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Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2011, 2, 103–109 doi: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2010.00058.

Non-intrusive monitoring of atmospheric CO2 in

analogue models of terrestrial carbon cycle
Martin Lukac1*, Alexandru Milcu1, Dennis Wildman1, Rob Anderson1, Tom Sloan1 and
Phil Ineson2
NERC Centre for Population Biology, Imperial College London, Silwood Park Campus, Ascot, Berkshire, UK; and
NERC Centre for Terrestrial Carbon Dynamics (CTCD), University of York, Biology Department, York, YO10 5YW, UK

1. Closed ecological systems (CES) are small man-made ecosystems which do not have any material
exchange with the surrounding environment. Recent ecological and technological advances enable
successful establishment and maintenance of CES, making them a suitable tool for detecting and
measuring subtle feedbacks and mechanisms.
2. As a part of an analogue (physical) C cycle modelling experiment, we developed a non-intrusive
methodology to control the internal environment and to monitor atmospheric CO2 concentration
inside 16 replicated CES. Whilst maintaining an air-tight seal of all CES, this approach allowed for
access to the CO2 measuring equipment for periodic re-calibration and repairs.
3. To ensure reliable cross-comparison of CO2 observations between individual CES units and to
minimize the cost of the system, only one CO2 sampling unit was used. An ADC BioScientific OP-2
(open-path) analyser mounted on a swinging arm was passing over a set of 16 measuring cells. Each
cell was connected to an individual CES with air continuously circulating between them.
4. Using this setup, we were able to continuously measure several environmental variables and CO2
concentration within each closed system, allowing us to study minute effects of changing tempera-
ture on C fluxes within each CES. The CES and the measuring cells showed minimal air leakage
during an experimental run lasting, on average, 3 months. The CO2 analyser assembly performed
reliably for over 2 years, however an early iteration of the present design proved to be sensitive to
positioning errors.
5. We indicate how the methodology can be further improved and suggest possible avenues where
future CES based research could be applied.
Key-words: CES, CO2 monitoring, ecological modelling

outside environment can dilute such effects and confound

interpretation. Although primarily used in bio-regenerative life
Closed ecological systems (CES), most commonly defined as support research (Salisbury, Gitelson, & Lisovsky 1997;
biological systems closed to material but open to energy Nelson et al. 2003), CES have already been successfully applied
exchange, are able to self-sustain by continuously cycling all to ecological research (Taub 1974). Initially used to construct
vital substances (Gitelson, Lisovsky, & MacElroy 2003). models of aquatic environments, CES were first used in simple
A closed system provides an environment where small effects experiments testing the optimal conditions for long-term
of biological activity accumulate over time (Dempster 2008) system self-sustainability such as eukaryote ⁄ prokaryote ratios
and where matter cycling and turnover times are vastly acceler- (Obenhuber & Folsome 1983). Much later, grazer populations
ated (Nelson et al. 2003). Normally not detectable in open were able to sustain themselves for at least several weeks in
systems, subtle mechanisms and feedbacks can be observed small and simple CES, allowing for observations and manipu-
and measured inside a CES, however the element of closure is lations of algae-grazer dynamics and the recording of internal
of crucial importance. Even a small material exchange with O2 and pH measurements (Taub 2009). The complexity of
reconstructed and enclosed ecosystems gradually increased,
*Correspondence author. E-mail: together with increasing technical competence. Tamponnet &
Correspondence site: Savage (1994) still mention technological challenges of

 2010 The Authors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution  2010 British Ecological Society
104 M. Lukac et al.

