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Please see page two
for important information
about today’s service and
how to get the most out of
your visit with us.

“Every good gift and every By Mike Rose, Senior Pastor

We are excited that you chose to join us for our 2008
perfect gift is from above, and Thanksgiving Celebration! Although it is commonly
accepted that the first Thanksgiving celebration was in
comes down from the Father of 1621, it was not until 1863 that President Abraham Lin-
lights, with whom there is no coln proclaimed the last Thursday of November to be a
national day of Thanksgiving. According to,
variation or shadow of turning.” website for The History Channel, during the early twenti-
James 1:17 (NKJV) eth century, Thanksgiving Day became more focused on
sports and leisure than its name would suggest. In fact,
it became the start of the Christmas shopping season. So
important was this month-long shopping extravaganza
to the nation’s retailers that in 1939 President Franklin D. Roosevelt had
Thanksgiving moved from the last Thursday to the third Thursday of Novem-
ber to extend the shopping season an additional week. This change created a
great deal of controversy. In 1941 Congress settled the dispute by declaring
the fourth Thursday of each November to be Thanksgiving Day.
Regardless of when Thanksgiving Day is, I think it’s great that our nation
has officially set aside a day to give thanks for the blessings we enjoy. We
truly are a blessed people! I realize with a war going on and our economy in
serious trouble, we may be tempted to think that we have little to be thankful
for. However, if we each take time to consider the reality of our lives, I believe
we would agree that despite difficulties and trials, we have much to be thankful
for. It is my prayer that today’s service will cause you to take stock of the
tremendous blessings that God has bestowed upon you and your family. That
every day, but especially on Thanksgiving Day, you will pause to recognize the
wonderful benefits that are yours because of God’s grace to you. James 1:17,
NKJV says; “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes
down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of
turning.” May your Thanksgiving be filled with many remembrances of God’s
blessings to you and many offerings of thanks for His tremendous blessings.

Volume 10 Number 27 First Federated Church 1 Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thank you for choosing to worship with us this morning!
Have Questions?
If you have any questions, simply ask someone wearing a Guest Welcome Children’s
name tag with “Here to Help” on it or visit the Welcome Center
in the foyer.
Reception Center Registration
Guest Reception North Parking Lot Station
If you are visiting with us for the first time or have just
recently started attending First Federated Church, we cordially
invite you to a reception in the foyer immediately following the
service. We would love to have the opportunity to meet you, get Resource 115

119 117

to know you better, and answer any questions you may have. WEST GYM EAST GYM

Fill Out the Care & Communication Card


If you have never completed a Care and Communication Card,
please take a moment to do so. This allows us, as a church family,
to better know your needs and how we can serve you. The Care 111C

and Communication Card is located inside this newspaper. Just fill PARISH 1164

out the card completely and leave at the end of your pew, give to an NURSE➤ 111A


usher, or hand it in at the Guest Reception. 1125


Thank you for taking the time to visit First Federated Church.
If you are not presently a member of a Bible teaching church, we Guest
invite you to join our church family. Reception
If You Have Children Visit the Children’s
Ministry Registration Station KZ Church
Trust your children to the care of our dedicated, loving A.E.D.
SW Entrance

2nd Floor
Children’s Ministry staff. Our children’s programs provide qual- M Men Restroom
W Women Restroom

ity care and learning for kids of all ages.

