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Created by Xeran Version 1: 16-08-2013

The God of Falcons / Protector of the kings

This is my god concept/suggestion for Horus: The God of Falcons for Smite. Let me first start with that Horus could be added in Smite and doesnt need to have too much resembles to Ra. Also they are totally different gods: different looks, role, abilities, etc. can be given. Also his title is the god of falcons, because I want to reserve the god of sky title for other pantheons/gods (more suited for this title). He also could be given the title of Pharaoh of Egypt (or king) or something similar and of course his other title: God of war is also already given away. Currently Egyptian pantheon have all roles filled (except bruiser and assassin) and has mostly magical mages (/type god). The only thing, which would be a nice addition is a bruiser for them (or true support). Therefore Horus will fulfill the role of a true magical bruiser (or melee mage to be more exact). Therefore he will get some CC, close and/or single target damage spells, jungle/roaming capability, movement ability, etc. to fulfill the needs of such a role and will also use AA mainly as damage source. He will in terms of kit and role be most similar to a magical version of: Thor, Tyr, Vamana, Hercules and Odin. Because of already lots of magical types in Egyptian pantheon (and mostly will be) he also could be changed into a physical type, but I think magical type fits him more. Also I try to still hold myself to my design philosophy of no hard CC nor jumps or dashes if it isnt absolutely necessary. Just like my other god suggestion, which can be found at my scribd page (, I will try once again to propose an unique and interesting character for Smite. I hope you enjoy the concept and I would appreciate it if you would give me some of your opinions and feedback of this concept. Disclaimer: Even though I try to create realistic kits and base my values on similar skills and gods the values are their mainly for demonstration purposes. Also everything between brackets is optional or is just for clarification.

Creating unique and fun character Only soft CC (no stuns, etc.) No jumps/dashes, introducing unique ways for this Match with his lore as good as possible. Introducing new (more soft) CC Making a melee mage (similar to Freya, but more mage/assassin/roamer than carry role) Creating Horus while keeping from too much resembles to Ra. Pet falcon, which scans the area

Horus is one of the oldest and most significant deities in ancient Egyptian religion, who was worshipped from at least the late Predynastic period through to Greco-Roman times. Different forms of Horus are recorded in history, and these are treated as distinct gods by Egypt specialists. These various forms may possibly be different perceptions of the same multi-layered deity in which certain attributes or syncretic relationships are emphasized, not necessarily in opposition but complementary to one another, consistent with how the Ancient Egyptians viewed the multiple facets of reality. He was most often depicted as a falcon, most likely a lanner or peregrine, or as a man with a falcon head. The earliest recorded form of Horus is the patron deity of Nekhen in Upper Egypt, who is the first known national god, specifically related to the king who in time came to be regarded as a manifestation of Horus in life and Osiris in death. The most commonly encountered family relationship describes Horus as the son of Isis and Osiris but in another tradition Hathor is regarded as his mother and sometimes as his wife. Horus served many functions in the Egyptian pantheon, most notably being the god of the sun, war and protection. Horus is seen as the god war, falcons in mythology. of the sun, sky, hunting, pharaoh, etc.

Reference images


He will look like the first image used: He will be big, very muscled, falcon head, human body, Egyptian/desert clothes and sandals. Except the extra piece of cloth behind his staff he is almost perfect like this. Also I think his shoulder pads should look a little bit differently. Lastly his eyes needs to be two colored (as in his lore): One representing the moon being bright yellow/orange/red and one representing the moon (his lost eye) being pale white/blue/gray. His color pallet will be mainly be: Red, gold, black and desert colors. Also his crown needs to be slightly changed from the current one to something like this (to fits with his lore of being the ruler of both upper and lower Egypt):

Horus as a melee battle mage will wield a giant thick magical staff (see again same picture). One end will be the symbol of the eye of Horus (with a gem in it) or needs to be a falcon head. The other end will end like a sharp blade/sword. His staff is long enough to be +/- at the same height as his head when the lower end hits the ground and the staff is upright before Horus.

See the reference pictures above: Egyptian falcon with some markings, possible ornaments and a Egyptian head crown. Brown would be the most likely color for him.

