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Course No.: BBM501, Course Title: OPERATIONS RESEARCH Class: B.B.M.

, Status of Course: MAJOR COURSE, Approved since session: 2012-13 Total Credits:4, Periods(50 mts. each)/week:5(L-5+T-0+P/S0),Min.pds./sem.:65 UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION Introduction to O.R. Origin and Historical Development, Nature and Characteristics of O.R., General Solution Methods of O.R., Phases of O.R. Study, Introduction to LP: The LP Model, Assumptions of LP, Formulation of LP. UNIT 2: SIMPLEX METHOD AND DUALITY Graphical Solution Method, Simplex Algorithm, Solution of Maximization and Minimization Problems, Big-M Method, Essence of Duality Theory, Primal Dual Relationships, Applications of LP in Management. UNIT 3: TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM AND ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM Transportation Problem: Mathematical Formulation, Methods for finding Optimal Solution, Degeneracy Assignment Problem: Mathematical Formulation, Hungarian Method. UNIT 4: GAME THEORY AND QUEUING THEORY Game Theory: Introduction, Two-Person Zero-Sum Game, Pure and Mixed Strategies, Applications Queuing Theory: Basic Structure of Queuing Model, Kendalls Notation, Queuing Model: M/M/I infinite and finite queues. UNIT 5: NETWORK ANALYSIS Introduction, Components of a Network, Constructing a Project network diagram using Activities-on-Node (AoN) notation, Critical Path Method, PERT (Programme Evaluation and Review Technique), Application in Management.

DEI FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE, DAYALBAGH, AGRA BBM 501: OPERATIONS RESEARCH (2013-14 I Sem): QUESTION BANK UNIT I: INTRODUCTION CONCEPTS Q 1: What is Operations Research? What are the areas of applications of Operations Research? Q 2: Give various definitions of O.R. Explain the nature and development of Operations Research. Q 3: Explain historical development of Operations Research. Q 4: What are the essential characteristics (or features) of Operations Research? Q 5: Mention different phases or steps in an Operation Research study. Q 6: Enumerate with brief description some of the techniques of operations research. Q 7: Discuss the use of scientific methodology in Operations Research. Q 8: Explain the basic formulation of the diet problem Q 9: Explain the basic formulation of the product mix problem Q 10: Give examples of heuristics in decision making. Q 11: What is Linear Programming? Discuss the scope and role of LP in solving management problems. Q 12: Discuss the limitations of LP. Q 13: Explain important features of a mathematical model. Q 14: Write short notes on the following: (i) Mathematical model, (ii) Applications of modeling, (iii) Use of scientific method in OR. FORMULATION OF LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEM Q 15: The Whitt Window Company is a company with only three employees which makes two different kinds of hand-crafted windows; a wood-framed and an aluminum-framed window. They earn $60 profit for each wood-framed windows and $30 profit for each aluminum-framed window. Doug makes the wood frames, and can make 6 per day. Linda makes the aluminum frames, and can make 4 per day. Bob forms and cuts the glass, and can make 48 square feet of glass per day. Each wood-framed window uses 6 square feet of glass and each aluminum-framed window uses 8 square feet of glass. The company wishes to determine how many windows of each type to produce per day to maximize total profit. Formulate a linear programming model for this problem. Q 16: A firm manufactures two types of products, A and B, and sells them at a profit of Rs. 2 on Type A, and Rs. 3 on Type B. Each product is processed on two machines, G and H. Type A product required 1 minute of processing time on G and 2 mins. on H; Type B product requires 1 minute on G and 1 minute on H. Machine G is available for no more than 6 hours 40 minutes, while Machine H is available for no more than 10 hours during any working day. Formulate a linear programming model for this problem. Q 17: The Primo Insurance Company is introducing two new product lines: special risk insurance and mortgages. The expected profit is $5 per unit on special risk insurance and $2 per unit on mortgages. Management wishes to establish sales quotas for the new product lines to maximize total expected profit. The work requirements are as follows. Formulate a linear programming model for this problem. Work-Hours per Unit Department Underwriting Special Risk 3 Mortgage 2 Work-Hour Available 2400