If your child has not already been enrolled in our Children’s
Cellular Phones & Pagers
Ministry, a quick visit to the Children’s Ministry Registration
Station will provide you with temporary security tags and give us Thank you for turning off, or muting, your cell phone, pager and other electronic
the information we need to effectively minister to your child. devices during this morning’s worship service.
Infants & Preschool Children Assistive Listening Devices (Auditorium Only)
Childcare and teaching are available during the 9:15 hour and 10:45 worship services ALS devices are available for check-out at the Resource Center in the foyer.
in the Nursery and Preschool Departments. AED (Automated External Defibrillator)/First-aid
Kindergarten–4th Grade Facilities for guests needing first aid, health counseling, and blood
During the 9:15 hour, K–4th graders meet in graded classroom groups for Bible pressure checks are provided by our Parish Nurses located in the
learning and fun. west hallway in Room 1117, Sundays, 10:30AM–Noon.
K–4th graders attend the first part of the 10:45 worship services with their families Please contact an usher if you need immediate assistance.
and then are dismissed to attend their own age-appropriate children’s church, called Lost and Found
KZ Church. Parents, we encourage you to go with your children the first time they visit Lost items may be reported or claimed at the main office of the church during
KZ Church in Room 240. regular M-F office hours. Lost and found items are kept for 30 days.
Xtreme AM (5th & 6th Grade) First Federated Church regards your safety as our highest priority. If you have any
Our preteens meet in their own Xtreme spot, Room 205, at 9:15 for a time of Xtreme concerns, please inform one of our ushers or staff. If a building emergency arises,
learning, Xtreme prayer and Xtreme relationship-building, then join their families for directions will be provided over the public address system.
the 10:45 worship services.
Recordings of Today’s Message
Youth (Grade 7–12) & Adults CD recordings of the morning message can be picked up immediately following the
Groups for ADULTS and activities for YOUTH begin at 9:15AM. Stop by service at the Resource Center in the foyer for $3.
the Welcome Center to find out about each of the groups and how to get there. You can also listen to the message for free at
Prayer Team Up Front
If you would like to pray with someone today, please come to the front of the
room following this morning’s service. Members of our church leadership stand
ready to serve you.

First Federated Church 2 Sunday, November 23, 2008

Shoes for Christmas
Our tree is trimmed…with
paper shoes…and waiting for
you today in the foyer. Stop
by and select the name of a
child for whom you are willing
to provide new shoes. These
children all live in the Homes
of Oakridge right here in Des
There will be volunteers
at the tree to help you register
your selection. Then you may
either purchase tennis shoes
yourself ($15 or less) or simply
donate money for us to pur-
chase shoes for the child. The
shoes should be returned to the
church by Monday, December
15 (in the shoe box, but NOT
gift wrapped, please).
The shoes will be distribut-
ed at a reception for Oakridge
families after our Christmas
celebration on December 21.
“Then the righteous will
answer him, ‘Lord, when did
we see you hungry and feed
you, or thirsty and give you
something to drink? When
did we see you a stranger and
invite you in, or needing clothes
and clothe you? When did we
see you sick or in prison and
go to visit you?’ Then the King
will reply, ‘I tell you the truth,
whatever you did for one of the
least of these brothers of mine,
you did for me.’”
Matthew 25: 37-40
First Federated Church 3 Sunday, November 23, 2008
Sunday Mornings | 9:15–10:30AM Other Groups
Adult Bible Fellowship (ABFs) Experience, investigate, build and grow in your faith. We have
Once you’ve joined us in worship, our Adult Bible Fellowships are opportunities available during the week that include:
a great next step to connect with others and grow in your faith. We Women in the Word
have a variety of opportunities available that include: Life Principles from the New Testament Men of Faith
The HUB (ages 18-24) | Room 244 Tuesdays | January 6–April | 9:00–11:00AM | Rm 100 & 131 (Library)
STUDY: Life applications from God’s Word On break now until January 6, 2009
The Channel (ages 25–35) | Room 149 MOPS—Mothers of Pre-Schoolers
STUDY: Life applications from God’s Word Second and fourth Tuesday of each month | 9:00–11:00AM | Fellowship Hall
Connections (born in the 1970s) | Room 220S
$6 per meeting | Facilitators: Miriam Hager, 251.6964, & Lisa Rhodes, 274.0832
STUDY: Core Christian Beliefs
Wednesdays | 6:30–8:00PM
Homebuilders (born in the 1960s) | Room 1250–1251 Join us in prayer, fellowship and fun as we connect with others
STUDY: Passionately Committed Christian Character
and grow in our faith. We have a variety of opportunities avail-
Cornerstone (born in the 1950s) | Room 1240–1241 able that include:
STUDY: Pillars of the Faith The Way of the Master
Koinonia (all ages) | Room 1252–1253 September 10–December 3 | Rm 1254-55 | Facilitator: Terry Stark
STUDY: “One Another” series For Men—Quest for Authentic Manhood
Ezra (all ages) | Room 1118 September 10–December 3 | Rm 1250-51 | Facilitator: Allen Peterson
STUDY: Verse by verse study of Titus For Men—Winning at Work and at Home
Galilean (born in the 1930s) | Room 1244–1247 September 10–December 3 | Rm 1252-53
STUDY: I John For All—Prayer Community
Immanuel (born in the 1930s) | Room 1105 Ongoing | Rm 1244–1247 | Facilitator: Pastor Mike Rose
STUDY: Revelation
For Moms—Moms’ Prayer Group
Friendly Fellowship (born in the 1920s) | Room 1254–1255 Ongoing | 5:30–6:15PM | Rm 100
STUDY: One anothers
For Women—Falling in Love with Jesus
W.H.O. (born before the 1920s) | Room 1116 Began October 29 | 6:30–8PM | Rm 1240-41 | Facilitator: Sharon Johnsonx
STUDY: The New Testament Community
Card Ministry
Women (all ages) | Room 208 1:00-3:00PM | Rm 139
STUDY: Having a Mary Spirit or Beyond the Masquerade
Men (all ages) | Room 210 Men’s Basketball League Tuesday, November 25
STUDY: Wise Men Still Seek Him 6:30 Celtics—Rockets
Worship Team | Room 1125 8:00 Bulls—Lakers
STUDY: Facing Your Giants
Prayer (all ages) | Room 100
Ecclesiastes | Room 1238–1239 | Biblically Measured
STUDY: Learn about life and faith from the
wisest man who ever lived.
Perspectives on the World Christian Movement