Fight style
Horus as a battle mage will rely on his basic attacks mainly for in battle, but also uses some spells to aid him in combat. Therefore the staff of Horus is the best companion weapon for him. With the sharp lower end he cuts through his enemies, while when using the staff uprights (and the upper part) he can cast spells. He will always hold the staff pretty high (about 4/3 | 9/10), see again the image. While casting spells he will place his staff in the ground causing the gem to shine and the spell to cast. For AA his uses the other end of his staff. He is a backwards sword user, meaning the pointy side is held more backwards than forwards. His AAs will be slow, but powerful. Also using this fight technique the battle staff also provides enough protection during it. A game character with almost the fight style I mean (Kingdom Hearts: Ventus): But more slowly, more powerful and a much longer weapon.

Recall animation
Horus makes a scream recalling his falcon to him (if falcon is in air). Falcon comes back to his master and while he waits on his falcon he plants his staff in the ground creating the teleport. Falcon will land on top of his head/staff somewhere during the animation (depending on where he was). He doesnt necessary have to scream when the falcon is already back at Horus. This add some flavor to the recall animation, but it also can be used strategically. Like an Anhur or Anubis can use the B button to lure out enemies for their combo so can Horus use his B button to recall the falcon. Thus changing its path and slightly manipulating the path it takes. Cancelling the B button (and again in combat) the falcon will cancel the return to his master and continues the surveillance.

Pantheon: Egyptian Role: Bruiser (/melee mage) Type: Melee, magical Attack progression: Normal (or 1.5/1.5/1.5, because of his heavy weapon) According to Hirez logic of course: Pros: Medium crow control, High defense Cons: Low damage Similar to Thor, Tyr and Hercules mostly in terms of kit, power, defense, role and playstyle.

Passive: Eye of Horus
Horus as the god of falcons as a pet falcon, which out of battle rests on the top of his weapon, shoulders or more traditionally behind his head with the wings around his head. This last is most fitted with lore, but its more difficult for him to fly off (so extended animation needed). During combat the falcon flies off and start circling around Horus high in the sky, acting as a ward (looking at the ground) and scanning the area. The falcon will mainly fly circles, but with some variation and at max sight he will be at least on Thor height so he isnt a distraction. The falcon will have a minimap icon with ward circle around it. And also the falcon will have a passive icon similar to Change to show whatever the falcon is at rest, in the sky (patrolling), ascending or descending. Also if an enemy passes through the ward radius (and isnt in Horus minimap vision radius) he will give a slight visual indication (maybe also slight screech on first sight). The passive will have a slight delay for turning on and off, because the falcon needs to fly back to his master (ascend and descend). The ward will always be on as long as he isnt on top of Horus (so even act as ward if already out of combat, but still in the air, etc.) Additionally a percentage of Horus magical power is converted to protections. Falcons range: Same as Thors ult/ being able to get almost whole jungle in jungle or partly jungle from mid lane (see picture). I think 150-200ft its, but the picture shows it pretty well (best coverage in mid lane and maybe slightly less than now...) Falcons ward radius: same as ward (~20ft) Also Falcons vision does/doesnt respect line of sight. So because of his aerial view he will see the full circle and doesnt get stopped by walls. It would be awesome though if ceilings would stop it (possible base, buff camps, fire giant, etc.), but dont know if that is technically possible without too many unnecessary changes (might take more resources then its worth) Magical power conversion: 5 to 10% (I think 7.5% should be it) Based of Chronos in character builder with full magic power build gives around 600 to 700 at max magical power (excluding stack items). So this gives between 30 minimal (with 600 and 5%) to 70 (with 700 and 10%) max. Average (7.5% with 650 magical power) gives ~~~50 protections of both. For comparison: Tyr gets 40 protections (of both) at max rank, Odin 30 physical protection at max rank, Sobek 15 with 3 AA stacks, Guan Yu 15 near map structures, Bacchus 5-10% damage mitigation, etc. So as a melee bruiser I think its quite fair to get similar values as Tyr. Also keep in mind that this discourage taking too much defensive items (with defensive passives). And you have to build items to get these protections, while in case of Tyr and Odin these are statically and passively given based of

skill levels.

