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Ministry for Development and Competitiveness


1st Call for Strategic Project Proposals TERMS OF REFERENCE OF STRATEGIC THEMES

APRIL 2013 Final Version

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TABLE OF CONTENTS ________________________________________ii 1. Introduction ___________________________________________ 3 1.1 1.2 1.3 Strategic Projects ........................................................................ 3 Strategic Character of the Projects ................................................... 3 General Programme Information ...................................................... 4

2. Strategic Update ________________________________________ 5 3. Eligible Actions of the Present Call: Strategic Themes _________ 9 3.1 3.2 Strategic Themes ........................................................................... 9 Content of Proposals .....................................................................10 3.2.1 Axis 1: Infrastrure for Cross-border accessibility .....................10 3.2.2 Axis 2: Fostering tourism, preferably with the synergy of energy efficiency ................................................................11


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Terms of reference of strategic themes Greece-Albania IPA cross-border Programme 2007-2013


Strategic Projects

The term strategic projects was introduced by the Commission in 2002, following the Interreg III approval. Requests for strategic projects and stronger involvement of the national level, came when most of the programmes were already operational. Subsequently several territorial cooperation programmes have introduced the concept of strategic projects as objects of special calls. Strategic projects focus on potential impacts in sectors identified by the competent Joint Monitoring Committee. They should be fully compliant with the main political initiatives and contribute and participate to the achievement of the long-term political goals set in the framework of each Programme. (Annex I) Such calls are in their nature restrictive, i.e. impose more restrictions on the selection process that ordinary projects. These restrictions apply at two aspects: Thematic areas: the scope of the strategic priorities and measures is narrowed to highlight those themes that are expected to have. Partnerships: the eligibility of beneficiaries is limited to key actors and competent authorities that can produce desirable results and effectuate the necessary impact. The present call has identified two strategic themes as its focus, following an analysis and strategic diagnosis in view of the recent developments and consultation with major stakeholders. The rationale for the selection of the themes and elaboration of their main elements are discussed below.


Strategic Character of the Projects

Two key elements that characterise strategic projects are (a) the themes, and (b) partnerships: The theme of a strategic project should be relevant to most of the Programmes area; involve high political commitment in coherence with national and Eu policies; strongly linked with other Programmes or initiatives). policy instruments (such as other

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Terms of reference of strategic themes Greece-Albania IPA cross-border Programme 2007-2013

The partnership of a strategic project should engage the as partners the key actors and those authorities or agencies that have a clear mandate to tackle the issues at stake; can make the necessary decisions; have the capacity and right to change what needs to be changed. Strategic projects should: Policy/Programme dimension Be Coherent with the Programme strategy and with European, national and regional policies. Have real impact on the cooperation area Bring tangible and visible output and results Be sustainable. Build strong partnerships Capitalise on experiences Be innovative Be holistic/ interdisciplinary Communicate.

Geographical dimension

Action dimension

Strategic projects require a strong high-level commitment and political support and likewise a substantial consultation period for the preparation of the proposal.


General Programme Information

Cross border cooperation policy is about establishing links across national boundaries to enable joint approaches to common problems and opportunities. The present Programme constitutes actually a set of proposals for the interventions envisaged under the terms of the cross border cooperation of European Territorial Cooperation for the period 20072013. The Greece Albania IPA Cross-Border Programme has been approved by the European Commission Decision No. (2008) 4708 on 5/9/2008 and has been amended by the European Commission Decision No. (2010)3778 on 30/6/2010 and by the Commission Decision C(2012)6670 on 27-9-2012). As the successor to the Neighbourhood programme Greece Albania that operated between the two countries the period 2004 - 2006, it will attempt to capitalize on the experience gained and the lessons learned by both the

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participants and the implementing structures in order to bring cooperation to a new level. The global objective of the programme is to increase the standard of living of the population by promoting sustainable local development in the crossborder area. Within this framework, the priorities which constitute the policy outline for the convergence in the area of intervention of the specific Programme are: Priority 1: Enhancement of cross-border economic development Priority 2: Promotion and development of the environment and natural and cultural resources

Priority Axis 1 will be implemented by four measures focusing on: 1) 2) 3) 4) the promotion of entrepreneurship, the promotion of sustainable tourism People to people actions facilitation of border accessibility through small-scale infrastructure

Priority Axis 2 will be implemented by two measures focusing on 1) 2) the promotion and protection of environmental resources and the promotion and protection of the natural and cultural heritage of the area.

