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List of Publications

A. Research Publications
International Publications:
1. M. Mohanty, N K Dhal, P. Patra, B. Das and P.S.R Reddy (2010). Phytoremediation: A Novel
Approach for Utilization of Iron-Ore Wastes. Reviews of Environmental contamination and Toxicology,
206;29-47. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-6260-7_2 ISSN: 1795953.
Springer, USA, H Index: 35, Impact Factor: 3.321. Citation Index: 6
2. M. Mohanty and H.K. Patra (2011). Attenuation of Chromium Toxicity by Bioremediation Technology.
Rev. Environ. Contam Toxicol, Springer 210:1-34. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-7615-4_1. ISSN:1795953
Springer, USA, H Index: 35, Impact Factor: 3.321. Citation Index: 8
3. M. Mohanty, M. M. Pattanaik, A.K. Misra and H. K. Patra (2011). Chromium Bioaccumulation in Rice
grown in Contaminated Soil and Irrigated Mine Waste Water - A Case Study At South Kaliapani
Chromite Mine Area, Orissa, India. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 13(5):397-409. DOI:
10.1080/15226511003753979. ISSN: 1522-6514, E-ISSN 1549-7879
Taylor and Francis, United States, , H Index: 24, Impact Factor: 2.106. Citation Index: 4
4. M. Mohanty and H.K. Patra (2012). Phytoremediation Potential of Paragrass – An in situ Approach for
Chromium Contaminated Soil. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 14(8):796-805. DOI:
10.1080/15226514.2011.619595. ISSN:1522-6514, E-ISSN: 1549-7879
Taylor and Francis, United States, H Index: 24, Impact Factor: 2.106.
5. M. Mohanty, M.M. Pattanaik, A.K. Misra and H. K. Patra (2012). Bioconcentration of Chromium – An
in situ Phytoremediation Study at South Kaliapani Chromite Mining Area of Orissa, India.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 184(2):1015-1024. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-011-2017-7. ISSN: 0167-
6369, E-ISSN: 1573-2959
Springer, Netherland, , H Index: 39, Impact Factor: 1.436. Citation Index: 3
6. M. Mohanty and H.K. Patra (2011). Effect of Cr+6 and Chelating Agents on Growth, Pigment Status,
Proline Content and. Chromium Bioavailability in Rice Seedlings. International Journal of Biotechnology
Applications. 3(3): 91-96. ISSN: 0975–2943 & E-ISSN: 0975–91 23.
Bioinfo Publications, UK, Citation Index: 3
7. M. Mohanty and H.K. Patra (2011) Attenuation of Chromium toxicity in mine waste water using water
hyacinth. Journal of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry. 7(4):335-346. ISSN 1997-0838.
Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, Russia. Citation Index: 2
8. M. Mohanty and H.K. Patra (2012). Effect of Chelate assisted Hexavalent Chromium on Physiological
changes, Biochemical alterations and Cr Bioavailability in Crop Plants - An in vitro Phytoremediation
Approach. Bioremediation Journal. 16(3):147–155. DOI: 10.1080/10889868.2012.687414 Print ISSN: 1088-
9868; E ISSN: 1547-6529.
Taylor and Francis, United States, H Index: 21, Impact Factor: 0.784 Citation Index: 1
9. N. Pattnaik, M. Mohanty and H.K. Patra (2012) Effect of chelating agents and metal ions onnickel
bioavailability and chlorophyll fluorescence response in wheat- An approach for attenuation of Ni
stress. Journal of Stress Physiology and Biochemistry. 8(3):99-112. ISSN 1997-0838.
Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, Russia.
10. S. Mishra, M. Mohanty, C. Pradhan, H. K. Patra, R. Das and S. L. Sahoo (2013) Physicochemical
assessment of paper mill effluent and its heavy metal remediation using aquatic macrophytes –
a case study at JK paper mill, Rayagada, India. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. ISSN: 0167-
6369, E-ISSN: 1573-2959, Springer, Netherland, H Index: 39, Impact Factor: 1.436. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-
012-2873-9. 185(5): 4347-4359.
11. Chinmay Pradhan, Monalisa Mohanty and Abhijeeta Rout (2013). Phytochemical screening and
comparative bioefficacy assessment of Artocarpus altilis leaf extracts for antimicrobial activity.
Frontiers in Life Science. DOI:10.1080/21553769.2013.765811. ISSN: 2155-3769 (Print), 2155-3777
(Online). Taylor and Francis, United Kingdom, Impact Factor: 2.317. 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.689 (published
online 21st March 2013)
12. Chinmay Pradhan, Monalisa Mohanty and Abhijeeta Rout (2013). Assessment of the Antibacterial
Potential of Breadfruit Leaf extracts against Pathogenic Bacteria. International Journal of Pharmacy.