setting-up and maintaining CES as the main drawback of Horsham, UK). A single 120 L MCC was installed within each
their wider deployment in ecological research, while noting Ecotron chamber (Fig. S1). Manufactured from transparent
their enormous potential for research applications. 10 mm polycarbonate with welded joints (Glove Box Technol-
To date, the largest and the most complex attempt at creat- ogy Ltd., St Ives, UK) the MCC were designed to be air-tight
ing a CES was the Biosphere 2 project (Allen & Nelson 1999). and to house independent climate control and monitoring
Housing several humans and internal sections representing systems (Fig. S2). Separate heating and chilling systems were
various biomes, this undertaking highlighted the need for clos- operating continuously to provide accurate temperature
ing the water and nutrient cycles, together with managing the control, while optimal air circulation within each box was
C cycle (Nelson, Dempster, & Allen 2009). maintained by a set of fans. Each box contained a single free-
In order to complement our knowledge of processes and draining plant pot filled with soil and sand representing the
feedbacks that govern the global C cycle, which is currently vir- biotic part of the system. Rooting medium water content was
tually unexplored outside computer models, we set out to har- continuously monitored by a Theta Probe (Delta-T Devices
ness the CES approach and create analogue (physical) models Ltd., Cambridge, UK), automatically triggering a 20 mL
of terrestrial biosphere. Since studying the rules that govern watering event (Etatron DS peristaltic pump) from a 280 mL
the behaviour of materially closed systems has led to many water reservoir whenever soil moisture decreased below 35%.
advances in other fields of science (Jones 1996), we surmised Excess water draining from the pot and condensing on the chil-
that making use of the element of closure could offer important ler was diverted back into the reservoir.
insights into the inner working of the biological C cycle. To Each MCC also contained temperature (National Semicon-
date, there are no experimental observations of C cycling in ductor LM35, integrated circuits), relative humidity (RH, Hon-
terrestrial materially-isolated systems with biotic components eywell HIH 3610), air pressure (Honeywell ASDX030A24R)
below the scale of the planet. Here, we attempted to model glo- photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, Delta-T PAR quan-
bal C pools and fluxes, since we currently know very little tum sensor) and atmospheric oxygen sensors (City Technology
about feedbacks and their effects on these C pools and fluxes. CiTiceL 70X-V). All electrical and data connections were led
As part of a project aiming to establish physical analogues of out of the box via 25-way sealed ‘D’ type Bulgin ‘Buccaneer’
the terrestrial C cycle (SCALE - Sealing Carbon and Life in the and ‘Mini-Buccaneer’ connectors (Elektron Components Ltd.,
Ecotron) experiment, we created 16 replicate models of terres- UK), clamping to a stainless steel plate held in a perspex hollow
trial biosphere with proportional amounts of C in the atmo- ring and backfilled with epoxy resin to a depth of about 20 mm
sphere, plant biomass and soil. For the purpose of clarity and to maintain an air-tight seal. Once an experiment was estab-
to distinguish them from the generic concept of CES, our lished and the access hatch on the side of the MCC was sealed
model systems will be referred to as materially closed chambers (Fig. S1), the internal environment was monitored and con-
(MCC). This paper outlines the technical and engineering solu- trolled autonomously from within each MCC. Three
tions we employed to create airtight MCC and to monitor 8 mm · ¼ inch BSP (British Standard Pipe) push-fit connec-
internal environmental conditions. The biggest technical chal- tors were installed on one side of each MCC, two for linking
lenge to be overcome was the reduction of the gaseous the box to a CO2 measuring cell and one for purging the inter-
exchange between the MCC and exterior, while achieving nal environment. Continuous circulation of internal atmo-
accurate and continuous measurements of atmospheric CO2 sphere between the box and the measuring cell (1Æ5 L min)1)
concentration. There are several limitations associated with was provided by an aquarium pump installed inside the box.
integrating CO2 monitoring devices within each MCC, such as
the inability to perform maintenance or recalibration during
an experiment without contamination. Consequently, we
developed an engineering solution allowing for non- A single open-path analyser was utilised to monitor the CO2
invasive monitoring of CO2 by one analyser without cross- levels in the MCC. An infrared ADC BioScientific OP-2 device
contamination between individual MCC. We describe the (Herold, Thomas, & Foken 2005; Velasco et al. 2009), using 4-
technical design and the performance of MCC units and of the path folded beam was attached to a custom-made welded alu-
CO2 monitoring apparatus and outline the potential for minium bracket and mounted vertically on a rotating pillar
further improvement of this technology. (Fig. S3). The beam source and detector were located within a
cylinder, while the main mirror was mounted on a frame sup-
ported rigidly by pillars machined in the instrument body, pro-
