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Kally Rhodes Lord Of The Flies 0.

Part 1: 1. Depravity- A corrupt act Exploit- Make use of Holocaust- Slaughter on a mass scale Marooned- leave someone isolated Metaphor- Word or phrase is applied to an object or action too which it is not literally applicable Pessimistic- Person who expects the worst Relevant- Appropriate to the matter Sadists- One who delights in cruelty Utopian- Modeled on a state in which everything is perfect Veneer- A thin decorative covering of fine wood

2. Proffer- Hold out something to someone for acceptance Specs- A pair of spectacles Disentangled- Free something or someone from an entanglement Upheavals- Violent or sudden change or disruption to something Abruptly- quickly or without warning Muddled- In a state of bewildered Suffusion- The process of infusing something with a substance Mortification- strong feelings of embarrassment Dispersal- The action or process of distributing things or people over a wide area Shyly- A shy or timid or bashful manner

Kally Rhodes Lord Of The Flies 0.0

Part 2: 1. If the plot of Lord Of The Flies involved a planeload of marooned girls were involved other conflicts would have occurred. The same kind of violence would have happened as well if a different sort of kids were stranded on the island. His idea, [that living without rules would ge t the worst of any kind of human nature] could have been demonstrated with any kind of human nature, the just choose to use all boys. 2. Ive known students outside of their group that would rather change their own uniqueness to fit in with the group theyre in. With all the different groups in my school not one person stands out and dresses a different style as the students in there group. They follow along with everyone else in there groups attitude, style, and behavior and they all looks in a way similar. They will switch up colors and do different things but they dont stand out and they dont try too.

Part 3:

With those experiences of being on the island I can say I wouldnt be the man I am today without have gone through what me and the other boys as well had. It has made me appreciate the discipline that are society has since I learned there are psychotic, terrible, heartless people in the world. Without the laws that is now provided we would run wild just like when I was a boy trapped on that island after the plane crashed. I now have a better understanding of why we are taught to not not judge a book by its cover. I dont think Id understand as much if I wasnt put through that was a young boy. Before I was trapped on the island I wanted to know what it would be like to have no rules I thought it would be more exciting to live without a care in the world, I was wrong it was awful and I never knew how messed up the world was. I had fought with Jack to schedule the plans for the rest of the boys, now looking back it was immature and dumb at the time it seemed necessary though. With the fire Jake and his tribe set to make me leave my hiding spot, a naval officer arrives from seeing the smoke. I remember crying when I seen the officer because there is always mean and evil in a person, even myself for judging everyone. Arriving on the island I thought my dad would soon come and get me, I would have fun in the meantime. While waiting I judged the others and I learned not everyone or even myself can be good and honest all of the time. My view on the world being a happy and wonderful place was gone from my experience on the island and I have lived with it every day since then.

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