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McDonald's Corporation (NYSE: MCD) is the world's largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants, serving more than

58 million customers daily.[3] In addition to its signature restaurant chain, McDonalds Corporation held a minority interest in Pret A Manger until 2008, was a major investor in the Chipotle Mexican Grill until 2006,[4] and owned the restaurant chain Boston Market until 2007.[5] A McDonald's restaurant is operated by either a franchisee, an affiliate, or the corporation itself. The corporation's revenues come from the rent, royalties and fees paid by the franchisees, as well as sales in company-operated restaurants. McDonald's revenues grew 27% over the three years ending in 2007 to $22.8 billion, and 9% growth in operating income to $3.9 billion.[6] McDonald's primarily sells hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken products, french fries, breakfast items, soft drinks, shakes, and desserts. In response to obesity trends in Western nations and in the face of criticism over the healthiness of its products, the company has modified its menu to include alternatives considered healthier such as salads, wraps and fruit. [7]

20 Leadership According to the book Organizational Behavior by Stephen P. Robbins, 2001, 9th edition, there are numbers of leadership theories that can be use in an organization. In this report, the student will look into Situation Leadership Theory outlining how Task Behavior and Relationship Behavior can be used in different situations and Path-Goal theory outlining how it can be used to influence subordinates. This report adopts the theories that have been applied by McDonalds and its leader in situation today. 2.1Situation Leadership Theory (SLT) Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard developed a Situation Leadership Theory based on the idea that leaders need to alter their behaviors depending on one major situational factor the readiness of followers. SLT is a contingency theory that focuses on followers readiness (Stephen P. Robbins, 2001). It focuses on two behaviors; Task Behavior and Relationship Behavior. Task Behavior is the leaders tendency to spell out duties and responsibilities of the group (Davidson and Griffin, 2003). And Relationship Behavior is how much the leader uses two- way or multi-way communications, including

listening, facilitating and supportive behaviors (Davidson and Griffin, 2003). To determine which combination of behaviors is the most appropriate for a given situation a leader must assess the readiness of the follower. This is the followers willingness and ability to accomplish a task. The following diagram will outline how the four leadership styles; telling, selling, participating and delegating can be used in different situations (Appendix 1). In using the Situation Leadership Theory, leaders decide the task areas they want to influence, by assessing the individuals readiness level and then selecting the leadership style corresponding to that level. 2.2Situational Leadership Theory at McDonalds Although McDonalds as a company has provided the tools and materials for management in their training, Jim Skinner has realized that it has lacked knowledge that people and times

have changed. From being a trainee manager to becoming a restaurant manager, Task Behavior was a strong practice. Jim Skinner and McDonalds head management spelled out duties or responsibilities and also emphasized what the outcomes would be. Been able to voice an idea or provide an opportunity to clarify issues was not possible. The question of retention management was becoming a problem, as restaurant managers were becoming more educated on what else could be done to improve situations and be a participant leader. It was apparent that no effort was made to adjust their leadership style to accommodate for store managers readiness. Jim Skinner has stated that leaders in McDonalds have to share their vision. Specifics like operation decisions, having a say in store budgets, ideas of in-store promotions and local store marketing were important decisions to be made by restaurant managers. Restaurant managers knew the business better than department heads or consultants because the restaurant manager was more involved in the day to day operations of the business. Although some of the participating leadership styles were used by restaurant managers it was not always favored by department heads or consultants. Jim Skinner realized that minor delegating was practiced by the restaurant manager for in- store activities, but was still restricted on what could be delegated, such as implementing decisions to improve responsibilities. Jim Skinner strongly emphasized the need for restaurant managers to use more of participant leadership style was important for the companys move in the future. Leaders such as consultants need to realize that a task would be completed quicker and faster when a decision was made directly by a restaurant manager, rather than going through variety

