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66 strategies for succeeding in business while living a happy and balanced life


This ebook is a special thank you from the authors for preordering WINNING WITHOUT LOSING. Packed full of exclusive extra content, not featured in WINNING WITHOUT LOSING, it will help give you a head start on bringing balance to your life before the full book hits the shelves. If you ever wish you were more productive, relaxed, happy or successful, but need some help getting started, youre in the right place. Balance is everything, and its important to make time for the crucial goals not only in your work life, but also in the time you spend away from work. So heres how lets start WINNING!

This mini ebook covers:

WINNING AT WORK: a guide to being more productive in your professional life WINNING BY RELAXING: tips on how to stay calm, switch off, recharge WINNING BOOKS: classic reads and practical guidance from the worlds best business authors WINNING APPS: tech tools to keep on top WINNING LOOKS LIKE THIS: extended biographies of the key WINNING WITHOUT LOSING role models

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a guide to being more productive Disconnect from day-to-day distractions
Some tasks need your full attention, and constant interruptions dont help. If youre constantly getting emails asking for your input on minor tasks, youll never get your FOCUS task done.

Control your calendar

Insist on keeping at least 1 day a week meeting-free. If you work better in the morning, have your meetings in the afternoon. Keep them short and make sure that short notes are circulated, including action points. Dont sit in on every meeting choose the ones that really help you do your job and drive your projects forward. Set yourself goals for your non-work time: Ill cycle to work at least 3 days this week / have coffee with a friend / spend an evening baking with the kids. By setting these out at the start of the week, youll make sure you leave work on time. And knowing that youll be leaving on time means youll work more productively during the hours you have to be in the office.

Tips for succeeding:

Set your out-of-office. If you have a system that allows you to send a separate message to your co-workers, tell them: Im here, but trying to make some time to work on Project X. If its drop-everything-urgent, come and find me we can chat. Back on email at 4.30pm. Take your phone off the hook or redirect calls to voicemail. Use an Internet blocking application like Freedom to keep the distractions of the web at bay. Better still, if you dont need a computer, work away from your desk (or go to a caf). Physically remove yourself from distractions and give yourself a pre-determined amount of time to work on your project. Sleep well. Plan well. And when you leave the office, leave work behind.

Control your inbox

Set up folders for incoming mail. File incoming items, once glanced over, by project / for reference / to read. If youre not in the TO line, dont respond. If possible to walk to a colleagues desk to respond / pick up the phone, do so youll give them the information they need and stop the email trail from mushrooming further. When sending email, use the LOW priority tool if what youre sending is just something interesting for the recipient to read, rather than something crucial which needs them to respond actively. Encourage everyone you work with to use the NNR acronym at the end of email subject lines it stands for No

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need to reply. Read your emails before you send them. Are they short, clear and communicating what response youd like (if any)? If not, try again.

When you really need a meeting, use a tool to get everyone together: is truly brilliant for scheduling your group of 10 friends who never seem to be free for lunch on the same Saturday, or planning a work night out, or getting teams from different organisations together for a vital planning session. Suggest a few times that work and allow everyone to vote. Much handier than back-and-forth on email and more intuitive than your email tools.

Get bet ter at your job

Keep learning: follow useful innovators on Twitter, attend key conferences to see industry peers present their projects, choose learning activities that give you energy and match your preferences. This will keep you keen and enthusiastic. Keep talking: gather together a few people you trust and like in the industry and turn them into your friends. Start by finding something to collaborate on, that benefits both of you this could be something simple like swapping notes on trusted suppliers. Keep pitching: ideas are always better shared. Someone you share your idea with will see a way of extending or strengthening it.

