Interpretação Abrangente

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Interpretao Abrangente

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I- EPE 2010 How to solve the energy crisis Kris De Decker (edited by Vincent Grosjean) Dont get me wrong: all efforts to build and develop renewable energy and energy efficient technology are useful and very necessary. My point is that, by themselves, they will not yield any results. To make them work, we need to put an absolute limit to energy use. The main purpose of the article is to (A) criticize countries that do not invest in renewable energy production. (B) alert the world to the excessive energy consumption in Asian countries. (C) suggest that the solution to the energy crisis should include a decrease in demand. (D) convince the reader that societies should stop developing new products to save more energy. (E) announce a drastic measure to eliminate the emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

II- PETROBRAS 2010 PEAK OIL FOR DUMMIES by Tom Rogue - August 09, 2009 Over the past decade, a fierce debate has emerged amongst energy experts about whether global oil production was about to reach a peak, followed by an irreversible decline. This event, commonly known as Peak Oil far outreaches the sole discipline of geology. The aim of Text II is to (A) announce to the public the consensus on the exact number of years left to end global oil reserves. (B) complain against the complex methodology used to calculate the volume of remaining world oil reserves. (C) warn about issues concerning the evaluation of future oil reserves and the possibility of shortages. (D) denounce the OPEC countries for extracting more oil than needed for their consumption. (E) minimize the relevance of the threat of a crisis in the oil industry caused by devastated reserves.

III - PETROBRAS 2010 THE NEXT OIL GIANT? Mar 19th 2009 From the Economist Intelligence Unit ViewsWire In the past two years Brazil has discovered the largest oil deposits in the countrys history and the worlds most promising fields since the discoveries made in Kashagan in Kazakhstan in 2000. This has put Brazil well on its way to becoming a major producer in the future, but technological and financial hurdles will have to be overcome first. The overall intention of Text I is to (A) discuss which oil deposit is the worlds largest reservoir in the present century. (B) convince readers of the problems that might arise in exploring the new Brazilian oil finds. (C) defend the position that no costly investment should be made in the new Tupi reserves. (D) persuade the government not to invest in productsharing mechanisms of oil exploration. (E) expose the authors contradictory arguments on the technical difficulties of exploring deep oil reservoirs.

IV- PETROBRAS 2010 CLEAN COAL, A GLOBAL FAILURE IN THE MAKING By Chris Morrison | Oct 30, 2009 Heres a bit of unalloyed pessimism for you: Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), more widely known as clean coal technology, is not going to work out. Governments and the coal industry are trying to bite off too much at once. The authors communicative intention in Text II is to (A) comment on the advanced stage of clean coal research at the present time. (B) criticize coal mine and plant owners who do not use clean coal technology. (C) assure that by 2030 a relevant number of plants will be able to use clean coal. (D) justify why clean coal technology may not be a feasible solution to fight global warming. (E) suggest that coal burning is definitely the best idea to eliminate sulfur dioxide from the environment.

V- PETROBRAS 2010 Deepwater Oil Finds Spur NYK to Invest in New Vessels by Mari Iwata A raft of giant oil strikes in global deepwaters is prompting Japanese shipping company NIPPON YUSEN KABUSHIKI KAISHA (NYK Line) to invest more in floating production vessels that it can offer for lease, a senior executive said. NYK Line says Petroleo Brasileiro SA (PBR) will be its biggest customer in the near term, as Brazils state-owned oil company targets first production from large oil finds in the subsalt region. The main purpose of this article is to (A) justify why NYK has been Petrobrass biggest customer in prospecting subsalt regions. (B) explain why NYK and Petrobras have decided to jointly operate drilling ships till January 2012. (C) complain about Petrobrass ambitious drilling plans derived from its recent deepwater discoveries. (D) expose NYKs plans for floating vessels that could be leased to Petrobrass subsalt oil drilling. (E) recommend investors to put their money on shares of NYK as the companys net earnings for the fiscal year were high.

