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NOVEMBER 2, 2009

T h e So c i al I n for m
Taken aback, to the turning point of America.
MLK’s near assassination transforms
into a life-long legacy
by Scott Thayres

“Dear Lord, I thank you my This is but a piece of Martin

Holy Savior for my second chance at Luther King Jr.’s second speech that
HEADLINE life. I know by your gracious hand that I aided in the reality of America today.
am still here today Lord. May your Holy With his firm grip on beliefs pertaining to
NEWS Spirit keep me at peace for my equality of men and money, he is but a
remainder of time so that I may do what cut of the crop in American History.
you have kept me here to do. Amen.
OBAMA, 3RD A-A Today, as I stood at the podium, my
PRESIDENT, MEETS thoughts have swayed. I was not
WITH BRITISH thinking about the past, nor the present,
GOVERNMENT ON but the future. I have much more to do
RECESSION and preach to all my brethren of all
President Obama is meeting with colors.
British Prime Minister Gordon I have a dream. You
have a dream. Together, we
Brown on ways to aid the have the American Dream.
terminating the growing America has a dream,
economical recession. pg. 2 that one day, the impecunious,
the homeless, the unfortunate Martin Luther King Jr. gives his first moving and
and the fortunate will very effective speech on desegregation and racism
3 TIME WORLD SERIES experience a reverse. in “I Have A Dream” speech.
PHILLIES RETIRE JAMIE America has a dream that all
MOYER in the richness of Hollywood from the
slums of Harlem will come together in a What If,
Phillies Manager Charlie Manuel
announces Moyer is to be
social conversation, a social MLK did leave his
conversation of not just equality of race,
retired. pg. 3 but of economic standards. work un-finished?
America has a dream that one By Scott Thayres
day, jealousy and thievery will be tamed It begs and persuades to have the
STOCK MARKET RISES by the hopes and dreams of the lesser. thought come across your mind leaving
TO A NEW RECORD That greed and financial superiority are you stumped or awed, possibly a chuckle
HIGH crushed by the people for the people. or two. I was thinking on the side of
DOW up 68.79 points, S&P up America has a dream that Socio-Democracy never rearing it’s head
58.34 points and NASDAQ up schools will overflow with children and as high as it did. So what could have
streets will shout and scream in happened? Well, for starters, the bullet
103.67 points. Still looking good. happiness of each new day: “This is the did more then just graze MLK’s head.
pg. 4 Poor People’s Campaign!” With the tragic loss, America filled up
America has a dream! with anger and sorrow. In Chicago,
When the sounds echoing Baltimore and Washington D.C. there
through the streets have ceased, the cries would be a mass outbreak of riots that
GM’S HUMMER TURNS of weeping willows evolve into cries of would take days to restore back to order.
ENVIRONMENTAL new beginnings, the muggings and Riots, riots and more riots. Then JFK
The Hummer is new and slums transform into combined hands would give a speech in honor of his
improved. The Hummer 4 can hit and peaceful neighborhoods. This is not death.
a socialistic view, but a view for all Hey, it didn’t happen. It’s to un-
45 miles a gallon and with an sides of this nation. We are dreaming realistic that it deserves a laugh. How
added bonus: it uses bio-diesel! America and with our believes with could this ever happen, really?
pg. 5 heart and our hands joined, we can
make this country into equality.”



by Scott Thayres

President Obama met

with Prime Minister Gordon
Brown about Britains dilemma
with it’s economy. “We have seen
what an economical issue can do
to your country and we have
foreign trade relations with
Britain. Plus, it’s the right thing to
do when you help a brotha out.”
Obama said to reporters after the

Obama plans on donating

2 billion dollars to Britain. “We
have good relations with Britain.
There’s no need to see them
brittle when we can strengthen