Keep an eye on how you spend your time in front of the computer
Do you suspect there are minutes spent on your computer where youre doing stuff thats non-essential, like LOLcats? Of course, breaks are important too but these should be structured to get you away from your screen, rather than letting your mind drift. Log in to RescueTime and let it monitor you for a day. Youll be surprised how much more efficiency you could wring out of 8 hours at your desk and suddenly, that endless list of things to do will start to shrink. https:/ /

Use technology dont let it use you

Have a job where you have to be on social networks as part of your role? Dont let it take over your life and become the second most annoying ping on your computer. There are various tools that can help; one of our favourites is If this, then that, a website which sets up conditional rules like if I upload a file to Instagram, then auto-save it to my Dropbox. You can even use it to text you if the weather forecast predicts rain saving you from arriving to work dripping wet. https:/ /

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Its said that Dwight Eisenhower devised this scheme to determine what projects he should be spending time on, and a time-management model that works for someone as busy as an American president ought to work for most of us. Most tasks vary in their balance of URGENCY (must / must not be done as soon as possible) and IMPORTANCE (really crucial to your success / not so crucial). And most days have a limited amount of time, with limitless interruptions, so its crucial to concentrate on what your end goals are, while not neglecting any decisions that need to be made quickly.

The argument is that after taking care of box 1 (urgent / important) we spend far too much time in box 3 (urgent / not important) and not enough in box 2 (not urgent / important). Eisenhowers matrix suggests that, in order to prioritise the things you have to do, place them on a grid as shown: But really what we should be doing is:

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Winning links: Mindtools

http:/ / An amazing online resource with all sorts of tools for managing projects, time, stress, priorities, strategies and more.


http:/ / Tips and downloads for getting stuff done. The How I Work section of the site features interviews with entrepreneurs, looking at their work-life balance and sharing the tools they use to define and manage whats important to them. The site also has tips on creative thinking, decision making, tech stuff and tips on life when youre not at work.

Look at the items on your to-do list. Quickly draw up an Eisenhower grid and place them on it. Which can you dump or delegate? Which are you neglecting? Before starting to obsess over your to-do or even today list, make sure youre blocking off enough time for box 2.

http:/ / The website of the respected magazine where people starting a business go for help and advice. Particularly brilliant is the small business solutions center which helps on things like assessing the skills of a lawyer, designing your marketing strategy, hiring and firing staff and much more.


http:/ / Smart scheduling for groups that are hard to get together works as well for friends as it does for business meetings.

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WINNING BY RELAXING: tips on how to stay calm, switch off, recharge

Part of making a success of the things you care about is being well-rested enough to summon up the concentration and energy to get things done. So what you do in your down-time is just as important as the hours in the office. This section aims to give you some tips to help you thoroughly relax so you can come back tomorrow to your major goal rested and refreshed.

and illness spreads. Listen to common sense and your body. By staying home youll be less resentful and youll avoid the exhaustion that comes with trying to work through an illness.

The simple act of filling your lungs and letting the air release again does something very simple and magical. When you breathe in fully, your diaphragm drops and your chest expands. Just by doing that, youve improved your posture and youll notice an easing of the pressure points in your back and neck, especially if you sit at a desk for most of the day. Also, the subsequent release is a deflation. The act of release is physically relaxing. Give it a try, right now. Sit down. Close your eyes. Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose counting 3 seconds in your mind, hold your breath for a further 3 seconds and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Allow your shoulders and back to sink down as you exhale. Repeat the process several times, elongating the inward and outward breath. Notice the pleasurable feelings in your body and just how much more focused you feel afterwards.


Isnt it amazing how much more positive you feel about work after your summer break, or right after New Year? Its one of the most positive states of mind for achieving things the post-holiday glow that comes from travelling, experiencing new cultures, being outdoors, reading and talking to friends and family. Over the New Year break each year, start planning your longer breaks so theyre spread out. You might want to reward yourself with a break after a major deadline, or use one as forward-credit if you know you have something important looming once youre back.


If youre feeling swamped, the best thing you can possibly do is to take just 5 minutes and walk outside. Give yourself a reason to do this: grab a bottle of water from the closest shop, drop something to a postbox, walk to a caf thats 5 minutes further than usual to pick up your lunch. Try to look at whats happening around you, rather than focusing on what your current work issue is walking helps present new ideas that would stay

If youre not well, dont come to work. You are NOT THAT IMPORTANT! Your team can live without you, and they can definitely live without your flu / headcold / winter vomiting bug. By coming to work, you do a half-hearted day in the office,

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just out of reach if you were sitting down with a blank piece of paper trying to actively create them.

