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ABOUT RAJASTHAN Rajasthan is the largest state of India as far as the area covered is concerned. Rajasthan situated at the north-western part of India and lies between 2330' and 3011' North-latitude and 6929' and 7817 East-longitude. Rajasthan shares its North-western and Western boundary with the Indo-Pak International border. The huge portion of the state of Rajasthan is deserted and houses the biggest Indian desert 'The Thar' known as the Maru Kantar. The oldest chain of Fold Mountains 'The Aravali Range' splits the state into two geographical zones- desert is on the one side and forest belt on the other. Only 9.36% of the total geographical region lies under forest vegetation. Rajasthan with a total geographical area of 3.42 lakhs Sq. Km. accounts for about 10% of the total area and about 5.6% of total population of the country. It is situated in the north western part of the country and bounded north by Punjab, north east by Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, east by Madhya Pradesh, south by Gujarat, and west by Pakistan. ADMINISTRATIVE SET-UP Districts Divisions Sub-divisions Tehsils Gram Panchyat Villages 33 7 188 241 9189 42955

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Rajasthan had varying topographic features. The extensive topography includes rocky terrain, rolling sandy dunes, wetlands, barren tracks or land filled with thorny scrubs, river-drained plains, plateaus, ravines and wooded region. The topography of Rajasthan is varied and characterized by hilly and sandy terrain. The Aravali range runs from south-west to north-east through the heart of the state. The region to the West and North West of the Aravali comprises of 12 districts and accounts for 61% of geographical area of the State which is either desert or semi-desert, known as Great Indian 'Thar Desert'. The Thar area is characterized by low and erratic rainfall, extreme temperature, long periods of drought accompanied by high wind velocity and low relative humidity resulting in arid and semi-arid conditions. Like its varying topography, Rajasthan has varying climate. The weather or climate of the Rajasthan can be broadly classified into four distinct seasons i.e. the pre-monsoon, the monsoon, the postmonsoon and the winter. Recurring drought, uneven and scanty rainfall conditions have become regular feature of the state economy. The State has faced 84 droughts in last 100 years. The state in general is characterized as one of the dry states in the country with wide temperature variation. State is divided into four agro-climatic zones. i) ii) iii) iv) Trans Gangetic Plains Central Plateau & hills Western Plateau & hills Western Dry Region 2 districts. 21 districts 1 district 9 districts

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About 67% of work force is engaged in agriculture and allied activities. Contribution of Agriculture in Rajasthan State GDP is about 21.57%. In the Rajasthan State 58.03 lakh farmers are operational land holders. Rajasthan is at first position in terms of average size of land holding. For agri-marketing, 129 mandis and 303 sub-yards, 89 warehouses in 31 district being operated by the Rajasthan State Warehousing Corporation. The soil in Rajasthan is mainly sandy but alluvial and red soils are also found in some parts of the state. The State is also poor in terms of forest resources. Only 7.73% of total geographical area of the state is under forest cover. STATE PROFILE Largest state in the country with total geographical area of 3.42 lakh sq. km. 10% of the geographical area and nearly 5.6% of population of the country. 41,353 revenue villages and 39,753 inhabited villages in the 33 districts. 12 districts in the Western region (61% of the state area) is desert / semi-desert, known as The Great Indian Thar desert. Divided into 4 agro-climate zones by GoI and 10 sub agroclimatic zones by GoR.

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State population (2001 Census) 565 lakhs; Rural : 76% About 67% of the work force is engaged in agriculture and allied activities.

Contribution of Agriculture in State GDP (2010-11): 21.57% 17.5% of the population below poverty line (BPL). GSDP- 2010-11: Rs. 196045 crores (increase of 9.69% over previous year)

Per capita income at current prices (2010-11): Rs. 39967/Total number of operational land holdings: 58.03 lakhs First in the country in terms of average size of land holding (3.65 ha)

Major crops- Bajra, Wheat, Gram, Rapeseed, Mustard; Other crops- Sugarcane, Cotton, Spices

Main producer of spices and condiments in the country. Largest producer of Rapeseed, Mustard, Cluster bean (guar), Moth bean, Bajra, Cumin, Coriander, Fenugreek, etc.

