Thesun 2009-06-03 Page02 DPM Respect All Irrespective of Race

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2 œ theSun | WEDNESDAY JUNE 3 2009

news without borders

DPM: Respect all irrespective of race

by Giam Say Khoon communist leader with arms wide open,” kets. If we abdicate from our responsibil- hostility. peaceful and mature nationhood. he said. ity, another calamity awaits.” “Conflicting claims over territory and “There is little one country can
“That was why the cabinet decision On global security, Muhyiddin said resources are best addressed through teach another. We can speak, though,
KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy Prime Min- (not to allow for Chin Peng’s return) is sustainable security can only be built peaceful negotiation or adjudication,” of our experience, should it be of some
ister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin told the firm. Those who want to argue may by working with one another and not he said. relevance,” he said.
people yesterday to respect each other continue their argument.” against each other. “A culture of peace that abhors and “The Malaysian experience (in dealing
because those accorded citizenship are He said the decision is final, the case He said defence alliances and secu- rejects wanton war must be cultivated.” with the CPM) could be of some relevance
Malaysians irrespective of whether they is closed and the topic should not be rity arrangements must be increasingly On insurgency, militancy and terror- to countering insurgencies and terrorism
are Malays, Chinese or Indians. raised again to hurt people’s feelings. inclusive, promoting common security ism, he said each country must find its not only in this region but in other parts
He said the rights of citizens are Muhyiddin also disclosed that Higher and not exclusively generating mutual own way and plot its own path towards of the world, too.”
safeguarded under the law and Federal Education Minister Datuk Seri Khaled
Constitution. Nordin will brief the cabinet today on
He was commenting on a commen- the turning away of 3,000 qualified
tary published in Mingguan Malaysia applicants by Universiti Sains Malaysia
on Sunday under the heading “Melayu because of a “technical error”.
dikhianati” (Malays betrayed?) by Awang He said Khaled will brief the ministers
Selamat, which questioned whether the on the measures to pacify the students
other races had betrayed the sacrifices and the government will let the ministry
of the Malay community. handle the issue.
“Whatever it is, I do hope that there “If it was a technical mistake we will
will be some understanding but I am not correct it and we will make sure that
taking sides as Utusan has done a lot of those who are qualified will get places
good work,” he said. (in the public universities),” he said.
“We need to investigate whether it On the status of the People’s Progres-
(the article) is written by Utusan or sent sive Party (PPP), now under investigation
in by someone but we are talking about by the registrar of societies, Muhyiddin
1Malaysia and that is very important as said the registrar will need more time to
we do not want to create any unneces- study information from the two central
sary problems for ourselves. figures in the leadership dispute, party
“We have lived in this state (of president Datuk M. Kayveas and Datuk
harmony) for the last 52 years and we T. Murugiah.
treasure the good relationship that we “I myself cannot determine the
have developed among the races and status of the party now, the registrar
we have to continue to respect it.” will decide,” he said.
Awang had also quoted former PPP’s status became questionable af-
MIC leader Tun V. Sambanthan, who ter an extraordinary meeting, said to have
asked: “Where can you find a race that been attended by 1,760 delegates from
is concerned and polite other than the 778 branches, “elected” Murugiah the new
Malays? Where can you get a nice politi- president two weeks ago and claimed the
cal treatment as immigrants?” party had been deregistered.
On Monday, DAP’s Petaling Jaya Earlier, in his keynote address at
Utara MP Tony Pua had called for action the 23rd Asia Pacific Roundtable here,
to be taken against the writer because Muhyiddin said the world needs to
he said the article was contrary to the fix the severely recurrent economic
1Malaysia concept envisioned by Prime problem on a more sustainable basis
Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak. and the so-called “Anglo-Saxon model”
Muhyiddin was also asked for his of minimum financial regulation and
comment on a statement by Veteran Sol- maximum leverage needs to be made
New era in M’sia-China relations
Muhyiddin and
diers of Malaysia Association president more robust by better regulation and Agriculture and
Muhammad Abdul Ghani, who asked for more stringent governance. Agro-based
action to be taken against those who “This was what the East Asian Industry Minister BEIJING: Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak Hussein, and premier stories.
supported former communist leader economies that suffered from the last Datuk Noh Razak said the China of today Zhou Enlai established diplo- “Our future is filled with hope
Chin Peng’s request to return. financial crisis did. This is what the Omar pose with is vastly different from the one matic relations in Beijing, “our and opportunity. But the chal-
He said it was a normal reaction industrialised nations that criticised Titian Gemilang that his father saw in 1974. friendship has strengthened”. lenges we face are real and there
for those who had lost their family and counselled us then must now do,” motivation “The millions of bicycles and “As the Chinese proverb goes, is much to do. Of course, it is still
members to the Communist Party of he said. programme Mao suits have been replaced ‘When people are true friends, true that a journey of a thousand
Malaya (CPM). “I hope that as the worst of the finan- participants at with cars that travel on super even shared water tastes sweet’, miles begins with a single step.
“This is human emotion as you do not cial crisis begins to recede, we retain the Universiti Malaya highways. China is increasingly and I have great hope for our “And, in the pursuit of national
expect one whose family members were political will to introduce the necessary yesterday. being courted by the developed future with one another. economic and social develop-
murdered by the CPM to welcome the reforms to our domestic financial mar- West and not shunned as previ- “I am confident that our ment, some countries have fur-
ously,” the prime minister wrote already strong relationship will ther to go than others, and some
in an article published in China strengthen and deepen, herald- will want to find their own path.
Daily in conjunction with his ing a new era in bilateral relations “Those nations with the
official visit. with shared objectives in the spirit ambition to emerge from this eco-
Najib, who arrived yesterday of ancient ties, current friendship nomic crisis stronger need to take
evening to begin his four-day and future partnership.” urgent measures now. I believe
visit, said that 35 years after He described China and China and Malaysia are taking the
his father, the late Tun Abdul Malaysia as economic success necessary steps.” – Bernama

with the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM)

briefs signed on Dec 2, 1989. Its deputy minister,

Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop, said 442 ex-
CPM members applied to return to Malaysia
Malaysia condemns but only 406 attended the interviews and ful-
filled the conditions to be allowed to return.
North Korea’s nuke test “Chin Peng had submitted his application
JEJU ISLAND (South Korea): Malaysia expressed a day before the application period closed
deep concern yesterday on the latest develop- but he did not attend the interview fixed for
ments in the Korean peninsula and condemned Oct 31, 1992,” he said. “After that he never
the recent nuclear test by North Korea. Prime submitted a new application, (and) instead
Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak said the used the court to determine the status of his
test represented a serious setback to efforts to citizenship.” – Bernama
keep the region and the world free from nuclear
weapons. In a statement at the second session of BN will not use Friday
the Asean-Republic of Korea (ROK) Commemora-
tive Summit here, he said the latest developments prayers to campaign
were a clear violation of Pyongyang’s obligations KUALA KRAI: Barisan Nasional will not use
under the relevant UN Security Council resolution Friday sermons as a campaign strategy to win
and decisions. – Bernama the people’s confidence in the coalition, Umno
information chief Ahmad Maslan said yesterday.
‘Govt did not renege on “BN will conduct its campaign by meeting the
people face-to-face either at their houses, cof-
peace deal with CPM’ feeshops or by the roadside to deliver the cor-
PUTRAJAYA: The Home Ministry yesterday rect message,” he said. He said Friday sermons
refuted claims by some quarters that the gov- are a platform to deliver the reminder from
ernment had reneged on its peace agreement Allah for Muslims. – Bernama

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