The programme strategy is described in detail in the Operational Programme of the Greece Albania IPA Cross-Border Programme 20072013.


Strategic Update

The CBC Programmes global objective: increase the standard of living of the population by promoting sustainable local development in the crossborder area, has suffered a serious setback due to the economic crises of Greece, on both sides of the border: On the Greek side because of the economic downturn and the multiannual recession On the Albanian side because of the significant reduction in remittance money flows. The Programme document included a detailed SWOT analysis. The fundamental conclusions from the analysis underline the importance of the strong points of the eligible border area, which are the high quality and abundance of the natural and cultural resources, the pronounced presence of young population and important educational centres and finally the
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intensive cross-border economic activity especially in terms of investments from the Greek to the Albanian side. On the other hand, other issues such as the geographical isolation, the large socio-economic disparities between the two countries, the limited cooperation in crucial cross-border issues such as environment and health and the environmental and socio-economic dangers imposed by uncontrolled economic development represent the main challenges that the region has to confront. EU policies provide incentives and political legitimation in issues such as the exploitation of renewable energy sources, the protection of the environment and improvements in energy efficiency, hence providing for the ignition of locally driven sustainable development. With respect to the initial SWOT analysis, we can summarise the current trends in view of the economic crisis.
Demographics Young people Elder people The presence of young people is expected to increase as many immigrants to the large Greek urban centres will start returning. Likewise many elder people may return to the area in order to enjoy lower living costs. Geography, Environment and Culture Pressures on environment Networks of cultural exchanges Pressures on the natural environment are expected to reduce following an overall drop on economic activity. Their attractiveness as touristic destinations and the resulting income will increase social support for their protection. Existing cultural exchanges can contribute to increased trade and local tourism. Economy Per capita income Touristic activity Per capita income is dropping resulting in a drop to living standards. Local tourism will increase as local destinations will be more affordable. Education & Research, Health and Social Protection Administration and State Bodies Capacity Telemedicine Tertiary education Technology opens new opportunities for improvement of living standards in the remote and mostly mountainous Programme area. The role of the local universities will become more important. Regional administrative capacity Reforms in state and local/regional administration are expected to have a possible effect on the quality of public administration on both sides of the border.

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In summary, we can recognize the following expected changes in the flows among Greece and Albania: Emigration: a combination of high unemployment and waves of migrant (in many cases illegal) workers from Asian countries is putting a pressure on immigrant workers from Albania. Thus, it should be expected that several of them may decide to return and invest or do business in their places of origin, carrying with them professional and entrepreneurial expertise from Greece. Goods and services: Greek exports to Albania are expected to rise and Albanian ones to Greece are expected to stabilise. Tourism: a combination of reduction in prices on the Greek side, available income as well as significant improvements in touristic infrastructure and attractions on the Albanian side are expected to cause an increase in flows from both sides. Money (remittances): the regional economy in the Albanian side was to large extent based on financial flows from emigrants working in Greece. Recession is vastly reducing the income available to the Albanian diaspora for return (and possible investment) in Albania. Therefore, we can see that cross-border strategic priorities with respect to (a) touristic development, (b) support to local business growth, and (c) improvements in basic living conditions, move up the ranking due to the economic recession. In parallel, cross-cutting policy issues that affect financial efficiency have become of utmost importance as national priorities. A precondition for cross-border socio-economic activities, co-operation and becoming really one area is the improvement of the transport situation and the accessibility in the cross border region. Although the contacts since the change of the political system in Albania and the opening of the borders and during the implementation of the cross border co-operation programmes in last two programming periods have been intensified, there is still space for improvement in the field of informal and official cross border contacts at all levels. The improvement of the transport system is a very import precondition for the mobility of persons and goods especially in the peripheral areas. Problems and obstacles arise from insufficient connections and imbalances in major transport routes: while Greece has completed the major Egnatia Highway between its northern regions, Albanias southern regions remain remote and detached from major ranking transport infrastructure. This is particularly true of the southeastern area (Korca and Pogradec). Small improvements in cross-border connections can provide accessibility to this important area through the major transport routes of Greece, including connection with the international airports of Thessaloniki, Ioannina and the local airports of Kozani and Kastoria. Development, in the context of the present Programme will be pursued in environmentally sensitive areas. As a horizontal principle, sustainability should be part of all the actions. A special consideration point is whether activities confront with different user demands. The principle of sustainability aims at providing development conditions to the living generation, without decreasing the development possibilities for the future
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generations. To reach this point, there have to be taken into consideration the three dimensions of sustainability, namely, the environmental, the economic and the social one. Environmental sustainability means the proper, environmental quality oriented use of natural resources, the improvement of the quality of the environment, the protection of biodiversity and risk prevention for humans and the environment. Economic sustainability implies the establishment of a future oriented economic system and a continuous increase in economic capability and competence for innovation. Social sustainability means social balance, the right for human life and the active participation of the population in policy making and society. In the programme context that would mean that all envisaged actions respect the three dimensions of sustainability. The overall Objectives Structure and the resulting Priorities show direct links to these dimensions, addressing environmental protection and improvement, promoting a future oriented economic system based on knowledge and innovation and underlining social equality and public participation. Likewise, with respect to the priorities of Axis 2, out of all the aspects of sustainability, we can see that the economic crisis brings forth intensely the issue of energy efficiency. For the Programme area, energy efficiency has been a pressing issue. Major factors for that are: Increasing heating fuel prices in Greece (mainly due to indirect-tax hikes as result of the fiscal crisis) that lead to lower living standards (house under heating & lower available family income) and increased (often illegal) logging and degrading of the areas forests and subsequently ecosystems Gradual depletion of the areas rich lignite-fields used for electricity production. Power limitations related to the electricitys transmission system which influences business growth and every day living standards.

