Sam Media Recruitment Questionnaire

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Sam Media Sdn Bhd Self-Assessment Questionnaire

Your details Name Email Skype ID Date Nazrul Muhaimin Bin Rahmat nazrulmin 16/5/2013

Please complete the questionnaire below. You may take as much space as needed without worrying about the document formatting. The information you provide is confidential and will not be shared with any third party.

Educational details
(Please only provide the details of the highest education you have attended.)
Name and location of educational institute: University Putra Malaysia Start date: End date: Major: Grade: Why did you select this particular school? June 2004 June 2007 Software Engineering 3.481 It is public government high educational institution that is well known for its establishment and accredited, and it is not far from my house so that I can take a look at my mother regularly By government loan. (PTPTN)

How was your education financed?

Generally, what were your college years like?

Something that is tremendously built my personality, ignite my passion towards anything, incredibly shine my leadership, and of course importantly memorable. Education, social association, sports, campus, faculty

What sort of curriculum did you focus on?

What sort of campus activities did you get involved in?

Navy ROTU (Reserved Officer Training Unit) is my major activities, besides many internal collegiate activities, sports of course.

Educational details (continued)

How would you describe your study habits during college?

I like to give focus in lecture so that I do not have to do extra studies, sometimes visit lecturer for further understanding, I have regular group study that always together, even though we do much last minute study but we excellence in it. In terms of campus activities, I do learn many things such how to work with colleague effectively as well how to be a leader. In terms of real work experiences I've just once work at some local hotel as housekeeper. Attitude. I always carry this attribute where ever I go. My opinion and stands is that no matter how knowledge or skills you are or what position you hold but if you got no attitude there's no way people will respect you and your work will pending, and you'll be irresponsible. I really enjoy doing campus activities like military training, sports and so on, and of course outside activities with my best friends.

Detail any work experiences you have had during college.

What were important career influences?

What were some of the things you really enjoyed during your college years?

What were some of the less enjoyable experiences during your college years?

When we got some conflict in the faculty and with some of our friends.

What were your career thoughts toward the end of college? What options did you consider?

At that time, career is where I'm getting more serious in life and an entrance of adulthood, so I'm start thinking to gain more experiences and knowledge where ever I can. I choose more towards whatever I've learn in university versus whatever I can do for living.

Work History (last or current job)

Employer and location: Title: Start date: End date: Type of business: MahindraSatyam. Cyberjaya Senior Executive April 2012 Present IT Outsourcing & Consultancy

Salary (Starting): Salary (Final): Nature of work: Responsibilities / Accountabilities:

5500 6000 Programmer, Developer - .NET C# programming resource - involve in development of system, program or application based on client requirements - dealt with any kind of .NET technology whether to continue on current technology or to migrate to latest version or to develop new from scratch depending on client requirements

Successes and accomplishments:

- migrated a module in one big system from current .NET 1.0 C# to .NET 4.0 C# - do debugging, fixing and testing upon delivery of a system - undergone Microsoft C# Programming Fundamental training to sharpen skills - in idle mode, present POC (proof of concept) application that done from scratch to the team as part of self skill intensify practices - not been able to achieve certain milestone at the right time due to constraint from on-site engineer Do the coding, programming and developing alongside helpful, understanding teammate

Failures and mistakes:

What did you like most about your job?

What did you least enjoy?

Sitting in idle mode and wait for the new project to coming in.

Work History (last or current job, continued)

Reasons for leaving or desiring to change:

Don't like the situations where I have to sit in idle mode and wait for the new project for quite a long time searching new experiences in to do what I really want or like to do better pay due to life requirements

Name and title of immediate supervisor:

Durairaj Verasinnaiah, team lead

Permission to contact?
(YES/NO. If yes, please provide contact details, if no, please explain why not.)

Yes. 0163013936

Your supervisors strengths?

Excellent technical ability, good communicator, very cool

Your supervisors shortcomings?

Too easy or not strict on certain team members

Best guess as to what your supervisor felt at that time were your strengths?

He felt pleased and helped like the team structure are being strengthened.

Best guess as to what your supervisor felt at that time were your weaker points?

He felt something has to be done, like giving training or have to put some more responsibilities upon my shoulder

Overall performance of your supervisor?