of channels. Jim Skinner believes that creating that satisfaction of self involvement in the business leads to happier followers. The following table outlines a guide of the different leadership style that been used with different levels of management in McDonalds (Appendix 2). 2.3 Path-Goal Theory House and Mitchell describe the Path-Goal theory as being leader behavior that can influence motivation and job satisfaction of subordinates. Path-Goal Theory is the theory that a leaders behavior is acceptable to subordinates insofar as they view it as a source of either immediate or future satisfaction (Stephen P. Robbins, 2001). This theory argues that the perception of subordinates is affected by leaders behaviors, directive, supportive, participative and

achievement oriented. Such flexibility will give leaders the ability to consider the impact their behaviors would have on subordinate motivation, goal attainment and job satisfaction. 2.4Path-Goal Theory at McDonalds Having a goal set with an incentive attached always seemed to be the way to have someone complete tasks. However, in todays age this is not so. Jim Skinner realized that McDonalds is faced with the question of What else can we do to make our restaurant managers and the subordinates happy and work for the companys goal? Incentives were great but not as attractive any more, compared to what duties needed to be completed. For a long time Jim Skinner has been adopting McDonalds restaurant managers to be given directive leadership which seemed to be quite a successful style. The reward and the performance of a duty were linked to ensure that a restaurant manager had a reason to complete the task. Expectancy to increase performance improved and so did the reward expectancy. Granted, there has been a change in peoples lifestyle and the thought of working twice as hard is not anymore as it was ten years ago. Incentives need to be favored to individual needs and realistic to achieve, with a work load that does not affect the individuals lifestyle. But, a leaders directive behavior sometimes is not attractive to subordinates. In todays time, Jim Skinner believes that participative and achievement oriented leader behaviors are what will motivate and job satisfy todays restaurant managers in McDonalds. Both the behaviors require the involvement of both sides of management the leaders and subordinates. Being able to involve both parties and encourage suggestions and consider ideas during decision making in the participative behavior, increases the efforts of a restaurant managers performance, making rewards seem much easier to achieve. Jim Skinner

believes that an achievement-oriented leader is a great example of what leaders in McDonalds have lacked for a long time. Leader that is able to have high level of confidence towards the subordinates. As of today, we can see through the leadership of Jim Skinner, we have seen leaders allowing restaurant managers make decisions at a store level. Decisions like, what goals would be the most important to the store, what budgets should be for the next year and who should be promoted. Implementing this style of leadership will increase the performance job satisfaction of the restaurant manager and resulting in a reduction in management turnover and long-term employees. Jim Skinners decision to adopt a path-goal theory of leadership at McDonalds has clarified the path so subordinates know which way to go. In clarifying the path, it has helped to remove roadblocks for the subordinates. In removing these roadblocks, Skinner have scour the path and help his subordinates move the bigger blocks. McDonalds is comprised of more than 30,000 local restaurants and serves 52 million people in more than 100 countries each day[1]. The company is the largest food retailer in the world and is part of the American way of life. In order to remain competitive and an iconic American institution, McDonalds has developed programs and strategies for motivating employees and teaching leadership. As a result, our group believes that McDonalds presented an excellent opportunity to observe organizational behavior in action.

In this observational study, we sought to discover what leadership techniques and group skills were actually practiced by McDonalds employees. Our field study entailed visiting four different McDonalds stores in the greater Rochester area during distinct shifts ranging from early morning to late night. During each visit, a group member made a purchase and sat at a table where one could observe the behavior of managers and employees and customer interactions, without interfering with normal operations. Due to the fact we were restricted to a small sample of McDonalds restaurants, we could not capture the complete spirit of the corporation. However, we were able to relate our findings to leadership and organizational behavior theories and some of McDonalds corporate values. Through a series of observations and corporate research we discovered that McDonalds employees demonstrate quality leadership and that the organization as a whole puts significant effort into motivating and working for its employees.