The HUB (ages 18–24)
Sundays at 9:15AM—Meet
Monday evenings running January 12–April 27 at Johnston Evangelical
Free Church, 6:30–9:00PM. In 15 lessons, you’ll engage with a wide range
of dynamic speakers. Weekly readings and study will help you dig even
deeper. Cost: $250 Certificate/Audit, or $470 College Credit.
in the HUB for breakfast, worship 1. Biblical Foundation: See new meaning throughout God’s Word in
and fellowship with a great lesson light of its primary theme. Learn why God blessed His chosen people

thrown in for good measure!
Monday at 7:00PM—Bible
studies.SINGLES 18-24at Friedrichs
Coffee, 4632 86th, in Urbandale.
and why He blesses us today.
2. Historical Progress: See how God used key events and people to expand
His Kingdom. Learn from the successes and mistakes of our past.
3. Cultural Distinctives: See how the Gospel is understood and received
Dec. 14, 6:00PM: HUB versus
by people of other cultures. Learn how this affects our witness of God’s
HeirBorn in dodgeball Sunday!
Time to exact revenge from our last truth.
battle! We need all of you to round up 4. Strategic Involvement: See the vital role you can play in God’s
friends, family, professional ringers, global purposes. Learn how to use your gifts, skills, and passions for
random people off the street. Well God’s glory.
you get the idea! Special prize to
whoever takes out Howie! Possible college credits. Assistance from Missions council for registration.

First Federated Church 4 Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008
10:45AM Combined | Pastor Mike Rose
Thanksgiving Celebration

Holiday Worship Services and Schedule

Saturday, December 6
6:00PM A Southern Gospel Christmas | Auditorium
Sunday, December 21
9:15–9:45AM Fellowship Reception | Auditorium Foyer
10:00AM Combined Christmas Celebration Service
Wednesday, December 24
6:00 & 9:00PM Christmas Eve Service | Franklin Hall
Sunday, December 28
10:45AM Combined Year-end Worship Service
Sunday, January 4
10:45AM Combined 2009 Kick Off Worship Service

a fresh-water worship experience

Sundays | 10:45AM | Franklin Hall

Regular Submission Deadline: Tuesdays by noon
We prefer that items be submitted electronically!
All submitted items are subject to submission guidelines and editorial review by
the church staff. FFC reserves the right to edit submissions for length.
First Federated Church does not claim to own any copyright privileges on items
printed in this newspaper, unless otherwise stated. All items published are
quoted in good faith and believed to be free for circulation or public domain.

First Federated Church 5 Sunday, November 23, 2008

ONE The contents of this page have been removed to protect the
ANOTHER privacy of those in our congregation.

Printed copies of this page can be obtained at the church.

