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2013-2014 SYLLABUS

Eng lis h Language Arts 9

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind. ~Dr. Seuss

Mrs. Michaud
Room A1 Email: Class Website: Classroom Goals
You will leave this classroom as a more independent individual who has an understanding of the objectives that we will cover over the course of the year. You will become an analytic reader and learn about the different styles of writing and how they can be applied to


destination. ~Ben Sweetland

your own life. You will walk away from this school year knowing you were challenged and you learned from those challenges. My goal is to educate each one of you for life after high school and to prepare you for the college and business world. Your goal should be to tackle each assignment and learning experience knowing you will come out of it having gained knowledge that is important to your future.

Success is a journey; not a

Daily Reading Points

Students will be given a daily grade of 5 points for every day they are present and on-task during Reading Workshop. The student must be at school in order to receive these points. If a student is in attendance but not on-task during Reading Workshop, they will not be awarded the points. These points cannot be made up. You are either here and on-task or you are not...period.

1. Be responsible 2. Do your best 3. Cooperate with others 4. Treat everyone with respect; including yourself! NEED-TOKNOW WEBSITES: For schoolrelated information, go to: benton For class-related information, go to: www.michaudenglish For graderelated information, go to: public

Classroom Procedures
Entering the Classroom: 1. Be in the room and seated before the bell rings. If you arent in the room, youre tardy 2. Have your computer, a writing utensil, and your independent reading book 3. Begin working quietly on the Bellringer displayed on the projector 4. When I ask for your attention that means you listen Tardies: If you are not in the classroom when the bell rings, you are tardy. If you are in rst block on either red or white days this means you will have to go down and get a pass from the tardy desk. Computer, Pencil or Pen, and Other Materials: There is a supply closet at the back of the classroom where extra materials are kept. It is expected that each student have a writing utensil and independent reading book each day in class. If you forget on occasion to bring a writing utensil, you can borrow one from the supply closet, but if it becomes an every day occurrence we will have to nd another system. Daily Assignments: We will have many different types of assignments. On a daily basis you will complete a Bellringer, practice work, writing activity, and ticket out. You will keep track of your writings and assignments in your notebook which you will leave in class. Turning in Assignments and Late Work Policy: I will always give you due dates on assignments that will be graded ahead of time. It is your responsibility to keep track of when assignments are due. All assignments will be turned in to me and I will pass them back after they have been graded so we can discuss them. Late assignments are not accepted unless you have a late pass. It is your job to check your grades on PowerSchool and with your CAMP teacher so you know if you have missed something. Your Responsibilities After an Absence: After you are absent it will be your responsibility to get your make-up assignments. To retrieve assignments from days you were absent, go to the class website under Daily Assignments at: It is your responsibility to come in before or after school to make up the lesson and/or ask any questions you may have. If you need to make something up it needs to be during this time and no other. If you need to schedule a specic time before or after school to make up work, arrange that with me please. All assignments from an absence are due the next class period after returning. For example, if you were absent Monday and returned to class on Wednesday, the assignment is due on Friday. If it is not turned in at that time you will need a late pass. Ending Class The end of the class period is when nal announcements and tickets out are given. You need to be in your seats and listening at this time. Lining up at the door is not an option; you will stay seated until the bell rings! If you are at the door or out of your seat when the bell rings you will receive one warning before being written up and/or held after class. 3rd block on red and white days will put their chairs up on the tables and stand by their seat until the bell rings.

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