Corporate & Work Culture When analyzing an organizations leadership and teamwork skills, it is useful to first analyze the organizations work culture and how this culture is maintained. The work culture of McDonalds seems highly dependent upon the particular line manager in charge at any given point in time. One would imagine that the manager would almost always use position power and would use a telling style of leadership since the typical employee is young or inexperienced. Indeed, some managers were observed as running the operations in a machine like manner, especially during peak business periods. However, in the majority of cases the managers were relatively relaxed and sometimes were indistinguishable from the other employees. One manager in particular used a selling approach, which indicates a higher readiness level of her team (Daft, 2008, p. 73). She did not simply give orders, but accepted feedback and alternatives to her decisions. While it was obvious she was the manager, her team was obviously in the later stages of development and was comfortable outside of their predefined roles.

In general, the managers did not try to put any strong vertical barriers between themselves and their employees. Managers usually seemed to display real concern and interest in the emotions and well being of their employees, which was not expected in this environment. For example, one manager was observed asking an employee cleaning the floors about her weekend and her kids. There seems to be legitimate efforts in order to motivate employees even at the line worker level. Herzbergs two-factor theory explains that good working conditions only go so far, and that employees require higher level fulfillment such as motivation and recognition in order to be satisfied with their position (Daft, 2008, p. 231). Even in a low- skill position, low turnover is desired. In addition, happy employees lead to happy customers.

McDonalds corporate management believes in training and leadership at all levels through Hamburger University. On Hamburger Universitys website[2], they quote McDonalds founder Ray Krocs training focused ideology: If we are going to go anywhere, weve got to have talent. And, Im going to put my money in talent. This ideology demonstrates that McDonalds does not believe its restaurants crew members are just gears in a machine that can be easily replaced. Because training is not just offered to executives or managers,

McDonalds is able to spread and reinforce its culture and values in all directions, not just downward. McDonalds corporate values also have people as one of its pillars (McDonald's Corporation, 2008). Corporate policy says that employees should be paid at or above the local market rate, and should also value both their pay and their benefits. By addressing employees higher needs by providing training they make employees feel important and valuable. Training also serves to reinforce the culture at all levels through education and fostering a positive image of the employees importance to the company.

McDonalds Motivating Factors Of the McDonalds restaurants we observed, the culture was generally inviting for new employees. In addition, other factors make McDonalds an ideal employer for many individuals. A primary motivation for working in a McDonalds restaurant is that it presents a laid back environment and the job itself is not very stressful. Even during the observed lunch and dinner rushes, the employees never appeared particularly stressed or anxious. When there was a lull in the restaurant the employees would clean their stations, chat with other employees, or get a drink from the soda fountain. They were very relaxed and for the most part did not seem to fear their managers or other bosses. As Daft explains, fear can weaken trust and communication, and is usually impedes employees rather than motivates them (Daft, 2008, p. 152). For a high school student who is busy with school work and other extracurricular activities, it may be ideal to work in a laid back environment like McDonalds. A students life may be highly stressful, and a low-skill, low-stress job offered by McDonalds may provide a break from an otherwise stressful life. Also, for the elderly employees, the low stress environment may also be desirable because they would not be overwhelmed with responsibilities that might be new to them.

Another possible motivator is the social opportunity presented by such a job. As noted above, employees tended to have a very casual environment where they could talk and socialize while they worked. For example, many of the employees who work during the evening shifts are high school students. These employees are often the same age and often share common cultural interests. They are also presented with the opportunity to meet new people and develop friendships that can continue to develop outside of work. They will also have a bond with these employees because they share a common experience, and are likely from a similar

background. Employment at McDonalds also offers social opportunities for those employees who are young but do not attend college and for the elderly. Many of these employees do not have the opportunity to participate in clubs or other organizations, and interact with people of their own age or anyone in general. It may even be possible to develop a romantic relationship with another employee, as McDonalds is not a work environment where this could be seen as a problem by management.