We love this 5 minute chair-based session for stress reduction: (The site currently allows a 15-day free trial before asking you to sign up.) Also great are these 35 tips on how to deskercise! http:/ /


Get out one bus stop earlier than your home and walk the last 5 minutes. Dont email that colleague across the hall stand up and walk over to chat to them briefly. Theyre not at their desk? Congratulations! Youve doubled your effortless work-out total for the day.


It is easy to spend most of the day sitting down, our poor bodies slumped there like potatoes. Try relieving some of that tension with some simple but effective stretching. Heres a simple forearm stretch: interlace your fingers in front of your chest and turn your palms so they face forward. Keep your upper body still; push your palms forward fully extending your arms. Feel the stretch on the insides of your forearms and hold for 10 to 15 seconds (but dont over-stretch!). Next lift the arms above your head keeping them straight and move them from side to side, noticing all that tension start to dissipate. Simple stretches not only relax but reinvigorate the body. Try out some of the simple routines from It has lots of different stretching techniques, many of which are just 5 minutes long, and there are even varieties you can do while sitting at your desk. Your colleagues think youre weird? Just tell them youve been having back problems and have been advised to do regular short bursts of stretching to alleviate the stiffness.


Find somewhere you like and dont tell your colleagues about it. This could be the coffee house thats just that little bit further from the office than most of them like to go, or the smaller park thats up the hill from the office and on a back street, or the bench in the closest park thats slightly out of view. Sometimes, to stay relaxed, its important to make space for yourself thats private. That doesnt mean there wont be other people there, just not the people you share an office with.


Music is one of lifes most pleasurable ways of relaxing. The Ancient Greeks believed it could cure physical ailments and science has proven it reduces and anxiety, so when Plato says that music soothes the mind and gives it rest you should listen! Listening to music can help us unwind as well as readjusting our gaze by taking our minds elsewhere. A slow tempo and gentle rhythm physically allows the heart rate to decrease and a sense of calm to come over the body. It can also mark a break in

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tempo between certain types of activity. Whether its a classical symphony or the guilty pleasure of a cheesy radio station, make time for music.

Academic research from Dr Tina Bringslimark at Uppsala University, Sweden, suggests that plants and good health are linked. Its believed that in photosynthesis, plants absorb some of the toxins around you. But proximity matters so its important to have a plant on your desk. Not only that, but unless your desk faces a window to the outside world, that glimpse of green at the corner of your eye helps too. Research in 2003 from the University of Texas suggests a link between plants in the office and problem solving, idea generation and creativity.


Everyone likes to party after a deadline or at the end of a stressful project, but the release of ending a major source of stress can lead to over-indulgence. Going out with colleagues is really important for bonding but remember not to overdo it. Sleep, water, fruit and veg are important weapons against exhaustion and burn-out.


Stress tends to come from a period of feeling overloaded and out of your depth in a situation. Its knock-on effect is exhaustion. This may seem obvious, but putting a full cooked breakfast into a weary body tends to not help that exhaustion much. But a diet rich in complex wholegrain carbohydrates, fruit and veg, and low in processed carbs and sugars, can help keep the metabolism ticking over. Better than crashing and burning.


A tangential, but equally important point here: life sometimes offers up toxic people, and said life is short. If some of your friendships are not making you happy, invest less in them or back off altogether. This might be an old work colleague who has moved on and feels it necessary to badmouth your employer, or the critical friend whose every compliment is a double-edged sword. If friends add to your stress (make an exception for those truly in need), then its good self-preservation to see less of them. If the same is true of a boss or toxic co-worker, it might be time to start planning your next adventure in a new job.


