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Unit 1

Section One: Complimenting and Congratulating

Untuk Activity 1, guru membuka kelas dengan memberi salam dan melanjutkan interpersonal talk dengan fungsi bahasa congratulating dan complimenting. Sambil mengacu pada gambar 1 and 2, guru dapat bertanya tentang mereka yang telah atau sedang merayakan ulang tahun, memperoleh anggota keluarga baru, misalnya adik bayi, atau menjadi juara kelas dengan pertanyaan dan ungkapan seperti berikut. Is there anybody who was born in July? Happy birthday! Atau Congratulations! Kegiatan ini sesuai dengan prinsip CTL Questioning dan Inquiry.

Percakapan dapat diteruskan dengan picture 3 sambil guru bertanya jawab dengan siswa tentang penampilan mereka, barang baru yang mereka kenakan /pakai misalnya: I like your new bag. It looks nice. What a nice bag you have! Did you just buy it? Kegiatan tersebut di atas sejalan dengan prinsip Questioning dan Inquiry. Untuk Activities 2, 3, dan 4, kegiatan dapat ditindaklanjuti dengan pembahasan tentang kinds of sentences beserta latihannya. Apabila latihan di buku siswa dirasa kurang, penjelasan dan latihan-latihan tambahan bisa diberikan. Kinds of Sentences a) A statement tells, or declares, something. Statements are also called declarative sentences . They end with a period. The mail is here. b) A question asks something. Questions are also called interrogative sentences. They end with a question mark. Is there anything for me? c) A command tells someone what or what not to do. A polite command is a request. Commands and requests are also called imperative sentences . They end with a period. We use the imperative form to express a

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command or request. The subject you (singular or plural) is understood but not expressed. Come back later. Wait outside We form the negative imperative with dont. Dont come back later. Dont wait outside. We use please at the beginning or end of an imperative sentence to make it more polite. Please come back later. Wait outside, please. d) An exclamatory sentence shows a strong feeling like excitement, anger or surprise. An exclamatory sentence ends with an exclamation point. When we wish to emphasize a noun in an exclamatory sentence, we begin the sentence with what. What a beautiful day!. What a pretty girl! When we wish to emphasize an adjective or an adverb in an exclamatory sentence, we begin the sentence with how. How tall she is! How well he swims! Exercises Now please listen to the following sentences, and tell what kind of sentence each one is: declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamation. 1. What a strange look he has. 2. Read it to me. 3. This is writing in Hindi. 4. I cant read it. 5. When did Mitch learn to write Hindi? 6. Dont jump to conclusions. Mom. 7. This card is not from Mitch. 8. Who knows. 9. What an exotic country India is. 10. How confusing. 11. Indians make great movies. 12. Just make sure to ask for mild curry. (latihan dapat ditambah seperti berikut) Change these sentences to exclamations by using What, What a, or How. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. She plays the piano very well. (How well she plays the piano!). It is a beautiful day. He is a handsome fellow. They have learned English very quickly. You have a beautiful new car.

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6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Helen drives very well. He has grown very tall. Washington is a beautiful city. She has good taste in everything. They have a gorgeous home. He is lucky fellow to have such a good wife. It is a hot day. We are having beautiful weather now. She looks very old. It was a very strange thing for him to say.

Exercise 3 a. Give the imperative form of the following sentences. 1. (Lend) me a pencil. 2. (Wait) in the outer office. 3. (Telephone) him in the morning. 4. (Drop) this in the mail box. 5. (Leave) your hat on the chair. b. Give the negative imperative form of the above sentences. c. Make the following sentences more polite by adding please at the beginning or the end of the sentence. 1. Dont say anything to her about it. 2. Hang up your coat on the rack. 3. Dont let anyone know about this. 4. Dont leave your books there. 5. Dont put your feet up on the chair. Untuk Activities 5 dan 6, guru membaca contoh-contoh conversations yang ada pada dan siswa diminta untuk menirukan sambil guru memperhatikan pronunciation dan intonation siswa. Contoh percakapan yang ada dapat dikembangkan oleh guru sesuai situasi dan kondisi kelas. Guru diharapkan agar kreatif untuk menciptakan suasana yang interaktif dan hidup. Kegiatan yang ada di bagian ini sesuai dengan prinsip CTL Modeling. Untuk Activities 7,8,9,10, dan 11, guru berkeliling kelas dan bertindak sebagai resource person. Semua kegiatan yang masuk dalam bagian ini mengacu pada prinsip learning community dan constructivism dari CTL. Hasil kerja siswa bisa digunakan untuk data authentic assessment. Untuk Activity 12, secara individual siswa dapat diminta untuk mengerjakan tugas menulis ucapan selamat. Dalam proses penulisan tersebut guru dapat memberikan bantuan seperlunya. Tulisan di kartu ucapan selamat dapat sangat bervariasi. Guru-guru dapat memberikan masukan-masukan yang diperlukan untuk merevisi pekerjaan para siswa. Kegiatan yang tercakup disini dapat dimasukkan dalam prinsip constructivism CTL. Sambil bertindak sebagai resource person, guru bisa melakukan penilaian sebagai penerapan prinsip authentic assessment. Sambil mengajarkan bagaimana membaca functional texts yang terdapat pada buku siswa, guru dapat berinteraksi dengan siswa dengan mengajukan
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pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan kosakata dan tatabahasa dengan menggunakan situasi dan benda-benda yang ada di sekitar sebagai acuan. Prinsip CTL yang tercakup didalamnya meliputi questioning, inquiry, dan constructivism yang dalam pelaksanaannya di lapangan akan saling berkaitan. Guru hendaknya tidak segan-segan memberi reward (misalnya menempelkan hasil tulisan yang terbaik di majalah dinding atau memuatnya di majalah sekolah) apabila siswa dapat menyelesaikan pekerjaannya dengan sungguhsungguh dan baik. Kegaiatan yang tercakup didalamnya mengandung prinsip reflection dan constructivism. Secara umum pembahasan dan penyajian section-section yang lain, yaitu Section Two: Requesting dan Section Three: Giving and asking for information dalam Unit 1 ini dapat dilakukan mengikuti pola dan langkah tersebut di atas.

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Unit 2
Sebelum melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran, perlu mengetahui terlebih dahulu tantang jenis teks ini dari segi fungsi social, schematic structure = generic structure, dan lexicogrammatical features.

SOCIAL FUNCTION To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in different ways; Narrative deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn fields a resolution


SIGNIFICANT LEXICOGRAMMATICAL FEATURES Orientation: sets the Focus on specific and usually scene and introduces individualized Participants. the participants. Use of Material Processes Evaluation: a stepping (and in this text, back to evaluate the Behavioual and Verbal plight. Processes) Complication: a crisis Use of Relational Processes arises. and Mental Processes. Resolution: the crisis is Use of temporal conjunctions resolved, for better and temporal or for worse Circumstances. Re-orientation: optional Use of past tense

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini. SNOW WHITE Orientation Once upon the time there lived a little girl named Snow White . She lived her Aunt and Uncle because her parents were dead Major Complication One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didnt have enough money to take Snow White Resolution Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt to do this so she decided it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods. Complications She was very tired and hungry Resolution Then she saw this little cottage. she knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep.

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Complication Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, what is your name? Snow White said, My name is Snow White. Major Resolution Doc said, If you wish, you may live here with us. Snow White said, Oh could(I)?. Thank you. Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and Snow White and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after. Struktur generik 1. Orientasi 2. Komplikasi 3. Resolusi

1. Orientasi
Pada tahap ini pembaca diperkenalkan pada tokoh-tokoh dalam ceritera dan biasanya disebutkan juga kapan dan dimana ceritera itu terjadi. Biasanya diciptakan pula suasana yang membuat pembaca ingin terus mengikuti jalan ceriteranya. Tahap orientasi ini bisa singkat namun bisa pula panjang.

2. Komplikasi
Di tengah-tengah cerita biasanya kemudian ditampilkan apa yang disebut sebagai complication/problem . Komplikasi ini yang mebuat cerita semakin menarik, karena si tokoh utama terhalang untuk mencapai tujuannya semula. Komplikasi adalah cermin kehidupan nyata dan memberika keyakinan pada pembaca bahwa masalah apapun akan dapat dicari jalan keluarnya.

3. Resolusi
Narasi yang memuaskan akan memberikan resolusi pada komplikasi. Resolusi ini biasanya meberikan penyelesaian pada komplikasi, walaupun ada juga naratif yang membiarkan pembaca bertanya-tanya bagaimana ya akhir cerita ini?

Section One
Bagian ini berkaitan dengan teks naratif ragam lisan. Sebelum siswa mendengarkan cerita yang akan disampaikan guru, mereka dibawa masuk ke teks yang akan dibahas dengan cara mengkaitkan keadaan yang ada tentang keluarga mereka atau sekeliling mereka yang nyata yang masih ada kaitannya dengan tema cerita. Guru bisa menggunakan pertanyaan pertanyaan di buku siswa dan atau menambahkan pertanyaan pertanyaan yang lain yang juga relevan. Sebelum guru membacakan atau mendramatisasikan cerita dengan ragam lisan, siswa diberi kesempatan dan dibantu mempelajari kata kata baru yang akan dijumpai dalam cerita (Activities 1 and 2). Dua aktivitas berikutnya berkaitan dengan grammar focus yang bersifat mengulang kaidah penggunaan kata please sebagai penanda kesantunan yang sangat penting dalam bahasa Inggris yang perlu diinternalisasikan sebagai kebiasaan kebahasaan siswa dalam berbahasa Inggris. Activity 3, 4, dan 5 cukup jelas.

Section two

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Berikut ini cerita untuk siswa. Pada Activity 1 guru membacakan cerita tersebut dengan ragam bahasa lisan yang baik dan benar. Sebaiknya JUDUL TIDAK DISEBUTKAN terlebih dahulu. Androcles and the Lion One day, there was a slave named Androcles. His master was very, very bad. You know, he often beat Androcles and did NOT give him food for days. Poor Androcles! So he escaped into a forest and slept in a cave. Next morning, he heard a loud roar. In front of him...., at the mouth of the cave..., was a very big lion. You see, Androcles was frigthened to death! Kind of scary, isnt it? But he could not escape. But the lion didnt attack him. It was lame. There was a large thorn in its right front foot. The lion looked at Androcles. It seemed to say:Please help me. Its very painful. Androcles walked bravely to the lion and pulled out the thorn. Androcles and the lion became friends. (From GB Shaws play: Androcles and the Lion) Kegiatan story telling ini diikuti dengan tanya jawab lisan menggunakan pertanyaan yang ada di buku siswa untuk mengecek pemahaman siswa tentang isi cerita.

Section Three
Setelah selesai dengan kegiatan di atas, siswa bisa diminta meneruskan cerita dengan cara menyusun kembali cerita lanjutan yang sudah diacak urutannya dalam Activity 1. Bagian ini berfungsi sebagai latihan membuat cerita bersama yang bisa dikerjakan oleh dua atau tiga siswa (JC).

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Section Four
Aktivitas berikutnya dimaksudkan untuk memberi kesempatan siswa untuk mengarang cerita secara individu yang diceritakan secara lisan. Dalam aktivitas ini siswa tetap masih diberi panduan bagaimana menuangkan alur cerita dengan memperhatikan sekuens struktur generik teks naratif.

Section Five
Pada bagian terdapat dua buah teks. Siswa diajak membandingkan cirri-ciri kedua text tersebut. Kedua teks dilengkapi dengan pertanyaan pemahaman dan interpretasi untuk mengecek pemahaman siswa akan isi teks serta analisis teks. Teks kedua yang tidak disertai dengan akhir cerita yang pasti (dangling resolution) memungkinkan imaginative creation siswa. Activity 3, 4, dan 5 berisi latihan kosakata, sedangkan Activity 6 berisi grammar focus yang berkaitan dengan tanda baca dan huruf kapital dan tanda titik (full stop). Kunci jawaban: Activity 4 mailbox airplane shoelace playground Activity 5 sunset x sunrise luxurious x modest beautiful x ugly set free x catch huge x small Activity 6 We went to Bali last July . It was our first visit there. We visited Kuta, Sanur, Bedugul and other resorts. At Kuta my brother went surfing. I went parasailing at Bedugul. Mum and Dad took pictures of us. We really enjoyed our vacation. greenhouse handbook hardware moonlight

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Activity 7 swimming pool dining room writing pad standing party fried chicken perfumed tissue Activity 8, 9, dan 10 cukup jelas. Activity 9 Contoh yang mungkin bisa ditulis siswa: (a). The negatives: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (b). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The students are not listening. The headmaster is not reading. Sita is not doing her assignment. The children are not playing in the yard. He is not driving. Mummy is not watching television. The gardener is not sweeping the yard. The cat is not sitting on the chair. The bell is not ringing. The teacher is not writing on the board. The interrogatives: Is Ella watering the garden? Are you having lunch? Is Mum going shopping? Are Theo and Donny studying with you? Is Daddy washing the car?

Section Six
Activity 1: Reading for comprehension and interpretation Kunci jawaban: True/False 1. F; she was a beautiful princess not queen. 2. F; it was her stepmother not her mother who was jealous. 3. T 4. F; she lived with the dwarfs before put to sleep. 5. T; her stepmother was actually the witch. 6. T 7. F; it was the kiss that revived Snow White 8. T Activity 2 dan 3 cukup jelas

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Activity 4 dan 5 Guru mengajak siswa memperhatikan alur cerita naratif yang dibahas dengan memperhatikan sekuens atau urutan struktur generiknya. Hal ini sangat diperlukan untuk membekali siswa bila mereka harus menulis jenis teks serupa agar berterima. Untuk melakukan hal ini siswa diminta menjawab pertanyaan yang mengarah pada rangkaian struktur generik teks naratif yang digunakan sebagai model. Pada dasarnya teks naratif memiliki urutan struktur generik: Orientation Evaluation - Complication Sequence of events Resolution Coda. Unsur evaluation dan coda tidak bersifat mutlak harus ada (optional), sedangkan unsur unsur lain bersifat mutlak harus ada (compulsory). Struktur generik naratif Snow White adalah sebagai berikut: Orientation Long ago, in the Neverland, there lived a very beautiful princess, Snow White. Complication The Queen, her stepmother, was jealous of her beauty. So she wanted her to die. Thats why she planned to kill Snow White. Sequence of events Snow White knew abaut the plan. She escaped into a forest. There she made friends with seven dwarfs. The queen turned into a witch. Snow White did not realize it. The witch gave her a poisoned apple. As a result, Snow White was put into sleep for years. Resolution Fortunately, in the end, Prince Charming revived her with a kiss. Coda or comment They lived together happily ever after.

Section Seven
Activity 1 Siswa secara bersama sama dengan dua atau tiga teman sekelas ditugasi menulis satu teks naratif. Guru memandu mereka dengan memberi arahan bagaimana menulis naratif dengan alur cerita yang sesuai dengan struktur generik teks naratif. Selain itu guru juga perlu membantu siswa mengatasi kesulitan yang mereka temui berkaitan dengan tatabahasa maupun kosakata yang digunakan.

Section Eight

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Activity 1 Teks bisa berupa penceritaan ulang cerita cerita rakyat setempat yang sudah dikenal semua siswa dengan menggunakan kata kata siswa sendiri. Siswa juga diberi keleluasaan untuk menggunakan versi mereka masing masing. Tugas ini bisa sebagai PR dengan Guru tetap memantau proses penulisannya serta membantu memecahkan kesulitan kesulitan yang mungkin ditemui siswa. Berikut ini adalah kumpulan cerita yang berbentuk naratif. Story 1 NOTHING MUCH HAPPENED TODAY
All right class, now Id like to tell the story Nothing much happened today once again. Do you still remember the story? A little, mam. OK listen. After buying some groceries (do you know groceries? Please repeat after me groceries) Mrs Maeberry scurried home (what is scurried Amir? Good it is berjalan cepat-cepat). She wanted to tell her children about seeing the police chase a robber (what does chase mean, Ari? Yes, it is mengejar) say chase! When she got home her mouth flew open. (Andy, please demonstrate if your mouth flows open. Great). Why? Because she saw thousands of soap bubbles drifting ( you know what drifting means? Yes, mengalir) from her front window. The story began when the robber who was chased by the police ran in the house. The robber ran around the kitchen table and the police went around after him. Then the police knocked off the cake to the floor and the robber skidded in the icing. Mrs Maeberry baked the cake before she went to the store. When the children baked a new one they made the oven smokey. Then they opened the window to let the smoke out. Meanwhile the cat was coming in. Barney (the dog) chased the cat and knocked the sack of sugar himself. And that was while the children was bathing him with too many suds, Mrs Mae came home. The children tried to calm her down. They said that nothing much happened when the mother was away.


All right students, now Im going to tell you a story . The title is Snow White. Do you know Snow Do we have Snow here? What is the color? OK so Snow is always white Good! Now let me continue Once upon the time there lived a little girl named Snow White. Her parents were dead, so she lived with her uncle and aunt. Do you know uncle and aunt? Do you have any uncle? Aunt? One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didnt have enough money to take Snow White Snow White did not want to live in the castle so she decided to runway. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and Uncle were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods. She was very tired and hungry Then she saw this little cottage. she knocked but no one answered so she went inside and fell asleep. Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. Do you know dwarfs? You don t know? OK open your dictionary, so dwarfs is kurcaci. Please
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say dwarfs. The y went inside. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then she woke up. She saw the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, what is your name? Snow White said, My name is Snow White. Doc said, If you wish, you may live here with us. Snow White said, Oh could(I)?. Thank you. Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story and Snow White and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after .

