Ostendo Evaluation Questionaire

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Question Details and Ostendo Coverage

Ref Question

105 Are you a Multi-Company Organisation

Extended Description
If you are a multi-company organisation then you should determine if all the companies run on the same
network or whether each Company has their own network.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows multiple Companies to be set up on one PC or Network. Each Company is independent and
can be accessed by all users on the network (Signon Code and Password permitting). These multiple
companies can be created with foundation data or you can copy an existing Company. This second option is
very useful when testing new functionality and reports using you actual data. Additional Companies on a
separate computer will require a separate Ostendo Licence

110 Within a company do you have multiple sites

Extended Description
A 'site' can be defined as an independent location within the boundaries of a single Company. The Site can
be a physical or a logical Location.
Facilities in Ostendo
The effect of defining 'Sites' within Ostendo is that Warehouses and Company Assets can be segregated by
Company Site. Also you can nominate a site against Purchase Orders for delivery purposes.

115 Will you have multiple Ostendo Users

Extended Description
You also need to decide what parts of the system and which Company (if multi-Company) each User can
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows for maintenance of unlimited number of Users. You should note however that the licence
limits the number of users that can access the system at any one time. Ostendo can track transaction
activities by User so give consideration when creating a 'User' that covers a Department

120 Do you have multiple Report Formats for a document

Extended Description
Some Business have different document formats (For example: Invoice Layouts) for defined groups of
Customers. Do you require this flexibility with any of your documents
Facilities in Ostendo
Within Ostendo you can copy and save any document and then amend that copy as required using the
Report Editing function. Whenever document is printed the option is given to select the alternative form.

205 Do you record and use Non-Stock items and services

Extended Description
Non-Stock Items can cover Travel, Accommodation, One-Off Charge, etc but can also refer to physical

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products that are not stocked in you Warehouse. This differs from Stocked Items in that these are physical
products that are purchased or manufactured and are then stored in a Warehouse
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo calls these 'Descriptors'. A Descriptor can represent anything that you wish to Invoice that is not an
Inventoried Item. Examples of Descriptors are:
Non-Stock Items
One-off charges
Rental Charge

210 Do you use Multi Warehouses and Locations

Extended Description
A Warehouse can be defined as a building or enclosure in which Inventoried Items are stocked. Locations
are defined places in the Warehouse. The Location can simply be a storage area but is - more often - a
physical Bin.
Some Businesses don't user either Warehouses or Bins whereas others use Warehouses only; many 'high
Inventory' Businesses use both
Facilities in Ostendo
In Ostendo you can maintain multiple Warehouses and multiple Locations within each Warehouse. These
Warehouses can be linked to a Company Site and - if required - Inventory value by Warehouse can be

215 Do you use Revision Level controlled items

Extended Description
During the life of an Item it can go through many changes. During the course of these changes the product
is still being produced. The result of this is that many iterations of the same product can exist. A Revision
Level provides facility for a user to determine the specific Iteration of the Item. The Revision Level is a
trackable 'characteristic' of the Item and all stock should be segregated by its Revision Level
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you create Revision Levels by Item and annotate whether the Revision Level is 'Active' (I.e.
The Item can be made to that revision level) or 'Inactive' (Cannot be made to that Revision level). All
Revision Levels can be held in stock and sold as required.

220 Do you have Serial Number controlled Items

Extended Description
The objective of a Serial Number is to provide facility to track a specific Item through its life. If a Product is
defined as Serial Controlled then each individual Item with that Product Code must have a unique Serial
Number. This enables tracking of that specific Item wherever it is located. Quite often a Warranty is also
linked to a specific Serial Number.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you create unique Serial Number by Item. Each Serial Numbered Item is separately
identified in Inventory. Duplicate Serial Numbers within the same Item Code is not allowed. The Serial
Number is allocated upon receipt into stock. Whenever the Product is issued (or validated during stocktake)
then only valid Serial Numbers can be referenced

225 Do you have Items that are Lot or Batch controlled

Extended Description

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The objective of Lot (or Batch) control is to segregate 'batches' of production so that if anything is found to
be wrong with any Item in the batch then all Items in the Batch can be suspect and recalled. All 'Batch
Controlled' Items must have a Batch Number recorded against them. This provides facility to track any Item
through to the Batch from which it originated. This differs from Serial Control in that the quantity per Batch
Number can be any quantity whereas the Quantity per Serial Number can only be 1. Note: An Item can be
both Batch and Serial Controlled at the same time if required.

Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you create Batches against an Item. Each Batch is separately identified in Inventory. You
can (optionally) pre-specify Batches to be used by the Item in addition to defining if the batch identity is
restricted to those defined in the list. The Batch Number is allocated upon receipt into stock and thereafter
follows it throughout stock movements within Ostendo and beyond.

230 Do you have Expiry Date controlled Items

Extended Description
The objective of Expiry Date control is to define a date beyond which use of the product should be
addressed. This could refer to a 'Best Before" or "Use By" date, etc. All 'Expiry Date" Controlled Items
must have a Date recorded against them. This provides facility to track any Item in stock by their date of
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you attach a Date to an Item in Stock. Each Date is effectively a Batch and the Batch
number is a Date. The Expiry Date is allocated upon receipt into stock and thereafter follows it throughout
stock movements within Ostendo and beyond.

235 Do you have Colour / Size segregated Items

Extended Description
Many Apparel industries segregate their Product Styles by Colour and Size. Additionally they may also
segregate by Fit and/or pack size. The objective of Colour and Size control is to segregate the end product
into their 'variant' configuration. All 'Colour' and 'Size' Controlled' Items must have both Colour and Size
recorded against it. This provides facility to hold stock of any Item and track them through the Sales
process. Note: Some industries only record 'Colour' or 'Size'; other both. Some Apparel industries also
record Colour/Size/Fit.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you create Colour, Size, and Fit (By using the 'Grade' variable) against any Item. Each
combination is separately identified in Inventory. You can (optionally) pre-specify Colour, Size, and Fit
(Grade) to be used by the product in addition to defining if the Colour/Size/Fit identity is restricted to those
defined in the lists. The Colour/Size/Fit is allocated upon receipt into stock and thereafter follows it
throughout stock movements within Ostendo and beyond.

240 Do you have Grade segregated Items

Extended Description
The objective of Grade control is to segregate the end product into any user-defined Quality standard. A
Grade controlled Item must have its quality level recorded against it. This provides facility to hold stock of
any Item by Grade and track them through the Warehouse to either Sales or Disposal.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you create Grades against any Item. You can (optionally) pre-specify Grades to be used by
the product in addition to defining if the Grade is restricted to those defined in the lists. The Grade is
allocated upon receipt into stock and thereafter follows it throughout stock movements within Ostendo and

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245 Will you be using multiple Units of Measure per Item

Extended Description
Many businesses stock the same item in different Units of Measure. For example you may want to record an
Item (say) normally stocked in 'Bottles' but you also stock it in
Case - 24 Bottles per case
Carton - 240 Bottles per carton
You may also want the flexibility to transfer between one Unit of Measure and another whilst still retaining the
same Item Number. Quite often the Sell Price of the alternate Unit of Measure is not directly proportional to
the unit Sell Price. For example: Using the above example: A single Bottle may sell at $10 but a Case may
have a sell price of $220.

Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you create multiple Units of Measure specific to the Item. Additionally you can specify the
conversion quantity and a Sell Price factor. You must pre-specify the Unit of Measure and then link to this
Item along with a conversion Factor. The Unit of Measure is allocated upon receipt into stock and will
follows it through stock movements within Ostendo and beyond. At any time you can Interchange between
one valid unit of measure and another

250 Do you have 'Source on Demand' Items

Extended Description
The term 'Source on Demand' means that you do not normally stock this Item but order it, when required,
specifically for the Sales Order or Job.
Facilities in Ostendo
Within Ostendo the term 'Source On Demand' applies to nominated Items. This does not mean to say that
they cannot also be stocked but Ostendo will automatically create a Suggested Supply requirement every
time a demand is made on it. You should note that Descriptors (non-inventoried Items) are always 'Source
on Demand'

255 Do you have 'From Stock' Items

Extended Description
The term 'Supply from Stock' means that you the Item is normally retained in stock to a user-defined stock
level. Any demands for the Item from Sales Orders or Jobs will be withdrawn from this stock.
Facilities in Ostendo
Within Ostendo the term 'Supply from Stock' applies to nominated Items. The maintenance of Stock Levels
is determined by the Re-Order Level and Re-Order Quantity fields held against the Item record. A separate
'Inventory Replenishment' run will look at all demands from all sources and make recommendations for
replenishing stock.

260 Do you currently have a Stock Replenishment routine

Extended Description
A Stock Replenishment Routine is a formal methodology to maintain Stock at a minimum whilst at the same
time achieving a high level of stock availability whenever a demand is made. There are many versions of a
'Restock Policy' ranging from a 'visual restock' (I.e. when the stock looks low then let's reorder it) through to
quite complex Forecasting -v- Actual demands along with multiple Ordering policies.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo provides a Re-Order Point Control level of replenishment based on a combination of actual
Demands and (optionally) a Forecast. The length of the future demand period to take into account can be
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either a fixed period for all items or a specified period above each Item's Leadtime.

265 Do you record an Item's Manufacturer and/or Brand

Extended Description
Some Businesses need to specify the Manufacturer of the Item (I.e. can be unrelated to the Supplier). End
Products can contain components or equipment that is restricted to Items from specific Manufacturers
and/or Brands.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to indicate the Manufacturer and Brand against any Item. This provides facility to
analyse all Items that are from a specified Manufacturer/Brand.

270 Do you convert sold Items into a serviced Customer

Extended Description
Many products go beyond being just sold to a Customer. They may also have an ongoing servicing schedule
or a specific Warranty. When sold they become the Customer's property but you still need to know when it
was sold, what and when regular service events are required and what Warranty applies to the sold product.
Facilities in Ostendo
For specified Items Ostendo generates a Customer 'Asset' record when despatched to the Customer. This
contains all information about the Product such as Serial Number, Customer Name, Current Location,
Servicing Schedule, Warranties, etc. Ongoing Service and Repair events provide a detailed Cost and profit
analysis by Customer Asset

300 Do you have Preferred / Restricted Suppliers for Items

Extended Description
Some businesses restrict the purchase of nominated Items from a specified Supplier or from a list of
nominates Suppliers. Do you have this requirement?
Facilities in Ostendo
Within Ostendo you can create a restricted list of Suppliers for nominated Items and (if required) a preferred

305 Do you maintain Supplier Part Pricing

Extended Description
By maintaining a history of previous purchases from a Supplier plus having their current price list readily
available 'on file' you can create Purchase Orders with the latest purchase price.
Facilities in Ostendo
Within Ostendo you have the option to use a global 'Base' purchase price or record current Buy price from
multiple Suppliers. Facility is also available to update these Buy prices either manually or from a Supplier
provided Price List

310 Do you use Supplier Catalogue(s)

Extended Description
Do you purchase Items directly from Supplier Catalogues as, and when, you require the Item.

Facilities in Ostendo

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Ostendo allows you to import and maintain Catalogues from multiple Suppliers. When you are in a Sales
Order or Job Line these Catalogues can be called directly and an Item selected for the line. This can then
be converted into a Purchase Order to the Supplier of the Catalogue

315 Do you record Supplier Part Number cross-reference

Extended Description
Do you to have your own (internal) Item number and have many Suppliers for that Item. Then, whenever you
raise a Purchase Order, do you quote the Supplier's Item Number, your Item Number, or both.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to have your own (internal) Items number and have many Suppliers for that Item.
Against each Supplier you can record that Supplier's Item Number if different.

320 Do your Suppliers have multiple Contacts

Extended Description
Have you a requirement to store multiple Contacts, Positions and contact details against each Supplier

Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows unlimited number of Contacts by Supplier in addition to nominating a default contact is

355 Do you require Drop-shipments to Customer's Address

Extended Description
Drop Shipments are where you order goods from your Suppliers but you indicate that the Delivery Address is
that of your Customer from whom you received your Sales Order
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo keeps track of the demand source of any Purchase Order you raise. For example: You receive an
order from a Customer and generate a Sales Order in Ostendo. That Sales Order Line generates a matching
Purchase Order from your Supplier. If you want the delivery of that Purchase Order to be direct to your
Customer you can select the relevant address directly in your Purchase Order Header

360 Do you need purchase deliveries to your Site Addresses

Extended Description
Do you want your Purchase Orders to be delivered to a site address that is different to the address where the
Purchase Order was raised
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo has a default delivery address and that prefills all Purchase Orders raised. If the delivery is to
another address then you have the option to select another Site Address or manually key in the address.

365 Do you have Order allocations against Purchase Order

Extended Description
Whenever you raise a Purchase do you make prior allocations to where the Purchase Order Receipt will be
used. For example: Sales Order, Service Order, Inventory, etc
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to make prior allocations of Purchases to the demand source. These allocations are
'Soft' in that you can use the received Item on other - more urgent - demands if necessary.
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370 Do you need to specify item characteristics when

Extended Description
Certain Items can have varying characteristics such as Grade, Colour, Size, Unit of Measure. If you have
these do you normally record them on your Purchase Order and check them at order receipt
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo covers 'sub-level' specific variants against a single Item Code. These are:
- Units of Measure
- Colour
- Size
- Grade
- Revision Number
These can be specified along with the Purchase Order or simply recorded when the goods are received.
You should also note that Ostendo also records Serial Numbers, Lot/Batch Number, and Expiry Date at 'sub
level'. These are not normally known until the goods are received and can be recorded at that time.

