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Lover Karen: Hi Nadine you are early.

Nadine: I have such bad luck with technology. I just wanted to

make sure that it still worked for me
Rosette: Hello all
Nadine: Hi!
Lover Karen: So how are you this evening??
Nadine: Do you have prepared questions or do you prefer that I
just ramble aimlessly?
Nadine: As usual. LOL
Lover Karen: This is a ramble aimlessly forum
Nadine: I'm well. Pulled a muscle in my back but ... Oh God, it's
twenty seconds in and I'm complaining about my health. I'm just
like my bubbe - may she rest in peace. I'm fine thanks!
Rosette: Not good, what happened, or is it a secret
Nadine: Well, I was riding on my sex swing ... okay, not really. I
was reaching down for something with my nearly forty-five yr-old
back .
Nadine: Bend at the knees nadine!
Rosette: Hahaha! Aww I liked the first story!
Rosette: Lordy, I hurt my knees putting some wood down my son's
floor. Your back, my knees, we are a group. Anyone else?
Nadine: It's a good thing I don't any author events coming up. We
would be hobbling around and how would that look?
Lover Karen: I like the sex swing story !! Maybe a book plot
Nadine: Bubbe?
Nadine: For the swing I mean.
Nadine: She seems like a wild gal.
Rosette: OK Best flirt line YOU ever gave, got one?
Lover Karen: Was you real Bubbe like Gab's Bubbe??
Nadine: It's nine o'clock. So, if no one comes shall I just chat with
you? That would be okay but you'll need to change names
periodically so I don't look too unpopular. LOL
Nadine: She was in that she could say outrageously offensive
things, but not of a sexual nature. She was also, shall we say, at
times not an entirely pleasant woman. May she rest in peace.
Donna A: Hi all
Lover Karen: Hi Donna and Adrea
Rosette: Welcome gals!!
Nadine: My husband's bubbe (age 95) does the whole guiolt trip
thing and the whole is he Jewish thing.
Lover Karen: Welcome to the chat. This is a totally open forum so
jump in and ask Nadine a question.
Andrea Figard: hello
Nadine: Hi Donna and Andrea!
Rosette: Oh the use of guilt, very powerful Nadine LOL
Rosette: Welcome Andrea!
Donna A: My daughter likes to tell her friends that she survived her
Jewish mother but I tell her it isn't over yet <smirk>
Nadine: Yeah - so Bubbe in the book is a combo of my bubbe, my
husband's bubbe and what I will be like as an old woman.
Rosette: This is a very relaxed forum everyone, so ask your
questions. Anything you want
Andrea Figard: awesome
Nadine: LOL
Andrea Figard: what is your favorite thing to read when you have
the time?
Lover Michelle: Hi Nadine! Sorry, I'm typing with one finger and
trying to eat corn on the cob with my other hand. Hi everyone!
Andrea Figard: lol Michelle
Nadine: I have eclectic reading tastes actually. I do read a lot of
romance. I especially like funny/sexy romance - go figure! But I also
love classic mysteries, humor, books about history, lots and lots of
Nadine: I'm a big Agatha Christie fan.
Nadine: Also a big Alice Clayton fan
Lover Karen: So did Agatha, inspire you to put the mystery
element in to The Law of Attraction
Nadine: I love Tara Sivecx's Chocolate Lovers books.
Nadine: Agatha, Dorothy Sayers and Nancy Drew
Lover Michelle: Did you quit working as a Public Defender to
become a lawyer Nadine?
Nadine: A public defender is a lawyer LOL
Lover Michelle: sorry, brain dead,no typing
with one finger too.
Nadine: I'm sorry! I'm not laughing at you. A lot of people ask
Lover Michelle: to become an author!
Lover Michelle: No, I know they are the same.
Lover Karen: Okay I have a huge question. Is Braden REAL!! and if
so can I have his location.
Nadine: Actually, yes and no. I quit being a public defender
specifically when my elder son was born. My schedule would have
been just to heavy and stressful
Nadine: But I still did criminal defense part-time privately.
Rosette: How do you do it all, with you home schooling as well?
Lover Michelle: So if I take out my husband while going through
this construction phase, I know who to look up to bail me out?
Nadine: I did give that up entirely two years ago to homeschool
and then last year I also began writing.
Rosette: Do you follow a certain schedule throughout the day?
Nadine: So, technically, I hung up my power suit to homeschool
but it was with the hope I would be able to begin writing soon.
Donna A: Bet that was scarey
Nadine: Yes, in the summer it's more relaxed but in the fall we
homeschool from 9-12 and then the kids have speech therapy, or
another type of therapy. My sons are Autistic by the way. Then they
have free time and I try to Facebook etc. then at night I write.
Rosette: BTW I loved wearing power suits when I worked. Not
suits actually but getting dressed up. And the shoes, sigh, I missed
the shoes.
Nadine: It was scarier to send them to school actually.
Rosette: That's one full schedule
Rosette: I bet coffee is your best friend
Nadine: It's easier now that I have help! LOL (The Literati Girls are
doing a lot for me.)
Rosette: Welcome Stacey!
Lover Karen joined the chat 55 minutes ago
Nadine: I liked dressing up too.
