. On chip memory. Development tools. Reliability. TYPES OF EMBEDDED SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURES

There are several basically different types of software architectures in common use. 1.The control loop In this design, the software simply has a loop. The loop calls subroutines. Each subroutine manages a part of the hardware or software. Interrupts generally set flags, or update counters that are read by the rest of the software.A simple API disables and enables interrupts. Done right, it handles nested calls in nested subroutines, and restores the preceding interrupt state in the outermost enable. This is one of the simplest methods of creating an exokernel. 2. No preemptive multitasking This system is very similar to the above, except that the loop is hidden in an API. One defines a series of tasks, and each task gets its own subroutine stack. Then, when a task is idle, it calls an idle routine (usually called "pause", "wait", "yield", or etc.). 3. Preemptive timers Take any of the above systems, but add a timer system that runs subroutines from a timer interrupt. This adds completely new capabilities to the system. For the first time, the timer routines can occur at a guaranteed time.Also, for the first time, the code can step on its own data structures at unexpected times. The timer routines must be treated with the same care as interrupt routines. 4. Preemptive tasks Take the above nonpreemptive task system, and run it from a preemptive timer or other interrupts. Suddenly the system is quite different. Any piece of task code can damage the data of another taskthey must be precisely separated. Access to shared data must be rigidly controlled by some synchronization strategy, 5. User interfaces User interfaces for embedded systems vary wildly, and thus deserve some special comment.Designers recommend testing the user interface for usability at the earliest possible instant. A quick, dirty test is to ask an executive secretary to use cardboard models drawn with magic markers, and manipulated by an engineer. The videotaped result is likely to be both humorous and very educational. In the tapes, every time the engineer talks, the interface has failed: It would cause a service call. DIGITAL BIKE OPERATING SYSTEM SANS KEY

The main feature of this bike is there is no key required to start & lock the bike & also there is no need to turn on the petrol knob for petrol flow. All are done automatically by pressing a single button. OBJECTIVE

It is often quite natural for everyone to leave the bike key somewhere and search for it while going out. Particularly in the morning while getting ready to go office or college searching the bike key leads us to a big tension and finally if we lost the key we have to go to a mechanic to replace with a new key. Sometimes some may forget to lock the bike, which leads to theft. Some may forget to open the petrol knob for petrol flow, which leads the bike automatically, switched off amidst heavy traffic.These kinds of problems are fully solved by this project and theft proof techniques are also introduced. USER MANUAL 1) NUMBER SYSTEM: ` 1 4 7 L/U R 2 5 8 0 H 3 6 9 Tank switch. L LIGHT P.w CHNG.


R-RIDE MODE; H-HOLD MODE; L-LOCK MODE; P.W CHNG- PASSWORD CHANGE INDICATOR; L/U-LOCK/UNLOCK To start the bike a 4-digit password has to be entered in the keypad.

PASSWORD REGISTRATION: On show room condition no passwords will be stored in the bike & hence at this condition any one can operate the bike. To register a password, first press the L/U button & then enter a 4-digit password. After doing this a green light will glow this indicates that the entered password has been stored successfully. After getting the green signal press the L/U button. STARTING OF THE BIKE: To start the Bike, first press the L/U button & then enter the password. If the entered password is correct, you will get one beep and a green signal. Then press the L/U button. (A keypad is provided along with the Speedometer for this purpose. This setup is given above). After the acceptance of the password (i.e. after pressing the L/U button) there are 3 operating modes available. They are Ride mode, Hold mode & Lock mode. RIDE MODE: (The ignition circuit gets connected, bike lock gets opened & also the petrol starts flowing to the engine)

HOLD MODE: (The engine is stopped for purposes like in traffic signal it is unnecessary to hold the bike in on condition till we get the signal. After getting the signal or thereafter whenever we wish we can restart the bike by simply kicking the kicker) LOCK MODE: (The ignition circuit gets disconnected, bike is locked, petrol flow is stopped & also the password gets locked) Note: After selecting the lock mode, the bike can be restarted only by entering the password. For each mode a button is provided. By pressing the button the corresponding actions, which is given inside the brackets will take place automatically. TANK SWITCH: (By pressing this button the tank cap gets opened automatically. After fuelling the tank you can close it by simply pressing the cap downwards) MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS:

Solenoids are used for bike lock and fuel flow control. For bike lock push/pull type solenoid is used. For fuel control 3/8 inch, normally closed type solenoid is used. 1. SPECIAL FEATURES: Theft proof: If anyone enters wrong password more than 3 times If any one of the wire related to the bike control is cut down

An alarm, which is fixed in the bike, starts louding & at the same time it will be indicated to us by the remote on these conditions.

The security alarm can be switched off only by entering the correct password or by pressing the security alarm stop button in the remote. REMOTE ALARM OFF BUTTON

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This remote has an internal antenna, which transmits signals to the base unit in the bike when a button is pressed & also receives signal from the base unit. It has an inbuilt speaker, which sounds when signal is received from base unit.

2. Password changing: For changing the password, press the L/U button & enter the secret code number (Secret code- each bike will have a different secret code which is used to change the password & this secret code will be set by the manufacturer). Now the existing password will be erased & the password change light indicator in the keypad will indicate it. Now enter the new password. Then the password change light in the keypad goes off which indicates that the new password has been stored successfully. After getting the green signal press the L/U button. 3. Battery power indicator: This system works with 12v battery. A red light glows whenever the battery goes down below 11v & immediately this system draws power from an additional battery provided. However it is mandatory to recharge the main battery within two days whenever you get the battery low indication. The battery low indicator will go off only after recharging the main battery. Advantages: Theft proof Key less entry Low cost


This project enables the bike owner to enjoy the Digital technology in bike and also it makes the owner feel free from theft fear complex. References: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) www.windowsfordevices.comom

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