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1. To whom was the Acts of the Apostles written? a. The Holy Apostle Paul. b. Theophilus. c. Theophan. 2. According to Acts chapter one, the Gospel according to St. Luke presented Jesus life through what event? a. The day Christ was taken up into heaven. b. The day Christ was resurrected. c. The day of Pentecost. 3. According to Acts chapter one, Christ gave His commandments to the Apostles through Whom or What? a. The Holy Apostle Peter. b. Holy Scripture. c. The Holy Spirit. 4. The proofs Jesus presented to the Apostles following His Resurrection are described as what? a. Innumerable. b. Incredible. c. Infallible. 5. How long was Jesus seen with the Apostles following His Resurrection? a. One year. b. Forty days. c. Forty weeks. 6. According to Acts chapter one, where did Jesus tell the Apostles to wait for the Promise of the Father? a. Jerusalem. b. Antioch. c. Rome. 7. According to Acts chapter one, how would the first Christians be baptized following Christs Ascension? a. They would be baptized with water. b. They would be baptized with the Holy Spirit. c. They would be baptized with fire. 8. What was Christs response in Acts chapter one when asked regarding the time of the restoration of the kingdom to Israel? a. When you see Jerusalem destroyed by Rome. b. It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. c. When the gospel has been preached throughout the world.

9. What event does the book of Acts record as having occurred forty days after Christs Resurrection from the dead? a. The Feast of the women who went to the tomb. b. The Day of Pentecost. c. Christs Ascension into Heaven. 10. Who spoke to the gathered Christians immediately after Christs Ascension? a. Two angels in white apparel. b. The Holy Apostle Peter. c. Two men in white apparel. 11. Fill in the blank: The men gathered at Christs Ascension in Acts chapter one were called Men of __________. a. Galilee. b. God. c. Jerusalem. 12. From what mount did Christ ascend in Acts chapter one? a. Sinai. b. The Temple mount. c. Olivet. 13. Which of these Christians was NOT listed in Acts chapter one as being gathered in the upper room following Christs Ascension? a. Bartholomew. b. Paul. c. Judas. 14. Which woman is listed as being in the upper room following Christs Ascension? a. Mary Magdalene. b. Mary, the mother of Jesus. c. Mary, the sister of Martha. 15. According to Acts chapter one, approximately how many Christians were in Jerusalem shortly after Christs Ascension (but before Pentecost)? a. 120. b. 500. c. 3000. 16. What did Judas Iscariot buy with the money he was paid for betraying Jesus? a. A house. b. A political appointment. c. A field. 17. How did Judas Iscariot die? a. He was poisoned. b. He was stabbed.

c. He fell headlong and burst in the middle. 18. According to Acts chapter one, what does Akel Dama mean? a. Field of Blood. b. Traitors Field. c. Judas Field. 19. According to Acts chapter one, the prophecy regarding Judas Iscariots death can be found in what biblical book? a. Jeremiah. b. Isaiah. c. Psalms. 20. According to Acts chapter one, what was the surname of Joseph called Barsabas? a. The Zealot. b. Justus. c. Alphaeus. 21. Name the person who was chosen to be the twelfth apostle. a. Stephen. b. Matthias. c. Luke. 22. In addition to praying, how did the Apostles determine the replace for Judas Iscariot in Acts chapter one? a. They cast lots. b. The Christians in Jerusalem voted for the replacement. c. The replacement was appointed by the Holy Apostle Peter. 23. Which individual replaced Judas Iscariot as an Apostle in Acts chapter one? a. Joseph called Barsabas. b. Barnabas. c. Matthias.


1. B (Acts 1:1). 2. A (Acts 1:2) 3. C (Acts 1:2) 4. C (Acts 1:3) 5. B (Acts 1:3) 6. A (Acts 1:4) 7. B (Acts 1:5) 8. B (Acts 1:7) 9. C (Acts 1:1-11) 10. C (Acts 1:10) 11. A (Acts 1:11) 12. C (Acts 1:12) 13. B (Acts 1:13) 14. B (Acts 1:14) 15. A (Acts 1:15) 16. C (Acts 1:18) 17. C (Acts 1:18) 18. A (Acts 1:19) 19. C (Acts 1:20) 20. B (Acts 1:23) 21. B (Acts 1:23) 22. A (Acts 1:26) 23. C (Acts 1:26)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.


1. Fill in the blank: When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with __________ in one place. a. Great happiness. b. One accord. c. Profound peace. 2. In Acts chapter two, the sound from heaven which filled the house at Pentecost sounded like what? a. A rushing wind. b. An army. c. A heavenly choir. 3. What appeared over the heads of the followers of Jesus gathered at Pentecost? a. Doves. b. Divided tongues, as of fire. c. Angels. 4. Fill in the blank: And they were all filled with _____________ and began to speak with other tongues a. Fear. b. Amazement. c. The Holy Spirit. 5. According to Acts chapter two, what did the people gathered for Pentecost hear from the house where the followers of Jesus had just been filled with the Holy Spirit? a. They heard the followers of Jesus speaking in the languages of the different people. b. They heard the followers of Jesus announcing that Christ had returned. c. They heard the followers of Jesus prophecy regarding the destruction of Jerusalem. 6. Which of these regions is NOT one of the areas listed as the home of a Jew in Jerusalem for Pentecost in Acts chapter two? a. Phrygia. b. Pamphylia. c. Gaul. 7. According to Acts chapter two, what did some people in Jerusalem believe to be the cause of the Christians behavior at Pentecost? a. They believed the Christians were insane. b. They believed the Christians were drunk on new wine. c. They believed the Christians were possessed by demons. 8. Which Apostle preached to the crowd at Pentecost? a. The Holy Apostle Peter. b. The Holy Apostle James. c. The Holy Apostle Matthew.

9. In Acts chapter two, how did St. Peter demonstrate that the followers of Jesus were not drunk at Pentecost? a. He said that the followers of Jesus did not drink wine. b. He showed the crowd that his skins of wine were still full. c. He said that it was only the third hour of the day. 10. In his sermon on the day of Pentecost, the Apostle Peter stated that a certain prophet had stated: And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and went on to state how the events of this day had fulfilled the prophecy. To which prophet did Peter refer? a. Joel. b. Isaiah. c. Malachi. 11. Fill in the blank in the words quoted in Acts chapter two by St. Peter from the Holy Prophet Joel: Your sons and daughters shall ___________. a. Be saved. b. Prophesy. c. Dream dreams. 12. Fill in the blank in the words quoted in Acts chapter two by St. Peter from the Holy Prophet Joel: The sun shall be turned into ___________. a. Blood. b. Darkness. c. Water. 13. According to the prophecy by the Holy Prophet Joel quoted by St. Peter in Acts chapter two, what shall happen to those who call on the name of the Lord? a. They shall be saved. b. They shall be filled with the Holy Spirit. c. They shall not suffer any harm. 14. According to Acts chapter two, how was Jesus attested by God? a. By the writings in the Book of Psalms. b. By miracles, wonders, and signs. c. By the teachings of the Apostles. 15. Fill in the blanks: Him, being delivered by the determined _________ and __________ of God, you have taken by lawless hands, crucified, and put to death. a. Purpose and foreknowledge. b. Oversight and judgment. c. Knowledge and power. 16. According to Acts chapter two, it was not possible that Jesus should be held by what? a. The Roman government. b. The Temple guards. c. Death.

17. Who spoke the following words quoted by St. Peter in Acts chapter two: I foresaw the LORD always before my face, For He is at my right hand, that I may not be shaken? a. The Holy Prophet Jeremiah. b. The Holy Prophet Joel. c. The Holy King David. 18. Fill in the blank from Acts chapter two: For You will not leave my soul in Hades, Nor will You allow Your Holy One to see ____________. a. Death. b. Corruption. c. Desolation. 19. According to Acts chapter two, the words of King David quoted by St. Peter at Pentecost prophesied what? a. The Resurrection of the Christ. b. The descent of the Holy Spirit. c. The destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. 20. What two things did St. Peter tell the crowd at Pentecost to do after they asked him, What shall we do? a. Be baptized and join the Church. b. Repent and preach the Gospel to the world. c. Repent and be baptized. 21. Fill in the blank from Acts chapter two: Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ _______________________. a. And sin no more. b. For the remission of sins. c. And you shall be saved. 22. After Peters sermon on the Day of Pentecost, the people who heard him were cut to the heart and thus they asked him what to do. He told them to repent and be baptized into Christ which a large number of them did. How many people were baptized at the conclusion of Peters sermon on the day of Pentecost? a. About 300. b. About 1000. c. About 3000. 23. According to Acts chapter two, in which of these things did the early Church steadfastly continue? a. In the apostles doctrine and fellowship. b. In the breaking of bread, and in prayers. c. All of the above. 24. What did the members of the early Church in Jerusalem do with their possessions? a. They sold their possessions and divided the money and goods among all as needed. b. They allowed certain members of the community to borrow their possessions.

c. They kept their possessions as personal blessings from God. 25. According to Acts chapter two, did the early Christians in Jerusalem continue to worship in the Temple? a. Yes. b. No. c. They only entered the Temple to evangelize. 26. According to Acts chapter two, how often did new members join the early Church in Jerusalem? a. Weekly. b. Daily. c. On holy days.


1. B (Acts 2:1) 2. A (Acts 2:2) 3. B (Acts 2:3) 4. C (Acts 2:4) 5. A (Acts 2:6, 8) 6. C (Acts 2:9-11) 7. B (Acts 2:13) 8. A (Acts 2:14) 9. C (Acts 2:15) 10. A (Acts 2:16-17ff) 11. B (Acts 2:17) 12. B (Acts 2:20) 13. A (Acts 2:21) 14. B (Acts 2:22) 15. A (Acts 2:23) 16. C (Acts 2:24) 17. C (Acts 2:25) 18. B (Acts 2:27) 19. A (Acts 2:31) 20. C (Acts 2:38) 21. C (Acts 2:38) 22. C (Acts 2:41) 23. C (Acts 2:42) 24. B (Acts 2:45) 25. A (Acts 2:46) 26. B (Acts 2:47)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.


1. Which Apostles went to the Temple to pray in Acts chapter three? a. Peter and John. b. Peter and Matthew. c. John and Andrew. 2. At what time of day were Peter and John going to pray when the lame man was healed? a. The third hour. b. The sixth hour. c. The ninth hour. 3. In Acts chapter three, how long had the lame man suffered from his infirmity? a. Since being cursed by his wife. b. He was lame from his mothers womb. c. He suffered sudden paralysis on his way to the Temple. 4. What was the name of the gate to which the lame man was taken in Acts chapter three? a. Holy. b. Bountiful. c. Beautiful. 5. For what reason did the lame man go to the Temple in Acts chapter three? a. To ask for alms. b. To make a sacrifice. c. To train to be a scribe. 6. Fill in the blank in St. Peters command to the lame man in Acts chapter three: In the name of Jesus Christ ____________, rise up and walk. a. Our Lord. b. Of Nazareth. c. The Son of God. 7. Which of the lame mans hands did St. Peter grasp in Acts chapter three? a. His right hand. b. His left hand. c. Neither he touched the lame mans foot. 8. Fill in the blanks in this event from Acts chapter three: So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with themwalking, leaping, and _____________. And all the people saw him walking and ____________. a. Running. b. Singing for joy. c. Praising God.

