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MOVEiT DMZ Documentation Assessment

The following lists areas where the present MOVEiT DMZ documentation might be

Global Issues

This table lists global issues--not linked with particular topics, but are instead found
across the documentation.

Problem Description Priority

Need context Users are more likely to find needed content if High
sensitive help they are not distracted by the extra task of hunting
to find the documentation.
Need centralized It would be helpful to have a centralized list of Medium to
glossary vocabulary items and definitions, accessible from Low
the pages using that vocabulary
Don’t use passive Passive voice (“The process will be run”) makes Medium to
voice it more difficult for users to picture “who is doing Low
what to whom.” Short sentences with clear
subjects and objects are much easier to read in
online help.
Cluster concept Concept topics should be grouped logically and Medium
topics in a helpful separately in the table of contents. Related
way concept topics should be grouped together.
Use examples to Difficult concepts should be illustrated with Medium to
illustrate concepts examples, making them easier for new users to Low

Issues Specific to Certain Topics

Many of these issues occur across different topics, but only affect a limited

Problem Description # of Topics Priority

Many topics are Topics should be short. Online text is 98 Medium
too long much more readable in short segments to High
(especially for someone short on time
trying to work efficiently). Therefore
long topics should be broken up into
many separate shorter topics, and these
topics should be broken up into short
Problem Description # of Topics Priority
Need to describe Users who access help tend to be 35 Medium
benefits/purpose of “newbies.” These users want to know to High
features how to perform a task, but also what a
task is for and why they would want to
perform it.

If a help topic is just for information

purposes, then the topic should begin
with info on why the information in the
topic is of interest to readers.
Content types Documentation tends to fall into three 47 Medium
should be separate categories: Concept, Task, and
Reference. (A fourth category is
Example, but these are less prevalent.)
Content formatting Documentation is easier to read if the 49 Medium
should be user always expects a small, predictable
standardized number of formats for specific types of
Use screenshots to Especially if there are many features on 34 Medium
illustrate concepts a given page, a screenshot with callouts
and tasks helps orient the reader. (While there are
some topics with screenshots, there are
others without.) Screenshots should be
visible at the top of topics.
Don’t provide You waste help system “bandwidth” if 1 Medium
access-related info you provide login information for to Low
to people already people who are already logged in. Omit
logged in at least for online version of help.
Need to call out If there is a paragraph that could qualify 10 Medium
notes as a Note, or Important, it should be to Low
called out as such. It makes the content
more varied and easier to read.
The print-friendly The print icon in the TOC is kind of 1 Medium
link should be in confusing. It is not an HLML page, but to Low
document itself appears with other HTML pages. Would
it be better to have it linked from one of
the other pages?
Sample Recommended Help Page
The following is a suggested format for the online help, including screenshot, callouts,
and references to task and concept topics. This would be a Reference page, describing
what’s on the screen. It links to external Task and Concept pages. This is only a mockup,
and may or may not be accurate.

This page allows you to view and modify MOVEiT groups. Groups allow you to assign
privileges and action rules across a number of users that you assign to that group.

Note: This page is only available if you have Administrator privileges.

 

 

This page contains the following items:

Item Description
1. Name The name assigned to the group. Click the Name to view and
modify the group’s membership and properties.
2. Description A short description of the group (which you can modify when you
click the group’s Name).
3. Members The number of users contained in the group.
4. Actions You can perform two actions on the group:
 Click Clone to create a copy of the group, containing all the
groups properties, which you can then modify for your
 Click Delete to delete the group. After you confirm the
deletion, this action cannot be undone.
5. Navigation Use this tool to navigate to different sets of groups. (Click here for
more details.)
6. Number This is the number of groups appearing on each page. (Clicking on
Appearing the Number Appearing link will allow you to modify this setting.)
7. Add New Clicking on the Add New Group link allows you to add a new group
Group to the system and assign users to the group.
8. Select Groups Use this tool to filter your set of groups. (Click here for more
to View details.)

Note: When you create a group, you must assign it at least one user.

See Also:

 About Groups

 About Users

 About User Privileges

 About Action Rules

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