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FIND SOMEONE WHO 2 Find someone who:

1 Can name two fruits that begin with
10 Can name two things found in the

2 Can name two vegetables that begin with c. 3 Knows the opposite of

kitchen bathroom bedroom 11 Knows what you would keep in a

12 can name five things you can

rich deep heavy

4 Knows how many there are in a

13 can name five things you can

14 Knows a synonym for

dozen. 5 Knows what you would buy at a florists an ironmongers

6 Knows how many eyes you close when you wink. 7 Knows who would use

unhappy start depart

s b

15 can name four wild animals. 16 can name four insects. 17 can name three things worn by

a briefcase a whistle
8 Knows what animal lives in

men women
18 can say which sport uses a

a kennel a nest
9 can think of three words that rhyme with buy.

racket. 19 can name five verbs that begin with t.

20 can name five adjectives that begin with s.

FIND SOMEONE WHO 3 Find someone who:

1 2 3 4 knows which British outdoor game knows what a graphologist studies. knows four synonyms for awful. knows where you would wear a 12 can think of five words that start with par-. 13 knows who would use a baton. 14 can explain the difference between recipe and receipt. 15 can name four natural disasters. 16 knows what a blackleg is. 17 knows five words to do with a computer. 18 can explain the phrase Hobsons choice. 19 can think of five words that rhyme with food. 20 knows the female of fox stallion bull 11 can give four synonyms for the verb to hate. 10 can explain the expression to call a spade a spade.

uses wickets.

5 knows what someone suffering from

agoraphobia is afraid of.

6 can rearrange the letters in each of the following words to make three new words.

bleat toga resist

7 8 can think of five words that start
can give one word for each of

with tri-.
the following definitions: loss of memory a a feeling or inclination to vomit n unable to read or write i

9 can give a one-syllabled synonym for serene endeavour imbibe


Im going to the zoo

to see the wild animals.

Lets go to the travel agent

to book our summer holiday.

I need some soap

to wash my hands.

Youll need a saucepan

to boil those potatoes.

Youd better take a torch

to see in the dark.

I need a ruler

to draw straight lines.

I must go to the opticians

to get a new pair of glasses.

You need a passport

to travel abroad.

Lets take the lift

to get to the top floor.

You can use a dictionary

to find out what the word means.


I bought a new sink unit

for the kitchen.

He often wears a carnation

in his buttonhole.

Have some swede

with your dinner.

We went on a cruise

last summer.

She got my telephone number

from Directory Enquiries.

Put all your luggage

in the boot.

She was over 1, 000

in debt.

We need to buy some disks

for our computer.

I try to get a good suntan

every summer.

My son wants a pet hamster

for his birthday.


Too many cooks

spoil the broth.

A stitch in time

saves nine.


makes the heart grow fonder.

Still waters

run deep.


speak louder than words.


makes perfect.


begins at home.

One good turn

deserves another.

A new broom

sweeps clean.


is only skin deep.


I wont get

married until Im

at least 25.

Id change my

name if I werent

happy with it.

I wont be able to

arrive before

Friday, Im afraid.

Id get a

dog, only my son

is afraid of them.

Im afraid she wont

do it unless she

gets 500.

Id ask you to

stay, only we dont

have a spare room.

He wont be able

to play on Saturday

owing to injury.

I wont ask

David to do it because

hes too busy.

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