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8 theSun | THURSDAY JUNE 4 2009

news without borders

British govt in disarray on eve of polls

LONDON: British Prime Min- parliament), call that election?” reshuffle, expected as early as respond to public anger. widespread reports that finance
ister Gordon Brown lost his Nick Clegg, leader of the sec- tomorrow. “Rats Desert Sinking Ship” minister Alistair Darling, who
fourth minister within 24 hours ond opposition centrist Liberal Children’s minister Beverley and “Meltbrown” were among has led Britain’s response to the
yesterday as he faced taunts that Democrats, said Brown’s Labour Hughes also said on Tuesday she headlines yesterday while The recession, and Foreign Secretary
his government was collapsing Party was “in total meltdown”. was going and will be joined Guardian newspaper, tradition- David Miliband could be moved
on the eve of polls which could The premier tried to hit back by Cabinet Office minister Tom ally sympathetic to Brown and on in a post-election reshuffle.
seal his fate. by stressing his policies on pull- Watson, a close Brown ally. Labour, symbolically withdrew Brown twice dodged ques- The truth is
Amid talk that the wave of ing Britain out of recession and The crisis comes on the eve of its support from the premier. tions from Cameron yesterday that there
resignations may be the begin- tackling the rumbling scandal today’s elections for the European “It is time to cut him loose,” it on whether Darling would still is no vision
ning of the end of his premier- over lawmakers’ expenses – but Parliament and 34 English local said in an extended editorial. be in place in a week.
ship, Brown faced a rowdy Prime his defence prompted Cameron councils which opinion polls and Labour “faces its worst defeat Some reports suggest Brown from him,
Minister’s Questions session at to charge he was “in denial”. commentators say could yield in its history tomorrow but the could face a leadership challenge no plan, no
which Conservative leader David The angry exchanges came Labour’s worst ever losses. prime minister does not recog- before the next general election, argument
Cameron urged a snap general barely an hour after Communi- The recent row over lavish nise his direct responsibility for which must be held within a for the
election. ties Secretary Hazel Blears said expense claims by lawmakers the mayhem”, the daily said. year, possibly from charismatic
“The government is collapsing publicly she was quitting. from the public purse, which has “The truth is that there is no Health Secretary Alan Johnson.
future and
before our eyes,” said Cameron, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, led 15 members of parliament to vision from him, no plan, no Others say there is little inter- no support.”
tipped by opinion polls to oust embarrassed in the expenses row say they will quit, has piled fresh argument for the future and no est from anyone in taking over – The Guardian
Brown as premier within a year. after it emerged she claimed for pressure on Brown’s already un- support.” the helm of a party which looks
“Why doesn’t he take the one act two adult films watched by her popular premiership There are likely to be forced out of office by
of authority left to him: get down to husband, has confirmed she will amid accusations he the Conservatives within
the palace, ask for a dissolution (of step down at the next cabinet has been slow to months. – AFP
In the spring
and other Ch 1989, over one million st

China ups security ahead and began a

Beijing’s Tia ese citizens occupied
nanmen Squa
Australia rules
shake China’s that would
out racism
of Tiananmen anniversary
Party to the