375 Do you Email Purchase Orders

Extended Description
Do you print your Purchase Orders and send by Surface Mail or do you send by Email - or both

Facilities in Ostendo
Whenever a Purchase Order is to be printed you are presented with a simple panel containing the following
three options:
Screen - View on Screen
Print - Send to Printer
Email - Email with this report attached

Screen - The report will be returned to the screen where you have the following options from the top toolbar:
Send to Printer
Output to File (with facility to recall and print)
Export to a Matrix Printer
Export to a CSV file
Export to a HTML file
Export to a JPG Image
Export to a PDF file
Search the document for specified Text

Print - A panel will be shown where you have the following options:
Select the printer
Print to file (.prn extension)
Select pages to print
Enter number of copies
Collate multiple copies
Define print order (Reverse Print)

Email - The program will generate the report as a 'pdf file and attach it to your PC's emailing routine
(Example; Microsoft Outlook). Under File>Reporting Configuration>Specific Email Text you can set up a
Template to populate the Email's Header and Body portions with specific information relating to the
attachment (Example: Purchase Order Number, etc)

380 Do you carry out three-way matching

Extended Description

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3-way matching is where you initially match/validate your Purchase Order Receipts against the originating
Purchase Order and then match/validate the Purchase Order Invoice Quantity/Value against your Purchase
Order Receipts
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo gives you the option to:
- Have full 3-way matching (Receipts of Goods or Services then receipt of Invoice), or
- Validate an Invoice without having a Purchase Order

385 Do you track Purchase Orders

Extended Description
Do you have a requirement to track Purchase Orders that have a long leadtime. Example: For orders that
are being delivered from another country you may need to track Port of Despatch, Estimated and Actual
Departure Date, Estimated/Actual Arrival Date, Customs Status, etc.
Facilities in Ostendo
User-define tracking codes can be maintained in Ostendo and the appropriate code allocated as required.
You can also maintain a full history (by Date/Time) of all tracking activities

400 Do you Forecast future demands for Inventory

Extended Description
If any one Item is found to be unavailable then a whole Job could be brought to a halt. Similarly, in the
Sales environment, non-availability can result in the loss of the whole order. To prevent this happening
Forecasts are used. These are 'anticipated Demands' and provide a means of maintaining Inventory Levels
to satisfy future Sales, Jobs, or Assembly Order requirements.
Facilities in Ostendo
A very flexible Forecast entry function is available in Ostendo. For each Item you can specify a total
demand for each month. These demands can be 'Day Dated' within each selected month into
- Once per month at the beginning of the month
- Daily demand based on a 5-day week
- Daily demand based on a 6-day week
- Daily demand based on a 7-day week

These forecasts are used in the Inventory Replenishment routine (Replenishment>Inventory Replenishment)

405 Do you maintain Inventory Levels

Extended Description
To ensure that stock is available when required do you have a requirement to maintain inventory levels whilst
at the same time not overstocking.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo uses Re-Order Levels set by the user (based on knowledge and past history) and when stock
reduces to this level a 'Suggested' order is raised. The reduction of stock is based on current and
anticipated (Forecast) demands for each Item and reflects the actual date when the Stock of an Item
reduces to the Re-Order Level.

Each Item has the following parameters held against its master record (Inventory>Items)
- Re-Order Level. The level at which a Suggested Replenishment Order is triggered
- Re-Order Quantity. The minimum Order quantity of the Suggested Replenishment Order
- Order Multiple. This is used if the supply Order MUST be in multiple of a known quantity
- Leadtime. The normal Leadtime to get the product.
Ostendo uses these parameters to suggest Replenishment Orders if the Replenishment Order routine is run.

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410 Do you have an Inventory Replenishment Routine

Extended Description
Do you currently have a formal routine to replenish Inventory or is it based on a visual assessment or
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo uses parameters (Re-Order Level, Re-Order Quantity, Order Multiple, and Leadtime) set up against
each Item record and goes through the following process

Item Forecast - A Forecast can optionally be held by Item and allows the user to create a 12-month
Forecast. The forecast contains individual monthly forecasts where each month can selectively contain
forecasts based on
- A Daily Demand for a 5-Day Week
- A Daily Demand for a 6-Day Week
- A Daily Demand for a 7-Day Week
- A single Monthly Demand

Actual Demand - The Replenishment Routine extracts all demands from the following sources
- Sales Orders
- Assembly Orders
- Jobs

Actual Demand -v- Forecast Demand - The Forecast demand and the Actual Demand are compared such an
ongoing demand is generated from the greater of the Cumulative Forecast and the Cumulative Actual

Demand Horizon - The above demand analysis is carried out up to a Replenishment Horizon. This can be
- A fixed number of Days for all Items
- An Item's Leadtime + A defined number of days

Item Replenishment levels. Each Item record has the following data that is used during the Replenishment
- ReOrder Level. The Level at which a Replenishment Order should be received
- ReOrder Quantity. The normal quantity of a Replenishment Order
- Order Multiple. The Order multiple if the Supply is only in that pack size

Replenishment Process - The Replenishment program goes through the following Logic:

1. Add any overdue Supply Orders to the Current Stock Level

2. Is the 'expected' Stock Level below the Item's Re-Order Level?
No - Go to question 4
Yes - Determine the greater of (a) the quantity required to bring it up to the Re-Order Level and (b) the
Re-Order Quantity. Round this up in accordance with the Item's Order Multiple and create a Suggested
3. Add the Suggested Order Quantity to the Current Stock Level
4. Go to the next day
5. Add any Supply Orders (Assembly Orders or Purchase orders) scheduled for this day
6. Deduct any 'Cumulative Demand' scheduled for this day.
7. Go back to the question 2

Replenishment Results - The results of the Replenishment run are displayed showing all Items that have had
Suggested Orders created. You can drill-down on each Item to see the detailed results of the run. This
shows (by Day) all Demands, Supply Orders, and Suggested Orders with a resulting stock balance at the
end of the day.

The quantity displayed against the Suggested Order can be amended as required. The resultant quantities

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can be converted into either a Purchase Order or an Assembly Order

415 Do you have Non-Inventory Ordering requirements

Extended Description
Do you raise Purchase Orders for Products or Services that are not kept in Inventory. For example; Cleaning
Services, Sub-Contract Labour, Stationery, etc
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to nominate any 'non-stocked' product or services as 'Descriptor'. These can be ordered
'as required' then tracked, received and Invoice matched throughout the whole Purchase ordering process.

420 Do you create all Replenishment Orders manually

Extended Description
Is you current method of raising Assembly and Purchase Orders very labour-intensive and are you seeking a
faster and easier way of doing this
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo's conversion of Replenishment Orders routine combines demands from:
- Suggested Order from the Replenishment run
- Required Order from Items that are 'Source on Demand'

The routine then allows you to:

- Select an individual Suggested requirement and create an Order
- Select multiple Suggested Requirements and create multiple Orders
- Select multiple Suggested Requirements and create a single Order

In the last example the individual demand sources and quantities are retained against any line that has a
combined order quantity

500 Do you get Customer Price Enquiries

Extended Description
Do you receive many price enquires (Telephone, Email, Fax, etc) from current and/or potential Customers

Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo has a 'Price Enquiry' screen into which you can enter a Customer or Prospect and instantly make a
quotation for a standard product (not a Custom Product). This screen also gives you a breakdown of any
Price levels, Discounts and Quantity Breaks that have been applied

505 Do your Customers have Multiple Addresses

Extended Description
Do you have a Customer who has multiple delivery addresses. These addresses could be their (multiple) site
addresses or even their Customer addresses for a drop-shipment.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows pre-entry of unlimited Company Site Addresses. In addition you can also manually enter a
delivery address for (say) drop-ship to their Customer

510 Do your Customers have Multiple Contacts

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Extended Description
Do you require to record multiple Contact Names, Positions and contact details linked to any Customer

Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows a user to maintain unlimited number of Contacts and their details (Name, position, phone,
fax, email, etc) against each Customer. One of these Contacts can optionally be designated at the 'Default'
Contact at the Customer site and this is used to prefill any Sales Order being raised against that Customer.

