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Every time I see Ryan, the incident that occurred to me two months ago would replay in my mind and

it seemed as if it happened only yesterday. I will never forget the embarrassing but blissfully incident that happened to me. Every single details that happened come sipping through my mind. Ryan was the most handsome and gorgeous guy in my college. His sparkling green eyes, which always illuminated an aura of intelligence, high cheekbones and ebony black hair just took my breath away. At the first time he landed his eyes on me, I felt that this world was turning upside down. It did not take a genius to know that I had a major crush on him.

That fateful day started just like any other day. The morning rays of the sun penetrated through the canopy of leaves. The blazing sun was shining through the cloudless sky. It was fine, sunny Sunday morning. Every weekend, Sarah and i would go to library to do some research for our assignment. I was very shocked to see someone that I wanted to see. It was Ryan, Am I dreaming? I pinched my cheek. Ouch!!!. Absolutely it was him. Ryan was reading a magazine. This is my chance, I have to do something to let him notice I am here . I mumbled. I decided to ask for Sarahs favour. I glanced at him. He looked so focu sed on what he was reading.

Sarah did what I told her to do. Sarah walked in front of his table and dropped her book. At the same time, she took a peek on what Ryan was reading. When she came back to me, she whispered, Guess what, Ryan is reading an article on how to tackle a girl. Sarah was so excited with what she had seen. She quickly placed a chair beside me and took a seat. I forgot to remind her that there was a melted sweet on it. Unfortunately, she just sat there. As she noticed there was something sticky on her jeans, she quickly went to the toilet and cleaned up her newly-bought jeans. At that moment, I was thinking that it was a suitable time to make Ryan noticed me. I was thinking in front of him to get a magazine. I could feel that his sparkling green eyes were scanning me. I was totally gratified. But unluckily, he did not say even a simple word Hi!!! Am I invisible? I was very disappointed with his reaction. I came back to my seat and continued my research. Sarah came to me a few minutes later.

Both of us were eyeing every action that Ryan took. I did not believe that Ryan could read that magazine. For me, Ryan was perfect guy and he definitely could win any girls heart without having to do a research. I swore that even though he did not utter any romantic word, the girl heart would melt like a hot knife cutting through butter because of his charming smile. We immediately bent our heads over a magazine and pretended to be laughing at a picture there when Ryan realized that we were watching him. After a few minutes reading the magazine, Ryan took out a piece of paper and a pencil. He scribbled something on the paper. We were thinking that Ryan was taking down notes on what he had read.

My heart was beating wildly when Sarah said that Ryan was approaching our table. Ryan brought along a piece of paper. Sarah nudged me and whispered, He going to apply what he had just read. Holding out the folded piece of paper, he said awkwardly to me, this. Its very beneficial for you. I felt that I was flying happily in the sky when he was smiling at me. I could not wait any longer to open the folded paper and read it. Ryan left us without a word. Whats on the paper was very embarrassing. He wrote that, Adriana, I think that you a having period. Automatically I turned back and looked down. With a dropped jaw, all I could do was screaming. I could feel my face was blushing.

The next day, I decided to thank Ryan about the incident. But I felt very ashamed to meet him face to face. So I planned to write him a letter. I was thinking that it was a perfect time to let him know me better. I would grab this opportunity by telling him about my feeling. So I wrote the letter. Then, I put the letter in my beg before I asked for Sarahs help. Before our class started, Sarah met me at our favourite spot which was at the library. I asked for Sarah favour to give the letter to Ryan. Sarah was the person who really understands me. She agreed to be the post lady and send the letter to Ryan. Unfortunately, the letter was not in my beg. I was searching the whole of my beg but I could not find it. I tried to calm down and think positively. I might misplace the letter.

In class, I was restless and kept glancing at the door, half expecting Sarah to burst in any minutes. When she finally appeared, her expressions were not of excitement like before but rather guilt-stricken and afraid. I was wondering what Sarah was thinking. She quickly came and whispered to me that my letter which I would like to give to Ryan was on the collage public board. Oh my God!!! I was very shocked to hear that news. Realisation and despair hit me like a thunderbolt. She also said that everybody was having exciting time reading the letter. I ran out from my class to know the truth. When I arrived there, people were looking at me and they were roaring uncontrollable laugh. I felt hot tears stinging my eyes. Unable to stand it any longer, I ran away from their mocking faces.

Suddenly, I was running into someone. Both of us fell on the floor. I stared at him and I could see he was smiling at me. Oh my God!!! Why should this happen to me? Ryan was in front of me. I felt that he was jeering at me with what had happened. I cried uncontrollably and tried to stand up to leave him. But Ryan immediately grabbed my hand. I was stunned with his reaction. We were standing up together and our eyes met. Everyone at the scene of our drama was speechless. Ryan wiped my tears and at the same time I asked for his apology. I knew that he also felt ashamed because of me. But what I had thought was out of my expectation. Ryan lifted my chin gently. On that moment, I could sense the warmth of his love even though I did not know his feeling fond me.

Adriana, I am sorry because I could not forgive you. What? How could you? Listen, I just want you to know that I had fallen in love with you since the first time I met you at library yesterday. Why you did not tell me? I was afraid that you will hate me because I was labelled as playboy. No. I can never hate you.

Adriana, can I say something? Sure, what? I love you.

I was in utter disbelief and speechless. All the hurts and shameful experience earlier were washed away when he uttered the three magic words. At that moment, I felt that what had happened was a blessing in disguise. It was meant to turn out that way because everything happened for a reason. As for what had happened between me and Ryan, I really could say if you love somebody, you should let she o he knows about your feeling before anything happens.

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