Administration Claims

0 2

1 0

800 1200

Q 18: The owner of Metro sports wishes to determine how many advertisements to place in three selected monthly magazine A, B, C. His objective is to advertise in such a way that total exposure to principal buyers of expensive sports goods is maximized. Percentage of readers for each magazine is known. Exposure in any particular magazine is the number of advertisements placed multiplied by the number of principal buyers. The following data may be used: Magazines Exposure category Readers Principal buyers Cost per advertisement (Rs) A 1 lakh 10% 5000 B 0.6 lakh 15% 4500 C 0.4 lakh 7% 4250

The budgeted amount is Rs 1 lakh for the advertisements. The owner has already decided that magazine A should have no more than six advertisements and that B and C each have at least two advertisements. Formulate a linear programming model for the problem. Q 19: B&K grocery store sells two types of soft drinks: the brand name A1 Cola and the cheaper store brand B&K Cola. The margin of profit on the A1 Cola is about 5 cents per can, whereas on B&K Cola, it is 7 cents per can. On the average, the store sells no more than 500 cans of both colas a day. Although A1 is a better recognized name, customers tend to buy more of the B&K brand because it is considerably cheaper. It is estimated that the B&K brand outsells the A1 brand by a ratio of at least 2:1. However, B&K sells at least 100 cans of A1 a day. How many cans of each brand should the store carry daily to maximize profit? Q 20: Electra produces two types of electric motors, each on a separate assembly line. The respective daily capacities of the two lines are 600 and 750 motors. Type 1 motor uses 10 units of a certain electronic component, and type 2 motor uses only 8 units. The supplier of the component can provide 8000 pieces a day. The profits per motor for types 1 and 2 are $60 and $40, respectively. Determine the optimum daily production mix. Q 21: A company produces two products, A and B. The sales volume for A is at least 80% of the total sales of both A and B. However, the company cannot sell more than 100 unit of A per day. Both products use one raw material whose maximum daily availability is limited to 240 lb a day. The usage rates of the raw material are 2 lb per unit of A and 4 lb per unit of B. The unit prices for A and B are $20 and $50, respectively. Determine the optimal product mix for the company. Q 22: A person wants to decide the constituents of a diet which will fulfill his daily requirements of protein, fats and carbohydrates at the minimum cost. The choice is to be made from four different types of foods. The yield per unit of the foods is given in the table below: Food Type 1 2 3 4 Proteins 3 4 8 6 Fats 2 2 7 5 Carbohydrates 6 4 7 4 Cost per unit (Rs.) 45 40 85 65

Min. requirement




Formulate the linear programming model for the problem. Q 23: A manufacturing firm has three products on their production line. The production capacity for each product is 50, 30 and 45, respectively. The total availability in the production shop is of 300 man-hours. The manufacturing time required for each product is 0.5, 1.5 and 2.0 man-hours, respectively. The per unit profits of products are Rs. 10, 15 and 20, respectively. If the company has a minimum daily demand to be met of 25, 20, and 35 units for the respective products, formulate the problem as LP model to maximize the total profit. Q 24: An investor has a sum of Rs. 1,00,000/= which he wishes to invest in income producing securities and government bonds so as to maximize his annual return. The five possible investments he has available are given below: Organisation Oil Company A Oil Company B Utility Company C Utility Company D Government Type of Scrip Stock Stock Stock Stock Bond Paying 11% 7.5% 8% 6% 5% Periodicity of Income Annual dividend Annual dividend Annual dividend Annual dividend Annual interest

The investor has made the following decision regarding his portfolio planning: The Total Investment in Oil companies Utilities Oil Company A Utility C Oil Stocks Oil Company A and Utility C combined May not exceed Rs. 30,000/= Rs. 50,000/= Rs. 20,000/= Rs. 30,000/= The total investment in Utility Stocks The investment in Government Bonds