515 Do any of your Customers have a central Billing

Extended Description
Do any of your Customers have a 'parent' Customer to whom you send all Invoices and Statements

Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo covers this requirement by letting you create both the order Customer and the Billing Customer as
individual Customer records then going into the Order Customer record and nominating the Billing Customer
as the recipient of Invoices and Statements.

520 Do you Email your Invoices and/or Statements to

Extended Description
Do you print your Invoices and/or Statements and send by Surface Mail or do you send by Email - or both

Facilities in Ostendo
In Ostendo the method by which Invoices and Statements are conveyed to the Customer is contained in the
Customer Master record. The options are:
- Print Only
- Email Only
- Print and Email

To support the email you can cc and/or bcc other email addresses. The bcc is especially useful to send
yourself a 'blind' copy of the email. When using this process the program will generate the Invoice/Statement
as a 'pdf file and attach it to your PC's emailing routine (Example; Microsoft Outlook).

525 Do you produce and monitor Quotations

Extended Description
Do you make quotations that need to be monitored relative to their expiry date. Also do you require analyses
of quotes by (say) Prospect, Lost Quote Reason, etc
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo enables you to make full quotations then retain and monitor the Quotes until either they are
converted into an Order or they are given a Lost Quote reason code. A full Quote history is available for
analysis using the 'View' option to 'Slice and Dice' the Quotes and Quote lines as required.

530 Do you Quote for Custom Products

Extended Description
Generating Quotes for Customised products can be very time-consuming. If you make numerous quotes for
your Custom Products you should consider using a Custom Product Configurator.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo has a Custom Product Configurator that uses simple scripting tools in which you can:
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- Define the Configuration Variables
- Define Questions to ask
- Use the answers to configure the product and calculate a Sell Price

You can also create quite complex algorithms and computations in the Custom Product Configurator but you
do require a good knowledge of Scripting in Pascal

550 Do you apply Customer Credit Control restrictions

Extended Description
Have you any Customers to whom you apply certain restrictions dependant upon their past and/or current
debt status.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to establish various credit control and warning levels - by Customer - as follows:

Put Customer on 'Stop Credit' - You cannot create any more Sales or Job Orders for this Customer. You
can, however, receive payments against previous Invoices.

Apply Aging Days - If the Customer Debt is outstanding beyond a defined number of days then, if so, you
can finish off the Order but cannot progress it any further.

Apply a Credit Limit - The program will check whether the current outstanding debt plus the value of this
order exceeds the defined Credit Limit and, if so, you can finish off the Order but cannot progress it any

Credit Warning Percentage - You have the option to activate a percentage value (at system level) by which a
warning will be returned to the screen whenever the amount of credit reaches this percentage

General Warning Message - You can enter a message by Customer (Example: Refer to Department
Manager) that will always appear when you are creating an Order

555 Do you have multiple Sell Prices/Discounts for the same

Extended Description
Businesses have varying levels of complexity relating to product Sell Prices. Some have a single Sell Price
to all Customers whilst others have rather complex Sell Prices based on Customer specific or Customer
Type. This is often further enhanced with quantity-based discounts, promotional pricing, etc
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo contains a very flexible and comprehensive pricing structure covering the following:
Inventory Items
Non-Inventory Items
Labour Charges
Kit Sets (Kits of Parts)
Tasks (Service oriented activities)
Supplier Catalogues

Sell Pricing includes variation options such as:

Basic Sell Price - Basic Price as held against the Product or Service
Price Matrix - Adjusted Sell Price based on a wide variety of options
Quantity Discounts - additional discounts for quantity sold
Alternate Unit of Measure Pricing - Price adjustment by an Item varying Units of Measure
Special and Promotional Pricing - Start/End Dated price overrides
'On Sell' Pricing - Special Pricing to support 'Add-On' Sales (E.g. Buy 1 get 1 at 50%)
Cost Plus Pricing - Sell Price based on the product or Service Cost + Markup
Customer Specific Discount - Additional Discount for ALL orders from this Customer

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A comprehensive Pricing Matrix covering Items and Descriptors can be created against Price Levels. A
Customer is linked to a single Price Level so that when an order is raised the Customer's Price Level Matrix
is used. Price Levels can be created via Pricing>Settings>Price Levels. Link each Customer to a Price
Level if you are using the matrix otherwise the Base Price will be used.

A comprehensive Labour Charge Matrix can be created against Rate Levels. A Customer is linked to a
single Rate Level so that when an order is raised the Customer's Rate Level Matrix is used. Rate Levels can
be created via Labour>Settings>Rate Levels. Link each Customer to a Rate Level if you are using the
matrix otherwise the Base Labour Rate will be used.

560 Do you configure and sell Custom Products

Extended Description
Custom Products are end products that have been constructed to a Customer's specific requirement.
Custom Products can be at various levels of 'Severity'. For example:

Features and Options - Selectable components that are assembled to make an end product
Engineered Product - Features and Options with user-specific dimensional variations
Designed Product - User-defined creations from Raw Materials
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo has a Custom Product Configurator that will accommodate the most complex of Custom Products.
It uses simple scripting tools in which you can:
- Define the Configuration Variables
- Define Questions to ask
- Use the answers to configure the product and calculate a Sell Price

You can also create quite complex algorithms and computations in the Custom Product Configurator but you
do require a good knowledge of Scripting in Pascal

565 Do you convert the sold product into a Customer Asset

Extended Description
You may wish to record, monitor and/or service the product once it has been sold to your Customer. This
would enable you to record:
Any Warranties given with the product
Location of the product
Full Service and Breakdown History
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo lets you annotate an Inventoried Item such that each Item sold is converted into an 'Asset' against
the Customer. If required you can also record:
Where it is located
Who the current Owner is
Provide and record Warranty records
Monitor Warranty Claims
Schedule and carry out ongoing service and maintenance activities
Carry out and record Breakdown Service events
Record full Service and Breakdown History with prices, costs and profitability

570 Do you use 'Add-On' Sales

Extended Description
'Add-On' Sales are promotional tools such that when a Customer orders a product you can offer other -
complementary - products or service at a special rate. Examples of 'Add-On' Sales are:
Would you like to 'upsize' your French-fries?

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Would you like to take out an extended Warranty?
Would you like matching Napkins to go with the Tablecloth?

Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to link unlimited 'Add-On' Sales Items or Services to any Product sold. The Add-On
Items can have their own Sell Price when linked to this offer. Also, against each Add-On item you can add a
comment that is displayed to prompt the Salesperson to ask the question. These comments could be:
Would you like to 'upsize' your French-fries?
Would you like to take out an extended Warranty?
Would you like matching Napkins to go with the Tablecloth?

During Sales Order entry the program will check if the Item has 'Add-On' Sales and, if so, an Icon will appear
that can be selected and the Add-On Items offered. If the 'Up-sell' is accepted the Add-On Item will be
included in the Sales Order with the price defined in this offer.

575 Do you provide Warranties with your Sales

Extended Description
Do you link a Warranty or multiple Warranties to any of you Sold Items or Services. Also do you match
against the Warranty whenever a claim is made
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to generate multiple Warranty Definitions that cover:
Warranty Name
User-definable length of coverage
What is included (Labour, Parts, Labour and Parts, User defined)
Inclusions added Text
What is excluded from the Warranty

The Warranty Definition is attached to affected Items and Descriptors. Whenever the Item or Descriptor is
added to a Sales order then the Warranty Definition goes with it. When it is despatched the Warranty
begins and is effective for the duration held against the Warranty.