9. What was the name of the porch from which St. Peter preached in Acts chapter three? a. Davids Porch. b. Solomons Porch. c. Herods Porch. 10. Fill in the blank from St. Peters sermon in Acts chapter three: The God of _______________________, the God of our fathers, glorified His Servant Jesus, whom you delivered up and denied in the presence of Pilate, when he was determined to let Him go. a. The Kings of Israel. b. Moses and the prophets. c. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. 11. According to Acts chapter three, what instead of the Holy One and the Just did the men of Israel ask to be granted to them? a. A murderer. b. A king. c. A favor. 12. According to Acts chapter three, Jesus Christ is the Prince of what? a. Prince of life. b. Prince of all. c. Prince of heaven. 13. What healed the lame man in Acts chapter three? a. The holiness of the Apostles. b. The power of Pentecost. c. Faith in Jesus name. 14. Fill in the blank from St. Peters sermon in Acts chapter three: Repent therefore and be ______________, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. a. Baptized. b. Converted. c. Forgiven. 15. Who is St. Peter quoting in Acts chapter three when he says, The LORD your God will raise up for you a Prophet like me from your brethren. Him you shall hear in all things, whatever He says to you. a. Holy Prophet Ezekiel. b. Holy Prophet Moses. c. Holy Prophet Obadiah. 16. To whom did God say this: And in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed? a. Holy forefather Abraham. b. Holy King David. c. Holy Prophet Moses.

17. Fill in the blank in St. Peters sermon in Acts chapter three: To you first, God, having raised up His Servant Jesus, sent Him to ________ you, in turning away every one of you from your iniquities. a. Teach. b. Guide. c. Bless.


1. A (Acts 3:1) 2. C (Acts 3:1) 3. B (Acts 3:2) 4. C (Acts 3:2) 5. A (Acts 3:2) 6. B (Acts 3:6) 7. A (Acts 3:7) 8. C (Acts 3:8-9) 9. B (Acts 3:11) 10. C (Acts 3:13) 11. A (Acts 3:14) 12. A (Acts 3:15) 13. C (Acts 3:16) 14. B (Acts 3:19) 15. B (Acts 3:22) 16. A (Acts 3:25) 17. C (Acts 3:26)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America.


1. Which of these was one of the groups who arrested Ss. Peter and John in Acts chapter four? a. Pharisees. b. Sadducees. c. Zealots. 2. What about Ss. Peter and Johns preaching disturbed the Temple leaders in Acts chapter four? a. The fact that Ss. Peter and John preached resurrection from the dead. b. The fact that the Apostles were Galileans. c. The fact that the Apostles were not Pharisees. 3. Approximately how many people were converted after hearing Ss. Peter and John preach in the Temple in Acts chapter four? a. 120. b. 3000. c. 5000. 4. What was the name of the high priest in Acts chapter four? a. Caiaphas. b. Annas. c. Alexander. 5. According to Acts chapter four, by whose name did Ss. Peter and John heal the lame man in the Temple? a. Jesus Christ, the Son of God. b. Jesus Christ the Galilean. c. Jesus Christ of Nazareth. 6. Fill in the blank in the quotation by the Holy Apostle Peter in Acts chapter four: This is the stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief _____________. a. Cornerstone. b. Priest. c. Building. 7. Fill in the blank in the statement by St. Peter in Acts chapter four: Nor is there ____________ in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. a. Power. b. Salvation. c. Authority. 8. When Peter and John were brought before Annas the High Priest, Caiaphas, and others of the scribes and elders, Peter was asked to explain himself to them. Upon hearing him speak, the elders were in wonder because a. Peter and John being uneducated, common men spoke with such boldness. b. The great miracle that had been performed.

c. Peer and John did not show proper respect to them. 9. What did the leaders of the Temple command Ss. Peter and John to do in Acts chapter four? a. Refrain from speaking or teaching in the name of Jesus. b. Never return to the Temple. c. Betray the other members of the Church in Jerusalem. 10. How severely did the Temple leaders punish Ss. Peter and John in Acts chapter four? a. The Apostles were beaten. b. The Apostles were imprisoned for several days. c. The Apostles were merely threatened, and then released. 11. According to Acts chapter four, how old was the lame man when he was healed in the Temple? a. Eighty years old. b. Forty years old. c. Sixty years old. 12. Who did the early Church in Jerusalem quote in their prayer of thanksgiving in Acts chapter four? a. Holy Prophet Moses. b. Miriam, the sister of Moses. c. Holy King David. 13. According to Acts chapter four, why were Herod, Pontius Pilate, the Gentiles, and the people of Israel gathered together? a. To do what Gods purpose had determined to be done. b. To thwart the will of God. c. They were not gathered together, but instead worked against each other. 14. Fill in the blank in the prayer from Acts chapter four: Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all ____________ they may speak Your word. a. Boldness. b. Authority. c. Determination. 15. What happened in Acts chapter four to the place where the Christians in Jerusalem prayed following Ss. Peter and Johns release from the Temple? a. It was attacked by a mob. b. It was shaken. c. It was surrounded by Roman soldiers. 16. Fill in the blank from Romans chapter four: Now the multitude of those who believed were of ____________ heart and ___________ soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common. a. Courageous. b. Powerful. c. One.

17. Fill in the blank from Romans chapter four: And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great ___________ was upon them all. a. Peace. b. Blessing. c. Grace. 18. According to Acts chapter four, what did members of the early Church in Jerusalem do with their money? a. They laid it at the feet of the Apostles. b. They invested it on behalf of the Church. c. They gave it to the Temple. 19. Joses, who was also named Barnabas by the apostles, brought money and laid it at the apostles feet, for the benefit of the entire Christian community. From where did he get the money? a. This had been saved over the past fifteen years by Joses. b. It was money inherited from his father c. It was the income from the recent sale of land. 20. According to Acts chapter four, what is the translation of the name Barnabas? a. Son of Thunder. b. Son of the Holy One. c. Son of Encouragement. 21. According to Acts chapter four, from which country did St. Barnabas come? a. Cyprus. b. Galatia. c. Phoenicia.


1. B (Acts 4:1) 2. A (Acts 4:2) 3. C (Acts 4:4) 4. B (Acts 4:6) 5. C (Acts 4:9) 6. A (Acts 4:11) 7. B (Acts 4:12) 8. A (Acts 4:13) 9. A (Acts 4:19) 10. C (Acts 4:21) 11. B (Acts 4:22) 12. C (Acts 4:25-26) 13. A (Acts 4:27-28) 14. A (Acts 4:29) 15. B (Acts 4:31) 16. C (Acts 4:32) 17. C (Acts 4:33) 18. A (Acts 4:35) 19. C (Acts 4:36-37) 20. C (Acts 4:36) 21. A (Acts 4:36)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. What was the name of Ananias wife in Acts chapter five. a. Sephora. b. Sapphira. c. Semolina. 2. How much money did Ananias and Sapphira lay at the feet of the Apostles? a. A certain part of their money. b. All their money. c. None of their money. 3. Ananias greatest sin was that off a. Lying to the community. b. Lying to the apostles. c. Lying to the Holy Spirit. 4. According to Acts chapter five, who convinced Ananias and Sapphira to lie and withhold part of their money? a. The Sadducees. b. Satan. c. The Romans. 5. What happened in Acts chapter five to Ananias when his lie was revealed? a. He died. b. He was excommunicated. c. He was imprisoned. 6. How long after Ananias death in Acts chapter five did Sapphira speak to St. Peter? a. Three hours. b. Three days. c. Three weeks. 7. In Acts chapter five, what was Sapphiras response when St. Peter asked her, Tell me whether you sold the land for so much? a. No, for less than that amount. b. No, for more than that amount. c. Yes, for so much. 8. Fill in the blank in St. Peters statement in Acts chapter five: How is it that you have agreed together to __________ the Spirit of the Lord? Look, the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out. a. Defy. b. Test. c. Anger.

9. In Acts chapter five, what happens to Sapphira after she lies about the money earned from Ananias and her land sale? a. She is excommunicated. b. She immediately dies. c. She is imprisoned. 10. According to Acts chapter five, were the Apostles highly esteemed by the people of Jerusalem? a. No. b. They were esteemed by the Gentiles, but hated by the Jews. c. Yes. 11. Fill in the blank from Acts chapter five: And believers were increasingly added to the Lord, _____________ of both men and women. a. Crowds. b. Multitudes. c. Groups. 12. Many signs and wonders were performed by the apostles. People even took their sick to them to be healed. They took the infirm and carried them into the streets and laid them in the street hoping a. That the apostles would stop and minister to them as they went by. b. That the shadow of the apostle Peter would fall on them as he walked by. c. The multitudes would show pity on them and take them to Solomons Porticle where the Apostles ministered daily. 13. According to Acts chapter five, the high priest was a member of which group? a. The Sadducees. b. The Pharisees. c. The Scribes. 14. Who freed the Apostles when they were imprisoned in Acts chapter five? a. St. Barnabas. b. The jail keeper. c. An angel of the Lord. 15. After the angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and let the apostles free, he directed them to go to a particular place. What was this place? a. Peters house, where they would be safe from capture. b. The temple [to speak to the people all the words of this life]. c. The city of Damascus, where the persecution had not yet reached. 16. What was the condition of the prison the day after the Apostles were freed in Acts chapter five? a. It was shut securely, and the guards were standing outside the doors. b. The doors had been torn from their hinges. c. The walls had been knocked down.

17. According to Acts chapter five, why did the captain of the Temple bring the Apostles before the council without violence? a. It was prophesied by the Holy Prophet Obadiah that Gods prophets would be taken without injury. b. The angel of the Lord protected the Apostles. c. The captain and his officers were afraid of being stoned by the people. 18. What was St. Peters response to the following statement by the chief priest in Acts chapter five: Did we not strictly command you not to teach in this name? And look, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this Mans blood on us! a. We were commanded to teach by an angel of the Lord. b. It is not we who speak, but Christ Who speaks through us. c. We ought to obey God rather than men. 19. Fill in the blank in St. Peters proclamation in Acts chapter five: The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom you murdered by ________________. a. Hanging on a tree. b. Crucifying. c. Impaling on a cross. 20. According to St. Peter in Acts chapter five, Who in addition to the Apostles is a witness to Christ? a. The priests in the Temple. b. The Holy Spirit. c. The newly baptized Christians. 21. One of the Pharisees in the council, a famous teacher of the law who was held in respect by all the people, told the council: Keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of God, you cannot overthrow it lest you eve be found to fight against God. This rabbis name was: a. Hillel. b. Theudus. c. Gamaliel. 22. According to Acts chapter five, approximately how many people were slain with Theudas? a. 300. b. 4000. c. 400. 23. Fill in the blank in Gamaliels speech in Acts chapter five: And now I say to you, keep away from these men and let them alone; for if this plan or this work is of men, it will come to nothing; but if it is of ________, you cannot overthrow itlest you even be found to fight against ____________. a. The Messiah. b. God. c. The Lord.


1. B (Acts 5:1) 2. A (Acts 5:2) 3. C (Acts 5:3); also acceptable would be God (Acts 5:4) 4. B (Acts 5:3) 5. A (Acts 5:5) 6. A (Acts 5:7) 7. C (Acts 5:8) 8. B (Acts 5:9) 9. B (Acts 5:10) 10. C (Acts 5:13) 11. B (Acts 5:14) 12. B (Acts 5:15) 13. A (Acts 5:17) 14. C (Acts 5:19) 15. B (Acts 5:20) 16. A (Acts 5:23) 17. C (Acts 5:26) 18. C (Acts 5:29) 19. A (Acts 5:30) 20. B (Acts 5:32) 21. C (Acts 5:35) 22. C (Acts 5:36) 23. B (Acts 5:38-39) 2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. Fill in the blanks in this passage from Acts chapter six: Now in those days, when the number of the disciples was multiplying, there arose a complaint against the ___________ by the ___________, because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution. a. Hebrews, Helenists. b. Jews, Gentiles. c. Israelites, Greeks. 2. According to Acts chapter six, did the Apostles believe their duties should include both distributing food to widows and preaching? a. Yes. b. No. c. Ss. Peter and John preached, while the other Apostles both distributed food and preached. 3. According to Acts chapter six, how many men were chosen to oversee the distribution of food to widows? a. Seven. b. Twelve. c. Thirteen. 4. Identify the person described in this passage from Acts chapter six: And they chose __________, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit. a. Philip. b. Nicolas. c. Stephen. 5. According to Acts chapter six, did many of the Temple priests become disciples of Jesus Christ? a. No. b. Yes. c. Only Gamaliel became a follower of Jesus. 6. A dispute arose between Stephen and some Cyrenians, Alexandrians, Cilicians, and Asians at a certain synagogue of former slaves. Name this synagogue. a. The Synagogue of the Freedmen. b. The Synagogue of Israel. c. The Synagogue of the Believers. 7. What accusation did the members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen make against St. Stephen in Acts chapter six? a. That he spoke blasphemous words against Moses and God. b. That he criticized the sacrifices made in the Temple. c. That he advocated rebellion against the priests.

