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14 theSun | TUESDAY JUNE 2 2009


Berjaya Corporation
Berhad chairman
and chief executive
officer Tan Sri Vincent
Tan Chee Yioun
chats with Najib at
a banquet dinner
hosted by Malaysian
Ambassador to South
Korea, Datuk Ramlan
Ibrahim, in Jeju on
Sunday night. On the
right is International
Trade and Industry
Minister Datuk
Mustapa Mohamed.
A resort being built
by Berjaya on the Jeju
island is the single
largest investment
in South Korea by a
Malaysian company.

Najib: Three key measures to

enhance Asean-Korea ties
JEJU ISLAND, (South Korea): Datuk number of products. crisis reinforced the position that
Seri Najib Abdul Razak, who described “This is a significant step that both deepening East Asian economic and
the signing of the Asean-Korea Invest- Asean and Korea are embarking on financial cooperation is no longer an
ment Agreement which will take and the private sector should not let the option but an imperative.
place here today as a significant step opportunity slip away as governments “Today, under the Chiang Mai Ini-
for both Asean and Korea, yesterday work towards the goal of creating a tiative a US$120 billion (RM420 billion)
highlighted three key measures that conducive business environment,” he fund for swap arrangements has been
would strengthen cooperation within said. created to assist countries in difficul-
the framework of Asean-Korea rela- Najib also pointed out that more ties,” he said.
tions and the East Asian region. needs to be done at the level of the Najib said that he was of the view
The prime minister said that first, private sector, as there appears to be that the current global crisis presented
there is a need to intensify collabora- a lack of intensity, in the engagement an opportunity for countries in this
tion and raise the level of cooperation of the business communities in Asean region to work towards strengthening
to capitalise on the new strategic and Korea. East Asian economic integration and
partnership. “I thus call on the private sector to study the underlying factors contribut-
Second, there is sound basis to look move fast to realise the potential and ing to the level of impact of the current
beyond Asean and Korea, and identify make use of the opportunities that can crisis.
measures to enhance East Asian co- “Lessons learnt can contribute to a
operation and third, both Asean and strong and dynamic East Asian region
Korea must work together to involve which will provide economic growth
other emerging economies in Asia in not only for it but also act as a catalyst
the regional integration process for the I thus call on the private for global economic growth as well.
wider benefit of Asia and the global “We have to strengthen the eco-
trading system, he said. sector to move fast to nomic resilience of East Asia. We must
Najib, who is also finance minister, realise the potential build on the Asean Plus One coopera-
said this in his keynote address at the and make use of the tion to enhance collaboration among
closing session of the Asean-Korea CEO opportunities that the East Asian countries,” he said.
Business Summit at the International can accrue from this Najib also said that while the imme-
Convention Centre (ICC) Jeju, here. diate priority was to intensify coopera-
On Asean-Korea economic rela- relationship. Much depends tion within the East Asia region, they
tions, Najib said that both sides had on the private sector to also needed to be mindful of the emer-
undertaken various initiatives and cre- ensure that the objectives gence of other countries, particularly in
ated the necessary institutional support of the Asean-Korea Asia that could complement East Asian
to facilitate and forge closer bilateral economic integration and open up new
ties. Framework Agreement for areas of opportunities.
“Given the increasingly competitive Economic Cooperation are He also proposed the establishment
environment in which we currently realised.” of a defined mechanism which would
operate, we as governments, should do – Najib allow the private sector to provide
our part to make it easier for goods to feedback on impediments that con-
move across borders,” he said. accrue from this relationship. Much strain their efforts to expand trade and
Najib said that much had been done depends on the private sector to ensure investment flow between Asean and
to support and facilitate the growth of that the objectives of the Asean-Korea Korea.
the Asean-Korea relationship over the Framework Agreement for Economic “Without such feedback from the
past 20 years and the signing of the Cooperation are realised. private sector, it will be difficult for
Asean-Korea Investment Agreement “Ultimately, it is the business com- governments to continue to make
today would complete the Asean-Korea munity which will bring to fruition the improvements to create facilitative and
Framework Agreement for Economic initiatives of governments,” he said. conducive business environments, so
Cooperation. Najib also said the time is now ap- critically necessary for the regional
He said that through the Asean- propriate for taking the Asean Plus One economic integration that we envis-
Korea Framework Agreement, both cooperation and integration to a higher age,” he said.
sides are creating a transparent, liberal level as there is basis for Asean, Korea The CEO Summit, organised by
and facilitative trade and investment and the other East Asian countries to the Korea Chamber of Commerce and
regime. do this. Industry on the sidelines of the Asean-
“Next year, we will see a freer flow He said the present financial and Republic of Korea Commemorative
of trade in goods, as Asean and Korea economic crisis as well as the lessons Summit, was attended by business
remove import duties on a substantial learnt from the 1997 Asian Financial leaders. – Bernama

Labuan holdings companies can now be located in KL

KUALA LUMPUR: Labuan holding com- announced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri general Datuk Azizan Abdul Rahman.
panies are now allowed to establish Mohd Najib Abdul Abdul Razak in April, In supporting the initiative,
their operational and management LOFSA said in a statement yesterday. Companies Commission of Malaysia
office in Kuala Lumpur under a guideline The liberalisation measures are chief executive officer Datuk Azmi
issued by the Labuan Offshore Financial aimed at enhancing Malaysia’s finan- Ariffin said the flexibility given to Labuan
Services Authority (LOFSA). cial services sector as a catalyst that holding companies will be viewed as a
The guideline issued is part of the will take the country to the next level positive development by the Labuan
national financial liberalisation package of development, said LOFSA director- business community. – Bernama

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