A third reason for working at McDonalds is the flexible schedule. McDonalds offers many different shift schedules so they accommodate everyone. This can help employees find a healthy work-life balance. Some individuals require fulltime work, which is available through the standard day shift, while part time workers can pick up their hours after school ends, on weekends or around other social obligations. Since the company requires in some levels a low skill job, another employee can easily take ones shift over, allowing the later to take on other obligations and not be completely tied to the workplace. Part time employees can rotate their hours according to who has requested to have a certain day off. This gives employees a sense of empowerment because they have same say in their schedule and are less likely to call in sick to avoid work, which would lower team morale and the respect between the managers and the employee (Daft, 2008, p. 242). Even though the average employee is unskilled or does not require skills, empowering an employee helps him feel important and makes him feel better about his job. In addition to the flexibility offered by a position at McDonalds, the convenient location might serve as another motivator. There is a McDonalds store in most every town, and it may be relatively close to an employee and the only available job which does not require a skill or advanced training. As a result, employees who do not have cars can walk to work or take public transportation. In light of the recent economic downturn and the high price of gas, having a job in your own neighborhood is a huge benefit, especially for a young person or a person trying to earn their first paycheck.

Finally, an additional motivator is the numerous growth opportunities available. McDonalds offers training to employees at various levels. In addition, if any employee stays at McDonalds for a long period he could advance into an assistant manager or manager position. While typically a McDonalds job is seen as temporary for young people, it may be the only job available for an impoverished person, recent immigrant, or someone with no

learned skill. Since there is a high rate of turnover, employees have the chance to advance within a few years of working at a restaurant. This opportunity could be very appealing for those who cannot attend college for some reason. If during his high school years an employee was a hard worker, he or she could easily move into a manager position and continue his career with the company or gain experience to move into another job without a formal education.

Through our observations we were unable to determine the exact theories of motivation mangers used, but it was clear that the theories were of a needs-based nature. In general, the average employee does not commit to McDonalds for a long term, and high turnover is expected. Thus, for the majority of the employees the goal is to satisfy their lower needs. Using Maslows hierarchy, the main goal is to provide the basic needs such as a safe environment where they can earn the money they needed to provide for their physiological needs (Daft, 2008, p. 228). However, there are typically no real fringe benefits (besides free food) associated with the job, and there is no contract or other guarantee of continued employment. In some cases though, there was observed belongingness through friendships and team unity. In addition, the two-factor theory of motivation seems to be employed (Daft, 2008, p. 231). McDonalds seeks to reduce dissatisfaction by having good hygiene factors adequate pay and organizational policies. In many cases, there does not appear to be a high focus on implementing motivators; employees did not seem unhappy, but there seem to be very few opportunities for recognition and growth except for those who plan to be long term employees.

The Best Employee In continuation to what was observed in the visited McDonalds stores, one cannot neglect to address the leadership style displayed by the line managers in these restaurants. Conforming to the informal and relaxed atmosphere emphasized by the managers calm attitude and the McDonalds 100% customer satisfaction goal; one could expect a middle-of-the-road type of management in which the leaders behave as compromisers (Northouse, 2007, p. 75), exhibiting both people and task oriented behavior. Indeed, during this field study the line managers seemed to be very expedient, approaching a station whenever there was a problem and giving directions to the subordinates. The managers appeared to be moderately concerned

with the people who did the tasks, yet they were focused on production and ultimately product quality. There were no noticeable conflicts between leaders and followers and an equilibrium state was achieved between them.

The line managers leadership behavior reflects a task-oriented style for the crew members. The commitment and positive attitude towards a given task are derived from the employees motivations and leader behavior. According to the Path-Goal Theory, for tasks which are characterized as repetitive, unchallenging, mundane and mechanical, the group members tend to be unsatisfied and in need of affiliation and human touch (Northouse, 2007, p. 134). Therefore, the most suitable leader behavior for this type of environment is the supportive leadership that provides nurturance and makes the work pleasant for subordinates.

