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1- PETROBRAS DISTRIBUIDORA S.A. 2010 In the fragments people came up with all kinds of ideas for what to do with oils energy (lines 35-36) and The amount of energy we get back from drilling oil wells (lines 45-46), the phrases came up with and get back, can be replaced without change in meaning by, respectively, (A)prevented miss (B) proposed recover (C) supplied destroy (D) suggested invest (E) discarded collect

2- PETROBRAS BRASILEIRO S.A. 2010 The expression in bold type and the item in parenthesis are semantically equivalent in (A) All that CO2 has to be separated out, a process that uses up a lot of the energy the plant produces. lines 16-18 - (saves). (B) Provided the money is forked over immediately, we might have 20 plants by 2020. - lines 27-28 - (demanded). (C) Old, inefficient plants can be shut down in favor of new ones that operate at a much higher thermal efficiency, - lines 47-49 - (closed). (D) Trying to figure out the most cost-effective way to scrub CO2 is enough of a challenge. - lines 59-60 - (justify). (E) this idea is rarely brought up in the debate over clean coal,- lines 6465 - (discarded).

3- PETROBRAS BRASILEIRO S.A. 2010 The expression in bold type and the item in brackets are semantically equivalent in (A) Weak prospects for a significant pick-up in the medium term have raised questions about (lines 4-3) [drop]. (B) The drying up of international financing, (line 7) [growth]. (C) The revised plan for 2009-13 is based on an average oil price of US$42/b and calls for investments of around US$174.4bn, (lines 14-17) [demands]. (D) private operators sell the oil they produce in exchange for a relatively low government take of between 5% and 10%. (lines 66-68) [instead of]. (E) A more dramatic approach under consideration is to turn concession contracts into production-sharing agreements with Petrobras. (lines 71-73) [submitto].

4- PETROBRAS DISTRIBUIDORA S.A. 2010 The pair of words that express opposing ideas is (A) ...remarkable... (line 11) extraordinary . (B) ...sparingly. (line 25) economically. (C) ...tiny... (line 33) huge. (D) ...drop, (line 47) fall. (E) ...deployed... (line 59) used.

5- PETROBRAS BIOCOMBUSTVEL 2010 Based on the meanings of the words in the text, it can be said that (A) ...ensure... (line 6) and guarantee are antonyms. (B) ...outstrip... (line 10) and exceed are synonyms. (C) ...downgraded... (line 13) and subsidized express similar ideas. (D) ...highlights... (line 35) and underlines express contradictory ideas. (E) ...owing to... (line 58) and as a result of have opposite meanings.

6- PETROBRAS 2008 Based on the meanings in the text, mark the only option in which the two words are antonymous. (A) combination (line 8) - mixture (B) irreversible (line 14) changeable (C) valuable (line 20) worthy (D) trend (line 23) tendency (E) rose (line 29) increased

7- PETROBRAS 2008 In the sentence It is likely that the future consumer will not even know that they are putting biofuels into their car, (lines 16-17), It is likely that could be substituted by (A) Surely. (B) Certainly. (C) Probably. (D) Obviously. (E) Undoubtedly.

8 - PETROBRAS 2008 Which alternative contains a correct correspondence of meaning? (A) speed up (line 26) means accelerate. (B) rapidly (line 27) is the opposite of quickly. (C) entire (line 29) could not be replaced by whole. (D) residues (line 43) and leftovers are antonyms. (E) surfaced (line 45) and emerged are not synonyms.

9 - PETROBRAS BRASILEIRO S.A. 2010 Based on the meanings in Text II, the words reveal opposite ideas in (A)fierce (line 1) passionate. (B) disrupt (line 11) disturb. (C) impending (line 13) approaching. (D) defective (line 21) faultless. (E) acknowledge (line 29) recognize.

10- PETROBRAS BRASILEIRO S.A. 2010 In terms of meaning, (A) ...looming... (line 35) and emerging are synonyms. (B) ...throw... (line 36) is not equivalent to invest. (C) ...spreading... (line 40) cannot be replaced by expanding. (D) ...upheaval. (line 45) and change are antonyms. (E) ...scrub... (line 60) is similar in meaning to release.

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