None of us are just our jobs. Remember this and keep some evenings sacred for personal relationships. See your friends and your family. Talk to them properly. Share a meal and ask how they are doing. If you plan time to catch up in advance, itll give you something to look forward to during a stressful day. Stress tends to multiply when we dont talk about things that are going on in our lives with honesty and empathy.

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Try at least one of the exercises at work this week Check out Gretchen Rubins Happiness Project (http:/ /, which is packed with tips to help you relax, de-stress and stay happy. Plan your next holiday. Even if its only a few days away. Book dinner with the friend who makes you laugh most, and feel good about life. Do some form of exercise that leaves you breathing at your post-workout rate even for ten minutes in the next 24 hours. A brisk walk, taking the stairs, a short cycle.

Classic reads and practical guidance from the worlds best business authors
Winning without Losing was inspired by the wisdom of 25 of the most innovative entrepreneurs active today people who have achieved balance in their lives and built wildly successful businesses. But where did they learn to love balance and be the efficient, effective entrepreneurs they are today? Maybe our 25 role models were just built that way, but the rest of us sometimes need inspiration to put us on the right track. Here youll find some books to help you on your journey to Winning Without Losing!

Be happy
Laurence Shorters The Optimist is a book to bring out your sunny side. Tracking down his own role models for optimism, Shorter takes us on a grand tour of how to be happy in a world where bad news jumps out from every headline and news bulletin. From the Dalai Lama to Richard Branson, The Optimist is your go-to guide to the history of happiness.

Think philosophically
If youre looking for a slice of wisdom or an empowering thought to get you through the tough times, the classics are always the best. Steinbeck and Ovid are two surprising influences for

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Winning without Losing, but you cant beat the philosophers for making sense of difficult times: Robert Rowland Smiths brilliant Breakfast with Socrates breaks down the ideas of historys greatest thinkers to apply them to daily life and gives you the philosophical perspective you need to make it through the tougher days.

message in The 4-Hour Work Week. Ferriss tells us that if you know the tricks you can spend less time working and earn more money which gives you time to do all the things youve always been dreaming of.

Winning without Losing teaches that some things are better put off till later do the most urgent stuff today, and leave the rest till tomorrow. Going even further is Frank Partnoys Wait, one of the most fascinating and entertaining books weve read in a long time. Partnoys complaint is that being in a hurry hardly ever helps, and he reveals the radical idea that simply waiting can actually be a really powerful tool. By ignoring gut instincts and waiting till the last minute to make a final decision, youll find you make better strategic choices.

Hard work doesnt always pay off but efficient work does
We love efficiency in business because it means we can spend more time with our kids, or rock-climbing, or scuba-diving, or whatever we feel like! The classic book on efficiency is Stephen R. Coveys The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and even 25 years after it was first published its still one of the best books out there on improving your efficiency. And its sold over 25 million copies, so you cant argue with Covey! Jason Frieds ReWork is another good place to start looking for ways to do more work in less time and its specifically focused on entrepreneurs, so its full of ways to build your business without breaking the bank or your back.

Be influential
If winning friends and influencing people is your aim, give How to Win Friends and Influence People a miss and skip straight to Delivering Happiness. Its a great guide to getting what you want in the nicest way possible, from one of our mentors, the happy, decent guy who founded, Tony Hsieh and its stuffed full of funny but persuasive anecdotes on how to run a business that keeps happiness at the core of what it offers customers and staff, and how that can help to reap record results.

Use technology to your advantage

Were also big fans of the idea that leveraging modern technology can make your life more flexible, and thats exactly Tim Ferrisss