Nadine: You do feel more powerful!
Rosette: Please feel free to ask your questions, this is an open and
Lover Karen: Donna what was you favorite part of the book??
Rosette: I miss that the MOST!
Nadine: Hmm. I like different parts for different reasons. I liked the
week of court cases because the tension was building.
S. Donahue joined the chat 54 minutes ago
Nadine: I liked the scene with the garbage because it made ME
laugh picturing it.
Nadine: I loved the bar scene because of the banter.
Donna A: I loved the phrase “...a one nighter with a meal plan.”
Rosette: Are any parts close to the real deal?
Nadine: Actually, I don't want to sound immodest but I loved my
whole book. LOL I gave myself permission to write it exactly like I
wanted to!
Nadine: Yeah
Lover Karen: That was such a good phrase Donna, I love Nadine's
Rosette: Haha she is NOT going to elaborate folks LOL
Lover Karen: Hi Vanessaf, jump in we don't bite. Too hard
vanessaf: Just wanted to pop in and say hi! I'm doing this from my
phone so I don't know how much I will be able to interact
Lover Michelle: What has surprised you most regarding the
feedback from TLOA?
Lover Karen: Vanessaf phones work well on chatzy
Rosette: Well thanks for joining Vanessaf!
Donna A: I can't stay long I've got to finish packing for AAD
Nadine: Once back long ago when I was a single girl there was a
prosecutor I had chemistry with. We didn't get together though. The
chemistry was definitely there though Also the characters all have
qualities of people I know - but their compilations. AND the cases -
many of them are based on cases similar to ones I handled!
Donna A: When do we get The Home Court Advantage?
Nadine: they are - not there
Nadine: November 19
Donna A: Cannot wait.
vanessaf: Can't wait!!!
Nadine: What surprised me the most? That as many people loved
it! I thought some people would but I didn't anticipate such a big
response right away.
Nadine: And I'm shooting (if possible) for book 3 in Feb.
Donna A: Woo Hoo!
vanessaf: Is it November 19 yet?!?!?! I need the second book like
Nadine: That one is Adam's book.
Lover Karen: What does everyone hope will happen in Home Court
Nadine: You're going like it! I'm having fun writing it!
Lover Michelle: Table sex or solo shower scene!
Lover Michelle: Whoops, did I just say that out loud?
Donna A: Heh Michelle
Nadine: What is this solo shower scene you speak of? I don’t think
I've ever read one of those!
Nadine: excuse typos please.
vanessaf: I really want to find out who the letter writer is!
Lover Karen: OMG the ECKFACTOR
Lover Karen: Do you all think the letter writer plot with get more
intense, I think secrets abound.
Lover Michelle: Okay, Nadine, I will send you an email with my
Nadine: You haven't figured it out? LOL Actually, it's not fair
because you don't learn something until book 2. Then it makes
sense. But there was this whole other secondary storyline I planted
and nobody picked up on it!
Lover Karen: OMG
Nadine: Yes, it gets more complex - and I guess intense.
Lover Karen: The complexity of the political aspirations of the
family of both Gab and Braden. I think the chief of staff picked up
on them
vanessaf: I have my suspensions. I think I'm going to go re read
the book again
Lover Michelle: Dang,now I need to reread.
Nadine: That's not it but that's pretty good!
Donna A: I've got to run. Night all.
Nadine: It's not that big a deal. You'll find out right away in HCA.
Nadine: It's like there are two things going on ...
vanessaf: You're killing me here @Nadine Lol
Nadine: Anyway, book 2 is basically about Gab and Braden and
their friends solving the mystery as Adam and his future love
interest are thrown together and as Gab and Braden continue to be
cute and sexy together.
Nadine: You're going to love Adam's story too!
Lover Karen: Night Donna
Nadine: Night Donna!
Rosette: Night Donna thanks for joining us!
Nadine: You won't find out immediately who the letter writer is -
but you will find that out - you will also find out that there was more
going on than you realized. That's what I meant to say. Karen, you
weren't that far off actually Okay, I don't want to give away too
Nadine: Not quite though ...
Nadine: I've decided to put a mystery element in all the books by
the way.
Rosette: Do you have other ideas that want to be future books?
Nadine: That's kind of what makes them unique - they are funny
and very sexy and have some mystery and some courtroom stuff.
That's sort of different - you know?
Lover Karen: How long do you think your series will run for. Will all
the characters be lawyers.
Nadine: I've been thinking about this series but I'm already
thinking ahead to Adam's book. Drew will also get a book for sure.
And probably Mark. Then I might just keep writing more mysteries
about the couples that develop!
Nadine: If I keep writing about these couples then yes - although
one potential partner at least is not a lawyer.
Nadine: It depends on how fresh it stays and how much people
connect with the characters.
Nadine: In other genres using the same characters is common. I
might want to try it with romance too.
Nadine: romance
Rosette: Well you will have a nice future in writing for sure.
Nadine: The other books will be written from the POV of the
primary female character in that book.
Lover Michelle: Nadine, has your husband read TLOA yet?
Lover Karen: Will you characters of other books still be involved in
the future books?
