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Game Film Instruction with ADDIE

Game Film Instruction Designed with the ADDIE Model Karl Bayek EDU623: Designing Learning Environments Dr. Linda Kaiser

Game Film Instruction with ADDIE Game Film Instruction with ADDIE The Game Film is a brief (3-5 minute) video clip produced by a teacher that

demonstrates teacher instruction and student activity based on a targeted, school-wide Learning Principle. Educational consultant Allison Zmuda introduced the Game Film concept to a select number of teachers at Wethersfield High School (about 25% of the schools 80 teachers). Zmuda instructed this cohort on the protocol to be followed for sharing these Game Films. The Game Film is presented to a small team of colleagues (4-5 teachers per group) with the intention of sharing various instructional methods/strategies, and lessons/activities that promote student engagement and involvement in learning. These Game Film teams are essentially cross-disciplinary Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) that are goal oriented and results driven in their commitment to improvement in teaching and student learning. Beginning at the start of the 2013-2014 school-year, Game Film teams will become a school-wide practice. Game Film instruction is needed for all Wethersfield High School teachers not already practicing the process. It is necessary to educate these learners on all aspects of the process in order for groups to effectively follow the Game Film protocol and maximize the learning potential of these PLCs. Analysis Current Situation and Need for Training Professional Learning Communities are teams of educators who create an environment that fosters mutual cooperation, emotional support, and personal growth as they work together to achieve what they cannot accomplish alone (Dufour & Eaker, 1998, p. xii). PLCs support learning through the benefit of the collective knowledge of the group. "Members engage in joint activities and discussions, help each other, and share information. They build relationships that

Game Film Instruction with ADDIE enable them to learn from each other (Wenger, 2006). Through continued interaction, group members support each other through collaboration in solving problems, exploring and experimenting with new ideas and providing encouragement to grow as an individual. The idiom 'two heads are better than one' is the underlying strength of these communities. Open

dialogue can lead to creativity and innovation that often cannot occur in isolation. Game Film teams utilize video evidence of teacher instruction focused on improving student learning. Team members benefit from the opportunities to observe their peers in action, the feedback and insights they receive and the open forum for discussion of instructional strategies. Continuous improvement in teaching and student learning are the goals of the evaluation process of these Game Films and the cooperative efforts of the Game Film team members. Peer support and encouragement creates a sense of cooperation and teamwork in members committed to a shared educational vision (Adams, 2009). Game Film teams will be the first school-wide, crossdisciplinary PLCs to be developed at WHS. Training will provide the necessary structure for these teams to be self-supported and achieve the intended goals. Game Film training is imperative to developing knowledge and skill in the Game Film protocol, as well as, confidence and encouragement in the value of building cooperative Game Film teams. The power of these PLCs is the belief in benefit of the process. Teachers in the existing cohort of teams can attest to the benefits of the Game Film protocol. The existing teams received small-group instruction and demonstration from educational consultant Allison Zmuda. Zmuda has not been contracted to return to WHS to train the new teams of teachers on the Game Film process, so a comprehensive training session is necessary to educate the learners on all aspects of the process. Audience/Population

Game Film Instruction with ADDIE

The audience of the Game Film training is all Wethersfield High School teachers not already practicing the process, roughly 60 teachers total. A wide range of ages and teaching experience exists in this group; from early/mid-twenties to early/mid-sixties; first-year teachers to teachers with 35+ years of teaching experience. Every teacher has at minimum a Bachelors Degree and current CT Educator Certification, and many teachers additionally have earned a Masters Degree, 6th-Year and/or PhD. All teachers are skilled in the lesson planning and instructional implementation aspects of the Game Film. Knowledge and skills in using technology, specifically an iPad, to record and edit video is varied in this group. Previous iPad professional development sessions have been offered to this audience, with a range of topics and difficulty levels to differentiate to the learners. Some teachers are knowledgeable and innovative enough to have incorporated iPad use into their learning environment, while others know little more than how to turn it on and use the student attendance app. Learning styles vary greatly in this audience, based on individual Intelligences, personality traits, and often relates to the subject area the educator teaches. It would be most effective to utilize instructional methods and strategies that access various learning styles throughout the training process. Visual presentations and demonstrations, verbal instruction and explanations, hands-on application and practice, individual and group activities should all be designed and implemented in the training to target the variety of ways that this audience develops knowledge and skill. Learning Environment/Technology Analysis Every teacher at Wethersfield High School has a computer in their classroom and has been issued an iPad. Wireless connection is most often used to access the school/district network and internet, but many computers still utilize a wire connection. All classrooms, as well as the