By Scott Thayres heard. The Protesters were opponents of The Socialistic view of the handling the
What’s next? the Socialist Workers Party (Communism money mixed with America’s previous
Slums, dumps, whatever way you affiliated) and went to the convention to Democracy ended the recession in 4
phrase it, there’s no need for the word get their voices heard. Violence broke out years time. I wonder how it turned out?
here. For about 30 years, America has and the protesters broke through and
had safer streets, clorox-d neighborhoods stormed through the doors. Hand-in- Also by: Scott Thayres
and a new recycled lifestyle. There are hand Democrats and soon to be Socialist What If ? ( part 2)
some cases of littering, a crime or two, Party goers elected Richard (Dick) Nixon. Let’s say that LBJ decided to sit this
but were not perfect. Sadly, Richard Nixon was one out. Maybe the protesters got their
Ever since the Vietnam War, assassinated after his first term. “Sadly” backsides handed to them and Richard
America’s economical position was would be too much, more like “happily.” Nixon wasn’t assassinated and actually
declining. Money was being tarnished by Nixon didn’t earn sympathy for his death, did some helpful things. Today would
war machines and puppet jar heads. he earned resentment. He mislead most likely not be “Today.”
Nothing was getting done over seas and America to a more unstable economical I bet that Vietnam would have had it
eventually, things were definitely not environment. much worse. Like bombings on cities like
getting done over here. So how did the economy get better? Hanoi or Haiphong. Hell, America would
When LBJ took back the office he Well, in 1972, the people’s need for start to decay in some places. I guarantee
hoped for a better outcome of his second Democracy, better economics and the it was all because of Capitalism. Think
term. Unfortunately, his mentality started end of the Vietnam War influenced the about it.
to crack and in time, LBJ resigned. election for 1973. Our 38th President
Countless dollars were spent in the war. Michael Harrington, part of the
Ironic, how someone who was strongly Democratic-Socialism Party, was willing
against poverty just made it worse. to give it up to the people. “If it’s what
The Democrats were stuck in a the people want, they will get it.”
corner. During the Democratic In office, Harrington quickly ended
Convention, protesters stood outside the war raising the white flag. The
screaming their opinions until it was Vietcong Treaty was signed days after.




Two World Series, what a great way to end a
baseball career at age 46.Yesterday evening, Jamie Moyer
announced his official retirement. Today, the Phillies made
it official, Moyer’s number #50 will be retired. “It’s an
honor to have played for the Phillies and for every other
team I played for. Thank you for the memorable
moments.” Jamie said during his good-bye speech.

“Jamie was a great pitcher and loved baseball.

Maybe he’ll be “Favred” later on and want to come
back.“ Charlie Manuel said in a press conference. Now,
the Phillies are deciding on retiring #50.

Again By: Scott Thayres

No slums or bums. Just hallelujahs
and hums.
No complaints here. America is in its prime since our
Founding Fathers signed the Declaration of Independence. The
streets of Harlem, Los Angeles, Philadelphia and American cities
in general look many times better than 32 years in our past state. EQUALITY FOR THE
Slums are no more. Poor districts of the suburbs and urbs
that were painted with garbage like a collage of dumpsters are just
a bundled ball of paper now. That ball of paper recycled is the ACNED
picture of today. Clean streets, sidewalks, alleys, everything is
cleaner. “I’m not the only African-American out there with a
great life. Go talk to the rest of em in the Country.” said an
African-American citizen on the streets of New York City. “You
don’t see anyone sleeping on the sidewalk so you know this
economy is holding together.”
No bums. It’s a great sight when you know everyone has a
home. It means that a Socialist economy can keep a country
stable. Not only that, but it keeps the crime rate low and in check,
gang-related violence low to near depletion and illegal drugs are
still stuck in Cuba.
No gunshots, no shouting, no taps and bangs of the
clattering of trash. It’s all soundless to me. All I can hear is just
hallelujahs and hums.



“It’s Me Again!” By: Scott Thayres THANKS FOR

Stock Market hits Contact us at 123-456-7890
record high. READING
DOW up 68.79 points, S&P up Need a Lawyer? This newsletter/newspaper is
58.34 points and NASDAQ up 103.67 purely education and full of
points. This is the third year in a row Look for futuristic and altered past
where Stock Markets have been assumptions. Do not take this as
exceeding their records. real or you have just been
GM’s Hummer goes
Environmental on Thank you for reading my
quarterly History Project.
GM is really starting to look greener
as the years go by. So is the Hummer. THE SOCIAL INFORM
Introducing the New Hummer 4! Well,
Scott Thayres
the only thing that is different is it’s
environment efficiency. It now runs on
hydrogen/bio-diesel and can hit 40 mpg. Sprague & Scott Thayres
Sprague Journalist

Scott Thayres
Anything Else
Need help? Do
you REALLY need
help? (wink, MAPS/vietnam/timeline.htm
timeline of events during Vietnam
wink) Then go War (helped a lot)
White Real and get...... for information.
Estate- Houses Viagra!
you can definitely Questions/Comments
suchandsuch @
The Social Inform
1234 Something Street
Anycity, State 54321


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