viding approximately 200 mm of clear space between the
electronics assembly and the mirror. An adjustment system
was put in place to allow for accurate alignment of the mirror
We utilized the Ecotron (Lawton 1996), a controlled environ- and source ⁄ detector assembly.
ment facility at Silwood Park, Imperial College London, to Each MCC was connected to a separate infrared (IR) mea-
provide the housing and the supporting computer and control suring cell via two 8 mm pneumatic nylon tubes, allowing for
systems for this experiment. The Ecotron is comprised of 16 continuous circulation of air between the MCC and the IR
individually controlled chambers centrally monitored by a measuring cell. The length of the tubing varied between 4 and
TREND 963 supervisor (Trend Control Systems Ltd., 10 m, according to the position of individual MCC relative to
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the OP-2. The IR measuring cells were arranged in a circle cen- mous mode, the sampler started at 0 (notionally 1 volt dc posi-
tred on the rotating pillar, so that the OP-2 beam source and tion feedback) and read the CO2 concentration within the 1st
analyser assembly would pass over and the mirror under each IR measurement cell. The reading continued for about 65 s to
IR measurement cell. Several millimetres of clear space were allow for a running average to be taken and stored, before
provided to avoid the OP-2 assembly and the sample cells com- moving to the next cell. Once the last (18th cell) was measured
ing in physical contact. The IR measuring cells were manufac- at 238, the system rotated the OP-2 arm back to the starting
tured from solid aluminium and gold-plated to enhance IR position to initiate a new sequence of CO2 observations.
reflectance and to minimize CO2 adhesion to internal surfaces.
Each cell had two sapphire glass windows sealed with an inter-
Results and discussion
nal ‘O’ ring, one each at the top and bottom to allow for the
passage of the measurement beam through the internal volume
of the cell. Out of the total of 18, 16 IR measuring cells were
connected to individual MCC, a ‘zero’ cell was connected to While we made use of some of environmental control capabili-
the internal airspace of the OP-2 assembly and the ‘calibration’ ties of the Ecotron, the use of such facility for CES research is
cell had connections which were freely accessible from outside not strictly necessary. The external conditions of each MCC
to perform system drift measurements. do not have to be controlled, provided that the internal control
Rotation and positioning of the OP-2 arm was provided by mechanism is sufficiently robust to cancel out variations of out-
an off-the-shelf antenna rotator motor and gearbox (Protistel side environment. The main goal of our experiment was to
PST641D, Vine Antennas Ltd, Powys), which rotated the study the C cycle, the design of our MCC was therefore subor-
OP-2 pillar with a toothed-belt. Gearing ratio was incorpo- dinated to the need to have viable models of the terrestrial bio-
rated within the system to minimize the angular error of the sphere (Fig. S1). The internal volume of 120 L was chosen as
OP-2 positioning over each measuring cell. A potentiometer the minimum necessary to obtain manageable C pools in the
was fitted to the pillar’s axle to act as the primary position feed- plant and in the soil, relative to the C content of enclosed
back mechanism. Initially this was used purely as an indication atmosphere. Prior to closure, each MCC was equipped with a
of angle, but was later found to be more accurate than the rota- pot containing 2Æ85 g of dry arable soil mixed with C-free sand
tor system’s original device and thereafter used as the primary and 0Æ528 g of plant (total biomass fresh weight). The MCC
sensor. The CO2 analyser, all measuring cells, and associated units were sealed and CO2 concentration of internal atmo-
electronics were enclosed inside a Perspex cabinet. Since ca. sphere adjusted to pre-industrial level of 280 p.p.m. in order to
13% of the infrared beam length passed though the open obtain atmosphere:plant:soil ratio of 1 : 2 : 4Æ5 (0Æ0136 g C in
spaces between the OP-2 device and the sample measuring the atmosphere, 0Æ0276 g C in the vegetation and 0Æ0606 g C in
cells, we monitored the internal CO2 concentration via the the soil), falling within the upper range of available global C
‘zero’ cell and maintained it as low as possible (approx estimates found on Earth (McCarthy and Intergovernmental
5 p.p.m.). To achieve this we used an aquarium pump to draw Panel on Climate Change. Working Group II 2001). We tested
air from the bottom of the box and continuously pass it, in ser- several plant species for suitability; an ideal plant had to grow
ies, through the ‘zero’ measuring cell, then through a soda lime very slowly as not to skew the C ratios, but at the same time it
cylinder and a Drierite cylinder, before returning it to the inter- would be able to survive for prolonged periods inside closed
nal space. As a back-up, a pure N2 cylinder was attached to the environment. Pilea glauca (fam. Urticaceae), a tropical semi-
box to flush the whole cabinet if the internal concentration of shade tolerant C3 species, was selected for experimentation
CO2 exceeded 20 p.p.m. since its photosynthetic capacity was able to force a pro-
nounced diurnal signal in internal CO2 concentration (Fig. 1),