Major horticultural crops- Orange, Kinnow, Lime, Aonla, Chillies, Garlic, Coriander, Cumin, Fenugreek, Isabgoal, Mehndi, etc.

Agriculture is primarily rain fed- only 36.42% of GCA and 37.69% of NCA under irrigation.

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About 61% of the GCA is under Kharif season, largely dependent upon scanty and irregular rain.

Scarcity of water resources in the state; only 1% share in countrys water resources.

For agri-marketing, 129 Mandis and 303 sub-yards; 89 warehouses in 31 districts being operated by The Rajasthan State Warehousing Corporation.

12.46% of the countrys livestock population; largest in the country- Animal husbandry contributing to about 13% of the net SDP.

Major minerals- Felsper, Limestone, Marble, Gypsum, Granite. BANKING PROFILE IN RAJASTHAN Network of 119 banks with 4982 branches. Per Branch village outreach : 8 Aggregate bank deposits: Rs. 141700 crore, 20.7% growth over 2009-10. Aggregate advances outstanding: Rs. 125167 crore, 22.9% growth over 2009-10. Aggregate CD ratio: 93.37%, increase from the last years level of 92.1%. There is no unbanked district/block in the state.

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With a view to cater the seasonal financial requirements for agriculture & other allied activities at state level, The Rajasthan State Cooperative Bank Ltd.(RSCB) was established & registered under Rajasthan Cooperative Societies Act on 14th October, 1953. It is an Apex institution of the District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCBs) functioning in the state. The governance of village level Primary Agriculture Cooperative Societies (PACS), District Central

Cooperative Banks & RSCB is ensured by elected board through a democratic election system under The Rajasthan Cooperative Societies Act. NET WORK In order to achieve the objectives of the Cooperatives, an extensive net-work is available to cater the needs of rural masses at their door-step with a three tier short-term cooperative credit delivery system. a) At the Apex level, Rajasthan State Cooperative Bank (RSCB) with its 5 Regional and 11 local (Jaipur) Branches in the State. b) At the District level 29 DCCBs covering 33 Districts of the State having 414 Branches. c) At the grass-root level 5673 PACS/LAMPS which covers 100% of the geographical area of the state.

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PACS are the backbone of Short-term Cooperative Credit Structure (STCCS). Out of 5673 PACS/LAMPS in the state, 4259 PACS working as Mini Bank were collecting deposits from their members. Total deposits of these Mini Banks stood at Rs.990.74 crores as on 31.3.2012.


RSCB has successfully completed more than five decades of services to the state of Rajasthan in general and to the rural and farming community in particular. Looking at the area of Rajasthan State, RSCB has converted its regional offices into regional branches and presently Udaipur and Jodhpur branches are catering the financial needs of DCCBs situated in

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their area of operation since financial year 2007-08 Kota, Bikaner & Jaipur Regional Branches are also providing Short-term agricultural loans to DCCBs situated at head quarter in their respective area of operation. S.T.COOPERATIVE STRUCTURE




OUR MISSION Our corporate mission is to become a strong and competitive Cooperative Banking Network which offers innovative financial products along with varied range of services to serve rural masses with rejuvenated short-term cooperative credit structure to serve the people of Rajasthan.

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PRIORITIES 1. 2. To issue Kisan Credit Card to all eligible farmers. To inculcate thrift habits in rural areas by mobilizing rural

savings through PACS/MINI Banks and branches of DCCBs. 3. To implement Life Insurance/ Personal Accidental Insurance/

Crop Insurance Schemes / Group Health Insurance Scheme covering borrowers & customers of Cooperative Sector. 4. To release farmers from the clutches of money lenders by

providing cheaper and timely institutional credit. 5. To increase investment credit to farmers to create/enhance capital

formation in the state. 6. To support State Government's efforts to implement the revival

package for Short-Term Cooperative Credit Structure. 7. To promote Farmers Club & SHGs ensuring credit linkage of

maximum number of SHGs & special efforts for women SHGs. 8. To bring about technological changes in the Short-Term

Cooperative Credit Structure. 9. To enhance corporate image of cooperative banking in general

and Apex Bank in particular. 10. To start branches of Mini banks in 3500 Bharat Nirman Rajeev Gandhi Seva Kendras constructed at Gram Panchayat Level.