Pharma Scholars, Unites States of America. 3(2): 374-379
13. M. Mohanty and H.K. Patra (2013). Effect of ionic and chelate assisted hexavalent chromium on mung
bean seedlings (Vigna radiata L. wilczek. var k-851) during seedling growth. Journal of Stress Physiology
and Biochemistry. 9(2): 232-241. ISSN 1997-0838.
14. H.K. Patra and M. Mohanty (2013). Phytomining: An Innovative Post Phytoremediation
Management Technology: The Ecoscan. Special issue, Vol. III:15 – 20. ISSN: 0974 – 0376.
15. Chinmay Pradhan, Monalisa Mohanty, Abhijeeta Rout, Anath Bandhu Das, Kunja Bihari Satapathy
and Hemanta Kumar Patra (2013). Phytoconstituent screening and comparative assessment of
antimicrobial potentiality of Artocarpus altilis fruit extracts. International Journal of Pharmacy and
Pharmaceutical Sciences. 5(3): 840-843. ISSN- 0975-1491, Academic Sciences, India, Impact-
1.1 (SCImago, SJR 2011). ICV (2011)- 5.00.
National Publications:
16. A.K. Jena, M. Mohanty and H.K. Patra. (2004). Phyto-remediation of environmental chromium –A
Review. e-Planet 2(2):100-103. ISSN: 0974-4398/2008. (NAAS Score:3.0; H-Index: 7)
17. M. Mohanty, A.K. Jena and H.K. Patra. (2005). Effect of chelated Chromium compounds on
chlorophyll content and activities of catalase and peroxidase in wheat seedlings. Indian Journal of
Agricultural Biochemistry. 18 (1), pp: 25-29 ISSN: 0970-6399. (NAAS Score:4.2; H-Index: 3). Citation
Index: 9
18. M.M. Pattnaik, M. Mohanty, H.K. Patra and A.K. Misra. (2005). Study on vegetational pattern and
environmental quality of Sukinda chromite mines area. Plant Science Research, 27(1&2):24-32. ISSN:
19. M. Mohanty, M.M. Pattnaik, A.K. Misra and H.K. Patra. (2005). Assessment of soil and water quality
of chromite mine area of south Kaliapani, (Sukinda, Orissa). Int. J. on Env. Sc. (ISSN: 0976 – 4534)
formerly Bull. Env. Sci. Vol. XXIII (IInd Issue) pp.109-113.ISSN: 0971-1732
20. M.M. Pattnaik, M. Mohanty, H.K. Patra and A.K. Misra. (2005). Study on microbial activity and
chemical properties of Sukinda chromite mine area for an assessment of environmental quality. Int. J.
on Biol. Sc. (ISSN: 0976 – 4518) formerly Bulletin of Biological Science. Vol. III (IInd Issue). pp. 85-89.ISSN:
0973 - 8126
21. H.K. Patra, Arun Ku. Jena, Swagatica Lenka and Monalisa Mohanty (2005). Effect of ionic and
chelated chromium complexes on mung bean seedlings during early phases of plant growth. Plant Sci
Res. 27(1&2):66-70. ISSN: 0972-8564.
22. M. Mohanty, A.K. Jena and H.K. Patra. (2008). Application of chromium and chelating agents on
growth and chromium bioaccumulation in Wheat (Triticum aestivum) seedlings. J Adv plant Sc.
4(1&2):21-26. ISSN : 0971-9350.
23. M. Mohanty, M.M. Pattanaik, A.K. Misra and H. K. Patra (2009). Chromium detoxification from mine
waste water by rice – A case study at South Kaliapani chromite mine area, Sukinda, Orissa. e-Planet
7(1): 26-31. ISSN: 0974-4398/2008. (NAAS Score:3.0; H-Index: 7) Citation Index: 2
24. M. Mohanty, N.K. Dhal, P. Patra, B. Das and P.S.R. Reddy (2012) Phytostabilisation Potential of
Lemon grass (Cymbopogon flexuosus. (Nees ex Steud.) Wats.) on Iron Ore Tailings. J Env. Sci.
Engineering. 54(1): 147-152. ISSN 0367-827 X. (H Index: 15)
25. Chinmay Pradhan, Monalisa Mohanty and Jayshree Rath (2013). Quorum sensing. Biohelica

Research Publications in Proceedings of National /

International Seminars / Conferences

1. M. Mohanty and H.K. Patra (2008). Environmental chromium and Stress Metabolism in Plants. In:
Abiotic Stress on Plants (Patra H.K., Eds.). Proc. Natl. Sem UGC-DRS (SAP-I). Utkal University, India.
pp. 55-68.
