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l am an absLracL Lhlnker, yeL sLuck ln a

box from 9 Lo 3, seeklng a means Lo
break free of Lhe chalns, a venue Lo apply
my many lnLeresLs. l always see Lhlngs ln
Lhe long run, for lL makes Lhe small
Lhl ngs al l Lhe more worLhwhl l e.
AppreclaLe LhaL whlch we are glven,
make Lhe mosL of lL, buL never seule.
never regulaLe oneself Lo medlocrlLy. LeL
Lhe power of dreams, Lhe fuel of deslre,
and Lhe fulllmenL of achlevemenL drlve
our llves.

Charmlng, unlque, lnLense
l'm one of Lhose creauve, Lhlnk ouLslde
Lhe box Lype of people, wlLh a veneer of
Love soccer, love food, love laughLer and
anyLhlng wlLh suspense.

Llsa-Marle ls dazzled by Lhe warmLh of
yellows, oranges, golds and browns.
Llsa-Marle ls mesmerlzed by poeLry and
sLorles of cuon.
Llsa-Marle ls moved by Lhe so melodles of
8&8 and swayed by Lhe clever lyrlcs of hlp-
Llsa-Marle ls on Lhe brlnk of dlscoverlng
someLhlng greaL wlLhln herself.

[Wrluen by Sheronna]

She's lovlng, compasslonaLe, splrlLual and
lnsplrlng. A greaL frlend Lo be a volce of
reason or [usL an ear of undersLandlng.
She dreams blg so she can achleve blg.
She's one of Lhose people who wlll never
Lhlnk your dream ls lmposslble whlch ls
very auracuve Lo someone llke me whlch
ls why l've been sLalklng her for Lhe pasL
13 years lol...slsLer from anoLher mlsLer ls
whaL she ls Lo m.e

l'm Lhe klnd of person who would gasp aL Lhe
nouon LhaL l could be descrlbed ln 4 llnes.

!"#$%&'()*+,- SlLuauonally dependenL, buL:
playful, easy-golng, maLure, love lnLellecLual

.'(/"$, LxlsLenual, Lhe unlverse ls Lhe sum of
Lhe magnlLudes and dlrecuons of all parucles.

0)$*%#+, 1oronLo born/ralsed, auended/le
buslness school, sporLs/hobbles, frlends, Lrlps-
Lhe usual.

!#"$"&*12/*/#", ueveloplng a couple buslness
ldeas, and dolng some personal sLudles on Lhe

My rlghL braln hurLs Loo much rlghL
My le braln says: "geL up you cow!"
"?ou're a creaLor"
"A sLaLus-quo breaker"
"noL Lo menuon a bar-ralser"
Sllly le braln...
llmerlcks you don'L know how
MarkeLer. 8unner. lood lover.

l can speak Spanlsh, buL can also swear ln
l blog abouL #SmarLMarkeung and wlll be
blogglng abouL runnlng (soon).
l also make vldeo dlarles of my Lravel

l love challenges. My laLesL one ls Lo Lraln
and run a full maraLhon (42k. ylkes!) for
Lhe fall. l [usL hope my Loes don'L come o.

AcLor, arusL, lover of all arL forms and
Lhe awesome people who make lL
l challenge my own courage dally as l
am on a mlsslon Lo Lake over Lhe
l belleve ln endless posslblllues
because Cod ls real.
Cueen of opumlsm and personal
cheerleader for anyone who needs lL.
Dinner with Friends
CreaL lood. lnLeresung company.
May 30/13
[Wrluen by Alex]

Creauve l s whaL she l s, buL an
undersLaLemenL lL would be. lrom
noL hl ng s he wl l l bl r L h beauL y,
funcuonallLy, and purpose. She ls a Lrue
arusL aL hearL, noL only Lhrough
expresslon buL also as a human belng. 1o
know !en ls Lo know her work, pro[ecLs
pasL, presenL, and on Lhe horlzon. Always
plomng her nexL work, lL ls exclung,
advenLurous, and perhaps aL umes a
llule crazy. ?eL lL always comes LogeLher.
1hls ls !ennlfer.

l am...
change agenL.
managemenL consulLanL.
pracucal and down Lo earLh.
soclal acuvlsL.
human connecLor.
loyal frlend.
healLh & Lness nuL.
llfelong learner.

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