Apr 15: Form

later the prot
core. Six we
in a bloody m ts ended
as sacre
despite latest
BEIJING: Chinese security forces blanketed
Tiananmen Square yesterday ahead of the 20th
to the San Francisco-based human rights
organisation Dui Hua. Others are in prison
chief and demo er Communist Party
Hu Yaobang
cracy supporter
students gathe s. Thousands of
May 19: Zhao
head of Comm Ziyang,
students in sq
unist Party, vis
r in Tiananm ua
anniversary of the June 4 crackdown on pro-de- for continued activism after their initial
Square to mo
urn Hu’s death
en ditch appeal for re and makes last- CANBERRA: Australia’s govern-
compromise (a
mocracy protesters, a day after Twitter and Hot- release. Apr 18-21: Pr May 20: Prim bove) ment said yesterday that racism was
democracy sp otests calling for declares martia e Minister Li Peng
mail Internet services in China were blocked. Hundreds of other protest leaders are read to other l law not behind a string of violent attacks
Apr 22: Defyi
Black police vans lurked at the side of the For- in permanent exile. orders, tens of ng government
May 26: Zhao on Indian students, including the lat-
tho us arrest for oppo placed under house
bidden City, while police and paramilitary forces In a sign of nervousness, China on on Tiananmen an ds converge sing crackdown est slashing of a man in Melbourne
patrolled through crowds of tourists enjoying a Tuesday blocked access to popular Inter- memorial servi uare for Hu’s Jun 3-4: Troo by a group of five unidentified
ce open fire, killin ps
sunny summer morning. net services Twitter, online photo sharing Apr 26: State many proteste
g youths.
Tanks rolled into Tiananmen Square before service Flickr, and email provider Hotmail. denounces de -run People’s Daily rs “There’s no allegation, no sub-
monstrators an Ju n 9: China’s
threatens gove d
dawn on June 4, 1989 to crush weeks of student Foreign newscasts about the anniversary rnment crack
down de facto leade stantial allegation that these are
May 4: Mass r
and worker protests. The ruling Communist Party, were also cut. ive marches ac Deng Xiaopi
ng racially motivated.
China coincide ro
which has never released a death toll, fears that Police prevented at least four foreign with 70th anniv ss congratulates “I don’t believe so, and neither
of historic stu
dent protest mo ersary army and blames does the Indian government,” Trade
any commemoration of the crackdown could television crews from filming on Tianan- May 13: Stud vement turmo
il on counter-
challenge its continuing hold on power. men Square in the week before the strike in Tiana ents begin hunger revolutionaries and Acting Foreign Minister Simon
nmen Square
“Business is poor today. You’d think most anniversary. May 15: Welc Crean told local television.
people are tourists but they aren’t, they are plain- Administrators at Chinese universi- in Tiananmen ome ceremony The latest attack has redoubled
Square for So
clothes security,” said a trinket peddler surnamed ties have been told to keep a close eye Pr es ident Mikhail
viet fears that violent bashings and rob-
cancelled due beries of Indian students could dam-
Li, before a plainclothes policeman told her to on foreigners in their departments. Taxi protests – hu
stop talking to foreigners. drivers were instructed to watch out embarrassme
ge age Australia’s third-biggest export
nt earner, the A$15 billion (RM44.7 bil-
“They are scared there will be a big blow-up for suspicious passengers, especially for governme
because of tomorrow, but I don’t think anything those headed towards Tiananmen lion) market for overseas students.
will happen.” Square. Since India’s Prime Minister
Chairman Mao Zedong’s mausoleum, in the In Washington, the US Congress Manmohan Singh raised concerns
centre of the square, was closed for “equipment urged China to launch a UN-backed last week with his Australian coun-
repairs” from today through Friday, according to probe of its crackdown in Tiananmen terpart Kevin Rudd, several senior
a hastily scrawled handpainted sign. Square and free all political prisoners, Lone proteste ministers have been wheeled out
blocks colum
About 30 people are still serving prison on the eve of the bloodshed’s 20th of tanks head n by the centre-left Australian gov-
ing to ernment to avert a foreign student
sentences for their activities in 1989, according anniversary. – Reuters Tiananm
NEWS morning after en Square on
Pictures: Getty
of “Tank Man”
massacre. Fa
is still unknow Rudd and Foreign Minister
by threats from Osama bin Laden who Stephen Smith also formed a new
accused him of sowing fresh seeds of task force to deal with the problem,
hatred. led by former special forces com-
Obama arrived in Riyadh to a red-carpet mander turned National Security
briefs welcome and a kiss on both cheeks from
Saudi King Abdullah, a key regional power
Adviser Duncan Lewis.
Crean said while Australia would
broker. do everything possible to stop the
But minutes after Air Force One touched attacks, he believed the issue was
Suu Kyi challenges down, Al Jazeera television aired a com- being sensationalised in both Aus-
bative new audiotape from the fugitive Al tralian and Indian media, potentially
witness ban Qaeda chief. making the problem worse.
YANGON: Lawyers for Myanmar opposi- Joining a battle for the hearts and minds “Australia I believe is an inclu-
tion leader Aung San Suu Kyi went to of the Arab world, the Saudi-born Osama sive, welcoming, tolerant society. It’s
court yesterday to challenge a ban pre- accused Obama of perpetuating former easy-going. That is a brand worth
venting her from calling three out of four president George W. Bush’s policies of preserving,” Crean said.
defence witnesses at her internationally “antagonising Muslims” and sowing “new
Australia Crean’s defence came close on
condemned trial. seeds of hatred against America”. – AFP dodges the heels of another attack – this
Her legal team said the refusal of judges recession time on a 21-year-old Indian student
to allow the witnesses to testify at the
closed prison trial showed that the military
Bali governor says won’t after by a group of five males.
He was slashed across the chest
regime’s case against Aung San Suu Kyi enforce anti-porn law surprise with a box-cutter knife in suburban
was one-sided. JAKARTA: Indonesia’s mainly Hindu is-
She faces up to five years in jail on land of Bali has no intention of enforcing
growth Melbourne after they stopped him
on Tuesday and demanded ciga-
charges of breaching the conditions of a controversial anti-porn law passed last pg 13 rettes and money.
her house arrest after a bizarre incident year because it conflicts with local culture Australia’s government said that
in which an American man, John Yettaw, and tradition, the provincial governor said hate crimes would be made an of-
swam to her lakeside home in May. in an interview. fence in the state of Victoria where
Her lawyer, Nyan Win said that their The new law, which created much most of the attacks occurred.
preparations for final arguments in the confusion over what would be considered Police said the latest in a string
case, which are due on Friday, were “al- pornographic, was slammed by religious of assaults on Indian students was
most finished.” – AFP minorities but backed by the Islamic and not racially-motivated, as has been
Islamist political parties allied to President claimed in sections of India’s me-
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
Obama meets Saudi king, Governor I Made Mangku Pastika said
“I would say this is an opportun-
Osama issues message the most serious effect of the law would be istic fight. It could have happened to
RIYADH: US President Barack Obama its impact on Bali’s culture and traditional any individual of any nationality,”
launched a Middle East mission yesterday art, which includes nude statues and often police Senior Constable Karla Den-
to reach out to Muslims but was greeted sexually explicit imagery. – Reuters nis said. – Reuters

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