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11. To complete the Computerization of PACS under Vaidynathan Revival Package by NABARD so that Uniform Common Accounting System (CAS) and Management Information System (MIS) are successfully implementation. RSCB'S ORGANISATIONAL SET-UP At present Board of Directors is functional in Rajasthan State Cooperative Bank which has been constituted after due election process. Chairman presides over board meetings. The Chief Executive Officer of the bank is designated as Managing Director and is an officer drawn on deputation from Cooperative Department of State Govt. There are One General Manager and 6 Dy. General Managers to assist M.D. in day to day management. The bank has 6 departments at HO level which are: Administration & Personnel (A&P) Operation (Opr.) Planning & Development (P&D) Accounts & Finance (A&F) Inspection & Supervision (I&S) Training (T)

Banks Regional offices viz; Jaipur, Kota, Udaipur, Jodhpur and Bikaner are functioning with a view to keep a close watch on Central Cooperative Banks within their area of operation. Regional Offices

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have also started banking business as full fledged regional branches. Banks' remaining 11 branches are functioning in the municipal area of the Jaipur city. ORGANISATIONAL SET-UP G E N E R A L B O D Y




5 Regional Branches

11 Branches

LICENCE:Banking License granted to State Co-operative Bank and 28 DCCBs by RBI till June, 2012. Hence Rajasthan State Co-operative Bank is having status of Scheduled and Licensed bank.

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HIGH LIGHTS AND IPSO-FACTO YEAR 2011-12 RSCB has registered 19.58 Crore net profit. RSCB registered an annual growth of 2.79 % in own fund as well as 18.65 % in share capital. RSCB registered an annual growth of 20.38 % in loan outstanding. RSCB registered an annual growth of 30.50 % in average working fund. The level of recovery against demand stood at 96.85 %. Per employee productivity was to the tune of Rs. 24.88 Crores and per branch business was Rs. 426.07 Crores. RSCB has established India's first currency chest in the cooperative sector in its Nehru Bazaar Branch, Jaipur. Now it has been shifted to Tonk Road branch of the Bank. RSCB has been awarded at national level by NAFSCOB for its performance in the year 1994-95, 1996-97, 1997-98, 1998-1999, 2000-2001, 2001-2002 to 2002-2003, 2005-2006, 2006-2007 and 2007-2008.

RSCB is paying dividend regularly to its Shareholders. Last dividend paid @ 8.00%.

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Total Deposit
(Rs in crore)

Total Loans Outstanding:

(Rs in crore)

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OBJECTIVES According to the Bye-laws main objectives of RSCB are as under

* To promote the economic interest of the members of the bank in

accordance with cooperative principles;

* To receive money on current/various fixed deposits or other

accounts and to raise or borrow from time to time such sums of money as may be required for the purpose of the bank.

*To grant loans to cooperative institutions registered or deemed to be

registered under the Act and other members enrolled as per provisions of the Bye-laws;

* To lend money or grant overdrafts to, or open cash credit for,

depositors and members of the bank's staff on the security of:i) ii) iii) Fixed deposits, Government securities, and Other securities approved by the Registrar, also grant clean overdrafts to depositors, who are at least nominal members according to the rules framed by the Board;

* To serve as a balancing center for all-cooperative banks and

societies in the state;

* To undertake inland exchange business by collecting or discounting

bills of exchange and hundies or to issue demand drafts. The

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discounting of bills shall be for those who are at least nominal members according to rules framed by the Board;

*To receive for safe custody securities, ornaments and valuables; * To buy and sell for the legitimate investment of surplus funds,
securities of the Govt.of India or of the Govt. of Rajasthan or other securities as specified in clauses (a), (b), (c) and (d) of section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882 and to act as agent for cooperative institutions for the purchase and sale of such securities;

*To open branches where necessary in its area of operation. * As federal organization, it plays leadership role by providing
consultancy, guidance and technical support to its affiliates.


In the State of Rajasthan, the crop loans were disbursed in the cash credit form based on " Sri Ganganagar or Punjab Pattern" even prior to the introduction of Kisan Credit Card (KCC) Scheme. However, with the introduction of KCC scheme, loan disbursement procedure has been renamed accordingly. At present all crop loans are being disbursed under KCC. The State Govt. has also taken keen interest to see that more and more KCC are issued to the eligible farmers of the state. Short term

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cooperative credit structure of the state has issued 36.70 lacs KCC upto 31st March,2012.