2. M. Mohanty and H.K. Patra (2009). Attenuation of Chromium Toxicity in Rice by Chelating Agents.
In: Attenuation of stress impacts on plants (Patra H.K., Eds.). Proc. Natl. Sem UGC-DRS (SAP-II). Utkal
University, India. pp. 53-61.
3. M. Mohanty, M.M. Pattanaik, A.K. Misra and H. K. Patra (2009). Attenuation of Cr (VI) from chromite
mine waste water by phytoremediation technology. In: Attenuation of stress impacts on plants (Patra
H.K., Eds.). Proc. Natl. Sem. UGC-DRS (SAP-II). Utkal University, India. pp. 19-28. Citation Index: 2
4. M. Mohanty and H.K. Patra (2009). Phytoremediation technology and post harvest management In:
Recent trends in Management of Industrial waste (P.K. Mohapatra and M. Kar Eds.). Proc. Natl. Sem
M. Sc. Env. Sc. Utkal University, India. pp. 5-16.
5. M. Mohanty, N.K. Dhal, P. Patra, B. Das and P.S.R. Reddy (2009). Growth and metal bioaccumulation
in lemon grass (Cymbopogon flexuosus. (Nees ex Steud.) Wats.) – a case study for phytostabilisation and
revegetation of iron ore tailings. Proc. International conference on Mineral Processing Technology at
Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology (IMMT), Bhubaneswar, Orissa from 28-30 October,
6. M. Mohanty and H.K. Patra (2009). Bioremediation Technology: Its practical Implication for
Sustainable Development. In: Proc. National Seminar on “Recent trends in monitoring and
Bioremediation of Mine and Industrial Environment, Deptt. of Botany, North Orissa University from
10-11 January, 2009. pp.15-26.
7. M. Mohanty and H.K. Patra (2010). Chelate assisted phytoextraction of chromium – an in vitro study in
rice. In: Environmental stress impacts on plants (Patra H.K., Eds.). Proc. Natl. Sem UGC-DRS (SAP-II).
Utkal University, India. pp. 85-95.
8. A.K. Misra, M. Mohanty, M.M. Pattnaik and H.K. Patra (2010). Mitigation of Chromium Toxicity from
Soil and Chromite Mine Effluent Water by Microbial Remediation: A Study at Sukinda, Orissa. In:
Environmental stress impacts on plants (Patra H.K., Eds.). Proc. Natl. Sem UGC-DRS (SAP-II). Utkal
University, India. pp. 69-78.
9. Mohanty M. and Patra H.K. (2011). Phytoremediation potential of Brachiaria mutica (Forssk) Stapf – An
in situ approach for combating chromium stress. In: Patra H.K., (Ed.). Biotechnology and Stress
management, Proc. Natl. Sem UGC-DRS (SAP-II). Utkal University, India. pp. 23-34.
10. Mohanty M. and Patra H.K. (2012). Hexavalent chromium induced stress impacts on germination and
seedling growth in Sesban. In: Patra H.K., (Ed.). Plants and Stress Management, Proc. Natl. Sem UGC-
DRS (SAP-II). Utkal University, India. pp. 77-87.

B. I. Books /Book Chapters

1. H.K. Patra and M. Mohanty (2011). Phytoremediation and in situ approach for combating chromium
stress. In: Climate Change- Perspectives and Projections: A System Approach, K. Janardhan Reddy,
Sashidhar Rao Beedu and R. Pavanaguru (Eds) pp.297-313. Mac Millan Publishers India Ltd. ISBN: 13:
2. Chinmay Pradhan and Monalisa Mohanty (2013) Submergence stress tolerance in crop plants. In:
Molecular Stress Physiology of Plants, Rout, Gyana Ranjan; Das, Anath Bandhu (Eds.). 430 pp. ISBN
978-81-322-0806-8. DOI 10.1007/978-81-322-0807-5_14. pp. 331-357
II. Popular Science Articles
1. M. Mohanty and H.K. Patra. (2007). Water hyacinth- A tool for Green remediation. Sabujima. 15:41-43.
ISSN: 0972-8562.
2. M. Mohanty and H.K. Patra. (2009). Phytoremediation: a waste to well approach. Science. 1:19-23.
3. M. Mohanty and H.K. Patra (2010). Fly ash for Environmental Management. Sabujima 18:24-26. ISSN:
Abstracts of Research Papers Published for Presentation in
International & National Seminars / Conferences
1. Misra, A.K., Pattnaik, M.M., Mohanty, M. and Patra, H.K. Assessment of Environmental quality status of Sukinda
chromite mines area. In: Proc. Natl. Conf. on Recent trends in Env.Science. XVIIIth Annual Conf. of Nat. Env. Sc.