8. According to Acts chapter six, what did the false witnesses claim St. Stephen taught about Jesus and the Temple? a. That Jesus had claimed the Temple is empty of all meaning. b. That Jesus had called the Temple an abomination. c. That Jesus would destroy the Temple. 9. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter six: They also set up false witnesses who said, This man does not cease to speak blasphemous words against this holy place and the law; for we have heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change the customs which ___________ delivered to us. a. God. b. Abraham. c. Moses. 10. Stephen was arrested and brought before the council. When the members of the council gazed or looked at Stephens face, it had a specific appearance to them. What did Stephens face look like? a. The face of God. b. The face of an angel. c. The face of a holy man.


1. A (Acts 6:1) 2. B (Acts 6:2) 3. A (Acts 6:3, 4) 4. C (Acts 6:5) 5. B (Acts 6:7) 6. A (Acts 6:9) 7. A (Acts 6:11) 8. C (Acts 6:14) 9. C (Acts 6:14) 10. B (Acts 6:15)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. According to Acts chapter seven, Who appeared to our Righteous Forefather Abraham? a. The Lord of Righteousness. b. Our Father in heaven. c. The God of glory. 2. When did God promise our Righteous Forefather Abraham that he and his descendents would possess the land later possessed by the Jews? a. When Abraham had no child. b. After Ishmael was born. c. After Isaac was born. 3. God prophesied Abrahams descendents would be in bondage for how long? a. 100 years. b. 400 years. c. 500 years. 4. According to Acts chapter seven, what was the covenant God gave to Abraham? a. The covenant of circumcision. b. The covenant of blessing. c. The covenant of faithfulness. 5. Which Holy Forefather begot the twelve patriarchs, as is stated in Acts chapter seven? a. Abraham. b. Isaac. c. Jacob. 6. What does Acts chapter seven say was the patriarch Josephs governmental position in Egypt? a. He was king of all Egypt. b. He was governor over all Egypt. c. He was the scribe for the king of Egypt. 7. Who does Acts chapter seven tell us was raised by Pharaohs daughter as her own son? a. Jacob. b. David. c. Moses. 8. According to Acts chapter seven, how long had Moses been in the land of Midian when an Angel of the Lord appeared to him? a. Forty years. b. Sixty years. c. Twenty years.

9. According to Acts chapter seven, in what object did the Angel of the Lord appear to Moses? a. A pillar of smoke. b. A flame of fire in a bush. c. Stone tablets. 10. Fill in the blank from Acts chapter seven: Then the LORD said to him, Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is _______________. a. In the sight of God. b. Holy ground. c. Where you shall build an altar to the LORD. 11. According to Acts chapter seven, to what sea did the Israelites come after being led from Egypt by Moses? a. The Red Sea. b. The Dead Sea. c. The Sea of Galilee. 12. How long, as stated by St. Stephen in Acts chapter seven, were the Israelites in the wilderness? a. Twenty years. b. Eighty years. c. Forty years. 13. On which mountain did the Angel speak with Moses? a. Mount Tabor. b. Mount Sinai. c. Mount Olivet. 14. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter seven: And they made a ________ in those days, offered sacrifices to the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their own hands. a. Calf. b. God. c. Statue. 15. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter seven: You also took up the tabernacle of Moloch, And the star of your god __________, Images which you made to worship; And I will carry you away beyond Babylon. a. Beelzebub. b. Baal. c. Remphan. 16. Fill in the blank in this passage Acts chapter seven: Our fathers had the tabernacle of __________ in the wilderness, as He appointed, instructing Moses to make it according to the pattern that he had seen. a. Witness. b. Truth. c. God.

17. According to Acts chapter seven, who built a house for God? a. David. b. Solomon. c. Moses. 18. Fill in the blank from St. Stephens teaching in Acts chapter seven: You stiff-necked and _______________ in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit; as your fathers did, so do you. a. Uncircumcised. b. Hardened. c. Deformed. 19. According to St. Stephen in Acts chapter seven, the fathers of his listeners killed those who foretold the coming of the Just One. a. True. b. False. c. St. Stephen said it was the fathers of the Pharisees who engaged in this killing. 20. Fill in the blank in St. Stephens words from Acts chapter seven: Who have received the law by the direction of ______________ and have not kept it. a. God. b. Angels. c. Moses. 21. According to Acts chapter seven, St. Stephen was full of ___________. a. Grace. b. The power of God. c. The Holy Spirit. 22. What did St. Stephen see in Acts chapter seven when he gazed into heaven? a. The glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. b. The Son of God, and a multitude of angels standing before the throne. c. The face of God. 23. Fill in the blank in St. Stephens exclamation in Acts chapter seven: Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man ___________________! a. Shining like the sun! b. Standing at the right hand of God! c. Coming forth upon the clouds! 24. According to Acts chapter seven, how was St. Stephen martyred? a. He was stoned to death. b. He was crucified. c. He was stabbed by a Temple guard.

25. The council sentenced Stephen to death by stoning. The witnesses to this event laid their garments down at the feet of a certain young man who the Scripture says was consenting to Stephens death. Who was this young man? a. Caiaphas. b. Annas. c. Saul. 26. Fill in the blank from St. Stephens exclamation as he was martyred in Acts chapter seven: Lord Jesus, ______________. a. Forgive my sins. b. Hear my prayer. c. Receive my spirit. 27. Before Stephen died, he prayed, Lord, Jesus receive my spirit. And then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice. What did he say? a. Nothing. He was crying out in pain b. Lord, do not charge them with this sin. c. Forgive me of my many sins, O Lord.


1. C (Acts 7:2) 2. A (Acts 7:5) 3. B (Acts 7:6) 4. A (Acts 7:8) 5. C (Acts 7:8) 6. B (Acts 7:10) 7. C (Acts 7:21) 8. A (Acts 7:30) 9. B (Acts 7:30) 10. B (Acts 7:33) 11. A (Acts 7:36) 12. C (Acts 7:36) 13. B (Acts 7:38) 14. A (Acts 7:41) 15. C (Acts 7:43) 16. A (Acts 7:44) 17. B (Acts 7:47) 18. A (Acts 7:51) 19. A (Acts 7:52) 20. B (Acts 7:53) 21. C (Acts 7:55) 22. A (Acts 7:55) 23. B (Acts 7:56) 24. A (Acts 7:58) 25. C (Acts 7:58; 8:1) 26. C (Acts 7:59) 27. B (Acts 7:60)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. According to Acts chapter eight, how many members of the Church in Jerusalem were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria by persecution? a. All the members of the Church. b. All the members, with the exception of Peter. c. All the members, with the exception of the Apostles. 2. According to Acts chapter eight, who made havoc of the Church by imprisoning men and women? a. Saul. b. Barnabas. c. Judas. 3. Following the stoning of Stephen, the first martyr, many of the followers of Christ fled from Jerusalem carrying the Word with them wherever they went. One of those who was scattered was Philip. Where did Philip go when he left Jerusalem? a. Ethiopia. b. Egypt. c. Samaria. 4. What was the name of the man in Acts chapter eight who practiced sorcery in Samaria? a. Simeon. b. Simon. c. Saul. 5. According to Acts chapter eight, was Simon the sorcerer baptized after witnessing the miracles performed by St. Philip? a. Yes. b. No. c. He was baptized only after St. Philip taught him how to work such miracles. 6. In Acts chapter eight, the Samaritans received the Holy Spirit after who laid hands on them? a. St. Philip. b. Ss. Peter and John. c. St. Matthew. 7. In Acts chapter eight, for what did Simon offer the Apostles money? a. The office of Apostle. b. To become head of the church in Samaria. c. To be given the power that anyone on whom he laid hands might receive the Holy Spirit. 8. Fill in the blank in this statement by St. Peter in Acts chapter eight: You have neither part nor portion in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of God. a. Not right. b. Unclean. c. Sinful.

9. According to Acts chapter eight, were did the Apostles go after preaching the gospel in many villages of the Samaritans? a. Jerusalem. b. Gaza. c. Damascus. 10. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter eight: Now ___________ spoke to Philip, saying, Arise and go toward the south along the road which goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza. a. Peter. b. The Son of God. c. An angel of the Lord. 11. An angel of the Lord said to Philip, Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes from Jerusalem to Gaza. Who did Philip meet on this road? a. Candice, queen of the Ethiopians. b. A man of Ethiopia. c. Theophilus. 12. The Ethiopian eunuch was reading from the Scripture while riding in his chariot. What book of the Old Testament was he reading? a. Ezekiel. b. Daniel. c. Isaiah. 13. According to Acts chapter eight, which of these is one of the verses the Ethiopian eunuch was reading from Isaiah the prophet? a. He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; And as a lamb before its shearers is silent, So He opened not His mouth. b. And the nation to whom they will be in bondage I will judge, and after that they shall come out and serve Me in this place. c. The stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone. 14. According to Acts chapter eight, what was the response of the Ethiopian eunuch after St. Philip preached Jesus to him? a. But he was sad at this word, and went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions. b. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. c. When he heard these things he was cut to the heart, and he gnashed at him with his teeth. 15. In Acts chapter eight, how did St. Philip travel to Azotus after baptizing the Ethiopian eunuch? a. He rode with the eunuch, teaching the Ethiopian about the things of Christ. b. He was caught away by the Spirit of the Lord. c. He ran to Azotus to escape Sauls persecution.


1. C (Acts 8:1) 2. A (Acts 8:3) 3. C (Acts 8:4) 4. B (Acts 8:9) 5. A (Acts 8:13) 6. B (Acts 8:14, 17) 7. C (Acts 8:18-19) 8. A (Acts 8:21) 9. A (Acts 8:25) 10. C (Acts 8:26) 11. B (Acts 8:27) 12. C (Acts 8:28) 13. A (Acts 8:32) 14. B (Acts 8:37) 15. B (Acts 8:39)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. In Acts chapter nine, Saul asked the high priest for letters to the synagogues of which city? a. Antioch. b. Damascus. c. Rome. 2. According to Acts chapter nine, what was the original common name for Christianity? a. The Path. b. The Way. c. The Truth. 3. According to Acts chapter nine, what happened to the light as Saul journeyed from Jerusalem to Damascus? a. It became as dark as night around Saul. b. Clouds blocked out the light around Saul. c. A light from heaven shone around Saul. 4. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter nine: Saul, Saul, why are you ___________ me? a. Persecuting. b. Opposing. c. Blaspheming. 5. According to Acts chapter nine, Who spoke to Saul on his journey to Damascus? a. An angel of the Lord. b. Peter. c. Jesus. 6. What happened to Saul after Jesus spoke to him in Acts chapter nine? a. He was paralyzed. b. He was blind. c. He was mute. 7. After the Lord departed from Saul on the road to Damascus, Saul arose from the ground and opened his eyes, but could see nothing. How long was Saul blind? a. One day. b. About a week. c. Three days. 8. According to Acts chapter nine, what was the name of the disciple whom the Lord commanded to lay his hand upon Saul in order that Saul might be healed? a. Ananias. b. Timothy. c. Cornelius.