It is thus important to connect energy efficiency the three cross-border strategic priorities: a/ touristic development, b/ support to local business growth, and c/ improvements in basic living conditions.

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Eligible Actions of the Present Call: Strategic Themes

Strategic Themes


From the above analysis we can see that despite the three Regions have slightly differing priorities with respect to CBC, there are certain emerging common themes that can be considered as strategic ones: The need to stimulate job growth through primary and secondary sector development. The necessity for cooperation to address basic living standard needs including affordable and reliable energy. The need for environmental and cultural heritage protection and promotion. The opportunity to enhance 4-season tourism on both sides with a rich portfolio of themes and activities, simultaneously promoting local products. The important question for the Strategic Projects Call is what are the themes that can really make a change in the CBC area? This should of course be combined with the ability of the partners to present themselves with well-thought comprehensive proposals that will guarantee accomplishment of the goals. The priorities of the present call or the Strategic Themes are: Axis 1: Infrastrure for Cross-border accessibility, as part of Measure 1.4: Facilitation of Border Accessibility Through Small-Scale Infrastructure Axis 2: Fostering tourism, preferably with the synergy of energy efficiency, as part of Measure 2.1: Promotion and Protection of the Environmental Resources of the Area Aims of the strategic themes are: 1) Axis 1: Infrastrure for Cross-border accessibility: The aim is to support infrastructure interventions which contribute to fast and efficient border crossing procedures with maximum effect on the cooperation area. Axis 2: Fostering tourism, preferably with the synergy of energy efficiency: The aim is to support sustainability through concrete and highly visible improvements in tourism. Energy efficiency is an element of sustainability and the focus of this theme is part of the broader aim of sustainability. Common cross-border activities
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supporting tourism and utilising the existing natural and cultural heritage and energy efficiency measures can have a possitive environmental impact. Proposed projects may also capitalize on the architectural heritage of the area.