Acad. New Delhi, pp.96 held at Hyderabad, Oct.25-27, 2005.
2. Mohanty, M.., Pattnaik, M.M., Misra, A.K and Patra, H.K. Assessment of soil and water quality of Sukinda
chromite mine area of South Kaliapani (Sukinda, Orissa). In: Proc. Natl. Conf. XVIIIth Annual Conf. of Nat. Env.
Sc. Acad. New Delhi, pp.98 held at Hyderabad, Oct. 25-27,2005.
3. Pattnaik, M.M., Mohanty, M., Patra, H.K and. Misra, A.K. Study of microbial activity and chemical properties of
Sukinda chromite mine area for an assessment of environmental quality. In: Proc. Natl. Conf. XVIIIth Annual
Conf. of Nat. Env. Sc. Acad. New Delhi, ,pp.101 held at Hyderabad,Oct.25-27,2005.
4. Patra, H.K., Mohanty, M., Pattnaik, M.M. and Misra A.K.. Attenuation of Cr+6 by phytoremediation technology at
south Kaliapani chromites mining area, Orissa. In: Proc. Natl. Conf. XIXth Annual Conf. of Nat. Env. Sc. Acad.
New Delhi, held at Chandigarh, Sept.16-18, 2006, pp.48.
5. Mohanty, M., Pattnaik, M.M., Patra, H.K. and Misra, A.K. Estimation of total Cr and Fe content of dominant plant
species growing in Sukinda chromite mining area for identification of phytoaccumulators. In: Proc. Natl. Conf.
XIXth Annual Conf. of Nat. Env. Sc. Acad. New Delhi, held at Chandigarh,Sept.16-18,2006, pp.49.
6. Pattnaik, M.M., Mohanty, M., Patra, H.K. and Misra A.K. Analysis of soil microbial activity. Nutrient status and
heavy metal content of Sukinda-chromite mines area. In: Proc. Natl. Conf. XIXth Annual Conf. of Nat. Env. Sc.
Acad. New Delhi, held at Chandigarh,Sept.16-18,2006,pp.85
7. Patra, H.K. Mohanty, M., Pattanaik, M.M. and Misra A.K. Cr(VI) contamination in mine waste water and its
attenuation by phytoremediation technology-a study in South Kaliapani mine, Orissa. In: Proc. International
workshop on Environmental Toxicology and Waste management, pp.33, Organized by NESA, New Delhi, during
December 02 to 04, 2006.
8. Mohanty, M., Pattnaik, M.M., Misra, A.K. and Patra, H.K. Phytoremediation of environmental chromium from
soil and mine waste water in south Kaliapani chromite mine area, Orissa. In: Proc. International workshop on
Environmental Toxicology and Waste management, pp.34, Organized by NESA, New Delhi, during December 02
to 04, 2006.
9. Mohanty, M., Pattanaik, M.M., Misra, A.K. and Patra, H.K. Attenuation of Cr(VI) contamination in mine waste
water by phytoremediation technology- a study in South Kaliapani chromite mine area-Orissa. In: Abst. Vol.
Plant Science Res. Feb.25-26., pp.35, 2007.
10. Mohanty, M. and Patra, H.K. Environmental chromium and stress metabolism in Plants. In: Proc. Abst. Vol.
UGC(DRS-SAP-II) sponsored National seminar on Abiotic stress on plants. March,30,2008, pp.9, 2008.
11. Patra, H. K., Mishra. A. K., Pattanaik, M.M. and Mohanty, M. Attenuation of hexavalent chromium toxicity
problem in Sukinda chromite mine area of Orissa through application of bioremediation techniques. In: Proc.
Abst. Vol. UGC (DRS-SAP-II) sponsored National seminar on ‘Abiotic stress on plants’. March, 30, 2008, pp.23.
12. Patra, H.K., Mohanty, M., Pattanaik, M.M. and Mishra. A. K. Attenuation of Cr(VI) from chromite mine waste
water by phytoremediation technology. In: Proc. Abst. Vol. UGC(DRS-SAP-II) sponsored National seminar on
Abiotic stress on plants. March,30,2008, pp.17, 2008.
13. Mishra, A.K., Pattnaik, M.M., Mohanty, M. and Patra, H.K. Attenuation of hexavalent chromium from chromite
mine effluent water through integrated application of plants and microbes using bioremediation technique-A case
study in Sukinda chromite mine area, Orissa. In: Abst. Vol. Plant Sci. Res. Jan, 10-11, pp.17-18, 2009.