The sampler system was connected to and continuously inter-

faced with the existing Trend BMS (Trend Control Systems
Ltd., Horsham, UK) which connected to the Ecotron Trend
LAN (Fig. S4). Although off-the-shelf hardware and software
is available to effect such connection, in this instance we elected
to apply a custom-made solution to ensure modifications could
be easily applied. In brief, the Trend controller calculated the
angle to which the OP-2 was to be moved, and signalled this to
the interface box as a DC voltage. An Analogue to Digital
Converter (ADC) interpreted this as a 9-bit number, specifying
a range of 0 (1st cell) to 357 (18th cell). When the system was
ready to move to this angle, a ‘go’ signal was given by the
Fig. 1. Diurnal oscillation of internal CO2 concentration in selected
Trend BMS to the antenna rotator. The output from the posi- materially closed chambers (MCC) in response to 12-hour day and
tion feedback potentiometer was fed to the Trend Controller night cycle. Small errors are due to OP-2 measurement arm misposi-
to indicate the actual position of the OP-2 device. In autono- tioning.

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106 M. Lukac et al.

while its biomass did not expand appreciably during experi- (Fig. 2b). A background temperature of 15C was chosen to
ments lasting 2–3 months. Due to the size of our MCC, we closely resemble the average global temperature (Solomon
were able to place only a single plant inside each unit, the size et al. 2007) and was kept constant in MCC assigned to the
of which had to be precisely controlled. We attempted to estab- ‘control’ treatment. Some of the climate scenarios we tested
lish an MCC with a precise ratio of C, whilst having to weigh involved daily changes of internal temperature in ‘treatment’
fresh plant biomass. The accuracy and the plant survival rate MCC in a feedback loop driven by the CO2 concentration. The
could be increased if larger MCC were used, allowing for big- temperature control proved to be very good, as an example,
ger plants. On average, plant survival within MCC proved to the standard deviation was 0Æ048C over a 3 day period if tem-
be better than expected, with only 3 instances of plant death perature was kept constant at 15C. Changing the temperature
during 7 experimental runs involving 15 replicate MCC each. set point daily to account for changing CO2 concentration (ca.
Towards the end of each experiment lasting up to 3 months, a 0Æ1–0Æ4C per day) introduced a small disturbance to the
slight discolouration of plant leaves could be detected, possibly MCC, resulting in slightly higher standard deviation of
caused by nutrient limitation due to very small quantity of soil, 0Æ115C at 16Æ5C mean temperature. Temperature control
constrained by the global C ratios. The pH (5Æ9 at 20C) of was operated as an autonomous system and was able to
water in the reservoir was not affected by the length of an rapidly respond to external influence. Figure 2a shows regular
experiment or by the CO2 concentration inside each MCC. peaks and troughs deviating from the set point of 15C caused
Initially, during an establishment phase lasting approxi- by the 12-hour on ⁄ off setting of lighting inside each Ecotron
mately 2 weeks after closure, all MCC were maintained at chamber.
15C. Each MCC was equipped with independent temperature Achieving a good level of closure is pivotal to CES research,
control provided by continuously operating heater and cooler, without achieving reliable long-term closure we might not be
allowing for rapid and precise adjustments of internal tempera- able to detect subtle feedbacks or accumulations (Dempster
ture. Since both heat exchangers were operating at the same 2008). Once connected to an allocated sample IR measurement
time, the temperature was controlled by the relative output of cell and sealed, the air-tightness of each MCC was leak-tested
both units. Using this system, we were able to control MCC by filling it up with pressurized helium. All leaks detected by
temperature with minimal divergence from the set point when screening with a portable helium detector were fixed and
the temperature was kept constant (Fig. 2a) or adjusted daily re-tested. Despite testing, a small rate of contamination (pre-
sumably via gaseous diffusion, as helium detection did not
reveal physical leaks) was unavoidable due to long-term nature
of our experiments and materials used. We were able to calcu-
late long-term contamination of each MCC separately on the
basis of ideal gas law. The internal air volume of each MCC
was known – we submerged a prototype version of all internal
equipment to estimate its volume – and remained unchanged
because of sturdy nature of MCC walls, air tubes and measur-
ing cells. Since we had accurate observations of atmospheric
temperature and pressure inside each MCC, we could calculate
the amount of air lost or gained through undetectable leaks.
The goal of the SCALE experiment was to observe C cycle
inside a closed system, atmospheric CO2 leakage was therefore
of primary interest to us. Expressed as the amount of CO2, we
estimate that 0Æ00011 ± 0Æ00062 g S.E. of CO2 was exchanged
with external atmosphere over the course of a 3-month experi-
ment (Fig. 3), representing 0Æ1% of initial C content of each
MCC. The length of tubing connecting the MCC to the OP-2
ranged from ca 4–10 m according to the position of each
Ecotron chamber relative to the OP-2. We did not detect any
relationship between the length of tubing and the leakage rate.


