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Take aMoment Moment Monday Take A Monday

August 5, 2013 Volume II, Issue 6

Chapter Highlights
Chapter Highlights

Certification November 2013 Exam Next meeting 8/6/13 Ways & Means Check our members only job board for new leads Special EFAM Issue
Regional/National Highlights

August 15, 2013 is the deadline to register for the November certification exam If you think you will be considering certification this year, please make sure to complete your application; the application may be filed later with a penalty payment. You can find more information about certification by clicking here, including all the application materials and sample questions on both the chapter website or at HQ website at:

August 6, 2013 Tim Owens Demystifying Excel Formulas

This is sure to be one of our better attended sessions. Almost all admins want to learn even more about applications whether we use them often or infrequently. I encourage you to pass the word along. This session has been approved for one recertification point. Below are pdf copies of the business card invite and meeting flyer that you can copy and forward to others or open via the hyperlink on the highlighted words/phrases above.

Professional Development and Network Forum PDD Registration will open soon Silent Auction / Welcome Bag Items AEF/CDM 2014
Whats The Buzz

New Logo Weekly Productivity Find Chapter Website P2E Support Fellow Chapters The Citrus Valley Chapter meets the first Wednesday of each month at Marie Callenders Restaurant 1560 Albatross Ave. City of Industry, CA To RSVP send an email to

Ways & Means

Debbie Ramirez, Origami Owl will be at the next meeting to sell her product. She will provide a portion of the proceeds back to the chapter. You can visit her website in advance at She will be taking all forms of payment including credit cards, except for American Express. In November Barb Schmitt will be on hand with her custom wood scroll work, just in time for the holidays. To view her available products or discuss a custom product that can be available in November visit her website at Reminder: Bring your old ink cartridges to our August meeting as part of our new ways and means fundraising effort.

For more information about the TaMM or to contribute an article or content, please email


Special EFAM 2013 Report

2013 Proposed International Bylaws and Position Papers

Click the pdf icon above to review the 2013 proposed international bylaws considered at this years annual meeting. The 2013 Annual Meeting of the International Association of Administrative Professionals was convened at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 28, 2013 by International President, Karlena Rannals, CAP-OM. She introduced the following Committee Chairs: Bylaws and Standing Rules: Catherine Hoke, CAP-OM Nominations Committee Chair: Norene Miel, CAP-OM Elections and Tellers Chair: Roberta Miller, CAP-OM Credential Chair: Bianca Constance, CAP-OM Timekeeper: Sheila Coggins Head table page: Stacey Leitner, CAP-OM The members at large nominated Dolores Soto, CAP as their delegate and Gary Brackett as their alternate. Credentials Committee Chair, Bianca Constance provided the following credential delegate report as of 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 28, 2013. IAAP Officers Division Delegates Chapter Delegates Chapter at Large Member at Large Officers/Delegates Eligible to Vote Authorized proxies Total Eligible to Vote/Proxies Number of registered alternates 12 34 261 1 1 309 140 449 164

Kristy Rotvold, CAP-OM moved to adopt the roll of delegates; a second was not necessary. The registration/credential committee report passed. Bylaws and Standing Rule Chair, Catherine Hoke, CAP-OM was called forward to review her report. The Bylaws Chair requested that her report be adopted with flexibility.

Special EFAM 2013 Report, continued

Bylaws and Standing Rules Chair, Hoke , CAP-OM reviewed the proposed amendments of The Foundation of IAAP Amendments 1-6. All amendments passed as presented. Bylaws and Standing Rules Chair, Hoke , CAP-OM reviewed the proposed amendments of the International Association of Administrative Professionals. Following is action taken. Amendments 1 and 2 were withdrawn. Amendments 3 and 4 passed as presented. Amendment 5 passed as amended. The amendment was to change the date annual dues will be available from February 15 of each year to March 1 of each year, to better align to the date that updated CPI information is available. Amendments 6-9 passed as presented. Amendment 10 passed as amended. The amendment was modified to indicate that the past International President will serve in an advisory capacity and shall be a non-voting member of the International Board. Amendments 11-13 passed as presented. Amendment 14 was withdrawn. Amendment 15-16 passed as presented. Amendment 17 passed following debate as follows: A motion to change the annual dues for professional members from the proposed $138/annually to $110/annually. The motion failed due to a lack of a second. A motion was made to take a roll call vote on Amendment 17. This action required a 1/5 vote of the delegates which failed. The vote was taken by a show of hands. Amendment 17 passed by the following vote: AYE 422; NO 27 The business meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m. to be reconvened at the opening session on Monday, July 29, 2013. Delegates were advised that the voting polls would open at 3:00 p.m. for the first ballot and remain open for one hour. Delegates were instructed to follow the EFAM app or the information board outside The Hub for further instruction. Voting commenced at 3:00 p.m. promptly. Only the Southeast District and Great Lakes District required a second ballot.