McDonalds Corporate believes its success is attributed in part to the talented restaurant crew. Also, Corporate claims to be engaged in talent management: attracting, developing and retaining talented people from all levels[3]. The leader behavior observed in the McDonalds stores corresponds to the employment experience values promoted on their website. From the field study experience, one can surmise the McDonalds leader-follower relationship as the following:The task is simple. We provide all necessary tools for you to accomplish your job. Show commitment and perform your duties properly. I am here to help if necessary. I will not trouble you. For the McDonalds case, a comfortable and friendly environment reinforced by the line manager is paramount for the employees satisfaction.

Good customer service is one the most important aspects in the fast food industry. It is crucial for the employees in this sector to display courtesy, genuine concern and diligent service towards the clients. Unsurprisingly, this trend was commonly found in the visited McDonalds stores. Most of the cashiers there would greet the customer with a smile and a how are you today, sir, followed by a thank you once the transaction was done. Behind the scenes, the workers cooking fries and flipping burgers made sure their products were been delivered in a steady pace and in accordance to the companys quality standards. Finally, the line managers role was to make sure things were running smoothly, fill gaps whenever necessary, assist crew members and perform other managerial duties such as inventory control, managing budget and human resources.

As in any assembly line, the employees performance is heavily measured by his or her efficiency level. It amounts to how many items the worker delivered in a given period, following a certain quality standard. Of course, there are others important points to be considered in order to determine who the best employees are. Initiative could be a means of distinguishing the workers in this sort of environment. This could be exhibited by a cashier who cleans the counter if idle, a cook who starts cleaning the kitchen earlier, or even a manager who presents to the company a new product or service concept. Also, cooperation plays a big role, because McDonalds relies on groups and teams. Each employee relies on another line worker in the assembling process. In the end, any worker who demonstrates these qualities could have his/her picture hung on the wall as the employee of the month this is a classic example of how McDonalds stores motivate and reward their employees.

The best McDonalds manager/leader is the one that promotes a pleasant atmosphere for his/her subordinates to counter the limited jobs motivating factors. However, the manager should also focus on maximizing production and delivering a good service to the customers.

The ideal McDonalds leader must apply a coaching leadership style, showing both high directive and supportive behaviors. From what was observed in some stores, the managers of the restaurants seemed to be in control of every aspect of the entire food service process. At some instances when things went completely out of control; the same managers exhibited a coaching style of leadership, directing the subordinate on how to achieve a specific goal. Whenever they overheard or saw someone doing something wrong or partially correct, they would step in giving directions to their subordinates and would never disrespect them.

Team Work at McDonalds While not all employees can be superstars, McDonalds owes is success to its team functionality rather than the efforts of one individual. McDonalds does not have very highly integrated teamwork, but they would be unable to deliver their products and service without sufficient team unity and cooperation. The team on the floor of a McDonalds restaurant is best described as a functional team (Daft, 2008, p. 297). Team members have one area that they focus on during their shift. If they leave their post or are not productive, other line members will not be able to accomplish their jobs and the production line will suffer. For example, when a customer enters the restaurant places an order with the cashier, the later inputs the order into the computer and the information is displayed in the kitchen at the sandwich and grill stations. The grill worker prepares the meat and then places the burger on a bun. The sandwich maker then assembles the sandwich according to the type of sandwich and any additional requests the customer has. If the sandwich maker leaves his post, another worker has to cover for him or the entire product delivery process shuts down. As a result, a McDonalds restaurant team is sequentially interdependent (Daft, 2008, p. 301). Without everyone working together and having sufficient motivation to provide good and quick quality service, all members of the team fail. As a result of one person losing motivation or failing to adequately perform his duties, customers may complain and business can be lost. Even though most employees are trained to perform multiple tasks at various stations, they are not usually able to perform all of these tasks simultaneously.

