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BBC Learning English The English We Speak 23 July 2013 Weather idioms

Li: Hello and welcome to The English We Speak from BBC Learning English. I'm Yang Li. I am waiting for Jen to arrive in the studio, but she's outside and she's in a really bad mood, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to teach you some weather idioms. What do you think? Jen's looking really angry. Have a listen (Screaming and shouting) She has a face like thunder. If you have a face like thunder, it means that you are very angry indeed. And Jen definitely seems angry! (In the background) It's so unfair. When things go wrong for me, they always go badly wrong. It never rains but it pours! There's another weather idiom. Did you hear it? Jen said "it never rains but it pours." That's something that people say when they think they have very big problems. I wonder what Jen's problem is? Oh, here she comes! Hi Li. Sorry I'm late. I'm so upset. The boss said that I would get a promotion if I finished all of my work by midday. I finished everything by 12 o'clock and now the boss is ignoring my emails about the promotion and won't talk to me. I think you're just chasing rainbows, Jen. If you chase rainbows, it means you are trying to do something that will never happen. So you don't think I'll get a promotion? No, I don't think so. I think the boss was probably just trying to get you to finish your work more quickly. He tricked me! There he is! I'm going to go and talk to him! (Door closes) Li: Well, that all sounds like a storm in a teacup to me. If something is described as 'a storm in a teacup', it means that a person is exaggerating their problems and making their problems sound worse than they actually are. Here's Jen coming back in! (To Jen) Well? What did he say? He said that he was pleased with my work and that we'll talk about the promotion next week. He also said that I can have the rest of the afternoon off!

Jen: Li: Jen: Li:


Li: Jen: Li: Jen:


The English We Speak

British Broadcasting Corporation 2013 Page 1 of 2

Li: Jen: Li: Both:

You see, Jen? Every cloud has a silver lining! The idiom means that you can always find something positive, even in a bad situation. You're absolutely right. What do you think I should do with my free afternoon, then? Well, I'd go and sit in the park, the weather's lovely today! Join us again for another edition of The English We Speak from BBC Learning English. Bye!

The English We Speak

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