9. According to Acts chapter nine, on which street in Damascus did Saul stay while waiting for Ananias? a. The street called Straight. b. The street of the Jews. c. The street of the potters. 10. According to Acts chapter nine, which city was Sauls hometown? a. Antioch. b. Ephesus. c. Tarsus. 11. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter nine: But the Lord said to him, Go, for he is ______________ of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. a. An apostle. b. A chosen vessel. c. A prophet. 12. Fill in the blank in Ananias statement to Saul in Acts chapter nine: Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you came, has sent me that you may receive your sight and _____________________. a. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. b. Glorify Jesus Christ our Savior. c. See the glory of the Lord. 13. According to Acts chapter nine, in what activity did Saul immediately engage after his conversion in Damascus? a. He preached Christ in the synagogues. b. He started a church in Damascus. c. He freed the disciples who had been imprisoned. 14. Once Saul discovered the Jews plot to kill him, he decided that he should escape from the city of Damascus, but the Jews were watching the city gates both day and night for him. How was Saul able to escape from the city of Damascus? a. The disciples smuggled him out in a jar. b. He was let down over the wall in a basket. c. The people were afraid to harm Saul. 15. What was the initial reaction of the disciples in Jerusalem when Saul tried to join them in Acts chapter nine? a. They rejoiced that their former persecutor had converted. b. They were afraid of him and did not believe that he was a disciple. c. Only St. Peter was willing to accept him. 16. Who brought Saul to the Apostles in Acts chapter nine? a. St. Barnabas. b. St. Peter. c. St. Luke.

17. According to Acts chapter nine, which group in Jerusalem attempted to kill Saul after he disputed with them about the Lord Jesus? a. The Pharisees. b. The Sadducees. c. The Hellenists. 18. Which man in Lydda had been bedridden for eight years? a. Cornelius. b. Simon. c. Aeneas. 19. According to Acts chapter nine, the name Tabitha is translated _______________. a. Woman of righteousness. b. Dorcas. c. Sharon. 20. What happened to Dorcas in Acts chapter nine? a. She became sick and paralyzed. b. She was imprisoned. c. She became sick and died. 21. In Acts chapter nine, what did the widows show St. Peter while they weeped in Dorcas room? a. Tunics and garments she had made. b. Dorcas orphaned children. c. The money she had intended to donate to the Church in Jerusalem. 22. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter nine: But Peter put them all out, and knelt down and prayed. And turning to the body he said, ___________, arise. And she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter she sat up. a. Dorcas. b. Tabitha. c. Sharon.


1. B (Acts 9:2) 2. B (Acts 9:2) 3. C (Acts 9:3) 4. A (Acts 9:4) 5. C (Acts 9:5) 6. B (Acts 9:8) 7. C (Acts 9:9) 8. A (Acts 9:10, 12) 9. A (Acts 9:11) 10. C (Acts 9:11) 11. B (Acts 9:15) 12. A (Acts 9:17) 13. A (Acts 9:20) 14. B (Acts 9:25) 15. B (Acts 9:26) 16. A (Acts 9:27) 17. C (Acts 9:29) 18. C (Acts 9:33) 19. B (Acts 9:36) 20. C (Acts 9:37) 21. A (Acts 9:39) 22. B (Acts 9:40)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. According to Acts chapter eleven, who contended with St. Peter in Jerusalem after the Apostles and brethren in Judea heard that the Gentiles had received the word of God? a. Those of the Law. b. Those of the circumcision. c. Those of Moses. 2. Fill in the blank in St. Peters statement in Acts chapter eleven: Then the Spirit told me to go with them, ________________. Moreover these six brethren accompanied me, and we entered the mans house. a. Trusting in the Lord. b. Making all haste. c. Doubting nothing. 3. In Acts chapter ten, St. Peter said, Then I remembered the word of the Lord, how He said, John indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit (11:16). Where in the Acts of the Apostles did Jesus say words like these? a. Chapter one. b. Chapter two. c. Chapter five. 4. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter eleven: When they heard these things they became silent; and they glorified God, saying, Then God has also granted to the Gentiles _________________. a. The gift of the Holy Spirit. b. Repentance to life. c. Salvation in Christ Jesus. 5. According to Acts chapter eleven, the followers of Christ scattered because of the persecution that arose over whom? a. Stephen. b. Saul. c. James. 6. According to Acts chapter eleven, the followers of Christ who were from Cyprus and Cyrene spoke to the Hellenists in which city? a. Antioch. b. Damascus. c. Caesarea. 7. In Acts chapter eleven, the Church in Jerusalem sent which individual to Antioch? a. Saul. b. St. Peter. c. St. Barnabas.

8. Which of these things is NOT listed in Acts chapter eleven as one of the things with which St. Barnabas was full? a. The Holy Spirit. b. Faith. c. The grace of God. 9. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter eleven: And the disciples were first called Christians in ____________. a. Jerusalem. b. Antioch. c. Rome. 10. A prophet came from Jerusalem to Antioch and foretold that there would be a great famine over all the world. The name of this prophet was: a. Agabus. b. Barnabas. c. Sarlaam. 11. In Acts chapter eleven, the Christians in Antioch sent relief to the Christians in Jerusalem by the hands of which individuals? a. Ss. Peter and John. b. Agabus and Barnabas. c. Barnabas and Saul.


1. B (Acts 11:2) 2. C (Acts 11:12) 3. A (Acts 1:5) 4. B (Acts 11:18) 5. A (Acts 11:19) 6. A (Acts 11:20) 7. C (Acts 11:22) 8. C (Acts 11:24) 9. B (Acts 11:26) 10. A (Acts 11:28) 11. C (Acts 11:30)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. Cornelius was a devout man who feared God. His occupation was: a. Tentmaker. b. Fisherman. c. Centurion. 2. What was the name of the Cornelius army group in Acts chapter ten? a. The Italian Regiment. b. The Judean Regiment. c. The Palestinian Regiment. 3. According to Acts chapter ten, which description fits the centurion Cornelius? a. A devout man and one who feared God with all his household. b. A devout man and one who feared God despite persecution from his superiors. c. A man who opposed the God of the Jews. 4. According to Acts chapter ten, at what hour of the day did Cornelius see a vision in which an angel of God spoke to him? a. The third hour. b. The sixth hour. c. The ninth hour. 5. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter ten: Your prayers and your alms have come up for _______________________. a. A reward from God. b. A memorial before God. c. A visit from a servant of God. 6. According to Acts chapter ten, a Christian named Simon had what surname? a. Cornelius. b. Peter. c. Joppa. 7. According to Acts chapter ten, with whom did St. Peter stay in Joppa? a. Simon the tanner. b. Aquila the tentmaker. c. Josephus the potter. 8. According to Acts chapter ten, who did Cornelius send to St. Peter in Joppa? a. Three devout soldiers. b. Three devout household servants. c. Two household servants and a devout soldier.

9. According to Acts chapter ten, at what hour did St. Peter go up to a household to pray in Joppa? a. The third hour. b. The sixth hour. c. The ninth hour. 10. Fill in the blank in St. Peters vision in Acts chapter ten: Then he became very hungry and wanted to eat; but while they made ready, he fell into a trance and saw heaven opened and an object like a great ____________ bound at the four corners, descending to him and let down to the earth. a. Sheet. b. Net. c. Tent. 11. Which of these types of animals did NOT appear in St. Peters vision in Acts chapter ten? a. Four-footed animals of the earth. b. Creeping things. c. Slithering serpents. 12. Fill in the blank in St. Peters vision in Acts chapter ten: And a voice came to him, Rise, Peter; _______________. a. And flee that which is unclean. b. Kill and eat. c. Pray for guidance from the Lord. 13. Fill in the blank in St. Peters vision in Acts chapter ten: And a voice spoke to him again the second time, What God has ___________ you must not call common. a. Cleansed. b. Made. c. Created. 14. In Acts chapter ten, who tells St. Peter to go with the men sent by Cornelius? a. An angel of the Lord. b. The Holy Spirit. c. Simon the tanner. 15. What did Cornelius do when St. Peter entered his house in Acts chapter ten? a. Praised him for being an Apostle. b. Fell down at St. Peters feet and worshipped him. c. Identified St. Peter as a follower of St. John the Baptist. 16. Fill in the blank in St. Peters statement in Acts chapter ten: Then he said to them, You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any ____________ common or unclean. a. Thing. b. Creation. c. Man.

17. Fill in the blank in St. Peters statement in Acts chapter ten: Then Peter opened his mouth and said: In truth I perceive that God shows no ______________. a. Partiality. b. Hostility. c. Ambiguity. 18. Fill in the blank in St. Peters statement in Acts chapter ten: The word which God sent to the children of Israel, preaching peace through Jesus ChristHe is ______________ that word you know, which was proclaimed throughout all Judea, and began from Galilee after the baptism which John preached. a. King of Kings. b. Our Savior. c. Lord of all. 19. Fill in the blank in St. Peters statement in Acts chapter ten: How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were, for God was with Him. a. Sick and infirmed. b. Sick and in despair. c. Oppressed by the devil. 20. According to Acts chapter ten, to whom did Jesus appear after His Resurrection? a. Witnesses chosen before by God. b. All people. c. All who would believe. 21. According to St. Peter in Acts chapter ten, what did God command the witnesses he had chosen to do? a. Heal the sick and free those possessed by demons. b. Preach to the people. c. Maintain the Law given on Sinai. 22. According to Acts chapter ten, what astonished the Jewish believers when St. Peter visited Cornelius house in Joppa? a. That the Holy Spirit had also been poured out upon the Gentiles. b. That Cornelius and his family were Jews. c. That the Holy Spirit had also been poured out upon a soldier and his family. 23. While Peter was preaching to the household and friends of Cornelius the centurion and as he was telling them of Jesus Christ, something unusual happened. What was it that happened? a. They spoke in tongues and magnified God. b. They laid all their money at the feet of the Apostles. c. They went forth and preached the Gospel in Italy.


1. C (Acts 10:1) 2. A (Acts 10:1) 3. A (Acts 10:2) 4. C (Acts 10:3) 5. B (Acts 10:4) 6. B (Acts 10:5) 7. A (Acts 10:6) This could also be used as a question for chapter nine (9:43) 8. C (Acts 10:7) 9. B (Acts 10:9) 10. A (Acts 10:10-11) 11. C (Acts 10:12) 12. B (Acts 10:13) 13. A (Acts 10:15) 14. B (Acts 10:19-20) 15. B (Acts 10:25) 16. C (Acts 10:28) 17. A (Acts 10:34) 18. C (Acts 10:36-37) 19. C (Acts 10:38) 20. A (Acts 10:40-41) 21. B (Acts 10:43) 22. A (Acts 10:44) 23. A (Acts 10:46)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. According to Acts chapter twelve, which king harassed the Church in Judea? a. Herod. b. Claudius. c. Pilate. 2. Which Apostle was killed by the sword in Acts chapter twelve? a. St. Matthew. b. St. James the brother of John. c. St. Stephen. 3. During which feast was St. Peter seized in Acts chapter twelve? a. The Days of Unleavened Bread. b. The Feast of Tabernacles. c. The Feast of Trumpets. 4. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter twelve: Peter was therefore kept in prison, but ______________ was offered to God for him by the church. a. A holy sacrifice. b. Alms. c. Constant prayer. 5. Who freed St. Peter from prison in Acts chapter twelve? a. An angel. b. Jesus Christ. c. King Herod. 6. According to Acts chapter twelve, what did St. Peter first think as he was being freed from prison by an angel? a. He was overwhelmed with gratitude to God. b. He did not believe the angel was real, but instead believed he was seeing a vision. c. He was eager to tell the other Christians in Jerusalem about what happened. 7. In Acts chapter twelve, to whose house did St. Peter go after he was freed from prison? a. To the house of James. b. To his mothers house. c. To the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark. 8. When Peter escaped to the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark, the people were praying for his release. When Rhoda reported that Peter was at the door, the people insisted it was not Peter but rather a. A Roman soldier. b. Barnabas. c. His angel.

9. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter twelve: But motioning to them with his hand to keep silent, he declared to them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. And he said, Go, tell these things to __________ and to the brethren. And he departed and went to another place. a. John. b. James. c. Saul. 10. According to Acts chapter twelve, what happened to the guards who were on duty when St. Peter was freed from prison? a. Herod ordered them put to death. b. Herod ordered them put into the same prison. c. Herod dismissed them from his service. 11. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter twelve: Now Herod had been very angry with the people of ____________; but they came to him with one accord, and having made Blastus the kings personal aide their friend, they asked for peace, because their country was supplied with food by the kings country. a. Antioch. b. Tyre and Sidon. c. Jerusalem. 12. Fill in the blank in this statement made by the people to Herod in Acts chapter twelve: And the people kept shouting, The voice of a __________ and not of a man! a. God. b. King. c. Angel. 13. Herod the king made a great oration to the people of Tyre and Sidon. The people proclaimed him to be a god. He accepted their praise and did not give credit to God. What happened to him then? a. He suffered a heart attack. b. He was assassinated. c. He was eaten by worms after being struck by the Lord. 14. According to Acts chapter twelve, who did Barnabas and Saul take with them when they returned from Jerusalem? a. Timothy. b. John, surnamed Mark. c. Simon.


1. A (Acts 12:1) 2. B (Acts 12:2) 3. A (Acts 12:3) 4. C (Acts 12:5) 5. A (Acts 12:7) 6. B (Acts 12:9) 7. C (Acts 12:12) 8. C (Acts 12:15) 9. B (Acts 12:17) 10. A (Acts 12:19) 11. B (Acts 12:20) 12. A (Acts 12:22) 13. C (Acts 12:23) 14. B (Acts 12:25)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. Which of these is NOT listed in Acts chapter thirteen as a teacher in Antioch? a. Namon. b. Lucius of Cyrene. c. Manaen. 2. In Acts chapter thirteen, whom did the Holy Spirit say he wanted to be separated to the work to which He had called them? a. Barnabas and Lucius. b. Manaen and Saul. c. Barnabas and Saul. 3. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter thirteen: Then, having fasted and prayed, and _________________, they sent them away. a. Given them their commission. b. Laid hands on them. c. Agreed to their mission. 4. According to Acts chapter thirteen, what was the name of the sorcerer on the island of Patmos? a. Bar-Jesus. b. Simon. c. Sergius Paulus. 5. According to Acts chapter thirteen, what was another name by which Saul was called? a. Sergius Paulus. b. Paul. c. Simeon. 6. In Salamis, Paul and Barnabas were called by the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, to hear the word of God. But Elymas the sorcerer, surnamed Bar-Jesus, worked against them, trying to turn the proconsul from the faith. Paul, however, cursed the sorcerer for fighting against God. What happened to Elymas? a. He was blinded. b. He died. c. He was exiled by Sergius Paulus. 7. According to Acts chapter thirteen, to which city did John travel after he and Ss. Paul and Barnabas arrived in Perga? a. Antioch. b. Patmos. c. Jerusalem.

8. According to St. Pauls statement in Acts chapter thirteen, how long did God give the nation of Israel judges? a. 100 years. b. 250 years. c. 450 years. 9. As St. Paul states in Acts chapter thirteen, from whose seed did God raise up Israels Savior? a. David. b. Saul. c. John. 10. According to Acts chapter thirteen, what did St. John the Baptist preach? a. The baptism of fire. b. The baptism of repentance. c. The baptism of forgiveness. 11. Fill in the blank from St. Pauls exhortation in Acts chapter thirteen: Men and brethren, sons of the family of Abraham, and those among you who fear God, to you the word of this _________ has been sent. a. Salvation. b. Savior. c. Baptism. 12. According to Acts chapter thirteen, how did the people in Jerusalem fulfill the writings of the Prophets? a. By building the Temple. b. By killing St. James. c. By condemning Christ. 13. According to Acts chapter thirteen, from which Psalm are these words taken: You are My Son, Today I have begotten You? a. The first Psalm. b. The second Psalm. c. The third Psalm. 14. According to Acts chapter thirteen, who fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and saw corruption? a. David. b. Jesus. c. Abraham. 15. Fill in the blank in St. Pauls exhortation in Acts chapter thirteen: Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through this Man is preached to you the forgiveness of sins; and by Him everyone who believes is __________ from all things from which you could not be _________ by the law of Moses. a. Saved. b. Transformed. c. Justified.

16. Fill in the blank from Acts chapter thirteen: But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy; and contradicting and blaspheming, they opposed the things spoken by ______. a. Barnabas. b. Paul. c. John. 17. In Acts chapter thirteen, after the Jews saw that the multitudes were following Paul in his teaching of Jesus Christ, they became jealous and contradicted what was spoken by Paul. Since the Jews rejected this teaching, who did Paul say he would turn his teaching towards? a. The unbelievers. b. The pagans. c. The Gentiles. 18. According to Acts chapter thirteen, who believed the message St. Paul preached on his second Sabbath in Antioch Pisidia? a. As many as had been appointed to eternal life. b. As many as stayed in the synagogue to hear him. c. All the Gentiles in the city. 19. What did Ss. Paul and Barnabas do when they were expelled from Antioch Pisidia in Acts chapter thirteen? a. They pronounced a curse upon the city. b. They shook the dust from their feet. c. They compared the people of the city to a stubborn donkey.


1. A (Acts 13:1) 2. C (Acts 13:2) 3. B (Acts 13:3) 4. A (Acts 13:6) 5. B (Acts 13:9) 6. A (Acts 13:11) 7. C (Acts 13:13) 8. C (Acts 13:20) 9. A (Acts 13:22-23) 10. B (Acts 13:24) 11. A (Acts 13:26) 12. C (Acts 13:27, 29) 13. B (Acts 13:33) 14. A (Acts 13:36) 15. C (Acts 13:39) 16. B (Acts 13:45) 17. C (Acts 13:46) 18. A (Acts 13:48) 19. B (Acts 13:51)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. According to Acts chapter fourteen, how long did Ss. Paul and Barnabas spend preaching in Iconium? a. A short time. b. A long time. c. St. Barnabas stayed a long time, while St. Paul moved on to Lystra. 2. According to Acts chapter fourteen, what caused Ss. Paul and Barnabas to travel to Lystra and Derbe? a. They fled the efforts of both Jews and Gentiles to abuse and stone them. b. They left for Lystra after converting much of the city of Iconium. c. They were invited by the people of Lystra and Derbe. 3. According to Acts chapter fourteen, what prompted St. Paul to heal the man in Lystra who was crippled from birth? a. St. Paul saw that the man sincerely needed healing. b. St. Paul saw that the man had faith to be healed. c. St. Paul healed him to refute doubters who were watching. 4. In Lystra, Paul healed a man crippled from birth. The people were amazed, but did not understand. What did they think about Paul and Barnabas? a. They believed St. Barnabas was Zeus, and St. Paul was Hermes. b. They believed St. Barnabas was Hermes, and St. Paul was Zeus. c. They believed St. Barnabas was Apollo, and St. Paul was Poseidon. 5. Fill in the blank in St. Pauls words from Acts chapter fourteen: But when the apostles Barnabas and Paul heard this, they tore their clothes and ran in among the multitude, crying out and saying, Men, why are you doing these things? We also are men with the same nature as you, and preach to you that you should turn from these useless things to _______________, who made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and all things that are in them. a. The Lord our God. b. The Maker of all. c. The living God. 6. What happened to St. Paul in Acts chapter fourteen after Jews from Antioch and Iconium convinced the people of Lystra that he was not a god? a. The people of Lystra stoned him and left him for dead. b. The people of Lystra drove him from the city. c. The people of Lystra tried to convince him to become a priest to Zeus. 7. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter fourteen: And when they had preached the gospel to that city and made many disciples, they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch, strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to continue in the faith, and saying, We must through many _____________ enter the kingdom of God. a. Eras. b. Prayers. c. Tribulations.

8. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter fourteen: From there they sailed to Antioch, where they had been commended to the ___________ for the work which they had completed. a. Brethren. b. Grace of God. c. Apostles. 9. According to Acts chapter fourteen, God had opened what door to the Gentiles? a. The door of the Gospel. b. The door of faith. c. The door of salvation.


1. B (Acts 14:3) 2. A (Acts 14:5-6) 3. B (Acts 14:9) 4. A (Acts 14:12) 5. C (Acts 14:15) 6. A (Acts 14:19) 7. C (Acts 14:22) 8. B (Acts 14:26) 9. B (Acts 14:27)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. According to Acts chapter fifteen, from where did the men come who said, Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved? a. Judea. b. Damascus. c. Antioch. 2. According to Acts chapter fifteen, who did the Church in Antioch decide should speak to the Apostles and elders in Jerusalem? a. Ss. Paul and Barnabas. b. Ss. Peter and John. c. Ss. Barnabas and John Mark. 3. According to Acts chapter fifteen, believing members of which sect rose up and said, It is necessary to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses? a. The Sadducees. b. The Synagogue of the Freemen. c. The Pharisees. 4. Who said these words in Acts chapter fifteen: Men and brethren, you know that a good while ago God chose among us, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe? a. St. Barnabas. b. St. Peter. c. St. Paul. 5. Fill in the blank from St. Peters speech in Acts chapter fifteen: So God, who knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us, and made no distinction between us and them, purifying their hearts by ______________. a. Grace. b. His power. c. Faith. 6. According to St. Peter in Acts chapter fifteen, were the Jews able to bear the yoke of circumcision that some desired to be placed upon the disciples? a. Yes. b. No. c. The fathers could only bear it with great reliance upon God. 7. Who spoke these words during the Council in Jerusalem in Acts chapter fifteen: Therefore I judge that we should not trouble those from among the Gentiles who are turning to God, but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood? a. St. James. b. St. Paul. c. St. Peter.

8. The council in Jerusalem sent two leading men along with Paul and Barnabas back to Antioch with their decision on circumcision. Name one of the two. a. Barabbas. b. Barsabas. c. Bartholomew. 9. According to the decree in Acts chapter fifteen, which of these is one of the regulations placed upon Christians by the Council in Jerusalem? a. To undergo circumcision. b. To abstain from eating animals that were strangled. c. To reject all artwork as idolatry. 10. According to Acts chapter fifteen, why did Ss. Paul and Barnabas separate? a. Barnabas wanted to take John called Mark with them, while Paul did not. b. Barnabas wanted to stay in Antioch, while Paul wanted to go on a missionary journey. c. Paul wanted to take Silas with them, while Barnabas did not. 11. After Paul and Barnabas dispute over who they would take with them, Paul chose to take with him: a. Peter. b. Judas. c. Silas.


1. A (Acts 15:1) 2. A (Acts 15:2) 3. C (Acts 15:5) 4. B (Acts 15:7) 5. C (Acts 15:8-9) 6. B (Acts 15:10) 7. A (Acts 15:19-20) 8. B (Acts 15:22) 9. B (Acts 15:29) 10. A (Acts 15:37-38) 11. C (Acts 15:40) 2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. In Lystra, Paul found a disciple who was the son of a Jewish woman and a Greek man. He wanted him to accompany him in his travels. Who was this disciple? a. Silas. b. Barsabas. c. Timothy. 2. Timothy, being the son of a Jewish mother and a Greek father, left with Paul on his journey. Before they left, however, what did Paul do to Timothy? a. He baptized him. b. He circumcised him. c. He changed his name. 3. According to Acts chapter sixteen, the decrees that the early Christians were to keep were determined by whom? a. The leaders of each individual church. b. St. Paul. c. The Apostles and elders at Jerusalem. 4. According to Acts chapter sixteen, where did the Holy Spirit prevent Ss. Paul and Silas from preaching? a. Asia. b. Phrygia. c. Galatia. 5. What led St. Paul to believe that the Lord was calling him to preach in Macedonia in Acts chapter sixteen? a. A commission by the Church in Antioch. b. A vision in which a man of Macedonia asks him to come help them. c. A request from St. James that he go to Macedonia. 6. According to Acts chapter sixteen, who was a seller of purple from the city of Thyatira? a. Lyra. b. Lydia. c. Lucia. 7. According to Acts chapter sixteen, the slave girl in Philippi was possessed by what kind of spirit? a. A spirit of divination. b. A spirit of sickness. c. A spirit of oppression.