Story 3 GOLDILOCKS AND THE THREE BEARS Once there were three bears that lived in a house in the words : a pap bear, a mama bear, and a baby bear. One morning they decided to take a walk before breakfast to let their porridge cool. A little girl named Goldilocks lived with her mother nearby. Goldilocks took a walk through the woods and found the bears house. She smelled the porridge in the kitchen and went inside. Goldilocks tasted the porridge in each bowl and finally ate up the porridge in the small bowl. Then she sat on a big chair, but she didnt like it, because it was hard. Afterwards she sat on the small chair, and it was just right. But while she was sitting on it she broke it. After eating the porridge, Goldilocks felt full and sleepy, then she went upstairs. At three she found a small bed. She lay down on it and fell asleep. While she was sleeping, the three bears came home. When they went into the kitchen, they got very surprised. Someone had tasted their porridge, even eaten up baby bears porridge, while they were taking a walk . Moreover the poor baby bear was upset when he found that his little chair broke into pieces. When they went upstairs, they found out that Goldilocks was sleeping. Baby bear cried out someone has been sleeping in my bed and here she is! Goldilocks woke up when she saw the three bears, she jumped out of bed and ran out of the house to her home. Never again did she make herself at home in anyone elses house. Story 4 THE CHIPMUNK THAT RAN AWAY There once lived a nervous little chipmunk. She was always afraid that something terrible would happen to her. One day, when she said over and over again. Suppose the sky fell in, what would happen to me? He heard a slight noise. It was really only an apple that fell to the ground. But the little Chipmunk was so nervous that she was ready to believe anything and said in a frightened voice, The sky is falling in. Then she ran away as fast as she could go. Soon she met an old brother Chipmunk, who asked, Where are you running to, little Chipmunk? And the nervous little Chipmunk answered, I have no time to stop and tell you anything. The sky is falling in, and I am running away.

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The sky is falling in, is it? said the old brother Chipmunk, very much surprised. And he told the story to his brother chipmunk, until at last there were a hundred brother Chipmunks shouting, The sky is falling in. Soon the larger animals heard what the Chipmunks were saying. The Deer, the Sheep, the Pig, the Camel, the Tiger, and the Elephant began to say, The sky is falling in. Now the wise Lion heard all the noise and wondered what was happening. Then he stopped all the animals and asked, what are you saying? And the brother Chipmunks said, Oh we heard it from that little Chipmunk! And the Lion said, Little Chipmunk, what made you say that the sky was falling in? And the little Chipmunk said, I saw it over by the tree. Well, said the Lion, Come with me and I will show you how .. I am going to take you on my back. And he took her on his back, and begged the animals to stay where they were until they returned. Then he showed the little Chipmunk how the apple had fallen upon the ground, making the noise that had frightened her. The little Chipmunk said, Yes, I see. The sky is not falling in. The Lion said, Lets go back and tell the other animals. So they went back. At last all the animals knew that the sky was not falling in, and there was peace once again in the land. Guru menerangkan bagian ini dengan mengacu pada contoh didepan (Snow White). Language Features * Specific of individual participants e.g. Mrs. Maeberry, the bubbles. * Material processes (action verbs) e.g. : ran, scurried * Verbal processes e.g. : said, told * Mental processes e.g. : believing, knowing, seeing, fearing, etc. * Normally past tense * Many linking words to do with time e.g. : then, afterwards, etc. * Dialogues often included, during which the tense may change to the present or future * Descriptive language to enhance and develop the story by creating image the readers mind e. g : nice, beautiful, etc. * Relational processes e.g. : was, became, etc. * Use of the first person (I, we) or third person (he, she, they)

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Analisis struktur pembentuk wacana

S T O R Y Material processes tasted, ate, sat, lay, went, sleepy, jumped, ran fell, ran, go, take, returned, shouted

VERBS mental processes Liked, decided, smelled, found, saw want, heard, believe Verbal processes said, cried out Relational processes was




then, while, when

hard, full, sleepy, surprised, upset

Simple Past Past Continuou s Simple Past Past Continuou s


Said, answered , told

were, have

soon, now

surprised, nervous, afraid, ready, frightened, wise

Analisis wacana tentang generic structure teks narratif

Title of the Story Setting / Orientation Papa bear, mama bear, and baby bear decided to take a walk before breakfast to let the porridge cool Complication 1. Goldilocks came in and tasted every bowl of porridge. She finally ate up the baby bear porridge 2. She broke the little chair 3. She slept on the babys bear bed 1.She told brother Chipmunk that the sky would fall in 2.The Chipmunks told other animals that the sky would fall in 3.The lion was wondering what had happened Resolution Goldilocks ran away and never made at home anyone elses house

Chipmunk always felt nervous and was ready to believe anything that happened to him II

At last all the animals knew that the sky was not falling in, and there was peace in the land

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Story 5 THE NAUGHTY BROTHERS Now listen again to the second text. Were going to talk about The Naughty Brothers. Do you have any brother? Is your brother naughty? OK now let me start. Kim and Sandra were doing their homework from school (Do you always do your homework?). They had to make a cloth puppet and a paper house. (You know puppet? and what is a paper house?) At noon, Kim and Sandra left their room to have lunch in the dining room. (You know what?) While they were busily eating and chatting, their brothers Alex and Tim sneaked into the bedroom. Then they took the puppets and hid them behind the wardrobe. After lunch, Kim and Sandra couldnt find the puppets anywhere. They searched (What is search?) everywhere, but still the puppets were missing. Meanwhile, Alex and Tim were playing outside. (Can you guess what happened to Kim and Sandra?). They cried, because they would not be able to hand in their puppets the next day. In the morning, Tim remembered that they hadnt returned the puppets to the girls. Here are the puppets. Im sorry we hid them yesterday, Tim said. (You know what he got from grandma?). Grandma was very angry, Dont ever do that again! she said. (You know how Kim and Sandra felt? Of course very happy). Then they handed in their puppets and paper house to their teacher, and they got very good marks. Story 6 John slumped in the armchair, his arms crossed and his face with a gloomy frown. He was a new kid in town, but no-one knew he was even there. John didnt like anybody and they didnt like him. All day he sat in the armchair, staring out the window. Through the window he saw a gigantic hollow tree in vacant lot. The tree seemed to call him. He stood slowly up, then started to walk towards the tree. Its branches were very thin and its roots dug into the ground like claws. He tree had horns all over it. John tried to turn away from the tree but he couldnt. A mysterious force was pulling him into the hollow. John never reappeared but no-one noticed or cared. (Adapted from Derewianka, 1990) Story 7 On Sunday It is Sunday. Billy and his friends do not go to school, so they plan to clean the bedroom. They also clean the bathroom and living room. They make the bed, sweep and mop the floor, dust the furniture and rearrange all their books. Now everything looks so clean and tidy, says Giga. After they finish with the rooms, they go to the garden. They cut the grass, sweep the dirty leaves, and water the plants. Mother is very happy and very proud of them. She gives Billy and his friends a delicious breakfast of fried rice and scrambled eggs. Story 8

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The Lost Caterpillar Seven worms are walking happily. Their mother is leading them. They have just had their breakfast on a big tree near a river. Come on, children. Lets go home, mama Worm says. Suddenly, a cricket says, Your last chills is ugly! Ugly? asks mama worm. Then she looks at the child. He is not the same as her other children. Hey, ugly! she says, You are not my child. Go away! The little brown worm walks away. He is very sad. When he is near a lake, he looks into the water. Oh, how ugly I am, he cries. You are not ugly, says a voice. Oh, I find you, my child. The worm looks around. There is a beautiful big caterpillar and her children. They all look the same as he. They may call you ugly, says Mother caterpillar, But you are the most beautiful child in the world. One day, you will turn into a beautiful butterfly. (taken from Fun Plus 01) Story 9 Donalds New Hat One day, Daisy decided to buy Donald a new hat. Your hat is so old fashioned! she said. Come on, Ill buy you a new one. Donald knew that Daisy was right, so he agreed to go to a hat shop. As they went in, daisy took off his old hat. Hey, whats going on? asked Donald. Im taking off your old hat because its so ugly. We dont want the assistant to see you wearing it, do we? said daisy. Donald just said, Er no I mean, youre right, we dont. In fact, Donald was very fond of his old hat, although he didnt mind getting a new one if daisy paid for it. The trouble was this : there wasnt any hat in the shop that Donald liked. He tried many hats, but he felt that all the hats looked silly on him. The shop assistant was getting tired of serving Donald, but he took another hat and showed it to him. What about this one, Sir? Im sure youll like it. I quite agree! said Donald happily. Do you know why? Because that hat looked exactly the same as his old one! Poor daisy, she wasnt very happy, but she had to pay for that hat. She promised she would buy a new hat for Donald, didnt she? (Adapted from Disneys Time Annual) Story 10 The Hose There were many beautiful plants and flowers in Bobos garden and he was very proud of them, and he loves watering them every afternoon. Today Bobo was watering his plants when suddenly the water from the hose stopped flowing. Bobo was surprised, and when he looked around he saw Giga standing on the hose. Accidentally Giga had stepped on the hose and it
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broke. Bobo was upset and Giga felt very sorry. Then she went to a small pond near the garden, filled her trunk with water and came back. She sprayed Bobos garden with water from her trunk. Bobo was happy and he forgave Giga. Giga promised to get Bobo a new watering hose.

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Story 11 The Lion and the Mouse Mr. Lion was lying asleep, but was awakened by a mouse running over his face. how dare you! he roared, and raised his paw to kill the mouse. Please, Sir, begged miss Mouse, Let me go, and one day I may do something for you in return. You help me! Ha ha , laughed Mr Lion, but he let her go. One day, Mr Lion was caught in a net spread by hunters. I cant get out! he roared angrily. But I can help you, said a tiny voice and up ran Miss mouse, who nibbled and gnawed at the ropes until the lion was free. there, she said proudly, If you had not let me go, I would not have found a way to help you. Story 12 The Fox and the Crow Miss Crow had stolen a big piece of cheese and flew on to a branch to enjoy it. A sly fox, who wanted the cheese for himself, came up and spoke politely to her. Oh, Miss crow, how beautiful you are! What a lovely beak, what lovely feathers you have! What pretty eyes! If only you could sing, you would be the most beautiful bird in the world! Very pleased to hear all of this about herself, Miss crow gave a loud croak to show that she could sing. Of course, the moment she opened her beak, the cheese fell down and Mr Fox ran away with it, laughing loudly. Story 13 The Magic Candle One day a young wanderer got lost in a wood. Suddenly he saw a light from an old hut. He knocked on the door and an old woman opened it. She was crying. She said that the devil had stolen her magic candle. The candle could grant anything she asked. The wanderer asked her where the devil lived. In a castle not far from here, said the old woman. The wanderer went to the castle. There she found the devil, but he was old and weak. Therefore when the wanderer grabbed the magic candle from the devils table and ran away, he couldnt chase him. But the wanderer was not a kind man. he didnt return the candle to the old woman, but kept it for himself. He lit the candle and made a wish, I want to go far away from here. Suddenly the genies appeared and took him to a beautiful palace. There was party in the palace. The wanderer wanted to make some money. So he lit the candle again and wished for some jewellery. He sold them to the guests and was soon making a lot of money. Then the Princess came to buy the jewellery, but there was nothing left. The wanderer fell in love with her and asked her to marry him. The kind princess said yes, and they got married the next day. In his happiness, the wanderer told the princess about his adventure and the magic candle. Hearing that, the princess got very angry. At night she lit the candle and wished that the wanderer disappear.
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In the morning the wanderer awoke and found himself back in his ugly house in the village. (Adapted from Fun Plus 05)

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Section One: Giving and Asking for Opinions

Activity 1 mengantarkan siswa ke pokok bahasan jenis teks dan topik-topik tertentu dengan cara menggali pengalaman-pengalaman siswa sehari-hari. Misal, mengenai kehidupan keluarga, buku-buku yang pernah mereka baca, pendapat mereka terhadap berbagai hal. Semua ini dilakukan dengan tanya jawab dalam bahasa Inggris antara guru dan siswa. Dapat ditampilkan ilustrasi atau gambar-gambar, foto, atau realia, memutarkan kaset atau video. Dalam CTL, kegiatan ini merupakan penerapan dari prinsip inquiry dan constructivism. Prinsip lain yang diterapkan adalah questioning, dimana guru memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan sebagai berikut kepada siswa: What do you usually do in your free time? Is there a recreation park near your place? What do you like most about your favorite place? Do you do anything special in your free time? Do you like to do outdoor activities?

Guru kemudian menunjukkan beberapa gambar kepada siswa dan mengadakan tanya jawab dengan siswa tentang gambar-gambar tersebut. Contoh-contoh gambar bisa diambil dari tempat-tempat yang menarik untuk dikunjungi dan atau kegiatan liburan/waktu senggang. Diskusi tentang gambar-gambar ini bisa dilakukan dengan bantuan pertanyaan-pertanyaan seperti: Have you ever heard about the place? Have you ever been there? Where is Mount Bromo/Taj Mahal/Borobudur located? Is there a legend/myth behind the place? What is interesting about each of the places? Do you do anything special on your free time?

Kegiatan diatas juga merupakan penerapan prinsip questioning. Kegiatan berikutnya dalam Activity 2 adalah Vocabulary Building. Dalam kegiatan ini dibahas adjectives dan adverbs yang sangat sering digunakan dalam percakapan tentang describing places and activities. Siswa diminta untuk memasangkan kata disebelah kiri dengan lawan katanya di kolom B. Untuk tindak lanjut, siswa juga bisa diajak untuk melihat sekitar mereka, dan mencari benda-benda atau tempat yang bisa dideskripsikan dengan menggunakan adjectives dalam latihan dibawah. Dalam hal ini, kegiatan diatas sesuai dengan prinsip inquiry dan constructivism.

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Berikut adalah kegiatannya. Look at the following examples! These are some ways to describe places and activities. Yogyakartas an exciting city Its a very exciting city. Singapores a clean city. Its fairly clean. Jogging is a cheap exercise. Its very cheap. Fishing is not a boring activity. Its not very boring. Rafting is dangerous for some people. Its too dangerous people. a) Match each word in list A with its opposite in list B A 1) beautiful 2) big 3) cheap 4) clean 5) friendly 6) interesting 7) quiet 8) dangerous B . . . boring . . . rude . . . dirty . . . expensive . . . small . . . noisy . . . safe . . . ugly



Pada latihan berikut, siswa diajak untuk melihat penggunaan adjectives dan adverbs dalam konteks percakapan. Langkah tindak lanjut adalah menyuruh siswa untuk mempraktekkan percakapan tersebut. Kegiatan ini merupakan penerapan prinsip learning community.

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b) Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B. Then practice the conversations with your partner. A a) Whats Hong Kong like? Is it an interesting place? b) Whats your hometown like? Do you like it? c) Tell me about Sydney. Ive never been there. d) Is Amsterdam a modern city? B ____ Oh, really? Its beautiful. It has great harbor and beautiful beaches. ____ No, its very old. It has lots of fascinating streets, canals, and buildings. ____ Oh yes, it is. Its very exciting, but its pretty crowded. ____ No, I hate it! Its very boring. Activity 3 memberikan penekanan pada fungsi bentuk Thats why pemahaman I moved away. grammar. Dalam hal ini, bentuk imperatives digunakan untuk memberikan instruksi dan saran. Bentuk ini diperlukan nantinya saat siswa berlatih percakapan transaksional. Dalam kegiatan ini guru bertanya kepada siswa tentang pengalamannya yang ada kaitannya dengan topic percakapan yang akan dibahas. Kegiatan ini sesuai dengan prinsip questioning Berikut adalah pertanyaan-pertanyaannya: Do you ever feel bored? Do you feel the same way as Amy? She is complaining about her lifestyle. Roger gives her some suggestions. Lets listen to the conversation. Amy : Oh, Im so tired. Every day is the same: work, work, work! Im so exhausted. Roger : Im sorry to hear that. I know! Do something fun every evening. Do some exercise every day and dont take any work home. It works for me. When Roger gives Amy some suggestions, he is using the I MPERATIVES. An imperative tells someone to do something. Look at some more examples: Giving commands Giving advice Giving instructions Giving warnings : Stop the car! : Dont worry about it. : First, peel the potatoes. Then, boil the water. : Be careful! The floor is wet.

The difference between a command and a request lies in the speakers tone of voice and the use of please. Kalimat-kalimat dalam balloon seperti dibawah ini merupakan selingan informasi tentang fakta yang tidak banyak diketahui orang, yang dikemas

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dalam bentuk For Your Information, dan etika sosial budaya dalam bentuk Mind Your Manner.

Mind Your Manner Smile when you answer the phone, whoever calls will be able to hear it in your voice.

Dibawah ini merupakan latihan-latihan untuk grammar focus. Pada latihan I, siswa diminta untuk memasangkan bentuk imperatives dengan gambar situasi yang sesuai, seperti yang ada pada buku siswa. Exercise 1. Look at the pictures. Match the warnings and commands to the pictures. Stop! Police! Watch out for the ball! Dont step on the truck! Please put your seat belt on. Look out! Sit down and be quiet!

Pada latihan 2, bentuk imperatives terlihat fungsinya dalam percakapan. Konteks percakapan akan membantu siswa menemukan verbs yang tepat diisikan. Tindak lanjut kegiatan ini adalah meminta siswa untuk mempraktekkan percakapan dengan temannya. Kegiatan tindak lanjut ini merupakan penerapan prinsip learning community, dan hasil percakapan bisa digunakan untuk authentic assessment. Latihan percakapan berikut ini sudah disertai dengan kunci jawaban. Exercise 2 Complete the conversations. Use the verbs in the box. do eat feel get go have have stay take take

1. Dr. Hart : Hello, Ben! Whats wrong? Liz : I feel sick. I _have_ a stomachache and a headache. Dr. Hart : I see. Here, _take_ one of these pills every three hours. And dont _eat_ any heavy food.