Items found on this page include:

Pray for Those Who Grieve
Happy Birthday!
(Birthdays are listed for Federated members & missionaries)
Pray for those with Physical Needs
(In the Hospital, Upcoming Surgery/Procedures, Partial List of the Ongoing Needs of Our Members &
Regular Attenders)

Our Encouragement Pray for Those Who Serve our Church

“Give thanks to the Lord of
lords, For His loving kindness is
Psalm 136:3

First Federated Church 6 Sunday, November 23, 2008

MISSION ONE Reaching others for Jesus Christ
Tim & Iris Loomans Jeff & Carolyn Anderson
Mission Board: Global Recordings Network Mission Board: New Life
Location: Krasnoyarsk, Siberia Location: Cantabria, Spain
What do they do? The Loomans’ desire What do they do? Jeff and
is to make known clearly the truth of Carolyn are co-directors
Jesus Christ to every ethnic group in of La Industria, a 9-month
Siberia. As a team they are involved recording messages discipleship program offered to Spanish youth on the north-
of salvation in the heart language of 32 ethnic groups. ern coast of Spain to strengthen and develop leadership.
The recordings are distributed by partnering with Russian In Contra Corriente, the goal is to motivate young people
churches, missionaries and others. They work to train na- through events that challenge them to fully abandon their
tional missionaries to serve in Siberia and the former Soviet lives to God. Carolyn went on many FFC mission trips as a
Union. teen and is the daughter of Mike and Jan McCourt.
Praises: Praises:
• The doors of freedom in Russia are closing. However, they • The dollar has gained some ground on the euro which has
have not sensed the Lord closing the door for them. been a great help.
Prayer Requests: • This summer they had a record number of youth attend their
• While in the US: pray for visa renewal and temporary resi- 10 day camp and have received words of encouragement
dency application; home schooling, school teacher for the from parents and pastors regarding the changes seen in their
boys. youth.
• In Siberia: For Tim’s new teaching responsibilities—open Prayer Requests:
doors to be a witness. • For their teenagers, Austin, Reid and Aaron—that God’s
• For the sawmill to prosper. hand of protection would be over them and that the Spirit of
God would move and work in each of them.
• Electricity for their home.
• That God would use their family and home to bless others.
• Russian churches to support the ministry.
• For the students in their nine month program—that God
• For their home to become a center of service for the nations.
would heal and give direction to each one over these next
Emmanuel & Mercy Dabson nine months.
Mission Board: Mony & Kunnery Mok
Partners International
Mission Board: Partners International
Location: Ghana
Location: All 23 Provinces of Cambodia
What do they do? Evangelism,
What do they do? Mony is Director of
church planting and disci-
River of Life Churches, an evangelism
pleship are the focus of their ministry at Christian Outreach
and church planting ministry that
Fellowship. Reports received and visits paid to some of their
communicates the Gospel to unreached and largely Buddhist
mission fields testify to the great efforts of their workers, and
populations through indigenous church planters. Through
the challenges they surmount. Missionary efforts all over
our gifts, Partners International supports full-time workers
Ghana are bearing fruit, though it is more challenging for
and church plants.
those working in the Muslim north.
• For motorcycles that allow workers to travel every day to
• Gifts recently have provided 50 bicycles and 2 motorcycles
bring the Gospel to remote villages.
to COF church planters.
Prayer Requests:
• Micro-enterprise loans remain a success in expanding busi-
nesses, allowing new loans to be given and people to support • For the safety and protection of church planters as they travel
their families. through and minister to hostile villages.
Prayer Requests: • For the government to ease its restrictions on church activi-
• For a peaceful resolution to the tribal feud between the
Mamprussi and Kusasi tribes. • For a peaceful resolution to the dispute between Cambodia
and Thailand.
• For the witchcraft, voodoo and superstitions to be put to rest
and the people brought to the true Savior. • For the poor families being served by churches to be
impacted by the love they see in Christians and to put their
• More bicycles and motorbikes are needed.
faith in Christ.
• Wisdom in leadership.
First Federated Church 7 Sunday, November 23, 2008
What’s Going On?
Hangtimes Heirborn Website/facebook
Nov 23—Sierra’s and Josiah’s 7th–12th Grades
4th birthday Party in the BackDoor We have an Heirborn teen working hard to keep our website
Nov 30—Howland Home—FOOTBALL! and Facebook updated with all of the Heirborn events and
Dec 7—SMT Meeting activities! Check them out and look for weekly updates! Heirborn
Dec 14—Girls’/Guys’ Night Out members are encouraged to have a facebook as that is one of the
many ways we communicate.
TODAY: Acquire the Fire Feb. 20-21
Birthday Party | 6-8PM It’s coming to First Federated this year!!! Come hear awesome
It’s Sierra’s and Josiah’s 4th birthday! Come celebrate in the bands Kutless, Building 429, Everyday Sunday, and Phil Joel
Backdoor with cake during regular HangTime! leading worship. Not to mention the amazing speakers: Joel
Johnson, Casey Johnson and Ron Luce! Cost: $43.50 only until
Have You? Dec. 17. After that date the price goes up to $63.00. Reserve your
The clock is ticking for those of you who have NOT tickets now! (JH, SH)
done the following:
Dodge Ball Mondays | 6:30–8:00PM
 Turned in your $50 deposit for Senior Ski Trip. It’s back! We have weekly match-ups on Monday nights,
Don’t miss this great event, gang! 6:30–8:00PM. Parents and youth leaders are welcome too! (basi-
cally anyone who loves dodge ball). Look for Heirborn vs. Hub
match-ups during the school year!
For Moms—Moms’ Prayer Group
Wednesdays | 5:30–6:15PM | RM 131 (Library) | No Meeting 11/26
Facilitators: Lori Blake & Julie Harper
If you are a mother of a senior / junior high youth, this is a
wonderful opportunity for you to get together with other moms
for encouragement and to pray for our youth. You can pick up a
meal in Fellowship Hall and join us in prayer.
Turn in Your Schedules
Parents and/or teens please turn in, email, or call Howie
with fall event schedules. The Howlands want to see your ball
games, show choir concerts, etc… but we need to know when
the events are,