Game Film Instruction with ADDIE

school auditorium, are equipped with a digital projector, Smart Board, and/or Apple TV. These features allow network and internet based learning materials to be accessed and utilized from any classroom in the school. This creates flexibility of venue when implementing the training. Task Analysis and Content Mastery The Game Film training will introduce all learners to the revised version of the schoolwide Learning Principles. These Learning Principles were developed to continually guide decision-making about learning, including teaching practices, instructional materials, and curricular and professional growth (WHS, 2012). Teachers must have a thorough understanding of these Principles, as they are the foundation of the instructional improvement that will guide the Game Film process. An explanation of what the Game Film will show will follow. The essence of the Game Film is to display instructional methods/strategies and student learning focused on one specific Learning Principle. This usually involves editing multiple recorded video clips into one condensed clip of visual evidence. A detailed explanation/demonstration of the Game Film protocol will inform learners about all the steps involved in effective sharing and evaluating each team members Game Film. Learners must acquire the following content knowledge/skills through this training: An understanding of each of the school-wide Learning Principles. An understanding of that the Game Film must demonstrate instruction/learning based on one targeted Learning Principle. The abilities to record and edit video to create the Game Film. An understanding of the entire Game Film protocol.

Situational Analysis In order for the training to prove successful, and the Game Film teams to be effective communities of growth, learners must thoroughly understand all aspects of the process and believe it will benefit all those involved. A potential barrier would be negative attitudes towards

Game Film Instruction with ADDIE

this new requirement and added responsibility. It is important to present the Game Film teams and process as beneficial to professional growth, a cooperative and supportive working environment, and as a set of tasks that can be seamlessly fit into each teachers regular lesson planning and classroom instruction. Another barrier in implementing this training, is the prior knowledge and experience of learners, specifically related to technology. The lack of experience in video recording and editing could create complications in creating the Game Film, therefore diminishing the value of the entire Game Film protocol. Schedule
Describe current situation and need for training Analyze audience population Analyze learning environment Analyze tasks and content mastery Analyze situation Analyze media/technology Evaluate Analysis elements Create schedule Create course objectives Support instruction with learning theory Create lesson structure Design assessments Plan media specifications Evaluate Design elements Create storyboards Create lesson plans Create instructor notes Create instructional materials Create assessments Plan location(s), instructor(s) Prepare technology Evaluate Development elements Train facilitators Prepare learning environment(s) Execute lesson plans Evaluate Implementation Conduct Level 1 and 2 evaluations. Evaluate Level 1 and 2 evaluation data. Conduct Level 3 and 4 evaluations. Plan next steps




Implementation Evaluation

Course Objectives

Game Film Instruction with ADDIE Objective #1: Given visual presentation, verbal explanation and information handout of the school-wide Learning Principles, teachers in the newly created Game Film teams should be able to complete the Self-Reflection on Learning Principles form.

Objective #2: Given visual presentation, verbal explanation and information handout of the school-wide Learning Principles, teachers in the newly created Game Film teams should be able to provide written examples of instructional practices related to each Learning Principle (completed Connection to Learning Principles form).

Objective #3: Given visual presentation, verbal explanation and information handout of the school-wide Learning Principles, teachers in the newly created Game Film teams should be able to list two lesson ideas related to two different Learning Principles (completed Developing Instruction around Learning Principles form).

Objective #4: Given demonstration of techniques and practice time, teachers in the newly created Game Film teams should be able to record and edit one 3-5 minute video using iMovie on an iPad. Objective #5: Given demonstration of Game Film protocol and explanation of feedback form completion, teachers in the newly created Game Film teams should be able to complete the feedback form during one Game Film evaluation session.

Learning Theory The Wethersfield Learning Principles create a conceptual framework related to every content area. Because these ideas were developed to support learning in a wide range of subjects, the Learning Principles must be universally applicable. Each teacher connects to the Learning Principles through the lens of the content area they teach and their style of teaching. The broad statements that comprise the Learning Principles require the interpretation of each individual teacher. The theory that underlies this process of learning is Constructivism. Each member of the training audience becomes an information constructor, constructing their own subjective representations of the objective statements. The constructed meaning of these Learning Principles serves as the basis for the instruction and activities that follow: self-