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2. Mr. Kent : Whats the matter Kelly? Kelly : I think I _get_ the flu. Mr. Kent : Thats too bad. Listen. _Go_ home, __take__ some aspirin, and __stay_ in bed. Kelly : Thanks, Mr. Kent. Pada Activity 4, guru membacakan teks percakapan tentang komentar seorang tamu terhadap keberadaannya di Indonesia. Sebelum memulai membaca percakapan, guru bisa menanyakan tentang daya tarik Indonesia, misalnya tempat-tempat wisata, makanan, orang-orangnya, dan cuacanya. Interpersonal exchanges dengan fokus describing places of interest dianggap relevan untuk konteks obrolan tentang tempat wisata dan daya tariknya. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang diberikan merupakan penerapan prinsip questioning. Untuk kemudahan pemahaman siswa, teks percakapan juga dicantumkan di buku siswa. Model percakapan yang diberikan merupakan penerapan prinsip modeling. Mr. Cohen is on holiday in Indonesia. Hes talking with the host. Listen to your teacher reading the dialogue. He/she will repeat it two or three times. And do you like it here, Mr. Cohen?
Oh, please call me Paul. Yes, I like it. A lot.

And what do you think of the food?

WellactuallyI not very keen on it. I meanIts too hot for me.

What do you like most, Paul?

The people. Theyre very friendly and I love the scenery. Its so beautiful.

The host

Mr. Cohen

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Bagian dibawah ini memberikan guidelines tentang bagaimana mendeskripsikan suatu tempat dalam konteks percakapan. Guru membaca dan meminta siswa untuk mengulangi. Penekanan perlu diberikan pada pengucapan dan intonasi yang benar. Do you know how to describe a place? What do people usually ask? Look at the following examples! 1. A: Whats Yogya Palace like? Surabaya like? B: Its a fascinating place. Its a clean/crowded/busy city

2. A: Is it a big city?

B: Yes, its very big. No, its not very big.

3. A: Whats the weather like in England/Indonesia? B: Its pretty hot/bad/good/cold Its all right. It rains a lot. Activity 5 merupakan latihan listening comprehension, sehingga percakapan tidak dicantumkan dalam buku siswa. Topik masih membahas tentang describing places, khususnya tentang hometown. Tahap ini merupakan contoh prinsip modelling dalam CTL. Nantinya hal-hal yang dibicarakan disini akan bermanfaat bagi siswa dalam menyusun karangan tentang your favorite place di unit berikutnya. Joyce, Lou, and Nick are talking about their hometowns. What do they say? Listen to your teacher read the conversation. He/she will read two or three times. Then write Y for yes and N for no. Conversation script 1. Joyce A : So tell me about your hometown, Joyce? B : Well, its a real small town A : Really? Whats it like there? B : Oh, I think its a very boring place. A : Why? B : Well, theres nothing exciting to do. No good restaurants. No nightlife of any kind. I really get bored there. A : Oh, thats too bad. B : Yeah, but lots of people love it because its so pretty. A : Yeah? B : Uh-huh. It has lovely scenery lots of mountains, rivers, lakes, trees A : Well, I dont know, Joyce. It sounds like a nice place! B : Well, yeah, if you like to go hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter. But, you know, Im not the outdoor type! Im a real city person. most of the time.

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2. Lou A : Do you come fro a big city, Lou? B : Oh, yeah, I do. Its pretty big. A : Whats it like there? B : Oh, its a really great place! It has some fantastic art museums, and wonderful theaters, and terrific restaurants of all kinds like Greek, Russian, French, Thai, Japanese A : Ohreally? And how are the prices? Is it expensive? B : Yeah, yeah, I guess so. Food costs a lotboth in the supermarket and in restaurants. And apartments! Theyre so hard to findand the rents are pretty high A : Yeah, I guess its expensive everywhere these days. 3.Nick A : Hey, Nick. Are you going home for the holiday? B : No way! A : Oh, why not? B : I dont like my hometown. Too many people, too many buildings, too many factories. Its big and its ugly! I like places that are small and quiet. Like here! A : Is your hometown as bad as that? B : Yes, its pretty bad. It doesnt have any good restaurants. A : No, cmon! No interesting theaters or nightlife? B : No, not really. A : It sounds like a terrible place. B : Yeah, it really is.

Interesting Joyce Lou Nick




_______ ________ _________ ___(v)__ ___(v)___ ___(v)___ _______ ___ (v)__ _________

___(v)___ _________ _______

Activity 6 memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk membuat dialog seperti dengan contoh yang diberikan. Siswa secara berpasangan menyusun dan mempraktekkan dialog-dialog tersebut. Kegiatan ini merupakan paduan dari beberapa prinsip CTL, yaitu constructivism, learning community, dan reflection. Now pretend that you are talking to a visitor. Practice the following dialogue with your partner. Use the cues in the box. A: And how do you like it here ? B: .. Im really enjoying myself. A: Thats good. And what about the food? Do you like it? B: .I love spicy food. Its all right. Its delicious. I love it.

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A: Do you? And whats your hotel like? B: . But my room is very small. Activity 7 menuntun siswa untuk menyusun percakapan yang bermakna secara berpasangan. Kegiatan ini sesuai dengan prinsip learning community. Siswa diminta untuk menyusun kembali percakapan yang sengaja diacak. Kali ini fokus percakapan adalah giving instructions/suggestions. Urutan yang benar ditunjukkan dengan angka di depan kalimat. Berikut adalah kegiatannya: Its time to work in pairs! Jane is not happy with her weight. She thinks she is a bit too fat. Peter thinks she needs to exercise. Lets find out about their dialogue. Arrange the scrambled sentences into the right order. Then practice the conversation with your partner. 5. Yes, thats a good idea. Ill get the registration forms tomorrow. 3. I dont really like golf. Its such a boring sport. 1. Im putting on weight. I really need more exercise. 4. Yes, I think so too. Well, perhaps we should join the tennis club. Then we could both play. 2. Well, take up golf, or something like that.

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Activity 8 memberi tugas pada siswa untuk membuat dan mempraktekkan percakapan diluar kelas. Berilah tugas pada siswa untuk membuat percakapan sejenis tentang menanyakan dan memberi informasi tentang suatu tempat (describing places) sesuai dengan contoh interpersonal exchanges dan memberi instruksi untuk melakukan suatu pekerjaan, sesuai dengan contoh transactional exchanges. Kegiatan ini sesuai dengan prinsip constructivism dan reflection. Tahapan ini bisa digunakan sebagai data authentic assessment, saat siswa diminta memperagakan percakapan didepan kelas. You have already practiced the dialogue with your partner. Now you can work at home and make similar dialogues with your partner based on the following situation: Ask your friend about his/her favorite place, and he/she will describe it to you. Then, get ready for class performance. In the coming meeting, your teacher will ask you to come forward and practice the dialogue in front of the class.

Section Two: Expressing Facts

Activity 1 memberikan model kepada siswa mengenai cara menyampaikan fakta dan memberikan tanggapan terhadap fakta. Guru sebelumnya dapat memberikan contoh pronunciation dan intonation yang benar. Kemudian guru dapat meminta siswa untuk mempraktekkan dialog tersebut. Hal ini sesuai dengan prinsip CTL yaitu modelling. Activity 2 menuntun siswa untuk menyusun percakapan yang bermakna secara berpasangan. Kegiatan ini sesuai dengan prinsip learning community. Siswa diminta untuk menyusun percakapan berdasarkan contoh yang diberikan dan clues yang diberikan. Kali ini fokus percakapan adalah expressing facts.

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Section Three: Giving instructions

Activity 1 Pada bagian ini dibahas transactional exchanges, dengan penekanan pada giving instructions and suggestions. Ada dua contoh percakapan yang diberikan, dengan teks yang juga tercantum di buku siswa untuk mempermudah pemahaman. Beberapa pertanyaan yang bisa diberikan kepada siswa berkaitan dengan percakapan 1 antara lain: Do your parents always remind you to do and not to do things before you go somewhere? - What do you have to prepare when you go traveling? - Do you usually carry a lot of money? Or do you use an ATM card? Kegiatan bertanya ini sesuai dengan prinsip questioning. Sedangkan model percakapan yang diberikan adalah penerapan dari prinsip modeling. Conversation 1. Mary is going abroad for the first time. Her father is giving her some instructions. Guru dapat membacakan conversation 1 di bawah ini dan siswa menyimaknya.

Announcer : Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome aboard United Airlines 780. Please fasten your seat-belts. Put your seat in the upright position and do not smoke. Read carefully the card on passenger safety. You will find this in the pocket of the seat in front of you. Mr. Lim : Excuse me. How do you put this seat upright, please? Stewardess : Press this button. The one on the arm of your seat. Mr. Lim : Oh, there. Thank you. Stewardess : Youre welcome.

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Conversation 2. Have you ever gone by plane? Do you know the procedures to follow before the plane takes off. Listen to your teacher read the conversation. A flight attendant is giving some instructions to the passengers before the plane takes off.
Father Mary Father Mary Father : Remember Mary, look after your passport. : Dont worry, I will. : Keep it in a safe place. And dont carry too much money with you when you go out. : Where should I leave my money when I go out? : Leave it at the hotel desk. But get a receipt for it. And use your ATM card wisely. And theres another thing. Dont stay out at night. Get back by 10 oclock every night. : Dont worry, I will. : And write to us every week.

Mary Father

Exercise Dalam kegiatan ini, guru membacakan percakapan, dan siswa memperhatikan bagian-bagian tertentu tentang barang-barang yang perlu dibawa untuk berlibur. Teks tercantum pada buku siswa, sehingga guru dapat meminta siswa untuk menutup bukunya. Pada Activity 2, guru dapat langsung meminta siswa untuk mengerjakan task yang disediakan. Pada Activity 3 , guru membacakan percakapan, dan siswa memperhatikan bagian-bagian tertentu tentang barang-barang yang perlu dibawa untuk berlibur. Teks ini tidak tercantum pada buku siswa, sehingga guru dapat mengulang percakapan beberapa kali. guru membacakan percakapan dan siswa Jean and Paul are getting ready to go away for a short vacation at the seaside. Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then check ( v ) the things they decide to take with them. Bathroom towels Beach towels Shampoo Soap Conversation script
A : Now, I suppose we need to take some bathroom towels with us. B : Oh, I dont think we need to. The hotel should provide those.
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raincoats (v) (v) umbrellas food to eat on the way warm sweaters (v) (v) (v)

A : Oh, all right. But what about towels for the beach? Do you think we should take any? B : Well, maybe a beach towel would be a good idea. A : Right. Ill pack two then. B : I think we should take some shampoo. A : Yes, OK. And what about soap? B : No, the hotel should provide it. A : Now, it may be cool at night. I think we need to take some warm sweaters. B : Yes. And what about raincoats? It may rain while we are there? A : Well, lets just take umbrellas then. I dont want to carry too much. B : And do you think we should take a few things to eat on the way? You know, some biscuits or something like that? A : Yes, if you like. But dont take too much. We can always stop and buy something if we are hungry. B : All right, then. I think were all set. I cant wait to lie on the beach.

Pada Activity 4, siswa sudah disiapkan untuk menyusun percakapannya sendiri sesuai dengan contoh interpersonal exhanges yang sudah dibahas. Siswa diminta bekerja berpasangan untuk menyusun percakapan ini, dan kemudian mempraktekkannya dengan pasangan. Kegiatan ini merupakan paduan dari beberapa prinsip, yakni constructivism, reflection, dan learning community. You and your friend are going for a picnic. Check with each other what things you need to take. Then, get ready for class performance. In the coming meeting, your teacher will ask you to come forward and practice the dialogue in front of the class.

Section Four: Advertisements and Postcards

Untuk Activity 1, Activity 2, dan Activity 3 memberikan beberapa contoh teks fungsional yang ada kaitannya dengan kegiatan liburan. Contoh yang diberikan disini adalah iklan/brosur tentang tempat wisata dan postcard yang menceritakan tentang tempat liburan yang sedang dikunjungi. Dalam hal ini prinsip yang diterapkan adalah modeling. Guru mengajak siswa untuk melihat bentuk dan memahami fungsi teks-teks yang dicontohkan. Misalnya, brosur digunakan untuk mempromosikan tempat wisata, sehingga yang ditulis adalah hal-hal yang bagus dan menarik. Bahasanya juga persuasive, bersifat membujuk atau menarik perhatian agar orang datang. Yang penting juga adalah nomor telpon untuk dihubungi bila ada yang tertarik. Sedangkan postcard memberikan gambaran yang subjektif tentang suatu tempat. Informasi yang diberikan juga bisa tentang hal-hal yang kurang menarik atau perlu dihindari, misalnya cuaca yang terlalu panas, makanan yang terlalu pedas, dsb. Berikut ini adalah kegiatannya:

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Look at the following short functional texts! There is an ad and a postcard. Do you know the function of an ad and a postcard?


Enjoy Balis beautiful beaches! Visit the art city of Ubud! Stay in Asias finest hotels! Buy beautiful souvenirs! See Mount Agung! and much more. Weve got it all! Come and see the art shops, the temples, and the exotic dances. Come and try our restaurants. Call Citra Tour, Tel. 62-31-5087062

Hi Luis, Im in Montreal for a conference. Its a beautiful city. Lots of people speak French here, so Im glad I took French in college. Great food! And the shops are good. Clothes are quite cheap. I bought a nice winter coat yesterday. I want to go to Quebec City for the weekend. Its not far from here. Take care, Sue

Keiko, This is not a good time to visit Washington. Its very hot. It was 102o yesterday. But the city is still crowded with tourists. The Activity museums4here are excellent. I went to the Smithsonian Pada siswa diminta untuk bekerja kelompok menyusun teks and the National Gallery yesterday fantastic! And theres a learning fungsional. Kegiatan berkelompok ini sesuai dengan prinsip new musical at the Kennedy Center I want to see. But the community, constructivism dan reflection. heat! Dont come to Washington in August. Situasi dibawah bisa digunakan sebagai arahan. See you soon! Its time for you to work together! Bill Youve seen an ad about Bali and two postcards that Sue and Bill wrote about the places they are visiting. Now its your turn to write similar notes. Bill Then exchange your postcards or ad with your friend!

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Use the following situations as your guidelines: Write a short advertisement to promote a tourist resort in your area. Youre away for a vacation. Send a postcard to your bestfriend or your family. Tell him/her about your trip and the places you visited. Untuk kegiatan tindak lanjutnya, yaitu Activity 5, berilah tugas pada siswa untuk menulis sebuah iklan yang mempromosikan tempat-tempat wisata yang mereka ketahui. Berilah motivasi pada siswa untuk menghasilkan karya yang menarik dengan menggunakan gambar-gambar.

Section Five: Notices

Pada Activity 1 siswa bisa dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok dan diminta melengkapi web yang disediakan. Sebaiknya guru juga membuka pembahasan tentang notices ini dengan memberikan beberapa contoh notices. Kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan Activity 2 dan Activity 3, yang berisi latihan memahami notices dan menyebutkan kemungkinan tempat notices itu ditemukan. Berikut makna dari notices yang ada dalam buku siswa: Notices Meaning a. Please do not feed Cukup jelas the animals b. Queue please this side Cukup jelas Where to find the notices Zoo Bank, ticket box, bus station, train station, etc On the bus, train station

c. Please have the Cukup jelas exact fare ready

d. No cycling on the Dilarang bersepeda di Park footpath jalan setapak e. Engaged f. Keep your distance Terpakai Jaga jarak kendaraan Public toilet, taxi Road Hotel

g. Afternoon served

tea Cukup jelas

h. ASEAN passport Hanya untuk Airport holders only pemegang paspor dari Negara-negara ASEAN i. j. Out of order Rusak Telephone booths, ATMs, laundry, vending machine, etc Schools, campus, examination halls

Quiet please Cukup jelas examination in progress

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Kegiatan lanjutannya, Activity 4, adalah meminta siswa membuat notices sendiri berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan. Berikut kemungkinan jawaban siswa: 1. Do not feed the animals; No feeding 2. Please dont disturb. 3. Wet paint. Dengan berakhirnya unit ini, guru dapat mengobservasi kinerja siswa dalam bentuk postcard, ads, ataupun notices yang sudah dibuat oleh siswa (project/product assessment) sebagai salah satu bahan portfolio (authentic assessment). Sebelum siswa mengumpulkan draft akhir postcard, ads, ataupun notices mereka dapat menunjukkan ke temannya untuk dikoreksi (peer assessment) sebagai salah satu unsur authentic assessment.



A.Siklus Lisan
Sebelum melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran, guru perlu mengetahui terlebih dahulu tentang jenis teks ini dari segi fungsi social, schematic structure=generic structure, dan lexicogrammatical features. Pelajari dengan seksama dan bandingkan antara penjelasan dari Kurikulum 2004 dengan penjelasan dari buku terbitan Literacy & Education Research Network (LERN). Kurikulum 2004, SMP (2003 76, 80-81)

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SOCIAL FUNCTION To describe a particular person, place or thing

GENERIC STRUCTURE Identification: Identifies phenomenon to be described. Description: describes parts, qualities, characteristics.

SIGNIFICANT LEXICOGRAMMATICAL FEATURES Focus on specific participants. Use of Attributive and Identifying Processes. Frequent use of Ephitets and Classifiers in nominal groups. Use of simple present tense

Dibawah ini adalah contoh teks deskriptif yang diberikan dalam kurikulum 2004: Natural Bridge National Park Identification Natural Bridge National Park is a luscious tropical rainforest. Description It is located 110 kilometers south of Brisbane and is reached by following the Pacific Highway to Nerang and then by traveling through the Numinbah Valley. The scenic roadway lies in the shadow of the Lamington National Park The phenomenon of the rock formed into a natural arch and the cave through which a waterfall cascades is a short 1 kilometer walk below a dense rainforest canopy from the main picnic area. Swimming is permitted in the rock pools. Night-time visitors to the cave will discover the unique feature of the glow worms. Picnic areas offer toilets, barbecues, shelter sheds, water and fireplaces; however, overnight camping is not permitted.

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Dalam pembahasan teks deskriptif ini disediakan dua unit pelajaran yang terpisah, yakni unit 3 untuk mengembangkan kemampuan bercakap-cakap secara interpersonal dan transaksional, dan unit 4 untuk membahas teks deskriptif.