The typical team was not self-reliant and required constant, direct input from the manager. We observed that often times when morale began to wane, the manager was able to reinvigorate the team and increase efficiency. However, we also noticed that if the manager grew tired and lost motivation the rest of the team quickly followed suit. Managers were also instrumental in helping out struggling team members by motivating them. This attitude kept the production line moving adequately. The team effectiveness is directly related to the managers leadership efforts (Daft, 2008, p. 303). In order to ensure both efficiency and quality in the teams work, the managers had to make some efforts to satisfying employees needs. This manifested as direct help, words of encouragement, not punishing undesired behavior every time, or awarding a break and taking over a workers responsibilities temporarily. Nevertheless, employee seemed well trained and autonomous as long as morale was at a sufficient level. The team operated mostly without speaking. Sometimes team members would yell an order to another member, but generally everyone knew what they had to do without much discussion. Because the team did not need constant retraining or correction, it is a sign that the employees are well trained and have been given the tools to adequately perform their roles.

The Overall Leader & Corporate Values Reflected While McDonalds is a large multinational organization, the CEO is often seen as a leader and symbolic driver of the corporate initiatives and ideals. McDonalds current Chief Executive Office is Jim Skinner. Mr. Skinner has been with McDonalds for over thirty-five years, and has held many positions from restaurant manager trainee to many corporate positions throughout his tenure, before being elected as CEO (McDonald's Corporation, 2008). Truly a charismatic and transformational leader, many attribute McDonalds turnaround in the past few years to the efforts of Skinner; not only did he revitalize the organization, but he reinvented the fast food business with a new vision and direction (Hume, 2007). Early in the turn-around, he was one of the architects of the Plan to Win

initiative which renewed McDonalds core focus of store operations. His election to the CEO post provided some stability and faith for the organization. Hume notes that one of the key elements to his success was his vast experience with overseas markets that gave him great diversity exposure which was crucial for the global corporation. This diversity has definitely helped giving McDonalds a competitive advantage, and was paramount in the global communication between employees and customers (Daft, 2008, p. 334). One of his noted achievements during his tenure in regards to leadership was fighting the McJob stigma; he made employees feel important and began to promote the various positions in a brighter light through advertising campaigns (Hume, 2007).

In terms of Mr. Skinners philosophy, he is primarily focused on customer satisfaction. He believes that is necessary to first meet customer expectations and then focus on the restaurants themselves. The philosophy also includes keeping things simple and manageable for each store while making sure that everyone is aligned around that one idea. The idea is directed towards making a good appearance, caring about how the restaurant looks and how you present yourself. Another important aspect of his philosophy is the fear of complacency. Therefore, he encourages creativity, but also wants to make sure that people do not lose track of the chains primary objectives (Hume, 2007). Thus, there is a strong focus on coming up with good, creative strategies, and then putting the full effort into successful execution. For Mr. Skinner, a companywide initiative is always a must, and never a maybe. Skinner is also a man of values and ethics: When McDonalds was blamed for the obesity problem, he helped direct the company to take responsibility and help create a solution rather than pass the blame. Thus, Skinner can be seen as a moral leader and symbol of doing the right thing for McDonalds (Daft, 2008, p. 169). Finally, one of Skinners continuing main goals is talent management and leadership development (Hume, 2007). This involves critical tasks such as reorganizing individuals into different roles and identifying potential leaders to be awarded additional responsibility.

While many of the Mr. Skinners values are not easily discernable on surface, his leadership was seen at the restaurants observed. The care regarding customer satisfaction was most obvious, employees were always polite and the restaurant was very clean. During some observations, employees were seen talking with regular customers beyond the normal service

interactions, demonstrating some level of intimacy between them. In addition, almost all employees seemed well mannered and presented themselves well. There seemed to be a high level of morale, even with the more menial and custodial positions, which was unexpected in a fast food restaurant. In many of the locations visited, there were employee recruitment signs on the door that listed benefits; however, the application process was online. While more efficient, perhaps a stronger focus on in-person recruitment would help improving morale and result in more applications.