14. Mohanty, M. and Patra, H.K. Attenuation of chromium toxicity in rice by chelating agents. In: Proc. Abst. Vol.
UGC (DRS-SAP-II) sponsored National seminar on ‘Attenuation of stress impacts on plants’. March 31st, 2009,
pp.8, 2009.
15. Mohanty, M. and Patra, H.K. Bioconcentration of Chromium in Rice, Paragrass and Water hyacinth – An in situ
Phytoremediation Study at South Kaliapani Chromite Mining Area of Orissa”. Proc national conference on
“Present Scenario of Environmental Pollution and Its Effect on living organisms” organized by National
Environmentalists Association, 9th to 11th Dec2009. Sponsored by UGC, CSIR, Dept. of Earth Sciences and MoEF
16. M. Mohanty and H.K. Patra. Chelate assisted phytoextraction of chromium – an in vitro study in rice. In:
Environmental stress impacts on plants (Patra H.K., Eds.). Proc. Natl. Sem UGC-DRS (SAP-II). Utkal University,
India. 12th March 2010, pp. 27.
17. A.K. Misra, M. Mohanty, M.M. Pattanaik, and H. K. Patra. Attenuation of Cr (VI) from chromite mine waste
water by phytoremediation technology. In: Environmental stress impacts on plants. Proc. Natl. Sem. UGC-DRS
(SAP-II). Utkal University, India. 12th March 2010, pp. 23.
18. Patra, H.K. and M. Mohanty. Phytoremediation- an in situ approach for combating Chromium stress”. In:
Souvenir & Abstracts of International conference on “Climate change perspectives and projections - A systems
approach” organized by Osmania University, Hyderabad. 9th to 11th Dec 2010. pp.12.
19. M. Mohanty, H.K. Patra, M.M. Pattnaik and A.K. Misra (2010). Water hyacinth – a tool for aquatic
phytoremediation of Cr+6 from mine waste water”. In: Souvenir & Abstracts of International conference on
“Climate change perspectives and projections - A systems approach” organized by Osmania University,
Hyderabad pp.127.
20. Mohanty, M., Pattnaik, M.M., Misra, A.K. and Patra, H.K. Bioavailability of Cr and Fe in native herbs growing
near Cr contaminated mine waste water discharge site at South Kaliapani chromite mine area, Orissa. In: Abst.
Vol. Plant Science Res. 29th and 30th Dec 2010. pp.68, 2010. In: National seminar on Plant Resource Assessment and
Conservation under changing Environment.
21. Mohanty M. and Patra H.K. (2011). Phytoremediation potential of Brachiaria mutica (Forssk) Stapf – An in situ
approach for combating chromium stress. In: Patra H.K., (Ed.). Biotechnology and Stress management, Proc. Natl.
Sem UGC-DRS (SAP-II). Utkal University, India. pp. 23-34.
22. Mohanty M. and Patra H.K. (2011). Chromium bioavailability and its attenuation from mine waste water by
paragrasss and water hyacinth – an in situ phytoremediation study at South Kaliapani chromite mine area,
Odisha. In: Bioremediation and environmental management, Proc. -24th annual Conference of NESA, India. pp. 53.
23. Mohanty, M. and Patra, H.K. (2012). Hexavalent Chromium induced stress impacts on germination and seedling
growth in sesban. In: Plants and Stress Management. H.K. Patra Eds. Utkal University., India. PP. 77-87.
24. Mohanty, M. and Patra, H.K. (2012). Attenuation of hexavalent chromium from mine waste water by
phytoremediation technology- a case study at south kaliapani chromite mine area. In: Nano Science and
Technology for Mankind, 82nd Annual Conference of National Science Academy at BHU, Varanasi from 29th Nov
to 1st Dec, 2012. pp63 Abstract no. 119.
25. Presented a paper entitled “Phytochemical screening and Comparative Assessment of Leaf and Fruit extracts of
Artocarpus altilis for Antimicrobial Activity” by Chinmay Pradhan, Monalisa Mohanty, Abhijeeta Rout , K.B
Satapathy and R.C. Mohanty In: National Seminar on “Utilisation of microbes for sustainable development” at
Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology from 14-15th Dec 2012. pp.64
26. Presented a paper entitled “Phytotoxic effects in Sesbania sesban L. in response to hexavalent chromium stress”In:
37th Annual Conference of Orissa Botanical Society Department of Botany,Ravenshaw University,Cuttack 22-23
December, 2012

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