Section One (Buiding Knowledge of Field)

Activity 1 (Sharing Knowledge) Pada dasarnya kegiatan dalam bagian ini hampir sama dengan BKOF pada unit sebelumnya. Guru mengajak siswa bercakap-cakap tentang kegiatan liburan dan tempat-tempat wisata. Kegiatan ini sesuai dengan prinsip questioning dan constructivism. Dalam memberikan response pada jawaban siswa, guru sangat disarankan untuk memberikan penguatan dalam bentuk pujian, misalnya: - Thats right! - Very good! - Excellent! Guru juga memberikan beberapa pertanyaan sebagai penerapan prinsip questioning yang bisa digunakan sebagai pengantar perbincangan antara lain: - Have you ever been to a national park? Or the zoo? - When is the best time to visit the place? - When is the best/worst time to visit the place? Activity 2 (Vocabulary Building) Bagian ini mengangkat kosa kata penting yang terdapat pada teks percakapan maupun tulis untuk dibahas secara interaktif. Siswa, misalnya diajak membuka kamus berlomba spelling, memperhatikan cara bacanya, jenis kata, dan contoh penggunaan dalam berbagai konteks sehari-hari yang kerap kali dijumpai dalam konteks lisan. Dalam bagian ini, daftar kosa kata yang bisa diangkat sebagai pembahasan adalah: beautiful fun-loving population excellent (to) sunbathe race famous official (language) ethnic group outgoing distinct vast friendly accent majority descent immigrant scenery

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Compass rose




Activity 3 (Grammar Focus) Pada bagian ini dikenalkan bentuk-bentuk lexicogrammatical yang sering digunakan untuk mendeskripsikan tempat dan/atau kegiatan liburan. Bentuk-bentuk ini terdapat pada teks-teks deskriptif dalam unit ini, selain juga pada unit sebelumnya yang membahas tentang interpersonal exchanges dengan topik yang sejenis. Untuk langkah kegiatannya, guru bisa melatih pengucapan kalimat-kalimat ini. Kemudian guru mengajak siswa mencari bentuk-bentuk ini dalam kalimat di teks dan/atau percakapan di unit sebelumnya. Berikut materi kegiatannya! Besides the words in the previous activity, there are also several ways of describing a place. Here are some of them: Its a beautiful place. The beaches are excellent. Its famous for . Theyre famous for . It sounds awful/terrible/nice. Ive never been there.

Section Two (Modeling of Text)

Activity 1 (Model) Dibagian ini guru bercerita sederhana dengan menggunakan gambit-gambit bahasa lisan. Guru dapat menggunakan berbagai alat bantu. Kegiatan ini dilanjutkan dengan pertanyaan comprehension dan interpretation. Berikut ini adalah contoh teks yang dibacakan dari buku dan diceritakan secara bebas. Pemberian contoh teks sesuai dengan prinsip modeling. Teks pertama adalah teks tulis yang asli, sedangkan teks yang kedua, didalam kotak, merupakan teks lisan sebagai modifikasi dengan memasukkan beberapa gambit. Teks tulis

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Brazil, the largest country in South America and the fifth largest country in the world, is located in the eastern half of South America. The people of Brazil are famous for their outgoing, friendly, and fun-loving nature. They love to sing, dance the samba, and sunbathe. Teks lisan BRAZIL Does anybody know anything about Brazil? Yes, the football team is one of the best in the world. It has great players like Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, Adriano. Now let me tell you more about Brazil. You know, Brazil is the largest country in South America. And.. its also the fifth largest country in world. Does anybody know where Brazil is? Yes, its located in the eastern part of South America. Herelook at the world map. Remember the compass rose? north..south..east..west. Now what about the people? They are friendly, outgoing, and they also like to have fun. Theyre fun-loving people. Wellif youve heard about samba, then you must know that the samba dance is from Brazil. The people love to sing and dance the samba. Ohyesthey also love to sunbathe..lying on the to have their skin tannedI mean, to make their skin darker. Kegiatan berikutnya adalah pembahasan teks untuk tujuan comprehension dan interpretation. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan dibawah ini bisa dimanfaatkan: Comprehension questions: 1. How large is Brazil? 2. Where is Brazil located? 3. Could you describe the people of Brazil? 4. What do Brazilians like to do? 5. Why do they like to sunbathe? Kegiatan berikut ini menuntun siswa untuk mengenali perbedaan teks tulis dan teks lisan. Diharapkan nantinya siswa bisa menerapkan penggunaan gambits seperti dibawah ini untuk teks lain, seperti yang ditugaskan di kegiatan berikutnya. Did you notice the way Brazil was described in spoken English? The words or phrases like er.. , you know, well, ohyes, I mean, etc, can make the text run more smoothly and to make it more natural.

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Look at the difference between written English and spoken English Written Spoken Written Spoken Brazil is the largest country in South America You knowBrazil is the largest country in South America. Brasilians are fun-loving people. People in Brazil are fun-loving peopleI meanthey like to have fun. Written : They also like to sunbathe. Spoken : They also like to lie on the beach..well, they want to make their skin darker. : : : :

Section Three (Joint Construction)

Pada bagian ini siswa diminta untuk berlatih mengubah teks ragam tulis kedalam ragam lisan sesuai dengan contoh yang telah diberikan oleh guru pada teks sebelumnya tentang Brazil. Kegiatan ini sesuai dengan prinsip learning community dan constructivism. Berikan contoh-contoh gambit yang bisa digunakan untuk mewarnai penggunaan ragam lisan. Now its your turn to give an oral description. Work with your partner to describe the following text using spoken English. This time youre asked to describe about the Hawaiian Islands. THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS The Hawaiian Islands are located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, far away from any other land. There are eight islands of different sizes, and while they differ from each other in some ways, they share many features. They all have a tropical climate, with temperatures of about 780C (25.60C) in the winter and 850C (29.40C) in the summer. Rain falls often, but not for long. The islands also share a natural beauty, with mountains and waterfalls, rainforests, and long beaches. Their waters are filled with colorful fish, dolphins, and giant sea turtles.

Section Four (Independent Construction)

Pada bagian ini siswa diminta untuk berlatih secara individu untuk menggambar kota kelahiran atau tempat tinggal. Kegiatan ini sesuai dengan prinsip constructivism dan reflection. Hasil teks yang dihasilkan siswa bisa digunakan untuk data authentic assessment. Beberapa pertanyaan bisa diberikan sebagai arahan untuk menyusun teks deskripsi ragam lisan. Now you can work individually to describe your hometown or your favorite place. Use the following questions as guidelines to prepare your description.
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- Where do you come from/Where do you live? - Where do you usually go on holidays? - Where is your hometown/your favorite place located? - How big is your hometown/the place? - What is the weather like there? - Whats interesting about your hometown? - What is it famous for?

B.Siklus Tulis Section Five (Building Knowledge of Field)

Pada kegiatan sebelumnya siswa diminta untuk membuat teks deskriptif pendek tentang kota kelahiran/tempat tinggal/tempat favorit yang sering dikunjunginya. Hasil karya siswa bisa digunakan sebagai bahan untuk berbagi pengetahuan/pengalaman di siklus ini. Activity 1 (Sharing Knowledge) Now that youre ready to talk about your hometown or your favorite place, youre invited to come forward and tell the class about it! Activity 2 (Vocabulary Building) Kegiatan pengayaaan kosa kata ini cukup ringan, yakni tentang beberapa hal yang biasanya kita siapkan ketika kita bepergian. Siswa bersama-sama guru bisa berlomba mengisi daftar kosa kata yang masuk dalam setiap kategori dibawah ini. Kegiatan yang dilakukan bersama-sama ini merupakan penerapan prinsip learning community. Before you go traveling, do you take some time for the preparation? What do you have to prepare? What things do you have to take with you? How many clothes do you need?

Fill in the word map with the suitable words.

Travel documents __ticket________ __________ __

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Clothing _jacket_______ ______________ _ __________ __

Health _medication___ ______________ _ __________ __

Things to bring _food_________ ____________

Activity 3 (Grammar Focus) Pembahasan kali ini ditekankan pada bentuk Simple Present Tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta atau general truth. THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE Look at the examples below! A. Its a nice place. Does Hawaii have good beaches? The beaches are excellent. The weather is nice then. Its not very hot. They are very interesting.

The above sentences show us how to talk about places. Notice that we use the Simple Present Tense. The simple present expresses general statements of fact, as shown in the above examples. In sum, the simple present is used for events or situations that exist always, usually, or habitually in the past, present, and future.

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Exercise 1 Dalam latihan ini siswa diminta untuk menandai topik-topik bisa dibahas dengan menggunakan simple present tense. Kegiatan ini merupakan penerapan prinsip constructivism. Read the following topics in the balloon. Which ones can you discuss or write about with a simple present? Check ( V ) your answers and discuss them with your friends.

___ 1. ___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5.

Traditions in your country. Your childhood. The geography of a country. A vacation you took. The description of a tourist place.

Exercise 2 Kegiatan ini lebih bersifat kontekstual. Teks deskriptif dibawah ini mengarahkan siswa pada penggunaan simple present tense, baik dalam bentuk affirmative maupun interrogative. Read these amazing facts about Iceland. Then guess the answers to the questions. Check the answers in the box on the next page! MYSTERIOUS ISLAND Iceland is a very unique islandin fact, its like nowhere else on earth. The interior of this island contains incredible contrasts. It has tundras, huge glaciers, volcanoes, and waterfalls. Fact 1: Swimsuit maker Speedo sells a very large number of bathing suits in Iceland. Is it warm here all year? Fact 2: The islands climate is cool, but most people dont pay money for heat. Energy is very cheap and it doesnt cause pollution. What kind of energy do Icelanders use? Fact 3:

Icelanders eat fresh fruit and vegetables all year, but they rarely buy them from other countries. Where do they get them? Fact 4: Icelanders like to play golf all night during the summer. How do they see the ball?

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ANSWERS No. Winters are cold in Iceland, but the people of Iceland swim all year in heated swimming pools. They use geothermal heat from under the ground. Icelanders use water from volcanoes, hot springs, and geysers. Pipes carry the heated water throughout the country. The water heats buildings. They get them from greenhouses. Icelanders use geothermal energy to grow fruit and vegetables in greenhouses, even in the winter. This means they dont need to import produce. Iceland is very close to the Arctic Circle. In the summer the sun doesnt go down, so people can play sports all night.

Notes on vocabulary: Geyser Glacier Greenhouse Produce Tundra : a hot spring that shoots water into the air. : a large body of ice that moves slowly over land. : a glass building used for growing plants. : foods such as fruit and vegetables. : a large, flat area of frozen land without trees.

Section Six (Modeling of Text)

Teks deskriptif berikut ini digunakan sebagai latihan untuk memahami dan menganalisa struktur generik teks. Guru mengajak siswa menganalisa setiap bagian beserta fungsinya. Kegiatan ini merupakan penerapan prinsip modeling.

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Activity 1 Read the following text about Singapore! Pay attention to the organization of the text! Dont hesitate to ask your teacher if you dont understand. SINGAPORE Identification Singapore is an island city of about 4 million people. Its a beautiful city with lots of parks and open spaces. Its also a very clean city. Physical description Kinds of building Most of the people live in high-rise flats in different parts of the island. The business district is very modern, with lots of tall new office buildings. Singapore also has some nice older sections. In Chinatown there are rows of old shop houses. The government buildings in Singapore are very beautiful and date from the colonial days. Specific characteristics Singapore is famous for its shops and restaurants. There are many good shopping centers. Most of the goods are duty free. Singapores restaurants sell Chinese, Indian, Malay and European food, and the prices are quite reasonable. How is the text about Singapore organized?

When you describe a place, a person, or a thing, you begin with identification. Singapore is an island city of about 4 million people. Megawati Sukarnoputri the first female president of Indonesia. People live in high-rise is flats. Brazil is the largest country in South America. The business district is modern, with tall new office buildings.

- In Chinatown, there are rows of old shops and houses The rest of the passage gives you more details of the physical description . In the text about Singapore, the details are the kinds of building. The passage also gives us the specific characteristics of Singapore. Guess what! The shopping centers and the restaurants. - Most of the goods are duty free. - The prices in the restaurants are reasonable.

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Activity 2 Kegiatan berikutnya adalah memahami pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut ini. Now answer these questions! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is Singapore like? Is it beautiful? How big is the population of Singapore? Where do most people live? Is the business district an old place? What can we find in Chinatown? What is Singapore most famous for? Mind Your Manner Speak slowly, but think quickly! isi teks dengan menjawab

Section Seven (Joint Construction)

Activity 1 Kegiatan ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari pembahasan sebelumnya tentang struktur generik teks deskriptif. Siswa bekerja berkelompok untuk menganalisa organisasi teks berikut. Dalam buku guru ini sudah diberikan struktur teks. Kegiatan ini sesuai dengan prinsip learning community, constructivism dan reflection. Its teamwork again! Now look at the following text. Try to identify the organization of the text as we have seen in the text about Singapore. This time we will find out more about San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO Identification San Francisco is my favorite city in the United States. It is beautiful, clean, not too big, and it has something for everybody . I love the streets and buildings in San Francisco. The streets wind up and down the hills, with beautiful old brick and wooden houses on either side. Specific characteristics - The Cable-car ride - The weather - The restaurants
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One of my favorite things to do in San Francisco is to ride the cable car. It takes you to most parts of the city. Its not a very comfortable ride , but its exciting and the views you get from the car are wonderful. And I like the weather in San Francisco. It never gets too cold or too hot. The summers are pleasant. The fresh breezes blow off the ocean and the sky is always blue. It rains quite a lot in the winter, but it never gets very cold. Another thing I enjoy about the city is the restaurants. The seafood restaurants, with crabs and lobster, are my favorites. You can also get great Chinese, Japanese, American and European food in San Francisco. Activity 2 Read the text about San Francisco again. Then answer the questions below: Comprehension Questions 1. What is interesting about streets in San Francisco? 2. Does the cable car only go to certain areas of the city? 3. Can you see the view of San Francisco from the cable car? 4. Whats the weather like there? 5. Does it rain a lot in the summers? 6. How are the restaurants in San Francisco? 7. How is the text about San Fransisco organized? 8. How does the writer begin the text? 9. What does the writer include in the rest of the text?

Section Eight (Independent Construction)

Pada kegiatan mengarang berikut ini siswa dituntun untuk menulis tentang kota tempat tinggalnya. Kegiatan ini sesuai dengan prinsip constructivism dan reflection, sedangkan hasil karangan siswa bias digunakan sebagai authentic assessment. Langkah-langkah yang diberikan dalam kegiatan ini cukup jelas bagi guru untuk diterangkan pada siswa. Are you ready weather like? to write about the place where you live? Lets follow these steps to help you write your paragraph. Part 1 Write one question in a circle on your paper, like the example below. Then pass it to the student on your right. He/she will write another question in you from your left, read it and add one another circle. When you Where get a paper live new question. Pass the paper until all the circles are filled with questions.
Whats the

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Part 2 Find your original paper. Read the questions. Choose four questions you want to answer and cross out three that you dont want to answer. Now you have 5 questions, including the one you wrote. Part 3 Number the questions in the order you want to answer them. 1. _______________________________________ 2. _______________________________________ 3. _______________________________________ 4. _______________________________________ 5. _______________________________________ Part 4 Write your paragraph based on your answers to the questions.
_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________

Bank Teks Deskriptif


The most perfectly structured pump in the world is now beating on the left side of your chest. With its marvellous design and unceasing contractions, your heart makes the entire blood in your body complete 1,000 full cycles in a day.

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The heart, which is a muscular organ of about the size of one's fist, consists of two halves. There are two pumps in these sections. The left pump, which is stronger, drives oxygen-rich blood to all parts of the body. The right pump is weaker than the former and pumps oxygen-poor blood to the lungs. This transport from the heart to the lungs is over a short distance and is, therefore, called the "small circulation". The former is called the "large circulation". Each of these halves of the heart is divided into two further sections. Blood between them passes to the other section through heart valves. These pumps operate unceasingly with a great amount of energy, thanks to which blood circulates through our bodies 1,000 times a day. TEETH THAT ARE RENEWED WHEN BROKEN Squirrels have strong sharp teeth such as human beings never possess. Located at the front of their mouth are incisor teeth that enable them to gnaw and break hard substances. Located behind them are molar teeth. When we want to break a walnut, we either use a big stone or a device that is especially designed for this purpose. These little animals, however, can readily accomplish this with their sharp teeth. Have you ever wondered how squirrels teeth stay strong throughout a lifetime and how squirrels whose teeth are broken manage to eat hazelnut or walnuts? Even if squirrels teeth break or wear out, new teeth grow immediately. Wornout teeth are continuously replaced by growing ones. Moreover, Allah has not only given this characteristic to squirrels but also to all creatures who have to gnaw their food. Source: Yahya, Harun. The World of Animals. P. 17 THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING In the northern half of the world, March 20th is the first day of spring. The cold winds of winter are gone, and wild flowers are starting to bloom. It's time to find swimming suits and baseball gloves and plan summer trips. Far to the south, across the equator, autumn is about to arrive. The hottest days of summer are past. Each day is shorter than the last. It will soon be time to rake leaves and get out warm coats. The reason for these changes has to do with the Earth's yearly trip around the sun. For part of the year the Earth's North Pole points away from the sun and part of the time toward it. This is what causes our seasons. When the North Pole points toward the sun, the sun's rays hit the northern half of the world more directly. That means it is warmer and we have summer. But when the North Pole is pointed toward the sun, the South Pole is pointed away. So the Earth south of the equator gets less warmth from the sun and it is winter there. Summer is even warmer and winter is colder because of the length of our days and nights. In the summer daylight lasts longer and nighttime is shorter. In winter the days are shorter and the nights longer. That means there is more time for the sun to warm us during long summer days. And short winter days have long, cold nights.

