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Overview PERSONAL POWER TRAINING is a fast-paced training program designed to quickly release and eliminate the negative belief systems that limit your personal growth. I teach you to cultivate the energy you need to reach your new goals. I help you stay sharply in focus while working towards achieving the personal and professional horizons you set. These techniques are a concentrated yet concise form of methods found at the core of many of the world's most potent mental disciplines. I will present them in a new form to meet the needs of professionals who want to change NOW. PERSONAL POWER TRAINING will, in an incredibly short time, teach you how to release and eliminate negative habits, attitudes, and beliefs that place lifelong limitations on your personal, professional, and financial growth. Once your limitations have been examined and clarified, a two-stage process begins. The achievement of any goal demands an abundance of energy: 1. Mental energy for concise clear thought, and 2. Physical energy for stamina. Therefore the second stage of PERSONAL POWER TRAINING is Energy Cultivation. You will learn to generate internal physical energy on command. The final thrust of PERSONAL POWER TRAINING is "Focus." You will learn how to focus energy on any goal in a forceful new way. Survival habits: eating, sleeping, sexual drive, etc., are the strongest instincts we possess. This Personal Power Focusing technique brings to "nonsurvival" characteristics (self-esteem, self-confidence, concentration and discipline) the same level of intensity as your strongest survival instinct. PERSONAL POWER TRAINING not only inspects your illusions and belief systems, but replaces them with more applicable concepts that work, and brings immediate and long lasting results. An Introductory Lecture (This lecture was given in February, 1988) There are 2 parts to PERSONAL POWER TRAINING: Part one is the technique called "Chi Kung" -- translated from Chinese, it means "Energy Work" and the second part is called "Harnessing Your Vehicle." The system I teach is my own creation. When I was taught, I had to go through the whole system to get the material I now teach first, in the beginning. I have put together a technical system in a simple way, so people with no previous experience or background can easily learn the practice. Until this approach, learning and practicing were both difficult. Now learning is easy and practicing is simple. I have put the system together in a format. I teach you to suck in energy and then you start moving this energy around inside your body. Then you connect it with your wants and needs, affirmations & visualizations. You then learn to propel or project this personal mixture out and into the Universe. This action I have named "Impregnating the Universe." The results each of my clients receive are very personal and specific. No two clients gain exactly the same things. In advance, you will learn the physical part because it is all rooted in the physical body. In other seminars, it is mostly or entirely in the mind, but not in my work. PERSONAL POWER TRAINING gives you enough immediate internal fuel to complete what you want. The type of clients I accept are independent business people, commodity traders, psychotherapists, Chiropractors, attorneys, medical doctors. I pick my clients very carefully. That's why I get such amazing results with nearly all my clients, because I pick them right. The kind of people that are referred to me are almost hand picked. They are successful already and need some additional inspiration. If I had to give a one sentence definition of what I do, I would say:

"I INSPIRE PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT INSPIRED." I take the good things and magnify them and give my clients/students new tools for realizing, minimizing, controlling, and eliminating bad traits and habits. The first step is to recognize a bad trait or habit that doesn't work for you. When I work with a new client, I spend a lot of time talking back and forth. In the beginning, many problems are very abstract or may even seem totally invisible. People that are dissatisfied with the way things are and want to change things for the better, come to me. Many of my clients don't know what they are coming to me for. Sometimes they have done everything they can think of; some have been in therapy, using "a passive relationship" with their therapist. Nobody has said: "Wham -- look at this!" I am about 95% correct and do just that. This work is not for wimpy people. This is not therapy or instead of therapy. It's more like "Success Counseling." The reason I like working with commodity traders is that I can give them a tool and within a day they can use it many times. It takes people other than traders a much longer time to use their new tools. Traders use time differently. How much time does it take you to make a decision? Commodity traders think in terms of minutes or even seconds to make a decision. I asked one, "what is the longest amount of time you have to make a decision?" He said, "45 seconds." When was the last time you had to make a decision in 10 seconds? The reason I choose traders is because I can give them a tool, and they can make it work. Because of my work with traders, I am able to harness the same relationship with time for "normal people."

An Introductory Lecture (This lecture was given in February, 1988) There are 2 parts to PERSONAL POWER TRAINING: Part one is the technique called "Chi Kung" -- translated from Chinese, it means "Energy Work" and the second part is called "Harnessing Your Vehicle." The system I teach is my own creation. When I was taught, I had to go through the whole system to get the material I now teach first, in the beginning. I have put together a technical system in a simple way, so people with no previous experience or background can easily learn the practice. Until this approach, learning and practicing were both difficult. Now learning is easy and practicing is simple. I have put the system together in a format. I teach you to suck in energy and then you start moving this energy around inside your body. Then you connect it with your wants and needs, affirmations & visualizations. You then learn to propel or project this personal mixture out and into the Universe. This action I have named "Impregnating the Universe." The results each of my clients receive are very personal and specific. No two clients gain exactly the same things. In advance, you will learn the physical part because it is all rooted in the physical body. In other seminars, it is mostly or entirely in the mind, but not in my work. PERSONAL POWER TRAINING gives you enough immediate internal fuel to complete what you want. The type of clients I accept are independent business people, commodity traders, psychotherapists, Chiropractors, attorneys, medical doctors. I pick my clients very carefully. That's why I get such amazing results with nearly all my clients, because I pick them right. The kind of people that are referred to me are almost hand picked. They are successful already and need some additional inspiration. If I had to give a one sentence definition of what I do, I would say: "I INSPIRE PEOPLE WHO ARE NOT INSPIRED."