The tubes connecting each MCC with the OP-2 were wrapped
in Airtec double insulation along their entire length, and a
trace heater cable was enclosed in the insulation. This arrange-
ment avoided water condensation inside the tubes and ensured
Fig. 2. Temperature control in materially closed chambers (MCC) that air returning to the MCC had approximately the same
with stable set point of 15C (a) and with set points changed on a daily temperature as the unit itself, reducing the strain on the tem-
basis according to internal CO2 concentration (b). perature control. An open-path analyser was used to measure
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Closed ecological systems and carbon cycling 107

Fig. 4. Effect of pure CO2 additions on internal CO2 concentration.

Fig. 3. Mean weekly CO2 exchange between each materially closed
A step-increase in treatment materially closed chambers (MCC) (5, 9
chambers (MCC) and outside environment.
and 12 – full lines) is clearly visible immediately after injection, sug-
gesting optimal atmosphere mixing. There is no concurrent increase
in CO2 concentration in control MCC (1, 2 and 4 – dotted lines).
atmospheric CO2 concentration inside each IR measuring cell
(Fig. S3). Although sensitive to changes in atmospheric pres-
sure, temperature and water vapour content (Auble & Meyers are clearly identifiable and show immediately with the next
1992), open-path gas analysers have been applied in a large pass of the OP-2 over the appropriate measuring cell. Control
number of ecosystem C flux studies (e.g. Hirano et al. 2003) MCC, on the other hand, did not exhibit any change of CO2
and their output compares well with that of closed-path analy- concentration, confirming a complete separation of MCC.
sers (Jarvi et al. 2009). An important issue affecting the accu-
racy and comparability of observations from open-path
Limitations and potential improvements
analysers is the stability of the environmental conditions. We
minimized the effect of external conditions on CO2 readings by One of the biggest drawbacks, specifically relating to the exper-
housing the analyser inside a closed cabinet with CO2-free iments we were performing, was the size of the MCC. Target-
atmosphere and by insulating the cabinet. We calibrated the ing pro rata analogue models of C pools of the terrestrial
OP-2 analyser prior to each experiment by passing a sequence biosphere, together with the internal air volume and its CO2
of air samples with a range of CO2 concentrations (ca. 50– content somewhat limited our ability to accurately reconstruct
1000 p.p.m.) through serially connected IR measurement cells, the plant-soil subsystem. A larger MCC would have allowed
while measuring the voltage output of the OP-2 for each mea- for bigger, or more, plants and for greater soil mass to provide
surement cell. A second-order polynomial equation was then nutrition to the plants. It is likely that such a setup would
fitted to the data (R2 = 0Æ994 on average across cells), the improve the robustness of the biotic part of our models, while
parameters of which were applied to the appropriate Trend at the same time giving us a better control over the precision of
controllers to allow voltage-to-CO2 level conversion. C pools installed inside the MCC. Larger MCC, however, need
Overall, the OP-2 assembly performed well, with only one a mechanism to account for atmospheric pressure differences
period of technical downtime during more than 2 years of con- between the external and internal environments (Dempster
tinuous operation. Due to the number of measuring cells, one 2008). The ratio between the exterior wall surface area and its
cycle took ca. 30 min to complete, giving us at least hourly thickness was favourable in the MCC used in our experiment,
observation of CO2 concentration inside each MCC. The infra- allowing us to technically ignore the forces acting on the walls
red beam proved to be very sensitive to the interaction between due to pressure difference. Since a small pressure difference
the presence of small impurities on sapphire glasses and posi- applied over a large surface area results in significant force, a
tioning accuracy. Prior to the first experiment, inside and out- larger MCC would need a ‘lung’ to compensate for inter-
side surfaces of both sapphire windows were thoroughly nal ⁄ external pressure differentials to prevent wall rupture. In
cleaned to ensure smooth data profiles from all sample cells. eliminating pressure difference between the closed system and
Even a slight mispositioning of the OP-2 resulted in a step its exterior, and such an arrangement would also help to mini-
increase or decrease of output voltage, despite the fact that an mize leakage from or into the MCC.
average measurement over 65 s was taken for each cell. Once In the extant system, each MCC was linked to a CO2 mea-
the OP-2 was settled, resulting CO2 observations allowed us to suring cell via two lengths of nylon tubing. While the perme-
observe real-time changes of atmospheric composition both ability of nylon to CO2 molecules was considered sufficient for
over diurnal cycle and over the duration of an experiment. As our purpose, where higher precision is required to study very
expected, there was no possibility or evidence for cross-con- low concentrations of compounds, the use of welded stainless
tamination of atmospheres enclosed within individual closed steel or PTFE tubing with internal aluminium coating is advis-
systems. One key experiment was a CO2 emission simulation able.
scenario, which involved injecting pure CO2 into ‘treatment’ We made use of 16 experimental MCC and installed 2 extra
MCC via a 3-way valve adaptor (Fig. 4). All CO2 injections ‘technical’ IR measurement cells, with the infra-red CO2

