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Feeding back on an inadequate lesson

It is never easy to feed back on an inadequate lesson and there is a lot of advice available as to how to start the conversation with this kind of meeting. Whilst some advice suggests that asking a teacher how did you feel that went? is counterproductive, it is useful to find out if the lesson in terms of student behaviour/ pace/ progress etc. was typical at least that way, although it doesnt alter the judgement, the observee has some opportunity to explain if there were extenuating circumstances. Ideally the process should be exactly the same as for any other lesson feedback and it is even more important that the key focus is on the learning and progress made by the learner rather than on the teacher themselves. It is also very important that any evidence recorded is phrased to be supportive and developmental by including phrases that suggest how things could have been tackled better, for example rather than just stating: Resources are very limited with the result that students appear uninspired even at the start of the lesson. Add on the reason why: This is because there is little direction for them as to what and how they will be learning. And then suggest how it could be improved: The use of ICT at the start of the lesson may well help to focus and interest students , for example DVD of the heart pumping blood around the body. Try to phrase statements that will prompt discussion and allow the observee to comment, however ensure that the judgements are not up for debate where there are clear links with lack of progress and learning: Planning shows limited differentiation which suggests that assessment information has not been used sufficiently well to allow learning objectives to be clear and tasks matched to students needs. As a result learning is limited and students, including those with EAL, do not make the progress of which they are capable. Keep comments objective and impersonal, for example: Learning objectives and success criteria are not shared with the students during the lesson. This results in students being unclear about exactly what they will be learning about the circulatory system. They have limited options to recognise when they have succeeded in their learning. Be specific about the different groups of students and their behaviour/learning/ progress: Behaviour is managed so that students do actually undertake the tasks set. However, the boys tend to monopolise the sessions causing the teacher to frequently stop and regain their attention. This is not helped by the seating arrangements which mean that the boys have full attention to the detriment of the girls progress. Comment on strengths but be clear in the wording that this is not enough to change the final judgement: Relations between the teacher and the students are positive, however, because other aspects of the lesson are inadequate, this alone is not enough to ensure that students of different ability make sufficient progress during the lesson given their capabilities. In the summary make sure that the key aspect that makes this an inadequate lesson is made clear: This is an inadequate lesson, characterised by insufficient use of assessment to support planning to meet the needs of the students with differing ability and need Highlight the strengths: Relationships between students and teacher

And then identify issues for discussion/ areas for development Consider how planning could be improved how would improved use of assessment allow the different groups of students to increase their progress? How could lesson planning and delivery ensure that all students know what they are to learn and when they have succeeded? How would this impact upon learning and progress?

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