8. What did the Philippian slave girl cry out in Acts chapter sixteen? a. These are false prophets, come to deceive us! b. Free me from my masters, servants of Jesus! c. These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation. 9. According to the Philippian slave masters in Acts chapter sixteen, how did Ss. Paul and Silas exceedingly trouble the city? a. By teaching customs which are not lawful for Romans to receive or observe. b. By exorcising their slave girl. c. By stealing from the temple of Apollo. 10. What event might have freed Ss. Paul and Silas from the Philippian jail in Acts chapter sixteen? a. An angel of the Lord released their feet from the stocks. b. The jailer opened the door after becoming a Christian. c. A great earthquake opened the doors, and the prisoners chains were loosened. 11. How many prisoners escaped from the Philippian jail in Acts chapter sixteen? a. All of them. b. None of them. c. Only Ss. Paul and Silas were enabled to escape. 12. Who said the following in Acts chapter sixteen: Sirs, what must I do to be saved? a. The masters of the slave girl. b. The chief magistrate of Philippi. c. The Philippian jailer. 13. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter sixteen: So they said, ______________, and you will be saved, you and your household? a. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. b. Receive the Holy Spirit. c. Accept the gospel. 14. According to Acts chapter sixteen, how many members of the Philippian jailers household were baptized? a. Only the jailer. b. The jailer and his wife. c. All his family. 15. According to Acts chapter sixteen, why were the Philippian magistrates worried after they had Ss. Paul and Silas beaten and jailed? a. Because Paul and Silas were innocent of any crime. b. Because Paul and Silas were Romans. c. Because they wondered how Paul and Silas had converted the jailer.


1. C (Acts 16:1) 2. A (Acts 16:3) 3. C (Acts 16:4) 4. A (Acts 16:6) 5. B (Acts 16:9-10) 6. B (Acts 16:14) 7. A (Acts 16:16) 8. C (Acts 16:17) 9. A (Acts 16:20-21) 10. C (Acts 16:26) 11. B (Acts 16: 28) 12. C (Acts 16:30) 13. A (Acts 16:31) 14. C (Acts 16:33-34) 15. B (Acts 16:38)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. According to Acts chapter seventeen, how many Sabbaths did St. Paul spend reasoning from the Scriptures in the synagogue of Thessalonica? a. Three. b. Five. c. Seven. 2. When Paul went to the synagogue of the Jews in Thessalonica, he explained and proved that two things were necessary for the Christ to do. Name one of these two things. a. Be proclaimed king by the people b. Rise from the dead. c. Ascend into Heaven. 3. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter seventeen: And some of them were persuaded; and a great multitude of the devout Greeks, and not a few of the _______________, joined Paul and Silas. a. Jews. b. Leaders of the city. c. Leading women. 4. According to Acts chapter seventeen, whose house was attacked by a mob in Thessalonica? a. Lydias. b. Jasons. c. Silas. 5. According to Acts chapter seventeen, what allegation did the mob make against St. Jason and other Christians in Thessalonica? a. They said that Jason and the others criticized Zeus. b. They said that Jason and the others were possessed by demons. c. They said that Jason and the others claimed that Jesus is king, which was contrary to the decrees of Caesar. 6. According to Acts chapter seventeen, how frequently did the Jews in Berea search the Scriptures to determine whether the things taught by Ss. Paul and Silas were so? a. Daily. b. Every Sabbath. c. Every time they spoke with Ss. Paul and Silas. 7. Who, according to Acts chapter seventeen, stirred up trouble for St. Paul in Berea? a. The magistrates. b. The Philippian slave masters. c. The Jews of Thessalonica.

8. According to Acts chapter seventeen, who stayed in Berea after the Christians sent St. Paul away? a. St. Silas. b. Ss. Silas and Timothy. c. St. Timothy. 9. According to Acts chapter seventeen, why was St. Pauls spirit provoked in Athens? a. He saw that the city was given over to idols. b. He saw that the city was given over to philosophers. c. He saw that the city was given over to atheism. 10. Fill in the blanks in this passage from Acts chapter seventeen: Then certain __________ and __________ philosophers encountered him. And some said, What does this babbler want to say? Others said, He seems to be a proclaimer of foreign gods, because he preached to them Jesus and the resurrection. a. Socratic; Platonic. b. Aristotelian; Cynic. c. Epicurean; Stoic. 11. According to Acts chapter seventeen, where did the philosophers take St. Paul to hear him speak about his new doctrine? a. The Acropolis. b. The Areopagus. c. The Parthenon. 12. Paul found one particular altar in Athens very interesting and used it as a point of reference in his sermon to the Athenians. What was the inscription on this altar? a. TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. b. TO MIGHTY ATHENA. c. TO APOLLO, GOD OF THE SUN. 13. Fill in the blank in St. Pauls speech on the Areopagus in Acts chapter seventeen: And He has made from one blood[c] every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their ____________ times and the boundaries of their dwellings. a. Complete. b. Fulfilled. c. Preappointed. 14. Fill in the blank in St. Pauls speech on the Areopagus in Acts chapter seventeen: so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him _______________________, as also some of your own poets have said, For we are also His offspring. a. We are completed and perfected. b. We live and move and have our being. c. We are adopted and made worthy of eternal life.

15. Fill in the blank in St. Pauls speech on the Areopagus in Acts chapter seventeen: Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by ________________. a. Raising Him from the dead. b. Sending the Son of Man into the world. c. The gift of the Holy Spirit. 16. According to Acts chapter seventeen, which of these individuals is NOT listed as having believed St. Pauls preaching on the Areopagus? a. Dionysius the Areopagite. b. Damaris. c. Cyril the Athenian.


1. A (Acts 17:2) 2. B (Acts 17:3) 3. C (Acts 17:4) 4. B (Acts 17:5) 5. C (Acts 17:7) 6. A (Acts 17:11) 7. C (Acts 17:13) 8. B (Acts 17:14) 9. A (Acts 17:16) 10. C (Acts 17:18) 11. B (Acts 17:19) 12. A (Acts 17:23) 13. C (Acts 17:26) 14. B (Acts 17:27-28) 15. A (Acts 17:30-31) 16. C (Acts 17:34)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. According to Acts chapter eighteen, what husband-and-wife team did St. Paul meet in Corinth? a. Ananias and Saphira. b. Aquinas and Prudence. c. Aquila and Pricilla. 2. According to Acts chapter eighteen, why were Ss. Aquila and Priscilla in Corinth? a. Because Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome. b. Because Nero had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome. c. Because they had been commanded by James to start a church in Corinth. 3. When Paul arrived in Corinth, he met a man named Aquila and his wife Priscilla who were in the same profession as Paul. What did they do for a living? a. They were potters. b. They were tentmakers. c. They were bakers. 4. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter eighteen: But when they opposed him and blasphemed, he shook his garments and said to them, Your ___________ be upon your own heads; I am clean. From now on I will go to the Gentiles. a. Blood. b. Sin. c. Transgression. 5. According to Acts chapter eighteen, whose house was next to the synagogue in Corinth? a. Crispus. b. Justus. c. Aquila and Priscillas. 6. According to Acts chapter eighteen, which ruler of the synagogue in Corinth became a Christian with his household? a. Crispus. b. Justus. c. Aquila. 7. According to Acts chapter eighteen, how long did St. Paul teach the word of God in Corinth? a. Six months. b. One year. c. One year and six months. 8. What charge did the Jews of Achaia bring against St. Paul in Acts chapter eighteen? a. This fellow persuades men to worship God contrary to the law. b. This fellow persuades men to reject Caesar. c. This fellow persuades men to refuse to pay their taxes.

9. According to Acts chapter eighteen, what happened to Sosthenes, the ruler of the synagogue in Achaia? a. He became a Christian. b. He was beaten by the Greeks before the judgment seat. c. He debated with St. Paul about the meaning of Scripture. 10. According to Acts chapter eighteen, what did St. Paul do at Cenchrea as a result of a vow he had taken? a. He fasted from food and water. b. He let his hair grow long. c. He had his hair cut off. 11. According to Acts chapter eighteen, why did St. Paul leave Ephesus after only a short while? a. He was eager to keep the coming feast in Jerusalem. b. He was eager to speak with St. James in Jerusalem. c. He was eager to preach in the Temple in Jerusalem. 12. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter eighteen: Now a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and __________________, came to Ephesus. a. Strong in the Lord. b. Mighty in the Scriptures. c. Full of the Spirit. 13. According to Acts chapter eighteen, which baptism did Apollos know? a. The baptism of John. b. The baptism of fire. c. The baptism of the Spirit. 14. How did Apollos demonstrate in Acts chapter eighteen that Jesus is the Christ? a. He showed this using the Greek myths. b. He showed this from the Scriptures. c. He showed this using the Roman myths.


1. C (Acts 18:1) 2. A (Acts 18:2) 3. B (Acts 18:3) 4. A (Acts 18:6) 5. B (Acts 18:7) 6. A (Acts 18:8) 7 C (Acts 18:11) 8. A (Acts 18:12-13) 9. B (Acts 18:17) 10. C (Acts 18:18) 11. A (Acts 18:21) 12. B (Acts 18:24) 13. A (Acts 18:25) 14. B (Acts 18:28)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. According to Acts chapter nineteen, what baptism had Christians in Ephesus received before St. Pauls visited while Apollos was at Corinth? a. Baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus. b. Johns baptism. c. The baptism of the Spirit. 2. What did the Christians in Ephesus do after they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus in Acts chapter nineteen? a. They spoke with tongues and prophesied. b. They went forth throughout the world proclaiming Gods kingdom. c. They fled persecution that erupted in the city. 3. In what Ephesian school in Acts chapter nineteen did St. Paul preach? a. The school of Sosipater. b. The school of Ephesus. c. The school of Tyrannus. 4. How long did St. Paul spend in Ephesus in Acts chapter nineteen? a. One year. b. Two years. c. Three years. 5. According to Acts chapter nineteen, by whose name did some itinerant Jewish exorcists expel evil spirits? a. By Paul the Christian. b. By the god of the Christians. c. By the Jesus whom Paul preaches. 6. According to Acts chapter nineteen, how many sons did the chief priest Sceva have? a. Seven. b. Twelve. c. Thirteen. 7. In Ephesus, as a result of Pauls preaching, many sorcerers and magicians were converted. As a result of their baptism, what became of their books on the magic arts? a. They sold them for fifty thousand pieces of silver. b. They burned them. c. Paul threw them into the sea. 8. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter nineteen: When these things were accomplished, Paul purposed in the Spirit, when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem, saying, After I have been there, I must also see ___________. a. Gaul. b. Philistia. c. Rome.

9. According to Acts chapter nineteen, what was the name of the Ephesian silversmith? a. Artemis. b. Demetrius. c. Daniel. 10. Why were the silversmiths angry with St. Paul in Acts chapter nineteen? a. St. Pauls preaching converted many people, thereby reducing sales of silver statues. b. St. Pauls preaching converted many people, causing the goddess Diana to be despised. c. Both of the above. 11. According to Acts chapter nineteen, what did the silversmiths cry out? a. Death to the Christians! b. Death to Paul and all who follow him! c. Great is Diana of the Ephesians! 12. Which of these individuals is not listed as one of St. Pauls traveling companions in Acts chapter nineteen? a. Gaius. b. Silus. c. Aristarchus. 13. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter nineteen: And when the city clerk had quieted the crowd, he said: Men of Ephesus, what man is there who does not know that the city of the Ephesians is temple guardian of the great goddess Diana, and of the image which fell down from ____________? a. Zeus. b. Heaven. c. The gods. 14. According to Acts chapter nineteen, of what crime did the city clerk of Ephesus convict Gaius and Aristarchus? a. Robbing the temples. b. Blaspheming the goddess Diana. c. He said they were guilty of neither of these things.