Improving Employee Effectiveness One may initially believe that there is not really much that can or even needs to be done in order to improve efficiency in McDonalds restaurants; however, good leadership involves constantly reinforcing a brighter vision of the future and increasing value for both customers and employees. An employee should not think that just because they cook fries or flip burgers, that they cannot make a difference. Rather, by encouraging creativity and leadership even at this lowest level, the next great executive may emerge. It is important to turn each restaurants employee into a productive team member. In order to increase productivity and employee commitment, we propose several measures. The first measure would be to create a program to encourage creativity among restaurant managers, owners, and operators. In fact, the iconic Ronald McDonald was not developed by Ray Kroc or anyone at corporate, but by the owner of a local franchise (Walker & Scott). Rewards should be available for coming up with new ideas at the restaurant level. As owners and managers are the ones who are actively involved with the day-to-day operations, they have a greater vantage point for implementing successful changes. In order for such a program to be successful, there must first be some educational programs like workshops. At the regional level, managers and owners can be brought together and taught about creative ideas. This will encourage thinking outside of the box, and furthermore can introduce individuals to the practice of creative swiping, which is a process of copying the best ideas whether they be from within your industry or from completely unrelated fields (Peters, 1987). After properly motivating the owners and managers, there should be a trickledown effect to the restaurants employees.

In addition to the trickledown effect of targeting the managers, we would take steps to directly motivate individual employees as well. On this front, one of the first steps is to truly

understand each and every employee. Some employees may only be working at McDonalds temporarily, but for others this may be the only available job opportunity. For such individuals, they want to maximize their job satisfaction. We would implement a program similar to those in large corporations where employees are able to set specific goals and explain their rationale for working at McDonalds and what they expect from their employment. This process would show employees that they can do more than flip burgers, for example develop leadership and management skills which can be invaluable regardless of future career plans. Managers and/or owners would apply Vrooms Expectancy Theory in this case; the attention and treatment of each employee should be personalized (Daft, 2008, p. 235). Managers would therefore develop a plan with each employee to increase his intrinsic satisfaction, while at the same time increasing that employees productivity.

Building on our focus on individuals, we would also implement a scholarship and education program. We want our employees to represent us well within our restaurants and throughout the world. We would offer high school and college aged employees a greater number of college scholarship opportunities in return for quality work and demonstration of leadership potential. Younger workers are often harder to motivate directly, but the opportunity to have someone else paying for your education is always a great motivator. The program would reward quality work such as customer service and punctuality, as well as creativity and the ability to dream like a leader. Employees must be sponsored by a manager or owner and would have to write an essay answering a question that instigates them to think creatively about how we as a corporation could improve. This would motivate even the youngest and most inexperienced ones. In fact, this could create an upstream effect on the whole restaurant or corporation, increase team cohesiveness and help encouraging those who are older or in higher positions to also think about making the entire organization better (Daft, 2008, p. 239). The winners would make a positive impact on the organization and earn the extrinsic reward of a scholarship. In subsequent years, this would encourage other young employees to also pursue this opportunity, be a first-class worker and think creatively about the organization.

Conclusion McDonalds is a multinational corporation, which is perceived as many different things to different people. Some people see McDonalds as a decent, fast and inexpensive meal. Others

may view the company chain as a low quality restaurant that employs uneducated and unskilled people. Nevertheless, McDonalds has a cheery corporate image that prides itself on quality and cleanliness, as well as good food and good service. The company employs stateof-art technology to help its workers in their tasks and makes the production process faster, attending to the customers in a prompt manner. In terms of leadership, McDonalds makes a strong corporate effort to develop leaders. There are growth opportunities within the corporation for those who are willing to work hard and develop their leadership skills. There is a great upward mobility for Macdonalds employees. From what we observed in our field study, the work culture displayed in the McDonalds stores is aligned with the firms corporate values. Ray Kroc was 52, working as a milkshake mixer salesman, when he came across clients Mac and Dick McDonalds hamburger restaurant in Bernardino, Calif. Amazed their food assembly line delivered fast service, Kroc convinced them to franchise the company with his help. The next year, Kroc opened his first McDonalds outside of Chicago. In 1961, Kroc bought the company and built it into what is now the worlds largest fast-food chain, with more than thousand restaurants almost 120 countries. Kroc, who died at 81, was the subject of a SUCCESS cover feature in September 1977 written by his biographer, Robert Anderson. The following is an excerpt.