I take the good things and magnify them and give my clients/students new tools for realizing, minimizing, controlling, and eliminating bad traits and habits. The first step is to recognize a bad trait or habit that doesn't work for you. When I work with a new client, I spend a lot of time talking back and forth. In the beginning, many problems are very abstract or may even seem totally invisible. People that are dissatisfied with the way things are and want to change things for the better, come to me. Many of my clients don't know what they are coming to me for. Sometimes they have done everything they can think of; some have been in therapy, using "a passive relationship" with their therapist. Nobody has said: "Wham -- look at this!" I am about 95% correct and do just that. This work is not for wimpy people. This is not therapy or instead of therapy. It's more like "Success Counseling." The reason I like working with commodity traders is that I can give them a tool and within a day they can use it many times. It takes people other than traders a much longer time to use their new tools. Traders use time differently. How much time does it take you to make a decision? Commodity traders think in terms of minutes or even seconds to make a decision. I asked one, "what is the longest amount of time you have to make a decision?" He said, "45 seconds." When was the last time you had to make a decision in 10 seconds? The reason I choose traders is because I can give them a tool, and they can make it work. Because of my work with traders, I am able to harness the same relationship with time for "normal people." My clients work with me on issues of self confidence, self-esteem and internal discipline. Self- discipline is different. Internal discipline is thinking on your feet or being the same all the time, developing consistency. It is different and much more specific as to emotional balance and control. Without self-control where would we be? Or better yet, where are we? So how do you link meditation to self-control? I usually don't use the word "meditation." "Meditation" has many preconceived ideas attached to it (i.e., giving up, dispersing, leaving your body, or even praying). I use an unconventional meaning for this word. Just look at my logo; does it look as if it represents giving up anything or dispersing anything? The energy center we use is Tan Tien (three inches below the navel and two inches in), because that is where our power comes from and it is also our physical "center of gravity." Some people have negative ideas and associations with the word "power." When you practice "Chi Kung" the way I teach it, you suck energy in and accumulate it. All your life you have put energy out, and now, by using my technique, you can suck energy back in. There is energy all around you and you can learn how to become an energy magnet. My technique teaches you how to attract, cultivate, accumulate, circulate and project your energy. How long does it take you to practice this? I have created what I call "The Daily Practice Routine." It ordinarily takes 30It ordinarily takes 30-45 minutes to run through. Many of my clients don't do the practice the way I teach it -- they do 10-15 minutes, take a break and do more. They practice everywhere they go. I have a Chiropractor friend/student (Dr. Gary Whitely), who practices all day and uses "Chi Kung" combined with his Chiropractic technique. It has made him a better, more proficient doctor. You can do it any way you want, any way that works for you. I am the survivor of my generation and have practiced at least 25,000 hours. You won't find anyone the same as me.

In 1983 I decided to re-organize the material, so "normal people" could practice the technique, understand it and use it in their lives. So when you practice "Chi Kung," about 70% is done in a sitting position -- on a chair, couch, cushion, etc., and the other 30% is done standing. Much of the sitting is done "sitting still." When you practice, it is "physical practice" but the work is taking place "inside the body," physically. This is not exclusively Martial Art -- anyone can practice "Chi Kung" regardless of age and physical condition. You can use this as a curative or a preventative measure. Working with the energy is an exciting and direct way of improving your physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual state of being. My weekend workshops take place once a month. Many people travel long distances to study with me privately utilizing my "Special 2 Day Private Format." On day one, we go through lessons l, 2, 3, and 4. The first 3 or 4 hours of the work are spent talking. I ask 3 things The first 3 or 4 hours of the work are spent talking. I ask 3 things: 1. Who are you? 2. What do you do 3. What do you want from today? When I hear people responding to those 3 questions, that is where I do what I do best. What happens is my clients find out why they are doing something they do and in PERSONAL POWER TRAINING they stop doing something that has been bothering them for years. You learn the technical practice, first you go through lesson 1, 2, 3, and 4 -- these lessons are very technical and specific. Cassette tapes review each lesson to make learning easier and less stressful. Remember, learning should be easy and practicing should be simple. On lesson 5

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