Turkey Trek
November 14–16, 2008
Intimate Worship led by Taylor Holt
Three Bible studies
1) Prayer/Openness to God
2) Saying “Yes” to God, and “No” to all the good things
that compete with God’s main calling on your life
3) Dealing with anger Biblically
Turkey Themed Recreation
Volleyball, swimming, football, basketball and the ever
famous POLAR BEAR DARE—8 of us dove into 40 degree
water! Now that’s a leap of FAITH!

First Federated Church 8 Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wednesday Night Study | It’s Not About Me NO KZ Church Today
No Meeting 11/26 On this Thanksgiving celebration
Teens may purchase their own copy of It’s Not About Me: Sunday, all elementary children will
Teen Edition for $8. See Howie or Julie to purchase the book. remain with their families for the
This is our study on Wednesday nights, beginning Oct. 8. We worship service. Join us again next
make every effort to summarize the book to students who do not Sunday for KZ Church.
purchase them, but the study is all the more valuable if the teens
participate on their own as well. Shoes for Christmas
Remember to stop by the tree in
In December the foyer and select the name of
Girls’/Guys’ Night Out December 14 | 6:30–9:00PM an Oakridge child who could
Girls: Meet in the BackDoor, we will reveal the wrapped gift use a new pair of shoes
you picked out for your friend… but ultimately the gift will go to this Christmas. Make
a child in need in the Des Moines area. Bring Christmas goodies! it a family project to
Guys: We’re going to play dodgeball in the west gym! shop for shoes and then
Parents & youth leaders are needed for both events. to pray for that specific
Christmas Parties child and his/her family.
JH | Friday, December 12 | 6–9PM
SH | Friday, December 19 | 6–9PM
Hard to believe it, but the Christmas parties are only a month
Thanksgiving Break
There will be NO Wednesday night
away! We’ll meet at the Backdoor. Be thinking about white
clubs or classes this week. Have a
elephant gifts to exchange, plus caroling, Christmas goodies, hot
happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the turkey
chocolate & cider!
and all the other yummy fixins, as well
Senior Ski Trip December 27–31 as the parades, football games and time
Hey there, class of 2008! You’ve spent up to six years in the with the cousins, but don’t forget the
youth group trenches and now comes a really cool payoff. Come GIVING THANKS part. Take a little
join us for this year’s Senior Ski Trip to Wausau, WI. Consider par- time with your family to count your
ticipating in the work projects to earn your way there. Information blessings and thank God for His good
is available in the Backdoor. Ten Bible studies on life after high gifts to you. We’ll see you all next
school are incorporated in this exciting trip. Cost: $400. Wednesday.
SMT meeting ................................................................................................................7
JH Christmas Party ...................................................................................................12
Girls’/Guys’ night out ..............................................................................................14
SH Christmas Party ..................................................................................................19
Senior High Trip ................................................................................................. 27-31