1. B (Acts 19:3) 2. A (Acts 19:6) 3. C (Acts 19:9) 4. B (Acts 19:10) 5. C (Acts 19:13) 6. A (Acts 19:14) 7. B (Acts 19:19) 8. C (Acts 19:21) 9. B (Acts 19:24) 10. C (Acts 19:25-27) 11. C (Acts 19:28) 12. B (Acts 19:29) 13. A (Acts 19:35) 14. C (Acts 19:37)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. How long did St. Paul stay in Greece in Acts chapter twenty? a. Three months. b. Six months. c. One year. 2. After what holy days did St. Paul and his companions sail away from Philippi in Acts chapter twenty? a. The Days of Awe. b. The Days of Unleavened Bread. c. The Day of Pentecost. 3. What was the name of the young man who went into a deep sleep and fell from the third story window as Paul talked? a. Euphemius. b. Eutychus. c. Timothy. 4. Fill in the blank from this passage in Acts chapter twenty: But Paul went down, fell on him, and embracing him said, Do not trouble yourselves, for his _________ is in him. a. Life. b. Soul. c. Breath. 5. According to Acts chapter twenty, for what time did St. Paul want to be in Jerusalem? a. The Days of Awe. b. The Day of Pentecost. c. The feast of Tabernacles. 6. Fill in the blank in St. Pauls farewell address in Acts chapter twenty: And see, now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem, not knowing the things that will happen to me there, except that the Holy Spirit testifies in every city, saying that ____________________ await me. a. People chosen by the Lord. b. The people of God. c. Chains and tribulations. 7. According to Acts chapter twenty, what Gospel did St. Paul claim to preach? a. The gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom. b. The gospel of the grace of God. c. The gospel prophesied by the Holy Spirit.

8. Fill in the blank in St. Pauls farewell address in Acts chapter twenty: Also from among _______________ men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. a. Yourselves. b. The nations. c. The world. 9. Paul admonishes his disciples to Help the weak by quoting the words: It is more blessed to give than to receive. Whose words was he repeating? a. Moses. b. Peter. c. Jesus. 10. According to Acts chapter twenty, what sorrowed the people most about St. Pauls farewell address? a. That St. Paul believed it necessary to earn his own money. b. That they would suffer persecution. c. That they would see St. Pauls face no more.


1. A (Acts 20:3) 2. B (Acts 20:6) 3. B (Acts 20:9) 4. A (Acts 20:10) 5. B (Acts 20:16) 6 C (Acts 20:22-23) 7. B (Acts 20:24) 8. A (Acts 20:30) 9. C (Acts 20:35 10. C (Acts 20:38)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. According to Acts chapter twenty-one, in which city did St. Paul and his companions stay for seven days after their ship stopped to unload cargo? a. Rhodes. b. Patara. c. Tyre. 2. According to Acts chapter twenty-one, where did St. Paul and the Christians of Tyre stop to pray as St. Paul left the city? a. On the shore. b. In the city marketplace. c. Aboard the ship. 3. According to Acts chapter twenty-one, in whose house did St. Paul and his companions stay while in Caesarea? a. Philip the evangelist house. b. Peters house. c. Barnabas house. 4. Acts chapter twenty-one describes St. Philip the evangelist as one of the seven, meaning he was one of the seven deacons ordained in Jerusalem. In which chapter did this ordination occur? a. Chapter four. b. Chapter six. c. Chapter eight. 5. According to Acts chapter twenty-one, St. Philip the evangelist had how many virgin daughters who prophesied? a. Four. b. Six. c. Eight. 6. Which man prophesied that Paul would be thrown into the hands of the Gentiles by the Jews of Jerusalem? a. Aquila. b. Simeon. c. Agabus. 7. Fill in the blank in Ababus prophecy in Acts chapter twenty-one: When he had come to us, he took Pauls ____________, bound his own hands and feet, and said, Thus says the Holy Spirit, So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt, and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles. a. Cloak. b. Belt. c. Rope.

8. Fill in the blank in St. Pauls words to the Christians in Caesarea in Acts chapter twenty-one: Then Paul answered, What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also ____________ at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus. a. To be imprisoned. b. To be condemned. c. To die. 9. According to Acts chapter twenty-one, what did many Jews hear about the message preached by St. Paul? a. That Jews living among Gentiles should forsake Moses, refusing to have their children circumcised or to walk according to the customs. b. That Jews living among Gentiles should be especially rigorous about having their children circumcised and walking according to the customs. c. That Jews living in Judea should follow the customs, but that Jews living among Gentiles should ignore the customs. 10. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter twenty-one: Therefore do what we tell you: We have four men who have taken a vow. Take them and be ____________ with them, and pay their expenses so that they may shave their heads, and that all may know that those things of which they were informed concerning you are nothing, but that you yourself also walk orderly and keep the law. a. Initiated. b. Purified. c. Proselytized. 11. According to Acts chapter twenty-one, how long was St. Paul in the Temple during the days of purification? a. Three days. b. Five days. c. Seven days. 12. How did the Jews say that Paul defiled this holy place (referring to the Temple) in chapter 21? a. He brought Greeks into the Temple. b. He went on the Sabbath. c. He did not purify himself. 13. According to Acts chapter twenty-one, which individual did the Jews from Asia believe was with St. Paul in the Temple? a. Barnabas. b. Silus. c. Trophimus. 14. Who rescued St. Paul from the mob during the riot in the Temple in Acts chapter twenty-one? a. St. James and other Christians in Jerusalem. b. Roman soldiers and centurions. c. Temple guards.

15. According to Acts chapter twenty-one, where was St. Paul taken when the commander of the garrison was unable to discern the truth regarding the riot? a. Into the Temple chambers. b. To the barracks. c. To the prison. 16. According to Acts chapter twenty-one, in what region was St. Pauls hometown of Tarsus? a. Cilicia. b. Galatia. c. Cyprus. 17. In the temple of Jerusalem, Paul spoke to the crowd in what language? a. Greek. b. Latin. c. Hebrew.


1. C (Acts 21:3-4) 2. A (Acts 21:5) 3. A (Acts 21:8) 4. B (Acts 6:5) 5. A (Acts 21:9) 6. C (Acts 21:10 7. B (Acts 21:11) 8. C (Acts 21:13) 9. A (Acts 21:21) 10. B (Acts 21:23-24) 11. C (Acts 21:27) 12. A (Acts 21:28) 13. C (Acts 21:29) 14. B (Acts 21:31-32) 15. B (Acts 21:34) 16. A (Acts 21:39) 17. C (Acts 21:40)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. According to Acts chapter twenty-two, St. Paul was brought up in Jerusalem at whose feet? a. Gamaliel. b. Hillel. c. Caiaphas. 2. Fill in the blank in St. Pauls defense in Acts chapter twenty-two: I persecuted this __________ to the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women. a. Way. b. Religion. c. Sect. 3. According to Acts chapter twenty-two, at what time of day did a great light shine around St. Paul as he journeyed to Damascus? a. Early morning. b. Noon. c. The afternoon. 4. According to Acts chapter twenty-two, did St. Pauls companions on the road to Damascus see the great light and hear the voice when Jesus spoke to him? a. Yes. b. No. c. They saw the great light, but did not hear Jesus voice. 5. Fill in the blank in St. Pauls defense in Acts chapter twenty-two: Then a certain Ananias, a devout man according to ___________, having a good testimony with all the Jews who dwelt there. a. Gods righteousness standard. b. The law. c. The customs of our fathers. 6. Fill in the blank in St. Pauls defense in Acts chapter twenty-two: For you will be His witness to _____________ of what you have seen and heard. a. All men. b. All the world. c. The chosen people. 7. According to Acts chapter twenty-two, was St. Pauls condition when Jesus told him to make haste and get out of Jerusalem? a. He was hiding in a cave. b. He was speaking with the Apostles. c. He was in a trance.

8. According to Acts chapter twenty-two, how did the crowd respond when St. Paul states that Jesus told him to go to the Gentiles? a. They cried out, tore off their clothes and threw dust into the air. b. They physically attacked St. Paul. c. They physically attacked the garrison commander. 9. According to Acts chapter twenty-two, what was St. Pauls response when the Romans bound him in order to examine him under scourging? a. May God forgive you for this sin. b. Is it lawful for you to scourge a man who is a Roman, and uncondemned? c. Is it lawful for you to scourge a man who is a servant of God, and uncondemned? 10. According to Acts chapter twenty-two, how did the garrison commander become a Roman citizen? a. He was born a citizen. b. He was awarded citizenship for his bravery. c. He bought his citizenship. 11. Paul was questioned in Jerusalem before what group? a. The Jewish Sanhedrin (council). b. A magistrates court. c. Roman soldiers in Jerusalem.


1. A (Acts 22:3) 2. A (Acts 22:4) 3. B (Acts 22:6) 4. C (Acts 22:9) 5. B (Acts 22:12) 6. A (Acts 22:15) 7. C (Acts 22:17-18) 8. A (Acts 22:23) 9. B (Acts 22:26) 10. C (Acts 22:28) 11. A (Acts 22:30)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. According to Acts chapter twenty-three, who was high priest when St. Paul appeared before the Sanhendrin? a. Caiaphas. b. Ananias. c. Gamaliel. 2. What did St. Paul call Ananias after the high priest ordered someone to strike the Apostle on the mouth in Acts chapter twenty-three? a. A whitewashed wall. b. A whited sepulcher. c. A son of the devil. 3. Fill in the blanks in this passage from Acts chapter twenty-three: But when Paul perceived that one part were Sadducees and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, Men and brethren, I am a __________, the son of a ___________; concerning the hope and resurrection of the dead I am being judged! a. Pharisee. b. Sadducee. c. Priest. 4. According to Acts chapter twenty-three, which group believed in both the resurrection and angels and spirit? a. Sadducees. b. Pharisees. c. Neither group believed in these things. 5. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter twenty-three: Then there arose a loud outcry. And the scribes of the Pharisees party arose and protested, saying, We find no evil in this man; but if a spirit or an angel has spoken to him, let us not fight against _____________. a. The Romans. b. Each other. c. God. 6. According to Acts chapter twenty-three, on the night after St. Paul appeared before the Sanhedrin, where did the Lord tell him that he would bear witness? a. Antioch. b. Athens. c. Rome. 7. According to Acts chapter twenty-three, what oath did some Jews take? a. That they would neither eat nor drink until they had killed St. Paul. b. That they would neither eat nor drink until St. Paul had been imprisoned. c. That they would follow St. Paul and disrupt any speeches he might give.

8. In Acts chapter twenty-three, who heard about the plot to kill St. Paul and warned him? a. James. b. Pauls sisters son. c. Pauls sisters daughter. 9. How many soldiers and other guards took St. Paul to to meet the regional governor in Acts chapter twenty-three? a. 200 soldiers, 70 horsemen, and 200 spearmen. b. 100 soldiers, 100 horsemen, and 100 spearmen. c. 200 soldiers, 200 horsemen, and 200 spearmen. 10. The soldiers, horsemen and spearmen transported Paul from Jerusalem to what city to meet the regional governor? a. Nazareth. b. Caesarea. c. Antipatris. 11. According to Acts chapter twenty-three, what was the name of the commander of the garrison? a. Claudius Lysias. b. Lucius. c. Artexerxes. 12. According to Acts chapter twenty-three, where did Felix order St. Paul to be kept? a. Herods Coliseum. b. Herods prison. c. Herods Praetorium.


