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theSun | WEDNESDAY JUNE 3 2009 5

news without borders

Police nab
Money Laundering Act may suspected
be used against along
by Husna Yusop money lending, Abu Seman said to date, awareness on the danger of borrowing
by Charles Ramendran

PETALING JAYA: One of four

suspected members of a loan-
flee to Perak.
It is learnt that the suspect
was supposed to catch a bus
at Puduraya when the police
team nabbed him. five illegal money lending cases were from unlicensed money lenders. shark syndicate responsible Hasnan said the suspect’s
under investigation under the AMLA but Among others, those involved in the for confining three debtors in role in the syndicate was to
PUTRAJAYA: Illegal money lenders none have been charged in court yet. campaign are the Housing and Local Seri Kembangan for months kidnap loan payment default-
may be charged under the Anti-Money This includes the recent case of loan- Government Ministry, Finance Ministry, has been nabbed – barely 10 ers and keep them confined
Laundering Act (AMLA) 2001 which has a sharks torturing three defaulters for two Information Ministry, National Security hours after their photographs in the syndicate’s “lock-up”.
wider scope compared to the old laws and months at a shoplot in Seri Kembangan Council and Malaysian Communications were released by police. He said early investigations
provides a stiffer penalty for offenders. before they were rescued by the police and Multimedia Commission. The 23-year-old suspect showed that the suspect was
Deputy Home Minister Datuk Abu after two lenders were caught. He also welcomed ex-victims of loan- was at a clubhouse in Am- responsible for abducting the
Seman Yusop said the offence has been Apart from the two Acts, Abu Seman sharks to volunteer in educating the pang and waiting for his fa- three men who were rescued
included in January last year in the said illegal money lenders can also be public. ther when he was nabbed by from a shoplot last week.
schedule as one of the cases which can charged under the Prevention of Crime Meanwhile, the National Union of a police team from the state The man has been re-
be investigated under AMLA. Act 1959 and other related laws. Bank Employees general secretary J. anti-vice, gaming and secret manded for four days.
“Apart from the Money Lenders Act “If the actions taken in the commission Solomon said the government should society division at about 9pm Hasnan said police will
1951, the police can take action through of their offences were related to AMLA, examine the entire financial system for on Monday. release the photo of another
the AMLA which is more severe and we will charge them under AMLA. But if individuals and not just companies and Selangor CID chief SAC II member of the syndicate.
wider. Not only is the penalty stiffer, but it their actions were related to some other businesses. Datuk Hasnan Hassan said “We are going all out to
also gives power to seize money lenders’ offences under any laws, for example, He said that while banks were willing the suspect’s father arrived get these crooks. They had
assets,” he said. involving death, then it is under the Penal to fork out for corporations and busi- at the time to hand over a better turn themselves in or
“Under Section 4 of AMLA, upon Code,” he added. nesses, the poor were forced to turn to travelling bag with clothes to we will get to them.” said
conviction, the offender is liable to a Abu Seman said the formation of the loansharks as banks placed obstacles in his son who was planning to Hasnan.
maximum fine of RM5 million or five main committee was the cabinet’s deci- the way of the poor seeking loans to get
years’ jail or both, while under Section 5
of the previous act, the penalty is between
sion including the setting up of a working
committee for implementation purpose
“A poor person applying for a loan is
Along beaten up and left
RM20,000 and RM100,000 or five years chaired by Deputy Secretary-General burdened by red tape, and such obstacles to die by roadside
jail or both,” Abu Seman said. (Security) Datuk Ahmad Fuad Ab Aziz. by the bank compels an individual to
Speaking to reporters yesterday after Apart from enforcement, Abu Seman turn to alongs,” said Solomon, adding that GEORGE TOWN: An illegal ago. But the defaulter could
chairing the main committee meeting on said the ministry was working together many Malaysians survived on “borrowed moneylender was beaten up not pay and Sin left.
the awareness campaign to curb illegal with relevant agencies to create public income”. and left to die by the road “However, two hours later,
side in Sungai Nibong early the loan defaulter called Sin
Monday morning. to meet in a restaurant in
Chinese associations hail Najib’s China visit Balik Pulau Deputy OCPD
Deputy Supt Lai Fah Hin said
Batu Maung. Upon arrival, Sin
and the man fought, and Sin
Sin Chee Loon, 25, had gone was badly injured,” said Lai.
PRESS DIGEST by Kong See Hoh to go against the global anti-communism a huge domestic market, we have every- to Batu Maung to collect Sin was sent to the Pen- tide to become the first Asean country to thing to gain and nothing to lose by being some money from a man in ang Hospital but succumbed
reach out to China. friendly with China. his 20s. to serious head injuries at
THE Chinese community in Malaysia is Now Najib should make use of Malay- “Through the visit, Malaysia can also Sin asked the loan default- about 6pm the same day.
abuzz over Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib sia’s good ties with China and the country’s learn from the Chinese how they handle er to pay RM2,000, inclusive Police have picked up five
Abdul Razak’s four-day official visit to China Mandarin-speaking talents to forge more the current global economic crisis.” of interest, as the latter had men, aged between 18 and
which began yesterday. cooperation with the Chinese. » Federation of Chinese Associations borrowed RM690 a few years 24, for questioning.
Leaders from the community say the » Associated Chinese Chambers of of Malaysia (Hua Zong) president Tan Sri
visit is significant in further cementing the Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (AC- Lim Gait Tong:
already cordial relationship and are holding CCIM) president Tan Sri William Cheng Malaysia has always emphasised that
out hope that it will also herald more op- Heng Jem is confident the Sino-Malaysian China is a trustworthy ally. Najib’s visit on
portunities for trade and synergies. relationship will scale new heights under the 35th anniversary of the establishment
Below are some of the comments they Najib’s leadership. of diplomatic ties has added significance.
made in the Chinese press yesterday: “The ties between the two countries It shows that leaders of the two countries
» Malaysia-China Friendship Associa- have never been stronger. Last year, bi- value the close bilateral ties and are ready
tion secretary-general and Hai-O Enterprise lateral trade figures had breached RM50 to enhance cooperation and exchanges in
Bhd group managing director Tan Kai Hee: billion, making Malaysia China’s biggest various fields, including in education and
Najib’s trip holds an exceptional sig- trade partner in Asia. economy.
nificance in that he is the son of the prime “Apart from enhanced economic co- I hope Najib’s visit will boost bilateral
minister who broke the ice between Ma- operation, cross visits between the two trades as well as attract more Chinese to
laysia and China more than three decades countries have also been increasing. So visit and study in Malaysia.
ago. has the number of Malaysians studying in » Pahang Chinese Assembly Hall presi-
Malaysia has established diplomatic China and vice versa. dent and business tycoon Tan Sri Pheng
ties with China for 35 years and we hope “China has many entrepreneurs who Yin Huah said Najib’s visit marks another
that our good relationship would not only are keen to invest overseas and we hope important milestone in the Sino-Malaysian
be raised to the next level but several more they would make Malaysia the No. 1 friendship and will take the bilateral rela- Lim congratulating Farizan while Deputy Chief Minister (ll) Prof Dr.
levels with the visit. choice. We have ample natural resources tionship to new heights. P. Ramasamy (2nd left) and State Secretary Datuk Zainal Rahim
The late Tun Abdul Razak Hussein had such as natural gases, petroleum, cocoa He believed that there would be break- Seman look on.
won the goodwill and friendship of the and palm oil. throughs which will help strengthen trade
Chinese with his bold and far-sighted move “As China is Asia’s economic giant with cooperation and cultural exchanges. Appointments based on
ability, says Guan Eng
Pork sellers vent anger on pig farmers PENANG: Giving credence to officer (SFO) in Komtar yester-
the concept of meritocracy, day.
IRKED by the steep increases in the ex- means pork consumers may have to fork Goh said the association had wanted to Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng Lim said that Farizan’s ap-
farm price of pigs, the National Pork Sellers out an additional RM2.40 for each kg of negotiate for a solution with the Federa- said state officials in Penang are pointment as the SFO was due
Association has urged its more than 3,000 the meat. tion of Livestock Farmers Association of appointed based on their ability to his capabilities, including
members to raise the retail prices of pork. Federation president Goh Chui Lai Malaysia but the latter is not keen on any and qualification. increasing the MPSP’s earnings
By passing on the pig price hikes to con- told a press conference on Monday that talks with pork sellers. “We appoint people based to RM3.02 million in 2008, as
sumers, the association hopes to pressure consumers who deem the pork price hike Goh also hit out at Deputy Domestic on their ability and qualification, compared with the deficit of
them to eat less pork so that eventually, pig too steep should temporarily switch to Trade and Consumer Affairs Minister Datuk not on their race or political af- RM228.85 million from 2000 to
farmers will be forced to lower their prices, other meat. Tan Lian Hoe for turning down a request by filiation,” he said. 2007.
Oriental Daily News reported yesterday. He admitted that the hike is artificial the association for the ministry to intervene “We want the best to be He also said that North
The latest move by the federation, but that the pork sellers have no choice in the pig price hikes. above the rest,” he said at the Seberang Perai District Officer
which came on the heels of three hikes in and he believes that consumers will not He said it is irresponsible and irrational swearing-in ceremony of former Mokhtar Mohd Jait would be
the last month that saw ex-farm price of have to wait very long before pork prices for Tan to cite free market as her reason for Seberang Perai Municipal Coun- recommended to helm MPSP,
pigs soar from RM570 to RM690 per 100kg, are back to normal. staying out of the pig price issue. cil (MPSP) president Farizan at the state executive council
Darus as the new state finance meeting today.

26 admitted to isolation wards in five hospitals with flu

KUALA LUMPUR: Twenty-six sus- total, 16 were tested negative, while Dr Mohd Ismail said 10 people quarantine order on four contacts in The World Health Organisation
pected cases of Influenza A (H1N1) 10 others were awaiting results. who were still under home quaran- the Hongkong case would be lifted had informed that in the last 24
have been admitted to isolation wards “To date, 371 cases have been tine were also in good health with on Thursday and Friday. Dr Mohd hours, seven new countries reported
in five hospitals for investigation as at admitted to isolation wards of whom no signs of infection. However, six of Ismail said the report from the Inter- new cases of H1N1, namely Baha-
8am yesterday. 359 were found negative and two them, who had contact with a case national Health Regulation Contact mas, Bolivia, Jamaica, Venezuela,
Health director-general Tan Sri Dr were positive as reported on May 15 in Singapore, were released from Point also confirmed there was no Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Hungary.
Mohd Ismail Merican said that of the and 16,” he said here yesterday. quarantine later yesterday, while the new contact involving Malaysians. – Bernama

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