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theSun | TUESDAY JUNE 2 2009 3

news without borders

Voters tired of PKR antics: Muhyiddin
by Maria J. Dass
would be taking a “new approach”
when campaigning for the upcoming
the majority dwindled even without
the Barisan Nasional’s participation,”
a voter turnout of only 46.15%, PKR’s
Penang deputy chairman, Dr Mansor
Manek Urai by-election. he said, adding that this was a sign that Othman, obtained 6,052 votes, beating
civil PUTRAJAYA: The low voter turnout
in the Penanti by-election on Sunday
“The people are bored with what
PKR is doing and the results of the
the BN still enjoyed some support in
his nearest rival, independent Nai-
Kan Ari, by 5,558 votes. Two other

is an indication of how tired the voters Penanti by-election are a clear indica- “So PKR cannot claim that it is independents, Aminah Abdullah and
are of Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s antics, tion of this,” he told reporters after a great, because without a BN candidate, Kamarul Ramizu Idris, received 392
Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhy- visit to the Malaysian Maritime En- it should have been able to garner and 56 votes respectively.

told iddin Yassin said yesterday.

He also said the Barisan Nasional
forcement Agency here.
“Although the PKR candidate won,
more votes.”
In the by-election, which registered
Muhyiddin said the results also
showed that the people did not like to
be played out in terms of the demo-
PUTRAJAYA: The govern- cratic systems in place.
ment has planned many “The voters nowadays are very
social physical programmes knowledgeable and qualified to make
but there is an urgent need to assessments on what is brought up
prioritise the tasks within a during the campaigning, whether
targeted time, Deputy Prime these are the truth or lies,” he said.
Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin “They (PKR) actually took this
Yassin said yesterday. platform to hit out at the BN and not
“While making quick to speak about their aims and plans
decisions are crucial and for the people there. But the signal is
important, the decisions must quite clear that the voters are fed up
also be precise,” he said in his with this sort of stuff.”
address at the Prime Minister’s On the forthcoming Manek Urai
Department’s monthly staff by-election, Muhyiddin said: “We are
gathering. going to use a new approach and we
Muhyiddin said Prime are already moving in as it is important
Minister Datuk Seri Najib for us to get close to the people.
Abdul Razak had lined up an “We will be introducing new ways
array of development tasks of dealing with the voters to get the
covering education reforms, utmost impact.
economy, social changes and “I’m responsible for this and we
others. have a very good team led by (Ke-
“All are important but lantan Umno liaison chief) Datuk
we need to see how we can Mustapa Mohamed and we hope with
implement these effectively this new approach we will get the best
to give the rakyat what they results.”
want. Earlier, Muhyiddin said the Malay-
“We must carry out our sian Maritime Enforcement Agency
tasks responsibly, consider- is well-equipped to carry out its task
ately, sympathetically and of monitoring the waters around the
effectively. country.
The expectations of the “They are hoping to increase their
rakyat today are high, more so personnel strength to 5,000 from the
during the current challenging Muhyiddin chats with the present 4,012,” he said, adding that
economic times,” he said. ministers in the Prime the Public Services Department has
“This is why we have to Minister’s Department at been tasked to look for the additional
address the issues at hand the monthly gathering. personnel.
efficiently so that no rakyat
is oppressed, ignored or
displaced from our efforts to
develop the country. ‘Community
“And this is our biggest
challenge as members of the
administration to ensure that
USM asks for report on ‘technical error’ college
all our solutions trickle down
to every layer of the rakyat,”
by Bernard Cheah
were not among the 3,599 who were
offered places in the university.
plicants to take the places of successful
applicants who have rejected offers
he said.
Muhyiddin said if things GEORGE TOWN: Universiti Sains
However, the university had “ac-
cidentally” displayed the names of
from the university, he said at a press
conference in USM here.
more likely
failed to move, it was the
government that would have
Malaysia has called on its departments
which were involved in the “technical
8,173 eligible candidates, who met
the minimum criteria for enrolment
For any inquiries on the matter, the
university can be contacted at 04-653
to get jobs’
to face the consequences. error” involving applicants for entry to into the university’s programmes, on 3141, 04-653 3327 or via e-mail at SHAH ALAM: Community col-
He also outlined the impor- the Apex-status university to produce a Friday. Upon discovering the technical lege diploma holders stand a
tance of cooperation between report on the matter. error, the university had uploaded the Meanwhile, Deputy Chief Minister better chance when seeking jobs
the various agencies in the Acting vice-chancellor Prof Ahmad correct list the following day. (II) Prof Dr P. Ramasamy lamented since they are equipped with
department to complete the Shukri Mustapa Kamal said yesterday Those who made it into the pro- how USM could have made such a vocational training and technical
tasks and spend the alloca- the report will be given to the univer- grammes were either contacted via mistake. skills, Deputy Higher Education
tions effectively for positive sity administration and the Higher short message service (SMS) or called He expressed hope that the univer- Minister Datuk Saifuddin Abdul-
results. Education Ministry. by the university. An offer letter has sity would help ensure that applicants lah said on Sunday.
“What we have is collective “We regret that the error had oc- been sent to the 3,599 successful ap- who failed to secure a place in the He said the diplomas were
responsibility. No agency can curred, which has caused a lot of prob- plicants as well. university will be accommodated into issued on work-based learning,
work on its own without the lems for applicants and their parents.” “We are finalising the list of appli- other universities through the UPU. whereby undergraduates also
participation of others, thus He also said that the Higher Educa- cants who accepted the university’s of- “We (the state government) are fol- received input from industries
it is important for us to have tion Ministry will set up a special task- fer and sending them to the University lowing up on this,” he said, adding that when undergoing practical train-
a close working relationship force to look into the issue. Admission Unit (UPU). We also hope DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang will bring ing at their places.
with one another.” “We will cooperate with the task that the rest (who did not get the offer) up the matter with Higher Education “It looks like most of them
Muhyiddin said the current force on the investigation,” he said. will be evaluated by UPU,” Ahmad Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled are already assured of employ-
main task is to steer the coun- On Sunday, some 200 applicants Shurki said. Nordin and the relevant authorities ment at places where they had
try out and away from the with their parents turned up at the The university will hold discussions during the upcoming parliament seat- undergone practical training
global economic downturn. university only to discover that they with UPU to allow other qualified ap- ing. even before their graduation.
This is proof of the value of such
diplomas,” Saifuddin said after
handing out diplomas to 301

