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Pastors in Politics

Pastors in Politics
This special article is about pastors in politics. It deals with pastors and politicians using their status as stepping stones to wealth and political power. The down side of mixing religion with politics has opened the slippery slope for religious persecution in a holy war of good vs. evil. Understand that religious persecution doesnt mean that the Church is being persecuted. On the contrary, religious persecution means that the Church and State have joined powers to persecute heretic classes. The Separation of Church & State defends against religious persecution.

Stepping Stones to Cross Over

Jesus didnt need any stepping stone to cross from one bank of the river to the other side. Some pastors harbor their ambitions to cross over into politics to enact laws to rid heretic classes. Yet, he or she cant cross over without help. So they use their 501c3 tax exempt status as their stepping stones. The IRS has a legal obligation to taxpayers to sanction pastors for using his or her clergy status to cross over into political office. Vice versus persons in public office cant use their political status to cross over to the opposite side. Religion and politics just dont mix. Jesus wasnt a politician. He didnt campaign for public office. He preached the gospel. A pastor has the same role as Jesus Christ according to Gods word.

God has given you the Power to get Wealth

God has given you the power to get wealth. The question is how? One answer may be soliciting donations. A second answer may be selling books or DVDs. A third answer may be speaking engagements. The most lucrative answer may be to germinate anarchy. Pastors in politics profit greater inciting anarchy towards our Federal or State government as arch enemy of the Church. Yet Federal and State Revenue Agencies have afforded the Church 100% tax-exemption. One might think the Church would act more grateful and compliant to IRS. Instead, pastors in politics have become the worst nightmare in Congress by lobbying against any law that seeks to uphold Separation of Church and State.

The Whole Truth about Gods Law

Pastors in politics have swayed or have been attempting to sway Congress to follow Gods Ten Commandments in America. All this sounds good to naiive listerners. Congress has not heard the whole truth about Gods Law. Take it from an expert teacher of the Law by the name Saul of Tarsus who converted his name to Apostle Paul. St. Paul has written fourteen (14) epistles to Christian churches testifying that the Law is a curse from God. The New Testament is a written testimony of Jesus disciples providing transcriptions of how Jesus was persecuted and crucified by the Law. Saul is admitting his guilt in participating to persecute Christians. In his shame Paul sacrificed his life to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Good News Gospel is Christ has broken the curse of the Law. Founding Fathers have indoctrinated the Spirit of Christ as our Supreme Law. Separation of Church and State is Federal protection to secure civil liberties. .

The Letter of the Law

The letter of the law is an Old Testament political doctrine. It is based upon our Ten Commandments. God gave Moses the Law, because the children of Israel after leaving Egypt had sinned by worshipping a molten calf (Ex32:4-8). So God placed the Law as a yoke around Israels neck to guide them straight. This yoke was Gods curse for idol worship. God appointed his son Jesus Christ with the divine mission to break the curse of the Law (Gal3:13) and deliver Gods people as the lost sheep of Israel. The Pharisee and Sadducee have become blinded by the Law unaware that God had sent Jesus to break the curse. They were so blinded by the Law that they accused Jesus Christ of blasphemy to crucify him on the cross. Jesus constantly tried to forewarn the religious political leaders of their blindness. They had no idea what Jesus was talking about. Mockers derided Jesus as King of the Jews (Lu16:14, 23:35). The lost sheep of Israel have hated our Lord Jesus without just cause (Jn15:25).

The Spirit of the Law

A French political philosopher Charles de Secondat has written a treatise entitled, The Spirit of Laws. Charles biblical principle is rooted in the New Testament (Rm7:6). He was born as an indentured servant. He acquired his liberty through military service. Charles felt a compassion towards liberty and abolition of slavery. He coined a political philosophy dubbed as Separation of Powers. Americas Founding Fathers were made privy to Charless treatise. In 1776 the Second Continental Congress decided to ratify United States Constitution after repealing the Articles of Confederation enacted by the First Continental Congress. The Bill of Rights (First Ten Amendments) is a Federal warranty to uphold civil liberties in the United States. The First Amendment (Separation of Church & State) is Federal protection to guarantee the freedom of religious assembly and restrict Congress from enacting laws to empower religion with any legal authority.

Statue of Liberty
France has donated the Statue of Liberty sculptured by Auguste Bartholdi to America. October 28, 1886 it was dedicated as our National Monument. August 1892 social minister Francis Bellamy drafted our Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. As a result of several preceding historical events, America has been dubbed as our Land of Liberty or Gods Land. America is no longer under the curse of the Law which is a vice to take away civil liberties. Any political party or candidate that serves as an enemy to liberty is an enemy to God. It is unjust for government to imprison 225,000 veteran men and women in face of the fact that America is symbol of liberty and Christ has died to set us free!

