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Our Lady Help of Christians Church

(Valley Catholic Church) 2401 East Lake Avenue, Watsonville, California 95076 Telephone: 831-722-2665 Fax: 831-722-8305
A ministry of the Salesians of Don Bosco
Dirigido por los Salesianos de San Juan Bosco

St. John Eudes * St. Bernard * Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary St. Pius X St. Rosa of Lima St. Bartholomew
RECTORY Telephone.................................................................................................831-722-2665 Fax.............................................................................................................831-722-8305 E-mail Visit us on .................................................................. OFFICE HOURS / HORAS DE OFICINA Monday - Friday (bilingual) ........................................................... 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturdays & Sundays ........................................................................................... closed PASTORAL STAFF / OFICINA PASTORAL Father Al Mengon, SDB Pastor ........................................................................................... 831-722-2665 ext. 14 e-mail................................................................... Father Luis Oyarzo, SDB Parochial Vicar & Coordinator of Youth Ministry ....... 831-722-2665 ext. 17 Cell phone ............................................................................ 831-707-4458 Father David Purdy, SDB Parochial Vicar .... ........................ 722-2665 ext. 21 Sister Silvia Castillo, FMA Director of Religious Education ............................................................831-722-2392 STAFF / PERSONAL Isabel Abundis * Maria Linan * Martha Tapia * Beverly Pini

Vigsimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario San Juan Eudes San Bernardo * San Po X Santa Mara Virgen, Reina Santa Rosa de Lima San Bartolom
VOLUNTEER STAFF Mildred McCabe .............................................................................. Altar Society Marion Madrid .............................................................................Legion of Mary Isabel & Antonio Langarica ...................................................... Youth Group MARRIAGE / MATRIMONIO At least 6 months of preparation is needed. Please come to the office for further information. Se requiere cuando menos 6 meses de preparacin. Por favor, presentarse a la oficina para ms informacin. BAPTISM / BAUTISMO Please come to the office for further information. Por favor, presentarse a la oficina para ms informacin. QUINCEAERAS Please come to the office for further information. The 15ra has to be Parishioner of our church. Por favor, presentarse a la oficina para ms informacin. La 15ra tiene que ser feligrs de nuestra parroquia. SALESIAN COMMUNITY Brother Michael Herbers, SDB Father Al Mengon, SDB, Director............................................ ext. 20 Father Luis Oyarzo, SDB .......................................................... ext. 17 Father David Purdy, SDB, Vice rector....ext. 21 ST. FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL Mr. Patrick Lee, President, Principal ........................................... 831-724-5933 CAMP ST. FRANCIS Brother Michael Herbers, SDB, Camp Administrator CONFESSIONS Saturdays ........................................................................................3:00 - 4:00 pm
Confesiones en espaol media hora antes de cada misa

MASS SCHEDULE / HORARIO DE MISAS Monday - Friday (English) ............................................................7:00 am & 9:00 am Saturdays (English) ........................................................................................... 8:00 am Saturdays (English) ............................................................................... 4:15 pm (vigil) Saturdays (English) ............................................................................ 7:00 pm (vigilia) Sundays (English) ....................................................................... 8:00 am & 11:00 am Sundays (Portuguese) ....................................................................................... 9:45 am Sundays (Spanish) .......................................................................12:30 pm & 7:00 pm 1st Friday of each month (Spanish) ............................. 7:00 pm (Holy hour & mass) 24th of each month (Spanish) ............................................. 7:00 pm (rosary & mass) ADORATION - Monday - Friday.............................................. 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Mass Intentions: August 17 to 25, 2013

SATURDYA, AUGUST 17, 2013 8:00 AM Rita Salazar (Husband) Greg Clark (Family) 9:00 AM Baptisms: Damian Hernandez, Moises Salomen Arellano, Andrea Cosette Salcedo, Evelyn Yarelie Zamora Romero 11:00 AM Quinceaera Blessing: Dominique Mendoza 1:00 PM Quinceaera: Arely Viridiana Garay 4:15 PM Antone & Pauline Resetar (Family) Bro. Abel Zanella, SDB (Edith Scrivani) Trinidad Valdivia (Family) 7:00 PM Daniel & Roselia Rocha, sons and daughters , Intentions Selerino Salvador Gonzalez (Pedro Gil) Juan Manuel Sandoval (Familia Sandoval)

Prayers of the Faithful From Bishop Richard J. Garcia For an end to the violence that has overwhelmed our Central Coast communities, taking the lives of our young people, citizens and peace officers and creating a climate of fear and anger. May our willingness to listen to each other and share Gods unconditional love, heal what is broken in our cities and in our families. We pray to the Lord Married Singles Lifestyle
The Married Singles Lifestyle describes couples that may have lost a sense of closeness they once had as marriage partners and are living more like roommates. Retrouvaille (pronounced: reh-tro-vi) teaches couples how to survive times like these in their marriages. This program has helped 10s of 1000s of couples experiencing difficulty at all levels of marital distress from disillusionment to deep misery. For confidential information or to register for the next program beginning with a Weekend on September 27-29, 2013 email: Call 831-479-1260

SUNDAY, AUGUST 18, 2013 8:00 AM Joe Giannini (Jerry & Georgina) Maria Melo (Leocadia Azevedo) 9:45 AM Souls in Purgatory (Portuguese Families) Joe Carvalho (Wife) Noelia Bettencourt (Miguel Bettencourt) 11:00 AM Frank & Marija Uvodich Family (Lipanovich) Gina Segura Prado (David & Espe Family Segura) Caterina & Amelia Larice (Vico Larice) 12:30 PM Accin de Gracias a Mara Auxiliadora (Olivia) 7:00 PM Seoras Felipa y Juanita Gonzlez (Familia) Bendiciones para Emily Isabelle en su cumpleaos

MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 2013 7:00 AM Berta Montemayor (Salesians of Watsonville) 9:00 AM Olinda Sousa (Samanth & Courney Faustino) TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 2013 7:00 AM Guadalupe Gudio (Salesians of Watsonville) 9:00 AM Ann Scurich, be loved mother Gerrie Ridway, the helth of WENESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2013 7:00 AM Brother Anthony Freitas, SDB (Salesians) 9:00 AM Adrina Borges (Rosa Azevedo) THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2013 7:00 AM Juan Manuel Sandoval (Esposa e hijos) 9:00 AM Lou Switzer (Wife) Br. Abel Zanella, SDB (Rosa Azevedo) FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 2013 7:00 AM Bro. Anthony Freitas, SDB (Salesians) 9:00 AM Antonio Azevedo (Manuel Sousa) Madeline Serpa (Gary & Jeannie Ewers) SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 2013 8:00 AM Suby Stephen, Thanksgiving (Ann) 4:15 PM Isidra A. Espiritu (Espiritu children) Mary Brazil, health (Ida Bobeda) Carlo Fontana (Family) 7:00 PM Manuel Espinola (Family) SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 2013 8:00 AM Paul & Ida Franusich (Dan & Ann McGrath) 9:45 AM Miguel Avelar (Family) Maria Maciel (Rosa & Manuel Matos) Maria Noelia Bettencourt (ISTW Charity) 11:00 AM Joe Carvalho (Family) Adriana Borges (Manuel Sousa) 12:30 PM Santos Villaruel (Family) 7:00 PM For the health of Rafael Vazquez (Family)

First Communion & Confirmation Will be available at Sister Silvias Office. Next Monday, August 19, 2013

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION The wonderful diversity of life and worship among Roman Catholics of East and West is an example of God writing straight with crooked lines. The steady hand of the villainous Emperor Diocletian drew a line across Europe and Africa that split the empire in two, and for the most part determined how Christians would worship two thousand years later. Italys heel and the far northern city of Trieste fell on the Eastern side, and have had a form of Eastern liturgy ever since. Constantinople, which soon became the seat of the Roman Empire, became a base for Christianizing the East up to Russia and Poland. Poland was on the Eastern side, but a series of wars and medieval mayhem pushed the religious boundary back to the Ukraine, and Poland remains an outpost of the Latin Church to this day. An old rule of thumb declared that whatever religion was observed by the local prince, the people had to follow. This gave rise to persecution and migration as people sought toleration for their expressions of faith. In the United States, we are accustomed to peaceful collaboration among Christians of East and West, a situation that challenges churches that still feel the pinch of age-old division.
James Field, Copyright J. S. Paluch Co.

Let us all join the rest of the Watsonville Community in offering prayers for the health of Police Chief Manny Solano.
La Parroquia de Nuestra Seora de la Asuncin Los invita a su
Festival Anual

TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE El otro da le un artculo escrito por un pastor bautista sobre la necesidad de tener un altar en casa para educar a nuestros hijos en la fe y la oracin. Lo le con inters ya que el uso del altarcito tiene una larga historia en la Iglesia catlica. En casa de mis abuelos paternos, en Mxico, haba un bello altarcito en forma de pirmide que contena flores, velas y figuras de Jess, Mara y algunos santos. Adems de esto estaban tambin algunos instrumentos de oracin como el rosario, la Biblia y algn otro libro de oracin. Tambin en casa de mi abuela materna, en Texas, haba un rinconcito sagrado. Muchos latinos tenemos altarcitos familiares. Algunos son verdaderos altares como el de mi abuela, Mam Lilia. Otros son rincones especiales como el de Mam Mara, con alguna imagen y libro de oracin y fotografas de nuestros parientes. A fin de cuentas no importa ni su tamao ni su forma. Importa su existencia y sobre todo su uso para recordarnos de la presencia e importancia de Dios en nuestros hogares y familias.
Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright J. S. Paluch Co.

Hoy Domingo, 18 de agosto del 2013 Desde las 8:00 am hasta las 6:00 pm

Asiste, divirtete y coopera.

May They Rest in Peace!

Guadalupe Gudio Aurora Palacios Lorenzo Huizar Clara Kralj Isabel Chipres Baby Emily Frank Zavala Berta Montemayor Brother Anthony Freitas, SDB

Weekly Collection / Colecta Semanal

Thank you for your generosity! Muchas gracias por su generosidad!

August 10 & 11, 2013 Regular Collection: $4,400.50

The Committee for Fr. Als farewell dinner thanks the nearly 600 parishioners who attended this most impressive display of affection for Fr. Al. At the event, besides thanking the Committee, Fr. Al profusely thanked: the ladies of the altar * the ladies of the candle racks * the ladies of the flowers * the ladies of the church decorations * ladies of the altar linen * the adoration teams * the church cleaning teams * the bingo volunteers * the prayer groups * the Confirmation teachers * the first Communion teachers * the RCIA teachers * the marriage preparation teachers * pre-baptismal class instructor *the janitorial team * the proclaimers of the word of God * the Eucharistic ministers * the youth leaders * the collectors of the Sunday offerings * the Bible study groups * the Villagers rosary group * the altar servers * the various choirs * the Monday morning money counters * the YLI members * the Legion of Mary members * the Rosary makers * the ADMA members * the pro-life group * the knights of Columbus * the St. Francis High School teachers and staff * the Salesian Sisters * the Despensa Don Bosco * the neighboring clergy * the people at Mehls * the people at Ave Maria * the people at the chancery office * the Bishop * my fellow Salesians * the memory of Brother Abel Zanella * my collaborators in the parish office * last but not least: the ten special families who have in adoption a family in Sierra Leone.


Fr. Als

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