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Tech tools to keep on top Be business smart
David Ricardo may have invented the Law of Diminishing Returns, but we wouldnt recommend his Complete Works and Correspondence each of its eleven volumes offers diminishing returns. And Adam Smith and Karl Marx may be interesting, but they dont offer the kind of practical advice budding entrepreneurs and aspiring businesspeople need. For tips on building your own dream job, look no further than Eric Riess The Lean Start-Up, which gives structured practical advice for budding entrepreneurs; and avoid worrying about timezapping, energy-draining goal distractions with the help of Dont Sweat the Small Stuff. And if you need a kickstart to make the leap into your own venture, what better motivation than Eckhart Tolles hugely influential The Power of Now to give you the courage to get up and running. Were guessing pretty much all of you have smartphones and/ or tablets, and probably use them for both home and work communications: emailing, texting, calling, browsing. But are you making the most of their additional ability to run apps that could help simplify and streamline your life? There are loads of great apps out there designed to help you become more efficient, more relaxed, and more organised. Theyre available at the touch of a button, and often for free. So what are you waiting for? Make the most of that money you spend every month on your device contract and download an app that might just improve your home- or work-life or both. Weve collected the best apps for busy people, apps to help you achieve a better work/life balance, whether its saving you time in the office, helping you organise your family life or encouraging some down-time while youre at your desk or on a break. Nearly all the apps mentioned below are free. Let us know what you think of them and offer us your suggestions by tweeting @bjergegaard using #WWL, or visiting our Facebook page:

Know something else

But remember, focusing solely on business can blinker you to other opportunities. So take every opportunity you have to learn something new about the world around you and never be afraid to pick up a new book! So which are your go-to reads when you want wisdom and advice? Let us know by tweeting @bjergegaard using the #WWL hashtag.

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Apps for winning at work: to accompany the insights from Efficiency Boosters and Beware the Time and Energy Wasters sections in the book
Last Pass




No more post-its. Last Pass remembers passwords and safely stores them for you so you can sign into accounts with one click.





Online expense management service that can import your expenses and receipts from your credit cards and mobile phones, process expense reports online, and reimburse electronically with direct deposit and PayPal.





Organizes travel plans into an itinerary that has all of your trip details in one place. Forward confirmation emails from anywhere you book to and TripIt automatically creates one simple, smart itinerary to access on a smartphone, calendar or anywhere online. Capture and save notes / ideas. Save photos, audio, text, and sync between devices for easy access. Never forget an idea or piece of inspiration again.







Free (1 user)


Send, sign, track, manage and access your documents directly from your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices.

Workshare Platform


From $189 per user per year


Workshare Platform boosts productivity by allowing collaborators to set up workspaces and multi-level folders that let people create and share documents of almost any type or size, complete with version control, multi-file upload and synchronization. Ink is a minimalist app which provides a canvas for drawing quick sketches. Ideal for drafting visuals such as ad or web page layouts during a brainstorm to return to later.




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Apps for winning at work: continued ...





When you find something online that you want to view but cant at that moment, put it in Pocket, and come back to it at a more convenient time.



Free trial then 31 to purchase

@ OfficeTimeApp

Easily and effectively manage your companys time and finances. Save timesheets, projects and spread sheets in an easily accessible format.

Get Satisfaction


Free trial then $39 per month

@ getsatisfaction

Leading customer engagement platform. Quickly set up an online customer community to engage with your customers anywhere they are: your website, Facebook, search or on a mobile device.

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Apps for winning through meditation: to accompany the insights from When the Road is Rough and New Ways of Doing Old Things


Lite version = free. Full version = 1.99 0.69


Ambiance is an environment enhancer designed to help you create the perfect ambient atmosphere to relax, focus or reminisce on the go. Choose from over 2500 free relaxing sounds, exclusive to Ambiance. aSleep is the first sleep helper App for iPhone since July 2008 listen to relaxing, natural sounds to aid a deep and peaceful sleep when youre feeling stressed.



iZen Garden


Lite version = free. Full version = 2.49


Koi Pond




iZen Garden gives you the peace and tranquillity of a garden, on your phone or tablet. OK, so its not quite like being in the great outdoors, but youll receive a daily dose of Zen Wisdom to help put you in the right state of mind. An ambient soundtrack plays in the background. Then you create your garden: a bonsai tree here, some stones there choose from 100 objects included. When its finished, you can fire up the meditation timer and sit in quiet contemplation. Look into the clear water, dotted with water lilies, and watch colourful koi swim beneath the surface. This app is touch sensitive so using your finger you can create ripples in the water and send the fish darting in all directions. One for a bit of escapism during a stressful day at work. Learn to meditate with a simple, personalised step-by-step plan for beginners, complete with video and audio meditations that can be accessed anywhere.


iOS Android







myMeditation is an iPhone and iPad app that allows you to design your own meditation experience enabling you to create a gentle sound pattern to pace your breathing, schedule silent meditation sessions, and install relaxing background images.