Formulate a linear programming model for the problem. Q 25. Glass Discount Store is opening a new department with a storage area of 10,000 sq.ft. Management considers four products for display. Prod. A costs $55, sells for $130, and needs 24 sq.ft./unit for storage Prod. B costs $100, sells for $120, and needs 20 sq.ft./unit for storage Prod. C costs $200, sells for $295, and needs 36 sq.ft./unit for storage Prod. D costs $300, sells for $399, and needs 50 sq.ft./unit for storage It is required that at least 10 units of each product are on display. The company's goal is profit maximization. How many units of each product should be on display if the company has $600,000 available for purchasing the products?

UNIT II: SIMPLEX METHOD AND DUALITY CONCEPTS Q 1: Define the following terms: (a) Objective function, (b) Decision variables, (c) Optimal solution, (d) Feasible solution, (e) Unrestricted variables, (f) Slack, (g) Surplus. Q 2: Give some example of linear programming problems. Q 3: Establish difference between a) Feasible solution, b) Basic feasible solution, c) Degenerate basic feasible solution, d) Optimal basic feasible solution, e) adjacent solution, and f) Corner-point feasible solution. Q 4: Explain the assumptions of LP model. Q 5: Provide a schematic description of simplex method. Q 6: Write the difference in the simplex solution procedure for a maximization problem and a minimization problem of an LP. Q 7: Explain the concept of duality in LP. Q 8: Describe the rules for writing the dual of a LP. Q 9: Describe a linear programming application in management. GRAPHICAL SOLUTION Q 10: Consider the following constraints: (a) 3x1 + x2 7. (b) 2x1 3x2 8. Determine the feasible space for each individual constraint, given that x1, x2 0. Q 11: Solve the following problem by graphical method: Min 2x1 + 3x2 subject to x1 > = 125 x1 + x2 2x1 + x2 x1, x2 >=

>= <= 0

350 600

Q 12: Solve the following LP by graphical method. Maximize subject to Z = x1 +2x2 x 1 + x2 1 4x1 + x2 3, and

x1, x2 0.

Q 13: Consider the following problem. Maximize subject to and Z = 3x1 + 2x2, 2x1 + x2 6 x1 + 2x2 6 x1 0 , x2 0.

(a) Use the graphical method to solve this problem. Circle all the corner points on the graph.

(b) For each CPF solution, identify the pair of constraint boundary equations it satisfies. (c) For each CPF solution, identify its adjacent CPF solutions. (d) Calculate Z for each CPF solution. Use this information to identify an optimal solution. Q 14: A dietitian wants to design a breakfast menu for certain hospital patients. The menu is to include two items A and B. Suppose that each ounce of A provides 2 units of vitamin C and 2 units of iron and each ounce of B provides 1 unit of vitamin C and 2 units of iron. Suppose the cost of A is 4/ounce and the cost of B is 3/ounce. If the breakfast menu must provide at least 8 units of vitamin C and 10 units of iron, how many ounces of each item should be provided in order to meet the iron and vitamin C requirements for the least cost? What will this breakfast cost? Solve by graphical method of LP. SIMPLEX METHOD Q 15: Use simplex method to solve the LP Maximize subject to Z = 4x1 + 10x2 2x1 + x2 50 2x1 + 5x2 100 2x1 + 3x2 90 x1, x2 0.

Q 16: Solve the following problem by simplex method Max Z = 3 x1 + 8 x2 S.t. 2 x1 + 4 x2 <= 1600 6 x1 + 2 x2 <= 1800 x2 <= 350 x1, x2 >= 0 Q 17: Solve the following problem by simplex method Maximize subject to and Z = 3x1 + 2x2, 2x1 + x2 6 x1 + 2x2 6 x1 0 , x2 0.