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The longest day is in the middle of summer, June 21st or 22nd north of the equator. That's called the summer solstice. The shortest day is in the middle of winter, around December 21st or 22nd, north of the equator. That's called the winter solstice. But right in between winter and summer, this year on March 20th, day and night are each 12 hours long. This is called the vernal equinox. It is the first day of spring north of the equator, and the first day of autumn in the southern half of the world. In between summer and winter there is another equinox, called the autumnal equinox. Just like the vernal equinox, day and night are the same length. Only this change is the first day of autumn north of the equator, and the start of spring to the south. Welcome back to your Northwest Holidays tour bus. I want to tell you a little about our destination-Crater Lake National Park. Crater Lake is located in an extinct volcano. A cone-shaped island, Wizard Island seems to float on its surface. One of the first things youll notice when we get there is the deepblue color of the water of the lake. The water will be that color whether the sky is clear or cloudy. Once it was believed that the color was due to an unusual mineral content, but chemical analysis showed no such thing. Its now believed that the lake water is so clear and deep that it separated and reflects the blue rays of sunlight and absorbs the other colors. Oh, and heres another interesting fact about Crater Lake-it has neither an outlet nor an inlet, yet it maintains almost exactly the same level of water, with only slight variations from season to season and year to year. Somehow, gains from snow and rain are perfectly balanced by losses from evaporation and leakage. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Teks cerita dibawah ini merupakan paduan dari teks deskriptif dan naratif, dan akan menarik untuk digunakan sebagai pengisi waktu. A story to remember THE SUN SHONE ON THE ELEPHANT The sun shone on the elephant, but the elephant was very, very sad. He sat all day in the middle of the forest, sobbing and sniffing. At last the parrot who lived at the top of a large tree could bear it no longer. What on earth is the matter? He screeched. Oh, I am very unhappy, wailed the elephant. You are so beautiful, and I am just large and grey and uglyI do wish that I could look like you. The parrot spread out first one wing and then the other. We cant all be handsome, he answered, admiring himself. Its just the way of the world. And he flew off. The elephant thought how beautiful he would look with orange feathers and pink wings.

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Cheer up, said a friendly young monkey who was swinging through the branches. Look at me. I havent wings or beautiful feathers, and I am quite happy. How elegantly you swing from branch to branch, said the elephant tearfully. I am sorry for you, but I cant stay, said the monkey as he swung away through the trees. The elephant sighed. If only I could do that, I should be the happiest elephant alive. The elephant thought how elegant he would look with black silky fur, swinging by his tail from branch to branch. Just then a very stripy tiger bounded by. Oh, please wait! cried the elephant. Id love to know how you got those yellow stripes. But the tiger was in such a hurry, he didnt even hear what the elephant said to him. The elephant thought how gay he would be. At last a wise cat from the kings palace came along the path. He was very surprised to meet such a sad animal. My goodness me! An elephant in tears on a sunny day! What in the world was wrong? Boo-hoo! Wailed the elephant. I am the unhappiest animal in the world. I have no beautiful feathers like the parrot, and I cannot swing from branches like the monkey, for I am much too clumsy. Look, not a single stripe like the tiger! I am just the largest, the ugliest and the unhappiest animal in the world. Interesting, said the cat. You may be the unhappiest animal in the world, and I already know the unhappiest princess. And then he told the elephant about a princess who was very unhappy, too. She was the youngest daughter of the king and queen. She is unhappy because she is so small. She is the smallest princess in the world. When she goes out she cant see over the heads of the people. The cat paused and smoothed his whiskers. Now, I have an unusual and clever idea, the cat went on. The princess in unhappy because she is so little, and you are sad because you are so large and ugly. If you come back to the palace with me, I am sure that all will be well. The elephant dried his tears with his trunk, and he followed the cat back to the palace. As they walked through the streets of the town, the cat called out, Make way for princesss elephant. Make way for the royal elephant! All the people were very surprised to hear of royal elephant. What does this mean? they said to each other, and they bowed low to the elephant and the cat. Beautiful princess, purred the cat when they came to the palace, I have brought you the largest animal in the world, but he is also very gentle and kind. If you ride on his back, you will be able to see everything. The princess was so delighted that she told her ladies in waiting to bring all the brightest jewels and finest silks they could find. She put
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bracelets on the elephants tusks and legs, a band of rubies on his head, and on his back she put a magnificent howdah. Then she sat in the howdah on the elephants back and they went through the streets. They both felt very happy. The elephant was happy because now he knew that he was large and handsome animal. The princess was happy because now she could see all she wanted to see. The king and queen were happy, because at last the princess had stopped crying. The cat was happy, too. He had a large bag of gold as a reward, and every day he sat and purred in the palace garden. After that time the king and the queen and all the princes and princesses of that land, whether tall or short, rode on backs of elephants, so that they could see everything. And every day the sun shone on the elephant and the elephant was the happiest animal of all.

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Unit 5

Section One: Agreeing and Disagreeing

Guru bisa memulai pelajaran dengan menanyakan kegiatan siswa selama liburan; dalam hal ini guru sudah melakukan questioning dengan menggunakan ekspresi-ekspresi tentang asking for and reacting to information. Kemudian, kegiatan kelas bisa dilanjutkan dengan kegiatan inquiry dan questioning tentang informasi pribadi masing-masing siswa. Dengan begitu siswa secara tidak langsung sudah melakukan constructivism activity dengan tanya-jawab. Dengan mengerjakan semua activity, siswa sudah melakukan inquiry dan questioning tentang agreement dan disagreement, dan recommendation Selain itu, pada bagian ini, terdapat banyak ekspresi-ekspresi lain yang tidak ada di dalam buku siswa. Dalam hal ini, guru diharapkan kaya dengan functional expression. Transactional and interpersonal exchange Asking and giving information Factual information: Wheres the ..? Theres one .. How do I get there What times the ..? Which .? How much is .? Ill take it. How far is it? How long does it take? Example: Where do you live? I live in Surabaya What is your hobby? My hobby is listening to pop music When were you born? I was born in July, 1989 Asking and giving information about what hapennings What did you do this morning? I listened to the news this morning
Rejection to give information

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annoyance and reproach

What do you think you are doing?

How dare you? Youve no right to .. What do you mean by .ing .? You might have asked! Why on earth didnt you .? You could have Example: Can you tell me the way to the Big supermarket? How dare you. Im a new comer.
Giving advice

You should/shouldnt do it You ought to/ought not to .. I wouldnt .. if I were you. Why dont you .? Example: You should study harder to pass the examination You should go to the doctor if you are not feeling well You should not make a mess
Asking for an agreement and disagreement I prefer .. So do I/Neither did I. I think its

I disagree. All right, I agree with you about . Im afraid I cant agree. What do you object to. I think it will do. Perhaps youre right. Im not sure I agree with you. Example: Do you agree to have a meeting on Wednesday? Is it okay to have a party at your place?
Giving a reason/explanation

What are you doing? Were .ing. Why are you ing? Because . Where were you? While she was .ing it happened. She was ing when it happened. Have you finished ..? When do you think itll be ready?
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Will you be able to ..? Ill be Example: I came late because I had a flat tyre this morning She got bad score in her exam because she didnt study hard.
Giving and refusing to give permission

OK, you may leave the class now. Now, you can borrow my car. No, you are not allowed to start writing before the bell rings. Example: A: Can I go to the party? B: Yes, sure. But you have to be home by midnight. A: Can I go to the movies? B: No, you cant. You have to stay home.

Can I talk for a few minute?

Activity 1 dimaksudkan untuk memberikan bekal tata bahasa untuk mengungkapkan agreement dan disagreement. Beberapa model dialog juga disajikan di sini agar siswa betul-betul memahami ekspresi-ekspresi yang digunakan untuk menyatakan setuju dan tidak setuju. Pemahaman ini diharapkan semakin baik ketika siswa mengerjakan latihan-latihan yang ada di Activity 2. Pada waktu siswa membuat percakapan tentang menyatakan setuju dan tidak setuju (constructivism) berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan di Activity 3, guru dapat mengobservasi kompetensi kebahasaan siswa (pronunciation, stress, juncture, dll.). Dengan mengobservasi kinerja siswa dalam membuat percakapan, guru dapat menerapkan salah satu unsur authentic assessment (performance assessment). Pada saat yang sama, peer assessment dapat juga diterapkan sehingga siswa betul-betul memahami ekspresi-ekspresi yang digunakan untuk meminta dan memberi persetujuan atau tidak setuju.

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Section Two: Giving advice/recommendation

Activity 1 memberikan bekal tata bahasa untuk mengungkapkan advice/recommendation. Model dialog juga disajikan di sini agar siswa betulbetul memahami ekspresi-ekspresi yang digunakan untuk meminta atau memberi advice/recommendation melalui latihan-latihan yang diberikan di Activity 2 dan Activity 3. Pada waktu siswa membuat percakapan tentang meminta atau memberi advice/recommendation (constructivism) berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan di Activity 4, guru dapat mengobservasi kompetensi kebahasaan siswa (pronunciation, stress, juncture, dll.). Dengan mengobservasi kinerja siswa dalam membuat percakapan, guru dapat menerapkan salah satu unsur authentic assessment (performance assessment). Pada saat yang sama, peer assessment dapat juga diterapkan sehingga siswa betul-betul memahami ekspresi-ekspresi yang digunakan untuk meminta dan memberi rekomendasi. Langkah-langkah kegiatan pembelajaran seperti di atas dapat diaplikasikan untuk Section Three: Giving and asking for opinions maupun Section Four: Expressing reasons. Dalam kegiatan ini, guru bisa bekerja sama dengan siswa untuk mengidentifikasi ekspresi-ekspresi yang sudah dipelajari pada kegiatan sebelumnya. Inquiry dan questioning bisa diterapkan disini. Selain itu, pada bagian ini, guru mendapat banyak teks-teks pendek yang tidak terdapat di buku siswa. Diharapkan, guru dapat memberikannya kepada siswa sebagai bahan pengayaan. Short functional texts Announcement This sign at the Motor Vehicles Department is wrong. The things people have to do are in the wrong order. On a separate sheet of paper, fix the sign based on the text.

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How to Apply for a Drivers License Have an eye examination Pay the application fee Take a road test Pick up an application form Take a written test Fill out the form in duplicate

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2000 Dear Rani Im just writing to let you know our new address and to invite you to our house party next Saturday. Im sorry that I couldnt tell you before about our new house because we have been busy moving to the house and Ive had little, doing anything else. We moved here a week ago. We are happy to stay here because we have a lot of new neighbours. They all are friendly. My family and I hope you and your family can come here. All the best a July 1st,


A Get-Well Letter
Sam Glen, the man who had the heart attack that caused Rons injury, did not die. But he is very sick and depressed and hasnt gone to work in a mont. He knows that the accident injured Ron, and he feels very bad about that. Ron is not angry at Sam. He wants to write a letter to sam, telling him about his own condition. Pretend you are Ron. Write a get-well letter to Sam Glen. Dear Mr. Glen, I heard that you havent gone to work in a month. Im sorry that you are feeling bad. I want you to know that Im not angry. Im better.

A Thank-You Note
Pretend you are Jess. Answer the letter from your grandparents. Thank them, for the money. Answer the questions about school and ask them a few questions.

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Jesse Harris Gray Hall Yale University New Haven, CT 06515 Mr. And Mrs. John Harris C/o Mrs. Sophie Rons 6450 Collins Avenue, Apt. Miami Beach, Florida

305 33141

Dear Grandma and grandpa, Thanks so much for the check. . . . Love Jess

Section Four: Expressing reasons

Dibagian ini siswa diharapkan dapat memahami dialog tentang alasan tidak masuk sekolah. Dengan demikian prinsip constructivism, modeling, reflection, dan learning community bisa diaplikasikan. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan menulis surat ijin tidak masuk sekolah.

Section Five: Inviting

Activity 1 memberikan beberapa contoh surat undangan. Kegiatan Tanya jawab bisa dilakukan guru untuk mengetahui pemahaman siswa terhadap isi surat undangan tersebut. Kegiatan ini dilanjutkan dengan Activity 2, di mana guru bisa menerapkan prinsip-prinsip inquiry, questioning, dan modeling. Kemudian guru menugaskan siswa untuk mengkonstruk surat undangan yang mirip dengan contoh (constructivism). Sesudah siswa membuat surat undangan, guru dapat memeriksa pekerjaan siswa sebagai salah satu bahan portfolio (prinsip authentic assessment). Disamping itu ada tambahan contoh dialog yang lain sebagai bahan pengayaan.

Make a dialogue based on the following examples. A: You look upset B: You know, I had a bad day today. A: Why? What happened?
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B: I lost my wallet while I was jogging through the park A: Im sorry to hear that 1. you 2. Emma 3.your parent hurt myself fixing my fence dropped her packages walking out of the supermarket got a flat tyre driving over the bridge

Dengan berakhirnya unit ini, guru dapat mengobservasi kinerja siswa dalam bentuk postcard yang sudah dibuat oleh siswa (project/product assessment) sebagai salah satu bahan portfolio (authentic assessment). Sebelum siswa mengumpulkan draft akhir postcard, siswa dapat menunjukkan ke temannya untuk dikoreksi (peer assessment) sebagai salah satu unsur authentic assessment. Pada bagian ini juga tersedia beberapa functional text yang tidak terdapat pada buku siswa sebagai bahan pengayaan.
Calling all children Come join the CHILDRENS ART COMPETITION In conjunction with Jakarta Green Week (Sept 9 15) Theme: My environment land! + What do you think of all the waste and pollution in the world today? + What about the animals and plants mwould you like if they disappeared? We want to know! So you have a month to put on your creative caps and bring your completed entries to our collection point at: JOY & JOY Shopping Center Bulan Shopping Center Wisma Indonesia 2 All entries must be done in watercolor, crayon or color pencil 2 All entries to be in by Sept 1st 2 Enclose: Name, age, address, phone number, and school name Great prizes wait! Winning entries will be displayed at our exhibition in Bulan Shopping Center during Green Week Categories: A. Under 7 years old B. 7 10 years old C. 10 12 years old

Do the following exercises

1. What is the meaning of theme? a. topic b. story c. question d. drawing

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2. You want to send in an entry. Your drawing must be about .. a. yourself b. your family c. your country d. your environment 3. How do you hand in your entry? a. you post it b. you take it to exhibition c. you take it to the collection points d. you take it to any shopping center 4. What is the closing date for the competetion? a. September 1st b. September 9th c. September 15th d. Any time from September 10th to 15th 5. Which detail is not needed when you submit your entry? a. your age b. your school c. your class d. your phone number

Especially for infants and children. Indication: sore throat, cough, abnormal secretion of Sputa Dosage : Infants under 6 months 1 teaspoonful 2X daily Infants over 6 months 1 teaspoonful 3X daily Adults: 1 2 teaspoonful 3X daily Or as prescribed by the physician (1 tsp = 5 ml) Available : in bottles of 60 ml/90 ml Store in warm place

Do the following exercises. 1. We should keep the cough mixture in a .. place a. hot b. warm c. cool d. cold 2. How long will it take an infant under 6 months to finish a bottle of 60 ml? a. 2 days

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b. 4 days c. 6 days d. 8 days 3. The medicine is . a. for external use b. a cure for cough c. for the relif of stomach pains d. available on medical prescription only Pada bagian Fun with Idioms, siswa dapat diperkenalkan dengan ekspresi sehari-hari. Sedangkan untuk Jazz Chant, dapat melatih pronunciation siswa. Irama terserah pada guru.

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Unit 6

Social function To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining

Generic Structure Orientation: provides the setting and introduces participants Events: tell what happened, in what sequence Re-orientation: optional-closure of events

Significant Lexicogrammatical features Focus on specific participants Use of material processes Circumstances of time and place Use of past tense Focus on temporal sequence

Function To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. Events are usually arranged in a temporal sequence. Interpersonal meanings occur scattered throughout a text, if they are there at all. Reacounts are used in most subjects to show memory of series of events as in accounts of a Science excursion, everyday life in another time or culture. Personal letters to friends are often recounts of experience. Schematic structure Orientation Events (n) Reorientation (optional element) Language features Focus on individual participants e.g. Mrs. Macklin; I; the Ryde BMX track; etc Use of past tense e.g. it was, the person who organised, I went, we got Focus on a temporal sequence of events e.g. Last year, on the weekend Use of material (or action) clauses e.g. Mrs. Macklin had to start preparing, we parked Types Personal Recount retelling of an activity that the writer/speaker has been personally involved in (e.g. oral anecdote, diary entry).

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Factual Recount recording the particulars of an incident (e.g. report of a science experiment, police report, news report, historical account) Imaginative Recount taking on an imaginary role and giving details of events (e.g. a day in the life og a Roman slave, how I invented.) Generic Structure Furious Pace in Hockey Finals


Spectators were treated to a feast of fast hockey on the weekend when the South coast Womans Hockey Association staged four grand finals at Kiana. The highlights of the day was the Division One grand final between Gerringong and minor premiers Warilla which was a hard, fast game, with the speed of the young Gerringong team proving the difference on the day. Warilla stormed the Gerringong circle from the start of the game but the Gerringong defence held out and then took attack to Warillas 25 yard line through speedy centre forward Jenny Miller.

Event 1

Event 2

After a period of midfield play warillas right inner Mandy Smith broke away but again met solid Gerringong defence. Gerringong continued to move the ball quickly and just five minutes before half-time, Gerringongs left wing Michelle Cooper finally latched on to the ball and put it between the posts after having narrowly missed connecting with a shot several minutes earlier.

Event 3

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A. Siklus Lisan Section One (Building Knowledge of Field) Activity 1

Exercise 1 Pada bagian ini, masih merupakan tahap shared knowledge dimana inquiry siswa sangat diharapakan. Guru dapat membacakan teks yang tersedia, kemudian diikuti dengan kegiatan tanya jawab (questioning) yang sifatnya masih shared knowledge. Dalam hal ini kegiatan kelas masih bersifat lisan.

