Advertising Failures

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Vodafone launched a campaign after Egypts January 25th revolution of 2011. In the dramatic and somber ad, a man, symbolizing the voice of Egypt and the voice of Vodafone, speaks of the things we can achieve implying that Vodafone had a prominent role in the revolution.The telecommunications company faced a backlash over the ad, as the reality was that they in fact cut their services whilst the uprising was going on, allegedly under government orders. In fact, many pro-change activists blame Vodafone and other mobile phone companies for following Egyptian government orders and implementing a communications blackout at the height of the revolution. They have condemned the advert as a "sickening" attempt to push up sales by "riding the revolutionary bandwagon", and an insult to the hundreds who died in the struggle to bring down Mubarak.The advert appeared on the public website of JWT, which was hired by Vodafone Egypt to mastermind its recent communications strategy. The agency said the video was for "internal use" only and "not intended for public display". a new website named has rapidly become an online sensation.


All the ads of Rajnigandha Pan Masala have been based on the same lines. Its talk about pride and confidence that a regular user of this addictive substance imbibes due to its intake but since

when did Pan Masala help us to build our pride. This item is an addiction amongst many and injurious to health as it is of carcinogenic properties amongst its ingredients. They dramatize too well but its not even required in this line of product. They have over done the creativity part but failed to deliver the real benefits/features of this product to the masses. People need to be made aware about what they can get from the product and not talk about things that it cant deliver.


The print ad of Antonio Federici ice-cream, a popular Italian brand of ice-cream featured a heavily pregnant nun about to gorge on ice cream whilst in church. Amid worries over a perceived decline in moral values in the UK, the permissibility of the advert wasnt helped by its tagline: Immaculately conceived ice cream is our religion. This ad was stopped from being released in Britain since the pope was about the visit Britain in 2010 This ad challenges the ideology of catholic churches and the ad makers in their defense say it , its supposed to be funny and not hurt anybodys religious sentiments. Religion is one of the most important things for majority of the people in the world and any ad targeting their belief is bound to stir an upheaval. Hence, its pertinent to understand and be conscious about not making fun of a belief.


India has long seen the tradition of Dowry, while everyone is fighting pillar to post to remove this stigma, and we talk about the next generation is going to make it extinct. We have a brand like Volkswagen glorifying it by portraying its product beetle as the ultimate reward (readdowry). Its trying to take an Indian approach but it failed to realize the century they are in. the Indian connect they tried to form by showing a wedding in the ad gave out a wrong signal by supporting the practice of dowry.


One of Intel's ad shows six athletic black dudes bowing down before a white guy in khaki pants. Lousy, barely subliminal racist advertising or just plain lousy advertising? You be the judge This was considered racist and intel had to apologize within a week since the ad was circulated. It was through a blog that it became viral that the ad was racist. The athletes were taken as a symbol for better performance owing to the advertisement caption , "multiply computing performance and maximize the power of your employees." The blog read as : The ad depicts a white man in casual office attire, arms folded and grinning triumphantly between two row of cubicles. The fella is flanked on each side by three spandexclad black men crouched in a sprinter's starting position. While the white man's smug jubilation is apparently derived from choosing the Intel Core 2 Duo processor, there are some pretty sinister undertones in the advertisement. It's not difficult to see a white overlord standing over subservient black men who are bowing at his feet. The message of the ad was clear but the interpretations vary. It wasnt a bad campaign but a lousy one since they failed to analyze it from the audiences point of view. This is an example how a right message can be wrongly interpreted and do the damage to the brand.

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