Special EFAM 2013 Report, continued

The opening ceremonies of the Annual Meeting were convened at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, July 29, 2013. Credentials Committee Chair, Bianca Constance provided the following credential delegate report as of 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, July 29, 2013. IAAP Officers Division Delegates Chapter Delegates Chapter at Large Member at Large Officers/Delegates Eligible to Vote Authorized proxies Total Eligible to Vote/Proxies Number of registered alternates 12 34 262 1 1 310 139 449 164

2013-14 Board of Directors International Officers and District Directors The president-elect for 2012-13, Judie A. Yannarelli, CAP-OM automatically ascends to the position of President. President-Elect, one candidate: Antoinette Smith CAP-OM 449 eligible votes; 442 votes cast; 222 required votes Vice President, two candidates: Doris Goode, CAP-OM and Wendy S. Melby, CAP-OM; 449 eligible votes; 442 votes cast; 222 required votes. Candidate Goode received 158 votes and Candidate Melby received 284 votes. Secretary, two candidates: Tammy Pierce, CAP-OM and Kristi Rotvold, CAP-OM; 449 eligible votes; 442 votes cast; 222 required votes. Candidate Pierce received 103 votes and Candidate Rotvold received 339 votes. Treasurer, Dortha W. Gray, CAP-OM, completing year two of a two-year term. Canada District Director, Dawn Becker, CAP-OM, two-year term; 30 eligible votes; 18 votes cast; 10 required. An error in the ballot counting occurred, in that some of the red ballot cards were entered as orange. It did not impact the outcome of the election. Great Lakes District Director, two candidates: Phiandra M. Peck, CAP-OM, and Susan E. Straub, CAP-OM; 65 eligible votes; 64 votes cast; 33 votes required. Ballot #1: Candidate Peck received 31 votes and Candidate Straub received 32 votes. Neither of the candidates received the total votes required and a second ballot was necessary. Ballot #2: Candidate Peck received 30 votes and Candidate Straub received 33 votes.

Special EFAM 2013 Report, continued

Southeast District Director, four candidates: Betty J. Amundson, CAP-OM; Shirley H. Fuller, CAP-OM; Candace M. Pulls, CAP-OM; and Jennifer (Jenny) Stewart, CAP-OM ; 123 eligible votes; 121 votes cast; 61 votes required. Candidate Amundson received 14 votes, Candidate Fuller received 19 votes, Candidate Puls received 21 votes, and Candidate Stewart received 67 votes. Northeast District Director, Sharon K. McPherson, CAP-OM is serving year two of a two-year term. Northwest District Director, Lisa A. Hogan, CAP-OM is serving year two of a two-year term. Southwest District Director, Michelle Spradley, CAP-OM is serving year two of a two-year term. Chair, Foundation of IAAP, two candidates: Kelly A. Reggio, CAP-OM and Patricia D. Row, CAP-OM; 440 eligible votes; 221 votes cast. Candidate Row received 55 votes and Candidate Reggio received 385 votes. Trustee, Northeast District, The Foundation of IAAP, two candidates, CAP-OM and Patricia Lynn May, CAPOM. I did not record the vote count, however Candidate Bohinski received the majority number of votes required. Trustee Northwest District, The Foundation of IAAP, one candidate, Linda B. Boulay, CAP-OM. Trustee, Southwest District, The Foundation of IAAP, one candidate Melyda P. Porges, CAP-OM


Special EFAM 2013 Report, continued

2013-14 Board of Directors The Foundation of IAAP (click highlighted area to learn more about the Foundation) Amendment 1 of The Foundation of IAAP modified the original structure as follows: Changed the title of the members from trustees to regents Increased the size of the board from 7 regents to 11. The regents shall consist of a chair, vice chair, immediate past chair, secretary, treasurer, international vice president, and five regional regents; three regents were appointed at the 2013 Annual Meeting and will serve a two-year term*. Of note: you do not need to reside in the Region where you are a regent. This provides a great opportunity to seek a higher level of leadership beyond the chapter level should you not desire not to go the Division/District route. Following is the structure of the Foundation of IAAP Chair, Kelly Reggio Vice Chair, Jean Bohinski Secretary, Kathy Hampton Treasurer, Linda Boulay Region 1, Stacey Brewer* Region 2, Karen Kohn Region 3, Brenda Jindra* Region 4, Lina Veglia-Romano Region 5, Bianca Constance* Region 1 is comprised of: Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, Utah, South Dakota, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming Region 2 is comprised of: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Hawaii, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas Region 3 is comprised of: Alabama, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee Region 4 is comprised of: Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virgina Region 5 is comprised of: Canada, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont The Foundation of IAAP is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. At this years closing session the results of the inaugural Amazing Walk 2013 and Silent Auction were reported. The Amazing Walk earned greater than $48,000 and the silent auction raised $17,000. A great first year for the Foundation. Forty scholarship awards were granted to first time EFAM attendees including our own Pat Schreuder. This I one small way the Foundation is giving back to our members. For more information visit the Foundation website at

Whats The Buzz

IAAPLeading Administrative Professionals
(Ctrl + click here for the headquarters splash page and even more information about the new logo including a FAQ section.)

Since our beginnings as an association, those working in the administrative profession have turned to IAAP for guidance in an often turbulent, ever-changing work environment. Throughout the years, the ways that IAAP helps its members and defines the profession has changed with the culture. Our new brand is a reflection of those changes. This new logo better communicates the centralized nature of our organization; that we are the go to association for our profession. The logo, along with the new tag line, encapsulates all that we are: The center of business and the center of a well-functioning office If you're an established veteran looking for new skill sets and connections, new to the profession and looking for guidance, or anywhere in-between, IAAP is there. IAAPLeading Administrative Professionals.
Click here to join iaap

To review the FAQ regarding the new logo please click here.

High definition graphics and branding protocols will be available in August. Please do copy and paste images that are currently available, as you will not get the same definition when printing. Once the new logo/branding protocols are issued we will discontinue use of any other previously established images for the chapter.
Weekly Productivity Find Are you a list maker? You will wonder what you did before Wunderlist for either your IPhone or Android phone. Download now and get to do list crazy. If you have a favorite app or website you want to share with others, let me know and we will add it here.


2013 iaap Benchmarking Survey

Getting More Done in Less Time: Its as Easy As Changing Your Mindset (Jill Farmer, Sunday Keynote at EFAM 2013)

Business Management Daily Names IAAP A Top Resource For Administrative Professionals

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