In last few years concerted efforts have been made to diversify loan portfolio so as to provide an opportunity to DCCBs to cross subsidize their losses in traditional crop loan business. Consequent to above deliberated efforts, DCCBs have been able to develop their investment portfolio over a period of time. In this endeavor NABARD has introduced lots of new schemes viz; water harvesting structure, organic farming, agri-clinic / agri-business centers, aromatic and medicinal plantation, onion storage structure, horticulture, self help groups, house building, swarojgar credit card etc. for which DCCBs can avail refinance from NABARD and can further diversify their farm and non-farm investment portfolio. Apex Bank on its part has been pursuing DCCBs to finance for innovative activities, the sole purpose of which is to diversify the loan portfolio of these banks and to facilitate economic development through creation of assets in the rural areas of the state.



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diversification need of the time. Consequent to this concept several loan schemes were launched from time to time keeping in view the requirement of general public of the state. Most of the schemes have been adopted by DCCBs, some of them are as under: Personal Loans. Vehicle Loans. Working capital finance to the existing & new industrial units. Cash Credit limits. Krishak Mitra Yojana Aawas and Vyavasayik parisar loan Scheme. Swarojgar Credit Card Scheme. Gyan Sagar ( Education) loan scheme. Financing against N.S.Cs & Securities. Avika Sahkari Credit Card Scheme for Sheep rearing. Viswas Yojna for handicapped persons. Loan against property 4) ISO CERTIFICATION

Bank has implemented ISO 9001:2008 QMS standards in its HO & Tonk Road branch. ISO 9001:2008 certification has been received for the banks HO & Tonk Road branch.

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Under the micro-credit system promoted by Short Term Cooperative Credit Structure in the State, the DCCBs/PACS have been playing the role of facilitators to organize Self Help Groups of specially the women clientele to address their common socio-economic needs by pooling their resources to make available small interest bearing loans to their members. This process helps them in inculcating saving habits and imbibes the essentials of financial intermediation including prioritization of needs, setting terms & conditions, accounts keeping & building financial discipline by handling resources of a size beyond their individual capacities. These groups are graduated to be linked with DCCBs/PACS. Since beginning of the SHG-Pilot project 65,146 new SHGs have been formed of which 63,201 SHGs were benefited by providing cumulative credit of Rs 336.48 lacs up to 31.03.2012. Besides this interest subvention is being provided by the State Govt. for Women SHGs since July 2010. Under this scheme 50% interest subvention against the interest rate lavied by bankers is provided to those credite linked SHGs who repay loan installments in time, so for (upto 31.12.2011) 7881 SHGs are being benefitted by providing Rs.1.19 crore interest subvention.

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State govt. is also providing financial assistance to import vocational training to the credit linked SHGs since 2007-08. So far 22345 women are being benefitted with the cumulative financial assistance of Rs. 45.00 lacs (upto 2011-12). 6) WEATHER BASED CROP INSURANCE SCHEME:-

The Agriculture Deptt. Of GoR issues notifications for implementation of Crop Insurance Schemes in the State. During Rabi 2011-12, for the first time in the state. Modified National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS) was implemented in 3 district viz Tonk, Jalore & Rajasamand. In remaining 30 districts WBCIS was implemented by selected Insurance Companies. During Kharif 2012, Modified NAIS is to be implemented in 4 districts viz. Tonk, Jhunjhunu, Sikar & Rajasmand. In remaining 29 districts WBCIS will be implemented. 7) PERSONAL ACCIDENTAL INSURANCE SCHEME

Personal Accidental Insurance Scheme has been introduced in the state through M/S United India Insurance company with an objective to provide financial security to its loanee members, Customers, Depositors & Staff members at a nominal premium against the accidental losses. During the period from Sept. 2011 to 15.04.2012 total insured persons were 7, 30,504 and premium amount Rs 65.17 Lacs was paid to insurance company. Total 232 claims were lodged amounting to Rs 116.20 lacs out of which 129 claims were sanctioned

