Mark Crawford Ministries August 2013 Newsletter

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Mark Crawford Ministries

August 2013 Newsletter

Sixth Edition

Welcome to another edition of my newsletter! The pictures above are from Suffolk Christian Camps just a few days ago. We enjoyed a fantastic bonfire on the beach, had lots of fun, games and teaching in the barn and also had the opportunity to send and receive 'warm fuzzies'; little notes written to encourage to one another. It was a fantastic week and God was certainly a at work in it all. More about that later...

This newsletter feels a bit special. It's nothing to do with the paper it's printed on (for those who receive this in print) but because on 8th August I celebrated 2 years of freelance mentoring and pastoral ministry, working with young people and students. The time has flown by. I have been truly blessed over these past two years. I have had the privilege of mentoring some fantastic people and I believe the friendships that have been nurture nurtured have been a mutual blessing. It continues to be a wonderful privilege to be able to mentor and disciple individuals and assist with pastoral issues as and when those needs arise. I have learned a great deal, and certainly made mistakes along the way, but by God's grace (and that of those I mentor and meet up with) I am delighted that He has continued to bless the ministry with which I'm involved. This coming September, there is the potential to partner with a number of people who are going away to university for the first time or who are moving further afield due to changes in their employment. It does mean that the travelling required is likely to increase, but I'm also looking into the potential of using Skype video calls more regularly to keep in touch with h people in between visits. However, that is never going to replace personal visits. There here will always be a need to meet with people face face-to-face, , because taking the time to visit someone shows that individual that they are valued and worth investing tim time in. I'm also pleased to say that in the short term, my work with Lapwing Suffolk (mentoring young people with Special Educational Needs) will continue and with this comes stability and the knowledge of a regular income, for which I am grateful.

Summer Activities and Diary Dates

The summer is always a mixed bag of activity and rest and this year is proving to be no exception. I was leading the sung worship at Week On One of Suffolk Christian Camps at Sizewell Hall, Hall whilst Matt and Jenny Brown were speaking peaking and leading the sessions sessions. They did an incredible job! There were new Christians amongst the young people and although I found parts of the week quite tough, I thoroughly enjoyed my role leading the worship. Soul Survivor Week C is now rapidly approaching. Matt and Jenny Brown with the help of others have been organising the trip and 32 of us will be heading down to Somerset from 18th to 23rd August. August Please pray for all those who are going to Soul Survivor and in particular that we would have dry weather, weather especially on set up and pack down days! ! I'm sure God is going to move powerfully within the young people as He H did last year.


m: 07860 563783


In addition to these summer activities, there are a few important dates coming up outside of the 'normal' mentoring, student and pastoral visits. I would very much value your prayers for the following dates: 18 - 23 Aug 25 Aug 3 Sep 6 Oct 20 Oct 28 - 31 Oct Soul Survivor with Battisford Free Church, Somerset Preaching at Farmlands Church, Brentwood Return to work at Lapwing Preaching at Horringer Court Community Church, Bury St Edmunds Preaching at Parkview Chapel, Botesdale Speaking at CROPS Residential Week at Letton Hall, Norfolk

Sporting 87 Football Club

Opportunities to work with lads at Sporting '87 are still numerous. There are now over 350 children and young people and around 100 adults actively involved in the club. I'm continuing to coach the third adult team (A Team) and it looks likely that I will also be managing one of two Sporting U18's teams. This is a late change so there is plenty to organise in the coming days. Please pray for the ongoing ministry of Sporting 87 FC and that we can offer the right framework of pastoral care and assistance to all those involved in the club.

Prayer and Praise

There is plenty to pray about and praise God for. Your prayers are very much appreciated! If you feel led to pray about things specifically in the ministry here are a few additional pointers to help: Praise God for those who have and who continue to support my ministry financially, practically and prayerfully. They enable me to do what I do. Pray for safety whilst travelling. With all my work commitments I'm travelling in excess of 20,000 miles a year now! Please pray for renewed vision regarding future work. I want to be in God's will moving forward, and open to hear and know which doors He is opening and which people I should be getting alongside to mentor and disciple. Praise God for all the additional opportunities to preach and speak at youth events in the next few months. Praise God for all those people I am currently mentoring and pray for wisdom as I continue to meet up with young people and students.

And finally...
Jenny Brown encouraged all of us to write notes and letters of encouragement to other people on camp whilst at Suffolk Christian Camps and I was incredibly blessed to receive some lovely messages after my week away. It was also fantastic to hear from campers on the last evening about how God had been challenging and speaking to them during the week. Please pray that the young people would continue to live for Jesus as they prepare themselves for a new term at school. That's about all for now, but if you would like to keep up to date in between newsletters, you can do so by visiting my Facebook page or website I hope this update encourages you and may God bless you in whatever you do for Him.



m: 07860 563783


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