Q 18: Solve the following LP by simplex method. Maximize subject to Z = x1 +2x2 x 1 + x2 1 4x1 + x2 3, and

x1, x2 0.

Q 19: Use Big M method to solve the following problem: Minimize Z = 60 x1 + 80 x2 S.t. 20 x1 + 30 x2 >= 900 40 x1 +30 x2 >= 1200 x1, x2 >= 0 Q 20: Solve the following problem by Big-M method: Min 2x1 + 3x2 subject to x1 > = 125 x1 + x2 >= 350

2x1 + x2 <= 600 x1, x2 >= 0 Q 21: Solve the following problem by Big-M method: Max 50x1 + 40x2 subject to 3x1 + 5x2 x2 8x1 + 5x2 x1 + x2 x1, x2

<= <= <= >=

150 20 300 >= 0


DUALITY AND DUAL LINEAR PROGRAMMING Q 22: Determine the dual of the following problem: Max Z = 30 x1 + 20 x2 S.t. 2 xl + 3 x2 <= 45 4 x1 + 5 x2 <= 85 x1, x2 >= 0 Q 23: Determine the dual of the following problem: Max 50x1 + 40x2 subject to 3x1 + 5x2 x2 8x1 + 5x2 x1, x2

<= <= <= >=

150 20 300 0

Q 24: Determine the dual of the following problem: Min 2x1 - 3x2 subject to x1 + 2x2 4 x1 - 2x2 6x1 - x2 x1, x2

<= >= >=

12 3 0

= 10

Q 25: Determine the dual of the problem Minimize subject to Z = 5x1 + 2x2 + x3 2x1 + 3x2 +x3 20 6x1 + 8x2 + 5x3 30 7x1 + x2 + 3x3 40 x1 + 2x2 + 4x3 50 x1, x2, x3 0.


Q 26: Write the dual of the following LP Maximize subject to Z= 2x1 + 5x2 + 3x3 2x1 + 4x2 -3x3 8 -2x1 - 2x2 + 3x3 -7 x1 + 3x2 - 5x3 -2 4x1 + x2 + 3x3 4, and

x1, x2, x3 0.

UNIT III: TRANSPORTATION AND ASSIGNMENT MODELS CONCEPTS Q 1: Describe Transportation problem (TP). Q 2: Explain the main elements of transportation problem. Q 3: What do you understand by unbalanced TP? How is it converted to balanced TP? Q 4: Describe the main features of transportation simplex method. Q 5: Describe the following: (a) North-west corner rule, (b) Least cost method, and (c) Vogels approximation method. Q 6: Describe an industrial application of transportation problem Q 7: Describe the Assignment Problem (AP). How is it special case of TP? Explain. Q 8: Explain the Hungarian method for solving AP. Q 9: Describe an industrial application of assignment problem TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM Q 10: Determine the basic feasible solution to the following transportation problem. Distribution Centres Sources S1 S2 S3 Requirements D1 2 1 5 7 D2 3 0 8 5 D3 11 6 15 3 D4 7 1 9 2 Supply 6 1 10

Q 11: Find the basic feasible solution for the following transportation problem using (i) north west corner rule (ii) Vogels Approximation Method. 1 1 2 Source 3 4 5 Demand 10 13 4 14 3 60 Destination 2 3 20 9 5 7 12 60 5 12 7 1 5 20 4 7 8 9 0 19 10 Supply 10 20 30 40 50

Q 12: Powerco has three electric power plants that supply the needs of four cities. Each power plant can supply the following KWH of electricity: Plant 1 35 million; Plant 2 50 million; Plant 3 40 million. The peak power demands (in KWH) in the four cities, which occur at the same time (2 p.m.), are as follows: City 1 45 million; City 2 20 million; City 3 30 million; City 4 30 million. The cost of sending 1 million KWH from a plant to a city

depends on the distance the electricity must travel, and is given in the following table (in $). Solve this problem as a transportation problem. Plant \ City 1 2 3 1 8 9 14 2 6 12 9 3 10 13 16 4 9 7 5