Any Job Order raised against the Item/Descriptor may fully or partially be covered by the Warranty. The
Costs for these lines are recorded against the Job/Warranty Reference but it is not charged to the Customer

580 Do you sell Kits

Extended Description
A Kit is a collection of individual parts sold as a single entity. The Kit itself may not actually exist but merely
serves as a means to group a standard set of parts.
Facilities in Ostendo
In Ostendo a Kit is generated by creating a specific type of Descriptor. Under this Descriptor you can hold
an unlimited number of Kit Lines (made up of Items and Descriptors) each with a usage quantity. The
Kit-Descriptor is added to a Sales order Line and issues are made at that Level. I.e. If you issue 2 Kits then
all the Kit Components are multiplied by 2 and automatically issued.

The Base Sell Price of the Kit can come from one of three places
From the Kit-Descriptors Base Sell Price
From the rolled-up Base Prices of all the Kit Lines
From the rolled-up Cost of all the Kit Lines multiplied by a Markup%

600 Do you use a formal Picking and Despatching routine

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Extended Description
Do you currently have a formal Sales Delivery process that:
Prints out a Sales Order Pick List
Provides facilities to record from where the stock has been picked
Assembles a Delivery Document including Despatch Weights and Volumes
Takes into account any Freight or Shipping costs

Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo provides two main process flows for Sales Orders deliveries
Sale Order > Picking > Despatch > Invoicing
Sale Order > Picking > Invoicing

Some companies have a formal process that goes through all steps Example: Sales and Distribution
Environments; whilst others simply pick the Goods during the Invoicing Process Example: Counter Sales.
Whichever process is in operation Ostendo requires Items to be picked - especially if they have lower-level
attributes (Serial Numbers, Lot Numbers, etc). Both processes can be in operation in that same company.
What differentiates the actual process is the Sales Type used to process the Order. I.e.

If Sales Type is 'Counter Sale' then no formal Picking is required

If Sales Type is 'Delivery Order' then a formal delivery process is enforced

605 Do you Track Customer Orders

Extended Description
Have you a requirement to track and report on Customer Orders in more depth than simply Order Received
and Order Despatched. This may include where it is in your organisation and what is happening to it in
addition to where it is in the Despatch/Shipping process
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you create your own Status Codes and amend the Sales Order status as required.
Additionally Ostendo provides for recording of Sales History which enables you to have date and time
stamped progress notes against each order.

610 Do Customers allow delivery variance Tolerances

Extended Description
Many industries receive an Order and despatch an approximate amount. For example: A 'mix' has an
anticipated process scrap of 10% but when produced the actual scrap was 6%. What happens to the
surplus 4%? As 'Mixes' are made specific to Customer Orders then an agreement is usually made with the
Customer for over-shipments of (say) up to 6%
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows the establishment of a shipping tolerance such that if the delivery is within the order amount
(plus or minus) then the order line is deemed to be complete and the line will automatically be 'closed'

650 Do you use Cost Plus style Invoicing

Extended Description
'Cost Plus' Style Invoicing is where the value of the Invoice is derived from the Cost of the Actual work done
multiplied by a User-defined Cost Markup or Sales Margin percentage.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo has a specific Job Type 'From Actual Entries'. Jobs that use this Invoice Style will have their
Invoice Value derived from the actual Labour, Material and Descriptor bookings to which is applied a Cost
Markup % or Sales Margin %. These percentages are defined against each Line in the Job.

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What is the difference between Cost Markup and Sales Margin?

Cost Markup % is based upon defining the cost of the sale and applying your percentage to arrive at a sell

For example if the cost of the Sale was $100 and you specified a 60% Markup then the final sell price would
be $160. The formula used by the system is as follows

(Total Price - Total Cost) / (Total Cost)

Sales Margin % is based upon expressing your profit as a proportion of the sell price.

For example if the sell price of the Job was $160 and the cost was $100 then your margin would be $60
expressed as a percentage of $160 = 37.5%.

The formula used by the system is as follows

(Total Price - Total Cost) / (Total Price)

In the individual Item, Descriptor, or Labour record you can record both the Cost and Sell Price (along with
the Sell Price matrix). This Cost/Sell Price (using the Sell Price Matrix applicable to the Customer) provides
the information necessary to determine the Margin and Markup when adding the Line to a Job.

655 Do you use Percentage Invoicing

Extended Description
A 'Percentage' Invoice uses the total 'Planned' Job Value as the basis for Invoicing. I.e. The work that you
'Plan' to do on the Job is used as the basis for generating the Invoice. Quite often a single (100%) Invoice is
raised but you could also have an Invoicing Schedule that totals the Planned Amount. Note: During the
course of the Job you may encounter additional 'planned' activities. If these are added to the Job (with/or
without formal Change requests) then they become part of the 'Planned' Job and are added to the Scheduled
Invoicing Amount
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo has a specific Job Type 'From Schedule'. Jobs that use this Invoice Style will have their Invoice
Value derived from the Job's 'Planned' Labour, Material and Descriptor prices. Against each Job you can set
up a schedule of Invoices to be raised during the progress of this Job.

660 Do you have a regular Invoicing Schedule

Extended Description
This is where you have (say) a contractual agreement to provide a routine service to a Customer's Asset or
premises. This can be - for example - Garden maintenance, Air conditioning, etc
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to create a Customer 'Contract' under which you can have either a predefined Invoicing
schedule for a fixed period or an 'open ended' recurring invoice. The Batch Invoicing process will pick up any
scheduled 'fixed period' or 'open ended' Invoices

665 Do you create Invoices without a prior Sales Order

Extended Description
Some businesses do not raise a Sales or Job Order but merely raise an Invoice to cover work done.
Examples of this are Accounting Services, Legal Services, etc.
Facilities in Ostendo

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Ostendo allows you to create a direct Invoice against a Customer. The Invoice can contain Items, or
Descriptors who's Sales Price is taken from that set up within Ostendo

670 Do you have Invoice Retentions

Extended Description
Retentions (or Holdbacks) are a description of the process where the general contractor of a construction /
renovation project invoices for the work they have performed to date, less a "retention" amount of, say, 10%.
This 'Retention' amount is paid at a later (agreed) date based upon performance guarantees
Facilities in Ostendo
In Ostendo you can define a percentage amount that will be applied to all Invoice and held against
'Retention'. A separate 'Retention' Invoice can be generated at a pre-defined date.

675 Do you raise a single Invoice per Sales Order

Extended Description
Do you raise a separate Invoice for each Sales Order received from a Customer.

Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to either combine all deliveries to a Customer into a single Invoice or create a separate
Invoice for each sales order delivered. Note: When raising an Invoice by individual Sales Order and the order
has had more than one delivery between generation of an Invoice then Ostendo will combine it into a single
Invoice for that Sales Order.