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Apps for winning in life to accompany insight A New Mindset

Cozi Family

iOS + Android



Organise and manage family life by saving your family calendar, grocery and to-do lists. You can then access it anywhere and sync with others calendars.





24/7 access to health information and decision-support tools.

iReward Chart




Teach your kids how to win without losing! This handy app stores chores and good behaviour data then allocates suitable rewards. Start em young!

Re m e m b e r the Milk




Manage and prioritise your to-do list on the go with this app. See tasks located nearby, add and complete tasks on the go, organize upcoming tasks and get sent useful reminders by email, text or instant messenger. Keep on top of bills by saving them all in one place, and keep on top of what needs paying. You can also track expenses through this app making it the ideal work/life aid.

Bill Minder



@ billminderapp

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Extended biographies of the key WINNING WITHOUT LOSING role models Xiangdong Zhang
Xiangdong Zhang founded 3G.CN with roommate Deng Yuqiang in 2004, creating the first free Mobile Internet model in China. 3G.CN has over 140 million registered users so far, is the countrys largest portal website and has the most users in the Chinese mobile Internet sector. Xiangdong is the author of My Cellphone and The happening future dialogue with entrepreneurs. He established East & West Library to share ideas with friends, being committed to promoting new Chinese youth culture in network time. Xiangdong was selected as one of GQs Men of the Year in 2010.

$30 million sales and a 30% profit margin. The Threadless community is now around 1.8 million strong and growing. Since the beginning, Threadless has been based in Chicago, but Jake has moved to Colorado, keen for his family to enjoy an outdoorsy lifestyle. Typically, he works less than 8 hours a day and can often be found snowboarding in the late afternoon. Twitter: Tumblr: @Threadless http:/ /

John Vechey
John Vechey is the co-founder of online gaming community, Pop Cap Games, which he sold in 2011 to Electronic Arts for just under a billion dollars. Article: John Vechey on How to Cope With Success Article: How I did it Video: How I built a global gaming company Twitter: @Johnvechey Blog: http:/ /

Jake Nickell

In 2000 Jake Nickell co-founded Threadless, an ecommerce site and online community of artists and, along with Jacob deHart, using just $1000 of their own money. The business grew rapidly and in 2008 Threadless was featured on the cover of Inc. magazine as The Most Innovative Small Company in America. .The article estimated Threadless to have achieved

Jason Fried
Jason Fried is the founder and CEO of 37signals, a multimillion-dollar software firm based in Chicago. He is also co-author of the bestselling book Rework. 37signals is well known for its innovative workplace practices. In fact, from May to October

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the company switches to a 32-hour workweek over four days. They found that better work actually got done in four days than in five. Fried believes that we all have different energy levels at different times of the day and that people should be able to work with their energy rather than being slaves to the clock. Twitter: Website: Video: @ jasonfried http:/ / Bigthink interview with Jason Fried

Active Network, Inc) and launched (Active Europe Network) as Co-Founder and CEO. Twitter: website: @ mitchthrower http:/ /

Markus Moberg
Markus Moberg co-founded Veritas Prep, the largest privately owned GMAT preparation company in the world. Moberg launched the company with Yale classmate Chad Troutwine in 2002. In 2009, Moberg was named an Entrepreneur magazine Top 20 Trendsetter. Article: Twitter: Website: A Better Way to Prepare @ VeritasPrep http:/ /

Maxim Spiridonov
Maxim is a Russian serial entrepreneur and investor. One of his ventures publishes two web magazines, each of which has a readership of 100,000. Twitter: Website: @MaximSpiridonov http:/ /

