2.routine Problem and Non-Routine

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Routine problem Routine problem solving stresses the use of sets of known or prescribed procedures (algorithms) to solve problems.

One-step, two-step, or multiple-step routine problems can be easily assessed with paper and pencil tests typically focusing on the algorithm or algorithms being used. In other word, routine problem solving involves using at least one of four arithmetic operation or ratio to solve problems that are practical in nature. Routine problem solving concern a large degree the kind of problem solving that serves a socially useful function that has immediate and future payoff. The critical matter knows that arithmetic to do in the first place. For example, use geometric properties to solve problems; compare and match different representations of data and use data from charts, tables, graphs, and maps to solve routine problems.

Non-routine problem Non-routine problem stresses the use of heuristics and often requires little to no use of algorithms. Heuristics are procedures or strategies that do not guarantee a solution to a problem but provide a more highly probable method for discovering the solution to a problem. Building a model and drawing a picture of the problem are two basic problem-solving heuristics. Other problem-solving such as describing the problem situation, making the problem simpler, finding the irrelevant information, working backwards, and classifying information are also emphasized. For non-routine problem, it occurs when an individual is confronted with an unusual problem situation, and is not aware of standard procedure for solving it. This individual has t create a procedure. To do so, we must become more familiar with the problem situation, collect appropriate information, identify an efficiency strategy and use strategy to solve it. Non-routine problem are those that call for the use of processes far more than those of routine problems with the characteristics use of strategies involving some non-algorithmic approaches and can be solved in many distinct in many ways requiring different thinking process.

This problem solving also serves a different purpose than routine problem solving. While routine problem solving concerns solving problem that are useful for daily life, non-routine problem solving problem solving concerns that only indirectly, mostly concerned with developing mathematical reasoning power and fostering the understanding that mathematics is a creative Endeavour. Clearly shown that non-routine problem solving can be more interesting and challenging. It is important that we share how to solve problem so that all are exposed to a variety of the strategies as well as the idea that there may be more than one way to reach the solution. It is unwise to force other people to use one particular strategy for two important reasons. First, mostly more than one way to solve a problem. Second, the goal is for students to search for and apply useful strategies, not to train students use a particular strategy. All of us can benefit from the kinds of thinking that is involved in non-routine problem solving.

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