Game Film Instruction with ADDIE

reflection on Learning Principles, connection to current practices and development of instruction around the Learning Principles. The instructor in each segment of the designed training must serve the role of a facilitator, helping the learner get to his or her own understanding of the content. The Game Film instruction builds on these initial characteristics of Constructivism. Game Film teams are cross-disciplinary groups, each representing a wide range of talents, knowledge and experiences. Following the Learning Principle instruction segment, the remaining instruction will be delivered by facilitators in small-groups (each separate Game Film team). Focused interaction between team members is designed to build knowledge and skills related to the training content, as well as develop positive relationships through a sharedlearning process. Collaboration through tasks and discussions between learners with different skills and backgrounds help all members of the group to arrive at a shared understanding of the truth (Duffy & Jonassen, 1992). Constructivism promotes social and communication skills by creating a classroom environment that emphasizes collaboration and exchange of ideas (EBC, 2004). The training content and activities are structured around an authentic, real-world context, designed to engage learners through relevance, motivation towards professional growth and interaction. The creation of cohesive Game Film teams is essential to continued learning beyond the training event. These communities support teaching by establishing collegial relationships between educators working towards a common goal; providing the best possible education for students (Blankenship & Ruona, 2007). Group members benefit from the knowledge and experience of their peers which provides insight into various techniques and strategies proven to be effective. By analyzing the methods of others, a teacher can become more versatile and better

Game Film Instruction with ADDIE

their craft. The ability to openly discuss problems and receive critical feedback allows members to reflect upon, and develop opportunities to strengthen, their weaknesses. Jonassen (1994) proposed the following characteristics of Constructivist learning environments that support the development of Game Film teams:
Constructivist learning environments provide multiple representations of reality. Multiple representations avoid oversimplification and represent the complexity of the real world. Constructivist learning environments emphasize knowledge construction instead of knowledge reproduction. Constructivist learning environments emphasize authentic tasks in a meaningful context rather than abstract instruction out of context. Constructivist learning environments provide learning environments such as real-world settings or case-based learning instead of predetermined sequences of instruction. Constructivist learning environments encourage thoughtful reflection on experience.

Lesson Structure The main topics of instruction are: Wethersfield Learning Principles, the Game Film and Game Film protocol/teams. Instruction will begin with an overview and rationale of the Learning Principles. The Learning Principles were developed to continually guide decisionmaking about learning, including teaching practices, instructional materials, and curricular and professional growth (WHS, 2012). Teachers must have a thorough understanding of these Principles, as they are the foundation of the instructional improvement that will guide the Game Film process. The self-reflection on Learning Principles, connection to current practices and developing instruction around the Learning Principles activities/assessments will allow the learner to construct personal meaning from these universal statements, and allow the instructor to assess individual learning. Question and answer sessions will take place at the end of all three instructional segments, to provide for clarification to learners and feedback to instructors/facilitators. Explanation of the Game Film purpose and demonstration of creating a Game Film

Game Film Instruction with ADDIE will follow. An exemplar Game Film will illustrate the instructional content. The entire


audience will be divided into small groups, based on the newly created Game Film teams, with a trained facilitator leading instruction of each group. Small group instruction is ideal for this topic and content because of the increased attention that can be provided during the learning of the technical skills of recording and editing video. All team members will apply their learning through creation of a 3-5 minute video using iMovie on their own, school-issued iPad. Team members will discuss their answers from the Connection to Learning Principles and Developing Instruction around Learning Principles forms completed during the prior instructional segment. The various interpretations of teachers of different content areas will allow all team members to broaden their perspectives. A detailed explanation and demonstration of the Game Film protocol will inform learners about all the steps involved in effective sharing and evaluating each team members Game Film. The Game Film feedback form will be explained through use of a completed feedback form. Each team will execute the Game Film protocol by evaluating an exemplar Game Film and completing the provided feedback form. Topic Learning Principles Content
Overview of Learning Principles. Rationale behind creation of Learning Principles. Relationship to improved instruction.

Slide presentation/ lecture.

PowerPoint slides. Hard copies of PowerPoint slides. Hard copies of Learning Principles. Hard copies of Game Film team lists.

Feedback from Q&A session.

Reflection on Learning Principles.

Individual-led activity following facilitator instructions.

Hard copies of Self-Reflection on Learning Principles survey.

Completed SelfReflection on Learning Principles survey.

Game Film Instruction with ADDIE

Connecting current practice to Learning Principles. Developing instruction around Learning Principles. Individual-led activity following facilitator instructions. Small group discussion. Hard copies of Connection to Learning Principles form. Hard copies of Developing Instruction around Learning Principles form. Game Film exemplar on facilitators iPad. one iPad for each team member with iMovie app. Hard copies of recording & editing instructions. Hard copies of Game Film protocol. Hard copies of Game Film feedback form. Game Film exemplar on facilitators iPad. Exemplar completed feedback form.


