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Name of the officer :-Md. Shahrukh Majeed .

Report for the year/period : 2007-2008

Ending : 31 March 2008.


2 CONFIDENTIAL REPORT FOR INDIAN POLICE SERVICE OFFICERS (Junior Time Scale, Senior Time Scale and Selection Grade) Report for the year/period ending PART-1
PERSONAL DATA (To be filled by the Officer Reported upon)

1. Name of Officer 2. Crade and year of allotment 3. Date and year of allotment 4. Height : 05' 06"


: I.P.S./1995 : 05/05/1952 Weight : 63 Kg. Date 23/02/2005 Grade: I.P.S.

5. Date of continuous appointment to Present grade 6. Present post and date of appointment there to

Date : 01/04/07 TO 31/03/08 Post : S.P. Jehanabad.

7. Period of absence from duly (on leave, training etc during the year.) 8. Annual property return has been sent vide 1830/Conf. Dated-11/11/2005 Bagha NIL

TO BE FILLED BY OFFICER REPORTED UPON PART II (Please read carefully the instructions given at the beginning of the form before filling the entries.)

1. Brief description of duties. Distt. Jehanabad needs no introduction. A well known distt. of national repute who went international after the infamous jail break in 2005 by M.C.C.I. extremists. This distt. has witnessed a large number of carnages. A badly extremely as well as criminally affected belt. While controlling the crime, maintaining law and order problems the Superintendent of Police had to inspect posts, look after training, discipline and welfare of the subordinate officers and men, ensure speedy disposal of cases and departmental proceedings, supervise cases, control investigation, control atrocities against SC/ST and other weaker sections of the society including women, and ensure security of the visiting V.I.P.s and that of vital installations. As head of the Police force the Superintendent was responsible for fair-play in administration and economic management of the force with the available infrastructural resources so that the executive duties are done in an efficient and effective manner. The Supdt. was also responsible for conduction of free and fair election & examination.

2. Particulars of training courses undergone during the year. I did not under go any training during the year. 3. Medals or commendations received during the year. Several commendations from senior officers have been received during this period for large recovery of arms, ammunition & arrest of veteran criminals, gangsters and extremists. Got President's Police Medal for meritorious services in August,06.

4. (a) Please specify 8 to 10 targets/goals/objectives that were set for you and/or you set for yourself in order of priority. Jehanabad being extremely naxal as well as criminal affected distt. with all sorts of crime especially rang dari, I set up for myself following targets in order of priority. 1. Control of communal tension in the district so that the Hindu, Muslim and other communities live in an atmosphere of peace and harmony.

2. To curb down the menace of extremism so that people may not live in fear or despair rather than in healthy environment. In the year 2005, the incident of jail break, had given a shock to the administration and as a result the Police felt demoralized. So in order to inculcate a sense of high morale and give a jolt to naxals, Strategies were to be worked out. 3. To control the crime situations. To tame the gangs engaged in kidnapping & rangdari. 4. To build up confidence in people in order to have an easy access. 5. Control of atrocities and crimes against women, SC/ST and other weaker sections of society. 6. Ensuring security of the visiting V.I.P.s and that of vital installations & Railway, tracks. 7. Completing inspection of all posts giving systematic and regular attention to chaukidari parades, evening and night rounds, raids, night halts and tours in the field area to achieve control over the crime and law and order situations. 8. Supervising and visiting all important scenes of crime and controlling investigation of cases by subordinate officers. 9. Disposal of pending cases in an expeditious manner without compromising the quality of investigations. 10. Disposal of pending departmental proceedings in an expeditious manner so that the morale and discipline of the force remains at a high level. 11. To secure convictions in charge sheeted cases priority basis. 12. Working towards welfare of the Police force of the district and finding solutions to the problems raised during Police Sabhas in a regular and systematic manner. 13. Control of caste tension in the distt So that all castes live in an atmosphere of peace & harmony. 14. Morale boosting of the force. 15. To get outside children of SC/ST and weaker section admitted in school. 16. To check smuggling of narcotics & illicit liquor. 17. To utilize Police officers to teach children in schools. Sparing some valuable time.