Nadine: I don't know! I told him he could if he wanted to (which he
did) but I said I didn't want to know what he thought! LOL
Nadine: My husband is a corporate executive and he reads sci-fi
and non-fiction.
Nadine: I wasn't sure he would love a romance novel.
vanessaf: I know some authors have to sit in a certain spot in their
house and have certain things near by when they write, when you
write are you that way?
Nadine: He wanted to read it though! He probably did. He's told
me that he's very proud of me
Lover Michelle:
Nadine: I usually write on my laptop on a lap desk in bed at night
or in a comfy chair in my bedroom. It's just because it's night and
it's comfortable.
Lover Karen: Do you need the quiet to write??
Lover Karen: Or is that the easiest time??
Nadine: So, what do you think - if I manage to get a series of
different types of sexy funny couples together - coulod I keep giving
them mysteries and have it stay interesting? Or would that not
Nadine: Yes, I need quiet and it is also the easiest time because
my kids are asleep.
Rosette: I think so. I love a good mystery mixed in with some
Nadine: The hard part would be keeping them sexy. I think it could
be done though. If not, I'll just make up some more people
Nadine: AND here come the typos! LOL
Lover Michelle: I love humor and sex and romance! That's a
winning combination for me.
Nadine: Me too! I could just write that for something different too.
A stand-alone with just that for example. Or a novella.
Lover Michelle: I enjoy stand-alone books. I don't think there
always has to be a series. And you can take a break between books
in a series.
vanessaf: I think that would work, the sexy funny couples together
with a little bit of mystery
Nadine: I'm adding in the mystery almost as an afterthought! A lot
of people surprised me by comparing me to Janet Evanovich! I
didn't realize the mystery element in LOA was such a big deal but
some people really liked it and I realized I did too and it made it a
little different. JE's books don't have as much sex.
Nadine: So - it's distinct. It's got more sex than that type romantic
comedy mystery and it's got more mystery than sexy romantic
comedies like Wallbanger.
Nadine: I think I found my niche!
vanessaf: How many pages do you think the second book is going
to be?
Lover Michelle: I think you did too!
Rosette: I love mystery myself, and I love when a book offers
more than one genre
Nadine: The last book was 70k words which came out to 236 print
pages I think. This one I would like to make a little longer. I felt like
LOA was on the short side of a novel. BUT it depends on how the
story flows. I don't want to force it. You know? So, I'll guess
between 70k-80k words.
Nadine: Yes - but sometimes that's hard to market. You have to
market the author rather than a genre.
Rosette: I so agree with that!
Nadine: There was a great article about that recently. I'll have to
send it to you. About an author who went from being traditionally
published to indie b/c her work crossed genres and her house said
they couldn't market it. She's doing great!
Rosette: I read it! She' from the UK right?
Rosette: Yes I read that article and loved it
Nadine: She markets herself - not a genre. Yes!
Rosette: Haha yup, and I totally agreed with her.
Nadine: Me too. I like being an indie
Rosette: She had a great following and that is what really counts,
the readers
Lover Karen:
Nadine: Yes! You need to be able to reach people. That's the big
challenge. But if you can connect with people who like your books
it's a great feeling to be free
Rosette: You really have more control with your writing being an
Indie. It's hard work but in the end you still own your baby.
Rosette: OK so when are you going to write a paranormal LOL?
Nadine: That's how I feel personally. There are other people who
feel more comfortable with traditional publishing though and if that
works well for them that's great. I have nothing against traditional
publishing. It just wasn't the right choice for me.
Nadine: There are funny sexy paranormals!
vanessaf: It was nice chatting with you all, but I have to go eat
some dinner. Lol I am on California time
Nadine: And one of my dear friends is Kym Grosso (who I beta
read for!)
Rosette: Thanks for joining us vanessaf
Nadine: Have a good dinner Vanessa! Bye!
Lover Karen: This was fun Nadien
Nadine: Kym writes paranormal.
Nadine: oh, she was the last one!
Nadine: Okay Yes, it was fun but what a crazy transcript this will
make! Homeschooling, writing etc.
Rosette: I'll need to look her up
Nadine: sex swings
vanessaf: Bye
Rosette: Haha sex swings was in the beginning
vanessaf: Thanks
Rosette: Bye
Rosette: thanks again
Rosette: See online
Rosette: you
Nadine: Yeah! She was just reviewed by someone from USA Today.
She's an indie from Philly. her last book was like #5 in paranormal
on Amazon.
Rosette: I did a Yoda
Rosette: Woot, I'm looking her up now woman!
Rosette: Thanks for being with us tonight this was cool!!!
Nadine: She writes about vampires and werewolves. And cops
Nadine: Thank YOU! I had fun. I had better go though or I'll
Chatzy yiur ear off all night. Okay girls! Goodnight!
Lover Michelle: Night chicas! Congrats on another successful day
of your blog tour Nadine!
Rosette: Nice combo, OK I need to let the dogs out. See you on
the other side Nadine
Nadine: Thank you! LOVE the blog tour!
Nadine: Bye!
Rosette: Yay! It's a huge success and GREAT reviews!!!
Rosette: Night
Lover Karen: Night

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