Kroc. The name rolls energetically off the tongue.

Its Bohemian meaning, I was told by an old cleaning lady, is step, as in a fl ight of stairs. Had she known Ray A. Kroc, the multimillionaire founder and senior chairman of McDonalds Corporation as I had come to know him in the 12 months I spent helping him write his autobiography, she too might have found a delightful aptness in the derivation.

For step implies a climber, and that describes Ray A. Kroc precisely.

He will be 75 years old in October. One would think he would be most interested in enjoying the fruits of his laborsrelaxing in the Jacuzzi at his splendid ranch near Santa Barbara,

Calif., or traveling around the world in the $4.5 million jet he bought a couple of years ago. But thats not Krocs style. He likes the Jacuzzis rolling, 100-degree waters, not so much because they are relaxing and feel good on his arthritic joints, but because they stimulate ideas on how to make McDonalds more efficient or more profitable. His jet is leased to the corporation for business use at $1 per year.

In any case, chronological age is a misleading measure with Kroc. He is the oldest active executive in the corporation, but he is probably its youngest thinker. McDonalds president Ed Schmitt believes this is because Kroc invariably takes a positive approach.

"The oldest executive in the company, Kroc is probably its youngest thinker."

Suppose someone comes up with a proposal that McDonalds should serve turkey sandwiches, Schmitt says. Everyone on the board of directors can think of nine good reasons why turkey sandwiches would be a bad thing for us. They would blow the idea out of the water immediately. But Ray would say, Wait a minute; lets examine what this might do for us. Maybe we could make it work. If not turkey sandwiches, maybe we should try turkey hash. He wouldnt let go of it until all possibilities had been considered.

Krocs enthusiasm is infectious. Perhaps thats the secret of his sales ability. On a trip I made with him to an operators co-op meeting in Michigan he gave a talk about menu items hed been testing for McDonalds. One of them was a new dessert, the McSundae, and his boyish delight in relating the texture of the frozen product and the richness of the toppings (the best we can buy) had the audience unconsciously smacking their lips. I have listened several times to a tape recording I made of that talk, attempting to analyze what it was that made his words so evocative. In fact, there is nothing special in the words themselves. Moreover, his delivery is uneven, broken by dangling phrases. Yet the enthusiasm comes through, and its persuasive.

When Kroc first talked to the McDonald brothers in San Bernardino, Calif., in 1954 about opening a series of restaurants similar to theirs, it never occurred to him that he really didnt need their agreement in order to copy their procedures. Others had done it. But he was too honest to even think of it. The result was that he was able to follow the brothers system exactly, using their well-tested production-line techniques. The imitators invariably got parts of the formula wrong and couldnt make it pay. Had Kroc been less honest his restaurants would have been less successful.

Ray Kroc has been called the Henry Ford of the fast-food industry, and some management theorists like Harvards Theodore Levitt believe he has pioneered our societys successor to the Industrial Revolutionthe Service Revolution. If so, history will recall his innovative organizational skills long after the Big Mac has been forgotten and (as Ray would say, God forbid!) the Golden Arches have become museum pieces.

The elements of Ray Krocs character that Ive described here are, in my opinion, the mainsprings of his success. To summarize, they could be given the acronym HOPE. It stands for Honesty, Organizational skill, Positive thinking, and Enthusiasm.

There are many other aspects of this complex, personable, exasperating, and awesomely dynamic man, of course. Some are more charming than others. But of this you can be sure: Where theres Kroc, theres HOPE.

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