(b) Wherever targets have been fixed how far have they been achieved particularly in respect
of inspections, visits to scenes of crime/sensitive spots, tours and supervision of crime work. You can also highlight any major law & order problems attended to, any improvements/ innovation introduced in your area of work and any special work done relating to policemans welfare.

1. No incident of communal riot took place during this period. Minor incidents of apprehension of communal tension were immediately attended to and a situation of perfect communal harmony could be maintained. 2. Prior to my joining, kidnapping, property crimes were rampant. People were under the fear of kidnappers and robbers. Since my joining several police encounter took place. Several country made arms as well as regular arms were recovered. A resulting in decline of crime to a great extent crime position remained completely under control. 3. Complete confidence was built up among the people. Several meetings were held and community policing was done. 4. No. major incident of atrocity against the women. SC/ST and other weaker sections of society was reported. Cases of major atrocities were promptly and properly investigated and chargesheet submitted against the guilty. Preventive steps were also taken. 5. There was no lapse in the security of V.I.P.s and vital installations during this period. 6. During the tenure almost all police posts of the distt.were inspected. Chaukidari parades were held, many days were spent on tour. 7. All important scenes of crime were visited during this period. I supervised almost all sensational cases during this period and proper control could be achieved over investigation of cases. An example of this is APP murder case. 8. With the periodical review and speedy investigation the pendency was brought well within the limit. Pending cases of even two decades and more were disposed off. The processes of review at pending cases are continuing. 9. Final orders were passed in several old as well as current departmental proceedings. Only a few proceedings remained for conduction and orders. 10. Police Sabhas were held almost regularly during my tenure. The problems raised by officers and men were attended to and solutions were found out. 11. No. incident of caste tension as such could take place during this period. Minor incidents of apprehension of such incidents were immediately attended to and solution sought out. 12. In order to save the environment, the poachers who were engaged in wood smuggling and related forest crimes were booked. Police parties were entrusted with the job of saving the area of Banabar hill. Criminals and Smugglers engaged in stone crushing were taken to task.

13. Illicit liquor worth thousands were seized and men engaged in manufacturing illicit liquor were booked. Smuggling of illicit liquor for Jherkhand with several laces were seized vide JBD P.S. case no............. 14. Inspection of posts. 15. Several hundred children out of school were sent to school. 16. Crime during this period remained at the lowest. 17. Convictions in many cases under priority trial were secured. 5. (a) Please state briefly the shortfalls with reference to the targets/goals/objectives referred to in col.4 specify the constraints, if any. NIL. 5. (b) Please indicate items under which there have been significantly better/higher achievements Compared to targets and your contribution there to. 1. Law and order during treacherous Pancheyat Election (May 2006) was conducted peacefully, fairly and without any complaint from any side. 2. There was perfect control of extremism in the distt. although serious extremist attacks were reported in neighboring distt. The youngsters who were being employed as a cadre in MCCI were discouraged by their villagers as a result they opted for work in Haryane, Punjab & Gujrat. Thus the members of MCCI reduced very sharply. There was an apparent decline in their membership then. 3. Perfect control could be achieved on the law and order front. Apprehension of Communal tensions & law & order situation in the district were tactfully managed and diffused Apart from preventive deputations and peace committee meetings, prompt reactions to situations and prompt decision-making stands helped in arriving at peace and harmony. My impartial handling of the situations and fair investigation of past cases gave good results in all such endeavors. 4. Caste tension in this district is also a point which causes concern to the district authority from time to time. Some times caste disharmony takes an ugly shape which as a result gives a serious threat to the district administrative set up. But this caste problem during the said period of mine was tactfully & decently handled and no untoward incident as such could take place. 5. Apart from engaging in anti-crime operations, I kept close watch over updating of the dossiers of the criminals, drive to arrest the absconding criminals, verification of bailers and moves for bail cancellation were systematically resorted to under my personal supervision and direction. I