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amounting to Rs 64.70 lacs. 10 claims were rejected and claims under consideration are 93 amounting to Rs 46.50 lacs. 8) GROUP LIFE INSURANCE

Life Insurance coverage is provided to all Loonies on Compulsory banks. It is optional for depositors & Employees. The coverage for loanees is up to Loan outstanding at the time of becoming members of the scheme or Rs. Ten lacs whichever is less. MOU was signed on 14 March, 2012 with L.I.C, as per approval of GOR for implementation of the scheme. Under the scheme so far Premium from 14.03.2012 to 15.04.2012 amounting to Rs. 21.92 lacs was forwarded to L.I.C. So far 190 claims amounting to Rs 68.23 lacs are submitted to LIC. COMPUTERISATION Status of RSCB and DCCB computerization project

RSCB computerization: Core Banking Solution has been implemented in all the sixteen branches of the RSCB and A&F department of RSCB. EFT switch has been installed made operational in banks Data Center. ATMs are operational in two branches of the bank viz. Lalkothi & Nehru Bazar along with BANCS ATM network connectivity. Banks is maintaining its own web server and banks website is developed and hosted at the RSCB Data Center at banks HO. Bank is maintaining its own e-mail server, installed in the banks Data Center and e-mail Facility is available in the HO and branches of the bank. E-mail is used in daily communications.

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Bank has taken the membership of the CIBIL (constituted in joint efforts of GoI & RBI), to ensure quality of loans. The branches of the bank are generating the credit reports of the loanees. Statement by e-mail facility has been started for DCCBs and customers of the bank SMS alerts facility has been started Bank has implemented its own RTGS, NEFT & SFMS and PDONDS services. The process of implementation of money at call is in progress. Implementation of Bill payment services is in progress.

DCCBs computerization project: Three branches of Jodhpur DCCB, Two branches of Jaipur DCCB and one Branch each of Kota, Ajmer, Bharatpur, Udaipur, Bhilwara, Bikaner, Jhalawar, Jhunjhunu Pali and Sri Ganganagar DCCBs have been computerized Hardware has been supplied and installed in 273 branches of 23 DCCBs. The implementation of the CBS computerization in all branches of DCCBs in the State of Rajasthan is in progress and shall be completed by March 2013. GOALS FOR FUTURE ( 2012-2013) a) Under Short Term Agriculture loan Rs. 9431 00 crores loan disbursement at grass root level against which 3400.00 crore reimbursement. Disbursement of Rs. 100.00 crores loan under Investment Credit (Agriculture & Non-Agriculture). Attain the level of Rs. 4000.00 crores in Deposits of the Bank. Attain the level of Rs. 4500.00 crores in total loan outstanding of the bank.

b) c) d)

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e) f)

Attain the level of Rs. 8600.00 crores in working capital of the bank. For bank branches/Regional branches construct suitable office accommodation after purchasing land/purchase office accommodation. To promote formation and loan disbursement of Self Help Groups. To establish ATM in remaining branches of Jaipur on the basis of requirement and utility.

g) h)

i) j)

To get the ISO 9001:2008 certificate for Nehru Bazar branch . To start the process of permission for two new computerized branches from R.B.I. in Jaipur.


To provide the facility of Internet banking, Tale banking and mobile banking to all customer of the bank.

l) m) n)

Complete the CBS Computerization of DCCBs. Computerization of 1000 PACS. To start the Insurance Business.

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(Rs. in Crore)

3,500.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 0.00 31.3.2008 31.3.2009 31.3.2010 31.3.2011 1570.84 1385.87 1386.52 2475.84



(Rs in Crore)

4,500.00 4,000.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 500.00 0.00 31.3.2008 31.3.2009 31.3.2010 31.3.2011 31.3.2012 2257.21 1727.53 1825.64 3352.78 4035.92

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(Rs in Crores)


(Rs in Crores)

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(Rs in Crores)

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THE RAJASTHAN STATE COOPERATIVE BANK LTD., JAIPUR Progress of Apex Bank during last 5 years at a glance
( Rs. in Crore)