Content of Proposals
Axis 1: Infrastrure for Cross-border accessibility

The build-up of accessibility infrastructure has been a major theme of cross-border cooperation programmes the past 20 years. The present infrastructure in border crossing points does not satisfy the current needs and has not been in line with the significant improvements in general infrastrure in the area. Overcoming the economic downturn of the cross border region and a possibility to valorise opportunities arising its geographical position, are determined by improvement of the traffic accessibility of this area. This refers to the modernisation and further development of the existing infrastructure, which is of cross-border importance as well as the transportation infrastructure in general. To achieve a major impact and bring a change as required for strategic projects- a project within the framework of this strategic theme should focus on major crossing points that carry the majority of the traffic between the countries. The interventions taking into consideration environmental and sustainability aspects, should lead to an improvement optimisation of the accessibility in the areas of transport and telecommunication infrastructure, it should enhance the traffic accessibility in the border region and improve mobility of inhabitants. Indicative actions will include build-up and modernisation of traffic infrastructure with emphasis on improving the quality of the interconnections in the cross-border region improvement of the infrastructure at the cross border stations, facilitation of improvement for safety procedures linked to mobility of persons, capital and goods, ICT interventions to facilitate and accelerate border checks development of coordinated customs procedures facilitation of cross-border transport. Interventions proposed have to be complete and substantial in both quantitative and qualitative terms.


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Axis 2: Fostering tourism, preferably with the synergy of energy efficiency

We can recognise indicative base points for the elaboration of project proposals: traditional architecture constitutes both an attraction for visitors and a source of knowledge for energy efficiency in buildings; energy costs are an important cost element for local businesses (as well as households) and thus improvements in energy efficiency, mainly through technological advances, will contribute to boosting local entrepreneurship; an integration of resources through permanent exchange and interaction channels across the border can accelerate the dissemination of knowledge for direct improvements in living standards; a well-targeted common promotion campaign through multiple channels of common touristic packages designed to address needs of target-groups; Indicative actions may include: Development and strengthen the environmental friendly tourism and agro-tourism concerning cultural and environmental tourist products networks able to support touristic demand/supply; Development of a regional brand-name and joint marketing initiatives Support innovative technologies encouraging water use efficiency, wastewater treatment and re-use; Identifying and capitalising particularly innovative approaches in energy efficiency Development of thematic tourism with an emphasis in architectural heritage, routes and eco-tourism networks, with opportunities to demonstrate energy efficiency applications Preservation of nature, farming, forestry systems and cultural landscapes in rural areas with high environmental value; Restoration and rehabilitation of degraded area species, population, habitats and ecosystem Development of actions for waste management in touristic areas by maintaining energy efficiency and utilising renewable energy sources. Interventions proposed have to be complete and substantial in both quantitative and qualitative terms. A strategic approach for tourism in the Programme area should have as main elements: a comprehensive approach that incorporates the function of destination management, connecting to existing local or regional
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efforts and a clear understanding of the current situation in terms of market demand, attractions, facilities, activities and human resources; concrete results in terms of creating a legacy for future build-up, which can be interventions in buildings or natural resources that will serve as reference points or showcases for future actions; an outreach approach that will mobilise local communities to the directions of the strategy accomplishing improvements in skills, capacity and attitudes. The development of tourism in the Programme area has been seen as a major driver for local growth. The challenge of this call is to articulate a strategy for tourism with broad impact and multiple effects in improving living standards, protecting cultural heritage, safeguarding the environment, improving energy efficiency and increasing local income.


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Terms of reference of strategic themes Greece-Albania IPA cross-border Programme 2007-2013


What is a Strategic Project? The Regulations of the EU Commission for the Programming Period 20072013 request that projects should have a strategic dimension in accordance with the Gothenburg and Lisbon Agendas. The strategic framework Defining a strategic theme and a strategic project is a real challenge. What should be considered as strategic project or theme? This is a question that represents the starting point of the present analysis as there is not one single definition, commonly accepted, for strategic projects. However, what really matters is not so much to have a single definition but to have a common understanding on what a strategic project should look like. The definition proposed in this paper is both simple and operational: A strategic project should be seen as a project that has all the characteristics of a good standard project, but in addition it has the ambition to affect/result in a significant and long-lasting change and improvement on the whole or large parts of the eligible Programme area. It has to be extremely connected with national and regional policy framework, with the EU policies, priorities and challenges, i.e. Europe 2020, as well as with the essential standards identified in the ETC Operational Programme. A strategic project must tackle an issue that cannot be sufficiently dealt with by individual regions or countries alone or by ordinary cross border projects. It is thematically focused, deals with complex issues, may engage a significant proportion of Programnmes budget and has a strong involvement of bodies/ stakeholders in the particular policy field. n addition, it has to provide clear added value and strive for concrete outputs and results. Whether or not a Strategic Project generates added value, is the result of key factors such as the issue addressed, the partnership involved and the degree of innovation and so on. In order to foster and maximise the impact of strategic projects on the cross border area, we present below organised in three different sectorsa set of common general and specific features that strategic projects should have:


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Policy/ Programme dimension

Contribute significally to achieve Programmes key objectives; Be Coherent with the Programme strategy and with European, national and regional policies



Be developed in coherence with EU, national and regional policies and with existing cross border cooperation initiatives; Be in line with mainstream Programmes i.e. Regional Operational Programmes as well as Regional Development and Spatial Planning etc; May even contain elements able to address the new programming period priorities (i.e. Europe 2020); Have a wide and balanced geographical coverage by involving as much as possible partners from the different regions of the crossborder cooperation area; Affect the territories, be capable to unleash dynamic economic activities (public and/ or private investments), employment opportunities etc. in the light of worsening of the socio-economic situation surfacing from the global crisis; Be built on the basis of a deep knowledge of existing state of art and taking into account former and current public policies and projects implemented within the Programme area, in order to produce real added value related to existing needs; Capitalize on experiences and experimentation, developing and promoting practices likely to have tangible impact on actors and territories and not be limited to producing information and analyses with a theoretical approach; Involve national, regional and local authorities as much as possible in the projects strategic life cycle (from the idea generation to the implementation) moreover with the aim to foster institutional and administrative capacity; Be well targeted and analytically and clearly defined, identifying expected results, related outputs and results indicators in order to promote and foster a better project quality, effectiveness and efficiency in matching projects objectives and results. Contribute considerably to the achievement of Programme indicators; Aim for visible and tangible results, which are directly useful for local and regional target groups and which produce measurable outcomes; Include studies, researches, methodologies,

Have real impact on the cooperation area Geographical dimension Bring tangible and visible results (outputs and results)

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models and exchanges of experiences, which, in order to be duly justified, should be performed for the purpose of support or guidance towards concrete results (could be pilot projects or demonstrative actions); Pave the way for future major investments which will produce tangible and visible results; Produce significant and long-term changes and/or improvements that extend beyond the project targeted area, its actual contents and beyond the lifetime of the ETC Programme funding; Produce a leverage effect on financial resources to catalise other private and/or public financing and human resources; Include activities, which will ensure that the results achieved will be further used and promoted by other Be sustainable Programmes and Projects after the end of the Project; Mobilise additional funds to pursue their activities or generate effects in the mid/long term, as well as lead to concrete policy agreements, memoranda of understanding or similar instruments, able to ensure long lasting effects; Create permanent cooperation opportunities and networks between the partners while bring about positive changes in stakeholders behavior; Allow for the building of partnerships around key actors in specific fields of intervention involving decision makers, thematic experts, specialised bodies and end-users (regional authorities, State services, specialised institutions, intermediary bodies etc); Built strong There must be a strict relation between the partnerships Strategic Projects objectives and institutional and administrative competences of Partners; Involve the most relevant partners able and committed to achieve the envisaged outputs and results; the project partnership must be competent/ committed to develop, implement and disseminate jointly elaborated approaches and tools and results; Take into account the experiences and results from past and running projects (from different Capitalise on Programmes implemented in the geographical area concerned) and further develop them; experiences Forge links to other similar running projects in the eligible area, in order to gain synergies; Explore and test methodologies, processes and Be innovative initiatives, promote new or modern


Action dimension

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technologies, methods, innovative approaches to organization and management that could produce differentiation in the production of products and provision of services as well as a dynamic effect in their socio-economic and institutional environments; Integrate all relevant actors as much as possible (involve a broad range of groups/ people etc. and/ or initiate a chain impact developers, users, beneficiaries etc.); Be holistic/ Involve different scientific approaches as much interdisciplinary as possible either directly, as expertise, and/ or indirectly, via the collaboration of different sectors of (public) administration, business sector, voluntary sector (social economy) and scientific community. Be directly useful for national, regional and local authorities and for other relevant stakeholders as well and their results should be of benefit for all the cooperation area, directly or indirectly through a wide dissemination Communicate strategy; Have high visibility and strong media impact; Foresee activities for the dissemination of project results in order to ensure wide access to all interested stakeholders; For the drafting of the present document, manuals form the Programmes MED, IPA Adriatic, South East Europe, Central Europe, Alpine Space and INTERACT, as well as documents on the global grants in the framework of the Greek NSRF were used.


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