Falcon flight
The falcon will have a delay for ascend and descend as mentioned before. This will be done rather quickly (high climb speed) to about Thor/Apollo or even higher height so that he is visible in the air, but not a distraction for you and anyone else. Once at the right speed (and still in combat) the falcon will start surveillance. He will mainly fly circle in the most outer ring, but there will be some variations in this. His air speed will be pretty slow (30-50% slowed god) to make it balanced, give some time to spot enemies, having blind spots, etc. Once the falcon is commanded to come back (ability 1 or out of combat) his air speed is increased tremendously (+50% movement speed god) when he goes to his target location (Horus or ground target). When almost above his ground target he ascends with a hunt bird like stance: Wings spread out, claws opened, etc. (hawk/falcon stance). Descend speed is greater than ascend speed. Lastly if the falcon every gets outside a certain max range (max range + extra factor), because of someones ability or returned back to base he just teleports back to/on Horus.

Additionally the Falcon is just pure animation (he cant be affected by anything, no collision detection, etc.) and the falcon cant go off the map (so his route will be altered when he meets an outer map wall) Also most important the falcon keeps checking what to do next. If out of combat it comes back, but if during that time you already are back in combat the falcon makes his 180 turn. The flacon will be highly dynamic and not like an on/off switch, but has AI stages (master, ascend, position, surveillance, comeback, descend, attack, enemy spotted, etc.), which keeps switching between them when necessary.

This passive fits with his lore: Eye of Horus seen as protective, power symbol and as an all seeing eye. Also sometimes Horus would take form of a real falcon or in some version/times every falcon was seen as Horus or a version of him. While sometimes the Pharaohs were seen as reincarnations of Horus. Sometimes the pharaoh was also protected by a falcon (Horus), which kept him safe in battle and watched the battlefield. So see the falcon mainly as another version, form or minion of Horus. This passive also does two things: The first part is the falcon, which scouts the area for enemies during combat. This helps prevent you ganks, counter-ganks and buff steals to some extent and thus giving him a little bit more sustain/strategic, etc. Also keep in mind that you have no control over the path the falcon takes, its only active during combat and can only scan a small portion at a time. Also it also could be over dead space It has its own ups and downs in comparison to normal static wards. Also this is not completely the only thing the falcon can do (see ability 1). Also the passive only works in combat to make it more balanced (only be useable when already distracted by fighting) and to let the falcon be visible during some parts of the game and you cant spot enemies when walking back into lane. The second part allows (forces) him to build a lot of magic power, while not having to sacrifice too much protections. This is done for two reasons. The first reason is because (almost) every bruiser (even assassin) has a way of getting free stats (attack or protections) passively to allow to fulfill their roles good. Secondly the passive allows him to build a lot of magical power to get good enough magical AAs, as he is a magical AA melee mage (/bruiser). Thus because he is melee and relies on basic attacks he needs extra protections and magical power in comparison to a normal AA range mage. Also keep in mind that magical AAs doesnt have crits and therefore are already naturally weaker than physical AAs. Lastly his abilities will mainly get relatively high base values and low scaling to compensate for otherwise to high abilities.

Ability 1: Falcon Strike

Horus takes on the stance of the first picture of this document targeting a certain area for his falcon to attack. The Falcon then will move towards the target area (this take priority over everything else) and his air speed is greater than his surveillance airs speed, once above the target area it will descend down. The descend speed is much, much quicker than his normal return to Horus descend. Also during this descend he will have his wings pointed backwards and claws opened towards the ground (see picture right). The falcon strikes down doing 200/250/300/350/400 (+50% of your magical power) in an circle with 20 ft radius (could even be 25ft). After that Horus transforms in the falcon and the falcon transforms in Horus. Thus sort of switching places. This isnt absolutely necessary, but would be visually the nicest thing and fits with the idea of both being the god Horus (thus doesnt mean one or the other is the actual real Horus and Horus had a falcon form/could transform into one)

Range: At least twice range of a normal jump and because the eye of Horus was used as measuring in fractions: about 1/3 to from Falcons range. (see orange circle for rough indication, also yellow ward radius and white falcon range, green ground target for falcon strike.