680 Do you raise invoices covering a delivery period

Extended Description
Do you raise a single Invoice to a Customer based on deliveries over a period of time

Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to either combine all deliveries to a Customer into a single Invoice or create a separate
Invoice for each sales order delivered. Note: When raising an Invoice by time period the length of the period
is determined when you create the Invoice

700 Do you require Warranty Control functionality

Extended Description
Do you offer Warranty or Warranties to your Customers and do you monitor that Warranty and apply this
when receiving Warranty Claims
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo provides for the creation of a Warranty Definitions that cover Parts, Labour, Parts and Labour, (or
even user defined) for a coverage period. These definitions can be applied to Products and/or Services and
becomes effective when sold. Any claims made against the Warranty can be immediately validated and
work carried out can be directly attributed to the Warranty Code. Any repair work can be allocated to a
Warranty Code and/or a Customer. The 'Customer Charge' work can then be Invoiced as required.

705 Do you have a Customer Response process

Extended Description
Do you provide a Customer Relations Management (CRM) process that covers the full spectrum of 'Customer
Care' ranging from prospect enquiries through to a complete 'After Care' service.

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Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to take calls from Prospects and/or Customers to any pre-sale activities through to
taking post-sale support calls, allocating responsibility for providing a reply and monitoring that allocation
through to a conclusion. The end result could provide material for transfer to a Knowledge Base

710 Do you maintain a Knowledge Base

Extended Description
A Knowledge Base is a general storage area of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and other snippets of
useful information which can be instantly interrogated in the search for an answer. This is commonly used in
association with a Customer Relations Management (CRM) system.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo has a Knowledge Base in which you can segregate the questions and answers into categories and
sub categories. Using the Search facilities in Ostendo you can interrogate any field for a specific string

750 Do you maintain records of 'Assets' sold to Customers

Extended Description
Many Sales Lines go beyond being sold to a Customer. They may also have an ongoing servicing schedule
or be covered by a specific Warranty. When sold the Sales Line becomes the Customer's property but you
still need to know when it was sold, what and when regular service events are required and what Warranty
applies to the sold 'Asset'.
Facilities in Ostendo
The 'Asset' may originate from a product that you have in stock or can be an external Asset such as a piece
of land. For stock Items Ostendo generates the Customer 'Asset' record when despatched to the
Customer. A non-stock Asset can be created 'as required' to support Servicing and Maintenance.
Assets generated from a stocked Item contain all information about the Product such as Serial Number,
Customer Name, Current Location, Servicing Schedule, Warranties, etc.
Assets for a non-Stocked Item are manually created using Ostendo's Customer Asset maintenance function.
Both these Asset types facilitate ongoing Service and Repair events to provide a detailed Cost and profit
analysis by Customer Asset

755 Do you have a Service schedule by Asset

Extended Description
Do you maintain and carry out ongoing Servicing of your Customer's Assets. If so do you have a regular (or
standard) schedule of service events to be carried out
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to create both a pre-defined Service Plan and attach this to selected Assets or generate
a service event for an Asset as - and when - required. A Service Plan comprises of one or more regular
Service Routines. For example
Every 3 months carry out a Service using Job Template ABC
Every 12 months carry out a Service using Job Template DEF

760 Do make Service Notifications (Email or Print options)

Extended Description
Do you require confirmations from the Customer that you can carry out the Service. Some services (like
Garden Maintenance or Window Cleaning) don't require this feature whereas going into a Customer's
residence or property does.
Facilities in Ostendo

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Ostendo has a checkbox against a Customer Asset record denoting that the Customer requires notification
that a service is scheduled to be carried out and that confirmation is required before the service can
proceed. This status is monitored prior to converting a Planned Service into a physical Service Order.

765 Do you record Breakdown Service Events

Extended Description
Breakdown Service Events are unplanned Jobs that are required to repair a Customer Asset and restore it to
a functional condition.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to create a Job and link it to a Customer Asset. Labour, Material and other costs are
recorded against the Job and an Invoice raised. The ongoing history of the Customer Asset will include both
panned and unplanned activity

800 Do you use Bills of Material

Extended Description
A Bill of Material lists components or ingredients required to produce an end product. Other information such
as scrap factors may also be included in the BOM.
Facilities in Ostendo
In Ostendo a single level Bill Of Material can be defined against any Inventory Item. The BOM maintenance
function also contains routing information such as:
A nominal Leadtime to produce a 'standard' quantity
A normal run-time per quantity
A standard Setup Time
Routing Steps to which BOM Items can be linked
Routing Resources (Labour Codes or Company Assets) linked to a Routing Step
Detailed Instruction on what to do

805 Do you have Order Routings

Extended Description
Whereas a Bill Of Material tells you materials you require the Routing tells you how to put them together.
This is similar to your favourite Food Recipe which contains the Recipe (Routing) and the Ingredients (Bill Of
Facilities in Ostendo
In Ostendo the Routing in embedded in the Bill Of Materials screen. I.e. The BOM screen contains routing
information such as:
A nominal Leadtime to produce a 'standard' quantity
A normal run-time per quantity
A standard Setup Time
Routing Steps to which BOM Items can be linked
Routing Resources (Labour Codes or Company Assets) linked to a Routing Step
Detailed Instructions on what to do

810 Do you use Phantom Assemblies

Extended Description
A Phantom Bill of material can be:
A fictitious Bill of Material created for common subassemblies that you do not want to produce as
separate items.
A non-fictitious Bill of Material that you do not want to produce as separate sub assemblies but do want

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to produce as Spare Parts in it's own right.

Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you did annotate a Bill Of Material as being a 'Phantom' when it is called up as a component
in another BOM. In this instance any Assembly Order will 'blow-through' the Phantom Sub-Assembly and
replace it with the Phantom's Components. This is repeated through multi-levels of Phantoms if required.
This feature only applies when the Phantom appears as a Component in another BOM. It does not prevent
you from stocking or raising Assembly Orders directly for this Item

815 Do you require Bill of Material Cost Roll-Up functionality

Extended Description
A Cost 'Roll-Up' allows you to get the computer to calculate the planned Cost of any Sub Assembly or
Finished Product from the Labour and Material costs required throughout the full product structure
Facilities in Ostendo
Bills Of Material are used in Assembly Jobs to make standard products for stock. BOM Costing allows the
user to carry out a multi-level Cost Roll-up using the Standard Cost for Items, Descriptors and Labour plus
Fixed and Variable Overheads related to Labour.

The Cost Roll up program goes through the following steps:-

Sort all parent Items in the BOM table into Low-Level Code descending sequence
Commencing with the first parent calculate the following from its components

Set Up Cost
Items - Standard Cost * Usage Quantity / Setup Batch Size
Descriptors - Standard Cost * Usage Quantity / Setup Batch Size
Labour - Labour Code * Labour Cost * Hours / Setup Batch Size
FOH - Labour Code * FOH Cost * Hours / Setup Batch Size
VOH - Above Labour calculation * VOH recovery Rate
Process Cost
Items - Standard Cost * Usage Quantity
Descriptors - Standard Cost * Usage Quantity
Labour - Labour Code * Labour Cost * Hours
FOH - Labour Code * FOH Cost * Hours
VOH - Above Labour calculation * VOH recovery Rate

Progressively repeat for all parent Items in the BOM

Select Items who's Standard Cost is to be updated

Note: The Labour Cost (Labour, FOH, & VOH) for an activity comes from a Labour Code rather than a
specific Employee.