Q 13: Consider a transportation problem with three warehouses and four markets with the following data: Warehouse \ Market W1 W2 W3 Demand M1 2 10 7 4 M2 2 8 6 3 M3 2 5 6 4 M4 1 4 8 4 Supply 3 7 5

Q 14: Solve the following transportation problem A B C Demand 1 12 6 10 400 2 13 4 9 900 3 4 10 12 200 4 6 11 4 500 Supply 500 700 800

Q 15: Solve the following transportation problem A B C Demand 1 3 7 2 6000 2 2 5 5 4000 3 7 2 4 2000 4 6 3 5 1500 Supply 5000 6000 2500

Q 16: A company has two plants (A, B) producing a certain product that is to be shipped to three distribution centers (1,2,3). The unit production costs are the same at the two plants, and the shipping cost per unit is shown below.

1 A $4

2 $6

3 $4

Shipments are made once per week. During each week, each plant produces at most 60 B distribution $5 $2 at least 40 units. How many units should $6 units and each center needs be shipped from each distribution center to each distribution center, so as to minimize cost? ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM Q 17: A department has five employees with five jobs to be performed. The time (in hours) each man will take to perform each job is given in the following cost matrix. I Employees II III IV V



10 3 10 7 7

5 9 7 11 9

13 18 2 9 10

15 13 2 7 4

16 6 2 12 12

How should the jobs be allocated, one per employee, so as to minimize the total man hours? Q 18: In the modification of plant layout of a factory, four new machines M 1, M2, M3, M4 are to be installed in a machine shop. There are five vacant places A, B, C, D and E that are available. Because of limited space, machine M2 can not be placed at C and M3 cannot be placed at A. The cost of placing of machine i at place j (in rupees) is shown below: A B C D E Machine M1 9 11 15 10 11 M2 12 9 10 9 M3 11 14 11 7 M4 14 8 12 7 8 Find the optimal assignment schedule. Q 19: Solve the following assignment problem 24 14 15 11 10 22 17 19 21 10 20 14 11 15 19 13

Q 20: Solve the following assignment problem 10 9 6 15 18 14 9 5 3

UNIT IV: GAME THEORY AND QUEUING THEORY CONCEPTS Q 1: What is game theory? State assumptions underlying it. Discuss its importance in business decisions. Q 2: Explain the concept of dominance in game theory. Q 3: Explain the concept of minimax criterion in game theory. Q 4: Explain the concept of unstable solution in game theory. Q 5: Explain a) Saddle point b) Pure strategy c) Mixed strategy Q 6: What is queuing theory? Explain with examples the situations in which it can be applied. Describe various forms and structures of queuing problems. Q 7: Describe an industrial application of queuing problem Q 8: (a) Describe classifications of queuing models. (b) What are the Kendalls notations for representing queuing models?


(c) Consider a barber shop. Demonstrate that it is a queuing system by describing its components. Q 9: Derive various analytical expressions for M/M/1 queues. GAME THEORY Q 10: Reduce the size of the game whose matrix is given by Player B

Player A


I -4 -3 2

II 6 -3 -3

III 3 4 4

Q 11: Reduce the size of the game whose matrix is given by Player B

Player A


I 9 3 6

II 8 -6 7

III -7 4 7

Q 12: For the following payoff table, determine the optimal strategy for each player by successively eliminating dominated strategies. (Indicate the order in which you eliminated strategies). Strateg y Player 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 0 Player 2 2 2 -3 3 3 0 -2 -1

Q 13: Use minimax criterion to solve the game whose payoff matrix is given by Player B I II III IV I -2 0 0 5 Player A II 3 2 1 2 III -4 -3 0 -2 IV 5 3 -4 2 Q 14: Find the saddle point of the game having the following payoff table. Strateg y Player 1 1 2 3 1 1 -2 3 Player 2 2 -1 0 1 3 1 3 2