Work History (previous job)

Employer and location: Maybank Berhad. Menara Maybank, Jalan Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur Network Executive July 2011 March 2012 Banking, Financial Institution

Title: Start date: End date: Type of business:

Salary (Starting): Salary (Final): Nature of work: Responsibilities / Accountabilities:

4300 4390 Network Governance, Project Management - Dealing with daily routine task such as network reporting and current project issues. - Plan for new project deployment for network infrastructure enhancement. - Engage and governing outsourcing party to deal with current organization network infrastructure. - Experience in leading, controlling and manage network infrastructure enhancement project. - Experience in process and change management for current project deployment. Cannot cope with given workload (operation + project management) thus result in pending of some project

Successes and accomplishments:

Failures and mistakes:

What did you like most about - help client in resolving network issues your job? - meeting a range level of people

Work History (previous job, continued)

What did you least enjoy? Getting disgraced by colleague, and unappreciated work

Reasons for leaving or desiring to change:

Just have a kid and cannot cope with relentless operation and governance as well as 24H standby searching new experiences in to do what I really want or like to do better pay due to life requirements

Name and title of immediate supervisor:

Ibrahim Asbullah. Network Head

Permission to contact?
(YES/NO. If yes, please provide contact details, if no, please explain why not.)

Yes. 0192272693

Your supervisors strengths? Strong previous network management experiences, tangible way of work distribution and arrangement Your supervisors shortcomings? Do not really know current environment due to this position is always vacant.

Best guess as to what your supervisor felt at that time were your strengths? Best guess as to what your supervisor felt at that time were your weaker points?

He felt confidence in driving the team.

He needs more people to cope with current situations.

Overall performance of your supervisor?


Plans and goals for the future

What are you looking for in your next job? Something that is enjoyable and desirable to do, not to forget friendly environment.

What are other job possibilities you have at this moment and how do you feel about each one?

I've got 2 to 3 possibilities but yet offered, the foreseen differences is of course the salary range, job scope, and benefit promises. But all has got its own best, and we can't really know the environment until we've made the first step into that organization. I have the feeling and heart to swiftly see the end of one level

What about 5 or 10 years down the road; where do you hope to be by then, careerwise?

What do you view as advantages of joining Sam Media?

What do you view as possible disadvantages of joining Sam Media?

Intellectual characteristics
How would you describe your problem analysis skills?

Do people generally regard you as one who diligently pursues every detail or do you tend to be more broad brush?

What analytic approaches do you use?

How would you describe your decision-making approach? Decisive & quick / more thorough but sometimes too slow? Intuitive or factsbased? Do you involve many or few people? What are a couple of the most difficult decisions you made recently? What are a couple of the best decisions you made in the past year?

Intellectual characteristics (continued)

What are a couple of the worst decisions you made in the past year?

What maxims do you live by?

Are you more comfortable dealing with concrete, tangible, short-term or more abstract, conceptual, longterm issues?

How creative are you? What are the best examples of your creativity?

Do you consider yourself a more visionary or more pragmatic thinker? Explain why.

Intellectual characteristics (continued)

How do you rate yourself in public speaking?

How would you describe your role in meetings?

Describe the last time you put your foot in your mouth.

How would you describe your writing style in comparison with others styles?

Personal characteristics
What motivates you?

How many hours per week have you worked, on the average, during the past year?

Describe the pace at which you work fast, slow, or moderate.

Who have been your major career influences, and why?

Are you better at initiating a lot of things or hammering out results for fewer things?

In what specific ways have you changed an organization the most (in terms of direction, results, policies)?

Personal characteristics (continued)


How would you describe your work habits?

How well organized are you; what do you do to be organized and what, if anything, do you feel you ought to do to be better organized?

Describe a situation that did not go as well as planned. What would you have done differently?

How much supervision do you want or need?

What are the most important lessons you have learnt in your career (be specific with respect to when, where, what, etc)?

Personal characteristics (continued)

How do you handle yourself under stress and pressure?

Describe yourself in terms of emotional control; what sorts of things irritate you the most or get you down?

How many times have you lost your cool in the past couple of months?

What sort of mood swings do you experience how high are the highs, how low are the lows, and why?

Describe a situation in which you were the most angry you have been in years.

How have you changed during the recent years?

Personal characteristics (continued)

What sort of organizational changes have you found easiest and most difficult to accept?

What changes in your approach would be most appropriate in your next job?

What actions would you take in the first week, should you join Sam Media?

Describe a situation in which the pressure to compromise your integrity were the strongest you have ever felt.

Interpersonal relations
How would you rate yourself in enthusiasm and charisma?

How would you describe your level of assertiveness?

Describe situations in which your negotiation skills proved effective and ineffective.

Describe the most difficult person with whom you have had to work.

Describe a situation in which you felt others were wrong and you were right.

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