VI- PETROBRAS 2010 The next oil giant? Mar 19th 2009 from the Economist Intelligence Unit ViewsWire Financing hurdles At the time of the Tupi discovery, oil prices were close to US$100/b, but since then they have fallen to around US$40/b. Weak prospects for a significant pickup in the medium term have raised questions about whether investors will see the project as financially viable. The question mark in the title The next oil giant?, in connection with the arguments exposed in the text, suggests that the author (A) fears the unexpected drop in oil prices resulting from the new oil finds. (B) is uncertain about the profitability of Brazils recently discovered oil reserves. (C) refuses to admit that Brazil will definitely emerge as a financially viable country. (D) questions whether Brazil will really become selfsufficient in oil in the near future. (E) criticizes the Brazilian governments current concession laws for oil exploration by foreign companies.

VII- PETROBRAS 2010 Fossil Fuels The twentieth century has been called the hydrocarbon century due to the abundance of fossil fuels, and their contribution to human development. Fossil fuels were formed over millions of years by the decomposing remains of plants and animals under immense heat and pressure. This process resulted in energy laden fuels coal, petroleum, and natural gas, which together have generated most of the energy consumed globally for over a century, paving the way for continued advancement and new inventions. The text Fossil fuels can be classified as a (A) recommendation for future use and transport of fossil fuels. (B) manual for the recycling of fossil fuels consumed in industries. (C) panoramic account of the past, present and future of fossil fuels in society. (D) historical perspective of world energetic resources before the Industrial Revolution. (E) newspaper article on recent discoveries in oil drilling and their economic potential.

VIII- PETROBRAS 2008 Cane surpasses power dams in Brazil energy complex Thu May 8, 2008 2:41pm EDT By Denise Luna RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Sugar cane and cane based ethanol became a more important energy source than hydroelectric power plants in Brazils overall energy complex last year, topped only by petroleum and oil products. The main purpose of Text I is to (A) criticize the increasing price of ethanol and flex fuel cars. (B) condemn the excessive use of renewable energy sources in Brazil. (C) announce a recent and relevant change in Brazils energy complex. (D) report on the excessive use of cane and ethanol for electricity generation in Brazil. (E) explain why gasoline consumption has suddenly dropped in Latin American countries.

IX-PETROBRAS 2008 Bicycle sales have been booming in North America in recent years, with some sources saying high gas prices may be responsible for the trend. Bike shops are reporting high profits, bike lanes are expanding, and the web is exploding with useful blogs and websites designed to help cyclists. A few of our favorites are the Bike Forums, Bikely Routes, and the Bike Tutor. Wed like to see this trend continue as commuting by bicycle saves a lot of money, improves your health, and is probably one of the quickest and most effective ways to reduce carbon emissions! The best title for Text I is (A) Recent Sales Declines in the US. (B) Gas Prices Reported High Profits. (C) The Bicycle: An Environmental Hero. (D) Cycling Increases Carbon Emissions. (E) Explosion of Blogs and Websites on the Web.

X- PETROBRAS 2008 Ethanol Pipeline Proposed by Producers Ethanol producers are considering whether a dedicated pipeline might be the best method for transporting the fuel. The ethanol industry is currently reliant upon traditional transport methods, such as railway and tanker truck, to ship the fuel across the states. Since ethanol plants must depend on rail or truck for distribution, the result has been a delay in getting the fuel to the pumps. The industry has therefore initiated a study of the developing problem and a suggestion for an ethanol pipeline is emerging. 28 Nov, 2007. The central theme of Text II is the (A) need for a specific ethanol pipeline as a solution for delivering the fuel to users. (B) importance of ethanol plants as an emerging fuel to replace crude oil in vehicles. (C) study of traditional transport methods and their effects on the production of ethanol. (D) dependence on railways and roads for distributing gasoline and many dairy products. (E) delay of initiating a study for the use of railways and tanker trucks to ship fuels to American states.

A bit Advancement Alloyed Amongst Assure Bite off too much Boom Build Clean coal Close Commute Complain about Decrease Deley Deliver Due to Dummy

Effect Effort Failure Feasible Fierce Hurdle Hydroeletric Improve Near term Outreach Overall Overcome Peak Pipeline Prefits Pump Raft

Railway Reliant upon Remain Renewable Ship Sole Spur Strike Sugar cane Trend Unalloyed Useful Vessel Widely Work out Yield

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