Humphreys May NJBMag

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called expense ratios. These expenses
are taken out of the fund’s assets and
lower the return to a fund’s investor.
Actively-managed mutual funds gener-
ally carry an expense ratio of 1 percent
to 1.5 percent per year, while index
funds have ratios of around 0.2 per-
cent. Hedge funds typically charge a
2 percent management fee every year
and managers also take a performance
fee of 20 percent of the return gener-
ated. Insurance products such as vari-
able annuities carry multiple layers of
fees. There are broker commissions to
buy them, surrender charges and tax
penalties if you want out early, ongoing
annual management fees, and the vari-
able annuity usually invests in mutual
The Impact of Fees on Your Portfolio funds that carry all the fees mentioned
above. Lastly, many independent advi-
>>>Understanding the costs can help you in the long term.
sors charge an annual management
By Don Humphreys fee.
So what does all this mean? Each
One of the most important issues By looking at specific investment product mentioned above has benefits,
for investors to understand is how fees products, you get a clearer picture of but these benefits must be weighed
affect their bottom line. As investors, what all these fees can mean to you. against their cost. Even a seemingly
it’s essential that we understand what Stocks and ETFs (exchange-traded small 1 percent difference in expenses
these fees are and where they come funds) are easy to understand. You per year can have a big impact on your
from in order to make informed invest- buy or sell, and you get charged a overall investment return. By under-
ment decisions. commission. Slightly more complex standing the underlying fees involved
Investment fees come in a variety are mutual funds. These can carry with investing, people can make
of forms, but in general, they fall into multiple fees. Some funds have sales better decisions about where to put
two categories: transaction-based fees charges such as front-end loads or their money. And these decisions can
and ongoing fees. Transactional fees redemption fees that are similar to clearly have a huge impact. So don’t
are one-time costs, typically associ- commissions – you pay up-front or at be afraid to ask your advisor or broker
ated with commissions, sales charges, the time of sale, to a broker or sales for the full scope of fees involved in
mutual fund loads (front-end/back- rep. Additionally, all funds charge fees your investment process, whether they
end), redemption fees or surrender for the operation of the fund; these are are up-front costs, on-going fees or
charges. These costs are generally charges and penalties for selling. NJB
paid directly to a broker or sales per-
son at the time of a transaction (buy or
sell.) Ongoing fees are more difficult to About the Author
ascertain. Usually, they fall into the fol- >Even a seemingly small Donald Humphreys is the founder of
lowing categories: ratios, performance 1 percent difference in Voyager Wealth Management, a fee-only
fees, advisory fees and annual fees. expenses per year can have independent registered investment ad-
To be sure, every product you invest in visory rm headquartered in Harrington
charges some form of fee that either big impact on your overall Park.
directly or indirectly affects your return. investment return.

18 May 2009

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