Mana: 80/90/100/110/120 CD: 20/19/18/17/16 seconds

Some important notes:

Range could be just (/more) than enough to cross jungles in the narrowest place of the mid lane (this is intended to most extent) The delay of this skill (between activation and damage + teleport) is very dependent on the current location of the falcon, location of the target, if the falcon is already in air, etc. Therefore the delay can be anywhere between ~2 to 4 seconds Delay on this is huge, but is compensate for it with the extended range (and damge) This ability has to be used strategically (it isnt and cant be really used as direct chase tool or jumping on others head) Need to think at least 3 steps ahead. Or moreover at least 3 seconds This is a teleport so follows the same rules as Thors and Hun Batz Which means the teleport goes always off (even when stunned youre teleported to the target successfully, while still stunned) This isnt affected by cripple There is more than enough fair warning to warn enemies that youre incoming. The falcon is visible in the air, you can see his descend and he screams when coming down. (so at least 1 second to react) This tool is perfect for herding enemies. For instance target area behind enemies (where you think they will be +/- over 3 seconds (there escape root), then attack them from fore, then teleported to the location and herd the enemies back the other way Great tool for initiation and strategic positioning. Not a great tool for escape (even though extended range), because of the ~3 second delay. So have to choose before if youre going to escape, if you can kill your target in that time, if you can survive those 3 seconds, etc. During the descend of the Falcon the transformation (pure visuals) already begins. You slam on the ground having earthquake like visuals on the target location This skill can be used for damage, but will be hard to use it on enemies successfully, but is a great farming/jungling damage skill. However you pay for giving away your escape and passive.

Passive is alternate (paused) during this. So even though this is also an escape, youre other escape becomes weaker for a few seconds. After the teleport the falcon is at your last location (where you teleported from) and flies off from there Your passive indicator + minimap will give you a good indication of how much delay there is and how much time is left. It would be even great if the passive indicator for this skill would give feet or seconds left before impact. Also keep in mind this is weaker than any jump or dash Weaker than Thors ult (half range at most, no cc immunity during delay, target needs to be selected way earlier, etc) Similar to Bastet in terms of thinking ahead, but again different in many ways.

Ability 2: Air push

Horus as the god of the sky summons a might breeze to push away his enemies and also deflects projectiles (ranged auto attacks). It also damage all enemies hit by it for (60/100/140/180/220 + 50% of your magical power) Range: Guan Yu dash and/or Herc push Mana: 60/70/80/90/100 CD: 14 seconds

Important notes:
Unlike Herc this doesnt apply CC nor is a movement ability Travel time (air speed) about the same as herc push Main farm skill Its a short line damage ability, but wide (as wide as Horus himself) Horus uses his staff to summon this wind Cant be used in synergy with ability 3

Ability 3: Falcon grasp / Falcon claw

A giant falcon paw is summoned by Horus to attack and grab an enemy god(max is 1) doing 50 (+80%) damage (this is just minor damage to activate agro towers and minions) and going into a short air battle (Horus jumps in a little bit in the air (just some ft, 5-10ft is already enough) with him, still holding in grasps and attack the enemy with very fast attacks) with them doing another 2/3/4/5/6 times (/attacks) 5/10/15/20/25 (+80% of magical power) damage. And one attack per ~0.1s. The enemy then will be slightly pushed away from Horus (different direction then where started).

Also the pulled enemy can go through ability 4 when pulled with this ability. For comparison of damage to Tyr. Tyrs power cleave does: 270 + 80% at max rank and Tyrs fearless does 290 + 50%. This ability does 150+80% (+ 50+80%). So little bit weaker (especially early on, but has so its pros with utility) Mana: 70/80/90/100/110 CD: 16 seconds Range: The range is like Guan dash, the range once ability is finished is not more than Arachne drain life.