Blind Lead the Blind

Blind Right Wing Conservative Political Party has led Christians down the blind path following after the curse of the Law (Mt15:14, Lu6:39). The Founding Fathers have indoctrinated the Spirit of the Laws in Articles I, II & III of our United States Constitution. The Bill of Rights is Gods perfect law of liberty (Jam1:5). 2Cr3:17 The Lord is that Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. A vile person will not admit to be calling liberal and a churl person is a knave scoundrel that will stoop to any kind of trickery to appear bountiful (Isa32:5, 6). Christians that have followed after Conservative politicians have been duped billions of dollars to wage an unlawful crusade against our Separation of Church & State.

What if IRS were to Sanction Pastors in Public Office?

America would be a safer place to live if IRS were to sanction pastors in public office. Americans would no longer be divided over moral issues like abortion, gun control and/or gay marriages etc. Preachers have stirred up morality debates to organize boycotts to stop shopping with vendors or businesses that support heretical classes offending the moral doctrines of Christianity. The latter seeks to terrorize lawmakers to vote in favor of legislation that favors the Moral Majority political party. When outsiders look at how vicious a majority of Christians are acting towards his or her fellow neighbor it desecrates their faith in our Church community. If the pastors meant God any good, then he or she would be in the pulpit preaching love and forgiveness as Christ has ordained in the gospel.

Christians hate Gay Marriages

Christian hate gay marriages, because pastors have reached back into the Old Testament to inflame hatred against heretic classes. A heretic class is any group whose daily lifestyle offends Christian and/or Catholic moral doctrines. Pastors in politics dare not raise political debates over divorce. Divorce is just as much of a sin in the Bible as sodomy. Eighty percent (80%) of American population is in favor of divorce or has been divorced multiple times. Divorce is the number one downfall of Christian families. One of the primary reasons a growing population of American children are resorting to same sex marriages is he or she has suffered the pain of divorced parents. Children view gay marriage as no less sin as divorce.

Public Humiliation
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 Public Accommodation has outlawed public humiliation. Pillory is a form of religious persecution. Pastors in politics have practiced enacting laws to publicly humiliate heretical classes. The Sex Offender Registration (SOR) is a religious law to publicly humiliate sex offenders. Pastors in politics have united on both sides of the isles to join forces. The sad news is IRS has collected taxes from heretical classes but not from churches. As such, the Federal government has a lawful duty to protect heretic classes from religious persecution. The only way to stop churches persecuting heretic classes is by filing complaints.

IRS 13909 Complaint Referral Form

Religiously persecuted taxpayers should file IRS 13909 Complaint Referral Form to report any pastor abusing his or her 501c3 Tax Exempt Status to cross over into politics. IRS will investigate your complaint and keep your name confidential. The general public has not been made totally privy to IRS Tax Guide for Churches and Religious Organizations (TGCRO). The pastor may not use the pulpit as a political platform to sway the congregation how to vote. The latter constitutes an indirect influence on public election or legislation. Inviting political candidates to espouse his or her political views from the pulpit may also infringe upon IRS guidelines. These types of infractions will continue until citizens take an active stance to file complaints to refer violators. Sooner or later IRS will begin to regulate religion and politics, because mixing the two has divided our nation.

Jesus standing on the other side

Jesus will be standing on the river bank waiting for us to cross over to the other side into heaven. Each pastor that has used a stepping stone to cross over into politics will have to answer to our Lord. Also, Christian men and women that have not shown love and forgiveness towards our fellow brothers or sisters will have to answer as well. Jesus has the power to forgive all manner of sin including blasphemy. The only sin that Jesus is unable to forgive is blasphemy of the Holy Ghost. Christians who have blasphemed the Holy Ghost point blank are going to hell. God is more concerned about the heart of human beings not his or her flesh. Our flesh will return to the dust from whence it came. Men and/or women will sin each and every day. As such, Jesus has ordained Eucharist. This is Gods process to cleanse our spirit of sin until our Lord arrives to deliver us. He may not appear as you expect. The Bible clearly states that Jesus hair is white like wool (Rev1:14) and his feet are as fine brass (Rev2:18).

Come to Christ
Every person on the planet is a child of God. It doesnt matter what nationality one is born. Jesus has died for the sins of the entire world. Jesus has already forgiven our sins. It isnt because we deserve Gods forgiveness. On the contrary, God has offered us salvation through Pauls Grace Message consecrated by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Since, Christ has forgiven our sins, Gods people must forgive our sins to acquire Jesus magnanimous blessing. Dont be misled by false prophets to believe that heaven is exclusively for Christian saints. Heaven is for any person on the planet who has Christs love abiding in his or her spirit and he or she has offered his or her forgiveness for their trespasses and been baptized.