Completed Connection to Learning Principles form. Completed Developing Instruction around Learning Principles form. Completed 3-5 minute movie. Discussion of current practice to Learning Principles. Feedback from Q&A session.

Game Film
(meet in Game Film Teams with facilitator(s).)

Explanation of Game Film purpose and development. Game Film creation/ demonstration of recording & editing. Discussion of current practice to Learning Principles.

Small group instruction/ presentation/ discussion. Direct instruction into individual practice.

Game Film Protocol/ Teams

(meet in Game Film Teams with facilitator(s).)

Demonstration/ explanation of Game Film protocol/ team meetings. Explanation of Game Film feedback form.

Small group instruction/ presentation/ discussion. Collaborative group feedback session (Game Film evaluation session).

Completed Game Film feedback form. Facilitator observation of Game Film evaluation session. Feedback from Q&A session.

Assessment All assessments of learning can be categorized an authentic assessments as characterized by Mueller (2012). Learners are constructing and applying their knowledge and skills through the real-world professional context. All assessments are student structured and driven, based on reflection, evaluation, creation and group discussion. Direct evidence of learning can be evaluated through completed forms, the created video, and observation of the Game Film evaluation session. Multiple assessments incorporated into each instructional segment will

Game Film Instruction with ADDIE provide instructors with a multi-faceted view of student learning, and provide learners with


multiple sources of feedback; self (reflection), peer and facilitator. Deeper learning can happen through authentic assessment because learners are required to use creativity, critical thinking and experimentation to meet course/lesson objectives. Media Specifications The initial segment of instruction, based on Learning Principles, utilizes PowerPoint slides to visually present the key content ideas. A laptop with the PowerPoint slideshow, a digital projector with a compatible cable and a projection screen are required for this presentation. PowerPoint presentations benefit learning by: engaging multiple learning styles, increasing visual
impact, improving audience focus, and providing annotations and highlights of instructional content (Smith, 2012). Utilizing a microphone and audio system will allow all audience members to

clearly hear the instructor. Each teacher must bring their school-issued iPad, on which iMovie has been installed. All facilitators of Game Film teams will have two different Game Film exemplars on their iPad for various instructional purposes. The Game Film concept is an innovative way to utilize technology towards the goals of improving teacher instruction and student learning. We need to think about how technology, content, and knowledge about learning and teaching can be creatively combined to enhance education (Open Educational Technology, 2008, p.xv). Development (Refer to the enhanced storyboards for full PowerPoint presentation, facilitator script, formative assessment notes and supplemental materials.) Implementation Training will be implemented at Wethersfield High School as a Professional Development day preceding the start of the school year. The instructional designer will deliver

Game Film Instruction with ADDIE the first segment of instruction in the school auditorium. Trained facilitators will deliver the


second and third segments to each Game Film team in assigned classrooms. These facilitators are teachers that are members of already established and active Game Film teams. They offer knowledge, skill and experience in all elements of the training content. The facilitators will participate in a brief training session to become familiar with the instructional content and sequence of the segments they will be responsible for implementing. The facilitator training session will take place the day prior to implementation of the Game Film instruction, and will utilize hard-copies of the enhanced storyboards provided to each facilitator. All supplemental materials will be included in the folder that each teacher and facilitator is provided with prior to instruction. All teachers must bring their school-provided iPads, therefore, an e-mail will be sent prior to training informing them of this requirement. Evaluation Donald Kirkpatricks Four Levels of Evaluation provide a comprehensive structure by which elements of a training program can be evaluated. The first two levels provide immediate feedback to the instructional designer as to the thoughts and feelings of the learner about the training (Reaction) and the increase in knowledge and skill as a result of the training (Learning). Level 1- Reaction (thoughts and feelings of the learner about the training). Online evaluation. provides a professional development management system that serves the Wethersfield school district. Online evaluations for all PD/training are implemented through this system. Each teacher logs into his/her account and completes the evaluation/survey. ProTraxx manages data related to PD attendance, teacher certification, and CEU information, in addition to evaluations.

Game Film Instruction with ADDIE


Questions are formatted two different ways. The first requires the participant to respond to the question based on the following rating scale: Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree. The second format is open-ended. Possible questions based on the rate scale could be: This activity met my expectations. This activity covered the areas specified in the topic description. The activity will be of value to me in the future. The audio-visual materials were effective. The handout materials will be of value to me. The activity provided sufficient variety to maintain my interest. Enough time was provided for questions and discussion. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of this training activity in terms of your learning?