The text
Several days ago, I was ill, so I went to the Public Health center near my house. After waiting a while, a doctor met me. The, the doctor examined me. The doctor asked me to be injected because my illness was quite serious. I agreed to be injected. After that the doctor gave me advice to have a rest at home for several days. He also wrote a prescription for me. He ordered me to take the medicine as soon as possible, before I left his room. Sesudah membacakan teks, guru dapat menuntun siswa (scaffold) untuk memahami retorika teks recount. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang bias diberikan kepada siswa adalah: 1. What is the text talking about? 2. What happened to the speaker several days ago? 3. How did the speaker do? Exercise 2 Kegiatan disini masih sama dengan kegiatan sebelumnya (exercise 1). The workmen who were building the new hospital in my town caught a snake last month. It was in the drain near the building construction site. Early in the morning, a workman was just going to sit under the tree when suddenly he saw a long creature lying in the drain. It did not move when he was approaching it. Then he shouted to the other workmen who were going to start to work. Then, they caught the 8 metre long phyton and brought it to the authority of the zoo in this town. The diameter of its body was about 25 centimeters. They believed that the snake might belong to someone living in the area. The police was trying to find the owner.

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Additional text

Untuk enrichment, additional text ini bisa dikerjakan. Guru dapat menceritakan text yang tersedia, dan diikuti dengan kegiatan tanya jawab (questioning). Story telling
Di bagian ini guru bercerita sederhana (dapat dibacakan dari buku yang diceritakan secara bebas) dengan menggunakan gambit-gambit bahasa lisan. Contoh: you know, . I tell you what .. dsb. Guru dapat menggunakan berbagai alat bantu. Kegiatan ini dilanjutkan dengan pertanyaan comprehension dan interpretation
A Wet Night

Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field. As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire. They were all hungry and the food smelt good. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the camp fire. But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent. Their sleepingbags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly. In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting. The tent was full of water! They all leapt out of their sleepingbags and hurried outside. It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field. The stream wound its way across the field and the flowed right under their tent.
Activity 2

Pada bagian ini latihan kosa kata dan lafal pengucapan yang betul lebih ditekankan. Kegiatan kelas bisa dilanjutkan dengan sharing knowledge tentang ulang tahun yang terjadi di keluarga atau di kelas. Selain prinsip inquiry dan questioning, siswa bisa mulai mengkonstruksi kegiatan ulang tahun atau yang semacamnya dan dapat memproduksinya secara oral (constructivism).
Activity 3

Grammar focus Latihan-latihan grammar yang bersifat kontekstual dimana siswa dapat mengaplikasikan rumus-rumus past tense dalam dialog-dialog pendek dengan bantuan gambar-gambar yang tersedia. Latihan selanjutnya adalah close test. Pada lagu, kaset bisa diputar dan siswa mengisi teks sambil mendengarkan lagu. Kemudian bisa dilanjutkan dengan mengapresiasi lagu tersebut dan menyanyikannya bersama-sama. Dalam hal ini, prinsip-prinsip CTL seperti modeling, inquiry, questioning, constructivism dan learning community bisa diterapkan. Sebagai bahan pengayaan, disediakan latihan-latihan grammar. Pada waktu mengerjakan latihan-latihan grammar sebagai bahan enrichment, siswa dapat

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merefleksikan rumus-rumus past tense yang sudah mereka konstruk pada latihan sebelumnya.
Simple Past Tense

The past form of BE

Present Past Present Past

Is Are

Was Were

isnt arent

wasnt werent

Choose the correct form of the verbs

1. Yesterday I (was/were) at the library. 2. They (wasnt/werent) hungry. 3. (Was/Were) you tired last night? 4. My parents (was/were) teachers. 5. You look tired. (Was/Were) your homework difficult? 6. Oranges (was/were) very expensive last year. 7. Where (was/were) your brothers last week? 8. In 1945, there (wasnt/werent) many cars. 9. Why (was/were) your teacher angry? 10.When I (was/were) a child, milk (wasnt/werent) expensive.

Regular verbs
Verb 1 + d/ed

Example: like Enjoy Walk Stay Need Decide

+ + + + + +

d ed ed ed ed ed

liked enjoyed walked stayed needed decided Group C /id/ shouted painted waited

The pronunciation of the past forms of regular verbs Group A Group B /d/ /t/ Worked Played Cooked Listened Talked Smiled
Change the verbs in the brackets into their past forms

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Toms father (decide) to teach him how to drive when he was 17. Don (cook) in the kitchen, this morning and hurt his finger. We (need) some money so we (work) hard. Ann (save) a lot of money. Yesterday, she bought a dress which (cost) 50. Jim (play) the ball. Sue (smile) to her friends when she (enter) the classroom.

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7. The teacher (talk) to the naughty student. 8. Lies (cry) when she (listen to) a story from a radio. 9. The painter (paint) our house a week ago. 10.Barbara (shout) to Bill to open the door. She has (wait) for a long time. Irregular verbs: These verbs do not have the same rule with the regular verbs. They have their own forms; some of them remain the same. Present Past Blew Got Thought Went Came Left Sat Wrote Fell Had

Get Think Go Come Leave Sit Write Fall Have Some verbs have the same form for the past forms For example: cut, put, cost Put the verbs in brackets in the correct forms 1. We all (leave) the party at 11 oclock. 2. Yesterday, I (go) to London to see a friend of mine. 3. George (wake) up late this morning. 4. Jill (come) home very late two days ago. 5. The fruit seller (sell) apple and orange. 6. My mother (cut) the meat. 7. My uncle (fall) off the ladder last Sunday. 8. My little brother (break) a glass last night. 9. Tom (take) a photograph of me. 10.I (write) a letter last week.

Section 2 (Modeling of Text)

Pada bagian ini siswa mulai diperkenalkan dengan teks-teks recount. Dengan demikian prinsip modeling dan constructivism bisa dipergunakan.
Activity 1 Ada teks recount yang pendek diikuti dengan latihan yang mengarah pada schematic structure sebuah teks recount.

Activity 2

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Pada bagian ini tersedia sebuah teks recount. Latihan yang tersedia masih berupa grammatical exercise, namun siswa juga diharapkan dapat membuat sebuah teks recount dalam bentuk dialog secara lisan. Dengan demikian, selain prinsip modeling, prinsip constructivism dan learning community bisa diaplikasikan.
By Air

I am used to travelling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened. After taking off, we flew low over the city. It slowly went high to the sky. But, suddenly, it turned round and flew back to the airport. An air-hostess told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it touched down. Everybody on board was worried and we were curious to find out what happened. Later we learnt that there was a a very important person on board. Earlier somebody told the police that there was a bomb on the plane. After we landed, the police searched the plane carefully. Fortunately, they did not find a bomb and five hours later we were able to take off again. (You know the writer was usual to travel by plane. But one day, he got a problem. When the plane was above the city, suddenly it turned around and flew back to the airport. So the passengers were frightened and worried. Maybe, they were also scared to death. It is possible that they could die. But listen not long, an air hostess, told the passengers to stay calm until the plane touched down again. You can imagine the passengers feeling. It was told, that there was a bomb in the plane. Not long after that, the police came and searched the plane. However, they couldnt find the bomb).

Section Three (Joint Construction)

Bagian ini siswa berlatih menyusun cerita lisan sederhana bersama guru atau kelompok atau berpasangan (prinsip modeling dan constructivism bisa dipergunakan). Siswa berlatih menyajikan cerita yang mereka susun dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan (prinsip learning community). Pada bagian ini siswa dapat mempelajari suatu biography, dimana biography juga merupakan salah satu bentuk teks recount. Kegiatan kelas berupa pemahaman teks. Prinsip inquiry, modeling dan questioning bisa diaplikasikan.

Section Four (Independent Construction)

Constructing performing stories (chained story)
Secara individu siswa menyiapkan ceritanya dalm ragam lisan dan menceritakan di depan kelas (prinsip inquiry, questioning, dan constructivism).

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Secara klasikal siswa dapat membuat suatu biography tentang orang-orang terkenal.

B.Siklus Tulis Section Five (Building Knowledge of Field)

Activity 1 (Sharing knowledge)
Siswa diharapkan mampu membuat teks recount berdasarkan pengalaman mereka berada ditempat-tempat yang disebutkan. Guru dan siswa menceritakan pengalaman mereka berada di tempat-tempat yang telah tersedia dalam gambar. Pada kegiatan ini, prinsip-prinsip CTL (inquiry, questioning, dan constructivism) dapat diterapkan. Disamping itu, pada waktu siswa menceritakan pengalaman mereka, guru dapat mengobservasi lafal, tekanan kata (suprasegmental features) sebagai bagian dari process assessment (authentic assessment) Sebagai bahan pengayaan mendiskusikan teks-teks yang pernah dibaca siswa. Atau guru memberikan 2 teks yang mudah (subject berupa pronoun; teks menggunakan ragam tulis). Membandingkan kedua teks tersebut dan menanyai siswa teks mana yang mereka anggap sulit atau mudah. Bahan-bahan di bawah ini untuk pengayaan. Read the following texts, and compare them. For your comprehension, answer the questions following the texts Then, discuss the texts with your teacher. Some people were queuing outside the Scala Theatre for tickets for a very popular show. They had to wait for several hours, and during that time they were entertained by a young man who was playing very nicely on a trumpet. The queue enjoyed his music and put quite a lot of money in the box that he had on the ground in front of him. At last one of the people in the queue said to him, 'You play too well to be a beggar. ' I'm not a beggar, the young man said. I'm studying to be a trumpet player in a big band, and I have to practice several hours every day, so I thought it would be nice to do it in the fresh air instead of in my small room on days when the weather was nice-and also to get a bit of money at the same time. Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the place provided. 1. .. Part of the show at the Scala Thetre was a popular entertainment by a young man who played the trumpet. 2. .. The young musician got quite lot of money from the people in the queue. 3. .. He played better than the usual beggar. 4. .. He played the trumpet in the band at the Scala Theatre. 5. .. He played in his small room in good weather with his windows open to get fresh air.

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.. When the weather was nice, he always used to go to the bank to get a bit of money. Dear Mum and Dad, On Thursday 2.2 went on an excursion to observe plants. First we went to Port Kemb!a Beach. There were not many plants because of the saft and the sand. Then we got back on the bus. Next we went to the steelworks. We sat on a hi!! and observed the plants. We saw bushes and grass. Not many plants grow because of the pollution. We got back on the bus and went to Mt. Keira rain forest. We got off the bus and ate our little lunch in the clearing area. We saw many different types of plants and frees. We saw wattle trees, fall trees, thin trees and rock plants. After that we got back on the bus and went back to school. We arrived at school at 12 o'clock. Then we went into school and talked about our excursion. We had GREAT fun!!!! Aneta

Which of these sentences are true (T) and which are false (F)? Write T or F in the place provided. 1. .. Aneta went on excursion on Sunday. 2. .. The purpose of the excursion was to observe wild animals. 3. .. The students went by bus. 4. .. At Port Kembla beach, there were not many plants. 5. .. They found many different types of plants in Mt. Keira rainforest. 6. .. The students got back at school in the evening.

Activity 2 (Vocabulary building)

Bagian ini mengangkat kosa kata yang digunakan dalam teks untuk dibahas bentuk dan maknanya. Di sini pembahasan dilanjutkan dengan penggunaan kosa kata yang menyangkut collocation atau fixed expressions dalam bacaan yang sering dijumpai anak-anak. Latihan spelling dan membuka kamus sangat disarankan. Kosa kata yang harus dikuasai siswa adalah kata-kata yang berhubungan dengan liburan (tentang kegiatan-kegiatan yang biasa dilakukan pada aktu liburan). Gambar hanya sebagai inspirasi saja. Dalam hal ini prinsip inquiry dan questioning dapat diterapkan. Latihan-latihan selanjutnya dapat dikerjakan untuk memperkaya kosa kata siswa. Match each job with a job description. Then write a sentence. Example: roadie helps a band on tour A roadie is a person who helps a band on tour.

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Job description

A A A A A A Activity 2

hairdresser vet carpenter chef pilot flight attendant

makes things with wood prepares food flies airplanes takes care of air travellers helps sick animals cuts peoples hair

Latihan ini berupa mind schemata, dimana siswa dapat berdiskusi tentang kegiatan-kegiatan yang mereka lakukan selama liburan (prinsip inquiry dan questioning). Gambar sifatnya hanya sebagai bahan inspirasi. Kosa kata tentang Emotion/feeling yang berhubungan dengan orang yang sedang berpergian.

Activity 3 (Grammar focus)

Mengangkat grammar-grammar penting yang ada dalam bacaan misalnya noun + noun, adjective + noun. Pola ini penting sebab noun phrases merupakan ciri teks tulis yang padat kata. Noun phrases ini sering digunakan dalam posisi subject atau object. Mengingat susunan noun phrases dalam bahasa Indonesia tidak sama dengan bahasa Inggris, maka siswa diharapkan untuk memperhatikan (notice). Tense dan aspek yang dominan dalam teks juga dibahas secara khusus. Diperlukan juga latihan menyusun kalimat berdasarkan bahasan grammar.

Past continuous tense diberikan dalam bentuk yang kontekstual dimana siswa dapat membuat dialog pendek berdasarkan gambar yang tersedia. Dalam hal ini prinsip-prinsip CTL inquiry, questioning, modeling, constructivism dan learning community.

Section Six (Modeling of Text)

Reading for comprehension and interpretation Membahas jenis teks tertentu dan dilanjutkan menginterpretasi makna gagasan yang terkandung di dalamnya. Activity 1 Pada kegiatan 1, guru dan siswa bersama-sama mendiskusikan sebuah teks recount. Dalam hal ini prinsip-prinsip inquiry dan questioning. Pada bagian ini komponen-komponen dan retorika teks recount didiskusikan. Dibagian ini, terdapat tambahan materi sebagai bahan pengayaan. Jump Rope for heart Last year pupils of Lumea Public School took part in Jump Rope for Heart. It was a veiy exciting day for everyone involved and the person who organised it all was Mrs. Macklin.
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There is a great deal of organisation involved in preparing a Jump Rope for Heart program. Mrs Macklin had to start preparing Jump Rope for Heart a couple of months before the actual day as she had to organise groups and different slapping routines. Mrs Macklin first got the idea to arrange Jump Rope for Heart program when some of her friends organised a similar day which was a huge success. She realised that it would be a good opportunity for the whole school to participate in something as well as being a chance to get fit. Everyone received a list to see how many sponsors we could get. We raised between $4,000.00 and $5,000.00 of which the school received 10%. The remainder of the money went to the Heart Foundation of N.S.W. If your sporting group (cubs, scouts, brownies. Girl Guides etc) would like to help a good cause and also get fit at the same time, just contact the National Heart Foundation of N.S.W. for details. A big thank you to Mrs. Macklin for her time and effort in making our day a big success. Sandra, Year 6. Answer the following questions correctly. 1. When did pupils of Lurnea Public School take part in Jump Rope for Heart? 2. Who was the person who organised it? 3. How much did the school receive from the sponsor? 4. To whom did the remainder of the money go to? 5. Whom should be contacted?

On the weekend of the 3rd of March, I went to the Ryde BMX track with Robert and Chris Macdonald. When we got there it was very crowded in the caipark and we wondered where everyone was because there weren't many people on the BMX track. So we pariced the car and then we saw a lot of people surrounding a little track with speeding cars going around it There were also about five people controlling the cars from a high platform. The cars were about 30 cms long and 15 cms wide with big tread on the the tyres and a flap on the front so that they wouldn't tip over. Then after the races they were awarding trophies to the winners. When we were just going a boy was controlling f car around the track and it was going very fast Someone else had a three wheeler motorbike, but it didn't go as fast Then we had to go, so we packed up the car and then we left. Answer the following questions correctly. 1. When was the Ryde BMX track? 2. With whom did the writer go to the race? 3. How many people were controlling the cars from ahigh platform?
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4. How were the cars? 5. To whom were the trophies awarded? Activity 2 Reflecting on text Membahas unsur-unsur teks atau langkah retorika dalam wacana. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks yang sedang dibahas. Ini penting karena membaca merupakanbagian dari proses membangun ketrampilan menulis. Pada kesempatan ini prinsip-prinsip inquiry dan questioning dapat diterapkan.

Section Seven (Joint Construction)

Reflecting on information organization
Mencermati susunan informasi dalam kalimat, misal: kalimat terkadang dimulai dengan subject, adverb,bahkan verb. Ini penting untuk menghindari penulisan teks yang monoton yang selalu diawali dengan subject. Pada bagian ini prinsip-prinsip CTL seperti, inquiry, questioning, modeling, constructivism, learning community dan reflection bisa diaplikasikan. Constructing text: Indonesian Independence Day Siswa dan guru merencanakan outline sebuah teks. Guru memulai dengan kalimat yang kemudian diteruskan siswa secara bergiliran sesuai dengan outline yang sudah disepakati. Guru dan siswa mencermati teks yang dihasilkan untuk melihat apakah teks tersebut memenuhi syarat teks yang baik, yakni tujuan komunikatifnya jelas, langkah-langkah retorika atau strukturnya tertata baik, dan fitur-fiturlinguistiknya berterima. Intinya teks yang dihasilkan merupakan teks yang utuh yang memiliki kohesi dan koherensi yang berterima. Siswa kemudian berlatih membuat teks bersama temannya. Kegiatan ini dapat dilanjutkan dengan peerteacher editing. Draft akhir dapat dijadikan bahan penilaian proses (authentic assessment). Construct a story with your teacher and classmates based on the following outlines Eartquake I. II. III. IV. V. VI. driving along the coast road the car lurched thinking that a tyre has gone seeing collapsing telegraph poles rocks tumbling across the road go back to town

Earthquake I was driving along the coast road when the car suddenly lurched to one side. At first I thought a tyre had gone but then I saw telegraph poles collapsing like matcsticks. The rocks came tumbling across

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the road and I had to abandon the car. When I got back to town, well, as I said, there wasnt much left. Guru bisa memodifikasi suatu text. Sebelum siswa menuliskan text yang sesungguhnya, guru dapat menuntun siswa untuk membuat draft text secara lisan dan klasikal. Guru bisa memulai membuat suatu text, kemudian diikuti oleh siswa. Dalam kesempatan ini, guru dapat mengecek dan memperbaiki lafal siswa. Dalam waktu yang sama. Guru juga bisa memperbaiki struktur kalimat yang dibuat oleh siswa.