laid stress on prompt execution of summons and warrants which led to improved attendance of witnesses in trail. 6. Despite the forceful impact of community and caste based politics and related social forces, my personal interest and intervention could ensure running of common mess in the Police Lines and could do away with the numerous messes run on communal and caste lines. 7. Police-public co-operation meetings held in different parts of the district could become a success because of my personal efforts. Janata Darbars were being regularly held in the district. I took interest in various social and cultural meetings and festivals and involved myself with the activities of the of the Red Cross Society, District Sports Association. All such social involvements made policing easier in the district. 8. District Co-ordination meeting were also held regularly in which problems of district administration, crime law & order were discussed and solution sought. 9. Meetings of District Monitoring cell were also attended form time to time & problems of common interest were listened to and settled successfully. 10. Important religious festivals of different communities also passed off peacefully and communal harmony & peace were maintained on such occasions. 11. I ensured fair conduct of Examinations in the district. All such exams passed off peacefully. This year secondary Board Exam 2008 is passing peacefully and fairly. 12. Several important cases of heinous crimes & Arms Act were taken up under priority and evidence of police officers and men as well as public were ensured. As a result convictions in several cases under speedy trial were secured. Alone in the year 2007, 371 accused persons convicted including 40 L.I. & 05 of 10 yrs imprisonment, as also ever 60 conviction secured so far in 2008 including 03 L.I. & 06 of 10 yrs imprisonment. Conviction rates have been very satisfactory. Efforts are on to secure even more convictions. Md. Shahrukh Majeed, Supdt. of Police, Jehanabad.

PART- III (To be filled in by Reporting Authority-Kindly read carefully the instructions given at the
beginning of the form the entries are filled)


1. Please comment on part II as filled out by the officer and specially state whether you
agree with the answers relating to targets/ goals/ objectives, achievements and shortfalls. Also specify constraints, if any, in achieving the objectives. I agree with answers filled out by the officer.

2. Knowledge of sphere of work. Please comment specifically on the following : Knowledge of Law
The officer has full knowledge of his sphere of work and has deep knowledge of law.

Knowledge of Police Rules/Procedures

The officer has extensive knowledge of Police Rules/Procedures.

Knowledge of Area or Terrain

The officer has toured the entire area and has perfect knowledge of the terrain.

B. ATTRIBUTES 3. Attitude of work (Please comment on the extent to which the officer is dedicated and motivated and on
his/ her willingness and initiative to learn and systematise his/her work).

A highly professional and dedicated officer, always eager to learn and systemise his work. 4. Decision-making ability (Please comment on the quality of decision making and on ability to weigh pros and cons of alternatives). Possesses excellent quality of decision making and has an insight for assessing the alternative.

5. Initiative ( Please comment on the capacity and resourcefulness of the officer in handing unforeseen situation on his/her own and willingness to take additional responsibility and new areas of work). The officer has immense capacity and resourcefulness and is apt at handling unforeseen situation on his own and is readily willing to take additional responsibility and work.

6. Ability to inspire and motivate (Please comment on the capacity of the officer to motivate, to obtain willing support by own conduct and capacity to inspire confidence.) Quite capable of motivating others and obtaining willing support by his conduct and easily inspires confidence. 7. Communication skill (written and oral) (Please comment on the ability of the officer to communicate and on his/her ability to present arguments.) Very apt in communicative skill whether written or oral, can present convincing argument. 8. Inter-personal relations and teamwork (Please comment on the quality of relationship with superiors, colleagues and subordinates, and on the ability to appreciate others point of view and take advice in the proper spirit. Please also comment on his/her capacity to work as member of a team to promote team spirit and optimise the output of the team.) He has excellent quality of maintaining respectable relationship with superiors, cordial, behavior with colleagues and amicable relationship with subordinates. He is open to conviction and has great capacity to