The Road to Renewed Relationships

Sunday Mornings | 8:00AM & 10:45AM | Auditorium
10/19 When Giving Up is Winning
10/26 The Power of Forgiveness
11/2 The Purpose of Forgiveness
11/9 The Process of Forgiveness
11/16 The Platform for Forgiveness
11/30 A Rock that Blocks God’s Blessing

First Federated Church 9 Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wednesday Night Meal
Fellowship Hall | 5-6:15PM
Children (age 2-12) $2 | Adults $3 | Family $10
Make reservations on the Care & Communication Card or call the
church office before noon on Mondays.
Nov 26: Happy Thanksgiving--No meal

No Regular Wednesday Night Activities (Thanksgiving Break) ........................... 26
Building Closed (Thanksgiving) .........................................................................27 & 28
Communion (Traditional & Celebration Services)............................................................... 30

Journey Bound Quartet Southern Gospel Christmas (Auditorium | 6:00PM) ........6
Congregational Meeting (Franklin Hall | 6:00PM) .......................................................14
No Regular 9:15AM Sunday Activities.................................................................21
Fellowship Reception (Auditorium Foyer | 9:15–9:45AM) ................................................21 Thank You!
Combined Christmas Celebration (Auditorium | Combined Service 10:00AM) .............21 As of Wednesday, November 19, we have received
No Regular Wednesday Night Activities (Christmas Break) ................................ 24 500 shoe boxes filled with gifts for Operation Christmas
Christmas Eve Services (Franklin Hall | 6PM & 9PM) ...................................................... 24 Child. Now their journey begins! Please pray for the children
Building Closed (Christmas) ....................................................................................... 25 who will receive these boxes and for the Samaritan’s Purse staff
Combined Year-end Worship Service (Auditorium | Combined Service 10:45AM) ...... 28
and volunteers who are responsible for the shoe box shipping
No Regular Wednesday Night Activities (Christmas Break) .................................31
and distribution.
January Shoe Box Amnesty Program
Building Closed (New Year’s) .........................................................................................1
Combined 2009 Kick Off Worship Service (Auditorium | Combined Service 10:45AM) .........4 If you took a prewrapped shoe box and
Regular Wednesday Night Activities Resume .................................................7 were not able to finish filling it for Operation
Moody Chorale .........................................................................................................18 Christmas Child this year, please return the
box to the Welcome Center or the Children’s
Ministry office. It’s okay, really. We understand that happens
Financial Report sometimes. No questions asked and you may remain anonymous.
Attendance 11/16/08 General Fund Offering Thank you!
8:00AM ......................................... 278 Last Week

10:45AM ....................................... 791 Weekly Need ........................ $34,419
Budgeted Missions: Offering ...............................$32,852
Year to Date: 9/1/08–present Shortage...............................($1,567)
Need ..................................... $59,654 Year to Date: 9/1/08–present Offering Envelopes
Need ...................................$378,609 Offering envelopes for 2009 have been received and will be
Offering ................................$56,663
Offering .............................$349,004 available for pick-up in December. If you do not currently use
Shortage................................($2,991 numbered envelopes, please consider doing so. The accuracy and
Mortgage Shortage............................ ($29,605)
efficiency of recording financial gifts is much greater and you
Current Balance ...................$337,328 can save yourself the bother of writing your name and address
Next Payment November 25 on the outside of the envelope. Please call Karen or Cindi in the
church office to request that a number be assigned to you so that
your box of envelopes will be ready along with the rest.
Deacon of the Month
Larry Harker, 255.2122 ext 139 Board Nominations
Our Deacons stand ready to help with the physical needs of the Our constitution calls for a period of time near the end of
members and attenders of this fellowship. Should you have a each year when the current board leadership solicits congrega-
tional recommendations of individuals qualified to serve on the
short-term, emergency need, do not hesitate to call the church
church boards. We will be accepting your input on this between
office and leave a message for the “Deacon of the Month.” This
now and December 1 in preparation for next year’s election of
ministry is made possible by your gifts to the Deacons’ Fund. board members.
Deaconess of the Month If you would like to recommend someone for consideration,
Cyndi Murphy | 277.2040 please submit their name, in written form, as well as the position
Our Deaconesses are available to the women of the church in you believe they are qualified to serve. These may be submitted
to Tom Hefner in the church office. You may also e-mail sugges-
areas of encouragement and spiritual support. If you need a
tions to
listening ear and someone to pray with you, please call Cyndi.

First Federated Church 10 Sunday, November 23, 2008

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