Possible open-ended questions could be: In a short summary, please give your candid opinion of the training activity in which you have just participated. How will you apply what you have learned through the training activity?

Level 2- Learning (increase in knowledge and skill as a result of the training). Authentic assessments. Evaluations at the learning level are tied directly to objectives (Hodell, 2011, p.67). The assessments within the training are designed as the measurement by which each objective is evaluated. Authentic assessments provide evidence to the learner and evaluator that learning has occurred. Creation of a 3-5 minute movie, completion of the Game Film evaluation session feedback form, as well as the completion of forms related to selfreflection, connection and development of the instructional content will display the knowledge and skills acquired through the training. Long-term Evaluation Level 3 and 4 evaluations require a series of evaluations to occur over a period of time. This allows the evaluator(s) to track the growth of individuals and the organization as a whole.

Game Film Instruction with ADDIE Level 3- Behavior (application/implementation of learning to the job). Game Film team meetings, classroom observations, teacher-developed Learning


Objectives. Ownership of the content is important if participants are to retain information for any length of time (Hodell, 2011, p.75). Authentic assessments within the instructional design are crucial towards allowing the learner to recognize the relevance and relationship to the realworld context. This creates a bridge between the learning event and future application/implementation of what was learned. Learners will apply the skills and knowledge acquired through the training in various ways that will be evaluated. Game Film team meetings in which each member is evaluated by their peers, will provide on-going feedback to the learner. Observation and documentation of these team meetings by a facilitator will provide additional evaluation data that can be reported back to the instructional designer. Individual teacher classroom observations by an assigned evaluator provide the opportunity to assess the learner on a variety of criteria related to the training. Teacher-developed Learning Objectives, derived directly from the school-wide Learning Principles, require the learner to develop teaching methods, strategies and lessons from what was learned through the training. Each teacher must document student growth towards these Learning Objectives based on collected data and artifact evidence. Level 4- Results (effect of the improvements on the organization). Learner feedback, classroom observation reports, end-of-the year teacher evaluations. The large-scale (school-wide) impact of the training can be evaluated through learner feedback, classroom observation reports and end-of-the year teacher evaluations. A survey would be designed to elicit learner feedback regarding their thoughts and feelings about the long-term impact of the training. Classroom observation reports will provide evaluation data from multiple

Game Film Instruction with ADDIE


times throughout the school-year, offering the ability to track individual, department and overall faculty growth related to the training content. End-of-the year teacher evaluations provide the opportunity for the learner to reflect upon the effect of the training, provide evidence of personal growth, and student improvement derived from the content of the training. Information gathered from all levels of evaluation will be used to assess the effectiveness of the training. The designer must critically analyze this information to gain insight into areas of success and areas in need of improvement for future implementations of the course. It may be necessary to design follow-up training sessions to focus on areas of the initial training that require additional instruction, improved learning objectives, greater authenticity of assessments, or possibly a different method of instruction. These decisions rely on thorough and detailed information gained through all four levels of evaluation.

Game Film Instruction with ADDIE References Adams, C. (2009). The power of collaboration. Instructor, 119(1), 28-31.


Blankenship, S., & Ruona, W. (2007). Professional Learning Communities and Communities of Practice: A Comparison of Models, Literature Review. Retrieved from Dufour, R., & Eaker, R. (1998). Professional learning communities at work: Best practices for enhancing student achievement. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Duffy, T.M. & Jonassen, D.H. (1992).Constructivism and the technology of instruction: A conversation. Hillsdale NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Jonassen, D. H., (1994). Thinking Technology: Toward a constructivist design model. Educational Technology, 34(3), 34-37. Hodell, C. (2011). ISD From the Ground Up: A No-Nonsense Approach to Instructional Design. (Third ed.) Alexandria, VA: The American Society for Training & Development. Mueller, J. (2012). Authentic assessment toolbox. Retrieved from Educational Broadcasting Corporation. (2004). Concept to Classroom: Constructivism as a Paradigm for Teaching and Learning [Workshop]. Retrieved from Open Educational Technology: The Collective Advancement of Education through Open Technology, Open Content, and Open Knowledge. (2008). Retrieved from Smith, K. (2012). Effective Use of PowerPoint. Retrieved from

Game Film Instruction with ADDIE Technology/PowerPoint/index.php Wegner, E. (2006). Communities of Practice. Retrieved Wethersfield High School. (2012). Learning Principles.


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