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Thermal Stresses

Thermal Stresses in Concrete Introduction Importance Technological Aspects Case Study LA Cathedral
CE 60 Instructor: Paulo Monteiro

Original work of Roy W. Carlson, R.E. Davis, M. Polivka, etc. How to measure stresses and strain in dams?
CE 60 Instructor: Paulo Monteiro

Thermal stresses

t K r

E 1

where: t: tensile stress Kr: degree of restraint E: elastic modulus : coefficient of thermal expansion T: temperature change : creep coefficient
CE 60 Instructor: Paulo Monteiro

Degree of Restraint ( Kr )
A concrete element, if free to move, would have no stress. In practice, the concrete mass will be restrained either externally by the rock foundation or internally by differential deformations. For example, there will be full restraint at the concrete-rock interface ( Kr = 1.0), however, as the distance from the interface increases, the restraint will decrease .

CE 60 Instructor: Paulo Monteiro

Coefficient of Thermal Expansion

CE 60 Instructor: Paulo Monteiro

Temperature Evolution

T = placement temperature of fresh concrete + adiabatic temperature rise - ambient or service temperature - heat losses.
CE 60 Instructor: Paulo Monteiro

Temperature of fresh concrete

Precooling of fresh concrete is a good method of controlling the subsequent temperature drop. Chilled aggregates and/or ice shavings are specified for making mass concrete mixtures in which the temperature of fresh concrete is limited to 10 oC or less. During the mixing operation the latent heat needed for fusion of ice is withdrawn from other components of the concrete mixture, providing a very effective way to lower the temperature. Use of liquid nitrogen. Cast at night or early in the morning
CE 60 Instructor: Paulo Monteiro

Adiabatic temperature rise

The rate and magnitude of the adiabatic temperature rise is a function of the amount, composition and fineness of cement, and its temperature during hydration. Finely ground portland cements, or cements with relatively high C3A and C3S contents show higher heats of hydration than coarser cements or cements with low C3A and C3S. Use of pozzolanic materials to replace cement.
CE 60 Instructor: Paulo Monteiro

Heat Losses
Heat losses depend on the thermal properties of concrete, and the construction technology adopted. A concrete structure can lose heat through its surface, and the magnitude of heat loss is a function of the type of material in immediate contact with the concrete surface. Numerical methods can be use to compute the temperature distribution in mass of concrete

CE 60 Instructor: Paulo Monteiro

Itaipu Dam

CE 60 Instructor: Paulo Monteiro

General Information
River Basin Area 820,000 km2 Reservoir Area 1,350 km2 Volume 29 billion m3 Length 170 km Dam Maximum height 196 m Total length 7,760 Generating Units Quantity 18 Capacity 700 MW
CE 60 Instructor: Paulo Monteiro

Diversion of the Paran river was achieved by the construction of a channel 2 km long, 150 m wide, and 90 m deep on the left river bank.

CE 60 Instructor: Paulo Monteiro

Two arch dams were built to protect the channel structures from floods.

CE 60 Instructor: Paulo Monteiro

AND THEN the two arch dams built to protect the structures from flood were simultaneously exploded in just 3 seconds

CE 60 Instructor: Paulo Monteiro

In November of 1979, a monthly production of 340,000 m3 was achieved. In 1980, the yearly production was 3 million cubic meter.

CE 60 Instructor: Paulo Monteiro

To reduce the amount of concrete in the dam, the center of the block is hollow

CE 60 Instructor: Paulo Monteiro

The spillway, with a length of 483 m, was designed for a maximum discharge capacity of 62,220 m3/s.

CE 60 Instructor: Paulo Monteiro

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