Martin Thorborg
Martin Thorborg is the Co-founder of Jubii, Spamfighter and Amino. He is a father, super-optimist and strong supporter of entrepreneurship in Denmark. Website: Twitter: Facebook: tinthorborg http:/ / @thorborg http:/ /

Mitch Thrower
Mitch Thrower is an author, financier, entrepreneur and 22time Ironman triathlete with a passion for adventure. Thrower is founder and CEO of BUMP Network, a technology and marketing services company. Thrower also serves as Chairman of The La Jolla Foundation, a 501c3 foundation whose primary initiative is Project Active, one of whose main initiatives involves sending sports equipment to children in war zones. Thrower is the Co-Founder of http:/ / (The

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N. R. Narayana Murthy
N. R. Narayana Murthy is an Indian Forbes-listed billionaire and founder of the global technology company Infosys. He sits on the board of some of the worlds most powerful companies including HSBC, The Ford Foundation and Unilever. Infosys was the first Indian firm to be listed on the NASDAQ. He is vigilant about his employees well-being, offering stock options, exercise facilities and spreading values as much as wealth. Article: 30 Lessons from the Life and Career of N. R. Murthy from The Economic Times

Bill Liao
Bill Liao is a social networking pioneer, author, speaker, and philanthropist. He is an investor and volunteer in The Hunger Project in Uganda, New York and Mexico. He is a venture partner with SOSventures. Liao was also the Director of Operations (DOO) of telecommunications company Davnet, which achieved the fastest capital value growth in the history of the Australian Stock exchange. He was the first external investor in Later, Liao became a supervisory board member. In 2009, he founded, an organisation promoting reforestation as a way to combat global warming. Bill Liao and James Whelton founded CoderDojo, a non -profit organisation that teaches children how to code. Websites: Twitter: http:/ /, http:/ / @Liaonet

Nick Mikhailovsky
Nick Mikhailovsky is a co-founder of POIdo as well as the founder and CEO of NTR Lab, a bespoke software development company in Russia, and its subsidiary, NTR Lab US, Inc. His technical background is in straightthrough processing, information system architecture, credit risk estimation systems, and information retrieval systems. Twitter: @nickm197

Caterina Fake
Caterina Fake is the founder of Findery, and co-founder of and Flickr. Caterina is an active angel investor, having invested in Etsy, Kickstarter, Stack Overload, 20200 and many others. She is Founder Partner at Founder Collective as well as being the Chairman and board member at Etsy and on the board of Creative Commons. She is also on the board of advisors for the Berkeley School of Information.

Peter Maegbaek
Peter is the co-founder of Fullrate, a leading Danish Telecom company.

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Website: Twitter:

http:/ / @Caterina

Brad Feld
Brad Feld is one of the managing directors at Foundry Group, a venture capital firm that invests in early stage software and Internet companies throughout the United States. He is also the co-founder of TechStars, a mentor-driven startup accelerator, author of several books and blogs, and a marathon runner. He has completed 23 marathons as part of his mission to finish a marathon in each of the 50 states. Website: http:/ / Twitter: @bfeld Facebook: http:/ / Google+: https:/ / 0/105010690371647025137/posts

Christian Stadil
Christian Stadil, born 1971 in Gentofte , is a Danish entrepreneur and owner of sports company Hummel . He is known for his innovative thinking about management and business philosophy (what he calls Company Karma) and is a member of several boards, advisory boards and think tanks. Christian Stadil is also the director of the group Thornico A / S. Facebook: http:/ /

Claus Meyer
Claus Meyer is the founder and co-owner of Noma, rated as the worlds best restaurant in 2010, 2011, and 2012. A gastronomic entrepreneur and the driving force behind New Nordic Cuisine, Claus is the owner or co-owner of several companies in the catering industry employing over 400 staff. Claus has also hosted his own TV cookery show and gives public lectures. Website: Twitter: http:/ / @clausmeyerdk