820 Do you have Fixed and Variable Overheads in your Job

Extended Description
Some Businesses 'break down' the Standard Labour Cost into three elements. These are:
- Direct Labour Cost
- Fixed Overheads
- Variable Overheads
This feature allows the Accountant to determine more accurately what 'Actual' recovery costs are and then
adjust the Planned recovery costs accordingly
Facilities in Ostendo
In Ostendo the Labour Code's Standard Cost can be entered directly as a single cost. You have the option
to click on the 'Standard Cost Breakdown' button and segregate this cost into the three elements

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825 Do you segregate Set Up and Process requirements

Extended Description
Setup is done in preparation for carrying out the actual assembly. Many Businesses do not have a 'setup'
step and therefore have no requirement for defining this separately.
Facilities in Ostendo
In Ostendo you can 'hide' the setup step from appearing anywhere in the Assembly Job. This is a
system-wide setting so if any jobs have a setup step then this should not be hidden.

850 Do you manufacture Custom Products

Extended Description
Custom Product manufacturing is where you have a 'Product Theme' (Example: Greenhouses, Balustrades,
Kitchens, etc) that can have an infinite combination of Customer selections and sizes. Your business,
therefore, is to produce the Customer specific end product in the minimum time possible
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo has a Custom Product Configurator that uses simple scripting tools in which you can:
- Define the Configuration Variables
- Define Questions to ask
- Use the answers to configure the product and calculate a Sell Price

You can also create quite complex algorithms and computations in the Custom Product Configurator but you
do require a good knowledge of Scripting in Pascal

855 Do you provide Warranty for these products

Extended Description
Do you provide a Warranty against your Custom Products. Also do you wish to record any claims made
against this Warranty
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to generate Warranty Definitions that cover:
Warranty Name
User-definable length of coverage
What is included (Labour, Parts, Labour and Parts, User defined)
Inclusions added Text
What is excluded from the Warranty

The Warranty Definition is attached to the 'Custom Product' Item Code. Whenever the Item is configured
against a Sales order then the Warranty Definition goes with it. When the Custom Product is despatched
the Warranty becomes effective.

900 Do you have or require Project control

Extended Description
Project Control is usually (but not always) associated with the Construction Industry. It covers large Projects
that span many months and can have many smaller Jobs, Phases, Tasks, etc. Indicative of this
environment is:
Ongoing Cost Control, analysis and projections
Ongoing progress assessment and projections
Day-to-day scheduling of key Resources
Incremental Claims and Invoicing
Forward Planning of anticipated activities

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Facilities in Ostendo
In Ostendo you can create a Project along with:
Planned Start/End Dates
Budgeted Income and Costs
Site/Customer/Contact details
The Project itself is a summary of Jobs and must therefore contain a minimum of one Job. Against the Job
is recorded all the Tasks and activities to carry out the Job. During the Job progress the following are
Retention held
Planned and Actual Invoices
Planned and Actual Monetary Values
Planned Costs, Progress and Projections
Planned Timeline, Progress and Projection

As the Project knows all the included Jobs then the above statistics can be presented at Project level along
with comparisons against the Project Dates and Budgets

905 Will this include multiple Jobs per Project

Extended Description
Normally it is sufficient to record and monitor activities against a single Job at the Job Level. However you
may wish to put a Budget Cost with and Start/Finish Dates and then monitor the Job against these Budgets.
If you are monitoring a single or multi-Job Project then this should be checked
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo lets you create a Job and then, in the main Job screen, link it to a Project. The Project itself will
contain Planned Start/End Dates, and Budgeted Income and Costs. It is against these that you can monitor
the Project Progress

910 Will you require Project/Job/Task/Resource tracking

Extended Description
Have you a requirement to create User-defined Tracking Codes and then monitor Jobs and Tasks by these
codes. And/or to track Resources against these Codes via a drag-and-drop Job Calendar (Planning Board)
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo has functionality whereby the User can define Tracking Codes and then allocate the Code to Jobs
and Tasks relative to their status. This will allows analysis of Jobs and Task by this Code. As a Resource
is linked to a Job Task then the Job Calendar also shows the Task status as a coloured band around the
Resource displayed on the Planning Board.

1000 Do you use Job Task Bills

Extended Description
Do you have a requirement for maintaining Task Bills. A Task Bill is a definition of Material, Labour and
Other requirements that will be used to perform a pre-defined Task. This Task can be selected and added
to a Job as a complete Bill rather than individually selecting each line within the Bill.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo has a simple screen for creating and maintaining Task Bills. You have the option to define the Sell
Price of the Task Bill as coming from:
From the Task Bill's Descriptor Sell Price
Rolled up from the Sell Prices of the Task Bill Lines
Rolled up from the Task Bill's Line Costs * by a markup%

When creating a Job you can call up a Task Bill and add this to a Job. You can also use a Task Bill in a

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Job Template

1005 Do you use Job Templates (aka Schedule of Quantities)

Extended Description
A Job Template comprises of Activities and Durations and provides a simple means of adding a complete
Job's requirement to a Job Order in a single action. The Job Template can comprise of a single or multiple
Tasks; each Task having a Task Bill, Resource requirements, and duration. When adding the Job Template
to a Job you can (optionally) select those specific Tasks that are to be used in a Job. This provides a very
quick way of creating 'standard' Jobs.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to create Job Templates that are constructed using Tasks in sequence. Each Task can
either have multiple lines covering Items, Descriptors, Labour, Kitsets, Task Bills or can have a single line
covering a Task Bill. Against each Task you can also define the Task's duration.
The Job Template also gives you the option to 'select Tasks when adding to a Job'. Therefore this feature
provides the flexibility to construct a 'Schedule of Quantities'. For example; If a bathroom was being
fitted-out we would have a Job Template of 'Bathroom Fit'. Within that we could have Tasks that represent
the various styles and sizes of Bathrooms. When creating a Job Order we would simply call down the
Template and select the correct Style/Size of bathroom. All details and costs will automatically be copied to
the Job

1010 Do you have many Jobs linked to a parent Authority

Extended Description
If you have multiple Job that are linked to a common Customer, Authority, etc then, in addition to monitoring
individual Jobs, you can group them together and assess the progress of all the Jobs relative to an overall
Facilities in Ostendo
Against individual Jobs you have a field called 'Project'. You can use this field to group Jobs from the Same
Customer, Authority, and assess their overall progress. In Ostendo you can create a Project along with:
Planned Start/End Dates
Budgeted Income and Costs
Site/Customer/Contact details

If you link each Job to this 'Project' then Ostendo will record the following against each Job.
Retention held
Planned and Actual Invoices
Planned and Actual Monetary Values
Planned Costs, Progress and Projections
Planned Timeline, Progress and Projection
This, in turn, provides the 'Project' to give the above overall information along with comparisons against the
Project Dates and Budgets

1015 What is your Cost Method for Inventory Valuation

Extended Description
What is the current Cost Method that you use to value Inventory. Many 'Manufacturing' systems enforce a
'Standard' Cost regime whereas Sales and Distribution environments (and SME's) normally use Average
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo has three cost types constantly maintained against all Items. These are:
Standard Cost: As held against the Item Master
Average Cost: Adjusted by Stock Receipt Transactions

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Last Cost: Adjusted by last Stock Receipt transaction

Additionally other Costs are maintained against special Items. I.e.