Important notes:
Basically a pull. Short range Can be combed with ability 2 for good displacement (/altering course) of an enemy god. Duration of this skill is not more than 1 to 2 seconds (depending on animations, skill level, etc.). Very short, very fast (basically not longer than a full sobek pull or herc pull is). The falcon paw is a projectile (normal air velocity), which can be avoided and blocked (by structures) Doesnt go through walls Enemy is sort of stunned for the duration Horus also cant do anything during it (channeled) Hard CC and silence will stop it. Horus doesnt move during this nor is damage nor cc immune (just as the target is so friendly CC fire can stop this ability also earlier (think of Arachen drain)) This takes priority over ability 1 (so if used when falcon lands no teleport will happen). Enemy can be pulled through ability 4 with this. Horus cant move during this, nor can he stopped it earlier. This can be beads or aegised Pretty good skillshot

AA here

AA here

AA here

The End. And fill in the other frames with imagination

Ability 4: Winged-sun Disk

Horus wield his staff two-handed, lower end on the ground, straight vertical before him and summons a spirit like winged-sun disk before him. Its a falcon, which can have some colored wings, with a sun disk above its head and ankhs in both his paws (see image). He will be mainly exist out of air, celestial energy (blueish colored, see through) and

will be almost as big as Horus himself (but its mostly just an icon/symbol, so it has almost no thickness). The falcon spread his wings causing an energy (force field) wall to emerge from his wings (behind) spreading until it hits a natural wall (so jungle walls, map boundaries, etc.). Wall will have the same look as the falcon itself. This ability has some cast time (~1 second) in which Horus cant do anything, after that he is again free to go. The wall also has a certain deploy time in which the wall spreads to the walls. So this is dependent on the wide of the lane you are in. The spread velocity is quite fast, though. Of course wall deployment is perpendicular to your attack arrow and just a few ft (5-10) before you. After the duration of the ultimate the walls just fades/dissipate away. Mana: 40/70/80/100/120 CD: 90/80/70/60/50 seconds Odins is 75s for comparison. Most other ults 90s. Life time: 4/5/6/7/8 seconds Keep in mind Odins ult last: ??? (think 4-7s) and Isis ult: 5s, Thors wall: 4s and Ymirs wall: (2 to 6 at max rank) for comparison.

The wall does several things:

Act like a normal wall (similar to Ymir and partly Thors) this means collision detection. So projectiles and single target spells are absorbed (/stopped) by it, but AOE spells like Ras heal and beam can go through it. It will only stop enemy gods and minions. So allied gods can freely move past this wall Lastly this wall will prevent leaping over it. It does not apply cripple!, but instead it makes a certain distance for and behind it invalid for most leaps (dashes are already stopped by the collision detection) This makes sure the wall isnt too absolute and even weaker than Odins ult Also this doesnt prevent ults (Thor, Athena, Freya, etc.), teleports (and Neiths backflip maybe) to go over it. Or other potential new ways of mobility in the future. Also Loki might be able to go through it with his stealth (it ignores collision detection). This ult is meant to close off an escape route for the enemies or allowing your team to have a safe escape route. You cant trap enemies with this ult alone. Can close of lanes and paths, but cant close in enemies with this ultimate alone. You just have the means of making sure the enemies have to take the escape paths left. This ult is mainly be used for strategic purposes.

This ult has nice synergy with hawk strike. Teleporting behind the enemy, deploying the wall, attacking the enemy from this side, while your team can attack from the other side. Can be used as counter ult for some ults. This wall is lane wide (always goes through both ends, closing a way completely off) Its weaker and stronger than Odins ult, it has a different purpose, different uses. Good ability to control the fight and initiate in a fight for your team. Allies or at least Horus needs to be able to go through the wall, because otherwise it would be sort of useless, because you will always close yourself out of the fight

Synergy in the kit

He has one major combo, which also can be partly done. The (1 > (4 >) ) 3>2. The one to teleport almost unnoticeable behind the enemy, 4 to close of a path, 3 to take a certain enemy and may even pull through the wall, and then 2 to push away the enemy even further in the other direction he wanted to.

Possible skins

Especially the first and last one are very good possible ideas for a skin. The last one also works the best with the current chosen reference art for the basic model and role.


Accent color shifted to blue, gold changed to silver. And he is supposed to be more eagle like (hence the white head in this recolor. His skin should be darker (couldnt make that) and his pants should be lighter. (like an eagle white head, black body and white tail). The skin will be called something like sky father/Ruler of the Sky or something similar.

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