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Love is life (Twelfth Night Essay) Grace Lee

Love is a light that allows people to see things that are not seen by others. Love will always be a part of your life no matter what happens. In the play Twelfth Night love plays a huge and important role between the characters in the play. The play is based on a love triangle and separated love. Three types of love that are displayed in Twelfth Night are courtly, romantic and family love.

Courtly love is one of the three types of love shown in Twelfth Night. An example of courtly love is shown between the characters is by Duke Orsino and his love for lady Olivia. All he really loves though is her wealth and status. In Illyria. Duke Orsino says why so I do the noblest that I have. Oh when mine eyes did see Olivia first, me thought she purged the air of pestilence. That instant was I turned into a hart, and my desires like fell and cruel hands, eer since pursue me.(I,I,1 9-20) Page 1-2. That quote means that when Duke Orsino first saw Olivia it seemed to him that she has changed the air that the was breathing making it more sweeter and pure and from that moment on he fell in love with her. Another example of courtly love that is shown is by the character Malvolio. Malvolio a steward of Olivias household loves lady Olivia for the same reason Duke Orsino does for her wealth and status. Malvolio says, that I may command where I adore. Why, she may command me: I serve her, she is my lady. (ii,V,109-110). He is saying that Olivia can ask him to do anything because he serves her and that she is his lady. Therefore meaning she can control him because he loves her and wants to make her happy.

Romantic love is the second type of love shown in Twelfth Night. An example of romantic love shown in Twelfth night will be by the characters Olivia and Cesario. Olivia loves Cesario thinking he is a male because of appearance vs. reality. Olivia is tricked by Cesario because of how he dresses as a man to serve Duke Orsino and by

how he acts and talks. After Olivia and Cesario meets she falls in love with him and wants to see him again therefore makes an excuse to bring him back. Olivia says Run after that same peevish messenger, the countys man. He left this ring behind him, would I or not tell him ill none of it. Desire him not to flatter with his lord, or gold him up with hopes. I am not for him. If that the youth will come this way tomorrow, ill give him reasons for it. Hie thee, Malvolio. (I,IV,295,300) Page 27. The significance of that quote is Olivia wants Cesario to return tomorrow because she is in love with him and wants to see Cesario again therefore makes up an excuse to see him once again. The second romantic loves shown in the play are by the characters Sebastian and Olivia. It was love at first sight and they got married after a day because of confusion in identity. Lady Olivia says, Blame not this haste of mine. If you mean well, now go with this holy man and me into the chantry by there before him and underneath that consecrated roof, plight me the full assurance of your faith, that my most jealous and too doubtful soul may live at peace. He shall conceal it whiles you are willing it shall come to not what time we will our celebration keep according to my birth. What do you say? (iv,III,22-31) page 88. Also she says then lead the way, good, father, and heavens so shine, that they may fairly note this act of mine.(IV,iii,34-35). Page 88. Meaning of that was when Lady Olivia purposes to Sebastian and asks him to live with her and she explains how she will be a good wife. Just asking to agree with the marriage so they can get married.

The last example of love shown in Twelfth Night is family love. Family love is important in the play because it shows how others care for each other. The first family love shown in the play are by Sebastian and Viola. In the play it shows how other characters love each other by what they say and how they feel. Viola says, O my poor brother! And perchance may he be. Also in the end when they meet they talk about their father. Of messaline. Sebastian was my father such a Sebastian was

my brother too. (V,I,226-227). My father had a mole upon his brow and he died that day when viola from her birth had numberd thirteen years. (V,I,236,238-239). They both relate to their father and each other in a unique way on how they found each other when they thought the other was dead. Lady Olivia and Sir Toby display the second example of family love. They are cousins that are why when Sir Toby and Sebastian was going to fight she said Hold, Toby! On thy life I charge thee hold! (IV,1,43) Page 80. Olivia commands Sir Toby to hold his weapon obtain from hitting Sebastian because she cares and loves them both and wants no one neither to get injured. The third evidence of family love is by Olivia and her love and respect for her father and brother. The captain of the ship says, A virtuous maid, the daughter of a count that dies some twelvemonth since, then leaving her in the protection of his son and her brother. (I,II,36-41) Page 6. Olivia shows family love by saying that she will cover her face for seven days years with a black vale so no man can see her mourn for her brother and father.

Love is everywhere is life even in novels, plays, life and school but the love shown in the play was Courtly, Romantic and family love. Everything may turn out as a struggle or as a new start but in the end love will always be there for you because even though life is a rollercoaster with the ups and downs love is all you need.

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