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

No.ofBranches No.ofDCCBs/PACS No.ofMembers No.ofEmployees ShareCapital Reserves Deposits BorrowingsOutstanding Loans&AdvancesIssued AdvancesOutstanding Investments SLR NonSLR WorkingCapital AverageWorkingCapital TotalIncome TotalExpenditure NetProfit Salary&Allowances OtherExpenses TotalCOM TotalOverdue % %of fRecoverytoDemand d AverageDeposit AverageAdvanceO/s AverageBusiness PerBranchDeposit PerBranchAdvances PerBranchBusiness PerEmployeeBusiness CostofDeposit(%) CostofBorrowings(%) YieldonAdvances(%) YieldonInvestment(%) ReturnonFunds(%) CostofFunds(%) FinancialMargin(%) Misc.Income(%) Total Salary&Allowances% OtherExpenses% CostofManagement(%) RiskCost IncomeTax(%) NetMargin(%) DividendDeclared(%) TotalAssets ImpairedLoanAssets
ImpairedLoanAssetsas%toTotalAssets ImpairedLoanAssetsas%toTotalLoanOutstanding

13 29/5255 87 255 57.24 354.56 1524.96 1447.52 2107.90 2257.21 913.97 388.60 525.37 3409.38 3232.75 203.96 187.25 16.71 6.88 5.70 12.58 57.44 96 96.12 12 1354.40 2121.30 3475.70 104.18 163.18 267.36 13.63 7.55 3.42 5.64 9.47 6.29 4.70 1.59 0.02 1.60 0.21 0.18 0.39 0.34 0.36 0.52 6.07 3409.38 67.72 1.99

13 29/5255 87 235 57.82 371.57 1987.25 1226.87 1791.97 1727.53 1658.95 477.34 1181.61 3670.67 3276.43 225.97 209.57 16.40 9.10 5.72 14.82 89.82 94.85 94 85 1631.30 1931.23 3562.53 125.48 148.56 274.04 15.16 8.37 3.98 6.34 9.19 6.89 5.60 1.29 0.01 1.30 0.28 0.17 0.45 0.07 0.26 0.52 5.72 3670.67 32.97 0.90 1.91

13 29/5259 87 230 58.66 377.94 2576.41 1677.35 1742.20 1825.64 2643.39 711.13 1932.26 4727.88 4020.24 280.39 267.22 13.17 9.85 5.16 15.01 39.80 97.07 97 07 2266.95 1748.39 4015.34 174.38 134.49 308.87 17.46 8.26 4.30 6.13 8.46 6.96 6.02 0.94 0.01 0.95 0.24 0.13 0.37 0.04 0.18 0.35 4.53 4727.88 33.24 0.70 1.82

13 29/5389 87 227 70.97 400.73 2876.10 2876.95 3412.37 3352.78 2620.15 694.67 1925.48 6295.28 5348.23 337.48 313.01 24.47 11.95 7.25 19.20 23.86 98.44 98 44 2650.05 2589.08 5239.13 203.85 199.16 403.01 23.08 6.91 4.34 5.78 7.47 6.30 5.22 1.08 0.01 1.09 0.22 0.14 0.36 0.06 0.22 0.46 8.00 6309.74 36.41 0.58 1.09

16 29/5673 40 274 84.21 400.67 3580.01 3610.59 3721.33 4035.92 3490.59 818.00 2672.59 7784.07 6979.41 460.51 440.93 19.58 16.83 7.79 24.62 82.90 96.85 96 85 3034.94 3782.13 6817.07 189.68 236.38 426.07 24.88 8.35 4.53 5.61 8.55 6.59 5.79 0.80 0.01 0.81 0.25 0.11 0.36 0.04 0.13 0.28 ND 7784.07 33.62 0.43 0.83

50 3.00 lotus/dadhich/New Folder 10 YEARS / Financial (SHEET-3)

( crores)