Serial Numbered - Actual Cost: Issues and Receipts at Serial Number level
Batch Controlled Items - Batch Average: Batch adjusted by Receipt transaction

Inventory can be valued at either

Standard Cost
Average Cost **
** Note: An ongoing average Cost is maintained against Serial Numbered and Batch Controlled Items and
this is used for Inventory Valuations.

1020 What is the Cost Method for Non-Stock Items

Extended Description
What is the current Cost Method that you use non-stock Items (Descriptors). This is the cost that will be
applied to evaluate Costs for Jobs, Cost of Goods Sold, etc
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to use one of the following Cost methods when issuing to a Job, Sales, or Assembly
Standard Cost: As held against the Descriptor Master
Buy Price: As held against the Descriptor Master
Last Cost: Adjusted by last Purchase Order - Descriptor Receipt transaction

1025 What is your Cost Method for Labour

Extended Description
How do you cost your Labour when an employee books time to a Job. Is this a fixed Cost or does it vary
depending upon any overheads incurred
Facilities in Ostendo
In Ostendo an Employee has a standard Unit Cost. However, option is provided to uplift that cost by taking
into account Fixed and Variable Overheads. These Overheads can be a fixed value or can reflect the
'Labour Code' (Held against a Job Line) against which the Employee is booking time.

1050 Do you use a Planning Board

Extended Description
A Planning Board is a visual presentation of Planned and Actual Jobs along with Resources allocated to
carrying out those Jobs. The Planning Board generally allows manipulation of the Resources and/or Jobs to
provide a 'best fit' to improve Customer Service whilst still achieving maximum Resource utilisation
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo's Job Calendar has a drag and drop facility whereby you can allocate Jobs to the labour force in a
Planning Board style presentation. This facility includes:
Confirming Jobs not currently scheduled
Allocating Employees and/or Equipment to new and/or existing Jobs
Creating a new Job directly into the Planning Board
Dynamically re-allocating Jobs (if the allocated Employee/Equipment is not available)
Producing Employee/Equipment Job Schedules

1055 Do you schedule Labour to support Job Loading

Extended Description

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Have you a requirement to schedule your Labour force to support the current Planned and Actual Jobs.

Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo's Job Calendar has a drag and drop facility whereby you can allocate Jobs to the labour force in a
Planning Board style presentation. This facility includes:
Confirming Jobs not currently scheduled
Allocating Employees to new and/or existing Jobs
Dynamically re-allocating Jobs (if the allocated Employee is not available)
Producing Employee Job Schedules

1060 Do you schedule Key Equipment to support Jobs

Extended Description
Many industries have a critical piece of hardware around which hinges the throughput of the whole business.
Other businesses rent expensive Plant that requires detailed scheduling. Both of these require up-to-date
scheduling down to (possibly) the nearest minute
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo's Job Calendar has a drag and drop facility whereby you can schedule Jobs to this critical piece of
equipment in a Planning Board style presentation. This facility includes:
Confirming Jobs not currently scheduled
Allocating the equipment to new and/or existing Jobs
Creating a new Job directly and allocating the equipment directly into the Planning Board
Producing Key Equipment Schedules

1065 Do you create Jobs in line with Resource availability

Extended Description
Have you a requirement to create and schedule your Jobs in line with the availability of Resources
(Employees or Equipment) to do the Job.
Facilities in Ostendo
Equipment to view their current loading. You can generate a new Job linked to a Resource within the Job
Calendar Planning Board by:
Pre-defining the available timespan using the mouse
Defining a Start time and stating a duration
You still have the option to dynamically re-allocate the Job if required

1100 Do you want to integrate with MYOB

Extended Description
Do you want your 'Operational' activities to fully integrate with MYOB by posting:
Sales Invoicing and Customer Payment activities
Stock Movements (Receipts, Issues, and Adjustments)
Costs of all internal activities (Plant Maintenance, Employee non-charge, etc)
Purchase Orders, Receipts and 3-way match to Invoice
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo has two levels of operation when integrating with MYOB. These are;
Base Setup with pre-defined Cost Centres - This requires minimal setup
Sales breakdown - This gives more detailed financial visibility in the Sales area

1200 Would you find System Alerts helpful

Extended Description

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Ref Question
System Alerts are messages that 'pop-up' on your screen when whenever a certain condition arises such as:
Job Order over Budget
Purchase Order raised with no Buy Price
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo has a series of pre-defined alerts. A User can define which Alerts are active and when the Alert
condition is reached:
Who to notify
Attach a severity Level
Show all outstanding alerts on signon

1205 Do you want links to your other systems to be available

Extended Description
Would you like to be able to call up other systems (Example: Microsoft Word or Excel, MYOB, or even your
old 'Operational' system) whilst still in Ostendo
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows the user to point to any other executable (or file extension recognised by the computer) on
the network and have is appear under menu 'Custom' on Ostendo's main toolbar. Clicking on the menu item
will run the Executable while you are still in Ostendo

1220 Would you have a need to import data from your old
Extended Description
You may have built up a lot of base information in your current system that you want transferring to Ostendo.
If this is a requirements then 'check' this question
Facilities in Ostendo
Master File Data such as Customers, Suppliers, Inventory Items, and Sales History can be imported using
Ostendo's Data Importing routine. This routine requires field mapping from your 'old' system to Ostendo's
data format.

To make Importing a little easier pre-programmed Import routines are available for importing Customers,
Suppliers, Inventory Items, Sales History and other master files from various popular Operational systems
such as:
Business Manager
Ezijobz SME

1225 Do you have a need for a Document Management

Extended Description
A Document Management system allows you to keep a central Library of all Documents such a Supplier
Warranties, Manufacturers Spec sheets, Drawings, etc. This library could also point to the physical
document if it is located on your computer network.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to create and maintain a Library of Documents covering the following areas:
Company Asset
Customer Asset
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Knowledge Base
Template Task

Each document reference can have extended (searchable) notes in addition to a link to the physical
document anywhere on your computer network

1230 Do you have a need for an Image Management system

Extended Description
An Image Management system allows you to keep a central Library of all Photos, Maps, Drawings, etc. This
library could also point to the location of Image if it is located on your computer network.
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo allows you to create and maintain a Library of Images covering the following areas:
Company Asset
Customer Asset
Knowledge Base
Template Task

Each image reference can have extended (searchable) notes in addition to a link to the physical Image
anywhere on your computer network

1235 Do you require User-definable fields

Extended Description
User-Definable fields are fields that are unique to your business that may not be in the standard package.
This feature allows you to include your specific field requirements and display them as if it was part of the
Facilities in Ostendo
Ostendo offers 16 fields for adding to each of the following main record formats
- Assembly Orders
- Customer Assets
- Customers
- Descriptors
- Items
- Job Orders
- Labour Codes
- Purchase Orders

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Ref Question
- Sales Orders
- Suppliers

You may have 8 Date format record and an additional 8 that can include the following formats
- Text: Any data format can be entered in a Text field
- Decimal: Allows entry of numbers and decimals
- Integer: Allows entry of whole numbers only
- Currency: Shows Currency symbol and decimals as defined in Regional Settings
- Yes/No: Shows a checkbox which can be checked/unchecked
- Date: Contains a drop-down calendar for selection of a date
- Time: Displays format HH:MM:SS for entry of a time of day

If required the entries can also be validated against pre-defined values

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