M’sia looks at Indian method of teaching hadith students from 11 community

colleges nationwide at the Sul-
tan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah
NEW DELHI: Malaysian Islamic The group held discussions with “The government wants to set Quran and the hadith. This is very
Polytechnic here.
scholars are studying India’s method scholars from the Darul-Uloom up a house of hadith in Malaysia important,” he said.
The recipients are the pioneer
of propagating the hadith and plans Deoband and the Nadwatul Ulama this year and we are looking at the Established in 1866, Darul-
batch graduating from the col-
are afoot to set up a hadith centre in Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Indian concept.” Uloom provides religious teachings
leges since such courses were
based on the Indian model. Pradesh, last week. Wan Zahidi said the centre to about 4,000 students. Kelantan
introduced in 2007.
A delegation from the Islamic “We want to understand more of is likely to be set up at the Darul Mentri Besar Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz
Saifuddin said companies pre-
Development Department Malaysia the concept, methodology and the Quran, a training institute in Kuala Nik Mat was an alumnus of this
ferred to employ those who had
(Jakim) led by Federal Territory curriculum of teaching the hadith Kubu Baru, Selangor. centre.
gained experience during practi-
mufti Datuk Wan Zahidi Wan Teh in these two private institutions,” “We want Malaysia to develop India is home to nearly 150
cal training in their factories.
visited two Islamic institutions in Wan Zahidi told Bernama. in all aspects, we need a balanced million Muslims and Darul-Uloom
Diploma programmes offered
the northern state of Uttar Pradesh “India’s way of propagating development, not only materialistic is considered a major religious
at such colleges vary from auto-
to get a deeper understanding of the the hadith is still in its traditional development like in the West. So a and academic centre which dis-
motive, fashion and design, and
teaching methods of the hadith – the form and had produced some good person can be a professional and seminates Islam to the world.
hotel and catering to computer
words and deeds of the prophet. scholars and clerics. also know the teachings of the – Bernama
technology and electrical tech-
nology. – Bernama

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