David Cohen
David Cohen is an active startup advocate, advisor, board member, and technology advisor. He is the founder and CEO of TechStars, a mentorshipdriven seed stage investment program for Internet startups. Davids hobbies are technology, software/web startups, business history, and tennis. Website: Twitter: http:/ / @davidcohen

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Derek Sivers
Originally a professional musician and circus clown, Derek Sivers created CD Baby in 1998. It became the largest seller of independent music online, with $100M in sales for 150,000 musicians. In 2008, Derek sold CD Baby for $22M, giving the proceeds to a charitable trust for music education. He is a frequent speaker at the TED Conference, with over 5 million views of his talks. In 2011 he published a book which shot to #1 in all of its Amazon categories. Derek Sivers lives in Singapore, where he is creating his next company. Website: Twitter: Facebook: http:/ / @sivers http:/ /

Randy Komisar
Randy Komisar is partner at Kleiner Purkins Caufield & Byers, a firm that The Wall Street Journal has called one of the largest and most established venture capital firms in the world. He is a lecturer on entrepreneurship at Stanford University and the author of the best-selling book The Monk and the Riddle, as well as several articles on leadership and entrepreneurship. He is also the co-author of Getting to Plan B, a book on managing innovation. Website: http:/ / randy-komisar

Sophie Vandebroek
Sophie Vandebroek is Xeroxs Chief Technology Officer and the President of the Xerox Innovation Group. Dr. Vandebroek is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, a Fulbright Fellow and a Fellow of the Belgian-American Educational Foundation. Website: http:/ / novation-group/sophie-vandebroek/enus.html

Ben Way
Based in Silicon Valley, Ben Way is an entrepreneur, inventor, futurologist, philanthropist and on-air personality for Bravo Television. Born 28 September 1980, Ben is perhaps best known for his appearance on Secret Millionaire and as a cast member on StartUps: Silicon Valley. He started his first company at the age of 15. He went on to raise 25 million in his teens making him one of the first dot com millionaires. Twitter: @bway

Torsten Hvidt
Besides his interest in corporate strategy and management, Torsten Hvidt also has a passion for history, philosophy, politics, literature and sports. After eight remarkable years with international management consulting companies, he co-founded

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CoCoCo, now Quartz+Co, in 2002. Website: http:/ / TorstenHvidt

Twitter: IMBD page:

@ChadTroutwine http:/ /

Stever Robbins
Stever Robbins has been a serial entrepreneur, computer programmer, management consultant, #1 iTunes business podcaster, author, and has cowritten and performs his own one-man musical about personal productivity. Stever co-founded the early internet success story FTP Software, and has been a part of ten high-tech start-ups, four IPOs, and three acquisitions. He currently serves as CEO of Stever Robbins, Inc., where he mentors people in life, career, and business issues. Website: Twitter: Facebook: DoneGuy http:/ / @GetItDoneGuy http:/ /

Tony Hsieh
Tony Hsieh is an American internet entrepreneur and venture capitalist. He is the CEO of the online shoe and clothing shop Prior to joining Zappos, Hsieh co-founded and sold the internet advertising network LinkExchange to Microsoft in 1999 for $265 million. Twitter: Website: @zappos http:/ /

Chad Troutwine
When studying at Yale, Chad Troutwine met Markus Moberg and launched Veritas Prep, the largest privately owned GMAT preparation company in the world. Chad is also the cofounder of Spectrum Station, one of the Midwests largest early childhood education centres, and he has produced ten feature films starring more than a dozen Academy Award-winning actors and directors. He is also the co-founder of Freakonomics Media, a digital partnership with author Stephen Dubner and economist Steven Levitt. Website: http:/ /

Henrik Lind
Henry Lind is the founder of Danske Commodities and Lind Finans. Despite launching only in 2004, Danske Commodities had revenues of $818 million in 2011. Henrik is a family man, leading a new wave of super successful yet balanced entrepreneurs. Website: http:/ /

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66 strategies for succeeding in business while living a happy and balanced life


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