Thesun 2009-06-03 Page12 Lets Talk Our Way Out of The Gloom

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thesun says

Let’s talk our way out of the gloom

THERE is so much gloom all being solved. Just two years ago more than the others. Some Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin when
around in the world today that the world had to grapple with economies have not contracted opening the forum was for the
any opportunity for a meaning- soaring oil prices where almost but they have not grown either. so-called “Anglo-Saxon model”
ful discussion to understand the everyone and every country In the US the ranks of the un- of minimum financial regulation
problems that beset us should suffered. Some are still suffering. employed has risen to six million and maximum leverage needs to
be welcome. Any forum where And just as the world is recover- and in Europe the unemployment be made more robust by better
suggestions which can help to in- ing from that nightmare, a new rate is nearly 10%. To further add regulation and more stringent
fluence the formulation of strate- economic crisis the like of which to the gloom are disturbing news governance. It complements
gies to resolve the problems can the world has not seen for almost of people being killed everyday in what his boss, Prime Minister
be debated should be welcome. half a century dealt us a paralys- conflicts that seem to continue to Datuk Seri Najib Razak, said at
Thus the on-going Asean-ISIS’s ing blow by making millions defy solutions, conflicts that can another forum in South Korea on
Asia Pacific Roundtable which lose their jobs and other means easily develop into major confla- Monday that the global economic
began on Monday in Kuala of earning a living. grations to threaten world peace. crisis should “rekindle the debate
Lumpur should be welcome Many of the talk-shops have Some of the major hot spots are on the benefits of market forces
just as similar processes to blamed human greed and the in the Middle East, Central Asia, and the role of the regulators”.
promote peace and understand- worship of the new god called Afghanistan, Pakistan, Africa and For those at the APR and for
ing organised elsewhere should market as the causes. And just Northeast Asia. others at similar fora elsewhere
be welcome. as many countries are falling And then there is the spectre or in the future, there is certainly
In its 23 years of existence back on tourism as a way to of climate change. Much of these merit in the suggestion for a criti-
never has the APR met in such a prop up their economy the problems and suggestions for cal re-examination of the ways
gloomy atmosphere where new swine flu stopped people from their solutions are being dis- we do things as the environment
problems seem to pop up just as travelling. So for most countries, cussed at the APR. One suggestion in which they were formulated
others are still in the process of their economy shrank with some made by Deputy Prime Minister has changed drastically.


Moneylenders should go back to basics

THE prime minister should not be shocked to stay in business, they had to let others If you have borrowed RM1,000 and
at the cruelty of the loan sharks in the latest stay in business, too. Consequently, they did promised to pay back RM1,100, that’s how
episode of their victimising loan defaulters, not take any action that would openly hurt much you owe. Whether you pay tomorrow,
“Najib shocked by Along’s cruelty” (May a borrower. next week, or next year, the amount is the
29). Eventually, moneylenders started to lose same. And if the lender has 100 customers
He also can be assured that if a loan shark the love of the business and forgot to play out of which 90 pay him on time, should he
were to skin his victim alive and exhibit the by the code of ethics that governs all good focus on those who have paid or those who
remains in a public square for everyone to business. That’s when their name changed defaulted?
see, this would not deter the next person from moneylenders to loan sharks. It seems to me that loan sharks took a
who desperately needs money from going The more you want money, the more it cue from the banks and that’s what got them
to the very same loan shark to borrow the eludes you. Any business must face at any in trouble. Interest is the price of money
amount he needs. one time a number of customers who do not and the rightful income of the lender. But
People will find the money for what they pay up. A 5% to 10% default rate is normal anything else, such as interest on overdue
need – the rich and the poor alike. Be it to for most businesses, yet none of these busi- interest and late payment charges, is usury
finance a business, to buy the latest designer nesses would spend a penny going after the and the market will not sustain it, especially
South handbag, to gamble or pay for the next fix, if defaulting customers because they know it in the present fast moving and highly volatile
Korea, that is what one wants he will certainly find will be of little use. Rather, the business will economic environment. When moneylenders
the way to get it. concentrate on solving problems, providing operated by charging interest only, they had
Asean If the banks are difficult, then the loan an even better service to its good custom- a fine business going. But when they decided
sign free sharks will be waiting. But to be fair, loan ers, and also on finding new customers. that they would follow the template of the
trade pact sharks should not be unduly vilified. Loan Businesses that do this are unlikely to fail banks and charge all the possible extras,
sharks provide an essential social service and will eventually be able to collect even they started to experience a drop in their
pg 15 and they were previously called money– the money from the late payers. collection rate.
lenders. They helped many people with their I ask myself, why can’t those who lend How can a lender prosper when his main
businesses and allowed them to survive and money operate in a similar manner? Why is preoccupation is to protect himself without
prosper. money different from any product or service considering with equal care the interest of
Money lending was a legitimate, respect- we need to buy? the person he did business with and from
able and profitable business. Moneylenders A business cannot fine or impose ad- whom he hopes to get his profit?
of old lent money at the market interest ditional charges on its late payers, so why Loan sharks should go back to basics
rate and did not harass debtors if they did should moneylenders inflate balances for and make deals that work equally well for
not pay up. Rather, they had a network that the simple reason that the borrower is themselves and for their customers instead
made it almost impossible for a defaulter to late paying and in this way make it ever of trying to collect money that neither they
borrow anymore money until he paid the more difficult for the borrower to pay up? nor their customers have worked for.
outstanding loan. Businesswise, this is a senseless course of
Former moneylenders loved their busi- action. As we have seen, it spells the doom Marisa Demori
ness and understood that if they wanted of both the borrower and the lender. Ipoh