work as a member of a team and can optimize the out put of the team through spirit de corps. 9. Relation with the public (Please comment on the officers accessibility to the public and responsiveness to their needs.) He is easily accessible to the public and quickly responds to their needs. 10. Attitude towards Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes/Weaker Sections of Society. (Please comment on his/her understanding of the problems of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled need.) The officers attitude towards SC/ST Weaker sections of society is quite sympathetic and he understands well their problems and is willing to deal with the problems. 11. Personnel Management (Please comment on the officers willingness to assumes responsibility, organising capacity, quality of leadership, ability to provide timely and proper guidance and regard for training and development of subordinates.) He has great organizing capacity and quality of leadership and is willing to assurance responsibility, can provide timely and proper guidance and has great regard for training and development of subordinates. 12. Effectiveness in supervising Investigation. Quite effective in supervising investigation. 13. Effectiveness in maintaining communal harmony. Extremely effective in maintaining communal harmony. 14. Interest in Policemens welfare & their families. (Please comment on any tangible work done in this regard.) Has great interest in the welfare of policemen and their families. He was instrumental in providing infrastructural facilities for better living conditions for the police man in Police Stations and Police lines. 15. Aptitude and Potential (Please indicate three fields of work from amongst the following for possible specialisation and career development of the officer.)


General Administration

11 (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Personnel Administration Training Planning Research and Development Staff duties Secretariat work (ii) Law & Order (iii) Intelligence (i) Personnel administration

(vii) Law & Order (viii) Intelligence (ix) (x) (xi) Vigilance/Anti-corruption work Investigation of Crime Metropolitan Policing

(xii) Traffic Management (xiii) Anti-dacoity/count insurgency operations. (xiv) Para Military/Armed Police (xv) Security (including VIP, Airport and Industrial security.) (xvi) Special units/Tech. Services like wireless, Scientific Aids, Computer Services etc.


(i) (ii)

General bearing and personality : Sociability :

very appealing personality. Amicable.

12 (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) Dedication to duty : Highly dedicated.

Appreciation of situations and quickness of response : Outstanding. Attention to detail : Ability to withstand pressure / stress : Ability to take a principled stand : Very attentive. Utmost very hardy. Out standing.

Any other traits / special abilities of the officer other than those mentioned above. Smart personality having good oratory power.

PART-IV GENERAL 17. State of Health (Please mention whether the officer is over weight or under weight and whether he is
fit for field duties.)

Very sound.
18. Integrity (Please see the note below the Instructions.)

Very good. Beyond Suspicion.

19. General Assessment : Any action/aspect needing special mention. (Please give and overall assessment of the officer with reference to his/her strength and shortcoming and also by drawing attention to qualities, if any, not covered by the entries above.) He is highly professional and dedicated Police officer. He possesses sound leadership and commendable oratory power. He controlled the

crime, curbed the menace of naxalism and maintained law and order during this period. Panchayat election was conducted very peacefully and incident free during his period of posting. 20. Grading :

(Outstanding/Very good/Good/Average/Below Average

(Any officer should not be graded outstanding unless exceptional qualities and performance have been noticed; grounds for giving such a grading should be clearly brought out.) He is graded as an OUTSTANDING Police officer. Signature Date Name Designation (During the period of report)


1. Length of service under you

2. Are you satisfied that the Reporting Authority has made his/her repor with due care and attention and after taking into account all the relevant material?

3. Do you agree with the assessment of the Officer given by the Reporting Authority? (In case of disagreement, please specify the reasons, Is there anything you wish to modify or add ?)

4. General remarks with specific comments about the general remarks given by the Reporting Authority & remarks about meritorious work of the officer.


5. Has the Officer any special characteristics and/or any abilities which would justify his/her selection for special assignment or/out of turn promotion? If so, please specify.

6. Grading (Outstanding/Very Good/Good/Average/Below Average) (An officer should not be graded out standing unless exceptional qualities and performance have been noticed; grounds for giving such a grading should be clearly brought out.) Signature of the Reviewing Authority Date: Name in block letters: Designation: (During the period of Report)



Signature of the Accepting Authority Date : Name in Capital letters : Designation : (During the period of Report)

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