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Siswa Guru Siswa Guru Siswa Guru Siswa Guru Siswa Guru Siswa Guru Siswa Guru Siswa Guru Siswa

There was an earthquake (mengucapkan kata earthquake salah) Earthquake! Repeat after me. Earthquake Earthquake (masih salah) No, earthquake. Repeat after me. Earthquake quake. Earthquake (mendekati benar) Good. Where was he at that time? In car. He drive his car? In his car. In his car (kata his ditekankan) Yes, where was he? In his car. He drive his car. He drive or drove his car? He ehm yes, he drove his car. He drove his car. He drove his car. Where did he drive his car? Along the coast road. Right, He was driving along the coast road. Then, what happened to the car? The car to the left The car, yes, lurched to the left. What is the meaning of lurch? Miring ke kiri

Seterusnya guru membimbing siswa untuk membuat suatu text berdasarkan outline yang sudah tersedia. Having dinner I. happy, because grandma came II. sitting at the dining table III. enjoying the cake IV. talking about school activities V. grandma told her old stories VI. grandmas exciting experience Having dinner Kristy and Dave were happy. It was Sunday night and that was the time when Grandma Johnson came to dinner. They liked their grandmother. They thought she was a lot of fun. Grandma Johnson was sitting at the dining room table. She had a big piece of cake in front of her, along with a cup of coffee. How have you been, Grandma? asked Kristy. Just fine, Grandma replied. And how was school this week? OK, I guess, said Kristy. And how was your party Friday night, Dave? she asked. It was great! And I took a lot of picturs, he said. I remember when I was a young girl, I went to a lot of parties. I loved them! One day I met Frank Sinatra at a party at my girlfriends house, I dont believe you! said Kristy. Yes, I did. Its true. He saw me and came right over. He was a charming man, and he asked me to dinner. Kristy smiled. She liked her grandmothers stories. She wasnt sure they were all true, but they were exciting.

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Section Eight (Independent Construction)

Constructing short functional text
Secara individu menulis teks-teks kecil yang ditugaskan guru. Pada bagian kelas kegiatan kelas membaca sebuah postcard, kemudian mngerjakan latihannya. Setelah itu, siswa diharapkan bisa membuat postcard sendiri (prinsip constructivism).

Constructing text
Siswa secara individu membuat kontrak dengan guru tentang teks yang ditulisnya, kemudian memnuat outline, membuat draft awal, menerima feed back dari guru, menulis draft hasil feed back dan menulis versi akhir serta memberi ilustrasi gambar dan sebagainya, kemudian memajang hasil tulisannya agar dapat dibaca orang lain. Tulisan siswa ini harus dalam versi yang polished (menggunakan konvensi yang berterima, misal pemakaian huruf kapital, punctuation, dsb.). Dalam hal ini, guru sudah menerapkan authentic assessment. Constructing text Construct a recount text individually. You may use all information from the explanation before. Read the following texts for your inspiration. You may not finish writing the text at once. You may write a draft and show it to your teacher to be corrected. Then, you should revise your draft based on the input from your teacher. After that, submit the final draft to your teacher to be scored.

There was a robbery at 151 River Street yesterday afternoon. Burglars broke into every apartment in the building while all the tenants were out.The man in Apartment 1 wasnt home. He was washing his clothes at the laundromat. The woman in Apartment 2 wasnt home either. She was visiting a friend in the hospital. The people in Apartment 3 were gone. They were having a picnic at the beach. The man in Apartment 4 was out. He was playing tennis in the park. The college students in Apartment 5 were away. They were attending a football game. And the elderly lady in Apartment 6 was out of town. She was visiting her grandchildren in Ohio. Yesterday certainly was an unfortunate day for the people at 151 River Street. They had no idea that while they were away, burglars broke into every apartment

AN ACCIDENT I saw an accident this morning while I was standing at the corner of Park Street and Central Avenue. A man in a smaall red sport car was driving down Park Street very fast. While he was driving he was talking on his cell phone. At the same time, a woman in a large green pick-up truck was driving along Central Avenue very slowly. While she was driving, she was drinking acup of coffe and

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eating a donut. While the woman was driving through the intersection, the man in the sports car didnt stop at a stop sign, and he crashed into the pick-up truck. The man and the woman werevery upset. While they were shouting at the each other, the police came. Fortunately, nobody was hurt badly. NOTHING TO EAT FOR DINNER Joan got home late from work today, and she was very hungry. When she opened the refrigerator, she was upset. There was nothing to eat for dinner. Joan sat down and made a shopping list. She needed a head of lettuce, a bunch of carrots, a quart of milk, a dozen eggs, two pounds of tomatoes, a half pound of chicken, and a loaf of bread. Joan rushed out of the house and drove to the supermarket. When she got there, there wasnt any lettuce. There weren,t any carrots. There wasnt any milk. There werent any eggs. There werent any tomatoes. There wasnt any chicken, and there wasnt any bread. Joan was tired and upset. In fact, she was so tired and upset that she lost her appetite, drove home, didnt have dinner, and went to bed.

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Unit 7

Section One (Building Knowledge of Field)

Activity 1 (Sharing Knowledge)

Dalam kegiatan sharing knowledge ini ajaklah siswa bertanya jawab tentang teknologi, misalnya telepon, internet, dsb. Pertanyaan diarahkan pada penggunaan telepon. Tahapan ini sesuai dengan prinsip CTL questioning. Anda dapat menambah pertanyaan yang relevan dari contoh berikut. Who invented the telephone? Who often makes telephone call? To whom? Who has a telephone set at home? Whos ever made a telephone call in English? To whom? Activity 2 (Vocabulary Building) Siswa diajak berdiskusi tentang istilah-istilah yang dipakai bertelepon. Suruh mereka menggambar garis untuk menghubungkan antara kosa kata Inggris dan Indonesia. Dari bekal pengetahuan yang dimiliki, siswa diharapkan dapat mengerjakan. Ini penerapan constructivism dalam CTL.
wait a moment whos speaking line is busy hang off wrong number call back take the message leave the message saluran sibuk menulis pesan salah sambung tunggu sebentar telepon balik meninggalkan pesan meletakkan telepon siapa yang bicara

Activity 3 (Grammar Focus)

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Ajaklah siswa membahas struktur kalimat yang berkenaan dengan ungkapan-ungkapan sopan untuk memulai bertelepon. Anda boleh menambah penjelesan dengan merujuk buku Grammar lain seperti Betty S Azar, dsb. Ajaklah siswa mempraktikkan ungkapan-ungkpan itu. Anda boleh menerapkan prinsip inquiry (penemuan) struktur kalimat.
POLITE REQUEST (a). (b). (c). May I speak to John? Could I speak to John? Can I speak to John? POSSIBLE ANSWERS Wait a moment. He is out. Yes. Certainly. Wrong number. Sure. (informal) Okay. (informal)

Di bawah table ini adalah contoh berkomunikasi lewat telepon. Tunjukkan bahwa kata-kata yang bergaris bawah adalah contoh ungkapan-ungkpan saat bertelepon. Anda boleh menunjukkan contoh lain dari buku lain. Suruh siswa berpasangan untuk memperagakan percakapan untuk mengecek pronunciataion dan intonasi. Pada akhir tahapan ini ajaklah siswa melakukan refleksi, tentang apa yang telah dipelajari. Activity 4 Ajaklah siswa memperhatikan percakapan telepon dan membandingkan antara contoh (A) dan (B). Contoh (A) menunjukkan percakapan resmi dan (B) tidak resmi; antar teman yang saling kenal. Anda dapat memberi contoh lain. Tahapan ini dalam CTL disebut modeling. Activity 5 Suruhlah siswa kerja berpasangan untuk mengerjakan latihan dengan menggunakan may I, could I, or can I + a verb.
1. 2. 3. 4. Can Can Can Can I, could I, can I speak I, may I speak/talk I/ may I help I/may I talk/speak

Activity 6 memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk bekerja bersama teman melanjutkan satu percakapan telepon, sedangkan Activity 7 memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mendemonstrasikan kompetensi mereka dalam bertelepon.

Dalam section ini, ajaklah siswa untuk berkomunikasi lewat telepon. Ada beberapa cara: 1. Tentukan jam yang Anda longgar, suruhlah siswa menelpon Anda di rumah. 2. Ajaklah siswa secara individu praktik bertelpon. 3. Suruhlah siswa secara berpasangan mempraktikkan komunikasi lewat telepon.
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Semangatilah siswa untuk tidak gugup, gemetar. Suruh rileks dan tenang. Tahapan ini dapat dijadikan sumbert authentic assessment.

Section Two: Inviting

Activity 1 berisi beberapa model dialog tentang cara mengundang, cara menerima dan menolak undangan. Guru memberikan contoh cara pengucapan dan intonasi yang benar. Model-model yang diberikan ini diharapkan dapat merangsang kreativitas guru untuk menciptakan kegiatan yang memfokuskan pada listening dan speaking, tidak sekedar membaca model dialog. Misalnya kegiatan dilakukan dengan cara menyuruh siswa mempraktekkan dialog di depan kelas, menutup buku dan mengekspresikan dengan kalimat sendiri. Activity 2 berisi guided practice dan free practice tentang cara mengundang, cara menerima undangan dan cara menolak undangan secara lisan. Activity 3 berisi model surat undangan dan replies terhadap surat undangan. Sebaiknya Guru membawa juga beberapa undangan berbahasa Inggris yang otentik sebagai bahan diskusi tentang struktur bahasa dan kerangka surat undangan. Pemahaman siswa diharapkan semakin baik dengan mengerjakan latihan-latihan tentang membuat surat, baik secara kelompok maupun secara individu, seperti yang tercantum pada Activity 4 dan Activity 5.

Section Three: Requesting

Activity 1 Terangkan bahwa May and could juga dipakai dalam ungkapan permintaan sopan dalam percakapan biasa, tidak melalui telepon. Ajaklah siswa memperhatikan contoh yang tersedia. Tunjukkan kemungkinan jawaban atas permintaan itu. Cara lain untuk mengungkapkan permintaan adalah menggunakan ungkapan Do you mind. Ajaklah siswa memperhatikan contoh. Ajaklah siswa mempraktikkan ungkapan tersebut dalam kegiatan sehari-hari di kelas atau di rumah. Kedua kegiatan di atas dapat juga dilakukan dengan teknik inquiry, menemukan ungkapan-ungkapan untuk permintaan sopan dan teknik questioning. Model-model yang diberikan di bagian ini diharapkan dapat memperkaya khasanah ungkapan dan kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan requesting.

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Activity 2, Activity 3 dan Activity 4 cukup jelas. Untuk menerapkan prinsip learning community, suruhlah siswa bekerja berpasangan untuk menyelesaikan latihan. Latihan ini menyuruh siswa menarik garis antara pasangan permintaan dan jawabannya. Kinerja siswa dapat dijadikan authentic assessment.

1. A: Can/may/could I use your typewriter for a while? B: I have to type a letter. 2. A: Can/could you open the window? B: I find it very hot here myself, too. 3. A: Can/could you turn off the radio? B: OK. Sorry. 4. A: Do you mind if I borrow your motorcycle for an hour? B: Sorry. Im going to use it to go to town shortly. 5. A: Can/may/could I borrow your newspaper? B: Sorry, I havent finished reading it yet.

Di akhir tahapan ini jangan lupa anak diajak refleksi tentang apa yang telah dipelajari dari tahapan-tahapan sebelumnya. Yakinlah siswa memiliki bekal cukup dan benar untuk mengerjakan kegiatan tahap berikutnya.

Section Four : Writing messages

Activity 1 (Sharing knowledge) Sebelum pertemuan ini, berilah tugas kepada siswa untuk membawa contoh e-mail. Ajaklah siswa berdiskusi tentang apa yang dibawanya. Kapan contoh itu digunakan, untuk siapa, dan apa isinya. Tahapan ini dapat menggabungkan beberapa prinsip inquiry, questioning, dan constructivism.
Tunjukkan bahwa surat yang ada di halaman 115 adalah contoh e-mail. Terangkan apa e-mail itu (electronic mail). Bagaimana cara membuat e-mail address dan cara mengaksesnya, dsb. Ajaklah siswa memahami pesan e-mail itu. Untuk memperkenalkan kosa kata baru beserta bentuk perubahannya, ajaklah siswa melakukan inquiry dengan cara membuka kamus untuk mengerjakan latihan yang ada pada Activity 2. Latihan ini mengantarkan siswa ke pembicaraan kalimat passive .

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Verb 1 hold need ask tolerate prohibit present steal

Verb 2 held needed asked tolerated prohibit presented stole

Verb 3 held needed asked tolerated prohibited presented stolen

Activity 3 Tabel itu membahas susunan kalimat pasif. Ajaklah siswa membicarakan susunan kalimat dan fungsinya. Anda dianjurkan melihat buku-buku lain untuk referensi. Gunakan contoh-contoh keseharian di dalam kelas atau rumah. Tahapan ini dapat menerapkan prinsip inquiry atau questioning. Activity 4 Suruhlah siswa baik secara individu atau berpasangan untuk mengerjakan latihan. Ajaklah siswa menemukan beda kalimat-kalimat tersebut (aktif atau pasif). 1. a. reads 2. a. played 3. a. buy b. are read b. was played b. be bought

Ajaklah siswa mempelajari contoh-contoh surat undangan, memo, catatan, pesan, dsb. melalui questioning tentang susunan kalimat, siapa penulis dan untuk siapa. Ajaklah siswa ber-refleksi atas hal-hal yang telah dipelajari. Sudahkah siswa memiliki kemampuan-kemampuan dasar yang diaharapkan untuk membuat suatu karya tulis sederhana berupa kartu undangan, memo dsb. Activity 5 Untuk menerapkan learning community, suruhlah siswa bekerja berpasangan untuk berlatih membuat memo. Beri beberapa contoh terlebih dulu. Activity 6 Suruhlah siswa bekerja berpasangan untuk membuat memo sederhana. Beri beberapa contoh terlebih dulu. Ingatkan butir-butir penting yang harus ada. Hasil ini dsapat digunakan sebagai authentic assessment.

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Activity 7 Secara individu, siswa ditugasi menulis memo atau pesan pendek. Siswa boleh menggunakan ide-ide yang disediakan atau membuat ide sendiri. Karya siswa dsapat dijadikan authentic assessment.

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Unit 8

(Recount) Social function To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining

Generic Structure
Orientation : provides the setting and introduces participants Events: tell what happened, in what sequence Re-orientation: optionalclosure of events

Significant Lexicogrammatical Features Focus on specific participants Use of material processes Circumstances of time and place Use of past tense Focus on temporal sequence

Social Function of Recount

To retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. Events are usually arranged in a temporal sequence. Interpersonal meanings occur scattered throughout a text, if they are there at all. Reacounts are used in most subjects to show memory of series of events as in accounts of a Science excursion, everyday life in another time or culture. Personal letters to friends are often recounts of experience.

Schematic structure
Orientation Series of Events Reorientation

Language features
Focus on individual participants e.g. Mrs. Macklin, I, the Ryde BMX track, etc. Use of past tense e.g. it was, the person who organised, I went, we got Focus on a temporal sequence of events e.g. last year, on the weekend Use of material (or action) clauses e.g. Mrs. Macklin had to start preparing, we parked

Personal Recount retelling of an activity that the writer/speaker has been personally involved in (e.g. oral anecdote, diary entry). Factual Recount recording the particulars of an incident (e.g. report of a science experiment, police report, news report, historical account)

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Imaginative Recount taking on an imaginary role and giving details of events (e.g. a day in the life og a Roman slave, how I invented.)


A Tour to the Botanic Gardens

by Nida Orientation Event 1 On Thursday 24 April, Year Seven students went to the Botanic Gardens. We walked down and got into the bus.

After we arrived at the gardens, we walked down to the Education Centre. We went to have a look around. First we went to the Orchid Farm and Mrs. Rita read us some of the information. Then we looked at all the lovely plants. After that we went down to a little spot in the Botanic Gardens and had morning tea.

Event 2

Event 3 Next we took some pictures and then we went back to the Education Centre to have lunch. After that we went for a walk. Event 4 A lady took us around and introduced herself, then she explained what we were going to do. Next she took us in to the green house. It was most interesting.


Soon after we had finished we went back outside. Then we got into the bus and returned to school. Spoken Language Cycle (Siklus Lisan) Siklus lisan (spoken language listening dan talking) mengawali kegiatan pengenalan jenis teks sebelum masuk pada pembelajaran bahasa tulis (written language reading dan writing). Yang patut diperhatikan adalah bahwa bahasa lisan bukanlah bahasa tulis yang dilisankan dan sebaliknya bahasa tulis bukanlah bahasa tulis yang dilisan-kan. Bahasa lisan biasanya menyertai kegiatan berkomunakasi sehingga mempunyai ciri-ciri yang berbeda dengan bahasa tulis yang lebih merupakan refleksi. Bahasa lisan banyak bersandar pada konteks di luar teks sementara dalam bahasa tulis konteks harus terdapat di dalam teks itu sendiri.