Process of Healing
Forgiveness is a process of healing. Some person may have done something awful and terrible to devastate your whole entire life. In your heart you really and truly hate that person. Guess what? God mandates you forgive him or her. This is a process of healing that Jesus Christ has ordained. Bear in mind that God too was hurt when we crucified his son Jesus Christ without mercy. Despite his suffering Jesus asked his Father in heaven to forgive us for we know not what we were doing (Lu23:34). Jesus crucifixion has disqualified any person from offering excuses to God why he or she may have refused to surrender their forgiveness. It doesnt matter what a person has done lets embrace him or her with a hug. I guarantee your love will heal that persons soul for salvation.

Hateful Christians
I know some real hateful Christians who hate me. But what he or she may not realize is that Jesus is blessing me for their hatred. The Bible tells me (Lu6:22) that Jesus has blessed me when men separate themselves from my company and reproach me as being evil for the Son of Mans sake. The mission God has imputed upon my life is grave for salvation. I am truly sorry that I must expose the truth about Gods pastors in politics. I openly ask for your forgiveness if I have offended any. I have a work to do to separate politics away from religion. Please forgive me. I need your encouragement and love to do Gods work. Amen! Stanley Green (

Stanley Greens Epilogue

Pastors in politics is a revelatory testimony about the truth of Gods Law. In Apostle Pauls epistle to Romans he has given testimony that the letter killeth the spirit. In Pauls epistle to Corinthians he has testified the spirit as being none other than Jesus Christ. In Pauls epistle to Galatians he testifies that the law is a curse. This is a deep dark secret that pastors in politics have not testified with Congress. Pastors have misled lawmakers to believe that the law should serve as a vice to strip away our civil liberties. Pastors in politics have voted in favor of laws that have encroached Separation of Church and State. Americas Founding Fathers were men of God. As such, they have consecrated The Spirit of the Laws as the framework of our United States Constitution. Congress has empowered our United States Supreme Court eminent legal authority to uphold civil liberties in honor of Jesus Christ and the New Testament. The Right Wing political party is composed of pastors who remain under the curse of the Ten Commandments. They have been blinded by the Law same as the Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes. In his or her mind he or she actually believes they are serving Jesus Christ. In reality, they are serving Lucifer the antichrist. Pastors in politics have blindly led their followers down the road of hatred and hostility towards our Federal government. America is a free nation open to heretic classes. Our mission as a Christian nation is to set an example to the world that the liberty Jesus Christ has sacrificed his life is sacred here in America. Churches are welcome to exercise religious assembly. The Church has no legal authority whatsoever to levy income taxes or legislate our laws. Congress has empowered the IRS sole legal authority to sanction churches abide by IRS Tax Guide for Churches and Religious Organizations (TGCRO). America is and shall always remain a free nation under Gods Golden Rule. America shall establish Gods kingdom based upon Jesus Two Commandments (love God & neighbor)! God commands that America justly liberate our 225,000 veteran men and women in prisons or jails across the United States. He or she has paid the ultimate sacrifice of life or limb to secure our own freedom and liberty!

Religious Persecution
The Inquisitions and/or Salem Witch Trials constitute religious Persecution. Persecution means to be imprisoned publicly humiliated and/or executed by the government for offending moral doctrines of orthodox religions. A paradigm example would be Jesus Christ and his followers. Christianity is a sect of the orthodox religion of Judaism. Christians had to meet in secrecy for fear of being charged with heresy and/or blasphemy against Judaic Laws. Pharisee and Sadducee religious leaders filed their criminal indictments with Romes rulers to carryout punishment. Jesus had not broken any of Romes Laws. Rather, he was accused of blasphemy under Judaic Law. Based upon the historical events of the crucifixion, social classes that have been publicly humiliated and are being held captive in prisons or on death row own the legal right to proclaim religious persecution. If the Law hasnt persecuted a particular social class with the threat of public humiliation, imprisonment or execution, then persons of that social class do not have the legal right to proclaim religious persecution. However, religious organizations often times apply for 501c3 Tax Exemption, then turn around and scream religious persecution to incite mass hysteria as a ruse to marshal support or raise donations from their supporters. It is the biggest scam operation in America. They spread propaganda against the White House, Congress and the IRS. Right Wing conservative Christians buy into the hype and flood billions of dollars to support rhetoric. Wake up and smell the coffee! Separation of Church and State has secured freedom of religious assembly. Churches may hold worship or fellowship services Sunday through Saturday 24/7 sun-up to sun-down. Congress dare not pass any law to infringe upon the First Amendment civil liberties or religions assembly. In respect to freedom of assembly for heretic classes, thats a horse of a different color. Pastors in politics have enacted laws to abridge civil liberties of heretic classes to assemble freely without threat of police intervention. Heretic classes believe in smoking marijuana, drinking booze, doing drugs and promiscuous conduct. The Federal or State government has a lawful duty to protect heretic classes same as it does for religious classes.

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