V 3 2 6 -6

Use the minimax criterion to find the best strategy for each player. Does this game have a saddle point? Is it a stable game? Q 15: Solve the following game:


Strategy A1 A2 A3

B1 12 6 - 10

B2 -8 7 -6

B3 -2 3 2

Q 16: Use minimax criterion to solve the game whose payoff matrix is given by Player B Player A I II III I 12 6 -10 II -8 7 -6 III -2 3 2

QUEUING THEORY Q 17: In each (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) of following situations, identify the customer and the server: Planes arriving at an airport. Taxi stand. Letters processed in a post office. Registration for classes in a university. Check-out operation in a supermarket. Parking lot operation.

Q 18: Customers arrive at a booking office (single server) at a rate of 25 per hour. Time required to serve a customer has exponential distribution with a mean of 120 seconds. Find: (a) mean waiting time of a customer in the queue, (b) average queue length, (c) average number of customers in the system Q 19: A selfservice store employs one cashier at its counter. An average of 9 customers arrives every 5 minutes while the cashier can serve 10 customers in 5 minutes. Assuming Poisson distribution for arrival rate and exponential distribution for service rate, find (i) Average number of customers in the system. (ii) Average number of customers in queue or average queue length. (iii) Average time a customers spends in the system. (iv) Average time a customer waits before being served. Q 20: Customers arrive at a booking office window, being manned by a single individual at a rate of 25 per hour. Time required to serve a customer has exponential distribution with a mean of 120 seconds. Find the mean waiting time of a customer in the queue. Q 21: Trucks arrive at Schips Truck Dock at the rate of 3 per hour. Trucks are loaded at the rate of 4 per hour. Assuming Poisson distribution for arrival rate and exponential distribution for service rate, find (i) Probability that the dock is idle. (ii) Average number of customers in the system. (iii) Average number of customers in queue or average queue length. (iv) Average time a customers spends in the system. (v) Average time a customer waits before being served. UNIT V: NETWORK PLANNING CONCEPTS


Q 1: What are the challenges involved in managing large-scale projects? What kinds of decision-making situations may be analyzed using PERT and CPM techniques? Q 2: What is a critical path? Can a project have multiple paths? Describe critical-path method in detail. Q 3: Describe various assumptions/approximations of PERT approach. Describe PERT method in detail. Q 4: Describe various applications of network planning techniques in management. Q 5: Describe an industrial application of project management CRITICAL PATH METHOD Q 6: Draw a network for the following project. (a) A is the start activity and K is the end activity. (b) J is the successor activity to F. (c) A precedes B. (d) C and D are successor activity to B. (e) D is the preceding activity to G. (f) E and F occur after activity C. (g) E precedes F. (h) G precedes H. (i) H precedes J. (j) F restrains the occurrence of H. (k) K succeeds activity J. Q 7: Draw a network for an example project of buying a small business with the following activity list. Activity A B C D Description Develop a list of sources for financing Analyse the financial records of the business Develop a business plan Submit a proposal to lending institution Immediate Predecesso rs B A,C

Q 8: Draw a network for a project with the following activity list. Activity A B C D E F G Immediate Predecessors B A,C C C D, E, F

Q 9: Christine has done some planning for her sales management training project and has the following activity list. Construct the project network for this project.