Heavy cost of removing subsidies

I REFER to “Subsidies may go” (front page, solved by asking them to produce their ICs be easier said than done. Does the govern-
June 1). I am disturbed over the news and it and having stricter border controls? I hardly ment want a repeat of the tainted milk
seem there’s nothing anyone can do about think stopping the subsidy just because of scandal that hit China? God forbid if some
the impending hike. this is a valid reason. What about rice? We unscrupulous manufacturer decides to do
It seems the powers that be decided that are paying far too much when there has so in Malaysia. Ministers and VIPs cannot
it’s too expensive to do anymore. So the been a drop in the price. fathom the suffering of the rakyat, they are
burden is passed off to the rakyat who are I disagree with the reason that subsidies living in their own world, of big houses, big
already suffering the effects of a downturn. make the industries complacent and pamper cars and overseas holidays every year.
Many are out of a job and looking for ways consumers and this subsequently distorts Another folly is to create schemes and
to feed their families and coping the best the economy. We are paying the price to more bureaucracy. The government should
they can. Now this, one really questions the line someone else’s pockets, a minority few be solid and transparent and careful in dis-
timing which comes hot on the heels of the that wield the power. Monopolies like TNB, charging its duties. It must remember that
proposed increase in transport costs. Telekom and others are the ones profiting it was put in by the people and can be just
Does the government spend a lot on the from the average joe. as easily removed. It is not a right to govern;
rakyat as it claims? How come there are still As for the rural poor, this excuse doesn’t it is a privilege.
more and more poor? What about fiascos hold water anymore when urban dwellers There must be more accountability in
like PKFZ, over-priced helicopters and other also find it hard to make ends meet. A man the government, this is to prevent graft. If
failed projects and schemes, need I go on? earning RM1,500 a month in an urban area measures are not taken, many middle-class
I wonder if this isn’t another way of robbing cannot afford to feed himself let alone a wife families and the hardcore poor will suffer.
Peter to pay Paul. and two children. According to Domestic I urge the government to reconsider
What irks me is that the people in high Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry secre- all the plans for hikes and to reduce toll,
places think that they can pull wool over tary-general Datuk Mohd Zain Mohd Dom, if electricity tariffs, phone charges and more.
people’s eyes so easily. one wants better quality sugar, one should Don’t just wax lyrical about understanding
It’s true, there maybe some unscrupulous pay more but for those who cannot afford our problems. Deal with it.
buyers from neighbouring countries buying that, there will be other grades.
our subsidised goods and making a killing in What if you had no choice but to choose Teacher
their countries. But can’t that problem be the lowest grade for your family, that would Penang

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