1. B (Acts 23:1) 2. A (Acts 23:3) 3. A (Acts 23:6) 4. B (Acts 23:8) 5. C (Acts 23:9) 6. C (Acts 23:11) 7. A (Acts 23:12) 8. B (Acts 23:16) 9. A (Acts 23:23) 10. B (Acts 23:23) 11. A (Acts 23:26) 12. C (Acts 23:35)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. What was the name of the orator who came down to Caesarea with Ananias the high priest in Acts chapter twenty-four? a. Tertullian. b. Tertullus. c. Tatian. 2. What did Tertullus call Felix in Acts chapter twenty-four? a. Most noble Felix. b. Most pious Felix. c. Mighty Felix. 3. Fill in the blank in this statement by Tertullus in Acts chapter twenty-four: For we have found this man a plague, a creator of dissension among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the _______________. a. Christians. b. Way. c. Nazarenes. 4. According to St. Pauls defense in Acts chapter twenty-four, how long had it been since the Apostle went up to Jerusalem to worship? a. Twelve days. b. Fourteen days. c. Sixteen days. 5. Fill in the blank in St. Pauls defense in Acts chapter twenty-four: But this I confess to you, that according to the Way which they call a __________, so I worship the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets. a. Cult. b. Sect. c. False religion. 6. According to Acts chapter twenty-four, St. Paul had the hope that there will be a resurrection of both the just and unjust. a. True. b. False. c. His hope was only for the resurrection of the just. 7. According to Acts chapter twenty-four, what was a reason for which St. Paul came to Judea? a. To bring alms and offerings to his nation. b. To worship in the Temple. c. To see his brethren in Jerusalem.

8. According to St. Paul in Acts chapter twenty-four, what was one possible reason for which he was accused of wrongdoing? a. Because he was a Christian. b. Because he angered the silversmiths in Ephesus. c. Because he said before the Sanhedrin, Concerning the resurrection of the dead I am being judged by you this day. 9. According to Acts chapter twenty-four, under what form of imprisonment did Felix hold St. Paul during his trial? a. He held St. Paul in chains. b. St. Paul had his liberty and was allowed to see visitors. c. St. Paul had his liberty, but was not allowed to see visitors. 10. The wife of Felix, the governor of Caesarea was Jewish. Her name was: a. Hortence. b. Cynthia. c. Drusilla. 11. According to Acts chapter twenty-four, what was one reason for which Felix might have released St. Paul? a. Felix might have released St. Paul if the Apostle had given him money. b. Felix might have released St. Paul if Lysias convinced him of the Apostles innocence. c. Felix might have released St. Paul if the Jews had dropped their charges. 12. According to Acts chapter twenty-four, who replaced Felix as governor of Caesarea after St. Paul had been in prison for two years? a. Antiochus. b. Porcius Festus. c. Ptolemy.


1. B (Acts 24:1) 2. A (Acts 24:3) 3. C (Acts 24:5) 4. A (Acts 24:11) 5. B (Acts 24:14) 6. A (Acts 24:15) 7. A (Acts 24:17) 8. C (Acts 24:21) 9. B (Acts 24:23) 10. C (Acts 24:24) 11. A (Acts 24:26) 12. B (Acts 24:27)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. According to Acts chapter twenty-five, why did the high priest and chief men petition Festus against St. Paul? a. They hoped Festus would summon St. Paul to Jerusalem, so that they could ambush the Apostle and kill him. b. They hoped Festus would imprison St. Paul for the remainder of the Apostles life. c. They hoped Festus would send St. Paul to Rome. 2. According to Acts chapter twenty-five, why was Festus willing to send St. Paul to Jerusalem? a. To do the Jews a favor. b. Because he became irritated by St. Paul. c. Because St. Paul asked to again speak in the Temple. 3. To whom does Paul appeal to be his final judge in his defense against the Jews of Jerusalem? a. The Sanhedrin b. Festus. c. Caesar. 4. What King arrived in Caesarea to greet Portius Festus on the occasion of his new appointment? a. Agrippa. b. Arsenius. c. Aescelus. 5. According to Festus in Acts chapter twenty-five, what were the questions St. Pauls accusers raised against him? a. Questions about St. Pauls travels in Asia. b. Questions about their own religion and about a certain Jesus. c. Questions about the office of high priest. 6. According to Acts chapter twenty-five, what was another title for Caesar? a. Procurator. b. Sentinel. c. Augustus. 7. According to Festus in Acts chapter twenty-five, what did the whole assembly of Jews cry out? a. That St. Paul must be returned to Jerusalem. b. That St. Paul was not fit to live any longer. c. That St. Paul should be sent to Rome.

8. According to Acts chapter twenty-five, why did Festus have St. Paul appear before King Agrippa? a. In order to have specific charges to write to Caesar. b. To provide amusement for Beatrice. c. To find a reason to send Paul back to Jerusalem.


1. A (Acts 25:2-3) 2. A (Acts 25:9) 3. C (Acts 25:11) 4. A (Acts 25:13) 5. B (Acts 25:19) 6. C (Acts 25:21) 7. B (Acts 25:24) 8. A (Acts 25:26-27)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. Fill in the blank in this passage from Acts chapter twenty-six: Then Agrippa said to Paul, You are permitted to speak for yourself. So Paul ____________________ and answered for himself. a. Rose from his seat. b. Thanked the king. c. Stretched out his hand. 2. According to St. Paul in Acts chapter twenty-six, Agrippa was an expert in all customs and questions which had to do with the Jews. a. True. b. False. c. Agrippa was an expert only on political matters. 3. According to St. Paul in Acts chapter twenty-six, which was the strictest sect in Judaism? a. Sadducees. b. Pharisees. c. Zealots. 4. Fill in the blank in St. Pauls defense in Acts chapter twenty-six: Why should it be thought incredible by you that God ____________? a. Raises the dead. b. Became man and dwelt among us. c. Loves the Gentiles as well as the Jews. 5. Fill in the blank in St. Pauls defense in Acts chapter twenty-six: And I punished them often in every synagogue and compelled them to ________; and being exceedingly enraged against them, I persecuted them even to foreign cities. a. Flee Jerusalem. b. Fear for their lives. c. Blaspheme. 6. Fill in the blank in St. Pauls defense in Acts chapter twenty-six: I will deliver you from the Jewish people, as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you, to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are ____________ in Me. a. United. b. Gathered. c. Sanctified by faith. 7. According to Acts chapter twenty-six, to what was St. Paul not disobedient? a. The word of God. b. The heavenly vision. c. The power of Christ.

8. Fill in the blank in St. Pauls defense in Acts chapter twenty-six: Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision, but declared first to those in Damascus and in Jerusalem, and throughout all the region of Judea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent, turn to God, and __________________. a. Be baptized. b. Join themselves to the Lord. c. Do works befitting repentance. 9. According to St. Paul in Acts chapter twenty-six, what did the prophets and Moses predict Christ would proclaim to both Jews and Gentiles? a. Light. b. The truth. c. The eternal word. 10. Festus, the governor, said to Paul, You are beside yourself! Much ___________ is driving you mad! a. Learning. b. Zeal. c. Dreams. 11. According to King Agrippa in Acts chapter twenty-six, St. Pauls words almost persuaded him to become a Christian. a. True. b. False. c. King Agrippa became a Christian as a result of St. Pauls defense. 12. Paul told King Agrippa, I would to God that not only you but also all who hear me today, might become such as I am except for these __________ a. Chains b. Scars. c. Pains. 13. True or False: King Agrippa, Bernice, and the governor Festus all believed that Paul deserved death or chains. a. True. b. False. c. In fact, St. Paul was freed by Agrippa.


1. C (Acts 26:1) 2. A (Acts 26:3) 3. B (Acts 26:5) 4. A (Acts 26:8) 5. C (Acts 26:11) 6. C (Acts 26:18) 7. B (Acts 26:19) 8. C (Acts 26:19-20) 9. A (Acts 26:22-23) 10. B (Acts 26:24) 11. A (Acts 26:28) 12. A (Acts 26:29) 13. B (Acts 26:32)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. According to Acts chapter twenty-seven, St. Paul was turned over to Julius, a centurion of which Regiment? a. The Italian Regiment. b. The Augustan Regiment. c. The Judean Regiment. 2. According to Acts chapter twenty-seven, Julius treated St. Paul kindly and allowed him the liberty to receive help from his friends. a. True. b. False. c. He treated St. Paul kindly, but did not allow contact with his friends. 3. According to Acts chapter twenty-seven, why was the sailing dangerous as the ship in which St. Paul sailed came to Fair Havens. a. Because the Havens were surrounded by dangerous rocks. b. Because the ship carried too much cargo. c. Because the Fast was already over. 4. What tempestuous head wind arose in Acts chapter twenty-seven? a. Euroclydon. b. Europa. c. Empirion. 5. Upon what area did the sailors fear to run aground in Acts chapter twenty-seven? a. The shoals of Crete. b. The rock of Sardis. c. The Syrtis Sands. 6. From what did St. Paul fast during the tempest in Acts chapter twenty-seven? a. Food. b. Water. c. Sleep. 7. Who said the following to St. Paul in Acts chapter twenty-seven: Do not be afraid, Paul; you must be brought before Caesar; and indeed God has granted you all those who sail with you? a. St. Barnabas. b. St. Silus. c. An angel of God. 8. According to Acts chapter twenty-seven, how many people were sailing on the ship taking St. Paul to Rome? a. 179. b. 238. c. 276.

9. What happened to the ship on which St. Paul sailed in Acts chapter twenty-seven? a. It was shipwrecked. b. It was captured by pirates. c. The ship and its passengers wintered in Sardinia. 10. How many people were killed when the ship ran aground in Acts chapter-seven? a. All. b. None. c. 82.


1. B (Acts 27:1) 2. A (Acts 27:3) 3. C (Acts 27:9) 4. A (Acts 27:14) 5. C (Acts 27:17) 6. A (Acts 27:21) 7. C (Acts 27:23-24) 8. C (Acts 27:37) 9. A (Acts 27:41) 10. B (Acts 27:44)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America


1. The name of the island on which Paul was shipwrecked was: a. Malta. b. Cyprus. c. Sicily. 2. Which creature fastened itself onto Pauls hand while he was putting wood on a fire in Malta? a. A spider. b. A scorpion. c. A viper. 3. What did the natives think when St. Paul was bitten by the viper in Acts chapter twenty-eight? a. They thought he was a snake handler. b. They thought he was a murderer being struck down by justice. c. They thought he was particularly unfortunate. 4. What did the natives think when they saw that St. Paul did not die from the viper bite in Acts chapter twenty-eight? a. They thought he was a god. b. They thought he was a sorcerer. c. The thought he had tricked justice. 5. The chief of the island of Malta received and entertained the shipwrecked passengers. His name was: a. Publius. b. Laurentius. c. Protactus. 6. What figurehead was on the Alexandrian ship on which St. Paul sailed from Malta in Acts chapter twenty-eight? a. The Twin Brothers. b. Poseidon. c. Caesar Augustus. 7. According to Acts chapter twenty-eight, from how far did the Roman Christians travel to meet St. Paul and his companions? a. From as far as the Coliseum. b. From as far as the Vatican. c. From as far as the Appii Forum and Three Inns. 8. According to Acts chapter twenty-eight, how many people guarded St. Paul in Rome? a. One. b. Three. c. Five.

9. Fill in the blank in St. Pauls words in Acts chapter twenty-eight: For this reason therefore I have called for you, to see you and speak with you, because for _____________ I am bound with this chain. a. The glory of God. b. The hope of Israel. c. Sake of the gospel. 10. According to Acts chapter twenty-eight, St. Paul attempted to persuade the Roman Jews about Jesus using what parts of the Bible? a. The Law of Moses. b. The Prophets. c. Both. 11. In Acts chapter twenty-eight, which prophet did St. Paul quote when he said, Go to this people and say: Hearing you will hear, and shall not understand; And seeing you will see, and not perceive. a. Jeremiah. b. Isaiah. c. Joel. 12. According to St. Paul in Acts chapter twenty-eight, the salvation of God has been sent to whom? a. The Jews. b. The Romans. c. The Gentiles. 13. Paul stayed in Rome waiting for his trial in rented lodging. For how long was Paul a renter in Rome? a. One year. b. Two years. c. Three years.


1. A (Acts 28:1) 2. C (Acts 28:3) 3. B (Acts 28:4) 4. A (Acts 28:6) 5. B (Acts 28:8) 6. A (Acts 28:11) 7. C (Acts 28:15) 8. A (Acts 28:16) 9. B (Acts 28:20) 10. C (Acts 28:23) 11. B (Acts 28:25-26) 12. C (Acts 28:28) 13. B (Acts 28:30)

2006 Department of Youth Ministry Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America

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