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108 M. Lukac et al.

analyser therefore monitoring 18 cells arranged in a large arc. phosphorus cycling. We have shown that observations of inter-
The size of the measuring cells and the length of the OP-2 arm nal environment can be carried out in real time, even by analyt-
between them dictate the number of MCC that can be moni- ical equipment which requires maintenance and re-calibration
tored by one analyser. Replication rate can be increased either during the course of an experiment. We further show that
by decreasing the width of the measuring cells or by extending recent technological advances allow us to make a full use of
the OP-arm to cover a larger arc. The latter approach, how- Closed Ecological Systems as an experimental approach for
ever, is only viable if a significant improvement of the position- studying biological processes and feedback mechanisms.
ing accuracy over the current design can be achieved. The CO2
readings were sensitive even to small positioning errors;
improved gearing, the use of stepper motors or a linear
arrangement of measuring cells could achieve this improve- We gratefully acknowledge financial support by the Natural Environment
ment. Research Council, practical and organizational support and advice have been
offered by G. Mace and the Ecotron Steering Committee (M. Press, S. Hartley
Open-path analysers are sensitive to changes of some envi- and J. Roy). We also thank J. Subke, P. Manning, A. Heynemeyer, C. Denham,
ronmental variables; atmospheric pressure, temperature and H. Vallack, M.Saunders and all the participants of the workshop on CES orga-
CO2 concentration all affect the readings of the analyser used nized by the CPB.

in this research. To minimize these errors, the OP-2 was housed

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Velasco, E., Pressley, S., Grivicke, R., Allwine, E., Coons, T., Foster, W.,
Jobson, B.T., Westberg, H., Ramos, R., Hernandez, F., Molina, L.T. &
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Received 25 June 2010; accepted 26 July 2010 (e) nylon tubing connecting IR measuring cells and materially closed
Handling Editor: Robert P Freckleton
chamber (MCC).

Supporting Information Figure S4. Schematic diagram of open-path (OP-2) and Trend
control arrangement.
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online ver-
sion of this article: As a service to our authors and readers, this journal provides support
ing information supplied by the authors. Such materials may be
Figure S1. Side elevation of a materially closed chamber (MCC); (a) re-organized for online delivery, but are not copy-edited or typeset.
plant, (b) pot containing carbon free sand and soil, (c) soil moisture Technical support issues arising from supporting information (other
probe, (d) light (PAR) sensor, (e) pressure and temperature sensors, than missing files) should be addressed to the authors.

 2010 The Authors. Methods in Ecology and Evolution  2010 British Ecological Society, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2, 103–109

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