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Case Presentation/Quezon Institute

LABORATORY HEMATOLOGY 8/08/2013 TESTS COMPONENTS: Total WBC Count Hemoglobin Hematocrit DIFFERENTIAL COUNTS: Neutrophil Lymphocyte Eosinophils 0.78 0.21 0.01 0.40-0.60 % 0.20-0.40 % 0.01-0.6 % Bacterial Infection Normal Normal 10.1 146 0.48 5-10 x10^9L 120-160 gm/L 0.38-0.48 Infection Normal Normal RESULTS REFERENCE INTERPRETATION


Result of the Examination: Total WBC Count (10.1 above normal) Interpretation of the Results: INFECTION Analysis: WBC's are our body's first line of defense against invading bacteria and most other harmful organisms. This test (WBC),

A Case Presentation on Bronchiectasis in Acute Infection Exacerbation; PTB4

BSN-CN101 Group 2

Case Presentation/Quezon Institute

measures the total number of all types of WBC's. The white blood cell count usually increases when your body is experiencing an inflammatory process. This is most commonly seen in setting of infection. Reference:Saunders Nursing Guide to Laboratory & Diagnostic Tests pp. 654

Result of the Examination: Neutrophil (0.78 above normal) Interpretation of the Results: BACTERIAL INFECTION Analysis: An increase in the number of neutrophil indicates the presence of a bacterial or parasitic infectious process. The increase
in neutrophil is related to the total WBC count. When the WBC count increases proportionally to the neutrophil, the patients resistance is good and the body is fighting the infection. If the increase ion neutrophil is much greater than the total leuokocyte count, the infectious process may be severe that tahe bodys resistance is covered. Reference: Nursing

Implications of Laboratory Tests 2nd Edition pp. 28 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY 8/08/2013 TEST Sodium Potassium RESULTS 137.60 3.74 REFERENCE 135-148 mmol/L 3.5-5.3 mmol/L INTERPRETATION Normal Normal


Result of Examination: NORMAL

A Case Presentation on Bronchiectasis in Acute Infection Exacerbation; PTB4

BSN-CN101 Group 2

Case Presentation/Quezon Institute

CHEST XRAY 8/28/2012


ACTUAL FINDINGS: Follow up Chest X-Ray since January 22, 2013 shows no significant change in the extensive reticular Kochs infiltrates in both lungs. There is essentially the same degree of Partial atelectasis of the Left lung. True cardiac size is not ascertained. Other chest structures are unmarkable.

INTERPRETATION: There was a collapse of lung tissue affecting part or all of one lung. This condition prevents normal oxygen absoption to healthy tissues. This result from an obstruction (blockage) of the airways that affects tiny air scas.

A Case Presentation on Bronchiectasis in Acute Infection Exacerbation; PTB4

BSN-CN101 Group 2

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