S. No.


31.03.2008 31.03.2009 31-3-2010 3 4 5

398 5255 9867 2420 219.49 440.51 3610.61 1997.37 4390.73 4297.2 1548.90 6533.81 433.13 68.55 1.17 22.71 0.39 375.01 14.21 1872.39 1852.39 1327.99 5845.25 3104.72 4059.78 7164.50 6.06 5.16 7.62 8.26 7.17 4.85 2.32 14.12 0.24 2.56 1.56 0.99 0.55 0.20 0.24 7.80 10.20 18.00 2.96 8.55 45.63 21.07 24.34 3.77 6.25 130.76 42.77 4297.20 3888.86 260.98 128.22 19.14 408.34 9.50 400 5255 9549 2339 225.7 492.93 4735.07 1473.13 3477.49 3959.46 2275.10 7181.87 539.07 81.01 1.23 24.33 0.37 463.08 18.58 1538.04 1669.17 1763.11 6603.63 3972.83 4259.85 8232.68 6.55 5.83 8.58 8.95 7.92 5.42 2.51 15.74 0.24 2.75 1.60 1.15 0.70 0.17 0.28 9.93 10.65 20.58 3.52 9.61 39.18 19.54 22.75 4.50 7.47 107.22 44.38 3959.46 3422.62 406.04 110.03 20.77 536.84 13.56 407 5259 9755 2287 237.86 533.68 5906.14 1540.7 4919.35 4424.2 3049.40 8497.66 587.56 94.47 1.24 26.45 0.35 535.48 17.97 866.69 1461.52 2486.73 7645.93 5156.48 4496.01 9652.49 6.49 5.46 8.20 8.26 7.51 5.42 2.08 13.63 0.18 2.26 1.58 0.68 0.31 0.14 0.24 12.67 11.05 23.72 4.22 9.38 32.51 20.58 22.58 5.29 5.39 87.19 48.23 4424.20 3965.81 316.49 120.84 21.06 458.39 10.36



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

No.ofBranches(excludingH.O.) No.ofPACS No.ofMembers No. of Employees ShareCapital TotalReserves&Provisions Deposits BorrowingsOutstanding Loans&AdvancesIssued TotalLoansOutstanding Investments NetWorkingCapital TotalIncome Salary&Allowances %ofSalary&AllowancetoAverageWorkingCapital OtherExpenses %ofOtherExpensestoAverageWorkingCapital TotalExpenditure NetProfit TotalOverdues AverageBorrowings AverageInvestments AverageworkingFund AverageDeposits AverageAdvances AverageBusiness CostofDeposit(%) CostofBorrowings(%) YieldonAdvances(%) YieldonInvestment(%) ReturnonFunds(%) CostofFunds(%) FinancialMargin(%) Misc.Income Misc.Incomein% Totalof( CostofManagement(%) OperativeMargin RiskCost TaxPayable(in%) NetMargin(%) PerBranchDeposit PerBranchAdvances PerBranchBusiness PerEmployeeBusiness NonearningAssetstoWorkingFunds(%) %ageofBorrowingstoAdvances CostofManagementtoTotalIncome CostofManagementtoTotalExpenses PerEmployeeCostofManagement %ageNPA(loans)toWorkingFunds CDratio% %ofInvestmenttoDeposits ClassificationofLoanAssets a)Standard b)Substandard c)DoubtfulAssets d)LossAssets e)TotalImpairedAssets f)ImpairedAssetsas%tototalloano/s

409 5389 9698 2227 273.71 602.36 6394.45 2958.76 6970.85 5470.81 3888.69 10522.76 732.43 116.06 1.24 35.81 0.38 642.07 23.01 1386.95 2095.92 3396.95 9354.40 6049.08 5262.95 11312.03 6.35 5.05 9.01 7.10 7.65 5.24 2.41 17.05 0.16 2.57 1.62 0.97 0.52 0.20 0.25 14.79 12.87 27.66 5.08 8.01 39.82 20.74 23.65 6.82 3.44 87.00 56.16 5470.81 5097.35 212.48 140.64 20.34 373.46 6.83

414 5673 9774 2401 314.13 670.23 7064.74 3829.03 8680.1 6210.88 4517.66 12192.13 886.62 133.48 1.62 41.49 0.50 785.75 34.75 1644.24 3447.90 3690.60 10847.30 6410.19 6720.45 13130.65 6.78 5.11 8.35 8.36 7.82 5.49 2.33 16.98 0.15 2.48 1.57 0.91 0.42 0.17 0.31 15.48 16.23 31.72 5.47 6.99 51.30 19.09 26.37 7.05 7.05 104.84 57.57 6040.18 5710.26 159.55 152.01 18.36 329.92 5.31


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