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Section One
Activity 1

(Building Knowledge of the Field)

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan dalam kegiatan ini dimaksudkan agar siswa dapat berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman mengenai menulis teks berjenis recount secara tidak langsung. Recount akrab dnegan kehidupan siswa, seperti bercerita pada teman, menuliskan pengalaman berkunjung ke objek wisata dalam kartu pos yang dikirimkan ke teman, menulis buku harian dll. Dengan demikian siswa dapat mempunyai gambaran mengenai tujuan sosial dari teks recount. Activity 2 Kosakata yang berkaitan dengan topik dikenalkan agar memudahkan guru dalam mengenalkan ciri-ciri teks recount. Activity 3 Pengenalan past tense untuk pertama kali kepada siswa tentu perlu dilakukan tahapan, yakni mulai dengan kata kerja beraturan (3a), baru kemudian kata kerja tak beraturan (3b). Activity 4 Kegiatan ini dimaksudkan mengenalkan kata kerja tak beraturan (irregular verbs). Siswa diharap dapat menemukan sendiri dengan belajar dari teman sebangku atau dari kamus atau refensi lain. Selain mempelajari kata-kata dalam konteks, agar siswa dapat menguasai irregular verbs dengan baik mereka dapat menghafalkannya. Simple Past: Questions dan Negatives Dalam kegiatan ini siswa belajar konsep kalimat past tense dalam bentuk pertanyaan dan negatif. Activity 5 a. Siswa diminta berlatih bertanya dan menjawab dengan jawaban positif dan negatif berdasarkan gambar. Sebelum siswa berlatih, guru harus terlebih dahulu memberi banyak contoh dan menjelaskan konsep kalimat pertanyaan dan negative dalam past tense. Latihan ini dimaksudkan untuk mengenalkan ciri-ciri teks recount. Dan siswa diminta untuk berlatih menuturkan kegiatan Tina dalam gambar secara berurutan dengan teks recount lisan.


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Activity 6 a. Latihan ini dimaksudkan untuk menguatkan penguasaan past tense dalam teks sambil menikmati teks recount. Guru diharapkan juga menekankan pada pemahaman isi teks. Latihan pembuatan kalimat negatif ini yang dikemas dalam bingkai pemahaman teks sehingga cukup kontekstual bukan dalam kalimat-kalimat lepas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. She didnt go home by taxi. She went home by bus. The robbery didnt happen near her office. It happened near the corner. A man didnt pull her. He pushed her. The thief didnt take the purse away. He dropped it. The police didnt catch the thief. The thief escaped. Najwa didnt cry. She shouted. She didnt walk toward a taxi. She walked toward the bus. The thief didnt stop at Sudirman Street. He escaped down the street. The robbery didnt happen before 10:00 p.m. It happened after 10:00 p.m.


Section Two
Activity 1 Cukup jelas Activity 2 a. Pre-reading activity. Dalam kegiatan ini guru juga diharapkan membahas ciri-ciri teks lisan pada teks tersebut, seperti hadirnya gambits: Hi, everybody. Let me tell you something, Well, You know what. b. Latihan pemahaman dan pengenalan ciri teks lisan. Activity 3 a. Teks dalam cloze listening ini adalah bentuk tulis dari teks lisan sebelumnya. Kata-kata yang dihilangkan dalam teks itu adalah family, birthday, pizza, chocolate, restaurant. b. Jawaban dari pertanyaan tentang teks: 1. No, it isnt. 2. Expressions such as Hi, everybody, Well, You know what , dll. Because they are used in spoken language, not written one. 3. then, after dinner 4. went, was, ate, arrived 5. The order the events happened is: a. She went to a restaurant. b. She ate pizza and salad. c. She ate ice cream d. She went home.

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Section Three
Activity 1 Kegiatan ini dimulai oleh siswa bekerja dalam kelompok kecil. Setelah siswa selesai guru mengajak siswa untuk menyusun teks yang sama bersama siswa dan hasilnya dituliskan di papan tulis sehingga siswa dapat sekalian belajar dari pakar (guru). Hasil teks tentu saja akan tergantung hasil negosiasi dengan siswa. Activity 2 Setelah teks yang dihasilkan siswa bersama guru, siswa dalam kelompok dapat menjadikannya sebagai model untuk membuat pembuatan teks yang telah direvisi dalam kelompok. Salah seorang siswa dari kelompok akan melaporkannya di depan kelas secara lisan.

Section Four
Activity 1 Kegiatan ini dimaksudkan untuk mengumpulkan data mengenai kajadian lampau yang akan disusun sebagai teks recount. Tata urutan kejadian yang dilakukan setiap anak yang diwawancarai adalah penting diperhatikan. Activity 2 Melakukan kegiatan menuturkan kejadian yang dilakukan teman-temannya kepada teman sebangku. Ini adalah praktek recount lisan. Activity 3 Kegiatan recount menceritakan pengalaman sendiri kepada teman sebangkunya. Ini penting agar pengalaman recount bisa bersifat pribadi juga. Activity 4 Kegiatan ini dapat dimulai dulu dengan kerja berkelompok yang memilih topik yang sama. Dan guru diharapkan membantu anak yang menjumpai kesulitan kosa-kata, tata bahasa, dll. Guru juga diharapkan membimbing struktur teks agar sesuai dengan generic structure dari teks recount. Siswa diharapkan semua mendapat kesempatan bercerita recount yang telah disiapkan.

Section Five
Activity 1 Pertanyaan-pertanyaan diberikan agar guru dapat mendorong siswa agar berbagi pengalaman dan pengetahuan mengenai menciptakan teks recount tulis.

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Activity 2 Siswa bersama guru mengeksplorasi mengenai dimana saja teks recount itu dijumpai, terutama dalam teks dijumpai dalam dunia pendidikan. Activity 3

big colourful scenic beautiful closer

having many colours not small nearer very good to look at having beautiful views

Activity 4 Noun groups (noun phrases) sangat penting dalam bahasa tulis. Oleh karena itu, pengenalan setahap demi setahap perlu dilakukan. Dalam teks description terdahulu sudah mulai dijumpai noun groups dan akan hadir hampir dalam setiap jenis teks. Activity 5 Time conjunction Time conjunction adalah salah satu ciri leksikogrammar yang menonjol dalam recount karena dia diperlukan untuk membantu memperjelas urutan peristiwa. Activity 6 Action Verbs Action verbs (material processes) adalah kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menutur-kan kejadian. Action verbs berupa kata kerja yang menunjukan kegiatan fisik. Kata kerja dibagi dalam beberapa kelompok menurut maknanya, yakni action verbs, thinking verbs, being/having verbs dan saying verbs. Gambar anak melakukan kegiata lari, menari, dsb. dimaksudkan untuk memperjelas pengertian action verbs. a. Mengidentifikasi semua action verbs dalam tulisan On Mothers Day yang akan dibaca pada Section Six, Activity 2. Jumlah action verbs dalam bacaan tsb. ada 12. b. Yang digarisbawahi adalah kata-kata: plays, throw, runs dan rolls. c. Tergantung dari negosiasi antar siswa dan siswa dengan guru. Action verbs yang dapat digunakan dalam kalimat itu di antaranya: climbed, drew, went to, dsb.

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Section Six)
Activity 1 Kegiatan pra-baca ini juga sekaligus membicarakan perbedaan dan persamaan budaya kita dengan budaya Inggris. Activity 2 Pertanyaan-pertanyaan dalam kegiatan ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan tujuan dalam membaca. Activity 3 Pertanyaan-pertanyaan reading comprehension untuk teks On Mothers Day dan juga pertanyaan yang mengarah pada pengenalan ciri-ciri teks recount. Activity 4 Dalam latihan ini struktur teks recount dikenalkan, yakni: orientation, event, dan reorientation. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan disini dimaksudkan untuk mengenali teks recount secara lebih rinci seperti tujuan ditulisnya teks recount (1), participants dalam recount, dan kata penghubung yang menandakan urutan kejadian dsb. Activity 5 Berdiskusi pengalaman menggunakan teks recount dan menjadi kegiatan pra-baca untuk teks pada activity berikutnya. Activity 6 a. Struktur teksnya adalah orientation, event 1, event 2, event 3, dan event 4 atau reorientation. b. Jawaban pertanyaan dapat sbb.: 1. It is about Nidas trip to the Botanic Garden. 2. Year Seven students and Nida. 3. Yes, she did. 4. On Thursday, 24 April. 5. They got into the bus. 6. After they arrived at the Botanic Garden, they walked down to the Education Centre. 7. She was the guide at the Education Centre. 8. She gave some information to Year Seven students. 9. Then they went to the Orchid Farm. 10. They returned to school by bus.

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Activity 7 Jawaban latihan dalam kegiatan ini dapat seperti berikut: 1. On Thursday 24 April After we arrived at the gardens First then after that Next After that then Soon after we had finished Then 2. She wanted to tell about her visit to the Botanic Garden. 3. Yes, she did. 4. The verbs circled should be == went, walk, got into, arrived, walked down, went, dsb. 5. Yes, they do. 6. The verbs are in the past. 7. The last part, of course. 8. It is called reorientation. Activity 8 Jawaban untuk pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang membimbing anak untuk mengetahui tujuan sosial teks, struktur teks dan ciri-ciri leksikogramatikal yang significant dari teks recount ini sudah jelas. Yang perlu diingat adalah ketuntasan siswa dalam memahami ciri-ciri teks yang akan mereka tulis pada joint construction dan individual construction of text. Nouns that always begin with capital letters Activity 9 Pengenalan bahwa huruf pertama pada proper noun harus ditulis ditulsi dengan kapital ini sangat penting dalam kegiatan menulis. Jawaban dapat beragam. Punctuation Activity 10 Untuk mengecek penulisan teks secara benar dapat melihat teks sebelumnya berjudul A Tour to the Botanic Gardens.

Section Seven
Activity 1 dan 2 Kegiatan ini dimulai dengan kerja kelompok antar siswa. Pertanyaan-pertanayaan yang mengacu pada comic strip itu mengarah pada pengembanga cerita dalam recount yang akan ditulis siswa. Setelah mereka selesai denga kerja kelompok, guru mengajak seluruh kelas untuk menyampaikan usulannya kepada guru yang akan menuliskan hasil recount seluruh kelas. Guru bertugas menjadi model ahli dalam penulisan ini sebelum siswa melakukan individual construction.

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Activity 3 Setelah joint construction of text dalam kegiatan 1 dan 2 kembali lagi kelompok berdiskusi merevisi tulisannya berdasarkan model yang dituliskan guru di papan tulsi dari hasil joint construction kegiatan 1 dan 2. Siswa harus menggunakan Recount Plan sebagai kerangka penulisan recount mereka. Activity 4 Kegiatan ini menyiapkan hasil tulisan pada activity 3 agar layak terbit di dinding kelas. Memajang di kelas dan masing-masing siswa akan melihat hasil kerja kelompok lain. Activity 5 Masing-masing mengedit kerja kelompoknya dan menulis lagi untuk disimpan di buku portfolio mereka masing-masing.

Section Eight
Tugas menulis secara individual ini juga tetap masih dalam bimbingan dan encouragement guru agar kegiatan ini menyenangkan dan tidak membebani. Mereka dapat menggunakan checklist untuk peer editing.

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Pedoman Penyusunan Tes Bahasa Inggris Berdasarkan Kurikulum 2004

Standar Kompetensi:
Berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tertulis dengan menggunakan ragam lisan dan tulis yang sesuai konteks dengan lancar dan akurat dalam wacana interaksional (transaksional dan interpersonal) dan monolog terutama dalam wacana berbentuk prosedur, deskriptif, naratif, dan recount.

Tingkat literasi: Fungsional

Siswa mampu mengatasi masalah yang pemecahannya memerlukan bahasa Inggris dalam kehidupan sehari-hari seperti meminta informasi secara lisan, membaca manual dsb.

Ujian atau tes akhir bahasa Inggris difokuskan kepada keempat keterampilan berkomunikasi yang meliputi listening, speaking, reading, dan writing. Tabel berikut memberikan ringkasan mengenai aspek apa saja yang dicakup dalam tiap keterampilan. Dengan demikian, setiap kali guru melakukan tes atau kegiatan apa saja yang bertujuan mengetahui kemampuan siswa dapat memilih bentuk-bentuk sebagaimana yang disarankan di bawah ini.

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1 Kompetensi Merespon instruksi dengan tindakan atau mencocokkan dengan gambar. Indikator Dapat melakukan tindakan sesuai dengan instruksi. Dapat memilih gambar yang sesuai dengan pernyataan. Contoh Draw a flower in the vase. Circle the animal. Put a tick on the right answer. Join the round objects with a line. Choose the right picture. e.g. The mouse is eating the cheese. He is flying a kite. There is an eraser on the table. A: Oh, no. Its already 8. My teacher must be very angry. Ann, can you give me a hand? B: What? A: Pack me a breakfast please? What is A? What does A want B to do? Who is Anne? A: Can you come to my birthday party? B: ................. B wants to come. What would he say? What is A doing? A: Hm. Its a nice bag. B:............... What is the possible answer? A: Is he your dad? B: No. My uncle. My dad died last year. A: Oh, I am sorry to hear that. Where is Bs father? What is A doing?. Diberi listening passage sederhana sesuai dengan teks (narasi, deskripsi, recount, prosedur) Contoh pertanyaan: Who is ... Where... When... How... Why... What is the main idea of the talk?

Memahami nuansa makna tindak tutur yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional sederhana

Dapat menentukan inti percakapan transaksional.

Memahami nuansa makna tindak tutur yang terdapat dalam percakapan interpersonal sederhana.

Dapat memilih respon percakapan transaksional. Dapat memilih jawaban inferencing dari percakapan transaksional. Dapat menentukan ragam percakapan interpersonal. Dapat memilih respon percakapan interpersonal. Dapat memilih jawaban inferencing dari percakapan interpersonal.

Memahami nuansa makna makna (informasi tertentu, rinci tersurat, tersirat, gambaran umum, pokok pikiran, makna kata) yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sangat sederhana berbentuk prosedur, deskriptif, naratif, recount.

Dapat menentukan tujuan komunikatif teks. Dapat menentukan informasi rinci faktual tersurat. Dapat menentukan informasi tersirat. Dapat menentukan informasi gagasan utama

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1 Kompetensi Menegosiasi makna dengan melakukan interaksi lisan transaksional Indikator Dapat memeragakan percakapan transaksional. Untuk sejumlah tujuan. Misalnya: a. meminjam sesuatu b. mengundang orang c. meminta maaf d. meminta bantuan e. meminta informasi Dapat memeragakan percakapan iterpersonal, yakni percakapan basabasi, misalnya: Percakapan di kantin sekolah Percakapan di dalam bis kota Percakapan di halaman sekolah sambil menanti bel berbunyi. Percakapan bertemu orang pertama kali.dsb. Dapat menceritakan teks tulis ke dalam ragam lisan (retelling). Dapat bercerita jenis menggunakan jenis teks tertentu dengan bantuan pertanyaan atau gambar. Dapat melakukan monolog deskriptif tentang daily activities atau genre lainnya seperti recount, prosedur, naratif. Dapat memberi pengumuman lisan dan monolog kecil dan fungsional lainnya. Contoh Disediakan kartu-kartu yang berisi perintah untuk dilakukan siswa. Guru memancing percakapan itu atau meminta dua siswa mempergakan kegiatan tersebut.

Di kartu tertulis: You want to borrow a biology book. John has it. What would you say? [Guru membaca setiap kartu yang membuat siswa melakukan tindak tutur tertentu] Disediakan kartu-kartu yang berisi perintah untuk dilakukan siswa. Guru memancing percakapan itu atau meminta dua siswa mempergakan kegiatan tersebut. Di kartu tertulis, misalnya: You meet someone on the party. What would you say? You are waiting for the bell. You meet yourfriend. What would you say? Disediakan berbagai jenis teks sederhana, siswa diminta menceriterakan kembali. Disediakan beberapa set gambar (single- series, simple-complex), siswa menafsirkan dan mengatakan hasil tafsirannya dalam bahasa lisan

Menegosiasi makna dengan melakukan interaksi interpersonal

Menegosiasi makna dengan melakukan monolog dengan pancingan (prompt) (pertanyaan, gambar, kartu dsb.) sederhana.

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READING Kompetensi Memahami nuansa makna makna (informasi tertentu, rinci tersurat, tersirat, gambaran umum, pokok pikiran, makna kata) dalam wacana transaksional sederhana. Indikator Dapat menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan factual information, inference, infering, dan reflecting dari berbagai teks transaksional sederhana, misalnya: Public notices Pengumuman sederhana Pesan tertulis Ucapan selamat Dapat menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan factual information, inference, infering, dan reflecting dari berbagai teks interpersonal sederhana, misalnya: Surat pribadi saling berkabar Email SMS Contoh Disediakan teks yang mencerminkan nuansa transaksional sederhana. (lihat indikator) yang diikuti pertanyaan. Misalnya: No Smoking No Littering Danger Happy Anniversary Disediakan teks yang mencerminkan nuansa interpersonal sederhana (lihat indikator) yang diikuti pertanyaan, misalnya: Hi... How are you? I trust everything is well here. I havent heard from you for a long time. People say No news is good news so... I think you have been enjoying your stay in the new country. Dsb. Bacaan dengan berbagai teks diikuti pertanyaan untuk pemahaman. Who Where When How Why What is the main idea of the passage? What is the main idea of paragraph...? Grammatical items yang digunakan dalam bacaan Kosa kata yang digunakan dalam bacaan Tanda baca dan ejaan Dalam bentuk cloze test, isolated sentences, matching gambar, menyusun kata menjadi kalimat, kalimat menjadi paragraf, dsb. * Struktur teks dan unsurunsurnya.

Memahami nuansa makna (informasi tertentu, rinci tersurat, tersirat, gambaran umum, pokok pikiran, makna kata) dalam wacana interpersonal sederhana.

Memahami nuansa makna makna (informasi tertentu, rinci tersurat, tersirat, gambaran umum, pokok pikiran, makna kata) dalam wacana tulis sederhana dengan berbagai teks seperti prosedur, recount, deskriptif, dan naratif.

Dapat menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan factual information, inference, infering, dan reflecting dari berbagai teks sederhana, misalnya: procedure, descriptive, narrative, recount.

Memahami convention (tata bahasa, tanda baca dan ejaan, dsb.) dalam konteks, dan tata teks (genre)

Dapat menentukan penggunaan konvensi dengan benar

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