Activity A B C D E

Activity Description Select location Obtain speakers Make travel plans for speakers Prepare and mail brochures Take reservations

Immediate Predecessors A, B A, B D

Estimated Duration 2 weeks 3 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 3 weeks

Q 10: Christine has done more detailed planning for her sales management training project and has the following activity list. Activity A B C D E F G H I J K Activity Description Select location Obtain Keynote speaker Obtain other speaker Make travel plans for keynote speaker Make travel plans for other speakers Make food arrangements Negotiate hotel rates Prepare brochure Mail brochure Take reservations Prepare handouts Immediate Predecessors B A, B A, C A A C, G H I C, F Estimated Duration 2 weeks 1 weeks 2 weeks 2 weeks 3 weeks 2 1 1 1 3 4 weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks weeks

Construct the project network for this project. Q 11: Construct the project network for a project with the following activity list. Activity A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Immediate Predecessors A B B B C D, E F G, H I I J K L Estimated Duration 1 month 2 months 4 months 3 months 2 months 3 months 5 months 1 month 4 months 2 months 3 months 3 months 5 months 4 months

Q 12: Draw a network for production planning. Activity A B Description Market research Make drawings Time (weeks) 15 15 Preceded by -



Decide production policy Prepare sales programme Prepare operation sheets Buy materials Plan labour force Make tools Schedule production Produce product

3 5 8 12 1 14 3 14

A A B, C B, C E E D, G F, H, I

Q 13: Consider the following data for the activities of a project: Activity Immediate predecessors Duration (days) : : : A 2 B A 3 C A 4 D B, C 6 E 2 F E 8

Draw the network and find the critical path. Q 14: You are given the following information about a project consisting of six activities: Activity A B C D E F Immediate Predecessors B A, C A D, E Estimated Duration 5 months 1 month 2 months 4 months 6 months 3 months

(a) Construct the project network for this project. (b) Find the earliest times, latest times, and slack for each activity. Which is a critical path? Q 15: Find the critical path for the following Shopping Center Expansion Project: ACTIVITY A B C D E F G H I DESCRIPTION Architectural Drawing Identify new tenants Prospectus for tenants Select Contractor Prepare Building Permits Approval of Building Permits Construction Finalisation of Contract with tenants Occupation by tenants IMMEDIATE PREDECESSOR A A A E D,F B,C G,H TIME ( WEEKS ) 5 6 4 3 1 4 14 12 2

Q 16: Draw the project network and find the critical path for the following New Product Development Project: Activit y Description Required Predecessor Duratio n



Product design Market research Production analysis Product model Sales brochure Cost analysis Product testing Sales training Pricing Project report

(None) (None) A A A C D B, E H F, G, I

5 months 1 2 3 2 3 4 2 1 1

P.E.R.T. METHOD Q 17: Sharon Lowe, vice president for marketing for the Electronic Toys Company, is about to begin a project to design an advertising campaign for a new line of toys. She wants the project completed within 57 days in time to launch the advertising campaign at the beginning of the Christmas season. Sharon has identified the six activities (labeled A, B, , F) needed to execute this project. Considering the order in which these activities need to occur, she also has constructed the following project network.



Using the PERT three-estimate approach, Sharon has obtained the following estimates of the duration of each activity. Activity Optimistic Most Likely Pessimistic Estimate Estimate Estimate A 12 days 12 days 12 days B 15 days 21 days 39 days C 12 days 15 days 18 days D 18 days 27 days 36 days E 12 days 18 days 24 days F 2 days 5 days 14 days (a) Find the estimate of the mean and variance of the duration of each activity. (b) Find the mean critical path. (c) Use the mean critical path to find the approximate probability that the advertising campaign will be ready to launch within 57 days. (d) Now consider the other path through the project network. Find the approximate probability that this path will be completed within 57 days. Q 18: Consider the following building project to put an A/C unit in a factory.


Task ID

Task Description

Prerequisit es none none 1 2 3 3 4, 5 6, 7

Optimisti c Duration 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 1

Most Likely Duration 2 3 2 4 4 2 4 2

Pessimisti c Duration 3 4 3 6 7 9 11 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Build internal components Modify roof and floor Construct collection stack Pour concrete and install frame Build high-temperature burner Install control system Install air pollution device Inspection and testing

(a) Draw the project network. (b) Find the estimate of the mean and variance of the duration of each activity. (c) Find the mean critical path. -----------------


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